Evaluation 2

Evaluation question 2 How effective is the combination of your main product and the ancillary texts (DVD digipak and the magazine advert)?

Transcript of Evaluation 2

Evaluation question 2How effective is the combination of your main product and the ancillary texts (DVD digipak and the magazine


The combination of both the didgipak and the advert gives off a very calm feel towards the artist and the song. This is done through the colors that are used. For the magazine advert it is done in sepia to create a calm mood which is enhanced with Chris’s body language and facial expression, the way he is leaning on the guitar makes him seem “chilled” demonstrating key skills in creating moods. This is also shown in the didgipak through the use of black and white. This also creates a romance mood as we have a picture of them dancing and smiling. This is supported with the actual video, the use of dancing represents this flowly loving feel.

For our didgipak we captured still images from our video for the interpretation of love and romance and demonstrate raw emotion with the use of body language and facial expressions it helps the audience engage with the characters and help them understand the feelings the song is meant to give off. Also for our advert we created our own images using a still digital camera and a wall background with trees to help us make an appealing image along with sepia so it stands out to the audience.

DigipakFor our inspiration to

make our didgipak we looked at two different digipaks.

We looked at Bullet For My Valentine’s Scream Aim Fire and Riko’s Poor as a Church House.

We compared the to and used elements from both to use in or digipak.

Similarities between each

As you can see in our didgipak we were inspired by a close up on Rajko’s face and with this we decided we wanted to use something along these lines although ours isn’t an ECU it has Chris’s face in it and because Chris only used the guitar for the video we thought it would be a good idea to get the guitar in it somewhere.

Like the bullet for my valentine album we decided to just have the artist and album name for the front cover which creates a mystery on the artist because there is no picture of the artist on the front.