etty^€oHar~Work - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · J j- V VOL. XIV NO. 10. CKAXFOKD. N. j., THURDAY...

VOL. XIV NO. 10. CKAXFOKD. N. j., THURDAY. MAY ». 1011. T11K1SU CUNTS a&s- The- Anchor Post Fence Does Not The Tutor 'A Storey-Showing _thc Power of Love By RICHARD WAYNE 'I "•! ii . 11 l.» VH..TI, an 1V«« \ ru 111 ,iu m wsiriilnjf Mil / 1\> ii Timiii; man of liu- f< l to M i|Hailun gOOOOOOOQOCM M M.X J U O O O O O Q II 111 N, I S31|. ll, J nmJ,< 11 •'ir.nt I i i . M l n r Mi,s|' tn t'ii> ,_ IIIIU-U ixits |.", di'i,,' i,-r itiitl II,.i iritm t kt"--<»! \* H i m I « n t.Tturi-.t I »l'li * t. r-HI.. ,), s'tv t.. tttii lur JIII Hltti i n.r-il ',. f, ,r ,.f tl.i. vjrrolo If I itM M li'ili>\,r Kit,, inv r,s.||| UM I iltrvil n> t shon tluin , \ , - u t,, ,ti,« \,iuui; UtO'lf \,.,l tii-ri- 1 mill.. [!„> »,tii.- niUiiil.. ivttii Ii,r tint 1 I T fiilurliiil mini, vvllh in,* <ih>.< n l i m ih it I liml unluii mi HI illv iii"pinsl In r ultli u m-mlm-tie lint tntrht irmi i,i-t^n.>, t 'it ...v tU.-l llf- plan UTur.. t h . tn ' 'V 1 ! 1 ' 1 '" 11 ' " " " 1 " v ' "'•« """* iiltli iii tiiiimt .1. .itli f.r in,- Pnmi lhAl iiiutuiuiL j. |^mitoii that inlKlit i.tlnrnl«.> tut,, ,'nii. i nrtir oc i-r Jullll,. III. 'I « J J.. i..|l( k -,. I | Wl ,i l'j , vi ,|| d,> niiti Ihi'li .-OILS -',.ni t K .i pit rir ittsMriii; until uftt-r Eswto^WMfiWtkft-^itaflr Tom MrunRcr than ,r..n, n, ur - Juudlr rh u, wood. liivilutcK rg»| piool 'I lir |>o«i« air ilrurn into the »oli,| Km,,u | . . » ..rivrn into the vilnl ivnun I Wr llulM uur ''""' '•> »» heiKhn and fur ail |.ur. w , Also ornamrnta! railiogi and rntramr ,-atc, Anchor Post Iron Works im u.isT IV.I,* H..N...I ti. r nlh.1. i.i,,,. i.niid il,|« . •-- ' I n s . f mt <_..II..K.' life » . ! . ' . ' i n ,.n«| Oiii . |... *, .,-nMil iilh ,i,,il* I I"-.MM ...I! > « , ,.vltl UK 1 ,1,.|1, , ||||lk ,, „,,„,,, , it . | l i i ( (1)i , (> .-I i l . - .-I-,,i,.r> 1,, U n a h.-,,l.,« d.. l iili,M,i,h,,,.nt,, 1 It «,,i,M ,,,r n ,„„ it" -.'if. •• n UC l..lim- ...nnlili-UHl ,„ ,„. „ ,,,,,,„ „„„ , ,, 1(l|l|J , i i m .. ..»„• J.HIU: iniin ,!,„,,, ,„ |r , fl , ,„ , , \ l>111 ' I"", 1 "" f'-u«I'«- «' Tliir. .,'.,, I,,, ,.rr xLinJ',, >..T 1 y,,l.tell,,,i lf ,r, Illi, ,, l|s !,„,„„„„ I,. fu ,l ..f ,„,,„,.„„, iii.<•• i r,H II.i ii i.,iiiiiisiini: i|uiit ii.oi n,, r , , ri ^,|,i •,„..•, ' ,, \'ll.i'..lll 111.I HI ,ll..i >'Ut mil l,,,|,,,, v... «..,,,.l ...'!.,..".'.-,' " f ,i 1 '• i i <'f i . i r . i r Man} j . m i i ^ IIUMI nli' I . L i liiiu..i, in tuiTI-i,-), Us HI,,,. •1.1! ui ,111 4 1 Ii i d i , u xilili I111II111II..11 in 1 t l . l I " j ' n i r . n 11 pruf.-mini, "f HUV ,1 | n Hilrilni; ||f(- |T,T T7u||i77 , , * k I.. •!... K .m4. Hl . r •„„ h , (lM . ., , !„„•„ l,,»r ho Imr- I- lit In WHY NOT You qa YOU What 1000 . Otliers Have _ Moro tljuu r,00(/i)or»ons limo ii'oniiiU ivitl, ,,,,1 s - ttovinjpDepartuii'ut. t'l'lifcu total ili-uosits ujiimiiit - to iuor« tliuu flGU.000 An u\,<r,i K <' ,,f j i i ) f ,1 ouoli uf tliu 1,000. You can bo.otio of tint 1.00U 1>\ htuititi.,' (1 Smn.-s - Account-with florinoio \vii> S»l' The Cranford National Bank _CJ*ANFQRU __- _ ^ _,__ -NiiwjUKSfcV i l.ll-il Vi; Ju«t f (I >l *l'nl I ..1 I.. c«vt> m« R ro- i II. nli I. v. \i JII •-'•< f h niui 1 1'. r « r i n.I 'I.i I .1 ii;.l tl.. 1 si. ,,| ljl.1 I.I Ir,..., n.: In fur iiin.ut ., I . , r . « h i n Him,,. .n,i._wii» , • \ h i v u u 1 I, m , . i.> Miff, r H i , - (. . i .,Mii L.J tu l)ii|n|iirim tn iSillivt 11 ! i'"'.. l^r MI|»,L< 7 .I.I.I nliij. Hi.' linn 1 ujri>r.'.l t.» KII Mi, » it ,11, in f., r 11 inumi m « I I Mi niri r vviH iKti'ptisl, uml Mitliln .1 ' il.'Uin 1 t I'n- fcvi vv..l> I f.Miml mjMk'lf In tin. 1,>IIII I 1 .1 , 11..i vv 1 i h t . n i ,11 miir. r I 111 T tr> ' ! ll "' "II'IN-P ln-v K, ,_ j,»y.l,.lfc v, «.4 , l». -tv-illluu "iiff.T "ii 'i 7 i r i n .• mlli.iiiij tlic dnbt I ««•• «l> 1 , mill . I . mi 1, v,. f,,r in.. ih.1 Hi.-,' ^•i».*A H ih^tB J e&i^mwsim<*$'J: iJ^AurSrlfizFrT?* i$"? , ll"'> IHINHIUIISI IIH* 1 " I II llll,,. I ||.,l,s| |,,(,,,1 II InillK I"."., tv I \ I,.., ,|.|,. nini f. Il run 1.iii limning fr,,iu Ii, r mu l,< nilii." 1 • 111 It VVIM nil m i r viltu 11 I ilr.'u I.. 1 iiivviild In,- 11 ini kin-,. .1 l u r *1 li..-ii. vi f. vi \VII.|.H vnri II,. i n . . Ifnl t-.~inT r ~i7r mi) |.IT1.H1 . . T m I •> • . i i - 1 inilj «t. .lint' I m . r Banking by Moil. t'liia t*.mip.-niv ii( >i-i 1I1/. . u ) i i » i^ijlu-.j; I.. Mini S,.nifP vi I „ (. 1. 1. 1 , *. . v.. i : VMtl 111 t l l l l Still.' .if S . VI I, !M V t>ui- ii|riijnii,.tit , 1.-il.'» •, ..^ ! . , - n , ihin I'tisitii'*,!. i<v|H'iiitk.,ii. iti.t . irxfnl ill. m - .11 MI tliftt n\i miittm i\ h. r.. ^,> , , 1 4 . v MI IH-M Ki'piTii-t p e l • • • o u t ii>ti|.st 1 \ , , r • . »tii ^ Wiitii.fnr li.., I ..l.nli t,\,~ .1,01 .mi lurltnitlt atti'l frtni t , s I THE STATE TRUST COMPANY 5 " " " ~"T~7~: . — - - * - - — , Capital. 5HMUXIO.0O. - Plainficld. N. J. r T f i i 1'JLH Hn j The. Fanner Telephones ,'1 ('" in 1 I IH'V virri 1 di'fi Hlis «l'll >11 j• r~« w.m wiptnris] Iu ttrnm mil I'lruhin mil. prlHun Thu Haiiir IIMIIIIC ^t' vveri' loiil thlit wi»" would 'ill I.- _ tin. ii.'it iiinrnliii; NS Ii' 11 nl iltvlUlit un .illli t-r.> tl,. 1 iMuiii win r. 1 Mi» UITI' . "ntlii. tit to in •» I - - ' l * * i l H l p > 4 l , MINI,' fill tiki' i w u u i 1.1 ••tfiutmu In- milil t.11^|, , » v, , 1, n,,,,,,, 1,,,./", (,|,,,« in,. 1111 f Hi. n etty^€oHar~Work •'! 11 n" TTTM llu<««|. Ill ,1,,. ,|, WH We lmvo>)»o of tin' lint'Ht CoJIiu iiml C'ulT HIIUIIS^ iu tho Country. It producvifft bcnutiful tiuwli, without onisUiii K 'lli.. Collnr nn most Collar Irom-TtTiio "" « Wo GuABA.vrnf nil of our Collar ami Cuff noil, to In perfect in stylo and finish. V * ' Our WagdhS,Run Everywhere. Rahway Steam:Laundry 61-63-66 Campbell Street, Rahway, N. J. ...-, t ./. P^one 208... - „. . Crauford collections Mondays. Ucliicry TlinrsdajH.. Drop pontal and wagon will call. 'Burpee's Seeds Grow! And the Barpee-Baunew Grow* I If roa wcmM'like to na* tboot U» Be* Seed* Out cm te Cmwa and ilia LuniarMaikOnlerSMd Trwfa in-ttfe-WDria. yon^houU writeto-d«y(rpeMKl e u J WO do)farVm 35th Amimcny EJUbn tf THE LEADING AMERICAN SEED CATALOG. A bright new book at IMpafOV-it WfiWto alt who «ppree»«Ui $%£&& W. AtteeBarpee& Co., Philadelphia 1 11 li..». l.rlnk I •<i.i... •'"'"'" ' " I " " " 1 vv.,i,l,I ipprnr IH'H. n l i I n c I n n i l (I V.rv mil llun, turuliiBtu ft n u b || l i r il.l. r. illlv Hut It 11. "•*""'"• '"' •" |M f-r Hi. . iiH.iu, i,M vv.,1,1,1 i,,i 1.1. lilm I.. lihi'iMllnmi , „ ,,| „ ,, lr , , ,,, (lll i,,,,. ,,„„ I « ii 1 il 1> lli<- prm'il.Mit'n IKIUHO ' H.I k.. n ' It 1I11I1 tint II « uml lul.l iv wjll llll t 1II11I Jur. AUiul_' .„„. n,-, |,,^,_h) ..nt 1 li.> -r.tlii-r jl^iixJ;_lj^i^'"»Ju<M«^lii lfn* pri-i. ' 'II,, | , | . ^ ,, f ..m_i,f ,,,, r 11. 1.1.m •< |inv"in'7!nTfV"-'~" i ~" "™™"~"irnvi","7riirmn 7ri..iriTnT. V. Ii it do \T,u k,u, A nbuut tln> \ biH j \Vi> Ii. 11.1 M, 11 In thi> n.1 J..111 In 1; r.j.uri 1 lolil linn ih it I wan n IOIICKI* grud inti- 1mj. Ii ti iL rtiinaieiu-cincut di-lli ••iislm i.niilnn In Kntln "\ r "i p- Ju^t w but I /*%iitit,"* Ifct- HLIIU, J Suuit* tiiuxiiL^ilu pujiiu^il 'IIUJXU-WIIL-UI Mr •..,11 UWIII-H tiii-ntiT 1111 Anii-rli an 1 iw.inrj / o r >i». fur m ' illdrti.ii k,m» (iillivi- in-M jfrSr uml nei-iJH n tutor but tli.if m . lnn( |H-I-,I/\T||M If vuu will lit him fur tlu* eiilniHc* j I In.ilh *•!». fTAinln.ill.ins 1 I .Iruuii 1 ; .U 1. Ii. ,1,1 Hi,. fiillu r"' nth' jour I" IBf <lf lu\|. II<{J|I1 " Sfir-"p''f ; Tii«rril"^7li 1 innt pruinisi')) ofm Any iliitn-BHlou fruui a utrnlgttf j ''t"'J: •'» ii, nftvr u l(inj< |Jirtir~nM<Tj<m n 111 suffer unUi'r">our l"" 1 ' 4 lnft ""' "' Hontqni i> fur triiimiii ,Suy nuliflOK fu Wlioii | miw |ln> prt'Klilvnt iig-itu In one of jmir cunnectlon with tnil- . I did imt niKlpntaud wbat be meant liy ".luy dlsri'SHlun" till I nrrir«l at liln r. the bud hml -d Hi/ tnirr vrlitftivir of vr'tl (In' iltuiill'jii li)<-r urul 1 iKKlviil n li.rflMt- .irnrnlnif. vr ll» 1icu liroiiKlit to n r>Mllrull<iH w of our din«ir_uii.J Im.l fbilt lu> bid n ilHuililiT 111 tlmt ti > 53c"rT 1Sl " l; ' i "f<'" l ~' t l' < '»'' ntf nJicu'elrN .in- Untile tafiiH Iu lovp P ur r«K>liiiloa lniti«l f.iriy <-l«.lil hum* **lt'i :in} pri'K.'nliilik- mantiioy bjp f ' K<u '*'" found .ilirw lit,n IIJ; lit, 1 I:I'<|N<) 1 t" 1- tlirunu In nltli Ouunu Mar I lu "" '•'" l ""»"' . r la win IIIIH'I">TI iind of ii,unn- n • *'"' ''' tM '"" 1 "'J Im not -II !i["'. It "us plain thai I bad lur» tn lift ^.'-< in(f'ii]iii{il Into tbc fnailly lij ', Pr--vM<-nr (-.IIIIIKI IM (1 Wlli>se jtrniju- lit- IMII lui|.i'ripd Srvui the nortti tu , tutor 111*. -"» I'.ilri'. j*-;ir» old 1 . tbui until !);<• limt il"tirr(.l III> Iu ttjj- in 11 Imrom' 'Hi o dtijs my tits- OIJI i* twffi 1 IIIK ffimt nom<-ul liiirruioi -yuld ilw li«u>»' that knew I wai ! J iur * u "-" ' lfrlniC yon l*aie r»u tbat wo only \UQIIIT w»jr of frnlt T !< Hi" «y in- :-nii.TToiJr»J.To7^rr and at la»t <-Xi'i4tni«f, "If Will amue "The Bank That Pay*, T TIM»U Suii.i<;Uly [U7- W ^ H I TJ ! Cliif:kJ> uf l»41l u{ Ul) Ax iiii v v t tbli Mnp la ttic ndjolnlni< r<K»ln, IwwwMrii »t- ' ' ' -*--- t '•tW This is th^ Time to Sow the Seed Pl*oi'A fern4o\Ht» KQJV and_r»p~s barrest m^ old age when jouvr planting (TajfuareoTer, * J ThVi |ter cent interest Mid .In Mtt ^I Bt iTH'art'n' n»~ •• mn •'• n i "umii'ia •••nwnir f^rliuiBatfUiiuuiuxmtf rt Depart- *|fg | * J |1^IA'i|T W Buikt% tJy f ."Ma»JU7 ^ $*• •* n N*f 0U on ] "-Vi>ur iuiii*-r UJ.H l^fll H ."iJT I wthl. "Tu«- ladi tfnitf lit- < be wa*'iK>t Hurc. Ilfi'liiDi ualt.xl pviil».|ife. He fur ojwj ( do iiot~tX more ctrngbt us ,p«ct ever to we jon again aftwf Ulto one laat patting^-. ' 8be rfroouea la my arm* X carried tUitd not call anjr va«tjby)eed^I fearer) tlut-nome uott WOBU coon- lo and 0ml to- nrpott Bs»ihi ***li ttrfng wwl»,I did ,.. raftlaed tootrol of r |ien«IC. ".»"T i" Y ES, thin in the Shotly Grove Fnrm. Mr.JOnes talking:.. Wiint thrct: tons of hay> Yea, I've jiot it. I'm getting $24.00 a toil. Yeii, 1 can delivci it tc>-tlay. -J^^j^ell--goo^^e.^:^:'}- t For tfie farrnerV^*imis« t|i«; I phone Service is of the greatest value. It enables him to do l>uaitu**<» direct with the consumer and wvi- the uuddle- .rnanV profit. The wholesaler in the rity an<l the local dealer in the rutarby town are promptly NEW YORK TECEPHONE COMPANr Kvtry Hell J'tlephamt u tht'l'mtre uf tin St/tttm i ——=--H«Tfl--V?nr mnr ft« itnlli luim. Hi.IV.| hutor !•,,|,|. M.ilan.ri IH DM- nllttllinl-iinil Ix'nt liiim ><il liiliu Ihul w»« nvnr I/IH,)I'.. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR* .IT JACOIJ FRANCIS I HIM ki)-"lu,(i \,y Di.nua liiw *trlv Ul,: K> "<iiijini lur Ut lln. iDiilrnry uf "»ll3t I T.'lf »HM7 rif,. *rf 'I hii linn- IL HMH inntitue ill-. r.«,"ty innnii) IM Abuiidmilnx all iripi- lit Lti*]iin,' Mir Kiir't ImiKPr, 1'IIIK \<i vi/U i.lli.'r HI,.I HHiili'fl Hie rlwtt In mi.iMit'r niouii-rii M**ii"r HUM tti-/ nlr>i^l Ii, [lit* ilfKyrwu) H*!. tiitw uJit>>diiiiKlit«r'>i nrmn fall from ntwut my un k. limp.- Hbi; hud ««nln IMHK**) I n f o tin'"-!t!M?{T;iiiiiwint . -. * >•: IIo funhcil tnwanJ tiwr aud* r>i/ljj«;ln« mi', t<»«'k bt-r iu I1I9 mu arum When New Jersey Central ; ," MIK AM) SKU llll'.H iiMV.'irji'", <. in ,.«! I «thl li.H I IA •*'tl I I . 4 *j .LIJI IIII 4 M I ' D I 'M IV -• '** - \ .V ru.» II *in,ri/,, > IU41 A.M U l . Ii II »t *t " i»* i .*! a i*. *, 14, i S*. ( U 119 r /ll ', •••< '. ^1 *'*1;«4A Hj7l4li . -HZ HlLltirfiMl *j M, Hun«U.«<|l, * '*. A 14 lltr « "nr AtlMillo I lit—i'/i, >».ik ( r«ifl|i|. z!<i »• M l •' little' one; parduu! 1 ill/l uot luti-ud to put tbl)* utruln 01 fti f wat d-d lut'j it by a ilfnitre (i-«r-ttir «rr'ii A -ili of lyv*-." j'/«~to b*r nrl«m In lil» li-in.1. «n.l f»Mwt !• .BUH.MI V.l'.uii/li ' f » I'. Nan I WEWERSMtMAtlONi »r»r»- nlxnit 1rfjmF«-lr " tor »aji flUmt tn .nine tu n» I s iwiw thai" be nut Jii«t »„>), *'pvrflou AX upturn n X"U"K K*rl'» tuoejr,- •un w l , r, I -.w tlln* Uvf. «,»«'"r-Tf***-" K -Itmclf oiroitj^er-'ttiitri. I1H> /eitr of ng pnt Uitb. nut from » i!'t,ire l"»py im yon, htlt to oUwnv tlmpowwUrthe bund that nallfd r«H- KU» «>«•,"my darliux. I Ai I xlialL tjiol »i>pMM> thai wh!',-l» f t r t i ._ . i»"t W* 1'jr tbe'ifsrrule,- A Wwliltog gsrlmvl *a« ttkrvirn nVmt. trw and Oooua la«z'« fooifbt Iftwr -««•,.wtK-iTCtw wtuv ««ala «tt*tk*d Ir} refuStttlaaUVi. II* n t t n W ja«^JfclHa|t > #T#rx*(in« Umt doait i»< ta«*f bow be cuuJdi«« on arl(|>, eat MASONS BUILDERS C01SITRACTOR5 ;Brick,: .Stone, Cement; ';.••;, aad P t i : J-—24We<t tlneoln Awenui .;••••• C'«AMFOB0. N . J . . Masonr^ind Contractors, caaaroto. • . i. , YsiilNor tiarwowKN, Cnn<i>r<i.. •J-CtM*Alj«afcrBO*<__ <ta»d ' - ^ '

Transcript of etty^€oHar~Work - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · J j- V VOL. XIV NO. 10. CKAXFOKD. N. j., THURDAY...

Page 1: etty^€oHar~Work - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · J j- V VOL. XIV NO. 10. CKAXFOKD. N. j., THURDAY . MAY ». 1011. T11K1SU CUNTS a&s- The-Anchor Post Fence Does Not The Tutor 'A


j - V


a&s- The-Anchor Post Fence

Does Not

The Tutor' A Storey-Showing_thc Power of Love


'I "•! i i . 11 l.» VH..TI, an 1V««\ ru 111 ,iu

m wsiriilnjf Mil/

1\> ii Timiii; man ofliu- f<l to M



II 111 N, I S31|. ll, J nmJ,< 11

•'ir.nt I i i . M l nr Mi,s|' tn t'ii> ,_IIIIU-U ix i t s |.", d i ' i , , ' i,-r itiitl II , . i i r i tm tkt"--<»! \* H i m I « n t.Tturi-.t I» l ' l i * t. r-HI.. ,), s 'tv t.. tttii l u r J I I IHltti i n.r-il ',. f, ,r ,.f tl.i. v j r r o l o If IitM

M li'il i>\,r K i t , , inv r,s.| | |UM I iltrviln> t s h o n t l u i n , \ , - u t,, ,ti,« \ , iuu i ; Itt.irU t O ' l f \ , . , l tii-ri- 1 mi l l . . [!„> »,tii.-n iUi i i l . . ivttii Ii,r t i n t 1 I T f i i l u r l i i i lmini, vvllh in,* <ih>.< n l i m ih it I limlunluii mi HI illv iii"pinsl In r u l t l i um-mlm-tie l i n t tntrht irmi i,i-t^n.>, t

'it ...v tU.- l l l f- plan UTur.. th . tn ' 'V1!1'1'"11 ' " " " 1 " v ' " ' •« """*iilt l i i i i t i i i imt .1. .itli f . r in,-

P n m i lhAl iiiutuiuiL j . |^mitoi i thatinlKlit i .t lnrnl«.> t u t , , ,'nii. i n r t i r


i - r J u l l l l , . III. 'I « J J . . i . . | l ( k - , .I| Wl ,i l'j , vi ,|| d,> niiti Ihi'li .-OILS-',.ni tK .i pit rir ittsMriii; until uftt-r

Eswto^WMfiWtkft-^itaflrTom MrunRcr than ,r..n, n,u r- Juud l r rh u,wood. liivilutcK rg»| piool

'I lir |>o«i« air ilrurn into the »oli,| Km,,u |. . • — » ..rivrn into the vilnl ivnun I

W r l lu lM u u r ''""' '•> »» heiKhn and fur ail | . u r . w ,Also ornamrnta! railiogi and rntramr ,-atc,

Anchor Post Iron Works

i m u . i s T I V . I , * H..N...I ti. r nlh.1. i . i , , , . i . n i i d il, |«. •-- ' I n s . f mt <_..II..K.' l ife » . ! . ' . ' i n ,.n«|Oiii . |... *, .,-nMil iilh , i , , i l* II " - . M M ...I! > « , , . v l t l U K 1 ,1,.|1, , | | | | l k , , „ , , „ , , , , i t . | l i i ( ( 1 ) i , (>

. - I i l . - .-I-, , i , .r> 1,, U n a h.-,,l.,« d . . l i i l i , M , i , h , , , . n t , , 1 It « , , i ,M , , , r n , „ „it" - . ' i f . •• n UC l..lim- ...nnlili-UHl ,„ ,„ . „ , , , , , , „ „ „ „ , , , 1 ( l | l | J ,i i m .. . . » „ • J . H I U : iniin • , ! , „ , , , ,„ | r , f l , ,„ , ,

\l>111 ' I " " , 1 " " f ' -u«I '« - « ' T l i i r . . , ' . , , I , , , , .rr x L i n J ' , ,> . . T 1 y , , l . t e l l , , , i l f , r , Illi, ,,l |s ! ,„,„„„„ I,. fu,l ..f ,„,,„,.„„,

i i i . < • • i r,H I I . i ii i . , i i i i i i s i i n i : i | u i i t i i . o i n , , r , , r i ^ , | , i • , „ . . • , ' , ,\ ' l l . i ' . . l l l 111.I HI , l l . . i >'Ut m i l l , , , | , , , , v . . . « . . , , , . l . . . ' ! . , . . " . ' . - , '

V " f

, i 1 ' • i i <'f i . i r . i r M a n } j . m i i ^ I I U M I

n l i ' I . L i l i i i u . . i , i n tu iTI- i , - ) , U s H I , , , .

• 1 . 1 ! u i ,111 4 1 Ii i d i , u x i l i l i I111II111II . .11

i n 1 t l . l I " j ' n i r . n 11 p r u f . - m i n i , "f H U V

,1 |M f . m i l n Hilrilni; ||f(-

|T,T T 7 u | | i 7 7 , , * k I.. •!... K . m 4 .Hl.r • „ „ h, (lM.., , !„„•„ l,,»r ho Imr-

I - lit In


You qa

YOUWhat 1000

. Otliers Have

_ Moro tljuu r,00(/i)or»ons limo ii 'oniiiU ivitl, ,,,,1s- t tovinjpDepartuii 'ut. t'l'lifcu total ili-uosits ujiimiiit- to iuor« tliuu flGU.000 An u\,<r,iK<' ,,f j i i ) f ,1

ouoli uf tliu 1,000.You can bo.otio of tint 1.00U 1>\ htuititi.,' (1 S m n . - s

- Account-with f l o r i n o i o \vii> S»l'

The Cranford National Bank_CJ*ANFQRU _ _ - _ ^ _,__ - N i i w j U K S f c V

i l . l l - i l

Vi; Ju«t f

( I > l * l ' n lI . . 1 I . .

c«vt> m« R ro-

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i i . . i l . , M i i L . J t u l ) i i | n | i i r i m t n i S i l l i v t 11 ! i ' " ' . . l ^ r v i . i n M I | » , L < 7

. I . I . I • n l i i j . Hi. ' l i n n 1 ujri>r.'.l t.» KII M i , » it , 11 , i n f.,r 11 i n u m i m « I IM i niri r vviH i K t i ' p t i s l , u m l M i t l i l n .1 ' i l . ' U i n 1 t I ' n -fcvi v v . . l > I f .Miml mjMk'l f In t i n . 1,>IIII I • 1 .1 , 11..i vv 1 ih t . n i ,11 m i i r . r I 111 Tt r > ' ! l l " ' " I I ' I N - P l n - v K, ,_ j,»y.l,.lfc v, « . 4 , l » . -tv-illluu l » " i i f f . T "i i 'i

7 i r i n .• m l l i . i i i i j t l i c d n b t I « « • • «l> 1 , m i l l . I . m i 1, v , . f , , r in . .

ih.1 Hi.-,' ^•i».*AHih^tBJe&i^mwsim<*$'J: iJ^AurSrlfizFrT?* i$"? ,l l " ' > I H I N H I U I I S I IIH* 1 " I II l l l l , , . I | | . , l , s | „ | , , ( , , , 1 II

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n i l i i . " 1 • 111 It V V I M n i l m i r v i l t u 11

I i l r . ' u I . . 1 i i i v v i i l d I n , - 11 i n i k i n - , . .1 l u r

*1 l i . . - i i . v i f. vi \ V I I . | . H v n r i I I , . i n . .

I f n l t - . ~ i n T r ~ i 7 r m i ) | . I T 1 . H 1 . . T m

I •> • . i i - 1 i n i l j « t . . l i n t ' I m . r



t ' l i i a t * . m i p . - n i v ii( > i-i 1 I 1 / . . u ) i i » i ^ i j l u - . j ;

I . . M i n i S , . n i f P vi I „ (. 1 . 1. 1 , *. . v . . i : V M t l

111 t l l l l S t i l l . ' . i f S . VI I, ! M V

t > u i - i i | r i i j n i i , . t i t , 1.-i l . '» •, . .^ ! . , - n , i h i n

I ' t i s i t i i ' * , ! . i < v | H ' i i i t k . , i i . i t i . t . i r x f n l i l l . m - .11

M I t l i f t t n\i m i i t t m i\ h . r . . ^,> , , 1 4 . v MI I H - M

K i ' p i T i i - t p e l • • • o u t i i > t i | . s t 1 \ , , r • . »tii ^

W i i t i i . f n r l i . . , i l . l i I . . l . n l i t,\,~ . 1 , 0 1 . m i

l u r l t n i t l t atti ' l f r t n i t , s

I THE STATE TRUST COMPANY5 " " " ~"T~7~: . — - - * - - — ,

Capital. 5HMUXIO.0O. - Plainf ic ld . N. J .


r T f i i 1'JLH H n j r i,-

The. Fanner Telephones

,'1('" in 1I IH'V virri1 di'fi Hlis

« l ' l l > 11 j• r~« w.m wiptnris] Iu ttrnmmil I'lruhin mil . prlHun Thu Haiiir

I I M I I I I C ^t' vveri' loiil thlit wi»" w o u l d'ill I.- _ i i n i l . i l tin. i i . ' i t iiinrnliii;

NS Ii' 11 nl i l tv lUl i t un .illli t-r.> nt .T. i ltl,.1 iMuiii win r.1 Mi» U I T I ' . "ntlii.tit to in

• » I - - ' l * * i l H l p > 4 l , M I N I , ' f i l l

t i k i ' iw u u i 1.1 • • t f i u t m u I n - mi l i l t .11 |, , » v, , 1, n , , , , , , , 1 , , , . / " , ( , | , , ,« i n , .1111 f Hi. n


• ' ! 11 n" TTTMllu<««|. Ill , 1 , , . , | , W H

W e l m v o > ) » o o f t i n ' l in t 'Ht C o J I i u i i m l C'ulT H I I U I I S ^

iu tho Country.

It producvifft bcnutiful tiuwli, without onisUiiiK 'lli..Collnr nn most Collar Irom-TtTiio "" «

Wo GuABA.vrnf nil of our Collar ami Cuff noil, to Inperfect in stylo and finish. V * '

Our WagdhS,Run Everywhere.

Rahway Steam:Laundry61-63-66 Campbell Street, Rahway, N. J.

. . . - , „ t ./. P^one 208... - „ . .

Crauford collections Mondays. Ucliicry TlinrsdajH..Drop pontal and wagon will call.

'Burpee's Seeds Grow!And the Barpee-Baunew Grow* I

If roa wcmM'like to na* tboot U» Be* Seed* Out cm te Cmwa and iliaLuniarMaikOnlerSMd Trwfa in-ttfe-WDria. yon^houU write to-d«y (rpeMKleuJ WO do) far Vm 35th Amimcny EJUbn tf THE LEADING AMERICAN SEEDCATALOG. A bright new book at IMpafOV-it WfiW to alt who «ppree»«Ui

$%£&& W. AtteeBarpee& Co., Philadelphia

1 11 l i . . » . l . r l n k I • < i . i . . .

• ' " ' " ' " ' " I " " " 1 v v . , i , l , I i p p r n r I H ' H . n l i I n c I n n i l (I

V . r v m i l l l u n , t u r u l i i B t u ft n u b | | l i r i l . l . r . i l l l v H u t l i . n l It 11.

" • * " " ' " • '"' • " | M f -r Hi. . iiH.iu, i,M vv.,1,1,1 i,,i1 . 1 . lilm I.. l i h i ' i M l l n m i • , „ , , | „ , , l r , , , , , ( l l l i , , , , . , , „ „

I « i i 1 il 1> lli<- prm'il.Mit'n IKIUHO ' H.I k.. n ' I t 1I11I1 tint II «uml lul.l iv w j l l l l l l t 1II11I Jur. AUiu l_ ' . „„ . n , - , | , , ^ , _ h ) ..nt 1 li.> -r.tlii-r

j l ^ i i x J ; _ l j ^ i ^ ' " » J u < M « ^ l i i lfn* pri-i. ' 'II,, | , | . ^ , , f . . m _ i , f , , , , r 11.

1.1.m •< |inv"in'7!nTfV"-'~"i~" "™™"~"irnvi","7riirmn 7ri..iriTnT.V. Ii it do \T,u k,u, A nbuut tln> \ biH j \Vi> Ii. 11.1 „ M , 11 In thi> n.1 J..111 In 1; r.j.uri

1 lolil linn ih it I wan n IOIICKI* grudinti- 1 mj. Ii • ti iL rtiinaieiu-cincut di-lli••i islm i.niilnn In Kntln

"\ r"i p- Ju^t w but I /*%iitit,"* Ifct- HLIIU, J Suuit* tiiuxiiL ilu pujiiu il 'IIUJXU-WIIL-UI• Mr •..,11 UWIII-H t i i i -n t iT 1111 Anii-rli an 1 i w . i n r j / o r >i». fur m ' illdrti.ii k , m »(ii l l ivi- in-M jfrSr uml nei-iJH n tutor but tli.if m . lnn( |H-I- , I / \T | |MI f vuu will lit h im fur tlu* e i i ln iHc* j I In.ilh *•!».fTAinln.ill . ins 1

I .Iruuii 1 ; .U 1. Ii. ,1,1 Hi,.

fiillu r"' nth'

jour I " IBf <lf l u \ | . II<{J|I1 "Sfir-"p''f;Tii«rril"^7li 1 innt pruinisi')) t«

ofm Any iliitn-BHlou fruui a utrnlgttf j ''t"'J: •'» ii, nftvr u l(inj<|Jirtir~nM<Tj<m n 111 suffer unUi'r">our l""1'4 l n f t ""' " 'Hontqni i> fur triiimiii ,Suy nuliflOK fu Wlioii | miw |ln> prt'Klilvnt iig-itu In

one of jmir cunnectlon with tnil-

. I did imt niKlpntaud wbat be meantliy ".luy dlsri'SHlun" till I nrrir«l atliln r. the


-d Hi/ tnirr vrlitftivir ofvr'tl (In' iltuiill'jii • li)<-r urul 1iKKlviil n li.rflMt- .irnrnlnif. v rll» 1icu liroiiKlit to n r>Mllrull<iH

w of our din«ir_uii.J Im.lfbilt lu> bid n ilHuililiT 111 tlmt ti>53c"rT1Sl"l;'i"f<'"l~'tl'<'»''ntf nJicu'elrN .in- Untile tafiiH Iu lovp P u r r«K>liiiloa lniti«l f.iriy <-l«.lil hum***lt'i :in} pri'K.'nliilik- man tiioy bjp f'K<u '*'" found .ilirw lit,n IIJ; lit, 1 I:I'<|N<)

1 t" 1- tlirunu In nltli Ouunu Mar I lu "" '•'"l""»"'. r la win IIIIH'I">TI iind of ii,unn- n • *'"' ' ' ' tM '""1 "'J

Imnot -II

!i["'. It "us plain thai I badlur» tn

lift.'-< in(f'ii]iii{il Into tbc fnailly lij ',

Pr--vM<-nr (-.IIIIIKI IM (1 Wlli>se jtrniju-• lit- IMII lui|.i'ripd Srvui the nortti tu ,

tutor 111*. -"» I'.ilri'. nUt .ni j*-;ir» old1.


until !);<• limt

il"tirr(.l III>

Iu ttjj- in 11 Imrom' 'Hi

o dtijs my tits-OIJI i* twffi1 IIIKffimt nom<-ulliiirruioi -yuld

ilw li«u>»' that knew I wai ! Jiur*u"-" 'lfrlniC yonl*aie r»utbat wo only

\UQIIIT w»jr offrnltT!< Hi" «y



and at la»t

<-Xi'i4tni«f, "If


amue"The Bank That Pay*,

T TIM»U Suii.i<;Uly [U7- W ^ H I TJ! Cliif:kJ> uf l»41l u{ Ul) Ax iiii v vt tbli Mnp la ttic ndjolnlni< r<K»ln,IwwwMrii »t- ' ' ' -*---t '•tW

This is th^ Time to Sow the SeedPl*oi'A fern4o\Ht» KQJV and_r»p~s barrest m^

old age when jouvr planting (TajfuareoTer, * JThVi |ter cent interest Mid .In Mtt^ I Bt iTH'art'n' n»~ • • mn • ' • n i "umii'ia • •••nwnir f^r l iuiBatfUi iuuiuxmtf rt Depart-

*|fg |*J|1^IA'i|T W

B u i k t % tJyf."Ma»JU7 $*• •*nN*f0U o n

] "-Vi>ur iuiii*-r UJ.H l^f l l H ."iJTI wthl. "Tu«- ladi tfnitf lit- <be wa*'iK>t Hurc. Ilfi'liiDi ualt.xl

pviil».|ife. Hefur

ojwj ( do iiot~tXmorectrngbt us,p«ct ever to we jon again aftwf Ultoone laat patting^-. '

8be rfroouea la my arm* X carried

tUitd not call anjr va«tjby)eed^I fearer)tlut-nome uott WOBU coon- lo and 0ml0»

to- nrpott Bs»ihi ***littrfng wwl»,I did , . .raftlaed tootrol ofr|ien«IC.

".»"T i"

YES, thin in the Shotly Grove Fnrm.Mr.JOnes talking:.. Wiint thrct: tons ofhay> Yea, I've jiot it. I'm getting

$24.00 a toil. Yeii, 1 can delivci it tc>-tlay.-J^^j^ell--goo^^e.^:^:'}- t •

For tfie farrnerV^*imis« t|i«; Iphone Service is of the greatest value.

It enables him to do l>uaitu**<» directwith the consumer and wvi- the uuddle-

.rnanV profit.The wholesaler • in the rity an<l the

local dealer in the rutarby town are promptly


Kvtry Hell J'tlephamt u tht'l'mtre uf tin St/tttm • i.——=--H«Tfl--V ?nr m n r

ft« itnlli luim. Hi.IV.| hutor !•,,|,|.M.ilan.ri IH DM- nllttllinl-iinil Ix'ntliiim ><il liiliu Ihul w»« nvnr I/IH,)I'..



I HIM ki)-"lu,(i \,y Di.nua liiw *trlvUl,: K> "<iiijini lur Ut lln. iDiilrnry uf

"»ll3t I T.'lf »HM7 rif,. *rf'I hi i linn- IL HMH inntitue ill-.

r.«,"ty innn i i ) IM Abuiidmilnx alliripi- lit Lti*]iin,' Mir Ki i r ' t ImiKPr, W»1'IIIK \<i vi/U i.lli.'r HI,.I HHiili'fl Hierlwtt In mi.iMit'r niouii-rii M**ii"r HUMtti-/ nlr>i^l Ii, [lit* ilfKyrwu) H*!. tiitw

uJit>>diiiiKlit«r'>i nrmn fa l l f rom ntwutmy un k. limp.- Hbi; hud ««nln IMHK**)Info tin'"-!t!M?{T;iiiiiwint . -. * >•:

IIo funhcil tnwanJ tiwr aud* r>i/ljj«;ln«mi', t<»«'k bt-r iu I1I9 m u arum When

New Jersey Central; ," MIK AM) SKU llll'.H

i i M V . ' i r j i ' " , <. i n ,.«! I« t h l l i . H I IA •*'tl I I . 4 * j . L I J II I I I 4 M I ' D I ' M I V -• • '** - \ .V

ru.» II*in,ri/,, >IU41 A.M U l . Ii II »t *t " i»* i .*! a i*. *, 14,i S*. ( U 119 r / l l ', •••< '. 1 *'*1;«4A H j 7 l 4 l i

. -HZ HlLltirfiMl „ *j• M, H u n « U . « < | l , * '*. A 14 l l t r «

"nr AtlMillo I lit—i'/i, > » . i k (r«ifl|i|. z !<i »• M


•'4mm9 »

little' one; parduu! 1 ill/luot luti-ud to put tbl)* utruln 01f t i f wat d-d lut'j i t by a ilfnitre t«(i-«r-ttir «rr'iiA-ili of lyv*-." j'/«~tob*r nrl«m In lil» li-in.1. «n.l f»Mwt !•

.BUH.MIV.l'.uii/li' f »

I'. NanI


»r»r»- nlxnit 1rfjmF«-lr "tor »aji flUmt tn .nine tu n» Is iwiwthai" be nut Jii«t »„>), *'pvrflou AX

upturn n X"U"K K*rl'» tuoejr,-

•un w l , r, I - . w t l l n * U v f . «,»«'"r-Tf***-"

K -Itmclf oiroitj^er-'ttiitri. I1H> /eitr ofngpnt Uitb.

nut from » i!'t,ire l"»py im yon, htltto oUwnv tlm powwUrthe bund thatnallfd r«H- KU» «>«•,"my darliux. I

Ai I xlialL tjiol »i>pMM> thaiwh!',-l» ftrti

._ . i»"t W* 1'jrtbe'ifsrrule,- A Wwliltog gsrlmvl *a«ttkrvirn nVmt. trw and Oooua la«z'«

fooifbt Iftwr -««•,.wtK-iTCtw wtuv ««ala«tt*tk*d Ir} refuStttlaaUVi. II* n t t nW ja«^JfclHa|t>#T#rx*(in« Umt h» doaiti»< ta«*f bow be cuuJdi«« on arl(|>,eat a»


C01SITRACTOR5;Brick,: .Stone, Cement;

';.••;, aad P t i

: J-—24We<t tlneoln Awenui

.;••••• C ' « A M F O B 0 . N . J . .

Masonr^ind Contractors,caaaroto. • . i. ,

Y s i i l N o rtiarwowKN,




' - ^ '

I--. - r-k

Page 2: etty^€oHar~Work - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · J j- V VOL. XIV NO. 10. CKAXFOKD. N. j., THURDAY . MAY ». 1011. T11K1SU CUNTS a&s- The-Anchor Post Fence Does Not The Tutor 'A


- Suit Wet'Meraly Gltrtog to HitFriend • traw PhttoaophfMl


A r c h i b a l d W [ m i t , ) h » , r , < f

. • • ( at nib* orlmk i,n> u n.!u i•^•*«r a telephone rail

S T 3 ' ~ T n » f i d i, t m • '"


-_'," J 1 * * ° * • " J O U t h a i I M . a l l i t ) u '\H • " k**t> the «.WK!|ii(ii)»iii | i, nr * M•; ^ 3you for elevtir »i'rli>, k (- ! n '

"I'm aorry," said Hull l,l» un o atriBe chilly

It's loo bad," nrrn] If,'

11 <) ,-Mi] ~- r* ti v

I < i i I t . '

1 , p - ,

I r,f I I, JjTJ,' tf AM-

; a< r</ss tli« way,"

h«i" nMI<r «sM

*a« atkoc• lx>n t


May B« Considered CosuMeilns Unit Batwtn«M»d Artificial -


the•connecting link between natural and

to r" j

Her e)*syou think. I e

u, to wh«. all my life I v« • arttflciaj propogatfon. Many planutor a '<,« to studytmore and make ! «u c n aa bUck raspberrl** grape* and'

KJ«I<- aunx-thlng toore than an | other*. Increase naturally In thU way

' niy D j cnoBBTiLayering may b« considered

• " F»r»na i *"roin:,i,*l.iiwm'" | but man ha* lent hi* aid In to many™ " r l i r , , ' . , , '" '"' •W"1 """ " l " J T ' "' d " 0 1 " " ' l o ^ m " " B n d »H-\W " t h i s proeeas of propagation- *-•— -••»•*"•, i ' i i 'n i in' i j f ui i hi ' M n

•JOUsly, "teli'pbonlic *<ei,« w, I. it-Jiablt, a-bad l u t r t T - t n — m i T - i j - •,

«l*sa)a*Via^ T aH as e^A a • > * . « ! , ^ i . . . . * . • * L' . . r f . , * s o p t » a r n t i e g l i i n t i i K u , 1,1. •> "it,I n v i t a t i o n s b j ^ i t p i u . i . p 1 1 , . j ' i l m i i .* m t h e « j ( g t i ( ( . g i j » , , , , „ . . . | | l l r

• J o n ' t «"«-ni t o k n o n » 1 , -, 1 • 1,, ' , ! •j p b o n p T I I K J K < r p n g< 1 < , , „ ,. 1 f i , |*t« t a l k . I n y o u (, (, i l , , U\r; I • .

" I ' m a r m l d . I D M N . I H ] v , m i lT o u ' r n b u l l i n g m« . 1.111 m i l i t , .friend,

' » l » , no 1 ' 1 riuilrn>ll 't . . j ft.1,11 !•> nInurt ir t<.;ii> ' Mr r«mnik , . 1 , , ' ,a few' l;lillniii|>lilriil | , , p . • n 1 •• I- ' 1 1 I

t h e e a i l y h,, u i.f Hi, , , , , f

• Mrijrsnn,-


"\V>»>n my J,,

1 i M i i i f *.* f Jj 1r,r I ] ^ I r*.**ic *yr y

"•••j I, |« • 11' *•" i'i 'r» l»av« f t i r y , rr, iry to-*ed l'ra-B«t goliirf -anteBi-artMcrair

)'tra bark, but you 1 A layer la » branch so placedv, t, ,*,;!, ^ , . , tr, i,av* f.ery , ,r, t r r t o hold jtra park, but you 1 A layer la a branch so placed IniMrr. tt.o » u t no ^,-» If y>u . •m.atu c eij«xt roe to smile ovur It, I contact with the earth aa to Induce ItBI I I Ivl i n .h a ifMtr ,,!»<• «o I K « , r t . , « , " ' I 10 throw out root, and shoot* thu*»« •>, ,11 1,, ,,. i 'f . , | j r<,rtrpt«1- J it* p,ppna »ho came alowly Into producing one or more Independent


If, t !,,<,!,, r

I . i n f m «

' - l l ' H l ' .

ui. I 11 1

I ju« r-«-r*-r.m »no rams BIDWI/ mxo , i>roaucing one or more Independent• ••• _• • _ • n"r rr.;,*t»r'< room *an a very differ plant*, the branch meanwhile remain-

• u' l 11 It I i " nil* j , , , , ,j1r] frtlfll U j < nujiant one who Ing attached to the-.. i.f ,,tir i«,»irty «* ar» j»»(J l # r t | i^yer,,,,; fre<,uanUy provaa a aatlafac> rav f . ar l . o i w what's t^« matter, dear! • tory method of multiplying woodym •,il,I l.raielr t , t ft in','),, r d^man'led j plant* which do not readily take root•t_ <l.r« 1. I lii-r mmhfr 1 <fi. „, „ ( t , r ^ , iirrM-lf on th« floor , from cuttlaga. There are aer«ral"•-pnnM-i) l.y a MiisOif 1 t^idi , tU«i rourli "1 don't want { methods of layering.

M . i r I I " • » .nr,«

>M1UK l ' l ' j i e i l.nd

I mi i-uli e In r i m

ur, ti • (,!1 mr,i,»r" s>,« walled»1»>, !,<• httln t left It tn roe"

, 4 \i »'<

Tip Layerlno.-The tip of a branch1 or can« 1* bent down to the ground

l ' i ' l > 'It « l l l ' akc me aw*y from Itlrh-

" ir,l M , 1 |,» n m t » m« to marry him,r in,u<!<T (,nly h« l i n t aokliiK 1110 now

f•« i

' H U t c r v r j u i d AS 1. i n , , ] , v.c o u l d | , i i ( | m |L.i 1 v i , i , , i n i l i i , , t l u ,-,t i l l I t n | r , m l i i , | , i » 1 n , ) , , 1, t , „ 1t h e n t n l>)« j . m r t , . | , , ^ > I I , , KIJ, „ ,

l » d t i n t h « t i i i i i c i n - i r , l j 1: I I , 'r * « h WIMIUI mi 1 hut ln< « i 11 til• r r n t r l i t i l l (In, | , l i i ,«l m n m, . l H t l i l i iJ f l l o w l n l i Hluff m i n i , ] 1,, i , |) , t r |,i<I' l l lnw Ju t h e (•)(>• n i n e 1 , l , , i , i t i , |, itInl t tr t iR m i lil« II-IIHIH tn ( . p i i i - t lillh

runf l l lbf t ' l II) > U > Iit ' lH. lll'lll'

I ,ir,[/s Vi,,,v> •• S e r e n aI ' l l . 1 In , l . i . I n r i l I w i s h" • !<) f < i ih M>- ,,f i l n ( J . I T I I ) r*'"• ' i l l ' I ' w i>tl7iii([ |^ n, n r t l s t l eH i . I I I I H K r.Hiin la In I n o u i i wit ' s

( ; , i i i l i>« «r Wne an,I n l t M; n r » . T,ra««l » , » l a l i n t n f,..v K,HI<1 [ , | r tnrr» .ilill

''"* 1" l l ' ' l " - ' l n l r » mwl It In a* i w > h l , . r o » ' t , , a d u i n u i n l M . .IIIHI i i i i i i f , , r l i i l , ln an nnr l l i tPK ~ . lnf i> l i . ( i w i t h n j - a n l t o


. —

n i l I f l i o « , , „ , 1 , | H K

r-t,n t, U\

11 ml i«

Oil' » ' f ' ] " licit 1 »li!i bo hadn't paidaiiriMiiK nboiit It l ie ha* spoiledt.ty !i.iU'y /lay "

Th<* rit it niomlnn Serena salltiMlfnrth *n , | U>nk a car to the city

Idem midof

nhn.. . h i , , *

K"1" '

w c r o tlilu n|<i.l i .nl, ,

- I K . f r t S i ,v,,,,,!, |

„ l i « > r r \ l 7 l , r . .it I ' l ir l -

(•rli<*ant~hotels and uH tlfni*t IntrreM trmelcrs Bboo»smak,.r« and tailor* with

>!••» to ft-~i(ulrliii: aonio modishilntlun «ulnl.l<- for hnr nutitiK, but

Vine Laying.

«nd ulUtlitly covered with noil whenH will throw out root* und develop anow plant Many plant* may be prop-URMi'd In tlilg -wny. - -

Vlpe Layering.-A vine la utretehe*th

Wlien «» tiled Cult, urn llr n.uli', ,- 1. liUMl.JMll.JUU1 l « - h » rrnrl!"

In Die dail(nir> fdr.n I, nr whlli- 1'tnnt'M.1 IIIIII ' wlTtr-'Hr't,M IU ) unii nnil-

1 VM.iil11 Vr i' \ \ In 11 n 1111 • Ith'i* l»-r»f f i - i r* '* |1 1,, In Ins, ph "

It x".

ethe ground and burled through

out Its <>ntlro length In a shallowtrench, or It'ftiay 1>« covered In curtain

I r | r "fi limTtnic 'lio •-'-

and eaoae them to throw oat. root*.)Eaeb may then be reroorad from the ioriginal root and trealad aa an lade-1pendent plant A plant la often cut Iback to the ground to oak* It tend ut>!a 'large number of aboota to be Ujer- ied In thla way.


TWO PURPOSESTbmy Not Only Drink Up ZMaaolved '<

Foada.'batAlaoSarTatoHold !Plaint In Flxad PoatUoa— j

Strooai in av 'Way.

OJr II II SilBPAHD) IRoots serve tw«> purpose* for the *

plant. They not only drink up dis-solved foods, t/ut also serve lo hold jthe plant In a filed position 1

The old** and larger . the plantgrows the/ more root* It needs to *e- ,curely hold It In place and to fully !satisfy/lu drinking neods

~Hrir!tt—I am a rulnetnsin-Jewett—Doe* your wlfa know It?Hewitt—No, ahe doesn't yet reaflxe

»h» ha» done.

Not a Slngar.' "Johnny." the teacher said, "here is,

a book Now stand up straight andsing like-.i little man**. The 5<IIIE waa '"Nearer. My God"No sooner had the school commentedto sing than'a .llttlo girl waied herband frantically Stopping the sing-ing tn-e teacher Inquired ttio cause.

"PtTase. tuchfr. I ~ think JohJinywill get nearer If he whittles."

Important to Mothersl ""'""r • • " 7 , boltlaj of

safe and aure remedy for


a»U finest roots do thu drinking/ TII>!BB >imntt, Cue luuta a i o — c a l l e i i g t^^^ ff # Tfeeding root*. They grow out In all j Jn.Uaej For Over 30 Yeara.dlructlona In the molat »oll lu scurcb ChilJrua Cry for Fletcher's Castoriaof food for the plant. '

A G.qod Score."What's bogey nt your suburb?"

cool's .i year Ijist year W8

At thti end of^each tiny, feeding rootf-a Ifttfe 'C8p -r«seuibllnn th» flnK«r

of a glove Tbe function of this little jroot cap Is to protect the tender ro«jt- had ouly fort) one"—Cubangolot as It pushes lta"way through hardbit* of *oll —- -• - - r

Although young and apparentlytender, thijjo foedlng roots ara vviystrong IIMI way.

Through tilt) power of expansive

, " F T « w r rm wtVp. I'otr't wntt-until Ithapn*ii« h njav }•« H hi-mWhe, t'^th*

1 T h i»ar«rh^ , r ">nie pimftil atritlfnt,I H»tnlm« Wiiird Oil will it. Get aI'bottl* now.

r n i i ' t IH> t r i m It

'II11M (lint I m J v m | . I , , , , u I , , , , ! , I I M l I | , , . r - . -

After a feu iiHiiiinnfM t]

s»-ii«« of Jo) In tho afternoon It | exposed Itoots will be put forth at

^ frv""wf5nln"«; "that th«""r(iiitliin of^herTTiSSiF fho""vine*'"mtty .be cut~botweenj ''••* haiV not tx;. n bnikrii Into An. | UIOBC. leaving a number of lmlepen^-

t ) l i t t n i , 11I mil l In, n n n nn nh e r m i l i l ••!••< p W m i l i m l k m . n !,,,«•S l m l I w n » lio M l I x l t i f 11 li ok i n nl , o x (if ( i i l k i i m O l n f i n . nt iui.1 I > I I H )i ) e * r n u n <»!<.. o f C u l l , ui 1 M, ,,|, ( „t»r<> h i m 1 tlil-tik mn luit vx . i .M 1

t l lc i l b i l l fur Hi,, ( 11I l imn II, Il. m i l l ) ( h a j i n U a i i t r i i i i . t l n »

, n l n i o ' l4 O M I I . a n d H I - H P I I mild m i l . r l f ' I'liU« l l l ho n i l i i u i i i i for Hi) j i , ; r l y T u

r<*rmh of lira trnuM,, T KIUIII in, lo Imvo you imlillHli (IIIM irm

tnenl of bis mri " (MKIM,II Mrn MC MttltlttUiI, Jlik|mr,-Oiiiurl,, nny 'if,-^


rli<v i-t i»ln'lHnto'» l'iiiljie, a \iit><i~ailn'r RI.|« tnld - • I>on I >JJU want mo lohm,I uiur unihrrlln' '

In a 11 uineiit li*.r irrny tiny had<IUIIK..1 to r.idlail'*- Kb" didn't rarohow t a n ] It i««ri,I Illdmrd « i itli'rp KmllltiK IIIIBII lit ln,r He tookt'<'f Into A rni) 11(11,. i,hci|i Mlirro theyhad lea together and n guod long

IsCondi—Then J Bl Ulad. Lhillluihis l»o\\ir.


KM* \V«' will Rt, tin m m ns yon arcwell t'upiiKb- mill 1 mil stuily mu*lc1,ml toiuo bui-li ami bo roadjr to

'When uked A

It,' Halt, tf.» Main St. drawn'. ' |»«N. J» aajs; ha» aa

V t t I n R Ckhard ni.bnn!. Serena.flew-to»»ra -him —'-Tlila li unco a

ur'.leii of Rlrfinrd"* ri'malks.''\Wi«>n you romo batk 1 will havethlnK» ready for you Ht-rena "

.Hnnjrii hat cheered, Svretw camdhomo lo find her mother sitting upand looking ot«r a paikagu of oldlefter»

''Tb«y are aom«"of jour father's"thn llttln mother aatd "lio lovedino drarly. B<Tena. and I have, beenwrinilprlnc If ltlrtiar,l__U'Ves you_as

lound Layering. Tip Layering.

/nt plains.' Tbo grape can bo easilypropagated In this way.

Mound Layering.—Plant* which iitooldl up a large number of Btoms or

I tbluk be doea." «ho Bali)"He la aa true as *teel,> mother, anda year la a long tltno to, ko«p himwaiting"

She estiRht her breath quickly, andthen dnippwl b<>r bead on her armsand sobbed pl dtm't know what to_do " :»._1.1.. — -

mother'* ryea twinkled ^hnvo thdunlit of a way out of It,'

lajered by mounding up tho earth souu to COVBI1 tho basva of thoao atoms


^onvmar-.r a ^(>m,in'u point of'Viewthrough thn very hard soil, and uven a bird on her, hat Is worth a back

,Into pltictmWith largo plants, such ns trees .

^y^ry d*0p—<lnwn, intyctho ground where, tbo Boll l» alwaysmoist, but always as hard na .rock.

A man li pddom arresiod for strlk-•ion an.iittttiiJo.. __1 , ^.

What to Plant.As to what'to plant,.that dep«m|s

Upon climate and soil und whether tholiiiruVu la. for »U tljo-year round ormerely for aummor and autumn,Knuwea Duncan, ta th» Century. rfn_±j=nexaHtfn»yi-^?'^'Vuai

tor, then a-hudgellko thorn, with ItaKay scarlet berries, a few evergreensmarking Important points, and ejixlngsof dwarf evergreens or box wlll>^vono small amount of cheer and empha-•lie the fact that the garden Is notdead, but slocplng.


MotherhoodTho ciperlenco of Motherhood 14* a,

trying one to most women and marksdistinctly an epoch in their lives. Kofc

'" — — - .one woman in a hnn-

» M pointed tbrouRt) iho' window"1 ook." slm Mid. "and bobojil tbofalr\ IUI!AC<> of, >pu* drt^tti1* "

*Uirrd be« iTdvrtHl, then (ho"Oh, mother, yptt meau the

tmniciilo*' Could 1 buy I t r • ""Why not? U t e there with Klch-

ard, and I'll *tay cojlly Leity so near.jfltt-cajLxara^

p l n kyou to wear, my S«Teha,u

"Oh. you little, knolyBereim threw her, .arms


pared orla how \n

Tlvcareforher^Of course near-

ly o very vt Oman no w-adavshas m e d i c a l

/ t r e a t m e n t at thatime* of child-birth,

^ ^ b u t many approachjsp^the eip«rlence«with ^

nn ontani5m.nnCttccl tot tha.trial of - -




her system lias received a shock from•wliich it la hard to recover, follow,intr right upon this comes the nervousWraln of ca"rliig for the child,' ttiSTXdistinct chanpo in tho1 mother results.

There Is nothlns more charmingthana happy nnd healthy xnothdr oJLchll-dren, ami t'lilwiIehtlaMrtliuiiderrightconditions need bo no harard to healthor beauty. The uneiplaluablo thing'ls_that, witti all the evidence of shatterednerves and broken ttealthfrom an, unprepared condi

Any simple framework with crosa-pleco* will servo on which to lay torn-stalks, to make such a shelter aa8hmiu In the Illustration,, say* \ tho

Orango Judd Farmer.rood' thn I

The roof Is 01with latorna

ample time in which to prepare, but-ttteyrfor tho must ysuU Umt tot"and pay the penalty.

In many homes onea c' —ITU tVAltf nhilrlron l»j.a,.^L '—




tbrough the kidneja ain| I WIUI nearlylirostratej. 1 could notfind rest or Blwp andlay nvako thinkinghow mlnorable was uiy.lgk-JL-hftd-Iiad, throb-bing hprnlortics andoften liccwiHi ill»y. Nobno who ban not had'kidney troublo canImagine tbo iulat>r\ It

Vffl cause. 'At Isat I began takingSOW*. Kidney rills anj in a few«eeka w n a* well man. For threw

and t have boou free from kld-

er thd name—Poan's.r'«^9«v.*«la) bjr alL dealers- tO-wnta «lnncv>\|||tt«r-MUburn Co. Uuffalo. N. Y.

. U Horn* TourU.,«n4"dusty, u part; were r«-

jjftnUl fnni a holWay trU,> s\ Uttl« bald man. arated hlm-

TSaS; »iiT<lrOiii'i>il off to sleep' • * erocious crab In ,a'

Blmkln* went toand. Andlng

pgilted for deonly shook, Parmhl I

OSes all

I K'Kftry of 110 000 and mother and 1I are going abroad "j Thirfl was no Joy In Klrhard'ac<mutenanc* "f congratulate you."bi} !«a!<l stiffly

"Why. lllchnrd." B rejtmhim. 'aren't >nu glad?"

"Oh, of courao," h« sold hurrlodly.Ho dldtt't-stay long after that. and.

as ho took up his. hat he said toSerena: "Como and take a-walk."

Berena Klssod her mother, anddam-mt down tho path bcatdo him tlkoTa chtM.

As they vrnlkvd along ttlchard hadven llttl«> to say.,

"You're a gnimpy and growly bear.Dhty." said fierotta. si t&cy left tpeVuMle ulghvny and entered Into aliltle lane where tho wild roses "andblackberry vines atrasslod over thofences "You act as If I hatl r*ccbad, hairs Instead of good news"

Hlcharthtat down on aat a turn of t

mother and kiaaed her. "It will bebettor than "a trip to Guropo or any-thing «1*» In tho who!* wli!« world '"

Tbe little mother clapped her hand*."Of COUI-M It will.", ahe aald, "andU?WL te'fphone Ttlchard and a»k him16 tapper, and wb*n h« com»a youcan take him over and show him yourfairy palace, Sere&a.-

Valuable Sclanttflo Olacovary.A discovery suRtNwtln*; tho pos.t-

blflty of the partial trknamuUUon ofprecloua atone* by means of. radiumhaa Juat b**n mad* accidentally atlh» Comtah radium works. One of th*chief officials who dally handle, thintub*f. cpntsilnlnx ttic rani element no-ticed that a diamond In hit ring•*etn«l to change color and IncreaseIn brilliancy. Since then several ex-periment* hiTe beta made. A varietyof precious stone* have b**n enclosedIn a box *lTh two tube*, each, contain-IMC t t t l l l l f

"IA-1 us talk aboijt'lt."- he"Maybe youll understand theo whyS'tn not Jubilant"

Her «)-eai questioned him

atono changed color after exposure ofdifferent dotation. Some magnificenttlnta. have been obtained. l l d i T[li lk I

and external croaspleces to'hold thestalk* In place. Anyone can make It



'CompaurskUv* Kate of Dacompaat-Uon in Drawn anil Undrawn

Fowls U Shown by Cla>'- cnlar Q/ GovairtUaaaC •

r - vation com-miwloa »»p«rts that U ere are 400 tin>uUUiea fansa and larte areas which

ave never been ctmiiUted a t all, at

Ing back""It will be different,1; ttlehard said.

"You *llj come back a, traveled ">"• • « " » «weu coiumud at all. atyoung Udy. and you win have teeny, though thej axo very fcloae to the,MlHfr men, and I wili have slipped \market. Tet Ktode Isiafid Is cete-

. of your life. I havent told you lurated -as the taoet -thJckly settled"how much I love you, because I have »taU la the union. ThU poaaiblUUMbeen waiting until I had a hexne tfcfdtYhta eowtry in the pridncti«rofoffer you. 1 havent asked yojt to tooAtave sot bearan to b« «xhawe4>nt atked you tomarry rae. becauae'I felt" that 1 mostproe lt .are nowhere inprote mjaelt a ttMu.tq SS^SJBlSt obiaW«Wl_tt Sprlngfleld - Htpubllcan.g5kXi&3!fcffiE5S£iS«M»:

ir«*-«« os^sts^msm^tSl

. Tho resets of tho lnvcaUgndons In-to tho comparative rate of decomposi-tion of drawn and undrawn marketpoultry made by the. United States de-partment of agriculture during Iho soa.son 1909-1910 havojust been publishedIn Chemistry Circular TO.. The condi-tion* of the experiment were strictlycommercial, as the fowls were killedand draased by the.regular employeesxif a poultry packing "house, were shlpTpedttrthe uaOal one-do»en-to-the-boipackage In a ear-tot or dressed poultry,were received by a wholesaler and

tft-the retallar-when he

ket happened to require for their sale.*' The shipment* extended over a pe-riod of six months, from •Jaauary toJune, Inclusive, and the. haul waa*1?Qut LT0Q mllea nqniring on theaverage-of 7ii days. Tbe btrda weremature hams,'lane and falrlrfat,"anilthe, method of killing, waa by bleedingthrough!the mouth and puncturing thebrain Uuroogh the akull just below tfi»'

drawn, all being dry picked, and tbeevisceration waa conducted with sun!lEnt~catro~ia~Taider w aah~Ingruncecea-sary. ^

The routine of dressing, packing andshipping, and general handling Inthoao exporlmenta is far above the av-erage. In fact If all market poultryehouM be handled so well, the prob-lem uf decay would become Insignifi-cant. ~

The Investigations which are de-scribed in detail In the pamphlet dem-onstrate (1) undrawn poultry decora-PMGi JnofS slowly" ffian" does "poultry

'which has been either wholly or part-ly eviacerated; (I) -full drawn" poul-try; completely eviscerated with headand feet removed decompose* tbemoat rapidly: <J) "Boston drawn"'and-"wire drawn

that L>dla E. PffikTiam's VegetableCompound makes w o m e n iioimalhealthy, oai strong1.

Any w o m a n ivha would IQca


^ritotoMMass. BTerstrit fi


Your Liveris Clogged up


- • . • . • • m a i s m JJjillll IM IMWalf—DOLWaJtfjythe undrawn and 'full drawn" In speedof decomposition—the "wire drawn,"which, la most like the undrawn beingusually the better; and (4) that theseTdeductiou* vimlr'in'~fi9V^+tTzi?£a—^±r

cent and pla most (4l>mandlng olwas Inform

would be called promptness.The effect of different methods'of

dressing in ckse of delayed marketingto now under'lnveatlgaUon. ^ ^

-Arabian tteree.The Arabian horse is a hone 0* that

^highest courage. In" starure about 14hands > Inches, a Tiorae of length,power and substance combined with

1c and the sinuous movementJu

e7sHoney ot

Horehound and Jar• - ' • - Isjr

Z. Coughs«.

*"" *~ ~^~- C -- \

i^-'•tt»^|n1^'•^^s>l^ir^^rt^^^Wy"Boston d r a w a . " . ^ * some^-s*e un-jot ters . ' . \ r , ^ t ' .

11 . - .-TV*

Page 3: etty^€oHar~Work - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · J j- V VOL. XIV NO. 10. CKAXFOKD. N. j., THURDAY . MAY ». 1011. T11K1SU CUNTS a&s- The-Anchor Post Fence Does Not The Tutor 'A

., if^..B^14i^«^-^«»p«f*^M*F«»=- •

»f'-- i f i L * i •- -'' - . * > * « i « * •* • <>•

; to*a: p«wl and cut thtaa tfito quarter*.

Unreported Senate Incident

q' put them tn * porcelain lined pan wltota ubW.pswnrul of bnttvr and » pinchj-of finely chopped parsley; season withf"1* aad hlt W d h

Ptraoiul Encounter Narrowly AvertedWhen B«n Butl.f*. P r » f . f , g.y

raged Garrttt Divlt, the Irrit.•bit Ktntucky Senator.

One of the ablest of tie memo*™ot the United States senate- for 10 orW yaws-after the'close'of the Civilwar i n Garrett Davis of Kentucky.He w u a man of strong originality.Ha.wu very learned and a profoundlawyer, but ho was aluo Irascible, al-though whep approached In the rightw«y he »ai one of the. most kindly

-and considerate of men.Senator Davla never failed harlot;

hearera, both upon the Door of thesenate and in the galleries, when- it* « announced that b« wti to speak.Smeti th

d that b« wti to speak.Sometimes there waa suspicion that

•Interject luto hla formal speech-. , ,some very peppery remarks.

1 , " w»* one of th» senator's peculi-arities that he never -would *peak un-less 'his surroundings were entlrolycongenial. Sometime* a misplacedchair annoyed him. 'Frequently he

' turned cast upon the lobby at thep n by at trear of the senate fierce and angrygtencea, so that he might thereby'putan end to conversation that waa dis-turbing him:

Senator Davit waa.. announced tomake an Important BpoeciTat the »es-lion Of rongr....


out all of lha latent Irritation that ._ . . . , ~ ™ .was In Senator Pavls. At any rste, b. ] after lt_»a* all oyor I rom^mt-iil d - i and glared Bercely Mn* a s*ns»or say" that \%* *rnate.

ler had retired from tht» senate cham< i ' * " aa<J w n l t e P*l>t*r and warm thember.' • / thoroughly, without browning. " J—

"Th*.lncldent w*. not rvpof^d a,f' °* * h o 1 U U h -the time, since I was the • - • • ' 'la tht»

That comes to you tfvery aprlnff Is a sign thatin-*UaUtMuskaat pimples—and other eruptions are signs that It is impure.

Do not delay treatment; begin at once to takeHoed** Satsaparllla, whU-h effort* it* wonderful cures, not simply bm-sqse Itcontains sarsapartlla, but 'bevvus* It combines tho utmost remedial value* ottwenty different raised. their bt«B«*t eflJcleni-y far the cure*U wring-trouble*, that-ttr*d fwtius sod' Iww of appetite, fhtjre i*•«b.itim.;W«W on b«vi«« '


L^l ^

OM-Tlme Appls PI*. •-.- ' 'A guest at an old fashioned horns-

dinner washer hostess wbrnh»d been a California


y y %* *rnate. h a d T P ; Tat i«cr"Itutl*r. who trldenUy did not narrowly escaped a cersonal •acous- i Z *"""r- *d d » " l t l e *•"• i w k f o r iknow wHy D«vls bad be«cme thus I ter that would h a v s l ^ n »«nsaUa' i«n«ry. In fact It looked for a rao-ment as though Davit, who had lostcontrol of himself almost -completely,was about to go to Duller and attemptto rject him from that seat.

"Instantly the tension In the senatewas Intense. SHU, Butler did not r»aJ-lift that he was the cause of thetrouble;, but be rslunied th« Spreeglance' of Garrttt Doris as though•aylng: 'If yoq CAU look ugly. 10can I.'

"Juat aa Senator De.rU ,«.medabout to .advacce upon Duller, one ofth

Hoodfs Sarsaparilladrain. Then brat the > -

a bbw|"or-mortar' witaj •"' '*« *'r*4"»H"lh*. (Tmi» and•,-s.nd wh«-n j net. »lf*i> ulghts. After taking]the yolks of I Sarsnpnrtlla a lltlls while I' could

three rug*. Seasun with salt. p*jn>»r j *lwy »P11 and the, tired ti'vlti-.g hadtini a tiny bit of grated nutmeg: mUall w>l) arid thpn divide Ini'q 11 or

•j raor* parts, shaping each round or likej IHp tiui croquette* separately) Into -raw t.cnlfn egg-; roll to nncly

and fry a

pound. It was made by. breaking four. soda crackers Into; an '•a:rtb«n_U>w|

the senators upon the Republican I and pouring over them a pint of coldaide, Henry Wilaon of Massachusetts, | Water~feuasr*d ~*ery~:Urt~fijr citricy yT fiflc I

ly by the ile«v-e|of hl« CO«

par.loy alongside.

minute*. Hcrro on »with mashed "sprig* of

this. grr«i «nMli?lne> has alsom« of •rrotula, w"bleh tiad

troubled m* from thllilhood " Mrs.C, M. Kout.'lkiK tS, Ofivad. Conn..


s s ^ ^ ^asHx!**"MtiMN MSPMKtV • <kaaM»«4t

FOP TJJC ntitilf •

son drew him from the Democratic | fuls of light brown sugar and sNIttleseat and escorted him to the H«pub- I'aJltplco and clnnantour"-/; "pjjettj "per-Mean side of the chamber Aa Duller j*1 top cruat was added and- In'waa crossing tbe center of the aisle, >a few minute* a pttfect'.appli* turned and looked at Davit, wbol taken from the ovVn to delight youugwas almost beside hlnimlf with anger 'and old . , " - ..When Jlutler was "rated In the chair j • '—— —— - -of one of the Republican senators, he {calmly turnvd around and -lookedagain at Senator Davla.

"Davis waa completely mastered byhis Irritation Stilt (taring at Ren

r u * L Small Thlnot, but Th*y Msan Much)eparajlen uf Htslly ' r

Crawforil—Your hair ilnetn't seem'to | t>Aal|ylook as I'rtU) as It did before we were • '• •married

Mri Crawford- Of courjMi not dear.IJuUer. he abruptly terminated his , 1 u»fd to pay a dollar then to havespeech and teak hit Mat. Nor did he 1 it marculled v\tr) time you called.—

Among thoHo w.ho beard him at that

of the. commerce committee of thesenate of which Roscoo 'Qonkllng was,tha chalrwaui. Mr. Wilson, la nrlvato

- secretary of. 8enatoc_ Conkilng- and"clerk of the letter's committee, metwith many very interesting ahd'some-Umos dramatlo expertencea. But thetine which ho remembers aa vividlyaa Any relates to the speech In ques-tion by Senator Davit.

"I bad Just taken my place In the

ffi'a t1 J < WIBon. "to which I had access,when I taw Den Uutler, then a mem-ber of tho houte, enter the senateChamber. He looked around the bodywith that peculiar twist of the bead»o characteristic of him, and then,

, With his quoer llttlo mincing «topi went to tho Democratic side, took a]* «eat directly behind Senator. Davit

and Instantly became much InterestedIn Sonnlor Davis' tpoech, paying him

-rtm—,t|..^.f_i"-=^^^rt-x.j^L~V;f^J"—• •'•••• - : T "rle»y"uT very cTcwo attcntioh.duddenly; Sonator Dm It, who was

a little mnu turned around nn thoughto address some of tho ncnators In thoseats behind him, and discovered Henllutlor sitting almost ulthln arm'sreach of him. ' IJuUer Inqkud up atthe senator, Rnd there m«y have beensomething In Butler's manner, or pos-

career In the Civil war, which brought

mum to-bft-hkatelf. again untR-4tat Tmk:

Senator Was a PhilosciphferHorace A. W. Tabor's. Own Explana-

tion of the Story That He WoreNlghtihlrU With Frills of

Flnett Lacs.

unique and soiiHallonal careerator jlloraco A W. Tabor of ColoradoIs or|e of the most fascinating of theromances of American mining dewl-opmvnt. IJ was a familiar story »ome30 years ago, but tho Inter «-iclteraentind romances of suddmi wealth'follow-Ing . ihe illsroiery of giMd or »llverhaie cnutrd It to be somewhat ol>scured. Tabor was a rough and readysort of follow who In

couldn't; and In that event the tcos*was forgiven

I'pon one occasion a prospector ask-ed Tabpr in grub stake' .him.' Tlierequest WAS instantly, grarifvd. A "short•tlmo later the prospector struck Very. .. , .

uf S3n cwno a man of millions;:....Hi) built an water Hi which*.tilopera house In Denver, plunged. Intotnauy actlvltl«», and at last had iwllt--l«'Al aspirations, becoming lleutttianTgovernor of his utate, -Tbi<n theretamo a vacnnry from Colorado In tlmI'nlted KiatM m-naie. Tlior« was aniiiW'rlm (ft only a month l>elwceh thedale v-hen the \acnncy began" and lifelimp -when tlm l'<Klnl;t!urc» would nit'iiand

,Uore wnil fort of ti\-«-rn In th . rl his diliilng frleml.

a npwr t. jPaion .-'

ttnlly of wliat In now I^advIUe, ColoTho prospectors esteoined him notonly aa a friend, but as a ti«nefactor'Ho never permitted any man to gnaway hungry. He always entertained,a miner or prospector, whether' he sawthe color of a man's monpy or not' Hewas confident tbat ev'ory man -would -laginn- (o tnke dl«

iilerfuland If he didn't It would be bvcause he

Saved Fame By Not Speaking"Cot. "Walter Harrlman,,Noted 8oldlei

and Campaigner, Feared One'Speech Would'Dettroy Rep-

m reputation be should atop speaking,

orator, onca ~ialdthTlTls «n nn^f^n^

to a friend. And

orator who agreed fully with Qarfleld.One of the fighters of ttio VoTou

army who gained distinction for hisbravery waa Walter Harrlman. coloneof a New Hampshire regiment. He

. waa wounded several times,"tmcer talren~I>f1i6ijer7 He was sent, Charleston. S. C, where he found alarge company of Union ofDce'ra. A

. tew day* after Colonel Harrlman'* ar-rival at Charleston'It became knownthat the Union force* had esUbllaheda battery with one great gun, calledthe "Swamp AngeV' upon an lalandIn the harbor about four miles distantfrom the city, the Confederate author-ities In Charleston having been Informed by the Union commander that

- It vsf hit Intention ts sneU the~cltr.-This warningvwa« givenJn order thatnon belligerents, tipeclally the womenand children,' could be, removed to aplace of safety before firing began-

"Thereapon the Confederate officers de-dent

cera and place" them day and night-Ina most (exposed petition, and tbe com-manding officer of the Union armywa» Informed ot lhat- purpose.

r Colonel

an. but It raiuswl mmr-«mHv»lr lit.•tie damage and did DO harm to anylot the ttnlon ofllcers, aJthouslS"ColonelJHaniman,afterward* declared bis en-forced rxposore to the lire pf tire great

caused far greater apprehensiongany tfiaCTie TSad ~experienced

t_ In hattlft—Howerer—•nooe—of-^Colonei Harrtman't fellow- office/* sawjtn* silgMest Indication of timidity on*•"*-^ut-'?He^a^entlrelT composed.

to'_hls companions: This Is

very (lender, t&Il-and thin featured,but bla voice waa clear and ringing;tils gestures Rra'ceful, and he was Ingreat demand by ttepubllcans all overh


Successful Meal.

. Wbi>n cooking etui* nlw'nr-i hrrnkthodi separately In n run, for on«-l<ad••(CK will »IKI|| all that • liave I w n.broken'..before.-- For |ioorhlnR or fry-Jhg, it I* !betU>r Hi brwak them slu«lyIn » saucw, from w huh I hey enn Ni

" pp*d Into tin) pan'withoutthn yolk. -

A--tablvspcK'in of vinegar, and a

A Country Schoolfo

TOiWH-Snor Npbrta on'sch«i>l i'lrk of \ ; s r m nt<r (hi HU<IK<D Hirer, Full

MlM Bang, and Mi..

jI • .

little salt should bo iulil«d to i-ii?hpint of boiling ; wate'r—used fpr

W- X. DOUGLAS|5lr7VJ..|i2!fi2 »3 »3-J?& »4 S H O E S iu.\:::

W. 1_ Douglas Spring Stylet include mor«Snappy and Up-to-Dato Shape* tn Oxford*nnd High Cut* than ever before produced.i i .itHtk *inl nt twtuTr fttitl wrjuu Uiiuir Tallin tor Hi* i

ger tUfttuk&jF.oihttr iu*k'lli»n j<m <»n ubuln

f hrfo la nmrh nourlshmen!. also | Vn thaiw»«r»r »«»nm

I. H...I.I.I « .m. »M,l tt|» . . l . l l>», .which s-v*r*iriiM («ll Kin*

rulo It Is cheaper'than meat. If frr»hfl Rli. tniipot. t>» obUiii«iit..«aU'. fl«h.;l«roperly i^ooltsd, t« ijuU'ii' i r niitrltfons.

nutritive qualities.of'cor'nineal. wlileliought to bo used moro ^lian It Is Inevery household.. . _

.Dried-.pea* and--bean* also rankhigh among thu .jJiea|>«Ht aiul' inoiit jnutritious foods. rtPaiin that .arV'oM |

Icutgor sdaklng than laat


Sago-"and rCurrsntPutfdlnq.A ijunrter or a -pound ufiiago,•«..:.

(luarter of n imunii of clraiin'il eiir- Irnnts/'alx' gnod' rooking nppii'*, imnheaping- tabteiipiKinrul of -butter,'twotahlespuonful*" of - sugnr, Imlf of u

1'ul tlm iiago Inlo a H1lt".wftn.-r, .,(\/ni

ru tlia 'huabiiud o(a little «nd.

"l.tcll y«u. •iiiilro,' Im BK!(| t« on* ofthe WRiidl'ng guetlit, l i i i u i uf tils owuMX», arnl hlinaflf tb« rnllinr of a num-ber of unmarried gtrlr, "I full youIt l> n «ol«nin Ililitx for 11* whan our


Kincrnor, no lhat It wua iiiinount-firthat tbe man wlio had c'hnirgml. bis po-sition over night from a grocery atoriTk 'kecpur to a t-of. triany.jnlU-.lions «as to m rvo for four weoliii inthe I'nllf.l KtatcwBonati-

Ilefore Senator Tabor rpncIn>(TAViish

\o describe tbe outfit of <lothln« whichhe had provided /or htiimelf In hl»

ofvivid descriptions of nn arra>nlghlMblrts of the flnoat llnrn, tlr><n-ra£ed with r«al lace ffllls «t the rnffs

-tho-neck. --Tht>B« "lais-rTratiF

iwoiiii's-trann-'parent. aUrrlng all tbo il»i«; noxt Addth« thln_rlnd -of tlirt Imlf li-tiion, |lmcurrants, nnil -UI.B. »IIK«V. li»t,4«r npudillnff.jrlliih4 mil In tli« nppli>» fiy^^••••-•-—=f1iti, i-on'd'nnd nll< Mli/niiil

thxae th<< t u n |iru|,iirntliinutter In hinnil (>U-i r» nn tlm

pour IIVITut thi>

Hi'rvp * l ih u good uisiurd ami

l-ustomt?*1—That tumr y.ou'ruiUrit IM> rut her o)<]

|fiulf«r / l o w 1 411 >#•» (r l j , i l r ?

A Mlt s lonary Tr««. •A mlsi luti i try, dur ing a Ix-nt tn

l tMl.rT.>f »


uf .l ti"t Wtogether

ha'contedfil, "butmi wh«m Umy

- ~ - -&M

'.' Evldtntly. v.()»lilng*. roady for your xnburbangnrdciitiig.'" '

"V«?(i. I'm got ii.«,imi|i«. n pick, (Iho<t,

- mart-vt -fl



Hit (Utn f \t¥ **,'* ' ail Ik ft \»r m.\\ hrutfiv

' """ — rIt's riul.'f for a «MrM..»» man to

m t . o frlcMt's than to tnnku good.

Thf-r» aro Vitrt<iiiH r f f lp«a for making ihln r - H » I L ,'Iti" fi>>:iinlnK »>Hbo frmiHl n good nn"' H«'h (I flhn IUIH"nuri»-~^i''y 9iiii F«wt * IH'H friruJi IK»1

ro | soft , I'nitnil l l i cm wi-lf rrdiirl i ig llmrnmantle senator. t o n I)U|Pi u,,,,, ,,flt , „ „,,„], |,, Vfu<-»<nf

Hut thorr » a » notj i lng In Tabor's aiv- ( >nough to wi'll rovrr • A<W (o Ihls

rally added to the Interest lu tbo

i "I l in \n i-Mlttlillxhoil mlnnl' inary. lronanil uri-r.thn c o u n t r y Itnt t'-rtiKi™ y o ull'JU't know vtlint » itidmlonary trw> Id?

! A mli*K^»iMry-l (••*•. l*-t7nir-tarlroiio pruntgurit Mitlrrly TTJ Tjjlsslonn *

1 "A Kojburoi igh f«rmcr has In til* ap-1 pl« fir>?iard n grj|<]><» (ilpi»lii |r«"« Hint

tiyj I finl them perfrtt. Couldn't dotbeiur I bare used them for

for no linger period than four weeks. rrlfg, ono oun'e of black )fppp<*r andtwo budees of ffil«ry aevri Holl alPfor

en ttrain through n balr

speaker caused him to He jtoanlmous-lf ncimlnaud—for—Hso»*rnor-of— K>Hampshire and be waa ejected by ag t t l l t m th "l

In 1875 ther* waa to b»-a greatme*tlng4 of the Grand Army of the Re-public at Boston. Tbe expectation waathat General Grant would attend, and"Phil" Sheridan, bad promised to bethere without fall and to march onfooT-atTliriieaa-of hi* ioHJeri:°"Tbecommittee of Arrangements aaked GOT-,emor Harrlman to deliver the chiefaddna* of this occasion. He heldthat to be"" about the moat dlttln-.gnished honor that had come to him.He said to the committee:

"I appreciate- th» compliment youh»ve given, me. and I will communi-cate with you by letter la Xhe courseof a few -day*.1: " * '

Bat when the committee had re-ceived the letter .and read It ' tntyfound that Governor Harrimas taddeclined. They were amazed and dis-appointed. Hut he persisted la bold-in^ to it.

Tli* great gatberfng of the GrandA nay tooJt place, uovenior 'riarTlmaxT•was preaeDt: bat dldnot tpfak. Saida'frieDd to him aotne time later:

"Corernor, you save 4 national rep-olatlon »s an orator. The Grand Army

aa a member of the senate•"> neeo, to tne reports which pur-ported to describe bis extraordinaryunderwear, and after his-term lo thesenate had expired, he returned .toColorado aa quietly as be had reached

tentative from Colorado In tb« lowerhouse of congress. James, n. Jlelford.shortly after Tabor's term In the sen-ate .bad expired, ami I asked aboutthe report* that had told of the al-leged personal eccentricities of Ta-bor.

"Well," replied Judge fJslford. "Isaid to Tabor one day Tabor, whatIs all this stuff tbat has'been printedabout you and real l «e nightshirt*?Where did It start' U It truer

"Jim/ he said In .reply, ' won't saywhether It Is true or not, and .youdon't "need to ask me that; but I willtell yon confidentially that I guess Istarted the story mytelf. Vou see, myftfcuds am aB-rmmir~rt«~mTnOT»Tanathe prospectors. If I worked the red.ablrt and overall busineis In polltics-wfth them, they, would ail *ee rightthrough It, They are no fool*.

jon4 HI menaH .ol iheui \fa' kin4 ul men wboi^^5r^BB^SiEoTa»rfti5'oTjf»n%Ta>S3"

onr-tt—TTTi/ .did o"For a rery simple reason." replied

Governor Harrlman, *T. bave learnedby my rrading and by my experienceUat It takes about twenty jrears tomake s'reputatloa^aad «h»t rj>e settwenty yean are ocrnpted la maintain-

g Mr orator baa a p«cn»Jjar rtpD-taUon. .He is liable, to lose it by rea-son of the failure of a ttinjele «p>eeh.t eWd not afford to take that rtafc I(J.ecUned to speak before toe O. A. XL

k J L i j '

linen, anil »v»r>'h'ni «p.'ff«>!JJ;If they make menry. antT'io I said tomyself that If they beard I was ooi jplaying tbe cheap political gatne, butInstead was willing lo let tbe worldknow that 1 had money and w,

slave and bottle, soallng the covers.

If a pan Is burnwT or blackened,rub the (nside of It with a hard crustof bread dipped In salt and afterwardwash It with hot nods and water.

Add a llttlo soda to the water Inwhich you wash you/ P'*ta* *nddlshea. Thfl soda loosens tbtTcreasnon thom and gives tbe china a good,thlny/turfac#,

B« itri rarcful to keep tho lids ofsaucepans cl*«:n. for tbe flavor of OMdish may- cling ,to a fidjrhlch has notbeen washed and

ots«Eond dlib

ich, la-Wash a aaucepan In

water; bat never wnih cakft ^lns pans, Wipet tbem-w«H with a

piece of paper, which la ftftarward

- aro n

principle thst underlies them n«ed not.V conllned lo rajuis and farmers."

Happy family.Mrs Hcrappiogtoo ,(ln the midst ot

-her-nta41n*;}j*-r4J«r« Js aa acciouaVof a.woman turning on the gas wnll« berhutbsnd was aa)**p and' asphyxiationhim!"

Mr^Hcrapplnmon—Vory conald«rat<*of her, I'm sure! Horn* wire* wsk*tbolr husbands up, and th*n talk IDeBJto death.—Puck.

Mr* W;n* •

_z-__x—«_' —- _* _ ""rrn~:: A~ML'le wl's BXU often great talkort. ,- - . J

—iMf la Ho' hi ' 4

never dogs a man's memory.'Ho Is starr*!/ off with tbe old untilbe Is on with tlm new.

firm aoil btlloiunet*ao>l am BOW completely cured. Xecocn<BKoil them to •veryotfe. Once tried, 70awill never be without them In thefamily."—Edward A. Man, Albany, N.Y.

T i M Qood.ja^fjf) j>f Qtip__.

~>f~*v*f toldJii talk. Ttwt«*Isaipwl C C C. "

can ot rout BWS*/ back.

\ "


Cold*, Int^ettioa.

well to -cut oat »nd

fpg torn* o£Jt on^myseffy I6e/ wouldjl " T h ' Ito b f«ay: -That's Ifat- boy fo? me "overall and oniausderrd ablrt businessbaa been worked to eath In politics.r dotft think the lace nlgbUWrt baahtsrt me a. bit' with tbe boys.',

fwtlfti BeltuiJ. -iam >t«**nUMt after wa#hlng them, sp- that Ihay may (OCL BMIfHI flrTftyfftjU t t w u right In ILUL lUftlby ETJ Ed

aboutIng. and will give mucb sut<«-KS la theaffair* of lhat v«iry linporuuil region

. o f t i e home,~JPuadtoir-tlotlw. -fellyen should tm w*U Waalaod ~huaf ttptto dry. It Is not ascs-aarr to l « n them, t»> tbey should boaunoothed and foldodL, before tb*ry arerepi»c*d (n tho drawer.' " - .

_ J^^MwaaSthB^*Tn rwir! fui ot the evet refresrung• " • - - - - ' f c f a ^ l Ux.dver ( '

a Finandtlixif of

g pbe thoroughly dried lojlde.J»**«»Ltis» Ja»t .lonfkjIDd,keep then In,**** eon&iton^


weB liervvn Ihroudiouftjhe w«}dthe bett of fvDifylaxaJne lane», branue it acts to geady nd

•tiengfteu. natafa% wubout ha-_,_y_l__ __\ _!_____ _V !__ _L-, * - *

yfftj LFwSjmjp Co, bearagthe| m > v plamr/pfBM ttool of tnty picktga.

TO 20%Write for jnforraativn 00investment stocks earning

t*nd payintrgood dividends

TfllPPE & GO.-( Msmtieratt.V. stock iiciisna*25 Broad St., NEW YORK

5 .



7r> .



W. N. 0 , NCW YORK. NO, tt-11

. - r'1*-t r

. . . 1—* J T ^ 1«

Page 4: etty^€oHar~Work - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · J j- V VOL. XIV NO. 10. CKAXFOKD. N. j., THURDAY . MAY ». 1011. T11K1SU CUNTS a&s- The-Anchor Post Fence Does Not The Tutor 'A

p**/- TrfB CRANPORD CITIZEN, THttRStfA*. MAY 4, 1911.

K01ILW0RTH NOTES.GARWOOD NOTES.llllBiTIlI The uaual irrurt o» rouun*-pew- Jefeated by tbe PlalnfUld High Scbool work a T»ry slick g»rag» Ui»f •*•*A. J. Beckloy retarded the fonrpart

{l«Ooai>OBlTIU.| man giving bis nam* as J>sstatM. While at IkMtoo 'or better results when tbey meet theU b

smatr improvements-wa* Louis Wilted the Cranferdr. K#rkl«y b«tlnit,» few houn to sparey

erasy. Ulgb «oboo( on tbe latter'»

Ciewlfellrr.J SSClirS fV|P(Kll|Kll1|.i><w'I vMs( 4c tigitidorjirtompaniftt tilwriter* name a* "a aunranlrr of* faWA. TAf CiHitn will printtuniAation* un any •ubjrcl of•alintr'rttt to tl,' proplt of (Yan-

Ibiif (tors hot ihtrtlfy attvmr uny~*—po»utti>mtp for opinion* vhieh may

?•• THPHH1MY'. MAV 4. !»ll. -r

Tonight at tlie Towmdiip HOOIUKwill beheld t)io public ujt«!tiii(j lodiscuss the inatUr of undergradeCromiili({«t "•"' more purtirulftilTilio proposed now croMsing, un-ct«rgrad«,fjuiit Ensi of Ilia liivor,Every perxoii interoHleil in tho <!<'-velopeiiumt ami Kruwth of Crau-fofrl should T attend (WH iiiMiilug,for thfr-iuattiti^at itt«up,Hniiil«jrt{ra<}ocronainga, in of vital importance.

-Cranford Hliould barn at leastthroo under^rndo ' criiMiiiigN aiidthn Hubjbct boa boon ili»ciiHHnilt fury « t r « ^ i i b t H W i * f


L4llk^UUTt *. «

nmed Again. V'-Tuesday ui^iil tlio ('a'diiio HOC-

ond team wont ' t>mtr' to thu.ltoHO-villo A A. chili liinihct for-'r. returnmatch with a . plenstlut bunch ofbowling eipurU that -vi*it«>d horosumo ^wonliB" (iTncii, ttiid lUii Grau-ford licfwlorH Iciirimil luiielKnbii'ittho gaiue^.a* dmiioustrat«d\I>y

-gpooi'nlisl*. In tho Unit KIUIM \Vny<uor'» .low wore again lost" the

- gnipii to (irailford. Kilt ' iu tlieothets I hero iiovor WUH a chance.

Cranford U'luh'jtosevHJoTutwii:and Hoiikiim

who WUH in tin

ovidiiiice »f Hknun lodge of the guuio. Southardavvrnijod woll ovur IIUO fur '• tbothrco game*, hi tho ilunl tfnuw thoUoHuviUoH rolled 10011, nil- overagotil '214 for the livo, m'BluJHMolLB»S.iolliiif{ HOIIIO. Cranfnnl* wont over

g }'roo<«ding« jrere lirrncdRoniewbat hytalk by L T Rove*with regard to tho atub end ofOrange avenge, who «*ked thoTownnbip Coiumittee to move inthe. matter to_ secure a properHi n e t Chairman HeioH .aasuredMr; Korea 4bat the Committeewould do all it could to relieve

onditiom and

.^...i; /"Constitution,'' though outif ODOimiasioo. is still afloat ia tbe ysrd

a as temporary headquarters'i>r young tafs, : ".Jfrty Vr'asbburn, ths ball player, bas

rivr>,»r«l from bis reoeut operation and•as able to outer third bag for BoundBrook in the game wltii l>unell*a on

as thi) roost feasible plan that theowners. get together and securethe property required to make, alegal street Mr. F. W, Park whosevoirc h»» IICOD iuisned at recent

of the CoruniitUse, saidthat tint owners on one aide iif thestreet Jiad- by degrees stolen raucliof what wan one* a public streetnndjnow wanted the town to helpthem o u t

'The "hall on South avenue uiiedTiy tli« colored population was thesubject of complaint for himselfand other neighbors fcy L. J. IJren-nen wild lives ueiTTloory He told'of tho continuous; nuisance, at


Mr. sod Mrs. Wro' KrOat desir* totlmrik the many, friends. Including

[boors, who SQ kindly *s*<*t»dthem during their r«**nl bereavement."New rules beginning May 1st, arelow In operation at the Aeolian fsotory.}n«i rule, is that all employees shallmUrend |«»»e the factory by the mainntranoo on North avenue., <thiis closingip tbe other two exfts; snotiier id that,raployrea must be on hsnd st 7 a. ni.,t^hsy will b*-toreed4o-waU-uniil fl ai. Theoouipany Isid off nearly fifty•ends on Monday na ft result uf theilschnms iif-work in the milling iDiirtmont.

t~br tori

that the matter wouldhave prompt attention.

Tho ownora of"Moriuawdio Park"jictilioiu'd for the' aciniptanco ofthe si)Wi;rN Iniil Irutl year in thatsection. This was . roforred to

II. F. Knapji asked thatSouth irv'onuo bo .improved; refer-t> the Hlriin vommitt(i<". A; V. V.Hilmoii - asked for a . crosswalk ntllI(Hiiuingdule avonUP on Eljitabeth«jomt(i; roforrod to tliti Kngiueer

nlHd-tho Hiatlnr of « side-

< KHylnr is. confined U> bisurns with lumbago. :

'I'liit land company is plnnning tn layn'mrlit Kldewalke Hi Willow, I OOIIHl,

Hprure »nil Hciulli HT«r'ill«i, and to plno*walks fXtondiiiK ip tw«nty-tlv» fiwt oil

jwnlkXpii ' Httiiipton. ntreot (roio

Htroiit. Sttvnrnl" uonniiiiiiicationr«f^m;^e»biita*s Jleft lrtdrt*^jtitb- culvert \ .rapuirit preirioualy

I'msiiTSifit- -Williain Htt<ir(i vVCasino trnnxporiod tho • bcnvlorH toand from ltoHovillc- liy niitomobiln,umkitif! N |i)»»ttHMif> oulof tlm lougtrip. After tlii^bowliug tho visitorswent Imndnoiiioly oulorlninvd' l'.vthu HoBOvillo tofim nt Hiippcr.

The HCoroH s • —- - • 'nhOHKVIuLK. • . •-""

K m c b . . . . . . m ilfi '•''JOi ittm iiao


td.1 1175 KMUciuNroiii).

. . ' . . . 130 lftl -18JIininmer :.. . .-i7i m itto

iiskcd' for by\tln> Coiiiiiiittco, ro-irllug work done or under wnjIu a ooinmuiiiuation from—t

Hoard of FruoholdV" witti.regardT .^ . (jiartaof Wai-

nut1, Union and HprUiliold ftvontioH

ty- TownNiin»-ij|»rH-l»onfliaii'•'•"laaiWinter, the Frwjholders atntoithat tlioy oould not Ukn tho Workon thin year. As this wiu> alroadvknown there wan little dUappoiutincut folt It in oxpocted that thihimpruuomout will bo undvrtakounextjoar. . . .

I. 0. "f?N«ws.

SL Pwl's Church.

~«onblp' 8-o'clock,VrroacblnB bathmorning and rvtftilnV hy the pnotor.Uunday MSIIUOI at I^u'rlix'k. Bpwortb

Inviled i\nO Ooort Ctantord intends tothoff tin1 vf>ltlng lowest bill for the erection of the buildTbo anoual lucollug and election of

onoera or too t«»uto«' AlTBootPly~wiITbo hold'Friilny aftcmoou, at 3 u'clock.

lo _r "llothor's Day," will bo outorvedSunday morning, Mny Uih. A «pecf»lMtinan drdloatml to tbo uiutlier* of

:,,, j , our nation will bo preached \>j thefk r p**tor.~ EratT-uxiliK^ffa inytted "tof"4 ittfend. Brery mother attending will> b<> presented with a white oaruatiou.

,;Tti»«8d snnl»*nmry of ~tho EpworthViagtie will oeiobratcd In thocburcbSunday eTenloR, May 14th. SpecialBiutlo will be rendered byVtM\H mats quartette. Ofllcora for theOOinJnR year will bo Installed by theputor at thU asnTice. All tuorobers«ad Mandaaro Inrlted to attend.

TtMFaqf i Puuh U»foat»dtlba Jtmj Bluoa Saturdny atternoonbyaaopnot 8 to7. BaUcrlM forth*JDatohmen U)MUnd and Oaroy; for

Blim 'Ue^innert Oompton and


furil toai, Indspsndsnt Order Kunwlone candid*!* was initiunvl into theiu) stenea of tha orilwi'and II *» applications were rweived Itnd pawiod <ui.Afuoli Important business pnn trans-

Mi. Uhlnf Ititnger IXx.'k»rj•uthorlieMl jojroourp pamphsraftlla fni

•U» plans were mads fur tho next meet-ins, Msy £1, at which tlms_the court

Un candidate*. The degnw work willb* done by the oourt't own de«ir«e t*amWho will aaauublojit tha_lod||a rooiuaIlid rebearw during Itin month. Tbet*•111 be Vliltora from varioua courtthroughout Union Qiunly, Id addition

new lo th , line of !rorkt_ th

deptrtur* from tho old styls and apleasant aurprise Is In store for thsmembers at Court OraotunJ. Appll-callous have already started lo coinsu> Secretary Tuompaun tut- ths nut

hai be*o RoUji over the booka mporttheoourl ID a high claw oondllion bothUnnnoially and otlittwi**. Nothing iMl undone by tho ofltoeis to main* th»next meeting the UrgMt meeting In IhhUlory ot Ouurl Oraotoid. The outfi(or the d««rM Uam la expected torive by May lOtb. tbm giving th« memben ample lime io reheaiM. Tbk teamwill b* mltetd briber by Cbi»T RangerDookwy and Secretary Tbooipeoa^asM U M the outfit arri\'*e and plan*ma^erbr tlnal acUoir when tbo twtnaoomo tagethtr. Tho cburtvWUd OourfRosalia last wask at» larg* -aeellor otthatOotftt and yew ettthunlwUcallrsaaiVMTniHl WUMSsstTtbFiniUaUoa 'orseveral oatKlldaU*. Fonstry Is spread-ing rapidly ind at th* presentwill koon be th* blcgsal older in the

dice Qmtt at Ptainfidd HmtrtTtfetnportaatsuinottnoaaMWtUniado

tbat Onto* OeorR* will {K«eMt bar newlyy* '8 to tor tbe Oooa*;" at the

Ptslo^ld TbsaU»;jBat(irUsj ustlqwandnlittt, MajBUu Grace GloriaAmsrioa'sloadioKOoinsdleflnfkftnd barappsaranosinanaw nUur ia alway an

of Dpnala 0i4lag» and now fm*<wotSirwliah Lutheran Courcb at Kaw.p*.,

as to tovo on Tue*d»/ and d#li.v«r»un lotercellnK addrrsa in the nveniDV in

tbeopliege audilorium (.o bis r«*nitravel* liirou^h Europe. After.'".' tbeaddrsss a luncheon w»s uojaywl nod Vr-tt«ck loft for his b"iue lo- f«un»ylv«oia.Hi« Mudeot body escorted trim lo tbetrolley.

. Iiodt-ttren of : BurlingUjn,l t d T fiTIswa. wss ejected -fraaitleot t>[

College to Oil Ihn tucaocy caused by tin-resianatlon of Dr. h. II, Deck ui tlth-.cVinfereocermaeting in purtlniiil, Ouou,,during tb« past week, (>tb«r mattersfor tbe betterment of conditions at Ihncollege were' favorably iliacussmi andprovisions mads for additional Liu" "eod linproveiuenle'in gnuerul.

All members of the ilorouuh Councilere present at the rxvulur. muoiwy

maeting neld in the Borough Hull onTuesdsy e»en|ui{. The spnuiul eomoiit-lee composed' of Gounolimen Kil ler .Kr»ou, Nilschks and Kipling ''submit-t»d a ianxlhy-rfpoft on tlirjf—tour—etInapoetlon of nMjuioipui uvruemhip waternlttnUst UsrUdale, N. Y.. luxw>vt;||,L. J,, nuil Itumton, N. J., »"'( rn'oni-meudnd that a public inpeting bo hniilat which the property uwnere mltfht lie

lrwtlini.df Mrs. William tJaninl. Adi»ntH.

:harlM M.. llenillH end family havsmoved in the Koornor liuliee on Ceilstrevl. Mr- llcadle bought thei'boufnKin.i» l imn »an ' .

Vofk-are'vislting; In town.

Vurk «rw tltitiiix in town.

11. DillnwHy of On I ro lit reel, linemoved .bi.Wesillelil.

The Vmiiitf Msn'rAVeffitfirOhrtrweradefeniiMl hum. on Hstardsy by the I/O

osM (tall gam*. Hi«)r« «u>3. . . .

Wiitt and J. Hk'illmjin'tnok civil'twrfioeeiamlimtltiu for tbe-poslllon of i»ist.uiiwldr for this pluw, oiiHaturday. Thevxaiuinatiohs' took"piiuMJ In ihn. WibHehuolat H'eatlleld..

. Joseph O'Connor nml Misa LI la Hkill-man wss married on Hsturdsy eveningby llev. 0. A. Utosnwood of • li'estfleUI,it the bri.iJM hnuis on Willow Aye. Miss

waa bnil IUBU. Tlie hriile wore a drof « h l u v u l l » « v e r pink silk, and car-ried a U>ui)iiet of white rq*«a. Thtireworti Jlfty uuastii pipaent from NewVerk, Newark, Plalnlleld.••WeallteM and'Uarwood, T h e bride rn^tvixl manuseful gifta. Mr and Mm O'0i>nin>iwill reside in (•arwood. -

Mr. MoManus of New Vork . hasbought the tienl,h<ius» on 'ITiiril Ave.Ills 'bratner-itr-U'w," Oliari»s"''0regorjwill live there.'

Mr. nit] Mrs. J, A, JHckson of Newarlc." sp?hl "Sunday Twillr MhlT ,

A t the Borough Council on Tuesdaeveit lna tsveuJi lds were reoeived by lh»

ing . w a s flu.KKO n w l T l n s ii in lies118.080. T h e bids went referred t o thebuilditaig cuutniiitw~wblcb~~ftitr~rvpurinext week. "*

K^mralservioeaof a verycfcstsoler'mid attended by the schoochihirtn w*9 held oo Friday • nfternooia Km tfwsbytttrhw Chspel « w the n.njains of little Id« E. Froet, the four,year-old daughter of Mr. aod Mrs. W.T. Froat, wbo died from tb* > results ofa burning accident. The chapel wastilled with fri*n«U of the d*oea*d enild,and Rev. Mr, Elliott, of Itahway, con-ducted th* service. The bsarara weresix" little fprts. UndsrUker NewmanGray was la ebars«l - A. special trolleyear ooAV*y*a th* aoiinol children toEvergreen Oemofcrj, Klttsbeth, wbereInterment look pUoe.

. tafsty VatvM *f tint WortATMrtflc aa ar*,tb».(M«4a of volcanic

action, tbM-.hsve: serrwl and do yettbM-.habtlf erdtheyTeKlabMd.- In. ttwi m—wby jiiunuiiii.|iwyw« iun iw

ma(oiSeent~acheuie of cosmic dsvetop-qent~ Volcanoea form a natarafTcnttor tb* pentup internal rorns result-

Item Um alow cooUng and consoll'

tn aU probablUtj burtt with explosiveforce and .with a resulting cataclysmappalling 'to coatetoplatel ' VolcanoesMod, in (act, to maintain tha normalatabta •QttBlbrmm between the ulteriorana the outer attrtace.ox th« worW.v

BiU-Etperiiuehhi with tttoaaaods of•unjeeta havvJihown that .nuuxatulnii his maximum strength Xa

sut» tlmt He wail to bfioil from tnetropblls. White' in tbe itanifappfopriaU>d'a aisgneU) valuedHe was obserred by Mr: fUrostt M b*wss leavioir, the building csjrjtoHBooietbfntf under his coat, snd upun in-vestiastion the theft was disooTered buttoo late appfehefti the fello<r -i»ht»..h«Jleft town. Mr. Barnrtt decided to 1«?

low sod do a little MeuUiintf. Un Mowr'day he learocd that a partT had beedvisiting tl>» Westileld g*ng** with, asimilar story imi tbi* incident coupled

•lib his own gav*:hlm.a clue. -AtWestfleld,aneroploy*- found the inanst-FiakVplac«. -TheWlow-WBS »Mir»aI n * diauffer'a unifornt but wilbuut an

evsolng will nce ive further dmvumlon.The amendmonta to oAltnonue No.'.' URreeommendod by the Orilinani« Com-nllttea was oasfeod oq ttrst uuil eeoomtreading and provides for n roilutrtion inthe license fwt for regiatrrinK UoK" nmlthe manner of puitlntf uureKiHtMiw!dogs toilMith. Frsuk H. Itwxt* - mul U.(J, H'llbur wt<re Bp|Milnl.«l for :i ywirterms us ilieiuunra of thu Uourd of lloulllimulH. 8. lluth for 2 yenrs i<> till llwiinexplred term "t Frcil - lliller wltircelgned Trie _Ui«liwuy ' ('<iiiiiiiiU«were empowered lo purohuax cni«liwstone iu osr iuui iu suniuu-nt iiusntitlmto put thu mncadiim utrwlH in Hit*iKironah inywid r>p»lr. WIBH In HIIII.IIH

...UlatrosUawilrlWiSi5'*placing of a light st Hisuornur uf 1-711Hlfwt «nd.Hb«r(dttn,Ajrtinu«j.rwiw J«(iii

% e . g 6 , y )iiower to wot. * Tim nlmlt WIIH nmtrtirtm.lo notify Hie I'uh'iu Mnrvlun C!iiri«irulniiof UittJiBoeejsily of .their eoinp|«tluK'. ""work of Illliim betwewii tlieir cur tritckiund along tlmlr l nH* on ^Mii^lTlKiiiAvenue nml thiw IJoulttvaril, mi ii wuiilinuet imposeihla to dr|v« i»v»r'. I hem «ib» stroet crosslngi lU^TiT'Tr pfEStinocinditiou.••', 'Eh* «k>rlt.w»n iil.uo iimiruot

from -whloll buitdilitfH wer»thatrptotwtion must be providedby liflliig in tho cellars or itheui with guard railn. The Tireport Blinwml ii biilnhce on tinml M|iyTel, or •173H.H1, out of wliit-b lull-ttinbuntlug to. *U7.'i2 w«r» nppn>v«Jand ordered piild. >

library Book List.JlKF«IIKNi;rj) AMU OKXKKALc

Hiuivliminlui) liiBiirotfviT,"~"A7tHnri

Itiiymohil, Li. liomo, Anrient HIMModern.

Oulllesu, \V. Ii. Ui)voriimi<iil niii]rollllos-ln tho UIIIUHI MtiiteH.

lies, Uwitge, Od. I.llllt' Miuitel pi«cu.<iuf Auloblogrnphy. C will. -

l'lnero, A. W. Tn<lnwny i>f tliWells. * - _ . ' •- II.II..-. <* M. lfln . l»«i. . i .u t ,i| 1 l n l n ,||

11VI111, Arthur Tlie uther AmcrlcunaUale, UusHn MexicoLindsay, Forbes I'nuuino nutl tin

Spulfonl, II. tV -The milking of afortune,„ Cuusiouk, 11. T. JojO! uf Ihn NorthWoods. - —

Ooiuyers; 1). Two Impueters mi(Tinker.

Pserlsh, lUndall Lnve under lire,

Wells, L.O. Children ot the Cldatone House,

fuller, Uaralyo ilia ufutnoie uusn,-Unrrls, Corn A.circull ruler's wifi>Dillon, Mary Miae Xj|.vingsion's

oompanlon. -VaooSil).J. Cyiithlnof-ilm-minuto.Locke, W. J. A Cbnstnnw mystery.Auduux, Nlnrguente ;M.*n« UjHipe.Cratifurt), 1 \ M. Wnufleriujjulioel

.Pryor, Mrs. U. A. The Colooel

* Whamson, C. N. and A. M. Thegolden alienee. _ :

dilllns, Wilkle The luoooaloiip.r CUILDBIN'S BOOKS.

Brown. F. W. Dan McLean'iturss.

Bggtceton, Q. O. What happened toUBUred. W. I.. Camp Ski>airutemtyer, K. Dsve Porter and

his rivals.Ostberwood, M. H. Kooky Fork.Bauoi. L. F. Tbe Wiurd uf O.x.

' Young, Clarence. Motor uoys in Mefc-

' VoUBgi-dareBO*—Motor boys-over,bud. '

rClarenco Motet«plalnsL

Th> Pttt of Ctismctons.m> duudt roaden

markably frum other lUirda. "> Theirfa>t;~4tiough (owctwluv ave toes,'aredivided Into'two gnuplng RTOUDS, look*higlllte,* hand In'uilmns, and only byclose e'xamttaatlou you perceive thepresence of the two or the three oppos>lnT mspwHrelv. hut so clone togetheraa to. appear tike one broad one. - Onthe, padded aolea or.,palm* of tnesegtaspinf Umba you can fe«I.and-s«*tb* aman-may one. say—palpt, wbicb

t5r»ab>dr so n M For bM been M ^ i t s d with

etght 1 WPpose. lt» toothoKLr These cltaitng feet, to-fetter' wlQiJheb: prdMUkle; tail, Jtn-1

notiotd how- thcy-boldtlw bnua^*»l^th»«tKmte*t«»T«. l—

linrnett notiHed 'Sergeantho at once telephi'in»«l the WestnVKl

Police, »ml the'v p""l"*ti Lo'iis tlo.He wns bruuntit U> Cruoford. riX

ii tthlnl deifreH.'1. louts owned up to

the steiilinB-liarneit'n msgneto. aciitold where h» Bold it. • • -.-

Sinc» bin nrre«t ili«, man has coo-HM'd loot tier iiffoneee,

^l»inl]rlij w|i -r>t_b» . .»

pnir of tires off' n v,*r. Htaoding on ,t&^Hour of tlm i'ppiiir Hhop while tbw.e'm-ployeMi wwr« lit - .dinner; threw th*tirw out th« renr wimlow nnd in.'iJ" hi*

win* broiitfliL (> for*» JutJi nMKM.IHII HIIII WIM helil to ii*i»it Ibn ac-llin of l)n\ (liiinil Jury. '

linln in N>V Vi(rk "eiiy Yesterday wh«n»Ij«wjit biiirnliii|HiM'd nf (tie muj.'hln". I"

< foijnil in t l'*ifIy-iiHIL-fi iftrret Btur«

•-'"" HonorloU. ~ .liiiA^T I

Firnl (Innlt> A tMint MOKUHICU.Jlur'rffi\^iuTvTfiVi1vy*'ttJr»'y^?!,'i/!A&ti5^., Wmt'lipiK-r liritton, F lormw

Viiilit Wnlti-m, lt6Upnd..»'Btzgl

First lirnile II ('onHtitnmWeat.El«i»\tL l<<-"»nri.lJUeljiirilBj Niin»tt»j:Ahalt,iiiniir lioblnwiii, Kvflyn "llougbtob

|)iiinini, —Kffft Mnronoy


, pr, Clmrles

— I 4Fi«;n

( J r ,. XUct>' l

WoodlibjtU, Bertln*

tiovBlund^..Ad^l'Hde . lJUqbxa>ri]«v Ethelllnulow, VTrRluii 'Taylor, Al i iaWthAdniiiK, SU'Hillim'n Htxphen, KnthetlnV'Holm, "Lntbiun Hbulee, William Van del!nrr.

Third CJrndo—lldw',' .Ii'inps, ShlnejSmith, \ liichnrd Mulv«y, i lelec

l l , MntKurel Conkling, Anna.: '

4TWH.II UnbroeU. Iliibbsrd NttchfaMiilcolm itrutUiu, ltnymund TorbusbOnorKB Muck.

Fifth (im<le -lUmllton Fs'y, HelenVnu (U'.Ciirr, John ijomervill*. Miule~line Admits.

Sixth Ormlo -Helen Werner, PnulineN«»Um, JVIIIIIIIB Drnyrr, Elinor Putter.

Seventh Grndn— Mnrgnre't Ifitn^o),Duruthy Hiinuntoii,

tlrmlP -F.hzabeth liush.,8IIKUMAN BCUOOI-

KliidcrgnrtcnAVilliam ll'eeigbao,PsuC. Ublitf, Mtllard K. Wheeler, J e mWheVler,. llli)Ul(illd _Lusiinll i_JoSepbKtuio.CtmrleB 1'nbeeh, Uarry ArmstrongsAnna Do>le, Allnii Tabeeh'. • .

First Urjide-M«b»r Cornell. RoswsllCunliioir, Jamea Cox, Edward Ererstt.

\ b l f a t I i K

bfth McFudden, Bather Nalbarius.Ktchnrd-tnderstedtrHydnoy—IM3«mpH l P i t C l h i Khb

r y y p^ Calherina Kuhbuti,

Third G'ruile—Aby Diamond, JunesPurk.

Fourth GriKle—Simuer. Xalbarius,Angohnn PeniiiirlV Theodora. Math^ws,Mivrgnr«t Iililley, Ulailys Houghton,Irinn Weetervelt, Marion ,Kn«ppkJEt-niors Drivw1,' Riy~ CbHsUUao, £ O U R »IVndorf.

-Fifth Grade— Louise Uehnect, EdithCox, Ltlliart-Durwent, Uszel Wood,-Sixth Qn«le-»Hiirrv Cox, Karl Johan

•on, John Kuu>.el, Ibmn A Wen. KI»i»liehnert, Munel ltlce, U>onora Uoff-tuan

S*voutl> tlrailc— Joanntte \rmstroog.Louise CuX.MiKlehue Ue'iRrr. Vira Leoz

Kii;hth Grmle— LOUIM Mnthtf(t», MayRuhlsrd. > "

PLAINflELD THEATRESaturday, May 6th


America's Foremost Oomodieqne in aCoawily of A'ew Yojk Life. ,

"Saucje for the. Goose"

. by *.«-•». Swt-ted i>y«LI1 ia i?*«*«r!« adspiwl to pro-note acmtori *n<l convenience.

Scncd at all Hours-


We t*il VO*T Miration '.to thp facttfc«s K«ir*lalt*ly rj>mov«l to oilr

12 North Avenue, East,s g p p to do the

work tiatJiJanton (?usr-L*utsdry c3ll*d for and

' ' '•«te*i«wi»l-

'Oive Os^VoOur prsnmi XT* reasonable


- wU byrfhnu in U i*

Z*±\ MF MM, 4 I}.,.mitrit «i»# b.ftm-iH*on of MRI>I Hay. all

liif'HtrxHiKtiof lUw^Iln J'ark,. Vnitm' W)d Ktuta *>t Htm •

iw lkTH*wii mud HHiiffiiat«*tl oilof IUMWIIU 1'ark,tity. Sew J»vmT

i l l X t a . & tRto # j k *A t h e O m o f r o fC &4*itt tjft-SA** »»**r*«3d d&y (.4 .AURU«t, IWtt) U

3. Ki

Ad*. F*<ef)

of Public fleeting.

tt?vt>uxt«rd will IK> JMIIII onW I£VS»IKO, MAV 4th, 1911,

T l H s , , tut UM?..

l of Ihp 'J

*»I the •abjwt.A.ll.ifENMAN,

Tow mM'p Clerfc. .


HISS ROMONDSG>llege Preparatory

.AM> ''"V-.'

Boarding School105 Ifniop A^t. Cranford. N. J.

, l'rimarj. lotxr-i'

Day M i SaardingMM* Kjiimnn.d t.w i m m l M IM Viola i'ulnmrt t r Bid m u i iBfiudn! tiy Jlafufil Jitmttj,

Xiaruulill**>*»•* miu-iawB •=!,» (nil TewT<«. HiphV

•»» ( n l r a a i l «iO m u mr» iidnuinxl nluilitUM• " M r Jrarfn. \WU 1» at Iba

, T*«j«.w«j«M:imJ»,,tr»«ildDnii« %b» wialvrnunths «va t»4 tidtminuil t l l

M m

mixiniuili. cor (tmir irirla.

mxll be « h.r office' inchtL CMaUisiim' Mint upon

General Contractor.uradiac, , Concrete Work,

Cellars Excavated.

5 « w s . Sidewalks, Etc.

P. O, Box i i .


Lehigh Valley CoalKindling WoodBte3fa»: Sf«7j Bted^>orthAT6.

Tarf: Orat««oia] A*»., Craoford, ft J



California Privet

Page 5: etty^€oHar~Work - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · J j- V VOL. XIV NO. 10. CKAXFOKD. N. j., THURDAY . MAY ». 1011. T11K1SU CUNTS a&s- The-Anchor Post Fence Does Not The Tutor 'A

!;'t'„<•••'.•<•'?£ ^pi?'-1



ficeTftday la pension day.

Mrs, TempMon. of !17 Sooth

gToBrookljy. M. Par*

\ ~

Tho Amateur ilraruiultt* of S t i l l .


JSiH^MWBiNJnwy^^ Oeorg* B Tellw' lias beco(.selected a* a number of thej Jury for Slay term of, i\>urt.I Kev. John Etlgecuinbii of/ TrinityEpiscopal nhrtrcb. U ettfrjlog a muoh

j need test at Atlantic (Sty/Tbrt Wednesday Morning Club will

IQM its Sprtug reception ou May -\oih;I at tb» home of iba pmidaut.

» d financially „ . ,materially to tb* churvii fund* fullyy

b»u the curtain

fire. Alarm BOMS.

n- l jnco o »ndlVniw>iii»l A»«.w.«J-Uttm.lo «od Union A»«,u*i. .J - N « r t h A ? « « | u d » n l HI. .

it mul.8iiriuirll*M Afuiuw.» IUKI Walnut Atroon..

OlauueXJIeeaer, of Salisbury. Vd,,has betn arJ^JutwJjiljh+Tar inspectorat the I). & pN^uuouou and will rNlde

Poytfu *»nt usp«r«irus?Mf «o, | l t t tcall up iK L, Dorwnui^ grocery, endyou • ill be supplied in a \ u r r y . Then

theon thw Ur»t net

every available « , , w a» „„„,,. ,„As to the production, it «ajs » ~.,

splendid partrnyal of country ana vity „«

careful prt-parMloii, ami unuhis Riven to the tflMftot itmtrurtor, KH.-Tinw. for hlu unlit iu« viTona lucoaching playera A very rrvitjIncidental Included m th* tirvt actwas tbe•ppearami' of a puny on th<>

crty of Mr. MortiKMi. or ti«

y ,h i ) .a a{.at*4u-ihcr-l>riiiiViou U'ov«r (Joro..ll lait.week. .InuiUK-twoseta in. thealngltti. ]» Uieduublrj! h»'Was vlctorlou*. «!«>.

10 thulr nBWtyiJitltfuiw'un' Uoiiy Ht-.miit week.

Mr. and Mis. S. Louis Hcbnltzcr,of C Oraugo Ave., moved the forepartof the-week to New York.

John Hess Is now yj assistant driverlu the -Fire Department taking tboplaeo tmidn vooant by Mr. llqseudaie>

U. DwiKhtHtorie wo* tbo rooipiBnttho other day of u box Mled wltb th«fia«raut trailing nrbiitua; -It camefrom a Lake-wood friend;

plact». whooe In

l aw*ptnbtjrby- soti^s, "i-tp« mn>selections r»»ndi-nnl by j,t j i | .

fa <|tiurt«tl.( »hlrh Included..—.jtllwy From tho 8ouib,'j_ ami "M<i

i of Nollh AVP. West

o( tnistnrsa m world «id*. Ji r . lioadwiUjconduct the theatre, in eunjunctlon with hi? other enterprise m 1]way and Moiuchoii,

^' . . '»r°f. th» resident pUnotuner, will promptly attend to all tirdernleft at Howard's Jewelry Hiur*. liefer-'KoceJ furhiBliiHl by m y local-'psiri>iiiTelephone a i j - j .'•••'

> dinner--party wa«• given by Sir.and -Mrs. (J..T MiOuslck on .Mondayevening at their North nyeniiu huuii.In honor uf their tenth wmldiuK linm-

H. II. Stanford, who met wltlfii pniri# : . l . . . . . , • « • . . . . . . • • " - . . _ . ' i • .

ini[Uuvlai',| otheiH T E t o t h e iwere: "It'ij (lot to tie Hciiu< thnl

I Love." by Koxy; ••• rw , , | J t t l l . ,>)V(

^^, "rin> iMib-bu 1U>K," Michael Murptiy, "Down mitho Farm/' by. the; entire tvinpany• VVIIllmu McMaboii, madii u ti^'th Muc'klns. Hie

in'was.conllnualiy looking cut f,,,xy, his udopted duiiKhteV, amiwas ably 'assisted by Mis. IInz,.|

•Burnt, who i«>k tho purl of MTBHiicklnH," lli.i fulthful wire franclsVViluon, j \ oay, »w»ll, waa K'»>d. »»


th,.nHiubly«crutlnl»«l uid ilm

l \ m l , t » l i o li»» <vn (in tn,|t «

flwrum\n 1,1

mil- du.> l.> i d , . f ,u;t t h « i i

U l l l » | . l l l . | i 1., o i . j , , , | | . . . l i d l I.

ynrjniarA,^M d m r

I h e iu>» n t i i ' i

l^<, t m>t i -

uf t i r n n i ' i i \< l i . it H i . ' 111).- ii S h

- This theatre will open on •


Under management of Fred Roake

Refined notion PicturesuclinKrI.ulKirb.fresh.lal iy.XT Tart 'eamH i n l o r It* liberal «,,phi'uw "1""»" ' • - • • - . « • " " ' t - l « » . l - i ' . n . . . , l i . rj , " _ , . - "Dean Mathey ,,la)ed an Impti^ant u n J encore. Tb« tutt>rluil«a w.r» llll.-il '" I""'1'"*'""" l h " ' i»v. « |i I , - / \ l r O D U l A r MTTICQB.trt-ia-tlnr-lViiiyoHiu 'tfrimg-Vteriffrl "'**' »«nrtnblr-bT- M t j . ~.~7^ ...n. f fuuiUju ^u. I'^lt — — — . — —

old farmer,


i r n n i ' i i \< l i . i t H i . ' 1 1 1 ) . - i i S h . . , , l t , , , ,

l i l ) > r . - H l I h t l i . - b i n K u t H i . - i i o , | |

- s |t ,,„„

upon for a|i

Oouuty iBURlnoor, J. L. DauorlinBd i a

" w o o d ,

ytnovodiii lift) n buildiuR n few Htreet, Rllzaboth. ll» will .6c1-

.a , iln.. doini;y

nue Kant.

tloor, wlffelTTTSir.or and uioro ndiiptefj. to jiis

ditrylrifr of', large - bunil!cH on tl>erearctf tbo Main lino trolloy Is nowproblbU*(i.nliio.tho,Balo of HCIIOOI tick-

»Bt rdiliiceiltowHs, is-to bo'iliRcontlniiBd. Thislu djio to lb« now^ublio Iftllitles Actwhich took effect on Monday.• Aflfloellaneua back pumboraof

_ •,.of rmkeroburir. VH.arrived bure on MiuidiijMo t/ik» up bin

» i»ke»-Mr.sfisoaWKPart

.._ .le pud family "will rxrupy tho Tiin'ls6n ijonso on ElizalMith Avo.

y f UtoiUiio of the Presbyterian .C'liim-hhi Theld 'Ihcir miinlTily Fortyy HvlUR. Forty

mom born w«n- pn-wnt mid an mijoy-nblo tlmo sptnt, 'wUich liicludwl nn

i l d i ''Mlfloellaneuabackpumboraof uinKii- animal drawiiiif '-oonte/t. The 'Mayziut-B »UI be given nwny to tboso whfi moetlnR will bo iloyoie.! to a"Bom.jnv

,' fUbrury, Heienfuir back

luted , i n p l a S r o"f non-tlotlon bookH

e A d i " h " L l

of 7 Itin- vt

h > i n r H u m e > i f b n - . . l u l l , f i d , , ( ' , , I I I , I >

K H I | | l A H I i | I I ^ 1 1 l l , , | | U | | , , , H l ' l l l , '

l l i U m i * i nil-,, | i iminls |,>-nkih-iv nf I'l nif ml i t i - i i t e | \

I ' l l^n-Mi- nut ifulliff ml-. lln> |,|ti li,-| s\t"X i iull l Hit. v iv l l i l inumr | , ' , , .II- | |I'm I. » (.ii.rtut; » n > I hen i ut nil

T i n ' i i lhmw i'l,, l.'il f ir I In,Mu.l^ii i

: iirid -thy.inirtjjo,

in?, «OM |,(irtrayi>il byul Clmrlcn IJ, 'lity

Mill.-r, . , l i ' m ju , In^r, \ „,„ MJ,,,,i hii.Ut;t. tlijnor r l4!&.iii.?J>i>mMij,(, ujiHI Mltur Tl.itM ll It-Ill. r#il,.(u'-,.,|i

'•»uy;o luugh lu'his autlnn thp p.i(tjiik-.-r lh..». .in,l r l»b I ».nif nn tin. n.-xt i i i

man"; tin. Uowc'rT~ciinr«eler, Upp,

ippi'irtutjity tit T-JIM

p to'nil, one win that nfWilliam WttlwU'r, the lanjcr, andthii olb»rv JbUpli MntlwwN, a trmnpIK.Ili r l t

»i| | iiiinuii-1 i,r 'lli., Shi.I.-nr

I f l h . V j I l K l l | , , ^ , ' | l I l l l l , , t I t l l M ' U j M M !

fJ "jwT.r~.»Mnlirni^' LIM'TIT*1 I K^MMII

fur '

KCItKKN W1UK.^ ' " ' ^ ' " " • v . 1-Ol'liTHV NKTTINO,

' I1NWAIIR. MKCIIAN1CHIt « i l l l.n worth y o i i r t i u m l u ' I r ) ait> bvfiir* l . u i l o a ulri-t

' •, niul -ttinltty l h « t>»ff, ' ^


GEORGE DITZEL.General Contractor

M % M K k


U f l t i * t l i I ( ' 1 I

th.lost .T i<mning,l>einK.Church lost .Tliursdwy i<mning,

held fo'r tho'iwuelU of tlii. uiiini.

force, has been on tho bent, and real-dentacau now retlra at night withthmr miiuk nioru ui. w«o. ~_Al«uymniiHliiKiruul races with tho hobo Inadvance has been lately witnessed utthe Ju action

— It look twdlvo-lnninRH-to-t h A H

lnninRHtoiteclctBth«(TAiuu oh Huturduy Hl|oruoou be-tween tho Men's Club bull Uwwers andthe "NeversweatH." The toama werev l U i

i church. Mrs.


traytnl,-rapflvlqlly'niniiHinK were I Inantics oflh'ti hobo, who bnd HLKH |,,,|tut- days. ,.Knob OrabU-r. the ill,,,toRrupher, ami Hli-upy, H |ii7y f,,r,,rliand, luuiuttiod by . Frank HH-UIU'IIiiMo im»lHti-i1 In tlui I'liiiii'Uyuf-tlio play. Httl.iiiKiii • • ' ••


• ? '

F WK ;bl inlrtb, a«

tho liillldy men who iniul,- IIIINJ-H go

'. V^t! -KlnrJ Z _»,o». p/uwftlml iQj^UiaHO>H' ilrlnuile by Crnnfonl Cciuucil,Jr. O. U. A SI., mi Tumtdny evOnfUKwith npprupnnU) eiercism, Tb» prt.twitnUaa spe»cb >IUJlloile by_ll»r^ KM. Coroplon, m behalf or'tua Council,

d It M I hp haf o r t u a Council,

and Itar, Mr, Ithmcamith raopouted (orh

"iiiliipted (iiiugi,i,.r, nt, p Of till! piny VMIH ll-li

teretl, her p«rt- lulmirnlily- liwas a Vi-rj diHIi-iilt i-harnelfr, that i fII rompuiK tomboy, -full nf life m,,)HUiinliliii- Tbo |if)rt <if Majbull tin-Hocit'ty »|f|, was well Inken i-are."f.J'y Ml»' Aauwi ..llunm. ll.ii^.,..frilii- itctM (JotlieliUH l-arlt.y, /i linriinneftlnuer frtun HHJOIIHH; , HIIII« popular•x>i)K» Ibat «en< well n-i-em-il. I)nno-i«K followed at,lh.n t,Jono uf th.e |nir,foiliiahco anil vim kept"up iiulll mid-night to tho inUHlc of WottonV ()rcbeHtra Abi.ut »200 was cleared by

A t i t - r m i i n n i u l II I ' l . n l i | > l i t > n i l j l »

K U . . 1 1 Ir ) t i n . M i h l i n l r f i . f ( J i i i u n j . m i , )

i l i n r h m H i , - IM » r f n i u n

• r v i n , , ( r r , , « I I I K R " . * ? ! , . , H I I F n H U M

I f l i x l n t . i l u ' K h i m I i ) L i n - S , i | , | | , , | , , , , r , „

l o l l i H , S i > i i i < i r i , , u l t h - I ' n i i i i i i i

' H i , . ' i ; , M . H u l l l i . - i l . - v i ' H t m l . , I | , v

I n . i n f 11,1- S | i l , . n i i , i l . , . i U , y , i a m i u | | | , | ,

h i m I L I I I I I I I ii a t . i l l >l>"il , , f ' ( i l n l M I L I I n .

t u m i l t n - n n l h n w l i i t t

,1 ii,~mir IT

• 'f thlii _ | 1 n i i i , i i i , ( « , , f 1 1 , 1

i i t t i , , | i i | i , - r n l l l i H i l l l l u M l o ' l m l i l t i n , i n

n n , I t l i i i " U•• • -1> u | i K m n p i r l t l l , , , i

*1 | p i l

1 1 * l l l - K I I K t l l l t m l l l ) M i l - f i r i l i K f ,• |

Do You Want a Home?' ir »•>, i.Hik im up

I'nr imilli

CHAS. A. CRAIG,AND iii;ii,iu:u

Office, 22 Eastman St., CranftxrJ.


Township Cnglnaar.I/A Murvujm. Itiml 1'j.lnlH

l>i'vi,|ii|,iii.-nt 1'IHIIB.

Bank Building, CRa(irORO, M. J .

C. R. Wheeler.

l:lour.l-octl, HaledStraw, Poultry feed, ftc. |

H)I Amth Ava,,


Contractor* a Teamster*Mo>ln|"Van> for City or County

|iriHHntnliveM KI.MHI'KEK'I'.



ICEBox I; Cranford

Thu couunitteo- of- ~nrrmfifPuimHiii?ru: J. ILMoMahom, John I'.Kiinniiit,jwreuce J U r n J ) 'J|

jri?rujri?ru: J. ILMoMahom, John I.Kiinniiit,Ijjwreuce J. Urennen. Jo)m 'J|(.n onMlcha* 1 J W l h J h Maim IWT, mr, itnmoamitii rwponted for \uc{m;\ j w ,i,.|, i;,h, ii „

th.BriKad.. A dr.ll by th. IlnBade ^III^J. ^ d Edw'a'nl w" DoX'*y ifollowed by u. socbU t4|iv» etoftei

l ^ 3 1 l

by scoroia toJ2lliinyticketa hnve already been di«-iwl of for xhe Phllhiriuoiilc ciub'H

coucort. which will take plaeo at ths, eranforJ CaslDo on tho evening of

Y Mu^Z^d. An elaborate1 program is bo'«"ing nrratiRtid and a cborus of thirty

volets will assist. Christian Kfiens,' tbo noted violinist, who will (III an itn-

portant part,of too proKram, was asoloist at the (iould-Dougla* nuptlalain New Vork on Saturday.

This tnonth'a sale of commutationtickets al the Central nUlrond station,this place, has eclipsed all others beru-Idforf! Thedemnud for thi monthlytickets on Monday morning kept Tick-et Agent Brown oil the Jump, especial-ly between tho rush hours, ~-3n to 8:30o'clock, when 300 tickets were tfls-

1 posed and, oDlylpne commuter misted;\ _ (bu train. After the daj'e work the

books shotted that 47fi monthly ilcketawen sold, an Increase of over nflyfrnm the previous months—Acether

very proud of the gift.Saturday nlll murk the oponlng or

th b b l lVlu*- *wUMU. wliuu thfe WestlMda

lho ttT?Dg

been Rat in Unt-claas condition, theseries with Pliinfleld;' ItahWay andC f d iCracf

evidence that Cranford Is growing.The newspapsr men along the Cen-

tralnulroad Hoes, to the number of

.. .. good baseballin tbo oear future. Ciame csll«d 3 30.

Nollcus unvi- l)<vn posted for th?annual school Aieetjng to vote ou ap-propriations to bo held nt GrantSchool next Tuesday evening. Tfietrustees linvo nuked the pwple to appropriato the following. «ijm« for*thesupport of tho schools for'rite comingyear: Current expenses, 115,;manual training »900; repairs, •l,700jtotal, Sl.'tX/; total, *17.ffll.8'j. I.astyear's appropriation was $18,658. Bondpayments and Interest arejiot includedIn these Qctiim. '

The roemboni o* thsCnuford H'hlsld u b tendwed a lUfpfotrt

^Bovo an iul<-ie«tlnK lecturo orover /in hour at tlw opening or Ornnt*f±flfll-jnn, Mnnrlay.j y j n W i ^ f H fmeans of colored Tnnteru »lld<s. uviolin, and rery wonderful whistling.Mr. ,A»la m a d e lilt llau'ners seo andhoar tho bird* lu th«lr naUre hauntnTlip cbwirful notiM of tbo robin andbis tbriish relatives noru 'glrun'whifnpictures of tbesu birdn appeared on thescreen. While tbo scholars looked atthe vluws of landscapes in which notyrd* were vi»lbl». Uie lecturer unl-tatud the calls of the bidden songsters.In tho woodland chorus were hoardtho many v»M>-tiPs of tbo sparrow.Tim wbtatle of the' ineniiow lark rnr-rled one oLt Into flolds wlmre tho bob-olink could l>o heard calHng from the

Reral Estate Bought, Sold «W Exchanged

; |

Telephone I6O-J. I I NORTH

WANTUIJ ( fur ' ^ i ^ i h,,,!*,.work. Airily to Alrn- KJ/TSffartiiifwHiimpUju Bttrel. n|.|irwiu> Will.iw Ht '

(J(X>D room ntxi b»nril, n'w&tnbli'boanl - M M . Hpt-tir, 217 Wnlimt^vi- ;

Casino Minstrei Show.Over 300 mi>ii»lirr1n 1 I tin, (Jrun-

forjl Cosmo aurl tlit-ir frii'inJn ci|.joyed a treat in th« f'jrm of

at tli« - on Kridn

West and Mn Willis T. Wild, at U »4wB» of T. A. .CrmDe, Walnut Are., l*tt

l . All who wars present report afb|


Asbury Park, ft wa* thw opearion oftbe^aonual outing, ibat was held a

, little outlier, due to the new Utilitieslaw, that hereafter will ffitblil the is-suance of passes. The dav"s outing

^consisted of a trolley and auto ride,wlth^a splendid luncheon at, the Cole-

. Qatr Bdose,, W, O. Bealer. Tice-pres-'" identof the Central, WM one of the

•peaieers, and talked on the "Injustice•erf the F a n System in this State." In

roa»tenfByab|»«T»ning;^.Mr._WiU] M alAlm'Wiii are to be married soon and

n» uob, presmVed tbejo wjth a baodeome" piece of

i ;niter. !__;

t£ pfBiAte>forirar<tijU>TrentdnS33passe«;Md;j yet tb> Tfry'»toekhol<fepBof.the road.K*?'r ..who trirn tin property cannot trarel on

t e r . ! _ _ ; ,Mr. Kenyoa Ileasick attended

the Grand Council, Koj^LArca-nlun, in session »t Latewood MQD-day and Tuesday of, this week, asrepresentative of Cranford Couta-cil No. 1469. .—Ja

Mr. antUTra. Richard E. Coch-

evening. Kx.ry uruilabli< N«i«t wn<edgiiof th« woods. Krojn tho marshes' t'tkcu when tin' nhftwtaais the song of tho\ " • fc

the familiar songof>thehis llstenen»rs back tiRam _"" ~ 1.~ Altogelber 11 wa»a vtiry Inter

are. atalail. ' Mr. AvlTabo gay* a sFmilar lec-ture at Ht, Paul's"M. B. Church ondatanUy In the lh» ititepmt of theVbrestry Conimiltee of (Jia V. I. A.

Latin Shallcross, to Mrs Frank I).C i k h k h i h Ol take placestTnnjy Cof May 201L.

on the erenuiir

renUxl by the day to assist you. incleaning bon»ck For. further in-formation rail ou 31. L. Howard,opera hou»e block. Tel. 25W .'' Don't forget (,ha'meeting to db-

cnas the undergrade crossingproblem. To-night 1' The High School team defeSfedWeat Orange ball team, yesterday.

ii0 pcrforwerM curhic in their noUy ituiroru

wbitoaud Maclicij fnc'fu. Ar ' l f "tho cify

i tLU




^ 4aud tnaiiy •

d ht

awl IL\V. Thaywcirete cotupruMitl o\nr thirtytraiaoa »oict«, whoso si.,s..,Bbrought Uijrlh hourly applause anijrnanj oncoreia. Tfco tuuefnl Tn-City Quartette, a» well s i the-Drofuarc • oreluwtfa, garo ontuasaUsfactio«. ' Jr Iniug. MutcVVail innjJosi (lirector^ and, Arthur


(4th das»)«tt C f o r d

J 37th- The job paid $390y 7tlaatyav.

the elate dancing waa in<lnlg«d ..„follow*d .t3t;«jhwn&' Bopp«r, fowk

Jrfaotographer CovrWaa-oa-haaid JmMLtOLprdtrW cts.,and gpwawtlt--and "Rwppad"th. group;•$ -%;v ^t^juljtl,El^firtiii«*j.f

MANORRealty Company


I/i addition to cbpico bUiLDINaLOTS on tho thre* tracUt thor aro

— ^ ^ - w « * Wm pv«#«p« V . 4 V F SS*4 V

. A, th«y aru offering forfialo citoice SUBURBAN HOMBSin all piirta of Cranfonl at pric«Nfrom $3,«00 to tU,000. They havenlno DESIRABLE HOUSES FORKENT. Apply to

O.-D^STOKR,fanajger ""

•. Chronicle Building.





37 Elm Street, < Westfield, N. J;

hn« ma •pmUUrvH will rail. "

, \ -

CARLJNAt&lHSiPalnter and Decorator

fm*tw Fui'nlahci) 7~&i


W.B.DRYSDALE,53 £«tnjsu'8u»*t "Pbooe ISO

Cr«nfo>d,«.J. '• , M : « / S " ' | |rrnirtffniimiMii • J" ^»*t'i

ral , • '

\. j\


•" -,"..,""

-u « z.'-,9

Page 6: etty^€oHar~Work - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · J j- V VOL. XIV NO. 10. CKAXFOKD. N. j., THURDAY . MAY ». 1011. T11K1SU CUNTS a&s- The-Anchor Post Fence Does Not The Tutor 'A

. I,,-


wTea did ttt*

Saeaty Sckael Uf* f" * t *• 1 > n

soacaJiy irniwd tarTtili P»getCltntoa dgnated to

nearer wnh hi*detectivear» no scar rider* tm ft w*t*r

' not Introduce ifcn nr«r Mrl* of-i.cud* In lh« prlre

playing does not *o*m t» b«In the line of the bent cii.uiNh AlhlIURH0RNBLOW

ttUI5TKAnONS BY RAY WALTER•", Tb*y have abnut'.everythlng on the-. •tafs ' t ocean - llnir*' but b»i*Uil '•rounds.

I'I nlace w*» got fooM cm liall»j>«,tomet , #«)'-decline to K«\< ei'lK'Sdbout tbs .hamn «Vlrt.'

Manunl of iW'tugal- In lt-nrnlng to*y gr>lf, hut tInn fur \m l.iui shown

10 Inclination to go t» work.Confidential!)', would nny woman

•rish to w««r a li*r«m ultlrl IMt wereM l likely to attrait a crowd?

j Som* | p|*oina arhleve *»<! som* wear|fearorn skirt* In public.\Anf-: •

Even fc»tprlnta oV the snfads ofFSRftOIHBmWt

The folding, b*d and folding prrnm-' fculator are to be followed by tbe fold-

Ing bathtub, trunk aud rook stove.

rain full la. IVtintylvaula af*w diiy«. ,&go, 8briT*bo'dy' ni*fl»t i i*»ebenn (linking tho.plum trccn again.

A harrin skirt starti-il n riot In Urn(II thn other ilny: \Vi> nr« •urprlmd

_ to hi>ar that It tailed to start a' >«*•v olutlou • ' . - ' •

A t'!ir»lflnn_ nn)i that esrly rising•hnrtoni I If".' DII tli* other•why »['<uid nwnt-ut your Jung ll(e

•ocletjf to ifta viiryj•port bid* fair to-the-Kl«|>opulated this

-furnlnh a hlgh-vlaaa nnt«rtalnment.but-think pt UioclrculaUon.

v :?

An. Kngllshtnsrv hit*Y)u«l000 for n Titian; Mow thanAmerican ha* paid a higher pricethan that tor a blonde.

A ConnooOcut hnrtlculturlat «ar« IIv u a pfnr with which Kve ttitn|itcdAdnm. llnro'a a cbanca to urg&nltoanother twll»lou» aect. '

A Jlrt*klyn manTot"righijr- l» "bufltf-"-Ing i

n»nl» nt ttii. O»l<irl»n thwiry..

Th« lotmlrr fiuiilno In r«[iorted tobe gottliiK worse and worac, lint rhevrup. There arn Inillcmlom that tbla)«ar> frog crop l« to be vorjr large.

KjUllU«Ml~«fTtll-Tl «(]I uf falaij lu«>«h-\V« i r e woiii]<trltiK wliatlipr be kvt>|»aIbtui In « gtata'of wator.on tliu burwau

A N*w York jiidgr'advlaed IttlgaMaYjer a projiorty to effrci a acttlaniont-bofuro \t\v emit* afid thw Uvtyvra gat'-ib« properly. - la tills profeaaloualcourt W t

'' Thfr man who »le#p» outdwr* roar


« «uc^tf of *

f(iii»»rl t'f»'Jl*' r*rKwl, • tm*h # t>**~ tWwfit r#-[ u U M t*y Htrwsirtf'*, wit*,. A s M f . In M *

r > * 3 » . tr i (T«rwohla intltnmey »trfum*-ar 4 »itrt of s


nr-'r-t f -r l l U, taking ajrftof'ac* r*fMrs Jt>ffrl<«. i f . .

! t h f h

*r * O OT * M Js)*t *l| f '•fW*. • fl9^sTA ***fll • v V F m ^ H

r-ptla In an Intoti'-attKl r»»J*tJfcn, lfa"fc*lt*by th«Ull-t l l»j h* If tn i«hl up <9 hU q H

tfowani 4Hnii)i htm*»jf Int^'a mnstdilikd i t i M W rtl

fcondition,.A. lU"

f A)tW« *ryr«t« 8h« 4nn«n4« •ii. ff».Hi him that hg »rtir not- M U

lit*, lif^, pnlnftrtt to 'tha tttairra^ that••^•'iltl attn^h tu h*r*e!f t . 'M*rirM-rt>.fu»*a -lo ptumtmm unlmam. ah# w«l r«n«WMr {>atmna*-» Thta aha r«fQW' IA da.I ' l r t ijl l h l i f T fr r t jll hlm»if Tti ftKrt oflh« [.I.N.I i v a t i n i IJoaaM II* alumbla*n».»r Hi" <!~»'l tt'filf 'ttVflrrwf'*" IU»IWfttnjr hla pf#>»nl hja*«tl«m|tts to Jl««and 1» mot tir l»nJt»rwn«l-a n l a t How-ard'U lurnail i w a r t u th« |H«llr«. _ - . . '

CHAPTER Dntlnurd.

"Tint, wlial'a th« ai>rxl ftf

ard. "Take me to . the autloa If I

lunger^ here."The captain -beckoned to"N6T eo ' faat.' young man

w« go to Uie station we want to MkrotfJ«-i»w-<pje«tt0Tj»v—Don't »». Ma-lot i«yr • , _ — . ' . / • .-' • ,

raptaln whlap«r*d aomethlBg


"Get-up!" iHoward dlil a* be was ordered. He

felt he nutl . ' Ther*vw** no resistingthat powerful brute'* t tmoof .authori-ty, . .Pointing" u> the otlter *ia~a of thetable, the captain went on:

"Stand ovtr th«r» wh«r* I ran lookat JBBUVP • 7 • •• •..

-.Ttio. twouwij &aw.|»<-ej-»«cb utlier,

cast Its 'light full . on Howardfs hiMEgard face and oa the cap-tali)'* siuwllng .-f«atur<» SuddenlyMakmoy turtud off rrvrr. electriclight etrcpt the Itghta In ,11m elect-roller, thw of wblrh f>%* Inlr-n

i)r tr.V aiirrnaudlns darknrn.

On« saw only' thre« t»i> flsurra(landing rWldly out In the st-roofllfhl—tW wWtcfarta ftUoait' and'hi« stalwart InqtUtltor. In th« dark

Close nt hand » * • Maluney takingni'te*. ' _ _ _ _'—"You dlil ttx anil-fJui ksuw jo« fluiHI" thundered ,th» caprain. filing his*ye« ou hta tremntlog victim

"1 did nut do It," replta! -Howard

L^Ha cold bath every morning

A Scotchman ha* beenjlnod HO byt » 4

mlt suicide. II* would no doubt hsvebeen fined much more heavily'if hi*

had b**n carried out.

A* -

Aa obliging agent ha* established

ot ••curing titled foreigner* for Amer-ican holr*****. H*. too. must be con-vinced that th* fool'klU*r ha* beenloafing oa hla Job.

I' Th* old battleship T u u ha* b*enhunk after n«lng u**d for a few mtn-pt** aa a target, it only goes to snowNrnat might have happened It tbe gua-nwra on th* QpanUh ships at 8anUagohad known their business.

i A lawyer In boston In an argumenttalked flfty-thr** and a half hour* and

. u*d over six hundred , thousandwords. No wonder Judge* who haveto Itataa to argument* complain that)£fc pay I* often poor for the work.

who artTholdlnr forthoaad of wrlcomft to 'ihe

klrt are the theatcleal man-proas agwits. A woman's

lack ,ot raiment—la th*

tint* that <Jerman apUuters" ajt* flemanj to be called

\",<>t (raeuleln torn* op* In•ith* fr»» would hare, any

iTutW." WhathaaI with the'jyftem

* eaacted • law pro-^ o l ' t M M frith coo,.

~ •' who n

i to can? i

'I'm not lying." replied Howardcalmly,

The captain gland at htm for anrasnt anit thm ««4»J_

tactics."Why did yoa com* here?" be de-

manded.- , ."I cam* to borrow money.""Old you get It r

,,"No~h* said h*> -cooldat gtv* it-toD I "

-Th*n you killed him."1 did not klU htm." replied Howard

poslttyety.Thus the Marvhlag examination

went on, tn*rcll***ly, tlreiewly. Thesame questions, the same answ*r». theaam* acctaatlon*. tbe same denial*.hour after hour. Th* captain waatired, but being a giant tn physique,he could stand It. He Knew that hi*victim could not. It waa only a que*-Uon of time whea th* latter'* n»al*t-ance would be_ weakened. Jfhea hewould atop ljtng and t*H ~~~~That'* alt he wanted—th* truth. ^

"You soot htm.!""I did n o i ' .

"I'm not brine—irs the trath."So It went oa, hour afirr boar, VD-

lentlrsal;. pltilea*Ur,'wfcxl« the patientilu'oney, in (he ob»cur* backsraond.look notea.

• Tbe clock ticked on. fnd mil th*njerctlf»» browbeatleg iwrat on. Theyhad lMwn at It now fire svos, *«*rjrhours. Tbroogb the blind* the graydaylight ouUlile waa crrrplag (u warin. \ l l the»d. Tho w m w r u oa th.f t*ts* W.coltapw, Malon«r a&d •FatrohnaitJ*l*ney were define «a chairs, oatC»pt Cltntcn, a marvel o l Iron * n iana. ^ « l ^ t t h J

or abav'attjM «

he kept pounding th* unhappy youthwith searching queations.

By this time Howard'*'condition waspitiable to witness. Hla face was-wtlte at death. His trembling lipscould hardly articulate. • It waa withtbe greauit difficulty that he kept onhta feet Every moment be seemedabout to fall.. At time* he clutched thetable wrrously, for fear, he ' wouldstumble. Several times, tbrcrugb sheerrifaaustlon, he sat down. The act waaalmost' Involuntary. Nature was giv-ing way. -• • . ' . .- • •

'1 can't stand any more," he mur-mured. "What's the good' of all these^HiSstlcnaJ—J, jell rou-i-dMlrt-do-ltA' Ho sank belpleasly on to a chair. Hiseyes rolled In hla bead.' He looked asIf he would faint, •

"BUnd up!" thundered the captain

ai.though he reeled' i j the effort. Tosteady himself, he caight hold of th*table. His strength was fast ebbing.H 'waa losing hls":power to resist.The-captain saw' be -was .weakening,and he smiled with satisfaction! He'daoon.gM a confession out of him. Sud-denly; .bending forward, so that hlaflrc*. determined stare glared rightInto Howard's half closed eyes, heshouted: ' '

"You did It and you know you did!""No-1-!—" replied Howard weakly."These repeated denials—are 'use-

less!" shouted thev captain. "There'*

out being. a**n. Ton hadn't evenstopped to wash th* blood off yourhands.. All yon feller* make mistake*.Ton relied on getting away unseen.You nerer (topped to think that tbeblood : on your -band*-would betrayyou." Ornffly h* added: "Now, com*,what's die us* of wasting all tht*UmeT-It won't go so hard with .youIf yon own up." Tou killed RobertUnderwood!

Howard (hook his head. There wasa pathetic eipresslon of helplesineea•on bis face. •• "1 dldnt kill him." be faltered. "Iwas asleep on that sofa. I woke up.It waa dark=—I went out. I wanted to-gst home. My.wife was waiting forme; '

"Now I've caught you lying." inter-rupted the captain quickly. "Tou told

murder, and so tried-to get away un-aeen." Turnlhg to his men, he added:"How I* that. Maloneyt Did the prU-orier say that?" '"" ",'•. T,. '-

The sergeant consulted his' backnotes, and replied:

"Yea. Cap*, that'* what he said."Suddenly Capt. Clinton drew from

bis hip pockef the revolver which hehad found on the floor near the doadman'* body. The supreme test- wasabout to be-made. The wily policecaptain would now- play hi* trumpcard. It waa not without reason thathis enemies charged him with employ

already enough evld«nc* to sond youto the chair!"

Howard shook his head-helplessly,fa* replied.!

'Th(s~consunt qaesQonIng~Ts ma-king in* dlaay.' Otod Ood! What'*th* u»e of questlontAg me and qqes»Uonlug me? I know nothing aboutIt."' "Why-jdUL you _com*. h*r»ru thuitdered the captain.

"IW* told you over and over again.W*>* old friends. I cam* to borrow"money. II* owed me a few hundred,dollar* when w* w«re at. college to-gether, and 1 tried to get It I've toldyou so many time*. "You -wont be-lieve me. ~ily brala Is tired. I'm thor-oughly exhausted. Please l*t me go.My poor'wife wont know wibat'i th*tnatlw." \

-N*T*r mind about your wlfal,"growled th« captain. "We've sent forher. How much did you try to bor-row r ' ' ,

Howard waa silent a moment, a* Ur*cklng_ bis hraln._ trying, to remanv

Id-get. 1 think one thousand"-"Md h* say he'd l»nd you the mon-

ey?" demanded th* Inquisitor.* , \ V replied tb* prisoner, with heal-

tation. He couldn't—he—poor chap-—

-Ah!fuscd-^that led to word*. 'There waaa quarrel, and-f" Suddenly franlncforward until Us face almost touchedHoward'*, tm hissed . rather thanspoke: "You (hot him!" *

Howard Save aa lnroluntary stepbackward, as If he reallted thw trap

A* be cried. 'up hla advantage.

C*pi ClMton shouteid dramatically:

s3fe^' "th.


fng unlawful method* tn conductinghis Inquisitorial examinations.

"8top yolir lying I" he said Jeree-4yr-"¥*t»-th*-tr«th. ut •He'll k*«p you'her* until you dor The7 motive I*clear. .• Y«4k cam* for money. Touw*i» refused, and you_dld th* trick."

Suddenly producing th* revolver,and holding It wall under tb* light,so that-th* raysfrom-lh* etectrollerfell dlroetly on It* highly polUhedsurface, ha *hout*d:

"Howard Jeffrie*, you shot RobertUnderwood., and.jrou . (hot .hlm_withthis pistol! "

Howard gaxed at the shining sur-face of th* metal aa it fascinated. Hespoke not a word, but hi* eye* be-came riveted oa the weapon until hi*face assumed a vacant star*. Fromthe scientific standpoint, th* act ofhypnotists had, been accomplished,tn hi* nervous and overfa'Ugued state,added to hla susceptibility to quickhypnosis, be waa now directly underth* Influence or Cast CUnton"*stronger will. He was completely re-

*~~ ill a hlut--f* ; uron hi* mind. He saw the flash ofiteer and th* -police captain1* "angry,determlnttd-looklng face, i H< felt hewas powertfas to resist that will any•tatrevr H»f "sTffppS'! bSSa*~HB3~jtaveJ^s&odto^ajr*ctSiigj.bblinding «t»fl fapt

HB3jtavejfcoa5i4jMi JJJSIi,

nd' — TS Jl 1 • — . . . »

followed up his advantage:"Tou committed this crime, Howard

Jeffrie*!" he- shouted, fixing him witha (tar*. To his subordinate heshoutea:/'"nida't he, Maloneyr"

"He killed" him' all right,"- echoedMaloney

HU eyes *UU fixed on those of hi*victim, and approaching 'his fac*do** tc< hta. th« capt»ln~i>outed.' '

"You did It. Jeffries? Cotap on, owtf


Howard. The captain tttrned to hi*p r i s o n e r : • •",: . • ... , '

. "Tou that Robert Pnd«rwood'.*•:"I (hot Robert TJndm-wood." r »

peated Howard mechanically."Tfou flnarr*l*d!""W* Quarraledl" '• • ;"You cam* hare for moneyt"

.'"I cam**h«re for money." . •' "H* r*fn*ed 'to gtv* It to you!",,rH* refused to give It to m*-~ t-. TTiar* was a ,quarr*l!""The'r* waa a Quarrel." .~»ou driw that pl«trjr_ _ -1 dr*w that pistol." ...-And *hc* him!" :

••"And ahot him." ' , . 'Capt Clinton swll«>d trlmnphantly.

That '* ail." he said.Howard collapsed Into a chklr.'HIs

bead dropped forward on his. If be were asleep. Capt- Clintonyawned and - looked a t - b l s - watch.Turning' to Maloney, he said with a

C O l T ^ C T P r f a « « h«for«.i«trt;<-iion. »nd' an hau«bir iplnt b—for* a fa l f - iTov. I*11-.

TmB-^I'ixfah'* r»I«n « l »"(Vr) from U V. S05. to B. O. R! B C »6llo 74J Uttlih nl«T M^e »«<'»•! » Ifp»r ato-Jt B. C".• r« t Jotbam being the.f luent frmn thJt 'U'me.| I'l>AClv-Th« Temple 1n Jiru»J.lfm.

KIN«»-ln Itrut, Jeroboani Ik Im\MUjil. Sl.nlmanfaVT III, '

"By Oeorge; It'* Uken'flve hoar*to get It out of him!" •

Maloney turned out the electrlolight* and went to pull up.the window

•-PJtOI'HETK— Amo», llultl. laal>h. UiarZ«viu>rCtb'. of'our leeaoa,''

On the uiUTder of'Klhg Joatsh ho.KQB euccesiii'd by hln eliiest son,

. Amaiiah, a inan of piety and force,who slew the murderers Qf his father,sparing their sons, and then turned up-on t i e esemlea of his country,, theEdomltcs south of the Dead Sea, whobad been ravaging southern Judca.—fie hired thousand* of mcrcenarle*from, the "Northern Kingdom, to aid

'him In the war. When a prophet re-fc'lked_hjnv_for. th.u». lnvolvltiB himselfwith an Idolatrous nation be dismiss-ed the mercenaries, who, on their way

"home," plunder"! the cities of Judah.Amazlab went on, however, and with.Ma fi 'fT trr

.. Z&S&there wa* a rifigOfBeer Delaney opened, and Dr. Bern-stain ..entered. Advancing Into theroom, h*~ shook hands with the cap-'t a i n . . ' . . • • ' • ' . • • • •

T B sorry I couldn't come" before,captam.' 1 was out whan 1 got .th*call Where'* th* bodyT

Tbe captain pointed to the Innerroom. ' • '.' . . .•'

'.'In there." . .'•;1 After.."glancing curiously at How*

ard. the doctor disappeared Into theInner room. . _••.-. r \ .

Capt. Clinton turned to Maloney. .- "Well,' Maloney, Iguesa .our workIs done here. .We want to get th* •

make out a^ charge of murd*r, anprepare the full confession to subpiltto '"th* ••maglstratii, ;;;."Hi(iv»'::'-!Byre>Trth1ng;ready by ntn* o'clock Meantime, I'llgo down and see the newspaper boys-.

thef«'( a buucb uf them duwuth*re!_Of_ course, Jt's too lat* for tb*morning jpapenii but It's a bully goodatory for' th*_afterno6n edition*. De-

oner.. .Better handetrff hlm."^

manaclfis on Howard's wrists' whenDr.' Bernstein re-entered from the In-ner room. The captain turned.

"Well, have you seen your man?7he asked. '•'•.': '•. .-The doctor nodded. -

"Found a bullet wound In his head."he aald. "Flesh all burned—must hav*been protty close range. It mighthave been a case of suicide."

Capt. Clinton frowned He dldn t <Ilk*-suggestions of that kind after a <

to tiiucuro. • ~"Suicide?' he sneered -VSay. doc-

tor, did' you happen to notice what:*lde of the Bead the wound waa ou?"

Dr. Bernstein reflected a moment'"Ai, jrej: Now I come to think ot

It. It was the left side."

-sap?dued'the cruel nation. -' ' • ,

He brought home with him some ofthe Edoiulte . Idola and . worBblped ""•''"*••them, thus disfbnoring Jehovah, whobad BO signally helped him, In favorof E<ida who had proved their own' ;-•• *liowrrlcBsnesi! A •courageous prophetrebuked him, but we ore told what thoe f f e c t w a s . . '. • • . ' • • . - ' • • • --

In bis iiridis. of .success, and perhaps clo nvfiige the towns which the Israel- •Itish mVrcenarlcs had plundered; hesent a-boastful message to Joash king .of Israel, challenging him to fight. ' Jo-ash promptly accepted the challenge,completely worsted-Amaxlah. raptured


treasure of' the Tcruplo and royal pal-'tux, snd.wUh»maax'flf U>?,^lll?en* a* -hoftages."? Amazlcih continued •"' to"reign for fifteen years,- but- hla-«ub-lecu n»ver were contented, and at'lastthey rose In rerolt and murdered him.

—Th<* «on of-Aniailah, Uzzltthra ladof sixteen, was chosen by the people.

e-contfmied™htirtfathTBr*s~conTOeBt'T).r:» by fortifying Eloth,- an

Crarich' of tbe Red Sea; thu(( put-ting Judah in a position to renew therich commerce with India which Solo-mon had established. | ,' I'rzlah's was a reiiglous life. Hedid that which was rl^ht In the algbtof tbe~tord. He followed Amazlah Intbe bottei*part of hl» llfo, and not Inhla Idolatry. Theresa no better prep-aration for the eyeg'Of tho world thanto bc-fnnsclous ever uf God s e>y«.»upon UH

result u( runqucat mill of commercialvntirprlap tlio atcuinulutlon of wealth»u3 gi eater than had ever beenknciwii beiore. T i e rich, lived inpalartm of hewn stone and of IvoryUblle the nobles flourished, the poor

nover heard of a suicide shouting him-self In the left temple. Don't worry,,l°£lor:. Jt'(jnurder._all,rl»ht."_ .Point-Ing with a Jerk of his finger towardHoward, he added "And » « w notthe man who did tbe^ob" "

Offlcer-Delaney approached his chiefand spoke to him In a low tone , Th*

proprlrtprB were crcroded out and allthe." j i ca ine Into the hand, 'of a few

_£t i ipf lokfr*,~3a e lr«e,bor«-laraeUtea, ,ank to the position of serfs. Pros-, I t . r i t y t , , , m o r e veriiB tiiari adver'B"|t)., l t ia pride'la oue of them Dressed, ac-cording to Josephus."ln priestly attire'

• l n i I JP r n f l p g o n l h e c o i , , U r a l | o n o f 8Oml>


and Dr. Bernstein turned to the cap- {•tain* ,

provelnsureiin\asi(ifuli-k ito any

Thoto. oui•coastiirgunindvoc:our mlarger

have Igonomake

'Say what you will, captain., rmnot at all sure that Underwood didnot do this himself "

'Ain't you? Wall, I am." repliedthe captain with a sneer. Pointingagain to-Howardr-ha-saUL .- -

"This man ha* lust confessed to th*shooting."

At that moment -the front dooropened and Ann!* Jeffrie* oam* In es-corted by an officer. She was pal*and frightened, and looked timidly atth* group of strange and serious-look-Ing men present Then her eye* wentround the room in search ot h«r hus-band. She saw him seemingly asleepin-an armchair, hi* wrist* manacledtn front of htm. With a fright-ened exclamation sh* sprang forward,but Officer .Delaney Intercepted her.Capt CHnton-turnad around angrilyat th* Interruption.

"Keep tb* woman quiet, till she'swanted," he growled.


A* You Uk* it.Th* aged. worn, and gullelecsjook<


and quavered, a* he drew from hi*wallet a y«uow nui, "mend..wil l youkindly give me five silver dollars Inexchange for this 'meffltoto of th*good old confederate day*?"

The clerk glanced qutckly at th*proffered hi l t *mll*d to hlmaelf. tossed-It Into ths^draww, awl- count** ootthe fly* dollar*. When thylooking Individual had goa*. th* elerkexamined the bill he had Just takenla,. He foood that U waa,-or waa not,

d V. SLJkllL Either way roo&sgdEft* - - *

the. priests-stone-should bunrttrcenso-on his altar; he had to despise the his-tory of his people, to defy the holyname by. which he himself was called.Thus a reign of fifty-two years was-spolled In an hour. _

"What terrible punishment came toUxxlah? The lndlqtlon of that mostloathsome, Incurable disease, leprosy.Thus Miriam had been punished, andGehaxl, According to Josephus, It-wasat this very moment that the famousearthquake of Uixlah'* reign occurred.For the rest of his life he lived In a,separate house. It was perhaps someplace In the country to which the kingconfined himself, We are" not toldwhether he repented of the sin thathe had committed, but we may per-

HbUS.anaume that he did toThe story of Ahax reinforces tho

warning that comes to us from theatory of- Uixlah " The "pride of Abaswaa pride ot opinion: that nf 17«»h

prwe In accompltshtrient. ~ Prida"may spring from good looks, fineciotn.ea. plenty of money, a keen Intel-lect,- distinguished social position A°°y m »y be vain of his ball-placing

-auil tt klprornerS-hTfeTands. "Whst-•SieE.may.htt..«yalwavs

Pride is Indeed like a leprosy It

fuL It causes our spiritual body-*f»decay sod portions of it to drop off.though all the while we think we areIncreasing. It Isolate* u , ^ — "MIHMnlnnskl^ IT _ ^praoTsanp.>Sughan S rwe- think that other. . r . w t ^enough to ajsjoclile with us. Oh* JSLu» be on <«r guard against t l ^

us r«Wb.r tt^thoaa c&tw It a»4 One "

Page 7: etty^€oHar~Work - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · J j- V VOL. XIV NO. 10. CKAXFOKD. N. j., THURDAY . MAY ». 1011. T11K1SU CUNTS a&s- The-Anchor Post Fence Does Not The Tutor 'A


• mm w •••••.

HE^UHDfRSTOprrrHEH " fApprentice Carried. Out Orders ef Hit \

Was Sad.


_ , , - r ^ . , - ^ . . , . T r , . rf r r — r | l r t - ft.ifrmlhfiWr

"Now. William,"* ih« old farmer nailto till n«w apptvntlc*. "I want tbi-o I

t M I 1 t o l l * tn»M»t I l lm*, tn '•«--

if "fB1BV*

\ tn carrying out my Initnullttna.1

. "AT, ay. iur," replied WlllUui.•'Kimt. now; I want tl»'» to"t»k«

| out la« old wulto roar* and bat* hot

V- 1 3

^>: : /-4V»

^Wiiis< * •

HE rapidity and perfection of-wqrklng arrangements withwhich there «a» recently car-ried out.the moblllcatfon of one-fourth of the,American standingarmy on the . Mexican frontierproved a revelation to all buttho. very limited number of JH-CJ-

~T!tB-w(HrtiaV«rt!O<r~tnrnrTnSsttlpn-tp kevp in'.touch with the mili-tary progress of the nilloa dU;rliiR the past few yt'ar*. Inci-dentally, this olijwt lesson under

• © • - • • • - • 1 5 .

"Ay,,ay, »ur,"\»ii(d William, and d»-| parted. ,p •

' j Ho returned two hours U(er and lh«j old furnW quMtloiiml him.I "The* h»»t not beon flutrk, last."

S<,) fiirntli-ijly/ "Kilt ff thM h.«lI (limn-thy « w k u 1 nnli>r«d thuo thuu

ahalt b*. for»1v«m-. Didst ih_ew ha*«lh»i niarv shod, a* I tvll«d tlni.'"

l~" "Ay. ay. inr!" rupllnd VVIUlum,"rtH-alutng "tMdtt • thou not hear' III*, gu'nT" I Rtiot hnr mynelf »iut l'v» Juslj b u i l d h>r."• lyomlon Answers.



! Our cllniat* with it* «'tid.d»n.: 1» i-m>diii-tv« to ruturrh-'-whii'h'. a rlitviili: luliammailon of tlm nut

• uffifte uf.liwiii—uoso ori throat. ' .

• I'no .month'* lwnl trv*lni<MU"wtlti• I"uitici* •.T»tt«t• AMI[Isn'il.a .-.=siW-«wi<-

l v mtM*. thi* iiinat HVI'PUCUI that I'nit.lurt

against -Uncle Sam's military establishment In'speeches, la, congress. Indeed, this hasty rendex-'yous In Texas.'.discounted to a great extent, a*

- nothing could, the chief bujr-u-boo of-, tho recent"alarinlBt utterances,—namely the alleged handicap

eustaUitd.JB-'having.our flgliUng-"forces scattered

•mmV' .



. . . . . . > a pctf^Hly hiirmlcsi\ lui-I ttiii'i>it« niul K-'fiiili-ldo tit1'powder fotmj »lil<h Voiilaliiii nil nf tlm ntitliioptlnJ~i|until!<i't' of- llqulil nijllm't'llt's,. but,1 H.uh t>ttt«\r vnlunbtt> OII'IMIHIIIK, R<*rml-

rldnl, nlul ti<>i\SlniE iiiuroitliMit* nililnd.Jutl a llttlo lu » KUKH nf -wiitj'r n»

nrvifvd • -ti'doif tt« n uprny and•will not-only r<*inov*> llio tin'un

i-llm K'WtiiH of dlAtMui*, mid-dill-ilh.inn\'v« udiir ilAutmil by"

chri'iili1. ratiUTh. .I'or. Hnlii.ut nil ilniKRluU, iSn"'unit

tKk1 n boy. nr i.xiiil\«nli| liJHin rronlut oflulu' Tin' 'Ihiiiim Tollnt .Company,'

. I Unmnn. Mn»n Hitiil for n fn-n mimitlo.

ChorcliM and Tuberculosis.

., 'I.

k*; -y,Cifii'.il&tv f ;:;v-'.. 'V;.;i r ^ • ' - - *. : ^ '

I«»iiid by'.(hit Nnilonnt'. Assnrlntloiifur ttm miiily ' niul 1'rfivniulon of

~ a l i over tho country at widely separated mili-tary posts. - - . ..." •-• S

' - Kxtreme mobility, which ln^tho caso of thoAmerican army has been so strikingly put to-the test by the double quick advance'on tholllo Grande, Is ,the iine attribute ubovo' all

i others for which our military experts havoSeen working ever- since tho Spanish-American

, t ,-war, .Xho United,States.,. riDcds * mobllefarmed-forc^-as—(loes-no-other-natlon-on—th»

~"'.*ir5uU"^fiiaTfarTi'^»'~ttHmureTr'^fi^Tho explanation is found, of course, in tho

. Immense extent of' tho republic and our far-,flung coast line. To protect so extensive aterritory needs an hrmed force that can mbvowith extreme rapidity from place to place. Thefact thikt broad oceans Boparato us from tho



l p 4f r u i i i o v « r i*.r> c l u i r i l i i-n, w i t h a

1 n .t h e. s l ightest-

dvgft>o thoo r d I n aryroutine at

Itho war de-p a r t ment

_h eadquar-

•aln ronifl-tUmK. - AmiIm-liU'tiUV It

• r n n Viiyi d"tho" li 1 n tth«i.t tlm,n< ounUvl'i

piiKt thut tlilK tiiidy of iipn>s'iildi>!rs «ho lira pr«^miiiinbly. no l«ni(i'r nviili'd on imr wnrnhlpit »•

they *«r" 111 Jhn ilityH wtii'ii nuwt of tmrTnlliir« |w*ro .fori'lKiu.'in. Kltuiild b'ii' MiHi.Hfrrrtn) tn tin

r i anny . R'iiii<'_tlm<>'imu All• ih,n nmnm'« » ( T » ta-k«n off'-tiii' -Wjirsiifiw, li»t'liit«'r by ordir »f ••oli

./jtrHss. tlii'y. linil -l». bn rosturml. Now tliat Kiln(ir*'i]H ^f^hTv^maHniTi^f.Tri>i*ffi*i?tHlM:;ito^p'if*-i«1t

yuiiouit ti'nna tjfr. rii« '.. ,,, ,._„.iii'iirly r.oim di'«t)ii in 191ft-, oy«r "00.-1nt 10 p<ir i:rnt *iirn c/iiin'ttl by tubt'r-^1'iiUmlii. TbU. iiiitiitm " 2T ilnaUia forevery 'ihtitiiiiiwl iiH'tiilwrii. or I'oni-.murifrniitu, VVhIUt tlio pnrc<ifitng<i of

............. . . ,.•wlt'li olhijr•'•«>imm«i.» la ntit lilittwr. In"tho. rliiirvtip*,. nr.i-<irdliig. to llinM*" flg-urva.'thnri In.thn roui'itry nt lnrgi>, th<>tulxirculoals duntil rntn, u« shown byId.. I'hiircb Miturn*. U higher pnrWiVusmii) C4>HWIItiit(i-ftilt-a lmTtrtft*t-for-

Is a tribute,flxst of all,-of. course,

• to tho re-o rganlzcd'army with Its gencraf staff or board of dlrcc-

ElSatEt:_.ilej5.rro Js,.Jt_evI_donco

proyo our -—.—.insure's.uB. reasonable warning of attemptedJnVasipn but eyen ; with this .leeway,It.needs


-to any threatened point of attack. ..." .,-;••Tho circumstance that the rushing of troefpa

to, our-Bouthern_,bound(iry. -left tiio' Atlantic•coast-^irJtually. uniircitectBil Is belng>'niade :>n~argumenTrf6r,7 a! targfir~rUjplfftr;'•a1rmy~by";this-

'whlcJi tcilhilmid aininiitiltlnn ar«Vpacked" .onmuli' liw-k

. prove OB liivaluablf In the mount*)mi of.... . . . ;o us tlioy

?StS ^ U ^ my ^. pap.rroaai.iis public has -been r^»tedly

m.-e of the officers. deUlleil to duty In th« Rrentr«I brick building overlo<*lng tho•*"*«*>£

n Washington.; to have^m hand and; to keep™n»tantly -'up. to date, detailed plan n . f c«w-

In the event of warmth-W

' unlrt ro foi" thtr --—'••• ' • • • ' " • ' • " " ' —

t« of ttow V™£™ -^ ^

pi'lidciitly or In riiiiJiiiirlloii^wfUi tlm .sdldlyry ot Ithn regular nrmy it Is tiu|ii>il Dial vv\')>nr« Wllljbo fi/rthcoril|iii; iiH.-tr?-jwiiHlnt.r nr ii"t tbi'y wotiM

.rcudi-r licttur Borvlru If ut-tually ittiroll'.Hl on thsarmy nmttT. • • " . '

Tlu> "ti-BJii »iirk",of dm army and hnvj which<-y - with 1 'IIIIM -Hatii- i s , bt;in»

•^riT^~ii^ron<iatTi;insrrirTRij',,,,,'nitlnns on tiin (liilf coimt fiKilii-riitloii 'Irn-twvi'ii mllltnry.and un*al fun•>!« In, ut i'u\it*n, tin

.'bill iiuuiy olAhii l.'.urupi-nn nnilnti* ;wlilrlt hnv«i-ho vi»ry f.xlt>imlvi! m>a riwiislti hitvu'.iiot KIWII !•'»•jiiteritlijii In till" thnr liii*.bt'i)ii.i»'<ty«»d In tl|»ynH(;d W a l i V \ It,»"HI""bJi. r«-(ii»"HiT><>f«'<J. tfeat inmost' rccnnt—waV-sttiirf-ii oii lli«^AtlinrtlE'coaBttlii;ri) yiijjjolti^ r>.«t>'ini«lljtiny l>«lvir(«irthii twounnii o f Clio »ervli;it. -rjowivHr liiniVy iiernoiia bud

tton-nrun of tiio-t.tnI ho tuiiHua bur.oau n a r e • * 1.07 in1MB. , . . . . .

Bubjtct to (Uttrktlon*.*'I wn» eleanln' In' n IIUW lady las'

w«i!lc an: dc dirt la b«r kJlrhIIn wail

i«r'» dark-sklnnrd'cliitrw^inan;'., "Hiit wliy dM »lm lut It gut like

• "I dMiiiift',' riiti'iuii. Oiiofl*. shn.nnverspfii It,- Hoiim r/dikn, yi»u know, Innilglity pivrtk'IAr- 'bout 'liiwlii' <loiniutain in do kitrfi<'n. - D n y Jin'-lako--it';ruiorj!"rsfrfim liw >ii>»i»!ri«_8U'jiW_;

>n'l bnvn ho i.nll.lo go liitO'dfl With-'> t a l l . " . - • . ' • • • ' " ' . ' ; ' \ ',•": '•-.' ' ;

have not" waited'upoti its.-'solution.'- They S .gone .right ahead, bending every energy, -'to-;make a force bTconErtderably inss' than 100.000

several times as numerdinSam's soldiery, viith duo acknowledgement otthe modem tendency nf _npeclallzailon. have.been rendered as -versatile as possible In thoarts or warfare And, bent of all, there hasbeea cultivated, the "fire alarm" propensity tocut and rim for a scene of trouble at tnashortest •warning. In their part of the pre-parations, too, tho administrative officials Inevery brunch of the army have kept constant-

*~ly tn~mlnd thfa, aim and purposeOf all the preparations for war which hava

Bone forward under n clear «ky p>rhapa themoot wonderful have'had to-do with the trans-portation arrangements. Our military expertshave awakened to the fact that tho UnitedStates Is tbe~greatpst railroad country In thn-world and_that even In the event of the mostserious conflict It Is unlikely that many ofthese communlcathe lines-would be seriously'Interfered wlfBT Why not then, make thestannlhtlators of time and space a military a*set. Indeed It Is Imperative to do so If th*army Is to be rendered a mobile force, lor no.

formulated and Issued fbr.this Bud- yld«l.wlth the best, po^slblj) class of mouii-tn, •. llo .on our owi"•' - • - - . . . . . •--.--^'. '•"*ni.«i'A'».A Vnn.i.,»n'inoii«-inraiuies-ln the-reKl«n' .Jiresijnt activityuremtnt activity teas pro»pn f'lmnlliltig of a t*i

the largest body of troops

frofn troutitir-rWtn—my—lt«n»^—»ljJ»pesdable Information as to just wnai can u« yet aeropUnts would r_...,., _.expected orthe railroads .'In an emefgency. And Incldeutaily ltmay be noted that condition*

• ' **-- — •-••— -» -« - - i » u n m ' . ^h iho Mexican border h»v» arfordod on opr

f iter **uld presumably bo resoled to only Inthe' ra»n of extreme emergency.

Another feature of the plans for tb«l army litaction for which the big trek to Texas hasproven a most beneficial dreBS rehearsal Is that»bicb contemplates reliance upon the tele-graph system of the country In thB movementof trofjpa. The use of the network -of wirescovering the continent, in the event of war,

5 i b j t ^ s t u d y tm the part of

"Nolk'tter theater of war, real or Ithe southwest .could be ,ctio»en for demon-

-stratinglfui progress made dMrlBB^tb? I?*st to*,yearn, both In.Uie' methods and equlpmeritofthe I..'. H. "Blgnsi corps, -i The genprat; public,

. wjxb-ltk crarlaif Jor,Jh« speclSeTiiat,.ha«,,b«ai:d.most regarding th% Introduction of th« aero-plane as a utensil of7 warfare but s« » matterof fact; the Signal Corp* tin* recently, -tntrtf.,

• •-----•-i-.«-^-«rff/.«.~til*\ nt/vvn- ImrwirtAnl from a

Oltf mi.fTT>snt bwtron* can land for shorn m-rvko lliuqsanda of Hftun^n,op- ."iraliied By fogular trmatl anns practlc* fur iierT-i "ice »a Infantrymen arid tight artillcrymon:

On» of iheMiiarvtila of lh<» recent quick workIn tli" »»uUiw«st I* found In UM» vi>ry i.ri'dltubl-Imanner'ih wii tc inhw rotninlnimry dep*rtin»fitbun myt thn rc<ponalbllltl«s"suddenly thrunt up-on IL Hnr« again lliern luui b<M>n moil gratify-ing contriutt to tlm condition* of thn Hpanlahwar period, brut It urniat be r«rni:mbi-r«d tbat

-TncI') Haui'fias miul<t v«ry taoxfbi* cruKrnsitlKfifl jiauit f«w y«ar* In ttiA veryyttnl probldinsof SMbnlsttnic trooptr-ln tint field. Tho army ha*madit iileM.t ai)vantageou<i u»* of (lir\i-»'n cookingby taran* i>\ flrelrs* cook'Ttt on wtiuuU, denlgnei)

cook thn fo<xl wlill* thn jiilliUrr force tnl ! I ili marrhcovering the continent, in the event' ot war, of fact; the Signal Corp* ha* recemi^-insru-. ,.JJ» v""« »•..,,.»„. •,

ha^ been the subject"jjllstudjr on the part of duced/InnovationsTsir1 ni.or«''lmpartiant;-from' a _. which.lhe.e|i|ii(pm»int Is a,ttn«;bi!<l.l», on tha-inarcir_ . . . . - _ . — « . . . k , i « ) » , « „ hand in military standpoint than tho aerial ireonis, and' audio'eal, piping hot and Rd»4y lo

ofher~ntaitfc:<;iut^ji*.ijueitr^^r-^ •tnirjr substitute for Uie forc>d marche* of; oth-'er days. ; Consequently^ whereks iEuropean na-tions! with their circumscribed areas and per-

highways, have been experimenting with

the mliltaflr'experts'•'th»V,-feW^K«»B hand Inhaadwjfhthe tnvestigatlon a» to. how-Uislr»lUroad •arrangements -could be jwade to pronjole.

jhe- mobility, of Oie military force, ''fhig work-_ed-QulJast_asjuiUclpatcd the,day .ordeni'were

Jwra^jj,tar- Mm sZvani-n tn Texaa" aha "Itiwrff

military standpolnl than \h<! aertel vcmita,'and'^-4Jit*e^™J!lujii»,UTej«tUl.ll.gs_aSd2^velUe»j^

day and night signaJlttg *f«ild obvloualy prOT»."'especially valuable In rpugh/ country wbeT(»v

. there aro few.exUilng tcl^plione or tBlegraptt—oltBii aiid-wh'ere-^ttifr-ftr«ctlon-.of-•uelr. lln^s_

and to hafirthft inenl, piping hoi And ratdy inwfvn Ihn nilnut<i the forui halls for tlju noon-day resp'lto or to pitch camp at nlclit

There has been plenty rework toy, fur ths on-glnwr corps ut tho army In this ','Texaa earn-palgu" far Ui«re havn lx><-n Mg mrnp* to lay

mivtiro nervous' .homlMli'm. and neu< . •rnlgla; but although incapaciloUid,at Uiiuwlor my housework, J did not 'realixe the gravity Of my coudltkm till • .1 wan roJocUtd for life Insurance, 1H>-^auser'tbv^^ <rtaiaialJig^hr»lelaa-'saW,n-v:-.-5imy heart wfcsao b»d he C^AIM iiotpasst a n , : • ' / ' • '•• . . . ' . ' . • • ' . ' ' " ' • -

: :' ~ - ••..'•: • • ' ' - [ ' ,

"This dlslrwsod me very much, as •1 >wa» a' widow and liad a rliild de- ;p«nd«nt- upon tn*.. It was. to protect _ „..:her future that I wanted to liuturar u y t l f * : ' ' ', ' :• . :-' ' . ' ' ' • . - - '"••• ' : • •• ; -

:•:. "K6rt«nal«fy.for me, I happened tp:•..;• ;read an ftdvertisomenl containing a, -t*sUtrKrfiliii from a man who had bo«naffncUid In th«\auu> .war that I w u .with h««rt troubie, and who .was7 h«n#-—r :f lud-by-leaving off coffeo aad u»lnl! 'l'oslum.. 'I, graipod at th.o hop« thl» : .••••':held wit, and .inado th« chaogo at l._^o n c e . ' •-. • . . . - . . '^ ' - : ; . . V v . ; . ; . : ; - : • — . : - T - ' I .'••..'•'••.'•;

"My hfftltli began to IniprovV immc: ' ; - :

• • : > : • : -

^ttmtary'futomBbiJerBno Othet- r1""—:' „._!„.• -_m»i£i. > > »

with the p'roblt r « nf the, make-up' dllng of troop trains, and -designing «pe<SI

kitchen cars and ti6e pllal cars and the like.^ e Brat .tryHaiot M the- plans, thit^hare been'In the making these past dozen years has comaIn the .case of the recent harried advsit^ to

' ;. If a chance visitor could have beenj^ Waabf::$j|nston;1n the-early,days ot lhe ,3^1shr«g--feandrthen' aga&':^h«i'4h«.-receat'-*iirry :cail • to-;«Jth;e:0^' !cpa»t ;#^ : |rl^^'coaw'not >t»il<U>


y to U k

It em


to* dlvlsioijial camp covering SCH) acre*;niiis.Man Immense; amount of work for. th«. surveyl.i*corps' and the map makers,'In the-field, Tho en

t.diners ar.» also, likely io and iome opptirtunttyjearcbliitht wttrkz-rlncluillng thnt'wUh

."n?w~por"tibie aearcoHiWrZonTey'iaTS

dlataly. t h e lu^dacnos andncutdl»app*ared, I gained In Hesb. *n<appetit* c«n* t ick t» nw. Orniteatof all,: tor lUiSrt waA- atrengthdnedfrom th» beginning, and sowi alt |thodishrewtns; airm tonia paaised

?wportibie aearcoHiWrZonTeyiaTSir*T

77l>ri l i i t Us, ptaff' eluded

been a dispoaltloo on the part _. „_—.,- , , - - .of 'Ut*-::ye*r*;. tot;'re(p^;f'.iay,*'.c*)n»ld«rahl«:;i

• amojntoC Oeld artilery a« not the mo»t useful^equliraent for the American army. 8och advo-.

• - '- • ti^ii: ^iyw' thai:t7ncle Bam ought1-to;,

:; -jDs ' iu':|M>.' jK^e%e*tr»tiBg::hi0; aawl,; "opendlfctnrt upon baUIeinlps of th» , heavleat cTaaa,

lna~'t«lephone wire aotomaticaiiy wnuema , u w n . v . , . » ^ y - . » . , . , , r , — . - T - ~ ^ — - -horM1 is .'at full gallop, the ridermeanwhUe con-: to kBar& }ui t^»pt'v?ft tar,t»* bo&U4 <x^Unuiog Tfttephone cooTeraation orerthis elutlo —th* moreso' byi:r*M6jt i-.of,. tha-:eff.ect upon the—Ire.' •• "'"•:• ''i/ '"' ''':-; ';-i:•"•"•• ;:'v'r> iv.v,;1;1;;-;. ',//;. health'.of.',m*njr:-;of.••ihi'JBfflceri|-.'fad men of id

•It' ls':«p>ctid that '-when«-^Bt°'opei»tl«i»'"t*rtdett:«, change from a ld: tioti wraim' dlaJBU,1

of toe army and n»Vy .In th»,awiUi h**«,.|.^-.-_; Into hlst^;thB--'*WWd"of :;>p«w#i«p«.fWW&' for4"aripinn!|ot>ne: wj^^r^ia^ijUjil*i^M

'•^i^.;;'«aijw|i^s«!*Wi^S#JUowner a* 'w^wn^^^^^S^^'^M^^'^^

heart trygrioay <wt . , ,..-•"• TThop'' I again made .application _J«ei toaurMiwy auid bid no troubto In/pawing Uu» B^dUjai «j»mlnalloni _ ^

gan to B*»*o»<»m and I »o» wlp«.»J?•Ult1a^-B^y«^W-^ i< t (».'» i^*:iJ t-'find itivJlruaniiite* of good hwilPfamc given, by Pi•lii"ciffwiaf^aUrti;;;-.:!";, '--!b£to«^is>;r«M<*<'

Bead th* blr little

Page 8: etty^€oHar~Work - DigiFind-It · 2015. 1. 3. · J j- V VOL. XIV NO. 10. CKAXFOKD. N. j., THURDAY . MAY ». 1011. T11K1SU CUNTS a&s- The-Anchor Post Fence Does Not The Tutor 'A


tOptomt'try is ilofimwl to he i\\e m

roFmmtna other "Iban"the "ua* "or"3ragi''"or

irgery for tLe mcaaunrnent of tin- power of vision and the

aption of leuees for the aid thereof' • / ; • • _ . , • • "

' • - - - 1 * • - ' • •

Is Optometry a Part of Medicine?

-Columbia, University of Nay York linn (stnlitiaWil 'a rhair 'of

&-*. Optometry in their ilejiartiueut ofJ'liysiea', and not in their

3r?~ whoo! of mojioinr -in nfiin of the*groat«it p»Milile uppoii-

Uon from ocullnts- Coluirjliia -Vahetnily therefore gays tli»t

Qptoruotry if Miir a part uf ineiliciuu.'

GEO. B. RICHARDS, Optometrist

1156 East Jersey Street,ST. J ,

Pr. AARON D. CRANE,Dealer Jit Flour, Peed, Grain, Hay, Etc.


Elevator and Warehouse, PARK, N, J.

Sheep Manure for Lawns.l-ertlllzers for Gardens and Lawnp.



--fait*. •>.sw=h»i4!sasCT^^Wis!>il^.>»1<WS*'4|W!^

ummer Blankets and rlorse Tiood!Local Agent for Cypher*' Incubator* aiul Supplies;

^ s . «• ••>»•' » • - • - • - • - • - • - • » • « e t « « « • • « • »

The Cranford Garage


\i" , ' i~A can! will bring it ilomoustrn|K«n, with no obligation.Onlerr'placod now will Insure early ilelltpry. . . "





; NEWTON A. BARN ETT, Prop.-•PhonoiltlT- if IWKin-AVtmJt, t i S t —• » • • • • • • • » • > » • • • > • • > • • » •

.•' • • • •>•• - • • • • • • • - • ' f » f *

Avenue, Cranforiij, ft. J.

Carriage Repairing and Painting


Queer Lawsuit.F^BOit 'IVUISTiis ot> Ib* racorda of


wma filed on Oft. 3. 173S, and It a*U(ertli i«T dearly Ibat Jobo ErerHaad JOTph Williirm wrrit highway

tte c-mplsint aay a itiat tbe men formad a fartoersblp for tbe purpoee oftarrytac on bosloeiw as UgfawaylDea.It waa mJgWy proDtable. as wasakown by tbe tact tost Erertt soedWUUama for ibaweqairaleat of"being for mooeya wrongfully appro-priated (a defendant's ptlT»U purse."This waa tbe amount In dispute aftertb* parttiersblp bad'l»«ted only a year.

ed that bis partner' had oot made afair d|Tl«lon of the epotle. The actionwaa adjodevd to be' a grow contemptof court and the plalbUff waa orderedto pay all coata, while tbe ioilcltonwbo aerred the wrtt were flood. Oneof tbe eottcltora. a man namedWreathcoek, refoaed to pay the floeand wat aent to prtaon for atz raontba.Both plaintiff and detandaot to tbe ac-tion were eubeeqaently banged, one atTybnrs and the other tt MaMatoo*.

Tbe original womaa'e rtgbta womanof tbe modern tr», acmrdltig to a con*trlbntorto tbe Paria Figaro,! waaOlympe (1* Oungn, a frenchwomanwho waa beheaded, but nut before ane

and her civic righta. In 1701, to amanlfeelo which had no precedentwhaterrr and which contained an ar-tide which baa kept antfraglata goingerer alnce, the Intrepid Olympe >deUunen deviated. -"Woman baa toeright to mount the acaffold; abe ihouldalao liaro the right to mount the trib-une.'

Another vrnjr of eipreexlng the aamrIdea la credited to Mrue. Condorcet. It|a in Id that Uonapart'o when counolroinnrked to ilmu. Condoreet:

"1 don't like to bare women mix npIn pollllca.

"In a country where their heada'are


Heating and Tinning.

7 S, Union A»enuo.— CRANFORD, N J

'ivrophotiK m

Dt uff." Uie wife of tbo pbllosopber

Ural ttist tbey should, wont to know(tie jeaaeaswby.r ' - ' . , -

Stopping a Steamahlp,M. nortln. chief engineer of n«r»l COD

elructlon la the' French navy, figuredout from elaborate calculatloni la bow

He daoiouatratee that a 60,000 toa

aaginea will rotno to a atop In onehour and thirteen mlnutea and will In'that time hare trareled 4.78 atatotemiles. The aame ireaael. with recipro-cating engine*. If tbeee be rerereed.Will atop ln"twlce Ita own.length and|f the engtnee • be . turbine* bifonrtlmea Ita own leugth. The«e tbeorrtl-ral calculation* are TerlScd by actualexperiment. Tbe French mlnlater ofmarine mads tbe teat with aome tor-

d b«ata-iiuJ haa on eercral occal | l dl INfVUdf tt lkfVkaUidf ttb tlk-

ajtne to 00.0 yarda and when the,englttea were of the turbine type In 2714yarda.-New York World.^

Obeyed the JIMIS«NA Uttlo colored girl, deeply Intuited

"otfji de ttoop," took bar caaa beforethe Juatlce of the peace. Be- InquiredInto MM rlrcuniatancea and aaid. turntog to tbe-tajuted «wi-'?to*t>l«luO(la allowed to aak the defendant a yuea-ttoa In regard to the aaaattt

"Wba'a dat yo' aay, aabt""I .aay that yoji, may aak tbe de-

fendant a quoetloni"-Wbwhtfll Ah aik her, aahr-A*T queetlon you like."

•Tha child atudl*^ the floor a mo*aMlBIW^H^iiiti»eUte»t^Bnitlela

Held fllble and RtnWer.yeara ago Japan waa neither so

t^ T ^ i T V A £T r*'err* ^a."1 *"~"*T —

aa ane I* today. In thoaa old dayaWhen, a foreign ship enttred tbe Ja|M-MM port* tbe captain waa obliged toplaea bla Dlbla and rudder la chargeet tba chief oflJcer of tba port and-(ear* tbam'tb«r» until he waa. ready

O courae be wooldot aallataber. and tha Japa could

taba OD **»* ttoTamaata of

ThaiX*e atragt alatpen of Bpbaaua. a fa-oitUt a^bjaet m nadlaVal art went

•VSft.Cbriatiana, who, ta aecape tbep«n|ic«ttOB-9tlM9la* concealed tbam-

I aak you to look at my line andget mj prices befort! purcliasingelaewbere....:......- •.-.: : •...~

Everything lor Garden WorkNow On Hand.

A C . PIKE,Hanlw»re, PaJnt$, Etc.

Opera, Houseu BlockTelephone U8-U.




Jabbing Work Carefully Don*.' . Eatfmataa

Residence and Shop,Telephone 117-L.IVO llux l i t .

E . K . ADAMS,Sr"™


Cranfotd NJ , .Ur«du»l« Ameriran Veterinary

Colk-«e, N. V.


Pet Afilmala a Specially.» Keeii)sD(M<, Do^rn^rHlriwt,

. R. S. OAKEY,Sanitary Milk & Cream

TroduoeJ and-Su|d in Cmufunl.No brewers grains, only punt ftctl

HW*]jn "lybln, vihicb is nlwnjs o|H>n (ur.

I'. O. Bo« 1111Dairy. OranRB Ave. Umnforil, N. J


Civil Engineer and SurveyorLand Survey?: LrttinR^PInns f>ud~

1 DevBlopment.

itlO'DrooU Street,

Lehigh Coal. LumberDIZAIN PIPE,



1911. Let ns afl and Dowmstrate

A CTHOWPSON AUTO CO. II; No. 413 P*rk Ave. Tel. 991 J Plainfleld,-N. J.

Proprietor. .$.;.



Jjew oJep§eyj

William Isleib,PLUMBING

Heating 6t Tinning.NEW VVOKK AND UEI'AIKS

' "'. of all kinds

' At Reasonable Prices





Real tsiaie and lost


Cor. Boolevar* *mA 2Otb St.,KEMLWORnt. N. J.


FRED H. jAHN,House. Sign, and

Fresco Painting,PLal* • • « Dacorallaa

Paper Hanging

Ghiss, Oil," Paint. Varnib..eeami-Wall Paper; - -

Cranford.- ' - •"- Mew Jersey

\ \ Favorableaaaaaaaaaaaa

keen. It « «aay tor

J: R. REAY,15 UoHHt AT*., C M M r a w t j

<••:'-> •"-?. v'.;.-. -»'... " ' . . W j ^ y i — - - ' *''';<-&. •;.

MOTHERS~f mx who io not, watoh the eyi«B of

your children are

Guilly of Criminal Negligence . f ••

-.._. yewight fn'ohildreb mayleai) to'partial or total bliudnesa mlatar life.- Chiltlmn tmt« no meansj Chltlmo tmt« notOJUdgp.wluitliT Uwir sight'or bad ith h



wluitliT Uwir sightneither have you.

rhiaWarniDRt and let us examiunyour children's eyes. We nre.rxperts


131 Broai) Street, Elizabeth.

Opeii"EvenTnga tiirViOo'O^ciock-

Painter and DecoratorEstlmatea Furnished


Cranford. N. J.

ivwn ( h' « . r

We Are Reeding Dailyrla a cat* wsosa tootttli waahj thslr tniinVis itbacjtvawaarare) '900' yeara aftarwarO.

fte'sleepers awokaJiontMttl and

U B B E R T I R E S FOR CARRIAGES A SPECIALTY, 'dacerrad ma.- aba, com-

J5f|Pa,t^>.,jo* dasaVred. mat too.** he re-T o n catted pa to be^eraHorseshoeing, Oeaerai Jobbing

|3Pa)a«roo, a aaiaU Kngoa.

M7it.e alwaya waa a bad agt. bat oo-

Dadr-aMBaA to udet> tt waUa be waafc*" \ J. iB% j D O R B M U S ,

waa, att r l g ^ onm b . waa


Atmiaairtrf.tiu&lSda half nan
