
My group members are Amina Adan, Abdullahi Muhammed and Mohammed Mujadide We constructed a film trailer It’s a Hybrid Genre (Action Comedy) Mohamed Abeid (Director/Editor) Amina Adan (Cinematographer) Mohammed Mujadide (Script Writter/Producer) Abdullahi Muhammed (Camera Man) Evaluatio n

Transcript of Evaluation

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My group members are Amina Adan, Abdullahi Muhammed and Mohammed Mujadide

We constructed a film trailer It’s a Hybrid Genre (Action Comedy) Mohamed Abeid (Director/Editor)

Amina Adan (Cinematographer)

Mohammed Mujadide (Script Writter/Producer)

Abdullahi Muhammed (Camera Man)


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In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

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My understanding of the codes and conventions came from watching a multitude of real life media texts. After watching the trailers I compared and contrasted similar conventions that appeared in the texts. It was from this process that I was able to make conscious choices about how I would use and subvert my findings in my media product. First convention that I felt that was really important was the relationship between how females and males are stereotyped in films. Watching a trailer from snatch directed by Gay Richie, in this trailer the audience is made aware that male character are viewed as tough strong characters. The Ideology of male dominance is taken to the account however I wanted to brake the stereotypical view in which ideology has shown males to be considered powerful and females a venerable gender. For my trailer I used a female playing as a assassin who is forced to kill people with her partner. The partner is male but the fact that I used a female as an assassin brakes the barrier in which films stereotypes females. By doing this I have challenged the convention making my product unique and also this will help target females in a positive way.

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Another convention that I decided to meet was the fact that I used technical element to cover up the antagonist in the film. Researching The Avengers showed me that the antagonist was covered up in the trailer and left a mystery to the audiences eyes. In my trailer I rapidly used over the shoulder shots, big close ups of the mouth and hands to only give small details of the antagonists features without exposing to much. The mise-en-scene, lighting in a room was dimed in order to produce a evil and a mysterious feeling in that particular scene. The fact that British films rarely try to cover up its antagonist I want to challenge the convention and produce one of the first mysterious British film trailers.

For my trailer it was really important for me to combine that aspects of editing and camera works because both of these aspect work hand in hand to form a solid product. Close ups, tracking and panning techniques allows the audience to engage with the characters create an understanding of the protagonists and the antagonists to form a relationship between audience and the characters. Tracking and slow motion editing effect worked hand in hand to build up tension in trailer. Watching recent trailers helped me to discover these conventions, they are important formulas in an action film. I used music as a tool in creating a mixed atmosphere to my trailer reason being I created a hybrid action comedy genre and so I used an intense sound track at the beginning of the trailer to build up tension and slow comical sound track at the ending of the trailer. I wanted to balance out the genres in one trailer. This style of editing is used very much in the professional industry today my group and I have followed the code and convention of editing sound.

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Further to this I met another convention where I used British humour to highlight where the film is from. The fat boy running and yelling at the same time up the hill creates a modern British humour which the audience find funny when watching. However I feel I never actually fully met the convention due to the fact that I never filmed as much humours scenes.

Most Importantly my trailer includes typical conventions of a trailer. I included company logos at the middle of the trailer reason being I found that the beginning of the trailer builds tension and so the middle is where is slows down a little. This is where company logos are mostly placed in a action film I used this convention as a way to keep my product professional. I chose to import British logos as I am creating a British film. I used Film Four and Metro Goldern Major I felt that these companies were appropriate companies because Metro Goldern Major distributed “007 “ a popular British film, this lead me to decide it was an appropriate company. Film Four being a British company also lead me to decide where I was going with these conventions.

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

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To effectively evaluate my ancillary texts they must be compared to real life media texts. My film magazine reflects and really works well with empire magazine reason being if you look at Johnny Depp, the empire magazine promotes his film as we know Pirate Of The Caribbean is a action adventure film. This gave me a clear understanding that my magazine being a action comedy genre can be a suitable magazine for empire.

The main magazine and my magazine typically suggest that they both share the same type of humour because of the bright colours used in both magazines. The blue background shows the funny side to the film and the use of red suggests the danger that larks in the film. Both magazine are attractive use a mass amount of the colour yellow reason being they just want to show how comical the film can be at times

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If you notice the poster and my magazine does not have any slight contrast with each other reason being I wanted to create a product of two halves. Meaning my group and I created a hybrid genre film trailer and so I wanted to slip both of these genres into two separate ancillary texts. My magazine represents the comical side to my film ,however it uses colour to emphasis meaning ‘red’ used on the copy ‘Blood’ this suggest danger that will be found in the film .

On the other hand my poster is made to reflect evil side to the film. The use of the black background shows us the mysterious side to the film and the red suggest the evil side to it also. However the close up of the character smirking I wanted to also show the comical side to the film as well. The reason why I created one half white and the other black is because again to show the humours and dangerous side to the film. I used different convention to signify all of this.

The pictures used in the two products are found in the trailer the reason for this is so the audience can be made aware of what they are familiar with once they see the film also it wont be something new to them as they have already seen it on a poster and magazine plus it’s a good combination.

The ending of the trailer you see the release date and the website its written in red and white. This colour scheme is maintained through to my ancillary text and so its made it clear to people that these are my two main colour schemes.

All three of my products really worked well in advertising the film.

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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

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It was really crucial for my group to gather up audiences research so we can improve and make a better product. We had some areas on the trailer that people were talking people gave us feed back on this area and we took the feedback and removed that area.The Feedback all in all helped my group and I produce a solid piece of Product

Positives• You have used conventions well • You have tried to establish a genre and

narrative successfully • You have introduced characters well and with

some comic value which made for enjoyable viewing (I hope this was intended)

• You have successfully integrated diegetic sounds and non-diegetic sounds to help establish pace and genre which is effective.

• It is edited nicely, very clean and visible • I like the camera work, especially how you have

used focus pulls in places

Constructive Criticism

I would perhaps consider the non-diegetic music more. By this I mean making it little More obvious in places and perhaps having it throughout the trailer – I think it is a little too low when Yasser is talking on the phone and this could affect the pace. Also perhaps there could be a punchier sound after ‘LET THE BETTING COMMENCE’?The sound ‘SPORT’ a the end doesn’t match the visual –its not in time.