Evaluation 1

Evaluation 1. In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms of conventions of real media products?

Transcript of Evaluation 1

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Evaluation 1.

In what way does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms of conventions of real media


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• Before producing my front cover, double page spread and contents page, I had a brief idea of what my magazine would look like, this was mainly because I had looked at different examples of R&B magazines and preferred some to others. The types of things I would include, to make sure my magazine was kept conventional, are shown below and these could also allow me to challenge and develop my ideas:

• - The masthead on my front cover • - Bursts or splashes • -Teasers• - Three colour themed rule• - Sell lines• - Main image dominating the front cover• -Fashion extras• - Bar code and price• -Email address • - Colloquial language • - Interview • - One page on the double page spread, which was mainly my model.

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FRONT COVER.On the front cover, I have followed conventions by using a masthead, teasers, three coloured scheme rule, sell lines, main picture dominating the page, fashion extras, bar code, price and the email address.

Here is a picture of my front cover and the example I wanted to base mine on:I made sure I used a main image of a female, as it is used as a sex appeal for males to look at and read about, which invites them more to buy the magazine. This is also very conventional for my R&B based example.

I have also added in extras like a teaser which says there's a secret quest who speaks and strips. This develops conventions as the R&B example that I base mine on, didn’t do this, but it puts the readers on edge.

Using a sell line at the top of the cover keeps conventions here as many other magazine do it as well, but I also developed it, by using POP/Hip-Hop artists as well, as some people will get them confused between the two different typed genres.

I used a boost here to attach readers to the main model. This was purposely done, as she is the most important thing on the page, also because my double page is all about her. This was also done on my R&B example so I thought it was important to do it to keep it conventional

I made sure I include a price and a bar code, which was positioned at the fair bottom left hand corner. This was so my buyers could purchase the magazine and to show them how much it is. However, I am challenging conventions here because most of the examples I seen had positioned in different places but I think it looks better here on my front cover.

I used a sell line here to keep conventions and positioned it above the main models name, as readers would know it was about her.

I have challenged conventions here as mostly all the examples that i researched had models that were half dressed to attract their readers.

I made the models head cover the mast head, to keep conventions as

I kept conventions on my models pose, as I wanted to make sure that she looked sexy and seductive, by putting her hand on her hip and looking very curvy- this would attract a big audience!

When it came to producing the mast head, I want to make sure it took up at least a quarter of the page, as it is one of the most important things on the cover, but also mainly other R&BG magazines do this as well.

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Here is my front cover and beside it is the R&B example that I liked and wanted to base mine one. I wanted to keep to conventional idea as much as possible, mainly because I hadn’t of seen a music magazine other than POP and ROCK, in the UK and as my example was based in the United States, I didn’t want to develop or change much, otherwise ill break conventions. I am going to indelicate the types of things I did to keep conventions, in relation to this example. However, the main thing that I couldn’t do was display the background and the title, in the same way the example has, which I was really disappointed about.

.Front cover Example

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Double Page SpreadWhen it came to making my double page spread I had in mind already that I wanted a main picture on one page, then my interview on the other.

I Tried containing a fold in the middle of the page to split the image and interview up, wish also keeps conventions with the example R&B magazine I based mine on.

I also wanted to keep the three colour scheme rule on the double page spread as well, to keep conventions

When researching R&B magazines, I came across they put quotes in the middle of the page to display what the model had said- I really liked this! So used it in my spread to attract the audience to certain quotes and give them hints into what she talks about. This also linked to keeping conventions.

I made sure the models name was big and bold, so the audience could see who the interview was about. The example that I based mine on also did this.

I broke up the questions and answers using a different colour, which linked within the three colour scheme rule. However, the example that I based my spread on didn’t contain an interview so it didn’t do this, so I developed conventions.

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Here is my double page spread and the R&B example that I used. Again, I wanted to keep as many conventions as possible, so none were broken. However, my example magazine did not do an

interview, it was a real life story, although I didn’t want to do this so i tried to develop conventions and look at over examples that displayed an interview. The ones I did see, did follow my idea of breaking

up the questions and answers using colours so I continued to do this as my own idea. I am now going to indicate, again, the things I did to keep conventions or liked the idea of what the example had.

My double page spread Example

Text boxes in columns- same thing.

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Contents PageFor my contents page, I wanted to keep basing it on another R&B example. However, the one I did want to base it on was very confusing as I think it had three pages worth of contexts so I couldn’t do it this as it would have been very time consuming. This therefore meant I had to try and fit as much on the one page as possible, but I did have to miss some bits out. However, here below is my contents page:

To keep conventions with my example magazine, I added what the model was wearing and where it was brought, also I added in who styled her hair and who did her make-up which was a development of conventions.

I kept the same design of title, to kept conventions, however I changed the colour to develop it and make it look a bit different.

Shortened my mast head title to ‘B’ to feature on the contents page, mainly because the example magazine did so, but I also made sure the model had some of her body over it.

Carried on using a teaser, to persuade the reader to read that specific story. This is also something I continued doing to kept this page conventional.

Used the same model as the front cover and double page spread, however used a picture with a different pose to make the magazine less boring.

I was really unsure whether to use this font, mainly because its more aimed at a male gender. However, the example I was basing the page on did this so I thought I would just do it to make it conventional to that example.

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Here is my contents page and the R&B example that I based it on. With this piece of work i did purposely try to follow as many as conventions as possible because I couldn’t research many content pages as there weren't many at all. I am again going to indicate the things I have concentrated on and

looked at, in order to keep my contents page conventional

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OverallAltogether, I think I have worked well in order to keep as mainly conventions as possible on my front cover, contents pages and double page spread. However, I could have done more to develop and challenge conventions but I was worried the outcome of doing that wouldn’t link back to an R&B magazine.