ET2 - How I Convert a UKTS truck for ET2

ET2 - How I Convert a UKTS truck for ET2 This document is copyright 2013 Do not post to any site without my permission. Do not direct link to my files from any site without my permission. You may link to my site: This document for private use only. Not to be translated or reproduced in whole or in part in any form. Permission is not granted for further development of this document All care and no responsibility. No liability accepted for any loss of data or other damage through use of this guide. Copyright 2013 Page 1 of 41

Transcript of ET2 - How I Convert a UKTS truck for ET2

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ET2 - How I Convert a UKTS truck for ET2

This document is copyright 2013

Do not post to any site without my permission.Do not direct link to my files from any site without my permission.

You may link to my site: www.glenn52.comThis document for private use only.

Not to be translated or reproduced in whole or in part in any form.Permission is not granted for further development of this document

All care and no responsibility.No liability accepted for any loss of data or other damage through use of this guide.

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How I Convert a UKTS truck for ET2

This is a guide to how I convert a UKTS truck for Extreme Trucker 2

I don't say it's the right way, I say it is my way...

E & O.E

UKTS vehicle: MAN TGXMap: Australia

I use -Text/Hex editor: FolderviewerZip: 7ZipZModeler:ZModeler Help (18WoS) Forum: ETS/GTS Filter Guide:

If you want Zmodeler help, follow these links. I can't help here

This is NOT a stand-alone tutorial on creating a truck mod for 18WoS

I decided to create this guide for my own purposes - because I have a shitty memory(having said that, it is written for a wider audience)

If it helps anyone else, that is good too...

This guide has been created on-the-fly as I create the MAN truck, and anyerrors/omissions/crap may be corrected later

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Setup Folders

I create a mod Project Folder: \Documents\18 WoS Extreme Trucker2\development\mod Unpacked

I copy the UKTS vehicle folder to my Project Folder: \Documents\UK TruckSimulator\development\base Unpacked\vehicle

In \Documents\18 WoS Extreme Trucker 2\development\mod Unpacked\vehicle I deleteeverything but the 'truck' folder

In \Documents\18 WoS Extreme Trucker 2\development\mod Unpacked\vehicle\truck Idelete everything but the man_tgx folder

In \Documents\18 WoS Extreme Trucker 2\development\mod

Unpacked\vehicle\truck\man_tgx I delete everything but

I copy \Documents\UK Truck Simulator\development\base

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Unpacked\vehicle\truck\share to my Project Folder

I delete everything here but and

I copy \Documents\18 WoS Extreme Trucker 2\development\base Unpacked\material tomy Project Folder

I delete everything here but Enviroment folder

In \Documents\18 WoS Extreme Trucker 2\development\baseUnpacked\material\environment I delete everything but

I rename to

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ZModeler - Import ET2 truck

I now import into ZModeler a ET2 truck to collect some important components for theproject truck

I use a 'similar' (cab over) truck, and so here I import the ET2 Volvo_FH16_AU ('donor'truck)

I open ZModeler, and from here I Save very often

And when I don't, I wish I had...

I set base.scs to \Documents\18 WoS Extreme Trucker 2\development\base Unpacked

I import the truck.pmg file

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I note the ET2 node naming conventions, though for a UKTS conversion this will not be areal issue

Probably not an issue ETS and later, but I don't have the knowledge nor experience toqualify that

I know some Haulin node names have crashed a mod, so I rename them all in a mod toconform and eliminate any issues

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I Hide all nodes to be retained and delete the rest.

I have made a note of the postion of 'locator' nodes in relationship to the ET2 mesh (orrelevant part of it).

eg: l-mirror locator to left mirror area of truck mesh

Approximate is good until I can check them in-game later

In the Texture Browser I delete all textures other than shown above

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The Default Material cannot be deleted and must be replaced.

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Here I copy all values from glass_ex material to the Default Material, paying attention toAlpha Parameters and Extensions settings.

I configure the Environment Layer (reflection) for the glass_ex material does not have reflection layer

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I right click 'the driver', select Properties and check the driver material is mapped to themesh

I hide the ET2 truck root dummy node

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ZModeler - Import UKTS truck

I locate the UKTS MAN TGX folder, point base.scs to \Documents\UK TruckSimulator\development\base.scs, and import the *pmg file

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I right click the UKTS truck root dummy node, select Properties, select User-Definedoptions

I check the option Origin points to the destination folder for the new ET2 truck

Because I earlier copied UKTS folder I should have no concern here

I check there are the required variants

Most (if not all) UKTS trucks use one body color but have body options for aero andother parts.

I delete the Shadow node (not used in ET2)

I delete the Shadow texture from the Texture Browser

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I also delete wheel, driver_2, driver_3, driver_4 and driver_0 nodes

I delete the texture from the Texture Browser

In the Materials Editor I delete entries for Shadow and Drivers

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Now I rename color materials for the truck.

Each material may specify a path - usually for shared *.dds files, not residing in the truckfolder

The path is relative to the target game only - found in the game's base.scs file

I accept paths imported with the truck only if I know they are valid and the game willlocate them

It is convenient, economic and tidy to use paths, but if in doubt I remove the path andmove(copy) any *.dds file into the (mod)truck folder

No-one wants in a download, a pile of files they already have on their HDD - nor do theywant the bandwidth of bloated downloads

A path specified will be exported to the relevant *.mat file

ZModeler will not generate a *tobj file for the *.mat file

The game will read the path to the *.tobj file from within the *.mat file

Where no path is specified, ZModeler will generate a *.tobj file for the *.mat file

The *.dds file must reside in the truck folder

Typically:the truck.pmd file points to various *.mat files*.mat files point to *.tobj files*.tobj files point to *.dds files

A material effect specified will be exported to the relevant *.mat file

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Leaving 5 color materials shown above may cause me issues later, so I individualize thenames

For each color material I locate a mesh to which the material is mapped

I get an idea of the related truck part(s), and rename the material accordingly

Above I have located a shiny fuel tank, and I rename the material chrome_parts(dif_spec.add.env_nofresnel)

I do likewise for all other materials (soon you'll see all the changes - they are reflected inthe names of the generated *mat files)

NOTE: example above -from faded memory the nofresnel component of the materialeffect is not accepted by ET2, but I'll leave it and check later... remember, creating this on-the-fly ...

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Now I move driver_0 to a position similar to driver_1 (... take it easy guys!!)

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I move interior and driver locators

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I have the driver where I think he should be (...and so says driver_1??)

I move l_mirror and r_mirror

I don't touch camera and cargo locators, but will check them in-game later and change ifnecessary

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I move the ET2 truck nodes into the UKTS truck node heirachy

I delete the ET2 truck root dummy node

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ZModeler - Export UKTS truck

At this point I am about done in ZModeler for a little while

I am always keen to get the truck in game without spending too much time on it

Once I know the game accepts the basic truck I can come back to fix bugs, designproblems and enhance the truck if I want

I point Save in: to my project folder: \Documents\18 WoS Extreme Trucker2\development\mod Unpacked\vehicle\truck

I ensure Version: is ETS/GTS

File name: must be the same as the name of the root dummy node

At this point I do not lock the file

I can later re-export & lock when I'm satisfied the truck is complete

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ZModeler - Exported Files

I check the exported files to ensure I have all the necessary onesIndividualizing the material names earlier has given me individual *.mat files

ZModeler has generated *.tobj files for each *.mat file (other than for those for which apath was specified in the Materials Editor)

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I check the truck.pmd file to ensure all the *.mat files are included

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I check each *.mat file to see it references a *.tobj file, and that the *.tobj file exists

Where a path was specified for a material in the Materials Editor, the *.tobj file mayexist elsewhere and I ensure it does, and that it will be accessible to the game

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I check that each *.tobj file references a *.dds file, and that the *.dds file exists and willbe accessible

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Each *.mat file requires a sampler binding for each texture - WTF?? - a line of text foreach texture

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I go to an original ET2 *.mat file for the text I need, and copy & paste into my new *.matfileI repeat for each *.mat file

I have a reference list of *.mat files for the 'donor' ET2 Volvo_FH16_AU truck used inthis project

These are found in the automat/ folder:ca/0da86d - glass_ex53/29ca05 - color86/c57916 - chrome_parts84/fc57f1 - chrome_fence53/0907e5 - color143/90bca3 - ai_driver

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I run 2 instances of Folderviewer to get a side-by-side comparison

I find an ET2 original *.mat file for a paintjob does not use 'paint' in the material effectso I use the original format

I won't rename the *.mat file accordingly, and if I do the *.pmd file will not find it and I'llget an error

Later I will go back into ZModeler, correct the effect and re-export the truck

I may re-visit ZModeler to change the frame to 6x4, bullbar and to do interior, wipersetc.

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When re-exporting the truck I take care not to have to repeat the *.mat files changesdescribed above, unless necessary

I re-export to a temp folder and copy into my project folder only the necessary files

If I make changes to textures and/or materials I will need new *.mat files (and maybenew *.tobj files).

If I only change the model, I copy only *.pmg, *.pmd, *.pmc

Do not copy only the *.pmg file into your project (Oleg - ZModeler)

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Truck Config Files

I now introduce more files from ET2, and each is altered to work in this projectFiles are taken from folders shown in the next image

I rename the Volvo def files to suit - one for each variant (remember variants fromZModeler?)

Each def file is altered to suit the MAN, for each variant

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The 'a' in driveable_vehicle_data: and variant: a relate to the variant

I copy & paste the whole of this file into the man_tgx_b.sii file

I change the 'a' in driveable_vehicle_data: and variant: a to 'b'

Then do like wise for man_tgx_c.sii

At this point in time I retain the Volvo references to wipers, and further down in the filethe references to interior_camera and interior_data

I make entries in the truck storage def file

I copy & paste these changes into the truck_storage_australia.sii file

I need to make my new MAN available to haul some or all loads

I always use a new profile for first checking a new truck, however doing this means bydefault I get the Volvo FH16 and the rocket part cargo

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I change the rocket_part.sii cargo file to suit

The next 3 images show changes I make to the camera units def file and the camerastorage def file

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I rename the Volvo file

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Inside the file I change the header to vehicle_interior_camera:

I list this new file in the camera storage def file

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In Game

I have zipped my mod project to an *.scs file - no compression(store)

I ensure the console is enabled, to view errors real-time

If I get to the main menu OK, generally speaking I know there is not too much (ifanything) wrong with my work in ZModeler, nor with the truck/interior/camera *.sii files

I create a new profile. I do this to test any/each change made to the mod, and for eachtruck variant

If the MAN does not show first up, I save the game and change the saved game filesI need to replace the Volvo for the current saved game

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I change the game_state.sii file to tell the game I have the MAN

I also change the reference to the Volvo under job_data in the job_manager.sii file

When I went back into the game I had the MAN hooked up to the rocket part, but somecomponents on the MAN were missing

They were in fact just invisible and I got an error(unfortunately a screenshot got lost)

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The error in game.log. I knew immediately what and why

(I don't mind errors when they are logged, very frustrating fixing errors that don't makethe log)

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Fix for the error (something I simply overlooked earlier)

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Now when the MAN appears, I still have an issue with wheels facing into the chassis

This is easily fixed in ZModeler - rotate each locator through 180deg

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And then the MAN re-appears, some attention to wheel track is required, but this willdo for now

(Note: this in-game camera angle gives a distorted view)

Tweaking the *.mat files for the right paint look is another job

I have spent some time tweaking the paintjob for a Haulin truck in ET2 & I can take the*.mat file values for ambient, diffuse, specular, shininess, tint, env_factor for that truckand apply to this truck

And chrome!! Ugh, ETS and later chrome...

This is the file manifest for this mod:




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Not complex at all, right?


From UKTS I added:vehicle\truck\man_tgx\wipers.pmavehicle\truck\man_tgx\wipers.pmdvehicle\truck\man_tgx\wipers.pmgautomat\47\5114f3 (points to color.tobj - see above)

No changes to these files are necessary

In the man_tgx_a.sii file (see above under Truck Config Files) I change the references toexterior_wiper_anim and wiper_model to point to the vehicle\truck\man_tgx folder

To date, the vehicle still uses the vovlo_fh16_au interior

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E & O.E

Hope it helps...


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