Evaluation 2


Transcript of Evaluation 2

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We used our blog as a group each contributing as we progressed in the project. This meant that we could easily evaluate our work and see our own progression, this made it easier to see where our work needed to be modified to become more successful.

At the beginning of the project we mainly used Google and other search engines to look up different films from the thriller genre. However once we began creating different Powerpoints and using fonts from popular websites our use of the internet became much more varied. This helped us with our research.

The Internet

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Editing Software-Photoshop

We chose to use mainly Photoshop as you can get a number of different effects to an image, we felt this would be beneficial to our production stage as we wanted to create a ghost-like and distorted image.

Using Photoshop when creating our first draft for the film magazine:

Editing techniques with images:

We took several pictures of the eye, trying several editing techniques. On this image we have changed the image from normal to black and white. However, we decided that this was not the perfect picture therefore we re-shoot some pictures. We edited our final picture using several techniques rather than one.

Editing the poster images:

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Digital Camera

Filming Focus Group

We used the digital camera in the post production stage to take photos of different settings that we could use. The digital camera was also used to take photos for both ancillary projects.

The focus group helped us to evaluate our own trailer. There were very few criticisms of our trailer and many of the participants enjoyed it.

We used a variety of video cameras as the same one was not always available in school. Filming equipment was easy to use but some difficulties arose, such as firewires and charged batteries not being freely available, meaning that beforehand we had to check and prepare the equipment. We also used a tripod in various shots such as the beginning shot looking over Box hill viewpoint.

Filming Equipment

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Uploading our film onto Youtube and getting feedback

Using iMovie and the AppleMacs

We uploaded our trailer to Youtube as well as Facebook and asked for feedback. This will help us reflect on our own work and give us a detailed evaluation. Another reason for this is to gather information from a vast amount of people who were not involved in the process therefore they are able to give feedback that is not bias. We feel that this was very helpful as it gave us an insight into what we done effectively and what we could do differently next time.

At the beginning of the project it was difficult to use iMovie and the Apple Mac itself as no one in our group had ever used one before. However, once we got used to the Mac we were able to use a variety of effects and transitions. In our trailer we mainly used fades as we felt that they created a white flash which meant transitions were quick and also added tension. We also used effects such as speeding up certain shots and only using black and white as a colour palate. This added tension and made our genre of thriller clearer.