Europe day

Review of Time Period Absolute Monarchy Divine Right Parliamentary Monarchy Art & Architecture Church & State Relationship Protestant Reformation Scientific Revolution Enlightenment Another Absolutely Divine Presentation for AP World History By Janet Pareja, Signature School, Evansville, IN

Transcript of Europe day

Review of Time Period

Absolute Monarchy

Divine Right

Parliamentary Monarchy

Art & Architecture

Church & State Relationship

Protestant Reformation

Scientific Revolution


Another Absolutely

Divine Presentation for

AP World History

By Janet Pareja,

Signature School,

Evansville, IN

Legitimization &


Divine Right of Kings Dynasties, Marriage Alliances

Competition: Conquest & Trade: Empires Constant Warfare

30 Years War: Religious

Peace of Westphalia- Sovereignty

Civil: Cromwell & Roundheads

Art & Architecture: Style

Rulers & Religion Spanish Inquisition 1478–1834 Cardinal Richelieu Act of Supremacy

Divine Approval, Trade & Territory, Style: Power & Status!

SILVER Silk, Porcelain, Tea…

SUGAR South America, Caribbean


SPICES, TEA India, Malaysia, Indonesia,


Coffee- Arabia

FUR North America, Russia

Gold Africa, South America

Jewels, Pearls India

Iron Ore Russia

New Foods Americas – Potatoes, Tomatoes,


Tobacco North & South America

Cotton India, North & South America

GUNS, Manufactured Goods Europe

Colonies produce

Raw Materials, and

send to Motherland

Taxes, Duties


Trade Agreements

with Local Rulers,


Rise of European

Merchant Class

New Technologies

Anti-Big Church: Corruption, Abuses, & Ostentation of Clerics

Selling Indulgences - Johann Tetzel

Papal authority: Pope as Anti-Christ

Antisacerdotalism – All Christians as priests

Justification by Faith Alone

God’s grace freely given to believers

Not good works, ritual


Not Latin

Bible over Dogma, Ritual, Tradition

Everyman can read & interpret

1517- 95 Theses

1521 – Diet of Worms - Excommunicated

Luther’s 1534 Bible

Luther’s Hymn: A Mighty Fortress

Is Our God

On the Jews and

Their Lies

Table Talk


French attorney

Geneva, Switzerland: Theocracy

Huguenots persecuted in France

Puritans in England

Boers in South Africa

Denmark, Netherlands, Scotland, 13 Colonies…

Vernacular Bible



Vows of Poverty: seen as heretical.


France Cardinal Richelieu

Calvin - Huguenots:

Civil War

Thirty Years War

Spain Inquisition

Religious, Political… Abuses

England Act of Supremacy, 1534

Church of England

Calvins – Puritans

Germany Martin Luther

Support of regional rulers

Nicolaus Copernicus - Poland

Heliocentric Model – 1543

Galileo Galileii – Italy- early 1600’s

Telescope – Father of Observational Astronomy



Isaac Newton – Eng.- late 1600’s



Laws of Motion & Universal Gravitation

Robert Boyle – England-Late 1600’s

Founder of Modern Chemistry

Francis Bacon – England-Early 1600’s

Father of the Scientific Method

Empiricism: Inductive Method

Rene Descartes – France- Early 1600’s

Scientific Method, Math…

William Harvey – England- Early 1600’s

Circulation of Blood

Scientific discoveries overturned many traditional concepts and

introduced new perspectives on nature and man's place within it.

1650-1800 Flourished



“Philosophes” Attitude:



Applying Scientific

Reasoning to social


European Literacy

Rates 2X – 1700’s

Similar to a political party worked to mold minds:

Pamphlets to educate the public Anonymous tracts Critiques, satires, dramas Journals Newspapers Books L’Encyclopedie - Diderot

Journalists + Propagandists + Philosophers + Satirists + Playwrights + Essayists = “philosophes”

Human Reason is more important than Authority.

Knowledge comes from Experience and Experiment, guided by Reason.

Human mind is a Tabula Rasa (Locke): no one is born with culture or education.

Education (Emile), and Social Contract- Rousseau

“Cogito ergo sum.” Descartes – Mind/Body Split

Popularized scientific method & reason; against authoritarianism of Church & Monarchy – Voltaire

Separation of Powers – Montesquieu

Natural Law & Consent of the Governed; Social Contract (unquestioning obedience)– Thomas Hobbes

All Men created Equal, Consent of the Governed. Right of Rebellion if Consent not given - Locke


Belief in God, but NOT in

authority of any organized


Distrust of Hierarchies:

Church, Social, Political

God as Clockmaker

Creator ONLY

Duty of Man to improve himself

= Progress!

Adam Smith Anti-Mercantilism

“The Wealth of Nations”

Laws of Supply & Demand All men act in their own self interest, which

in the end is good for society Intellectual rationales for Free Trade

Private parties own Means of Production, not the Government.

Free Market System.

If each does what is in his own best interest, it will also be good for Society.

1450 1750

Charity = Responsibility for others


Church interpreted Gods word- Catholic

Feudalism, Respect for Authority


Agriculture or Artisans


Capitalism = Responsibility for oneself


Individual interprets Gods word for himself-Protestant

Commercial, Free Market Economy

Urban dwellers

Merchants, Businessmen


Written Instruction:

Qualities of a wise woman & rules of conduct for a virtuous wife:





Woodcut by Anton Woensam

(1500-41), c. 1525.


Wars (30 Year), Building,

Taxation, Colonies, Standing


Colbert- Finance Minister –


Art, Fashion,

Opulent Life at Versailles

Required Nobility to Live there



Center of Art, Fashion

French invasions, wars, and lavish style were costly, so…

France had to give up land in the New World to England (French & Indian War)

Three Estates: Church and State ruled, Peasants drooled…

Absolute Monarchy continued in France until it could do so no longer…

English Elizabethan Age

= Golden Age Commercial expansion, exploration,

colonization … Joint Stock Companies

English fleet destroyed Spanish Armada

in 1588.

Sir Francis Drake



(1558- 1603)

“The Virgin Queen”

Died w/o heir…

Oliver Cromwell & Round

Heads King Charles I beheaded- 1649

Treason & other high crimes

Lord Protector of English

Commonwealth Religious intolerance & violence v.

Catholics, Irish

Settlement in N. Ireland

1653- 1658

Charles II from Scotland- (Closet Catholic)

Habeas Corpus Act – due

process for arrests

James II –(Catholic) unpopular

King fled to France!

William & Mary of

Netherlands (Protestant)

Mary was Protestant daughter

of James

English Bill of Rights All British monarchs would now

be Anglican, by law

Accepted Limited

Power of Monarch

- Parliament & Law

NORTH: Parliamentary South: ABSOLUTE

Great Britain, Netherlands


Wealthy Mercantilists with monopolies on products/trade, colonies. North America – GB –


West Indies-Netherlands;

India - GB

Spain, France


NOT successful Mercantilists

French lost colonies in new world, Indian Ocean.

Spain would soon lose theirs – They did not develop their economy, was bankrupted by debt, and ceased to be world power

Peace of Westphalia

guaranteed independence

& sovereignty – Religion,


What did the Pope probably think of the Treaty of Westphalia?

Collection of feudal Principalities / Duchies

Holy Roman Empire

Lost part of empire to Ottoman Turks – 1500’s

Thirty Years’ War –Protestant territories challenged the Catholic Hapsburgs Huge Religious War

Fought on German landdevastated area’s population (15-30% died), territory (lost land) & economy

Weakened Holy Roman Emperors & Papal power in Europe

Northern Germany – Lutheran; Southern – Catholic

Maritime Technology China- Sternpost rudder, compass

Arabs – Astrolabe, Lateen Sail, Maps & Charts

Designed their own Galleons, Caravels.



1500- Pocket watch - Germany

Telescope, Microscope, other lenses…

Laws of Nature - Circulation of the blood, Gravity, Heliocentrism...

Greenwich Time, Latitude & Longitude perfected. Gregorian Calendar.

1700- Blast furnace to produce Iron; Seed drill

1714- Fahrenheit invents mercury thermometer

1721- Earliest smallpox vaccinations

1733- Flying Shuttle Loom – John Kay, England.

1740- Casting & galvanizing steel

“New Empires” Gunpowder, Absolute Monarchs

Islamic Empires, Russian, Chinese, Japanese…European

Golden Age of Art, Architecture…

Demographic Change Mass Migration, Great Dying, Columbian Exchange

New Patterns of Commerce ATLANTIC WORLD! Columbian Exchange…

European presence in Africa, Asia, Americas

Joint Stock Companies, Rising Merchant Class

Commercialism, Capitalism, Middle Class demands

Cultural Insularity vs. Cultural Diffusion Spread of Christianity and support for individual sects

Innovation: EUROPE! Technology- Yours, Mine, Ours

Colonization & Mercantilism

Scientific Revolution

Protestant Reformation

Enlightenment + Capitalist change in societies