European multilingualism, ideal and reality, at risk

European multilingualism, ideal and reality, at risk Looking back into the future It is about time for a comprehensive and complementary European language & terminology policy and implementation Jan Roukens European Terminology Summit, Oslo 11-12 October 2012 1


European multilingualism, ideal and reality, at risk . Looking back into the future It is about time for a comprehensive and complementary European language & terminology policy and implementation. What we will discuss. A personal agenda Academic & scientific languages under pressure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of European multilingualism, ideal and reality, at risk

Page 1: European multilingualism, ideal and reality, at risk

European Terminology Summit, Oslo 11-12 October 2012 1

European multilingualism, ideal and reality, at risk

Looking back into the future

It is about time for a comprehensive and complementary European language & terminology policy and implementation

Jan Roukens

Page 2: European multilingualism, ideal and reality, at risk

European Terminology Summit, Oslo 11-12 October 2012 2

What we will discuss

A personal agenda Academic & scientific languages under pressure What type of university? EU: multilingual society-multilingualism-polyglotism Terminology infrastructure

Jan Roukens

Page 3: European multilingualism, ideal and reality, at risk

Reminder globalisation of the banana

Jan RoukensEuropean Terminology Summit, Oslo 11-12 October 2012 3

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European Terminology Summit, Oslo 11-12 October 2012 4Jan Roukens


Things of value are lost forever

(artwork: Ossip Zadkine, Rotterdam monument)

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European Terminology Summit, Oslo 11-12 October 2012 5

Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο (ΕΜΠ) National Technical University (NTUA)

Τομέας Υδατικών Πόρων και Περιβάλλοντος Ο Τομέας Υδατικών Πόρων και Περιβάλλοντος

ιδρύθηκε το 1982, με γνωστικό αντικείμενο τη μελέτη, από ποσοτική και ποιοτική άποψη, του υδάτινου περιβάλλοντος και των συναφών έργων Πολιτικού Μηχανικού. Καλύπτει εκπαιδευτικά και ερευνητικά (…)

Εφαρμοσμένης Υδραυλικής Λιμενικών Έργων Υγειονομικής Τεχνολογίας Υδρολογίας και Αξιοποίησης Υδατικών Πόρων Επιστημονικές και τεχνολογικές περιοχές Μηχανική ρευστών, υδραυλική των επιφανειακών,

υπογείων και θαλασσίων υδάτων Τεχνική υδρολογία, αξιοποίηση και διαχείριση των

υδατικών πόρων Υδαυλικά έργα, φράγματα και υδροηλεκτρικά έργα Λιμενικά παράκτια και θαλάσσια έργα Ρύπανση και προστασία του παράκτιου

περιβάλλοντος, υγειονομική τεχνολογία και οικολογία.

Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering

The Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering was established in 1982. The main scientific areas dealt with by the Department relate to both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the aquatic environment and the related civil (….)

Applied Hydraulics Laboratory Harbour Works Laboratory Sanitary Engineering Laboratory Hydrology and Water Resources Utilization Laboratory Scientific and technological areas Fluid Mechanics; Surface, groundwater and maritime

hydraulics Engineering hydrology; Development and

management of water resources Hydraulic works; Dams; Hydropower plants Ports, coastal and offshore engineering Ecology; Sanitary engineering; Pollution and

protection of the Environment.

Jan Roukens

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European Terminology Summit, Oslo 11-12 October 2012 6

Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica Amsterdam (Mathematics & Informatics) Research groups  Research within CWI is organised into the

following clusters: Probability, Networks and Algorithms Software Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Computing Information Systems

Each cluster consists of three or four groups.

Probability, Networks and Algorithms Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimiz


Probability and Stochastic Networks Cryptology Algorithms and Complexity  

Software Engineering Software Analysis and Transformation   Foundations of Software Engineering Multi-agent and Adaptive Computation Distributed and Interactive Systems

Modelling, Analysis and Computing Computational and stochastic dynamics Scientific Computing and Control Theor

y Multiscale Modelling and Nonlinear Dyn

amics Life Sciences   Information Systems Database Architectures Interactive Information Access

Jan Roukens

Page 7: European multilingualism, ideal and reality, at risk

Conversion to English-Taught Programmes in European Higher Education, % of total programmes

(source: Academic Cooperation Association 2007)










European Terminology Summit, Oslo 11-12 October 2012 7Jan Roukens

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European Terminology Summit, Oslo 11-12 October 2012 8

International conferences to discuss national languages for HE and science

Brussels, 2008 (Dutch/English) Ljubljana, 2009 (Slovenian/English) Tallinn, 2011 (Estonian/English)

Future events: measures to facilitate the use of national

languages for HE and science: such as publishing in the national languages, availability of scientific terminology

Jan Roukens

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European Terminology Summit, Oslo 11-12 October 2012 9

What type of university?I

A university is a public organisation promoting the search for truth and the accumulation of knowledge, allowing future scholars to acquire knowledge for the benefit of the society in which they live and work and for their own benefit. The university pursues these goals primarily for the benefit of the nation where the university is established

IIA university is an autonomous organisation promoting the

search for truth and the accumulation of knowledge, allowing future scholars to acquire knowledge for the benefit of the society at large and for their own benefit. The university pursues these goals in a global context and in competition with other universities.

Jan Roukens

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European Terminology Summit, Oslo 11-12 October 2012 10

EU policy: multilingual society - polyglotism - multilingualism

Use of every language should be allowed and facilitated, also in the information society (1996)

Europeans should learn – and be able to use! – at least two languages in addition to the mother tongue (2003)

Multilingualism is in the genes of the European Union and is part of the European identity (2007)

Jan Roukens

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European Terminology Summit, Oslo 11-12 October 2012 11

EU policy : safeguarding Multilingual European Society

EU internal language needs Human translation Technological orientation MLAP: translation technology Language Engineering Societal orientation Multipurpose language & terminology resources Multilingual Information Society

Jan Roukens

Page 12: European multilingualism, ideal and reality, at risk

European Terminology Summit, Oslo 11-12 October 2012 12

Terminology infrastructure

Goal: the availability of high quality terminology for all purposes for all languages, in an international context

EU and national agencies to monitor & promote EU and national terminology service centres (TSCs) Networks of domain specialists, clustered by sector Terminology publishers Standards bodies Terminology schools Associations of terminology professionals Research: terminometrics, ontology, coding ..

Jan Roukens

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European Terminology Summit, Oslo 11-12 October 2012 13

Great expectations, according to the European Treaty

Preamble, 1957, Heads of State......

DESIRING to deepen the solidarity between their peoples while respecting their history, their cultures and their traditions

Jan Roukens