Evaluation 2

How does your media product represent different social groups

Transcript of Evaluation 2

How does your media product represent different social groups

GenderMy magazine has only featured female artists throughout, this is because my target audience is for mainly females. This was a decision i made with my focus group over Facebook when I was deciding on what magazines to use and production examples and we had decided to mainly focus on a magazine that I also targeting a female audience. My magazine also represent teenage girls in a good light, this is because they are represented as strong independent girls, I have also created countertypes because usually in music women are dressed in provocative clothing for the male gaze as women in the media are represented as sex objects. Another stereotype I have decided to challenge is that teenagers are stereotyped as dangerous and have been represented quite negatively in the media, but I have teens who have worked hard to get to their position which again creates a countertype.

Age The age that I targeted for my magazine was mid teens to early twenties, the way I attracted an audience like this was to use models that were roughly in-between this age. The reason this would be successful in attracting an audience between this age is because by using an artist around this age my audience would feel as though they can relate to them thus creating a personal relationship between the artist and audience encouraging them to buy and read it, this is the use of a hypodermic needle as they audience are injected with this idea of a personal relationship and may become powerless to read the articles. In this article I have also challenged the representation on teens, as they are usually represented quite poorly I have represented them as hard working happy and polite. This again will encourage more teens to buy this magazine and they feel that the magazine is representing their age group positively and may be able to relate to this. This is a countertype as their is no use of bad language aggression smoking and drinking. This will make my magazine different from others as I have challenged the conventions of most magazines and media products. The images in my magazine are taken from an equal level to show equality and that these teens aren't as intimidating as they are represented. I have also used an interview image where they are positioned lower making them seem vulnerable and sweet, they are also laughing in another image showing they are fun loving and friendly. In my articles I have used humour that teens can laugh at and experiences that they can relate to.

Ethnicity In my magazine I do not feel as though I have used different ethnic backgrounds, I also feel I haven't mentioned ethnicity at all in my final piece as I was not targeting any one ethnic group. I have not represented different ethnicities and have not been positive or negative on ethnicity and race. I was quite neutral towards ethnicity and race, this is because it wasn't my main focus to narrow down to a certain ethnic background as I wanted to show equality in ethnicity so I did not mention it in articles and in my magazine. The girls I used were from a white British background but I did not intentionally do this as I want to represent all races as equal.

Social class For my magazine I mainly focused on the middle class as I my magazine isn't sophisticated enough for the upper classes, and I think it best suites teen girls of a middle class background due to the use of interviews in my article and the choice of language I have used in my text and my choice in house style. Due to my research into bliss and under the radar I found that they also aim at middle class social group and as I have based my magazine loosely around theirs I thought it would be a good decision to base my magazine around this social class also. I have made it clear which social group I have targeted through out my magazine, these example include features such as; festival headliners, these are the sort of thing that attracts most middle class teens. I have used a curly, smooth font as this is the sort of font used for social media sites, and is a well recognised font. The cost of my magazine also indicates that it is for a middle class as it is not very expensive and can be affordable for young middle class girls. In my front page and double page spread the girls I have used are dressed in casual clothing, day time dresses and skirts with quite a small amount make up so they don't look overly made up, so they look like they wear affordable makeup for middle class girls.