Evaluation 2

Evaluation 2 How effective is the combination of your main product and your ancillary takes?

Transcript of Evaluation 2

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Evaluation 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and your ancillary takes?

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When beginning this project, we wanted to create a distinctive and empowering image surrounding the characters featured in our music video. The

purpose of this was to create media figures which our target audience can relate to, which would

result in a large fan base. In order to do this, we had to maintain a relatable yet enjoyable theme

throughout our project for our protagonists to portray believable characters. Therefore to build upon this, we created a digipak and magazine

advert to promote our music video and aimed to link all three of these tasks to achieve our goal.

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This panel shows each of the main characters in the locations they wake up in. This shows the variety of locations that we used in the production of our video which was an important feature in making our video so successful. The variety of locations keeps the audience interested and involved in the video. Also this panel features a logo I created for our ancillary tasks which also features the ‘Dirty Stank TV’ logo, this is Dizzee Rascals website/label logo. This is important as it allows the audience to easily relate our production with Dizzee Rascal.

When creating our first ancillary task, our digipak, we knew that this media text is important in giving the audience an insight into the music video we have created.

Therefore, it was important that we included each character and each of our locations at least once on our digipak. We also needed to make sure that the fun,

abstract style of our music video came across in our ancillary tasks.

This panel shows the characters once they have woken up in their separate locations and they are on the move to find one another and to piece together the previous night. This panel is important as it gives an insight into the narrative of the video. For us, the narrative of our video is very important as it plays a major part in keeping the

audience interested in the video. Our narrative took a lot of inspiration from the successful comedy films ‘The Hangover as we knew these films were such a hit with our target audience.

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This panel is the one that the CD would actually be placed on. After some research into other digipaks that are already successful, I noticed that most of them do not use images on this panel, they normally use something like the artists logo, or something to do with the song they are promoting. As a result of this I tried to go along the same path. I have used an effective panel in which there

are lots of jumbled words and letters, but the word ‘Bonkers’ stands out in bold randomly throughout the panel. I think this is quite effective as it will grab the viewers attention.

In this panel I have used a large photo from the club footage we recorded overlaid by the ‘Bonkers’ logo. I have done this so it relates to the club footage scene in our video as part of the narrative from the protagonists crazy night out, and also to promote the song, Bonkers. I think this links well with the video as it only

shows a small glimpse of the club footage and this relates to the video as this is all the boys see, quick flashbacks of the night before.


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The target of this digipak was to maintain the brand we had created in our main project and portray this clearly through our ancillary task. I believe we done this well by clearly

showing all aspects of our main protagonists, and linking to our main product throughout all of the digipak panels. This includes lots of logos and images that people

easily link to Dizzee Rascal and his music such as his Dirtee Stank TV logo. We also made sure that our digipak clearly represents each character that features in the music video,

the costumes they are wearing and how they have been acting, we have done this because we want our characters and project as a whole to be relatable for our target

audience. Our aim was to keep the audience entertained by using the comical features that people can relate to from personal experiences. I think we have done this well as

we have not gone over the top creating un-believable situations for the boys to be in we kept it realistic and based it on our own funny memories as we are from our target

audience range ourselves (18-25). As we wanted to make sure we were successful with this objective we also made sure that the costumes of the characters were not too over

the top, we used costumes that we think a normal group of young adults would wear when on a night out, keeping this relatable theme throughout all aspects of our project

worked very well.

All of this is an example of branding which is crucial for a creating a visual style in which the music video is presented in. Branding is a common convention of a music video as the label has to present the audience with the artist they followed since the beginning of their career. This means maintaining a clear fashion style and theme of interests so

the audience are always catered for throughout all products which are released

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Our intended institution for our digipak is successful high street retailers such as HMV. However, as we knew that HMV are the main retailer around, they also stock all of the already successful products on their shelves. Therefore, we had to make sure

that our digipak was up to standard with all of the professional products, yet we needed it to stand out against the crowd so it draws attention from customers. To

achieve this goal I made sure that our front cover looked as professional as possible whilst still showing the striking ‘Bonkers’ logo I had created for our ancillary tasks. As

this is bright compared to the rest of the front page it looks very striking and grabs the audiences eye. I then used lots of bright colours for the rest of the digipak as this

is what keeps the viewer entertained. I made sure that nothing featured on the digipak was repetitive as this is very boring for people viewing the product. Also, I

made sure that the artist’s logo’s (Dizzee Rascal and Armand Van Helden) stood out against the background they are featured on, this is to help promote the artists and

the product we have created.

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The purpose of our magazine advert is to promote the single ‘Bonkers’ by Dizzee Rascal. As the main features of our music video is the group of boys and the narrative of what they get up to

on a night out, we chose an image that represents this perfectly. The image features one of the characters in the video waking up, realising his shirt is ripped and dirty and wondering what

happened the night before. This links in perfectly with the video and the location of the photo really backs this up as he finds himself at the top of a car park looking across the city and this

isn't stereotypically where you would expect to wake up after a night out.

The layout of our magazine advert was majorly determined by the image we have used. Due to the main feature of the advert being the character and his body language, we have used the un-

used space on either side of the character for the other important features of a magazine article such as artist logos and our ancillary task logo we created. We also used a black bar at

the bottom of the screen for other promotion features. We think this combination has worked very well.

The font we decided to use for our advert is one that we thought maintained the professional image we are aiming for. We also think it works very well contrasting against the wildness of the

artists logos and our own logo. This font is also used throughout our digipak supporting the crucial method of ‘Branding’. An important aspect of the advertising purpose of this task is enhanced through the use of the quote ‘Electronic house and Hip Hop combine to create a

musical masterpiece.’ This statement is taken from the respected MTV music publication company and therefore entices the audience to discover if it is true for themselves by

purchasing the single. Moreover, the use of ‘Electronic House and Hip-hop’ clearly states the genre of the song and therefore targets it’s intended market. Another similarity between the

digipak and magazine advert is the mentioning of Production companies and record labels which is a vital convention when promoting a product. This is displayed by the use of official

logos which are recognized throughout the music industry

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ComparisonAfter analysing the skills and techniques put forward in to both ancillary task

I believe, that as a combination, the two work together effectively to promote our music video. The magazine advert focuses more on the crucial information for the releasing of the main product in comparison to the digipak that gives more of an insight into the content of the music video. Both methods work well in promoting the video due to the digipak not giving much away to leave the audience wanting

more, contrasted with the digipak supplying maximum footage in order for the audience wanting to proceed and discover the full music video. All products,

including the main and ancillary tasks follow the same theme through the use of ‘Branding.’ This means that throughout all products, the distinctive Artist we have

created has been maintained and therefore we are able to target a specific audience. A strong sense of adventure is built up via the narrative within our video,

however this is also correlated with an abstract feel throughout. Altogether this expresses the fun, upbeat nature of the main characters and how our target audience can relate to them. Similar fonts and edits are used in all products,

including contrasting images and a vibrant colour scheme, as this creates a visually interesting aesthetic to keep the audience engaged. On top of this, mentions of the production companies and artist logo’s are featured throughout so that legal credit

is given to all that were involved in the making process. In conclusion, the theme portrayed throughout all three products make a recognisable brand for our target audience to follow. Without an established visual image, it would be impossible to

target a specific market and cater their needs in order to be a success