Evaluation 2

Evaluation 2

Transcript of Evaluation 2

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Evaluation 2

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The characters don’t individually reflect any particular form of social group but they do represent some social classes and statuses. In the scenes where some of the characters are in London they live on the streets which represents homelessness and how difficult it is for them to live with no money, job, etc. It does reflect the idea of homeless people in a positive manner as it presents the idea that you don’t really know what their stories are and they can have all sorts of things going on that you don’t know about.

An example of this in a TV drama is in Homeland, particularly the first series with the character of Thomas Walker, he was a marine sniper who hid as a homeless man in order to hide until he was needed for his task. This is similar to the characters of my film as they are both Government trained and have been forced to live in these conditions. They do differ in certain ways as Thomas Walker was homeless in order to perform his task, the characters of my film are in their situation as an escape.

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The film does represent orphans in a way as well. It does so because the characters in the film have no idea as to their real name or where they are from, by way of heritage, relatives or even parents. This creates a very unique style of friendship between them as they are all family to each other which also ties in with the homeless side of things because of the nature of the friendships they make.

These tightly wound friendships are seen in groups of homeless people in forms of literature such as ‘Stone Cold’. This example demonstrates a group of homeless people who have become friends from their time spent together on the streets and they don’t know the history of one another as they don’t tell; from either choice or necessity.

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This idea is similar, in film, to the Jason Bourne trilogy. The main character is a secret agent and he always goes up against people of a similar training to him (in the case of my film, this can be seen in Number 9 and 13). He is also going against the organisation that has trained him in his skills (such as how Boss and his group in my film).

Jason also starts as having nothing and very little money when he comes back to society. This isn’t the same as being homeless, but it is representative of people living on low standards.