Europe & Russia (White Lions)

Europe & Russia (White Lions) By: De’Asija White, Phillip Patterson, Allure Toussaint


Europe & Russia (White Lions) . By: De’Asija White, Phillip Patterson, Allure Toussaint. The Knight . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Europe & Russia (White Lions)

Page 1: Europe & Russia (White Lions)

Europe & Russia(White Lions)

By: De’Asija White, Phillip Patterson, Allure Toussaint

Page 2: Europe & Russia (White Lions)

The Knight

• Definition: Knights were great warriors clad in full body armor on horseback. The warrior of feudal Europe, and the protector of kings. They were the richest, most trained warriors, and had armors, weapons, and horses to get the job done.

• Examples :Comic Knight, Dark Knight

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The Dwarf

• Definition: Dwarves are a stoic but stern race. Ensconced in cities carved from the hearts of mountains and fiercely determined to repel the depredations of savage races like orcs and goblins.

• Examples: Alvis, Andvari, Dvalin,

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The Angel

• Definition: The Avenging Angel is an expression of this archetype of mythic proportions that suggests that one is on a mission from God.

• Example: Gabe, Joan

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The Warrior

• Definition :Represents physical strength and the ability to protect, defend, and fight for one's rights.

• Examples: Alaisiagae, Asgard, Berserks, Brunhilde,Vikings

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The Wizard

• Definition: The Wizard produce results outside the ordinary rules of life, whether causing people to fall in love or objects to disappear. A Wizard is associated with supernatural powers.

• Examples: Gandalf

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Damsel- in-Distress

• Definition: She is always beautiful, vulnerable, and in need of rescue, specifically by a Knight and, once rescued, she is taken care of in lavish style. When disappointed, a Damsel must go through a process of empowerment and learn to take care of herself in the world.

• Examples: Snow White, Megara

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Fertility Goddess

• Definition-The name for a group of goddesses of fate and fertility

• Examples: Disen, Freya,

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The Monster

• Definition: Guards the entrance to a forbidden area. • Example : Garm

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The Shadow

• Definition :The Shadow represents the energy of the dark side, the unexpressed, unrealized, or rejected aspects of something

• Example: Seven Dwarfs

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The Gentlemen

• Definition: The Genteel Patriarch was an ideal of masculinity transplanted directly from Europe to the New World. The Genteel Patriarch defined manhood in terms of aristocratic landownership. He was an upper- class man who prized honor, character, and etiquette.

• Example: Thomas Jefferson

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The Wolf

• A gigantic and terrible monster in the shape of a wolf, mammal.

• Example: Fenrir

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The Fairy

• Definition: Angels exist in a category unto themselves because they are thought to be living beings of Light and messengers of the Divine.

• Example: Slavic Fairy

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The Seasons

• Definition: Subdivision of the year• Example: Spring was the time of celebration

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The Quest

• Definition: Supports European cities in making real progress towards a more sustainable urban transport system

• Example: Jonny Quest

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The Minstrel

• Definition: Early time wandering musicians in European cities .

• Examples: Skomorokhs

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• All of these archetypes are similar in many ways as well as they are different. The word archetype means original or old. Although Russia and Europe are two different places they share the same details in each archetype, whether if it stands out to you or you have to search for it. This project helped me and my group understand the many different cultures that the Russian and European believed in.

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Works Citied "Dwarves - Pathfinder_OGC." Dwarves - Pathfinder_OGC.

N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2013. "Sacred Contracts." Myss Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov.

2013 "Encyclopedia Mythica." : Norse Mythology. N.p., n.d. Web.

19 Nov. 2013.

"Garm - Bing Images." Garm - Bing Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2013.