ALEMANIA: Camareros & chefs para Hotel ... · entertainment and lifeguard services...

ALEMANIA: Camareros & chefs para Hotel Marriott Frankfurt On behalf of Marriott Hotel Frankfurt am Main we are looking for Waiter / Waitress for F&B-department for Banqueting and convention center (ENTREVISTAS EN CANARIAS) Skills: successfully completed apprenticeship and / or working experience in the hotel and catering business German language skills B2 good English skills Flexible, service orientated, friendly and courteous nature Shift work What can you expect? • performance-oriented salary • good career opportunities in an expanding company • accommodation for rent You will find a wide range of exciting fields of activities, flat hierarchies and organized training and development opportunities within this global company. You are planning your future in Germany and you meet the above mentioned demands!! Please send us your CV with your certificates. Please send your application with position you are applying for via email before the 25th of February to: [email protected] (correo habilitado para toda Canarias) 3-2- 2016 El presente BOLETÍN es una selección del total de ofertas que se difunden a través de EURES (European Employment Services) Las ofertas de empleo vienen distribuidas por países donde se encuentran los puestos ofertados. Para optar a ellas, contacten directamente con el punto de contacto indicado en la oferta de empleo . Estas y muchas más ofertas de empleo pueden consultarse en EURES El Portal Europeo de la Movilidad Profesional : donde podrán acceder a miles de ofertas de empleo. También pueden encontrarnos en Facebook: y en Cualquier propuesta o sugerencia, para hacer más eficaz la información que enviamos será bien recibida. EURES Las Palmas EURES S/C Tenerife C/ República Dominicana nº 4 C/ Tomé Cano nº 12 Las Palmas de G.C. S/C de Tenerife e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

Transcript of ALEMANIA: Camareros & chefs para Hotel ... · entertainment and lifeguard services...

Page 1: ALEMANIA: Camareros & chefs para Hotel ... · entertainment and lifeguard services to hotels all over Spain and Greece with up to 250 employees in the high season.For


Camareros & chefs para Hotel Marriott Frankfurt

On behalf of Marriott Hotel Frankfurt am Mainwe are looking for

Waiter / Waitressfor F&B-department

for Banqueting and convention center(ENTREVISTAS EN CANARIAS)

Skills:• successfully completed apprenticeship and / or working experiencein the hotel and catering business• German language skills B2• good English skills• Flexible, service orientated, friendly and courteous nature• Shift workWhat can you expect?• performance-oriented salary• good career opportunities in an expanding company• accommodation for rentYou will find a wide range of exciting fields of activities, flat hierarchies and organized training anddevelopment opportunities within this global company.You are planning your future in Germany and you meet the above mentioned demands!!Please send us your CV with your certificates. Please send your application with position you are applying for via email before the 25th of February to:[email protected] (correo habilitado para toda Canarias)

3-2- 2016

El presente BOLETÍN es una selección del total de ofertas que se difunden através de EURES (European Employment Services) Las ofertas de empleovienen distribuidas por países donde se encuentran los puestos ofertados. Paraoptar a ellas, contacten directamente con el punto de contacto indicado enla oferta de empleo. Estas y muchas más ofertas de empleo pueden consultarseen EURES El Portal Europeo de la Movilidad Profesional : donde podrán acceder a miles de ofertas deempleo. También pueden encontrarnos en y en Cualquier propuesta o sugerencia,para hacer más eficaz la información que enviamos será bien recibida.

EURES Las Palmas EURES S/C TenerifeC/ República Dominicana nº 4 C/ Tomé Cano nº 12 Las Palmas de G.C. S/C de Tenerifee-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: ALEMANIA: Camareros & chefs para Hotel ... · entertainment and lifeguard services to hotels all over Spain and Greece with up to 250 employees in the high season.For

Keyword (Asunto) – Waiter Marriott Hotel Frankfurt

On behalf of Marriott Hotel Frankfurt am Mainwe are looking for


Skills: successfully completed apprenticeship as chef / professional diploma as chef

and / or working experience in the hotel and catering business German language skills B1 good English skills Flexible, service orientated, friendly and courteous nature Shift work

What can you expect? performance-oriented salary good career opportunities in an expanding company accommodation for rent

You will find a wide range of exciting fields of activities, flat hierarchies and organized training anddevelopment opportunities within this global company.You are planning your future in Germany and you meet the above mentioned demands!!Please send us your CV with your certificates.Please send your application with position you are applying for via email before the 25th of February to:[email protected] (correo habilitado para toda Canarias)Keyword (Asunto) – Chef Marriott Hotel Frankfurt

For further information please look here:

Encargado/a de obra en el área de asfalto Tareas: • Intermediación entre el proyecto de obra y la ejecuciónmaterial •Coordinación de las empresas subcontratadas • Supervisión de la calidad y de losplazos • Dirección de la cuadrilla de trabajadores • Control de la ejecución material •Supervisión del cumplimiento de las normas de seguridad. Más info:

Operarios y conductores de máquinas de asfaltoEmpresa de construcción de carreteras e ingeniería civil integrada en el Grupo Geigerbusca para su desarrollo en en el sur de Alemania un/a: Conductor/a depavimentadora de asfalto Conductor/a compactadora de asfalto Operador/a de mesade pavimentadora de asfalto - Mínimo 1-2 años de experiencia en asfalto - Sevalorarán conocimientos de alemán - Sueldo de 15,7 € brutos/hora.

Conductores para alemania (sigue los enlaces para más información):- Conductores de camión (larga distancia): Conductores de camión (corta, media distancia) : Conductor de guaguas líneas urbanas: Conductor de guaguas, larga distancia:

Trabajador cualificado de obras civiles (construcción de canales, obras públicas de infraestructura) con conocimientos buenosde alemán Descripción del puesto: - recubrimiento de pozos de registro de alcantarillacon diferentes tipos de mortero - preparación de sistemas de evacuación de aguasresiduales accesibles para saneamiento - Impermeabilización de pozos y canales -Recubrimiento de pozos y canales con plásticos reforzados con vidrio. Más info:

Page 3: ALEMANIA: Camareros & chefs para Hotel ... · entertainment and lifeguard services to hotels all over Spain and Greece with up to 250 employees in the high season.For

Mechatronic-mechanicWe are looking for Mechatronics / Mechanic (m/f) in the region of HessenSpecialization: Car service, motorcar trade, maintenance, repair, customer service( Your profile: You have a master craftsman certificate, knowledge and experience inworkshop management Driving licence B necessary German language skills arerequired

Service technician in the area alarm / security Your profile: Completed training as an electrician or in a related profession. Thedriving licence Class B (up to 3,500 kg) is expected - company car is provided. You willwork at sites in the area of Frankfurt Rhein-Main. Your tasks will be the installation ofalarm systems and their monitoring, data processing as well as networking and datatechnology. German language skills required

SYSTEM MECHANICS for SANITARY, HEATING and AIRCONDITIONINGTECHNOLOGY (M/F) in Hesse Specialization: Independent installation of baths, heating, and solar plants(10000-1115924829-S) Your profile: You have a completed training as systemsmechanic, profound experience in this field, driving licence B (BE desirable); you arefriendly and customer oriented. German language skills required

Auxiliares geriatría Pflegefachkräfte (m/w) für Tagespflege und Station Was wir bieten: • Interessantes Vergütungssystem,unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag • Unterstützung bei Deutschkursen und beimBerufsanerkennungsverfahren • Unterstützung bei der Wohnungssuche oderWohnmöglichkeit in einem Wohnheim • Schöne und neue Arbeitsplatzumgebung mitGestaltungsspielraum • Fort- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten • Arbeitszeit: Vollzeit,Teilzeit - flexibel

Más ofertas EURES en Alemania, e información sobre condiciones devida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en:

Más ofertas de empleo en Alemania en:

Información sobre Alemania:

AUSTRIA Oertas EURES en Austria, e información sobre condiciones de vida,

trabajo, CV’s, etc en:

Ofertas de empleo en el sector hostelería austriaco, accesibles directamenteen, para candidatos que hablen alemán.

Page 4: ALEMANIA: Camareros & chefs para Hotel ... · entertainment and lifeguard services to hotels all over Spain and Greece with up to 250 employees in the high season.For


Ofertas EURES en Bélgica, e información sobre condiciones de vida,trabajo, CV’s, etc en:

Ofertas de empleo internacional en el área de Bruselas, consulta la web de BIJOB,WWW.BIJOB.BE el servicio de empleo internacional de la Agencia de Empleo de



Chef Italian restaurantRestaurant Italia in Aarhus is looking for for an educated chef that has a lot ofexperience within the italian kitchen. Start is soon as possible. It is important that youspeak english and know how to work fast and you also have to be able to handlestressful situations. We offer you a permanent job with good work conditions, and wehope to find a chef that will stay with us for many years. Send your CV [email protected] as soon as possible. Please send your CV to this E-mailadress INSTEAD of calling. We are looking forward to receive your CV!

Ofertas de empleo en Dinamarca en: (ofertas en varios idiomas)


COCINEROS, AYUDANTES DE COCINA Y FREGADORESPara la cadena IBEROSTAR. En Baleares, Andalucía y Canarias. 30 puestos de cada perfil, 10 en cada comunidad autónoma indicada. Perfiles y requisitos:

QUALIFIED FITNESS ENTERTAINERSFor IBEROSTAR (fit&fun Coach for Aerobics, Steps, Fit Cycling, Pilates, NordicWalking, Fit balance, Fitball, Aqua fit, … Requirements: o At least 2 Foreign Europeanlanguage (English and or German spoken) o With at least 1 year working experiencein similar position or experience as fitness teacher in a fitness centre or similar oEnthusiastic and motivated persons with a positive attitude o Personal initiative, beready to work in an international team and in cooperation within the respectivedepartment o Willing to relocate during the summer season o other Europeanlanguages are of great value o if you have already got experience, certificates or afitness education, you are outgoing, and you would enjoy teaching our guests in aprofessional and “FUN” way, then this is the job for you.

Page 5: ALEMANIA: Camareros & chefs para Hotel ... · entertainment and lifeguard services to hotels all over Spain and Greece with up to 250 employees in the high season.For

JEFES DE COCINA Y JEFES DE PARTIDAPara la cadena IBEROSTAR. En Baleares, Andalucía y Canarias. 10 puestos de cadaperfil. Perfiles y requisitos:

Dancers and choreographers Buscamos a personas abiertas de mente, divertidas y que sepan transmitir nuestrafilosofía: The happiest ever! Que sean dinámicas, trabajadoras y que siempre tenganuna sonrisa en la boca. Preferiblemente con al menos un año de experiencia en baile.Los idiomas más demandados son español, inglés y alemán, pero se valorapositivamente el conocimiento de otros como pueden ser los idiomas escandinavos, elfrancés o el italiano. En la mayoría de los casos formarán parte de un equipo que sededica a la animación y entretenimiento de los huéspedes del hotel, por lo que sevalora mucho las capacidades en disciplinas como: shows, deportes, actividadesacuáticas, juegos con adultos y con niños, etc.

Fitness and recreation instructors and program leaders We VITAL OCIO 7 ISLAS (10 are a company that providesentertainment and lifeguard services to hotels all over Spain and Greece with up to 250employees in the high season.For the coming Summer season (2016) we are lookingfor a minimum of 150 entertainers from all over Europe to join our Resort teams. Weare looking for Entertainment Managers to lead our teams, Entertainers with allroundskills, Sport and Fitness Entertainers and people with experience working with childrento oversee our Miniclub projects. We also require professional Dancers,Choreographers, and Sound and Lighting technicians and Djs for our hotels in theBalearic Islands, Canary Islands and Greece.

Animador turístico imserso, 3ª Edad.Vital Ocio 7 Islas somos Empresa de servicios de Animación Turística con su sede enLas Islas Canarias. Ofrecemos servicios de Animación Turística y Socorrismo a nuestroshoteles colaboradores en Mallorca, Ibiza, Menorca, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote,Fuerteventura, Tenerife y en las Islas Griegas. Seleccionamos Animadores/as

Turisticos/as para Palma de Mallorca para la temporada de Invierno. Experiencia en elsector imprescindible. Deben hablar español y se valoran conocimientos de otrosidiomas. Incorporación inmediata. Ofrecemos alojamiento, pensión completCandidatosdeben de tener buena presencia, don de gente, experiencia trabajando en el sector,paciencia y total flexibilidad horaria a y salario según experiencia. Interesado/a? Porfavor envíanos tu Cv a [email protected]

Más ofertas EURES en España, e información sobre condiciones de vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en:

Más ofertas de empleo en España en: #/


TECHNICIEN(NE) en INSTRUMENTATION (H/F) Vous possédez une formation de niveau Bac à Bac +2 dans un domaine technique(type optique, génie des matériaux, génie mécanique …). Vous êtes habilemanuellement, êtes capable de concevoir et réaliser des montages mécaniques simpleset avez des connaissances de base en usinage conventionnel. Vous êtes astucieux etpossédez un sens créatif et innovant en mesure de répondre aux demandes spécifiqueset sans cesse évolutives des scientifiques. La maitrise du logiciel SolidWorks est un atoutsupplémentaire.

Page 6: ALEMANIA: Camareros & chefs para Hotel ... · entertainment and lifeguard services to hotels all over Spain and Greece with up to 250 employees in the high season.For

A g e n t d e M a i n t e n a n c e B â t i m e n t Vous êtes titulaire d’un CAP en maintenance des bâtiments /collectivités ou formationéquivalente. Vous avez le goût du travail en équipe. Vous êtes travailleur, soigneux,organisé, polyvalent, tout en étant respectueux des consignes de sécurité.

Más ofertas EURES en Francia, e información sobre condiciones de vida,trabajo, CV’s, etc en:


Ofertas de empleo en Irlanda en INTREO (Servicio público de empleo de Irlanda):

Más ofertas EURES en Irlanda, e información sobre condiciones de vida ytrabajo, CV’s, etc en:




Cervecero (Brewer)Kinn Bryggeri needs an educated and skilled brewer for the brewery in Florø, Norway.Only applicants with formal education and work experience from the brewing industriwill be taken into consideration. You must be fluent in English written and spoken..Moreinfo on the brewery can be found at Más info:

Oficial cosedor/a-sastre/a con experiencia (Inglés) Master Sewer/Tailor Positions 2 Vacantes. STAVANGER, Noruega Employer: SILJENATLAND Silje Natland is aunique studio that designs and creates exclusive imaginary visions to empower the 21stCentury women who wear them. These beautifully, detailed and intriguing designs arehigh end, alluring, rule-breakers brought about through inspired originality with adiscreet historicism. Every woman is a mystery and wearing a Silje Natland design youwill feel a sense of opulence and have the self confidence to step out as a very specialindividual and a feminine force. We are looking for: A visionary design studio islooking for an experienced fine sewer/tailor. We believe this is a real opportunity for askilled, independent, innovative team player with at least 10 years of experienceworking in a top end design studio.

Page 7: ALEMANIA: Camareros & chefs para Hotel ... · entertainment and lifeguard services to hotels all over Spain and Greece with up to 250 employees in the high season.For

Personal para hotel: camareros/as, limpieza, dependientes. Temporada primavera-verano. Inglés+experiencia. Gundvagen (Noruega) Gudvangen Fjordtell. General conditions Vikingstle hotel situated by the Nærøyfjord, a UNESCO-site in Norway Working hours are 5 days a week, 7,5 hours a day plus lunchbreak, shiftplan. Contract and conditionsaccording to Norwegian regulations. Room and food on premises Staff is needed for the season between may and end september, but also between june and august so remember to inform of what period you can work. Posts: Waiter We are looking for experienced personell for lunch and a lacarte, 3 persons, but also 2 persons for cafeteria. Workinglanguage is english but additional languages are apreciated. You must be able to work fast under stress but still keep a serviceminded attitude, be a good teamworker and keeping good relations to you co-workers. Cleaner We are looking for cleaning-personell for the period April to october, 2 persons, and also from june to end August, 3 persons. Rotating work between cleaning rooms, restaurants and dishwashing. We are looking for experieced workers that take their job seriously course we do and so do our guests! Souvenir personell We are looking for personell for our two souvenir shops. You musthave good languageskills, be able to work fast under stress, dealing with differentvalutas, be serviceminded and outgoing. Some personell from souveniershops alsowork as hostess in the Magic White caves when cruiseships are in. More info:

Más ofertas EURES en Noruega e información sobre condiciones de vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en

Ofertas de empleo en Noruega (en inglés):


10 CHAPISTAS Y PINTORES de coches, interesados en trabajar en Holanda. Las personas seleccionadas serán contratadas por la empresa de reclutamientoN2People, para trabajar en las instalaciones de la empresa Van Mossel SE REQUIERE: - Titulación a nivel FP o similar (experiencia sintitulación también se considerará) - Experiencia mínima de 3 años - Dispuesto atrabajar un periodo mínimo de 6 meses en Holanda - No es requisito imprescindiblesaber inglés, se realizará un curso de inglés en Holanda. SE OFRECE: - Contrato detrabajo de mínimo 6 meses - Salario neto de 10,25 € por hora, una vez descontado elimporte del seguro médico y del alojamiento. - Casa compartida. La habitación puedeser individual o compartida. - El alojamiento y el seguro médico lo pagan lostrabajadores: o El importe del alojamiento son 42,5 € semanales. o El importe delseguro médico son 114 € cada 4 semanas (según la legislación Holandesa) (Estosimportes se descontarán de la nómina, que se paga cada 4 semanas) Incorporacionesa Holanda durante el primer cuatrimestre del año 2016

ofertas EURES en Holanda e información sobre condiciones de vida,trabajo, CV’s, etc en:

Page 8: ALEMANIA: Camareros & chefs para Hotel ... · entertainment and lifeguard services to hotels all over Spain and Greece with up to 250 employees in the high season.For

Trabajar en Holanda: información en español:


Spanish Customer Service - work abroad (m/f)Lisbon Atlântico /es We are looking for people with passion, new talents who arelooking forward to build a successful career here in Portugal. Become part of ourcustomer service team and use your chance to start an international career. Forapplicants from all over Europe, we have prepared a transfer package which amongother things includes a room in a corporate apartment, the refund of your flight toLisbon, one free annual flight to your homeland and versatile administrative supportdirectly after your arrival in Portugal


ChefDo you want to work as a chef at the stunning Swedish west coast? Summertime is thebusiest time of the year for the numerous restaurants located at the beautiful Swedishwest coast, with thousands of tourists visiting every season. The many fishing villagesalong the coastline supply extraordinary sea food to be enjoyed by the countless guests.The restaurant Stora Hotellet Bryggan is now hiring for their most important season,and they are interested in chefs from Spain! To be an interesting candidate, you willneed to have at least 2 years of experience as a chef, and preferably some kind ofvocational training within the field.

TALENTED CHEF with a passion for cooking We are seeking a talented chef with a passion for cooking. In the role of chefyou work in our kitchen, both independently and with others. The tasks consistsof food preparation and cooking of starters, main dishes, desserts, cold andhot buffés, pastries etc. Everything from Swedish's classical dishes to á la carteand banquets are served. The kitchen's focus is on Swedish cuisine withinfluences from the Mediterranean cuisine. For the right person, we offer astimulating and developing work in a recognized kitchen where culinaryexperiences for the guest is always the center. There is also the possibility ofdevelopment to be sous chef.

JEFE DE COCINA PARA EL HELSINGBORG ARENA, SUECIA (posible entrevistas en España) ¿Te interesa? ¿Tienes experiencia en banquetes o cocinapara eventos? Recuerda enviar el CV en inglés y seguir las instrucciones QualifiedHead Chef Are you the new Head chef for our fantastic restaurant Dahlberg atHelsingborg Arena, The arena is responsible for hosting several events like concerts,sports, shows Company Description : In the city of Helsingborg we at the Arena areseen as the new star where it all happens. A contribution to the city. This is truly a place

Page 9: ALEMANIA: Camareros & chefs para Hotel ... · entertainment and lifeguard services to hotels all over Spain and Greece with up to 250 employees in the high season.For

for most people’s magical experiences. This arena has three sports halls. And thebiggest of them can have about 5500 viewers during a concert or sports event. Másinfo:

Más ofertas EURES en Suecia e información sobre condiciones de vida,trabajo, CV’s, etc en:


Ofertas de empleo en Suiza: Servicio Público de Empleo Suizo(web en inglés, ofertas en diferentes idiomas)


LIVE IN CARERS Number of posts: 20 Full job description: Would you like live in Spain and work in UK? If you are a caring and compassionate person and you got a good English level, Helping Hands offer workas Live-in Carer all over UK, looking after elderlies in their own homes. If you got some experience in care is a bonus, but 5 days training is offered if you are preselected as candidate. Training in Torrevieja ( Alicante, Spain) or Alcester (Warwickshire, UK) is provided for free, the candidate only pay for very affordable accommodation provided by Helping Hands. Lunch is provided by the company as well and one evening meal out. Kitchen available to cook in the evening in the accommodation flats. If you have Driving license is a bonus as well. More info:

TRABAJOS SECTOR ARTES GRÁFICAS DATOS DE LA EMPRESA Nombre Empresa: DELTA PRINT AND PACKAGING Ltd. Web site: Actividad de la empresa: Folding Carton Manufacturer Delta Print and Packaging empresa ubicada en Irlanda del Norte (Reino Unido) necesita operarios para trabajar con diferentes máquinas. Printer (impresor) - Die –

cutting Operator (operario maquina troqueladora) Folder gluer Operator (operario de maquina de engomar) Más info:

Spanish European Customer Service Advisor.An opportunity has arisen for a SPANISH EUROPEAN CUSTOMER SERVICE ADVISORto work with my client in LINCOLN, working full time hours Monday to Friday 9am -5pm. If you are hardworking, enthusiastic individual who can provide support then thisposition is for you. Requirements of the Role:. - You will have strong Spanish linguisticskills with the ability to translate and proof-read both your own and other colleague'swork;. - Experience in customer service environment;. - Understands and respectscustomers; Takes personal responsibility for addressing customer needs through thedelivery of high-quality customer service;. - Contributes to the Department's overallsuccess and ability to achieve targets and objectives. Duties and Responsibilities:. -Translating and proofreading work - English/Spanish;. - Provide an efficient andeffective service to our international customers through telephone and emailcommunication, understanding their needs and requirements,

Hairdresser/Colourist -Looking for an experienced candidate in Hairdresser/colourist as a part time positionflexible hours. Closed on sundays and Bank Hols. Experience will be an Advantage.The salary is from and therefore will be reviewed. Will be doing the daily opening andclosing of the salon meeting greeting of clients must know cutting and colouring maleand female and must have a good communication skill to work in a small team of 2/3other stylist. Language such us Spanish, French, Portuguese is an advantage CV's mustbe forwarded direct to the Manager.Apply online at

French/Spanish/Italian Customer CoordinatorFrench/Spanish/Italian Customer Coordinator JOBS IN RUGBY ARE YOU LOOKING TO UTILISE YOUR LANGUAGE SKILLS? A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO BE PART OF A WORLDWIDE ORGANISATION. BASED IN RUGBY. French/Spanish/Italian Customer Coordinator Temporary opportunities. You must be fluent in TWO of the following languages - French, Spanish or Italian You will be responsible for clients across the UK

Page 10: ALEMANIA: Camareros & chefs para Hotel ... · entertainment and lifeguard services to hotels all over Spain and Greece with up to 250 employees in the high season.For

and Europe. Provide excellent customer service, technical support and completed administrative duties. The hours will be Monday - Friday between the hours of 6am – 11pm.

Customer Service AdvisorAs a European Customer Service Advisor you will provide support for all activities onthe company international website, primarily customer service via telephone and emailcommunication. Working within the European Team you will focus on providing aservice to the Spanish customer base, therefore fluent language skills in Spanish areessential for this role. Requirements of the Role: · You will have strong Spanish linguisticskills with the ability to translate and proof-read both your own and other colleague'swork; · Experience in customer service environment; · Understands and respectscustomers; Takes personal responsibility for addressing customer needs through thedelivery of high-quality customer service; · Contributes to the Department's overallsuccess and ability to achieve targets and objectives. Duties and Responsibilities: ·Translating and proofreading work - English/Spanish; ·

SOUS CHEFTapas Revolution, the critically acclaimed Spanish tapas concept spear-headedby Ferran Adria-trained Madrileno Omar Allibhoy, is expanding. Born out ofOmar’s frustration at the lack of quality Spanish food and tapas bars outside hisnative country, Tapas Revolution aims to bring to a wider audience not only toauthentic Spanish cuisine but also the convivial and entertaining culture soendemic to the Spanish way of life. We are looking for a sous chef who sharesour passion for all things Spanish to join our team as we expand and spread therevolution!

Más ofertas EURES en UK e información sobre condiciones de vida,trabajo, CV’s, etc en:


Tu Trabajo EURES-FSE Real Decreto 379/2015, de 14 de mayo


Your First EURES Job

- Si una empresa te ha propuesto ser entrevistad@ y/ocontratarte para trabajar en otro país europeo, por unaduración igual o superior a seis meses, EURES puedeayudarte con los gastos de desplazamiento y deintegración.

- Toda la información en:

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Disponible para iOS (iphone) y Android. Búscala en lasAppstore.

¿Quieres ver todas las sesiones informativas de la Semana EURESde Canarias? Living & Working in: Sweden, Austria, Germany,

Denmark, Norway, UK, MobiPro.

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de 10.00 a 12.00