EuroMining 2013 – Green Mining Seminar Canada’s Green Mining Initiative Janice Zinck September...

EuroMining 2013 – Green Mining Seminar Canada’s Green Mining Initiative Janice Zinck September 12, 2013

Transcript of EuroMining 2013 – Green Mining Seminar Canada’s Green Mining Initiative Janice Zinck September...

Page 1: EuroMining 2013 – Green Mining Seminar Canada’s Green Mining Initiative Janice Zinck September 12, 2013.

EuroMining 2013 – Green Mining Seminar

Canada’s Green Mining Initiative

Janice ZinckSeptember 12, 2013

Page 2: EuroMining 2013 – Green Mining Seminar Canada’s Green Mining Initiative Janice Zinck September 12, 2013.

Mining in Canada

Mining is a national industry in Canada, with a rich history of growth that parallels that of the country

Presence in all but one of the 13 provinces and territories 

Employs 320,000 Canadians

Contributes $35.6B to the GDP

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Natural Resources Canada

A science-based department with the mandate to create a sustainable resource advantage (minerals, energy, forestry, water, etc.) for Canadians

It’s role is to help bring together the strengths of all Canada’s natural resources assets to achieve three strategic outcomes for Canadians: Canada’s natural resource

sectors are globally competitive

Natural resources sectors and consumers are environmentally responsible

Canadians have information to manage their lands and natural resources, and are protected from related risks

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Drivers for Change

Technical Challenges Decline in discovery

rate, mineral reserves and ore grade

Accessing unconventional mineral deposits New mineral

deposits in challenging / hostile environments

Processing complexity Rare earth elements,

invisible gold

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Drivers for Change

Economic and Environmental Challenges Public demand for more comprehensive

environmental assessment process while pressure from industry to streamline

Sustaining and enhancing the environmental performance and image of the industry

Meeting regulatory standards for GHG emissions, air pollutants, and effluents

Responding to the impacts of climate change Growing demand for skills

Innovation is critical

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Approach to Innovation

Collaborate for success Join forces with industry

and academia to address pressing needs

Work in partnership to remove barriers to adoption

Tap-in into cross-sectoral expertise

Ensure alignment with government and industry priorities for relevance

Focus on technology transfer and implementation to translate R&D work into innovation





Technology Maturity S-Curve




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Green Mining Initiative

Launched in 2009 to respond to pressing challenges: Addressing public concerns on the

environmental footprint of mining Enhancing productivity and innovation of

Canadian mining sector as it faces stiff international competition

Meeting regulatory standards for GHG emissions, air pollutants, and water effluents

Improving the performance and image of the industry to earn a social licence to operate GMI Vision: Mining leaves behind only clean water, rehabilitated

landscapes and healthy ecosystems

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Leveraging for success

NRCan Contribution


Research $9.2M




Implementation $41.1M




NRCan Contribution


Technology innovation curve

Leverage ratio – 6:1

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GMI has four interconnected pillars

Objectives: Sustain an environmentally

responsible mining sector in Canada

Contribute to an economically-competitive Canadian mining sector

Accelerate deployment of green mining technologies and practices in Canada

Realize global market opportunities in green mining technologies and practices

Seven research priorities….

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Northern Mineral Development

Canada's North is rich in mineral wealth but development of these resources requires a unique set of technologies than those applied in warmer climates to ensure protection of the fragile northern ecosystem

This priority area would focus on the development of better mining, treatment and waste management technologies for the North

Objective Research and development for

responsible northern resource development

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Northern Mineral Development

Technologies Under Development Backfill technology for permafrost conditions Mine water treatment processes for cold climates Insitu arsenic trioxide stabilization

Flagship Projects Mine waste management in the North under a changing climate Ecosystem protection and remediation of northern contaminated sites Mine design for the North

5-Year Outcomes Improved environmental performance for mines in the North Aboriginal communities are enabled to make informed decisions

regarding mineral development on their land, Protection of Northern ecosystems potentially impacted by mineral


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Critical and Strategic Metals Processing

The supply of rare earth and critical metals is both a national and international issue

Canada has exploitable deposits of critical metals however processing of these deposits remains the fundamental challenge in ensuring a sustainable Canadian supply

Objective Development and adoption of

green processing technologies for critical and strategic metals

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Critical and Strategic Metals Processing

Technologies Under Development Bioleaching of black shale for REE recovery Pyrrhotite bioleaching process Rare earth minerals concentration Ion implant reference material for REE Rare earth metals separation

Flagship Projects Rare earth element processing Strategic and specialized metals research Bioleaching

5-Year Outcomes New market access for Canada Advanced and greener processing technologies for Canada - possible

deployment internationally REE supply for Canadian producers

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Mining Extraction Innovation

As ore grades and reserves continue to decline it necessary to access deeper deposits

Reducing the technological risk affords access to deep Canadian high grade mineral resources and greatly contributes to the reduction of the mine site footprint

Objective To reduce the risk for mining

extraction in deep mines or weak rock masses

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Mining Extraction Innovation

Technologies Under Development Hoisting steel cable monitoring Residual recovery from mine processing mud (dewatering) Plasma torch Continuous ore handling design

Flagship Projects Mitigating risks for mining at increasing depth Improving & progressing the underground mining process

5-Year Outcomes Uptake of EFRB (explosive-free rock breakage) technology at least one

narrow vein mine Cost effective extraction in otherwise uneconomical deep deposits

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Energy Efficiency in Mining and Milling

Energy is a significant and complex issue for the mining industry

Both mining extraction and milling have significant energy demands

Reduction in energy usage will improve competitiveness and reduce environmental impacts

Objective Development of

technologies to Reduce energy requirements, lower GHGs, cleaner emissions

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Energy Efficiency in Mining and Milling

Technologies Under Development Ventilation-on-Demand / Ventilation-for-Production Green mining vehicles On-line ore sensor to reduce energy consumption

Flagship Projects Technologies for improving mining efficiency & energy usage Energy efficient rock breakage

5-Year Outcomes Adoption of zero-emission vehicles in Canadian mines Mine wide implementation of VOD system Diesel non longer prime ventilation design parameter Energy consumption in milling process is reduced GHG emissions from mining sector are lower compared to baseline Operating costs and energy consumption are reduced

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Best Practices in Environmental Management The Canada 'brand' in

environmental management is recognized internationally

To build on these best practices this research area will develop, improve, evaluate and demonstrate technologies for environmental stewardship

Objectives Best practices for environmental

management, waste and reclamation are developed and adopted in Canada and transferred internationally

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Best Practices in Environmental Management

Technologies Under Development Alternative Binder Technology Non-intrusive seismic monitoring for well casings Reclamation using organic wastes and biochar

5-Year Outcomes Best practices for mining environmental management transferred and

adopted, environmental assessment process streamlined Stakeholders are equipped to make informed decisions regarding mining

environmental management Ecosystems and communities are protected, environmental liabilities are


Flagship Projects Biological recovery of water cover basins Reclamation for secondary land use MEND, NOAMI

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Clean Water

Water use and quality is an issue all aspects of the mining cycle from mining and milling, through to discharge to the environment

This priority area will address water usage in mining and milling through recycling and removal of process contaminants

Objective Develop knowledge and

technologies to produce cleaner effluents, greater compliance, lower toxicity, and reduced consumption

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Clean Water

5-Year Outcomes Regulatory decisions influenced Mine effluent discharge compliance increases over baseline New treatment technologies developed Consumption of water in mining/milling is reduced

Flagship Projects Assessment of environmental risk of mine-related contaminants Technologies for sustainable use of water in the mining industry

Technologies Under Development Hybrid process for oils sands process water Process for removal of sulphate and other dissolved ions (Se) Passive treatment options

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Radioactive Waste Management

Technical solutions are required to safely manage Canada's nuclear waste and address liability issues

This priority will develop methods and innovative techniques to characterize, treat and stabilize both solid and liquid forms of nuclear wastes

Objective Develop technologies to safely

manage Canada's solid and liquid nuclear waste

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Radioactive Waste Management

Technologies Under Development Processing technology of radioactive waste Recovery processes of key elements from radioactive wastes Cementation technology of radioactive waste

Flagship Projects Cemented radioactive waste Radioactive liquid waste

5-Year Outcome Technical solution identified to safely manage Canada's nuclear waste

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Local Partners/Funders

Ventilation-on-Demand (VOD)

Development of automated ventilation systems that provide air volumes to the production areas when, where and for as long as production requires

It is estimated that a well managed VOD system could reduce the costs associated with ventilation by as much as 40%

Cost savings, energy and GHG emission reductions

Collaborations to demonstrate and deploy the technology




SME System Providers

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Enhanced non-ammoniacal thiosulfate leaching

Cyanidation with LN

Intensive ammoniacal ATS leaching

Non-Cyanide Gold Leaching

Cyanide banned in some areas Alternatives are needed for

gold processing New technology achieving

recoveries equivalent to cyanidation (>90% recovery) Enhanced thiosulphate

process Minimal environmental, social

and investment risks Safer and greener




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Innovative Mine Backfill

Traditional mine backfill makes use of Portland cement Costly - Average of $1M per mine site

annually Creates 0.5 Mt CO2/year

Alternative Binder technology Uses waste rock in replace of Portland

cement Internationally patented (US,EU, AU,

SA) Benefits

Reduces GHG emissions Diminishes smelter footprint Lessens environmental effects and

long term liability Licensing opportunities













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Green Mines Green Energy

Utilizing organic waste to remediate mine tailings and produce bioenergy feedstock

Currently three demonstration sites in Ontario Sudbury (Vale), Onaping (Xstrata),

Timmins (Goldcorp) Field trials have shown:

10 t/ha (dry weight) of biomass ~5 M litres of biodiesel/y (from

canola) from half tailings area ~$900/ha/yr profit

Focus has largely shifted to sunflower, switchgrass and willow

Focus now on the use of biochar for site remediation Research



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Rare Earth Element Processing

Demand for rare metals is increasing, supply is declining

Critical for high tech, clean energy, defence and medical

Canada has over 200 REE projects at various stages of development

New technologies critical for this emerging industry Mineralogical characterization Physical separation research Development of leaching and

separation processes REE Certified Reference Materials Guideline on management of

radioactive materialsResearch



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Arctic Green Mining Collaboration

Opportunity to develop and apply green mining technologies specifically for arctic/cold climates

Collaboration of circumpolar mining nations to address technological challenges with respect to northern mineral resource development

Joint green mining research on water and waste management, reclamation, and green processing alternatives to reduce environmental impacts in the fragile Northern ecosystems

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Science and Technology Research for Northern Mineral Development - Gaps

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Moving forward – GMI International S&T vision

Increase bilateral and multilateral alliances to build international support for responsible mineral resources governance and sustainable development concepts, practices and policies

Develop partnerships to accelerate deployment of GMI technologies

Promote industry’s leadership in corporate social responsibility, responsible mineral development, environmental stewardship, and use of advanced technologies

Support collaborative opportunities to enhance global market access of green mining technologies