
Hamizah Sukiman 10A Digital Technology 10 – Evaluating the Solution 27/01/15 Evaluation Design Specifications Success Criteria Reason for criteria How could you check this? General: 1. It should be no longer than 8 minutes 2. The speed/tempo of the video should be fairly quick 3. It must have appropriate background music 4. It must be age- appropriate to the younger audience - not too serious/documentar y-styled 1. Too long a video loses the audience’s focus, thus not getting the initial point across 2. A fast paced, straight to the point video will grab the audience’s attention more in comparison to a very slow paced video, which could lead to the audience being less interested 3. Music will help set the setting and atmosphere for the audience, making them indirectly more engaged in the video and its message 4. If a video is too serious or documentary- styled, it will not appeal to the teenage/younger youth audience. As this video will go on youtube, it is important to make the video as interesting to as many people as 1. Checklist 2. Checklist 3. Checklist 4. Survey


Part 4/4 of the process

Transcript of Evaluation

Hamizah Sukiman10ADigital Technology 10 Evaluating the Solution27/01/15

EvaluationDesign Specifications

Success CriteriaReason for criteriaHow could you check this?

General:1. It should be no longer than 8 minutes

2. The speed/tempo of the video should be fairly quick

3. It must have appropriate background music

4. It must be age-appropriate to the younger audience - not too serious/documentary-styled1. Too long a video loses the audiences focus, thus not getting the initial point across2. A fast paced, straight to the point video will grab the audiences attention more in comparison to a very slow paced video, which could lead to the audience being less interested3. Music will help set the setting and atmosphere for the audience, making them indirectly more engaged in the video and its message4. If a video is too serious or documentary-styled, it will not appeal to the teenage/younger youth audience. As this video will go on youtube, it is important to make the video as interesting to as many people as possible to enlarge the audience scope1. Checklist

2. Checklist

3. Checklist

4. Survey

Form:1. It should be set in a water-based environment

2. It should be shot from several camera angles in order to have the personal connection effect with the audience - the effect that the audience is part of the video1. As my whole project is about an underwater world, the setting must be set in a water-based environment2. A POV shot from different angles will make the audience more engaged in the video, as they feel like they are part of the video itself and they are coming to life in the video1. Checklist

2. Checklist

Function:1. It should be appealing to the younger generation, those who are interested in science fiction/world of science

2. It must have an understandable/not complicated storyline

3. It must be interesting to the audience1. The video will be posted on youtube, and majority of youtube viewers are those of younger age. This video must be appealing to them in order to spark interest in them for the love of the unknown underwater world2. Too complicated a storyline would just shut the audience off altogether, as when a video needs too much focus, it loses the audience thus not getting the message across3. The key to a successful video is the audiences response to it. Therefore, the video must be interesting enough to the audience in order to serve its purpose in the first place1. Survey

2. Survey

3. Survey

Demonstrates Practical Skills:

1. It demonstrates my skills of Bryce that was learnt from tutorials1. The animation that will be created on Bryce will be learnt mainly from tutorials, thus the video must depict these skills that are acquired throughout the create stage1. Checklist

Testing - Does it meet the success criteria?


CriteriaMet/Not MetHow?

Does the video demonstrates my skills of Bryce that was learnt from tutorials?For the first 40 seconds or so, my footage was completely of Bryce (used for landscape)

Was the video shot from several camera angles?Yes, I had an aerial view (start of underwater scene) which had then transitioned into an animals POV (manatee in mid part of video) etc.

Was the video should be set in a water-based environment?Yes, there were three water-based environment; the Bryce landscape island, the above water scene and the underwater one

Does the video have appropriate background music?

The music used was dark and gloomy and based on responses from the audience (mentioned later), the music was appropriate with the mood

Is the video of speed/tempo of fairly quick?Yes, it was very fast paced as majority the footage was at a speed of 110% speed or higher

Is the video no longer than 8 minutes?Yes, the video (on YouTube) was 1:05 minutes

Surveys:Peer-testing (in class)We conducted our testing in class by playing the individual videos in class twice, and giving feedback for individual videos (successes, improvements and criterias based on the success criteria). Based on the responses that my peers have given, specifically referring to the success criteria section, I can conclude that majority of my criteria were met (details in table above) and these criterias are visible to the audience of the video. My video was played first, and the following were the written feedbacks given to me by my 6 peers in the class:

Success of solution

Like every product in the world, it has its successes and failures. Alongside these failures are improvements for a second try. The following are the evaluation of my end product based on my personal view, the success criteria as well as my peers (from the in class peer testing)

Strengths/Good points of product:

Music fits the video well; dark music fits the dark theme of the video Transitions between scenes; above water/underwater transitions Camera angles; variety of camera angles in the video Animation; quality (resolution), quantity (amount of Bryce in video) Font suitable with video mood

Weaknesses/Improvements of product:

Ending couldve had better transition Animation and movement of characters Speed of camera movement Variety of scenes

Changes and improvements to the solution:

Improving the movement of character and animationSome of the peer responses that Ive gotten mentioned that the video wouldve been made better with more movement in the fish in the underwater scene. I do agree with this (as Ive mentioned in the section above) and I was going to work on animating the characters individually but I had unfortunately ran out of time (as the create stage is a limited time). However, if I were given more time, I wouldve taken the time to individually animate majority of the fish to make it seem more realistic.

Speed of camera movementA peer of mine commented on the speed of my camera for some of my scenes. Ive looked back at it and Ive noticed that there were some parts of the video that were a little too fast and had interrupted the general aesthetics of my whole video. If I could improve and change my video, Id slow the speed of my video at the middle part of the video (the part at the start of the underwater scene) and see how that contributes to the aesthetics to the video in comparison to the existing one.

Impact on audience

I believe that this video has served its original purpose (of increasing interest in the world of science fiction) to the audience. To me, if this video were to spread and grow within the younger generation, there would be those interested in this who wish to continue to extend their interests, and some new interests could be sparked within others. This video has truly been a manifestation of my ideas and thoughts regarding how the world (that we do not know of) works, and I am certain that I am not the only one who thinks this way. This video will act as a motivator for those who have ideas of their own to create and display their idea to the world. Thus, on a hypothetical, much larger scale, this video could inspire the audience in ways to express themselves.