Euthanasia Powerpoint

Euthanasia Assisted suicide: Is it right or wrong?


PowerPoint presentation on Euthanasia.

Transcript of Euthanasia Powerpoint

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EuthanasiaAssisted suicide: Is it right or wrong?

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04/11/2023Chase Bennett - ENC3241 - Daniel Powell


Your dearly loved mother just got into a terrible car accident. She is still alive, but only physically. She still performs all involuntary bodily actions, but is unable to think, speak, or provide emotion. She just…is. The doctor tells you she is in deep pain, but it is being managed through medication. She can still feel it. She is suffering, and she is alive. Would you want to pull the plug? Would you want her to live the rest of her life? There is a fine line between right and wrong. Who decides what that line is?

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04/11/2023Chase Bennett - ENC3241 - Daniel Powell

3What is Euthanasia?

According to Merriam-Webster: Euthanasia is the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy.

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04/11/2023Chase Bennett - ENC3241 - Daniel Powell

4Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) in the Netherlands

• It is widely practiced in the Netherlands.

• 9% of all deaths were a result of PAS in 1990.

• Dutch doctors practice euthanasia through lethal injections.

• Less than 3.4% of all cases in Holland of active termination of life were physician-assisted suicide. (1990)

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04/11/2023Chase Bennett - ENC3241 - Daniel Powell

5How does the United States feel about it?

• Three states have legalized Physician-Assisted Suicide• Montana

• Legalized Dec. 31, 2009• Baxter v. Montana

• Oregon• Legalized Nov. 8, 1994• Ballot Measure 16

• Washington• Legalized Nov. 4, 2008• Initiative 1000

• 47 States and DC consider it illegal• 39 states have laws

prohibiting assisted suicide• Alabama, Massachusetts,

Vermont, and West Virginia prohibit assisted suicide by common law

• Nevada, North Carolina, Utah, and Wyoming are still considered unclear on the idea.

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04/11/2023Chase Bennett - ENC3241 - Daniel Powell

6Terri Schiavo

“In 1990, at the age of 26, Terri suffered a mysterious cardio-respiratory arrest for which no cause has ever been determined. She was diagnosed with hypoxic encephalopathy - neurological injury caused by lack of oxygen to the brain. Terri was placed on a ventilator, but was soon able to breathe on her own and maintain vital function. She remained in a severely compromised neurological state and was provided a PEG tube to ensure the safe delivery of nourishment and hydration.

On March 31, 2005, Terri Schindler Schiavo died of marked dehydration following more than 13 days without nutrition or hydration under the order of Circuit Court Judge, George W. Greer of the Pinellas-Pasco's Sixth Judicial Court. Terri was 41.”

Terri’s Fight

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04/11/2023Chase Bennett - ENC3241 - Daniel Powell

7Common Pro’s and Con’s

Pro’s• Individuals have a right to die

• Patient suffering at end-of-life

Con’s• Slippery slope to legalized


• Religious concerns

• Living wills

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04/11/2023Chase Bennett - ENC3241 - Daniel Powell

8Right to Die / Patient Suffering

Right to Die• “The right of a competent,

terminally ill person to avoid excruciating pain and embrace a timely and dignified death bears the sanction of history and is implicit in the concept of ordered liberty”

ACLU Amicus Brief in Vacco v. Quill

What this means• An individual who is at the

end of their life should have the right to end their suffering.

• How would you feel if you were in the same boat?

• Is it moral?

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04/11/2023Chase Bennett - ENC3241 - Daniel Powell

9Legalized Murder

• Many people feel that allowing physicians to aide in the suicide of an patient borderline murder.

• This could potentially lead to uncertain and questionable deaths.

• Physicians may take it too far.

• Where do we draw the line?

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04/11/2023Chase Bennett - ENC3241 - Daniel Powell

10Religious Concerns

• Many religions consider suicide to be immoral or wrong.

• Christians believe that committing suicide will condemn thee to hell.

• Life is a gift of God

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04/11/2023Chase Bennett - ENC3241 - Daniel Powell

11Living Wills

• Living wills may be misinterpreted.• PAS given when not wanted• Vise-versa

• They don’t always have the intended effect.

• Possible motif for a power of attorney to want someone dead.

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04/11/2023Chase Bennett - ENC3241 - Daniel Powell

12Personal Thoughts

I personally am pro-choice on this matter, and it is something I feel very strongly about. If I were suffering on my death bed, I would want the opportunity to pull the plug. It would be hard to watch a loved one going through immense, unbearable pain, and I would prefer they had that wish as well. I understand this is a very touchy topic, and it’s hard to say whether it is right or wrong, but this is where I stand. I am a Christian, but I feel the Bible is often misinterpreted. All sins are forgivable in my opinion. I hope not to induce anger in anyone, but rather educate and share my personal opinion. I pray this is read with an open mind.

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04/11/2023Chase Bennett - ENC3241 - Daniel Powell

13Now ask yourself…

• Think back to the story of your mother…

• How do you feel now?

• Would you pull the plug?

• Would you keep her alive?

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04/11/2023Chase Bennett - ENC3241 - Daniel Powell

14Citations / References Euthanasia. n.d. 7 April 2013. <>.

Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network. Terri's Story. n.d. 7 April 2013. <>.

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