Eval question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Transcript of Eval question 4

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation


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Forms of technology used

• Blogger• Youtube• Slideshare• Photoshop• Adobe premiere • Da font

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Blogger• I have used blogger from the start of A2, blogger is

a useful programme as it is easy to use and find your way around. I have used it to upload all of my research which is a lot better than when I did it on PowerPoint. Everything was named and easier to find which made me more organised.

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Youtube • Youtube has been one of the best online apps

I have used, this is because I have used it to research other social realism film trailers. I have also watched tutorials on how to work Photoshop and adobe premiere.

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• Slideshare is basically power point but online, I found it so helpful at the beginning of the A2 course because I could use this to see all the things that I was researching. I also used it to upload my evaluation on.

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Photoshop was the second most used programme throughout A2. I used it to edited images to make them look them look different to the raw image we had originally such as recoloring and cropping out bits of the picture that we didn’t think looked relevant or just didn’t look good.

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Adobe Premiere • Adobe premiere was what we used to create the

trailer on, I put in transitions to blend clips together, inserted writing and created credits. If we had a the newest version of adobe premiere we could have used features such as colour reel which changes the colour of the footage which would have been very useful as it would of made out trailer look more emotional and sad.

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Da Font

• DA font was a website we found online, we used it to create fonts for our poster and magazine, it had hundreds of fonts to choose from so we could really take a time of selecting which one suited our genre and magazine best.

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• Powerpoint• Camera• Tripod• Photo camera (phone)• Dropbox• Computer

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I used PowerPoint throughout both years in media, I found it a good programme to do work on because it clearly laid out what work is work and you use new slide for different pieces of work so you don’t become confused.

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Filming camera

• For the filming I used my samsung galaxy s3, it has HD display and recording so it came out in good quality. If I was to do it again I would have bought a proper high quality camera to give my final product a more professional look.

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• Without dropbox I wouldn’t have been able to put together the final product, the computers at school wouldn’t allow me to connect my phone to the computer so I could access the footage and photos. So I downloaded dropbox and could upload the videos and photos so both me and my partner could access and edit on the computer.

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Computers• The computers we used to edit and create our media product

werent the best, if I was to do this again I would certainly use a better computer such as a Macbook. The computer I used lacked power and would struggle when I started to edit the trailer this therefore made freeze a lot which made the editing process a lot longer than I wanted it to and effectively wasted a lot of time.

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation

stages?• The media technologies listed above all had a part to play in the

construction, research, planning and evaluation stages. Adobe premiere and photoshop were the ones used most for the construction stage because I felt that they gave the most professional look to the final product. In the research stage I used slideshare and YouTube, on slideshare you could gain an idea of what other media students had done so you had a form of guidance and on YouTube you can see similar media products in which you were aiming to create yours to be similar to in a sense. In the evaluation stages I used blogger as the main place where everything could be found.

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Creation stage

• When creating my media products I mainly used photoshop and adobe premiere. Firstly I filmed and took all the photos on my galaxy s3, once I had all the footage I used dropbox to get it all onto my computer. Once onto the computer I edited and created the trailer on Adobe Premiere. I created the magazine and poster on Photoshop. At first I considered using macromedia fireworks because I had experience using it but It doesn’t give of the same professional look.