Ethics Web-Based Reporting Tool.lnk


Transcript of Ethics Web-Based Reporting Tool.lnk




Our Mission:To improve the health,well-being and sense of

security of the people we serve.

Please note: The plan details in this brochure are to facilitate your understanding of our product only. It does not form a part of the insurance contract. For more details, please contact your Cigna TTK Health Insurance Representative.

Cigna TTK Global Health Group Policy UIN NO.: IRDA/NL-HLT/CTTK/P-H/V-I/6/14-15


You expect the best from your employees on an assignment in another country. And they expect the same from you. That’s where Cigna TTK comes in.

THE BASICS . . .. . . and then some You have various plan options to choose from for your globally mobile employees. We believe global health care plans should include more niche services and tools then what may normally be considered as essential for locals living and working in their home country. Cigna TTK’s basic services and tools include:

24/7/365 Global Service Centers: Your employees will have access to our multilingual service center representatives and our team of medical professionals around the clock. We have eight di�erent Service Centers around the world providing seamless customer service.

Extensive Global Network: Our network consists of more than one million doctors and hospitals including:

CignaLinks®: Partnerships with local doctors, hospitals, and insurers with the strength of local provisions and administration

Non-U.S./India network: 220,000+ doctors and hospitals

Extensive U.S. Preferred Provider Organization (PPO): The only insurance provider to o�er a unique holistic solution in the U.S. with access to medical, dental, and pharmacy networks: 232,000+ dental access points in the U.S. - 795,000+ doctors and hospitals in the U.S. - 74,000+ behavioral specialist locations in the U.S.

What sets us apart is our: Expertise in delivering locally compliant plans World-class customer service Cost-e�ective and comprehensive plans Improvement of health and well-being Easy access to quality health care around the world

IF YOU’VE GOT IT, FLAUNT IT.Check out these credentials When it comes to international health care benefits, you can trust Cigna TTK Global Health Group Policy. Cigna TTK o�ers you innovative products and services built on Cigna’s more than 35 years of experience in global benefits and TTK’s immense healthcare experience in India. Operating in 35 countries and jurisdictions around the world, Cigna has expertise in international underwriting and global medical protocols with an emphasis on international regulatory compliance.

The TTK Group is a household name in India. A trusted Indian business conglomerate with its presence felt across several segments of the industry over a span of 80 years.

At Cigna TTK Health Insurance, we prevent sickness rather than react to it. Because we passionately believe this is the only path to a healthy and happy life for your employees and to a healthy bottom line for your business. We actively help your employees focus on their wellness and engage them in improving their health through our various prevention and well-being programs.

We have an extensive network of doctors and hospitals in India in addition to Cigna’s vast global network of 1 million providers. Your employees can have access to the full range of medical services ranging from primary to tertiary care providing easy access to quality care worldwide.

Cigna TTK continues to raise the bar by providing exceptional health and well-being plans.

Targeted Risk Assessment – Assessment covers sleep, stress, nutrition, and physical activity. It provides an in-depth assessment and a highly personalised report for the individual.Online Health Improvement Programs – Individual online programs for sleep, stress, nutrition and physical activity.International Employee Assistance Program (IEAP) – Access to confidential assistance with any work, life, personal, or family issue. Anytime, any day, your employees can contact us for assistance including short-term professional counseling, resources, referrals, and information.

Making your employees’

lives easier with

guarantees of payment.

With a single phone call, we will assist your employees whenever they need us most. We will arrange for payment directly to a hospital for covered services, leaving your employees to concentrate on a speedy recovery.

Cigna TTK Global Health Group Policy UIN NO.: IRDA/NL-HLT/CTTK/P-H/V-I/6/14-15

THE BASICS . . .. . . and then some Cigna Envoy®: Our website ( o�ers you and your employees a wide range of services and information including:

ID Cards: View or print ID cards anytime, anywhere.

Health Care Professional Directory: Find contact information for health care professionals and hospitals around the world, and maps and directions for the U.S. Cigna network of doctors.

Understanding Your Coverage: View the info you need, from an explanation of your plan benefits.

Claims Management: Submit, monitor and track payment on your health care claims through Cigna Envoy.

E-Payment Plus®: Get reimbursed fast! Sign-up and have your payments deposited directly into your account.

What To Know When Travelling: View country guides, drug translations, pharmacy information and medical terms and translations

Clinical Expertise: Your employees’ health and well-being can impact human performance. Our clinical team includes nurses, doctors and medical directors located around the globe to support your employees around the clock.In partnership with the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic, we provide expert online medical second opinions should someone receive a life-threatening or life-altering diagnosis.

Expert Opinion: We o�er long-term, cost-e�ective and compliant solutions for you and your employees. A client manager will be assigned to help you by answering your questions and investigate ways to reduce your costs. Here are some examples of how:

Medical cost containment by means of agreed fee schedules and discounts at our comprehensive doctors and hospitals network

Thorough and accurate claims processing

Providing easy and e�cient administration

Cigna TTK Global Health Group Policy UIN NO.: IRDA/NL-HLT/CTTK/P-H/V-I/6/14-15

Core Plan Benefits:You have the choice in selecting an available standard medical plan option that will best suit your needs. Highlights of our standard o�ering include coverage for:

Inpatient/Day Care benefits

Outpatient benefits


Out of Area EmergencyTreatment cover

…then add the features you want:Cigna TTK gives you the ability to add a wide variety of options to your plan, including:

Maternity Expenses


Emergency Evacuation

Care+ Benefits - Health and Well-being Assessment, International Employee Assistance Program and Expert Second Opinions.




Cigna TTK Global Health Group Policy UIN NO.: IRDA/NL-HLT/CTTK/P-H/V-I/6/14-15

Cigna TTK Global Health Group Policy UIN NO.: IRDA/NL-HLT/CTTK/P-H/V-I/6/14-15

Plan Benefit Structure

Hospitalization Charges for: Room

Operating theatreAccommodation in ICU/CCU/HDUSurgical ProceduresSurgeon and Anaesthetists FeeMedication, Diagnostic Expenses

Surgical Appliance / Medical Appliance

Specialist / Medical Practitioner fee

Medically Necessary Termination of Pregnancy

Surgical Contraception, Sterilisation / Vasectomy

Minor Surgical Procedures

Radiology / Pathology / Physiotherapy

Pre-existing Diseases

Home Nursing Charges

Organ transplant Expenses

Parental Accommodation

Newborn Cover


Psychiatric & Psychological Care

Private Ambulance

Out of Area 30 day cover – Emergency treatment only

International Emergency Services (available with pre-approval)

Upto ` 12000 per day Upto Private Room

Paid in full

Paid in full

Paid in full

Paid in full

Paid in full

Paid in full

Paid in full

Covered from Day 1

Not Covered Paid in full

Paid in full

Paid in full

Paid in full

Paid in full

Not covered Paid in full

Paid in full

Paid in full

Paid in full

Annual Maximum Cover per member or dependant Ruby Diamond

In-patient hospitalisation including Day Care

Cigna TTK Global Health Group Policy UIN NO.: IRDA/NL-HLT/CTTK/P-H/V-I/6/14-15

Out-patient Cover

Maternity Expenses Options

We Will Pay For The Following Out-patient Expenses:


Annual Out-patient limit `1,25,000

Annual Out-patient limit is within the Sum

Insured of Diamond plan

100% up to `7,500 per visit, up to 30 visits per



Consultations With Medical Practitioners & Specialist

Prescribed Medicines, Drugs, Dressings & Diagnostic Tests

Complementary Treatments

This benefit includes:Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Chiropody, Osteopathy, Homeopathy

Non-surgical & Minor Surgical Procedures & Treatment

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Child Annual Eye & Hearing TestsFor dependant children below the age of 15 years.

Travel Vaccinations

Emergency Dental Treatment

Psychiatric & Psychological Care

Upto out-patient cover limit

Upto out-patient cover limit

Not covered

Upto out-patient cover limit

Upto out-patient cover limit

Upto out-patient cover limit

Upto out-patient cover limit

100% up to `25,000

Not covered Up to `1,00,000

Upto out-patientcover limit

Out-patient Cover – per member or dependant

This Policy Provides Annual Coverage For Listed Maternity Expenses Basis The Option Selected.

Option I Option II Option III

Annual Limit `120,000 `600,000 `1,200,000

a Routine Or Elective Caesarean Upto maternity limit

b Complicated Pregnancy Upto maternity limit

c Pre & Post Natal Care Upto maternity limit

d Newborn cover Upto maternity limit

e Maternity Assistance & Mid-wife Charges Upto maternity limit

f Birthing Classes Charges Upto maternity limit

Cigna TTK Global Health Group Policy UIN NO.: IRDA/NL-HLT/CTTK/P-H/V-I/6/14-15

Wellness Options

This Policy Provides Coverage For Listed Wellness Tests Under Two Options:

a Routine Adult Physical Exams

b Wellness Tests For Children - for dependant children aged 6 years or less.

c Child Immunizations

d Pap Smear Cigna TTK will pay charges for an annual Papanicolaou screening for women aged 35 years and over.

e Prostate Cancer ScreeningCigna TTK will pay charges for an annual prostate cancer screening for eligible males aged 50 years and above.

f Mammograms For Breast Cancer Screening Or Diagnostic Purposes

This benefit includes:

• One baseline mammogram for asymptomatic women aged 35-39;

• A mammogram for asymptomatic women aged 40-49 every two years or more if medically necessary;

• A mammogram every year for women aged 50 years and over.

Upto wellness limit

Upto wellness limit

Upto wellness limit

Upto wellness limit

Upto wellness limit

Upto wellness limit

Option I Option II

Annual limit `15,000 `30,000

Cigna TTK Global Health Group Policy UIN NO.: IRDA/NL-HLT/CTTK/P-H/V-I/6/14-15

Options Under Dental

a Class 1Investigative & Preventative Treatment

b Class 2Basic Restorative, Periodontal Treatment

C Class 3Major Restorative & Orthodontic Treatment

d Orthodontic Treatment for dependant <18 years

80% of dental limit

50% of dental limit

50% of dental limit

Not covered

80% of dental limit

50% of dental limit

50% of dental limit

Not covered

100% after thedeductible

80% after thedeductible

50% after thedeductible

50% after thedeductible of `50,000

Option I Option II Option III

Annual Limit `20,000 `50,000 `100,000

Deductible - Individual NA NA `25,000

This Policy Covers Dental Treatment Under Three Options.

Options Under Vision

One eye examination per year of insurance by an Optometrist or an Ophthalmologist.

Expenses for lens, eyeglass frames, prescription sunglasses

Option I

Actual expenses incurred

Not covered

Option II

Actual expenses incurred

Upto `10,000

This Policy Also Provides Coverage For Vision Tests Under Two Options.

Cigna TTK Global Health Group Policy UIN NO.: IRDA/NL-HLT/CTTK/P-H/V-I/6/14-15

a. Pre-existing disease Waiting Period Addition You have an option to add a waiting period towards Pre-existing diseases/Illness/Injury until 48 months from the date of first inception of this Policy with Us.

b. DeductibleThis option allows to select any of the below Deductible.Option-1 Rs. 15000 Option-2 Rs. 30000 Option-3 Rs. 60000

If opted for a deductible under the policy, deductible amount will apply on the sum of all admissible claims in that policy year.Deductible will apply on in-patient, day care, out-patient as well as maternity claims.

c. Co-payThis option provides 20% co-pay whereby Cigna TTK will pay 80% of the claim admissible and balance amount to be paid by you. A discount on premium is available on opting for this option.

d. Maximum limit on Out of Pocket Expenses (for employee)This option allows to select any of the below Out of Pocket Maximum limit.Option-1 Rs. 60000 Option-2 Rs. 90000 Option-3 Rs. 120000

If opted, the employee will bear the selected amount as the maximum limit of out of pocket expenses during the policy year. Any amount borne under Deductible and /or Co-pay will be applied to the Out of Pocket Maximum Limit.

This option is only available in association with a Deductible and /or Co-pay option.

Your Cost Sharing Options

At Cigna TTK, we work in partner-ship with you to advise on, deliver, and implement a wholly compliant health care program that is specifi-cally aligned with your global and strategic objectives. With our wealth of experience and global presence, your employees can have easy access to quality health care, and an outstanding, high-touch, concierge-level of support - wherever they are in the world.


Disclaimer: Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. The plan details in this brochure is to facilitate your understanding of our product only. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions read the sales brochure carefully before concluding the sale.Trade Logo belongs to M/s Cigna Intellectual Property Inc. and T T Krishnamachari & Co and used by Cigna TTK Health Insurance company Limited.

Section 41 - Prohibition of Rebates (under section 41 of Insurance Act, 1938) - No person shall allow or o�er to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a Policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectus or tables of the insurers. Any person making default in complying with the provision of this section shall be punished with �ne, which may extend to �ve hundred rupees.

Cigna TTK Global Health Group Policy UIN NO.: IRDA/NL-HLT/CTTK/P-H/V-I/6/14-15



To Know More:[email protected]+91-22-6170 3737

Cigna TTK Health Insurance Company Limited. Registered O�ce: 10th Floor, Commerz, International Business Park, Oberoi Garden City, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400 063

IRDA Registration no.:151 dated 13th November, 2013; Global Health Group Policy UIN NO.: IRDA/NL-HLT/CTTK/P-H/V-I/6/14-15; Compliance Control No.: ADVBRO/0170/Oct/14-15 Date of Release: OCT 2014 Onwards; CIN: U66000MH2012PLC227948; ISO 9001:2008 Certi�ed.