Evaluation 3


Transcript of Evaluation 3

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Evaluation question 3


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Time inc. Time Inc. is a popular American New York-based publishing company that I think would be

able to publish my magazine. Time inc is merged with Warner communications and it owned by time warner.

It publishes over 90 magazines including NME (National Music Express) which is hgely successful and is similar to mine. The target audience of NME is very similar to mine (eg: their focus is on teens/ young adults and use the same house colours as mine).

NME focuses on both genders like mine. If Time inc. published my magazine it would boost the success as they are a company

that know a lot about my target audience, also it may be that the fans of the company may buy the magazine as they know the success for time inc.

Ina addition to this, since my magazine is very similar to NME (same house colours etc.. ), NME’s audience would be drawn to my magazine straight away due to the similarities.

Warner also owns TV programmes such as cartoon network and E! which have a wide audience which includes a target audience similar to mine in that they are teens/young adults of both genders, meaning that Time inc. would be hugely beneficial in marketing my magazine.

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Bauer media Bauer media are a well known European-based publishing company that

manage over 600 magazines. Bauer are famous for publishing music magazines such as Q.

Q magazine is similar to my magazine. It has a similar target audience (eg: young adults).

They also have many other media platforms such as TV programmes and radio stations such as KISS FM and magic which are popular with my target audience and would help market my magazine efficiently.

Approaching Bauer media would be very beneficial for my magazine due to their experience with different genres and hugely popular music magazines.

However since they do have a popular music magazine which is very similar to mine (Q), they may not be interested in launching another music magazine.

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Factors affecting distribution and popularity:

Vertical integration: This is key in distribution for music magazines. Vertical integration is when a company owns different magazines of the same genre of music. This is beneficial in terms of distribution and popularity, as having different magazines for the

same genre means they can both help each other in areas of which they lack in (balance each other out).

Horizontal integration: This is also important its when a company owns different sub-companies of the same

structure (eg: TV and radio). By having these sub-companies, they can all increase the audiences and popularity of the other sub-companies through advertising.

Synergy: This is also beneficial. This is when different companies combine their effort in order to accomplish something they

couldn’t have done alone, (eg: when a publishing company receives help from other sources to increase the popularity of one of their magazines).

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Having looked at both of these companies. Its clear that ‘Time inc.’ and ‘Bauer media group’ would be suitable distributors for my magazine. This is because: They both have had experience reaching my target audience and have

done so successfully. The both also publish many other successful magazines and own a

number of other successful media platforms. Form my point of view, I personally think Time inc. would be the most suitable as well as beneficial for my magazine since Time Warner also own many other media platforms including TV channels with a target audience of teenager/young adults of both genders, meaning my magazine could be efficiently advertised/ marketed, which could lead to sales being boosted dramatically.