European Radiology !#$% '() · 1674-1897.2010.03.e0307) Analysis of the accuracy of high...

!"#$%#&' !"#$!%"&'!%( )'*$!%( '+ ,#-&.%( /%-&'('01 2310 May453637 !"#$% 8289 - 306 !"#$%!&'() Eur opean Radiology !"#$%(2010 & 3 '4 '()) 9 ()$%# !"#$%& CAD!' 3.0 T MR ()*+,%&-./ 01( DOI: 10.3784/j .issn.1674 - 1897.2010.03.e0301) Computer -aided detection ( CAD) for breast MRI: evalua" tion of effic acyat 3.0TDOI#10.1007/s00330 - 009 - 1573 - 5! C. Mee uwis,S.M. v an de V en,G. St a ppe r,A .M. Fernandez Gall a rdo,M.A .A . J . v an de n Bos ch,et al . Cont a c t author:De p artment of Radiol ogy,A l ys is Zorgg roep , R ij nst a te Hos p it al , W agne rl aan 55, 6815 A D A rnhem, The Ne therl ands .e - mail: CMeeuwis @al ys 23 4- *+,-./0123 3.0 T MR ()45 67#89:;<6=>?@A=>8BCDE1: 56 49 F()G1HI? 22 FJ1HIKLM+,: NO;@ A4567#=>P.QRASTUV< WX8 MRI YZ [\]9:;^_BC=CAD>`aUVbc1def: =g ] 2 h]ijk8$%l"m? 2 hnopq8rs"m / CAD [\UVtu; vw\xyz{tu8|} 50%? 100%/()~JG1<62: 78 !"xyz{|} 8 50%UV2#;CAD BCJG1HI8$%&'() &=g* 97.9%? 86.4%<|}* 100%#;+$%&'() &=g* 97.9%? 90%: 2 h]ijk8$%l"m@A= >JG1HI8$%&'()&=g* 84.6%? 68.8%;, ] CAD =>BCJG1HI8$%&'()&=g * 90.4%? 81.3%: -./0123=>; 4586789: CAD BC()JG1HI8$%&'()&;<=13): 79 9: CAD 84567#=>>@A=>?Q@/( )HIBC8()&;AB MRI xyz{|} 50%? 100% 8 CAD =>CDE()~u1BCFQ8$%&'() &;,'6788]iGHIQJK`4L: :;< ()< MRI < BC< 9:;^_BC< QMz< ~ !"# Eur Radi ol ,2010,20(3) : 522 - 528. $%&' ()*+ )*=>?@A7BCDEFGHIJKLIFMNO$B CPQRSTUVWX-YC % (DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1674 - 1897.2010.03.e0302) Carcinoma of the breast wire localisation post nucl ear medicine sentinellymph node imaging. Are radiologists r e" c eivi ng a si gnific ant dose?(DOI#10.1007/s00330 - 009 - 1594 - 0) R.T. Me ade s, W .E. Sv enss on, J .W . Frank, V.Gada, G. Ralle igh, K. Sa tchithananda , et al. Conta c t author: De p artment of Nuc le ar Me di c ine , North W ing , Charing Cross Hosp ital, Fulham Pal ace Road, London, W 68R F, UK. e - mail: W illi a m.Sv enss on@ impe ri al.nhs .uk 23 4- XK()NOPQRS$%15T1UV =RSNI>d8WXuT.YO;$%l"mWZ8[%\]p ;^_: *+,-.2/`Va(bc8de1()NH @fghi RSNI d; $%l"mUVjklWmWXuT .YOWZ8[%no: 56 5T1pq= 99 Tc m rs>t% noubc#v,u;t%!wbc88no* 20 MBq;x 2 wbc88no+* 40 MBq: yo$%l"m. RSNI d VjklWmuT.YOWZE8[%no;v'fz9: }UV/0: 78 { 12 F()NH@|S.YO8yo }'fz}UV@/0+,;t%!}bc8$%l"mW ~Z8[%noIyo}* 1.8 ?Sv =fz}* 1.8 ?Sv>; t%}UVbc#8Iyono}* 4.8 ?Sv =fz} * 3.4 ?Sv>: !"#8$%P; &'$%l"m()*U 36 F RSNI d8WXuT|S; NW~Z[%no+, 0.17 mSv: 79 *+,-*;$%l"m./0-1E() N RSNI dWXuT#+C2E8[%\]: 0w\~Z8 3no/UV|S8$%l"mW2E8\]UVDE8 2;4NP05=67E898AS@:;;0.t%$ %15T1<O2=>uT|S8.01: :;< ()<N<uT<OPQRS<$%1?@ !"# Eur R adiol,2010,20(3): 529 - 532. $%&' ()*+ 9 AB$%# Z/ 1M ([\- 3T ]^_`abcdefghijk ( DOI: 10.3784/j.i ssn.1674 - 1897.2010.03.e0303) High resolution myocardi al magnetic resonanc estress per" fusion imaging at 3 T using a 1 M contrast agent DOI: 10.1007/s00330 - 009 - 1580 - 6! B. D. Klumpp, A. Seeger, C. Doe sc h, J . Doeri ng, T. Hoev e l born, U. Krame r, et al. Conta c t author: De p artment for Di agnost ic Radiolog y, Eb erha rd Karls U niv ers ity Tueb ing e n, Hoppe - Seyle r - Str. 3, 72076 Tue b i ngen, Ge rmany. e - mail :be rnha rd.k lumpp @me d.uni - tue b i 23 4- ACDEFtG{HUV=MSPMRI>P(I J'K>LE823ACFt82M: 1.5 T MR N.>JO PQkK=SNR>?/KQkK=CNR>84R;,STUVW 289

Transcript of European Radiology !#$% '() · 1674-1897.2010.03.e0307) Analysis of the accuracy of high...

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Computer - aided detection (C AD) for breast MRI: evalua"tion of efficacy at 3.0 T DOI#10.1007/s00330 - 009 - 1573 - 5!C. Meeuwis,S.M. van de V en,G. Stapper,A .M. Fernandez Gallardo,M.A .A .J. van den Bosch,et al.Contact author:Department of Radiology,A lys is Zorggroep , R ijnstateHospital, W agnerlaan 55, 6815 A D A rnhem, The Netherlands.e - mail:CMeeuwis@alys

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!"# Eur Radiol,2010,20(3): 522 - 528.

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C arcinoma of the breast wire localisation post nuclear

medicine sentinel lymph node imaging. Are radiologists re"ceiving a significant dose?(DOI#10.1007/s00330 - 009 - 1594 - 0)

R.T. Me ades, W .E. Svensson, J.W . Frank, V .Gada, G. Ralle igh, K.

Satchithananda, et al.Contact author: Department of Nuc lear Medicine, North W ing, CharingCross Hosp ital, Fulham Palace Road, London, W 68R F, UK. e - mail:W illiam.Svensson@

23 4- XK()NOPQRS$%15T1UV


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High resolution myocardial magnetic resonance stress per"fusion imaging at 3 T using a 1 M contrast agent DOI:

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J'K>LE823ACFt82M: 1.5 T MRN.>JO



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V2 : 56 fB CAD ^_YyUV 20 {|}~ CT

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)1H@. CTS%UV=CTC>YZ#cB-+./0 -1

2/3=sodium picosulphate - magnesium citrate;SPS - MC>lC

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009 - 1627 - 8!M. Chassang;S. Novellas;C. Bloch - Marcotte;J. De lotte;O. Toullalan;A .Bongain;et al.Contact authorGService d'Imagerie diagnostique et interventionne lle,Centre Hosp italier R'gional et Univers itaire de Nice, H!pital A rchet 2,151 route de Saint A ntoine de Ginesti,re, B.P. 3079, 06202 Nice Cedex3, France.e - mail: novellas.s@chu -

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!"# Eur Radiol,2010,20(4):1003 - 1010.

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