Eval Q 2,3,4 and 5.

How does your media product represent particular social groups? My media product is under the genre of Coming of Age, which can practically link to anyone who has had development in their lives and are able to relate to it. The particular social groups that I am going to focus on are lower/working class. The reason to this is because in our footage, we have areas that relate to that sort of class. It’s showing the regional identity of the character through the way he dresses (mise en scene), talks and how the area that he is in looks like. Because of the social class that the protagonist is in, it may be possible that he struggles a lot more because of the situation that he is in. For example, if the protagonist lived in a middle-class background, he would be able to get better professional help and would be able to recover more easily. Class is the most important factor when talking about how people can relate to it and how it can represent particular social groups. Being able to represent the social group of lower/working-class backgrounds, it can show the awareness of the issue to other social groups that have been excluded and show the struggle towards other groups; it’s not as easy to overcome a mental illness in a lower social group as it is in a higher social group. The whole concept of the media product though is to show what it is like from the protagonists point of view on what a mental illness is like and how badly it can affect him. In the opening of the two minutes, you are able to grasp what class he is, what area he lives in and most importantly how he feels in general. As a group, we are representing those who are less fortunate than others in that specific class, and projecting that idea to higher social classes, giving them the ability to understand what it is like. Another factor is the protagonist is male. Men are stereotypically portrayed as strong, and only being able to act masculine. However, we portray the protagonist to be more vulnerable and unstable, which are some qualities that women can be stereotypically portrayed as. In this case it therefore shows that our protagonist has a sort of feminine side, which can be due to his personality or even his mental illness. Representing this sort of social group within gender, shows men and women that either gender can experience having suicidal thoughts or even depression – women are also seen to have depression due to appearances. Although in this case, it implies



Transcript of Eval Q 2,3,4 and 5.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?My media product is under the genre of Coming of Age, which can practically link to anyone who has had development in their lives and are able to relate to it. The particular social groups that I am going to focus on are lower/working class. The reason to this is because in our footage, we have areas that relate to that sort of class. Its showing the regional identity of the character through the way he dresses (mise en scene), talks and how the area that he is in looks like. Because of the social class that the protagonist is in, it may be possible that he struggles a lot more because of the situation that he is in. For example, if the protagonist lived in a middle-class background, he would be able to get better professional help and would be able to recover more easily. Class is the most important factor when talking about how people can relate to it and how it can represent particular social groups. Being able to represent the social group of lower/working-class backgrounds, it can show the awareness of the issue to other social groups that have been excluded and show the struggle towards other groups; its not as easy to overcome a mental illness in a lower social group as it is in a higher social group.The whole concept of the media product though is to show what it is like from the protagonists point of view on what a mental illness is like and how badly it can affect him. In the opening of the two minutes, you are able to grasp what class he is, what area he lives in and most importantly how he feels in general. As a group, we are representing those who are less fortunate than others in that specific class, and projecting that idea to higher social classes, giving them the ability to understand what it is like.Another factor is the protagonist is male. Men are stereotypically portrayed as strong, and only being able to act masculine. However, we portray the protagonist to be more vulnerable and unstable, which are some qualities that women can be stereotypically portrayed as. In this case it therefore shows that our protagonist has a sort of feminine side, which can be due to his personality or even his mental illness. Representing this sort of social group within gender, shows men and women that either gender can experience having suicidal thoughts or even depression women are also seen to have depression due to appearances. Although in this case, it implies that there are a varied amount of different people who have different personalities and arent the complete stereotypical character. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?The media institution that might distribute my media product is Film4. The reason to this is that they favour indie films in the United Kingdom. They distributed a film called Never Let Me Go which was then screened at the 2010 Toronto International Film Festival and the 54th London Film Festival. That same film is similar to Behind Blue Eyes in so many ways with it portraying the harsh realities that the struggles in overcoming a hard situation. Since our film is exactly what Film4 specialise in, it would be more than an appropriate choice for us to choose Film4 as our distributors.Who would be the audience for your media product?After researching different types of audiences that my media product would be aimed at, the audience would be preferably around young adults or even teenagers. Surveys prove that anyone below the age of 15 would not understand the media product that is being presented for the reasons of education and the inability to analyse through media terminology. It would be harder for them to get a clear insight of what is going on and wouldnt clearly understand why the certain conventions are being used.How did you attract/address your audience?To attract and address my audience, as a group we went through a load of research to see what sort of audience would prefer the certain conventions or storyline and to see who would relate to that sort of issue that we are presenting. The research consisted of going around and asking our peers on what they thought about it. Many could not relate to the opening sequence because they had no personal experience or did not know anyone who had a mental illness. In this case, we then made it our goal to share the awareness of those who have had no experience and engage the audience through the protagonist in being in the same age group.To therefore attract our audience and for them to get a grasp on what our film is about, we made a teaser trailer as a part of our marketing scheme. Normally dramas dont really have a teaser trailer, and instead have a full on two minute trailer but because our original opening sequence is two minutes, we decided that having a teaser trailer at the duration of twenty seconds was the best way to attract our audience of young adults and others who may have had experience that we dont know about yet.We also made a film poster which is another way of marketing the media product. Most dramas like Juno for example, have a film poster that advertises the film. It shows the audience on what the protagonist looks like and it gives the audience the idea of what it may be about due to the colours, text and the design in general of the poster.