Evaluating Educational Program

Evaluating educational program (word processing lesson) Done by: Atiya Al-Saadi/68717



Transcript of Evaluating Educational Program

  • 1. Evaluating educational program (word processing lesson) Done by: Atiya Al-Saadi/68717
  • 2. About program
    • This program design to meet the need to learn the word processing program basic skills by the grade five students( IT curriculum in Oman)
    • Designer: Atiya Al-Saadi
  • 3. The program Screenshots
  • 4. What to evaluate?
    • By using the ACTIONS Model I will evaluate the :
    • Access
    • Teaching and Learning
    • Interactivity and User-friendliness
    • Organizational Issues
    • Speed
  • 5. Evaluation instruments:
    • Exam (real applying)
    • Observation (questions)
  • 6. Access
    • How accessible is a particular technology for learners?
    • - The students can use the program any where any time any one while there are:
    • Computer
    • Power point software
    • Video player software
  • 7. Interactivity and User-friendliness:
    • What kind of interaction does this technology enable?
    • - Two way communication (student content)
    • How easy is it to use and learn?
    • Easy to navigate because there are:
    • Clear Instructions
    • Button( same position ,size and shape )
  • 8. Two way communication (student content)
  • 9. Clear Instructions & Button :
  • 10. Teaching and Learning:
    • What kinds of learning are needed?
    • - This program design to individual students.
    • - By applying the program I find it useful
    • and the students learn all the information easily and the result of the exam show that .
  • 11. Organizational Issues:
    • What changes need to be made within
    • the organization to incorporate the technology?
    • There are a need to adapted the individual learning term in the organization (teachers and student)
  • 12. Organizational Issues:
    • by the use of the observation I found:
    • - teachers (hard to accept because the will lose control over the learning process )
    • - students (love it because it offer self pace)
  • 13. Speed :
    • How quickly can content be changed?
    • no need to change the content (basic information)
  • 14. The end