Estimating Surface Rupture Length and Magnitude of...

1 Estimating Surface Rupture Length and Magnitude of Paleoearthquakes From Point Measurements of Rupture Displacement Glenn P. Biasi and Ray J. Weldon II February 20, 2006 Abstract. We present a method to estimate paleomagnitude and rupture extent from measurements of displacement at a single point on a fault. The variability of historic ruptures is summarized in a histogram of normalized slip, then scaled to give the probability of finding a given displacement within a rupture for any magnitude considered. The histogram can be inverted assuming any magnitude earthquake is as likely as another, yielding probability density functions of magnitude and rupture length for any given displacement measurement. To improve these distributions we include a term to account for the probability that the earthquake would cause ground rupture and two alternative distributions of earthquake magnitude. The Gutenberg-Richter magnitude distribution predicts shorter rupture lengths and smaller magnitudes than does a uniform distribution where any magnitude earthquake is considered equally likely. Longer ruptures and larger magnitudes than the uniform model are predicted by an alternative magnitude distribution designed to return site average displacement. This model is a generalization of the characteristic earthquake model, and reasonably describes paleoseismic findings on the southern San Andreas fault, where slip is accommodated average displacements of a few

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Estimating Surface Rupture Length and Magnitude of Paleoearthquakes

From Point Measurements of Rupture Displacement

Glenn P. Biasi and Ray J. Weldon II

February 20, 2006


We present a method to estimate paleomagnitude and rupture extent from measurements

of displacement at a single point on a fault. The variability of historic ruptures is

summarized in a histogram of normalized slip, then scaled to give the probability of

finding a given displacement within a rupture for any magnitude considered. The

histogram can be inverted assuming any magnitude earthquake is as likely as another,

yielding probability density functions of magnitude and rupture length for any given

displacement measurement. To improve these distributions we include a term to account

for the probability that the earthquake would cause ground rupture and two alternative

distributions of earthquake magnitude. The Gutenberg-Richter magnitude distribution

predicts shorter rupture lengths and smaller magnitudes than does a uniform distribution

where any magnitude earthquake is considered equally likely. Longer ruptures and larger

magnitudes than the uniform model are predicted by an alternative magnitude distribution

designed to return site average displacement. This model is a generalization of the

characteristic earthquake model, and reasonably describes paleoseismic findings on the

southern San Andreas fault, where slip is accommodated average displacements of a few


meters and earthquake recurrence times of 100-250 years. Our results should increase the

value of paleoseismic displacement measurements for hazard assessment. In particular,

they quantify probability estimates of earthquake magnitude and rupture length where

point observations of rupture displacement are available, and so can contribute to

probabilistic seismic hazard analyses.


Paleoseismic investigations have had good success in locating and dating pre-

instrumental earthquake ruptures of the ground surface, but have been more limited in

their ability to estimate paleoearthquake magnitude or rupture length. For example, long,

well dated event chronologies at Pallett Creek and Wrightwood on the San Andreas fault

in California (Sieh et al., 1989; Fumal et al. 1993, 2002a) constrain recurrence rate and

suggest patterns in underlying fault behavior (e.g., Sieh et al., 1989; Biasi et al., 2002;

Weldon et al., 2004). However, slip estimates for individual ruptures (e.g., Sieh, 1984;

Salyards et al., 1992; Grant and Sieh, 1994; Weldon et al., 2002, 2004; Liu, et al., 2004)

have thus far contributed only a general understanding of paleoearthquake magnitude.

Because these measurements are, by their nature, point estimates of earthquake slip, it is

impossible to say whether the observed slip is representative of the average over the

entire rupture, or whether it happens to be more or less than average. Rupture length is

even less constrained than average displacement by paleoseismic studies at individual

sites. In many cases displacement at a point is assumed to be equal to the average or

maximum and rupture length is estimated using empirical regressions (e.g., Wells and

Coppersmith, 1994).


Where more than one paleoseismic site on a fault has been investigated, rupture lengths

have been proposed based on speculative correlation of events with overlapping age

ranges (Sieh et al., 1989; Weldon et al., 2004). Since seismic moment estimates depend

directly on rupture length and average displacement (Mo = dLW, where Mo is seismic

moment, L is the rupture length, d is the average slip, W is the rupture width, and is the

rock shear modulus), detailed chronologies recovered from the best paleoseismic sites

provide the frequency of ground rupture, but only weakly constrain paleomagnitude and

rupture length, which are of greater importance for understanding seismic hazard from

that fault.

Hemphill-Haley and Weldon (1999) proposed a method of estimating average

displacement from point displacement measurements. By a Monte Carlo method they

showed that a reasonably precise estimate of average slip could be made if five to ten

measurements of slip, preferably well distributed along of the fault, were available. The

difficulty in applying their method is that even on a relatively well studied fault such as

the southern San Andreas, very few slip estimates are available for events prior to the

most recent earthquake. Furthermore, the dates of paleoearthquakes are never precise

enough to show that the same rupture has in fact been observed at multiple sites. Chang

and Smith (2002) used an alternative means to estimate average displacement from

measurements in paleoseismic excavations. They assume that displacement profiles are

elliptical in shape, and take the lengths of the ruptures from a segmentation model of the

fault. The height of the ellipse is found using the paleoseismic displacement


measurement and the trench position within the segment. Average displacement and

magnitude are estimated from the resulting ellipses. It is not clear how to apply their

approach where the segmentation model is unknown or disputed, or where the elliptical

rupture shape cannot be assumed.

To develop a probabilistic estimate of magnitude given a point measure of slip, we begin

by examining the natural variability of slip along strike for historical ground-rupturing

earthquakes. Slip distributions of historic earthquakes have some common features that

allow them to be summarized in the form of an empirical probability distribution. This

empirical probability distribution is then scaled to give the forward probability of finding

a surface displacement given earthquake magnitude. By considering all possible

magnitudes we can invert these relationships for the probability of earthquake magnitude

and rupture length given a measured displacement.

Average Slip and Rupture Length Given Magnitude

Wells and Coppersmith (1994) obtained relationships of average surface displacement

and rupture length to magnitude from published reports of documented historical and

recent surface ruptures. Using data from all types of faults they found magnitude M and

surface rupture length L related by:

Equation 1: M = 5.08 + 1.16·log(L)


To relate magnitude and average displacement, dave, we combined the forward and

inverse relationships in Wells and Coppersmith (1994) for M given dave and dave given M:

Equation 2: M = 6.94 + 1.14·log(dave)

Equation 2 balances the misfit of M and dave data and gives a reversible relationship for M

and dave. Equations 1 and 2 were derived from observations of, respectively, 77 and 56

mapped surface ruptures ranging in magnitude from 5.6 to 8.1. We have used regressions

from Wells and Coppersmith (1994) because they are well known. In practice any

similar regressions could be used if changes are made consistently; particular choices, for

example, might be specific to the style or size of the fault under study.

Incorporating Slip Variability

Hemphill-Haley and Weldon (1999) investigated the variability of surface slip using a

selection of earthquakes for which the displacement profile was reasonably well

documented. Figure 1 illustrates slip variability as a function of position for several of

the mapped fault ruptures they considered. As may be seen, slip at a point commonly can

be a factor of two and the maximum a factor of three larger than the average slip along

the rupture. To characterize surface rupture variability, each rupture profile was

resampled at 1% intervals and presented in the form of a histogram (Figure 1, insets).

This has a slight smoothing effect for portions of some ruptures that have large numbers

of closely spaced displacement measurements. A key property of the histograms is that


they summarize surface rupture variability without specifying the spatial distribution of

individual measurements. That is, one could distribute displacements in a histogram in a

variety of ways and produce a large number of different-looking rupture profiles that

nevertheless have identical degrees of variability in d/dave. This property of histograms is

useful because in the paleoseismic context, trenching at random within the rupture and

drawing a displacement at random from the histogram are mathematically equivalent.

While individual slip distributions can be quite variable, Hemphill-Haley and Weldon

(1999) noted two important features about them. First, slips tend to be as variable for

small earthquakes as for large ones. That is, one could not tell from the shape of a slip

distribution alone whether a large or small earthquake was plotted. Second, all

distributions necessarily have ends and tend to taper to small slip offsets as the ends are

approached. This suggests an approximate shape upon which the variability is expressed.

Hemphill-Haley and Weldon (1999) used these qualities as a means of combining slip

distributions of small and large earthquakes. They normalized each slip distribution by

the average displacement for that event, and the rupture length by the total observed

length. From these, two stacked distributions were developed (Figure 2). When the

normalized rupture profiles themselves are stacked (Figure 2a), the average rupture

profile shape includes a nearly flat central part amounting to approximately one third of

the total slip length and tapers on each end. In detail the shape of the average rupture

profile depends to a minor degree on how each rupture is included – i.e., on which end is

given the normalized length of 0 or 1 (see Hemphill-Haley and Weldon, 1999, for a

discussion). However, in any construction the average shape is far less variable than any


contributing rupture. Like the averaged rupture profile, its histogram (Figure 2b) has too

little variability to represent a likely result from field mapping.

On the other hand, when the individual histograms themselves are stacked (Figure 2c),

variability is preserved. Stacking is equivalent to (and accomplished by) making a single

histogram of all the d/dave measurements from contributing ruptures, then making it a

probability distribution by dividing by the total number of measurements. This process

preserves extreme normalized values (e.g., d/dave = 3), for example, but weights them by

their relative frequency of occurrence in the contributing ruptures. Unlike the averaged

rupture profile (Figures 2a, b), the averaged histogram can be used for inverting rupture

variability because it retains the full variability of the input ruptures.

Probability of Slip Given Magnitude

A key to the Bayesian inversion of slip observations for earthquake magnitude and

rupture length is the observation that, if given a unit area, the histograms of individual

earthquake ruptures (Figure 1) may be interpreted as probability density functions for slip

during those earthquakes. Probability of slip in a given range around a given

displacement can be found by integrating the appropriate portion of the histogram. This

interpretation also applies to the average histogram (Figure 2c). If Equation 2 is then

used to scale the histogram in Figure 2c it becomes a probability density function for

surface displacement given magnitude, p(dobs|M(dave)). Probability density functions

p(d|M) are shown in Figure 3 for example magnitudes. The curves in Figure 3 amount to


predictions of surface displacement and variation based on the combined experience of

the thirteen contributing ruptures.

Bayesian Inverse for Magnitude Given Slip.

Bayes Theorem allows the slip variability p(d|M) to be inverted for the probability

distribution of earthquake magnitude given an observed displacement, p(M|dobs).

Bayes Theorem may be stated as,

Equation 3 p(M|dobs) = p(M)[p(dobs|M) /P(dobs)].

Briefly, Equation 3 revises p(M), the a priori distribution of earthquake of magnitude M,

by its likelihood in light of a paleoseismic displacement observation. The distribution of

magnitudes is unknown, but has basic limits. For the moment, we assume that any

magnitude in the range M 6.6 to M 8.1 in 0.1 magnitude unit increments is equally likely

to produce ground rupture and thus p(M) is uniformly distributed on this range. We

explore the effects of the range and shape of p(M) in later sections.

To estimate the relative weighting of individual magnitudes in Equation 3, the slip

histogram from Figure 2c is scaled for each by the average displacement predicted by

Equation 2 (Figure 3). The probability that magnitude Mi caused observed slip dobs is the

ratio of the area in the ith

histogram near dobs, P(d: d- dobs d+ |Mi) to the total area


in all the histograms in this displacement range. The relative likelihoods among

candidate magnitudes is given by the area of each as their fraction of the total. P(dobs) in

Equation 3 is that total area. The shaded vertical bar in Figure 3 corresponds to an

example slip of d = 2 ± 0.25 meters. For each magnitude, prior distribution p(M) then

multiplies the fraction to yield p(M|dobs).

Figure 4 shows the inverse probability distribution functions p(M|dobs) for dobs = 1, 2, and

4 meters. For the example dobs = 2 m, Figure 4b shows that it would be an unlikely

random displacement measurement from ruptures of M < 7.0 earthquakes. For M 7.4 the

fractional weight P(d :d- dobs d+ | M) is near its maximum. With increasing

earthquake size, displacements in their histograms around 2 meters comprise a decreasing

fraction of all expected displacements. That is, for M > 7.4 events, two meter

displacements would be somewhat less likely because larger displacements are expected.

Probable Rupture Length

To estimate probabilities of rupture length, we use p(M|d) just calculated, and the scaling

of M to L in Equation 1. The resulting distribution, P(L(M)|dobs) = P(L|d), is shown in

Figure 5 in the form of cumulative probabilities instead of the density functions in Figure

4. As an example, if a 2 meter observed displacement is drawn at random, Figure 5

predicts a 75% likelihood of a total rupture length of at least 50 km. Two properties of

P(L|d) may be noted. First, the lengths in Figure 5 shown reflect the mean regression

values for L given M. Thus Figure 5 reflects the expected lengths, but does not include


uncertainties in the regressions. Second, P(L|d) can be constructed from the probabilities

in Figure 4 using any monotonic relationship between M and L, so that alternative P(L|d)

curves can be constructed if Equation 1 is not considered suitable.

The Role of Limits on the Magnitude Range

Thus far we have limited our consideration to earthquake magnitudes in the range 6.6

M 8.1. However, smaller earthquakes can produce ground rupture, and for some faults,

larger earthquakes may occur. Qualitatively the effect of the lower limit can be seen in

Figure 3 and Equation 3. Magnitudes whose upper displacement range is less than a

given dobs contribute zeros to P(d|M) and P(d) in Equation 3. However, for smaller

displacements the lower limit is relevant. Figure 6 (dashed) shows p(M|d) where the

lower limit of magnitudes has been decreased to M 6.0. Decreasing the minimum

magnitude limit adds new magnitudes that might account for a 1 meter displacement,

which numerically increases P(dobs) in Equation 3. This slightly decreases the probability

that the 1 meter displacement observation was caused by M 6.6 event. For dobs of 2

meters or more, no effect of the lower bound is seen (Figure 6b).

The upper magnitude limit of p(M) does have an affect on p(M|d), since unlike smaller

earthquakes, the largest magnitude earthquakes include displacements of all sizes. Figure

6 (dotted lines) illustrates the effect for P(M) uniformly distributed as 6.6 M 8.4. The

relative weights of, say, M 7.2 vs. M 7.4 changes little, but the absolute probabilities

decrease slightly. The difference is largest for large observed displacements. We


adopted a maximum case of M 8.1 for the balance of this paper because this is the limit of

data in the Wells and Coppersmith (1994) regressions, but Figure 6 shows that larger or

smaller magnitude limits are readily accommodated.

The Role of Magnitude Distribution

The magnitude distribution we have used to this point assigns equal likelihood to

earthquakes across a large magnitude range. Mathematically this corresponds to the least

informative prior distribution p(M) in Equation 3. Sometimes, however, information is

available with which to further shape p(M). We consider two alternative magnitude

distribution models. One is a modified Gutenberg-Richter relation and the other is an

“average displacement” earthquake model that assumes that a fault produces a narrower

range of earthquakes and larger individual ruptures. We also incorporate the probability

that an earthquake will rupture the surface. This becomes particularly important when

p(M) includes smaller magnitude ranges.

Probability of Surface Rupture

It is well known that most small earthquakes, and many moderate ones, do not rupture the

ground surface. Thus, one cannot directly compare a distribution of magnitudes for a

fault to a record of paleoearthquakes. While rupture is known for events as small as M 3

(Bonilla, 1988), very few earthquakes smaller than M 5 rupture to the surface, and very

few greater than M 7 do not (McCalpin, 1996). . To incorporate the probability of

ground-surface rupture we replotted the data in Wells and Coppersmith (1993) in a form


that gives the fraction of earthquakes that produce rupture as a function of magnitude

(Figure 7). For their compilation they regard as negligible the probability of ground

rupture for earthquakes smaller than M 5. The resulting curve is consistent with the

observation of Bonilla (1982) that rupture becomes “likely” (passes 50% likelihood) at

about M 6 in the western U. S. Our goal here is not to argue strongly for this distribution,

but to demonstrate how the known decline in rupture probability with decreasing

magnitude affects our results.

To account for the likelihood that an earthquake in our magnitude distribution will be

recorded at the paleoseismic site as a surface rupture we add a term to Equation 3:

Equation 4 p(M|dobs) = [p(rupture|M)·p(M)][p(dobs|M) /P(dobs)].

P(dobs) remains the sum of possible outcomes of the numerator, but is numerically

different from its value in Equation 3. Because of the decreasing probability of rupture

with decreasing magnitude, a side effect of including the p(rupture|M) term is that it

decreases the importance of the lower limit in p(M) (Figure 6a).

Figure 8 shows how the probability of rupture modifies the three probability of

magnitude distributions we consider. All span the distribution range 5.0 M 8.1. The

modified uniform distribution, pUniform(M), (Figure 8a, solid line) is, in effect, a plot of the

probability of surface rupture. In the Gutenberg-Richter (GR) model, pGR(M), the

number of earthquakes of size M is given by N(M) = a + b·log10(M), where a relates to


fault productivity and b is typically about 1.0. This model predicts 10 times more

earthquakes of M 6.0 than M 7.0. The exponential increase in the number of earthquakes

with decreasing magnitude is balanced by the declining probability of rupture, so that

pGR(M) peaks at about M 5.4 and decreases to zero by M 5 (Figure 8b, solid line). The

GR model exerts strong a priori influence on estimates of magnitude and rupture length.

Compared to a uniform model, using the Gutenberg-Richter model in Equation 4 raises

the relative probability that a given displacement observation came from an above

average slip point of a smaller magnitude earthquake.

The average displacement model, pAD(M), is intended to model the paleoseismic case

where a comparatively small number of ruptures account for a large total displacement.

The sizes of individual earthquake may not be constrained, but the average displacement

over many events is known from the recurrence time and the geologic or geodetic

average slip rate for the fault at the location of interest. The “characteristic earthquake”

model (Schwartz and Coppersmith, 1984) is an extreme form of the pAD(M) model. To

construct pAD(M) an average displacement is selected and a standard deviation is

estimated consistent with the width of the scatter in the data of Wells and Coppersmith

(1994) for that magnitude. We then convert this displacement distribution into a

magnitude distribution using the displacement-magnitude scaling relationship in Equation

2. (This application motivated our modification of Equation 2 from the original result of

Wells and Coppersmith, 1994).


To illustrate the average displacement model we use a mean displacement of 4.3 meters

(Figure 8c). The value of 4.3 m is based on the 135 year average recurrence interval of

ground rupturing earthquakes estimated from the Pallett Creek paleoseismic site (Sieh et

al., 1989; Salyards et al, 1992; Biasi et al., 2002), and a slip rate of ~32 mm/yr. The

Pallett Creek average displacement estimate is based on a ten earthquake record, so one

would have to claim that several ground-rupturing earthquakes were not detected to

seriously change it. The upper range was truncated at M 8.1 to facilitate direct

comparison with the other p(M) models. The shape of pAD(M) in Figure 8c is intended to

illustrate the consequences of the present paleoseismic data; in detail we cannot show that

this pAD(M) model is necessarily unique or even optimal. In principle one could construct

an empirically shaped distribution of displacements if a sufficient number of

measurements were available for the site of interest.

The resulting p(M|dobs) and P(L|dobs) distributions for the three p(M) models are shown in

Figure 9. Each p(M) model has different properties. For example, the GR p(M) model

includes more small earthquakes, and so predicts that one should rarely expect a slip of

one meter to have been caused by an earthquake above the low M 7 range (Figure 9a).

For all dobs values the mean estimated earthquake magnitude is smaller for the GR model

than the uniform, although the difference decreases with increasing dobs (Figure 9b-f).

The average displacement p(M) model also strongly shapes consequent p(M|dobs) and

p(L|dobs) distributions (Figure 9, dashed). For small dobs, the rarity of smaller rupture-

producing earthquakes in pAD(M) means that even when observed displacements are

small, they are attributed to mid-M 7 and larger earthquakes. This behavior is opposite to


that of the GR model, corresponding to the opposite relative abundances of moderate

earthquakes. At the largest magnitudes and displacements, all p(M|dobs) curves are

affected by the data-derived irregularities in the large d/dave tail of p(d|M) histograms

(Figures 2c and 3).

Probabilities of length given observations of displacement P(L|dobs) are plotted in the

right-hand column of Figure 9 for each of the p(M) models. P(L|dobs) is calculated from

the cumulative probability of p(M|dobs), and scaled horizontally to length through

Equation 1. The differences between p(M) models are most evident for small values of

dobs. The GR model predicts shorter rupture lengths for any given displacement

observation because, in the pool of all possible earthquakes that could account for dobs,

there is a higher fraction of smaller earthquakes, and therefore of shorter lengths. By

contrast, the average displacement model has a smaller fraction of smaller events, so if

one does observe a 1 m ground-rupture displacement, it is considered more likely to be a

small displacement observation from a larger earthquake. At first it may be

counterintuitive that any model would predict a median rupture length of 90 km from a 1

m displacement observation, but it is not unreasonable for a fault where the AD model

would apply. Returning to the Pallett Creek example, if the count of ground ruptures is

approximately complete, the resulting 4.3 m average displacement means that each 1 m

displacement must be balanced by another with 7.6 m. One consequence of this balance

is to push upward the probability that the 1 m displacement is a smaller displacement

observation from a larger earthquake, with the median length found to be ~90 km. The

difference among lengths predicted from larger displacements decreases with increasing


dobs. At largest dobs values, limiting the upper magnitude to M 8.1 has the effect of

increasing the relative probability that a large dobs came from an exceptional section of a

smaller earthquake.


Hemphill-Haley and Weldon (1999) inferred that surface displacements are usefully

similar when normalized by average displacement and surface rupture length. This

underlies the scaling employed in Figure 3 and all subsequent results. The variability of

rupture displacements at distinct magnitude levels might be tested if a much larger

ground rupture set were consulted. Histograms developed by magnitude might be

constructed instead of the scaling method of Figure 3. Another obvious refinement to our

results would be to separate a larger data set by tectonic setting or fault type. The

average histogram we used includes earthquake ruptures from all the principal tectonic

styles, and reasonably represents the individuals from which it was compiled.

Differences among strike-slip, reverse, and normal faults suggest that factors such as the

continuity of rupture and the ratio of the average displacement to the maximum may vary

systematically. For example, McCalpin and Slemmons (1998) found differences among

fault types when maximum displacement was used to scale ruptures. It remains to be

seen, however, just how important likely differences between fault types or environments

are for estimates of magnitude and length.


The inversion for p(M|d) and p(L|d) assume that the observed displacement is drawn at

random from within the rupture. This assumption is designed for the case where little is

known about the extent of surface rupture for the earthquakes under study. For example,

this assumption could be applied on the southern San Andreas fault to nine of the most

recent ten events at Pallett Creek, five of the most recent six in the Carrizo Plain (Liu et

al., 2004), and all of the most recent events at the Thousand Palms Oasis (Fumal et al.,

2002b). In some cases, however, the observed displacement may be known to be

exceptional, especially when investigating the most recent event on a fault. Large

displacements in a surface rupture withstand erosion longer and have a larger probability

of discovery in the course of detailed mapping of the fault. For the same reasons one

may not sample the ends of a rupture because the surface evidence has eroded away and

only subsurface evidence remains. Choosing a trench site because a scarp is especially

well expressed, or avoiding a location because no rupture evidence remains both will tend

to bias the displacement measurement toward larger values (Stirling et al., 2002). Note,

however, that both conditions amount to stronger prior knowledge about the paleorupture

than we assume in our formulation. Sampling can also be biased toward smaller slip

observations. This can occur at splays and step-overs where rupture displacement trails

off on one fault trace and is taken up on a parallel trace some distance away. Such step-

over features tend to create structural basins (e.g., sag ponds) favorable for sedimentation

and stratigraphic preservation (e.g., Hog Lake, Rockwell et al., 2003; Pallett Creek, Sieh,

1984; Frazier Park, Lindvall et al., 2002). For both cases, displacement measurements

over multiple slips and comparision to the likely average displacement will help.

Deciding that an observed displacement is greater or less than average for a rupture is,


ultimately, a professional judgment, and can affect probability estimates of magnitude

and rupture length.

Figure 1 suggests another way, in principle, by which to find a biased observation of

displacement. If it is known that the observation comes from one or other end of a

rupture, then smaller than average displacements may be expected. Chang and Smith

(2002) applied this idea in their study of the Wasatch Frontal fault system to estimate

paleomagnitudes from trench offsets. If the segment boundaries are known, and ruptures

honor the boundaries, adjustment of the observed displacements might be entertained.

Bayesian inverse models characteristically depend on the prior model to be shaped by the

data. The uniform prior p(M) model is usually considered to be the least informative

prior upon which to apply p(d|M). Mathematically the information in pUniform(M) is in

where one sets the ends. By including the probability of rupture (Figure 7), the lower

magnitude bound can be arbitrarily small. The upper magnitude bound (Figure 8a) has

little effect on the relative weight among smaller events. A uniform prior model that

spans the range of conceivable magnitudes might be applied on a fault about which little

is known, or where one is reluctant to assert additional information.

The Gutenberg-Richter model was developed to characterize seismicity in a region, and

includes an exponential increase in the number of smaller earthquakes. Even when the

probability of rupture is included, pGR(M) still predicts that most ground ruptures are

caused by the relatively smaller end of the magnitude range (Figure 8b). In the field,


assuming this model will have the effect of preferentially attributing rupture to relatively

smaller earthquakes, just because a greater fraction of all ruptures one might find are in

this magnitude range. The applicability of the model to individual faults has been

debated (Wesnousky, 1994; Scholz, 2002; Stirling et al., 1996), but nevertheless the GR

p(M) model might be a good choice when studying a region about which little is known.

The average displacement p(M) model (Figure 8c) also strongly shapes p(M|d) and

P(L|d). Applied to the San Andreas fault, however, we would argue that it is informed, at

least, by paleoseismic data obtained on the fault. The features of a paleoseismic record

most important for the average displacement model are its completeness of event

detection and the approximate date of the oldest event in the complete section. From the

Carrizo Plains to Indio (Grant and Sieh, 1994; Liu et al., 2004; Sieh et al. 1989; Fumal et

al. 2002a; Seitz et al. 1997; Yule and Howland, 2001; Fumal et al., 2002b; Sieh, 1986)

records interpreted to be fairly complete require average slips of a few meters per event

based on direct measurement or on the estimated recurrence intervals and the geologic or

geodetic slip rates. Thus the data require some sort of enforcement of an average slip and

thus a shape on pAD(M). Figure 8c shows that a strong penalty against M < 7.2 events is

needed to achieve average displacements of 4 meters or more. Better ideas on the precise

shape of the average displacement model may emerge, but even in the form of Figure 8c

it bears a closer resemblance to displacements required by the long paleoseismic records

on the San Andreas fault than either of the other p(M) models considered.

The average displacements implied by the p(M) models in Figure 8 contribute to which

may be preferred in a given situation. Average displacements are computed by summing


the probability of each magnitude times the displacement predicted from Equation 2.

Average displacements for the models of Figure 8, after the correction for probability of

rupture, are 2.65, 0.23, and 4.3 meters for the uniform, GR, and average displacement

models, respectively. The average displacement for the pUniform(M) model is most

affected by the upper magnitude bound. The Gutenberg-Richter average displacement is

least affected by the choice of a maximum magnitude because while rupture displacement

increases exponentially with magnitude (under the regression), the frequency of the

largest events decreases exponentially, so that the average displacement increases only

very slowly with the maximum magnitude. The average displacement models are built to

match site average displacement, and thus have to be evaluated by other criteria. Some

modification of the probability of rupture (Figure 7) might be argued on the grounds that

small displacements are less likely to be detected with paleoseismic methods, but

reasonable modifications are unlikely to change the general properties of the p(M)


An immediate application for the p(M|d) and p(L|d) relationships in Figures 4 and 5 is to

help quantify certain elements of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. For example,

logic tree assessments typically recognize a range of magnitudes. Where rupture

displacement information is available, the present results may be applied directly or with

suggested adjustments to quantify branch weights for magnitude and rupture length.



We show that probabilities of magnitude and surface rupture length can be developed

given a displacement measurement from paleoseismic excavation. Rupture variability is

summarized in a histogram that captures the degree of variability without prescribing

how it is distributed within a rupture. The observation that sampling at random from a

histogram of slip measurements is equivalent to sampling in a random location within the

corresponding rupture makes the inversion possible.

The average histogram of variability can be interpreted as the probability of displacement

given magnitude once it is scaled using a regression of average displacement versus

magnitude. Bayes Theorem allows us to invert p(dobs|M) for probabilities of earthquake

magnitude and rupture length given point observations of displacement, p(M|d) and

p(L|d), respectively. These distributions are less than the explicit answer to the question,

“How big was it?”, but they do quantify the probability of any magnitude range or length

estimate given a rupture displacement measurement. These are common input

parameters to probabilistic seismic hazard analysis.

The inverse probabilities for magnitude and length do depend on the magnitude

distribution model assumed as an input. We analyze three, the uniform, Gutenberg-

Richter, and average displacement models after modifying each to account for the

decreasing probability of rupture with decreasing magnitude. The least restrictive form

of p(M), the uniform distribution, assumes any magnitude is as likely as another. The

Gutenberg-Richter magnitude distribution is a strong a priori assertion about p(M), and

biases magnitude and length probability estimates toward smaller values. Average


displacement for the GR model depends little on the maximum magnitude chosen

because the presumed exponential increase in displacement is offset by an exponential

decrease in probability of occurrence. The average displacement model is formed using a

range and probability of magnitudes designed such that sampling from it returns an

average slip, such as may be inferred from the recurrence interval and the geologic or

geodetic slip rate on the fault. Slip-per-event is only loosely constrained, distinguishing

it in that respect from the characteristic earthquake model. For faults with large average

displacements, this model predicts that even modest rupture displacement observations of

a meter or two are likely to correspond to ruptures over 100 km in length. Virtually all

paleoseismic studies of the southern San Andreas fault indicate that slip is accommodated

by relatively infrequent ruptures with a few meters average slip. Thus, among the models

considered, some form of average displacement model is preferred for the southern San

Andreas fault.


Figure 1. Rupture profiles for seven of the 13 events used in this study. Ruptures are

resampled at 1% intervals, based where necessary on a linear extrapolation between field

measurements. Surface rupture variations smaller than 1% of the rupture length are

averaged by this method. See Hemphill-Haley and Weldon (1999) for details. Profiles

have been normalized to unit length. Histograms are normalized to the mean slip

computed from the 1% interval samples. For most earthquakes most slip is less than

twice the average, but with small probability, slips up to three times the average are


observed. The 1% resampled rupture profiles used in this work and original references

from Hemphill-Haley and Weldon (1999) are available in an electronic supplement.

Figure 2. (a) If the rupture profiles themselves are normalized and stacked, realistic slip

variability is removed and a fairly smooth semi-elliptical rupture profile results. (b) The

histogram of the average rupture profile in (a) is too peaked around the maximum slip

(~1.3 times the average) to approximate any of the contributing profiles. (c) Averaging

the histograms yields a useful average rupture variability because histograms specify

variation without constraining its pattern. Averaging the contributing histograms is

numerically equivalent to making a single histogram from all the 1% samples of the

individual rupture profiles. The latter explanation makes more clear that real data define

the distribution used to represent rupture variability.

Figure 3. Average histogram from Figure 2c scaled using Equation 2 for four example

magnitudes. Constant bin widths of 0.5 meters are used, giving the appearance of

different underlying data. The original observed data and not the histograms are used for

actual inversions. Vertical bars on an example observed displacement of 2±0.3 m

suggest the concept of the Bayesian inversion. For a given magnitude, the fraction of the

area within the bars compared to the total area of the histogram is the probability of

finding a displacement in that range. The probability that the ith

magnitude is the correct

one is the fraction its area between the bars to the total area over all magnitudes. This is

the contribution of the ith magnitude to P(dobs|M) /P(dobs) in Equation 3.


Figure 4. (a) Probability distribution function for earthquake magnitude given an

observed displacement of 1 meter. P(M|d) is peaked around M 6.7 for a 1 meter

displacement because smaller earthquakes are unlikely to produce so large a slip, and less

likely for much larger earthquakes because they produce mostly larger displacements.

(b) Same as (a), but for dobs = 2 m. Magnitudes from M 7.1 to M 7.3 are most likely to

have caused dobs, but as in (a), smaller and larger earthquakes are possible. (c) Same as

(a) and (b), but for dobs=4 meters. Irregularities in the probabilities are caused by fine

details in the shape of the average histogram (Figure 2c).

Figure 5. Probability of surface rupture length given 1 dobs 6 m. In this figure

earthquakes of any magnitude are considered equally probable. Some probabilities cross

for large dobs values because of the fine structure of the variability data, p(d|M) (Figures

2c and 3).

Figure 6. Parametric study of the effect of the width of p(M) on p(M|dobs) when the lower

limit of earthquake magnitudes contributing to ground rupture is decreased from M 6.6 to

M 6.0 (dashed) or the upper magnitude limit is extended from M 8.1 to M 8.4 (dots on

solid line). At M 8.4 Equation 1 predicts a rupture length of over 700 km, long enough to

rupture the entire southern San Andreas fault. For dobs = 2 and 4 m, decreasing the lower

limit to M 6.0 has no effect, and the dashed line is not visible. Increasing Mmax causes

peak probabilities to decrease and spreads the probability into larger magnitudes.


Figure 7. Probability of ground rupture given magnitude. Data (solid line) are from

Wells and Coppersmith (1993). The probability of rupture for earthquakes with M < 5.0

is neglected. The dashed line is the fit to the data used for p(rupture|M) in Equation 4.

Figure 8. Three p(M) models. Dashed is the original model; the solid line reflects

adjustment for the probability of rupture. (a) Uniform (any event magnitude in a range is

as likely as another), (b) Gutenberg-Richter, truncated at the same maximum magnitude,

and (c) an average displacement model, which, by way of Equation 2, approximately

enforces a 4.3 meter average displacement. This average displacement model is

patterned to apply to the paleoseismic record at Pallett Creek, California (Sieh et al.,

1989) on the San Andreas fault. The average displacement p(M) model allows smaller

and larger than average events in a paleoseismic event sequence, but probabilities of

magnitude are adjusted so that, on average, sampling recovers the average displacement.

The average displacement model will be different for sites with different recurrence and

slip rate data.

Figure 9. P(M|dobs) and P(L|dobs) for Gutenberg-Richter (dots on solid line) and 4.3

meter average displacement (dashed) and uniform p(M) models from Figure 8 for

selected dobs values from 1 to 10 meters. For the average displacement model, dobs = 1 m

is below the pAD(M) distribution average, so probabilities of magnitude and length (a and

g, respectively) are biased larger. In effect, given the magnitude distribution, a 1 meter

observation is interpreted as an anomaly from a larger earthquake. For displacements

larger than the mean of the pAD(M) distribution, the situation reverses, and the shape of


pAD(M) causes larger dobs to be interpreted as large outliers of a slightly smaller

magnitude and rupture length earthquake.


This work was supported by the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program,

Cooperative Agreements 1HQAG0009 and 4HQAG0004, and the Southern California

Earthquake Center. SCEC is funded by NSF Cooperative Agreement EAR-0106924 and

the USGS Cooperative Agreement 02HQAG0008. The SCEC contribution number for

this paper is 785.



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University of Nevada Reno

Seismological Laboratory, MS-174

Reno, NV 89557

[email protected]



University of Oregon

Department of Geological Science 1272

Eugene, OR 97403

[email protected]


0 0.5 10




2B olugerde

Normalized Length




d D





0 2 40




0 0.5 10



3E dgecumbe

Normalized Length




d D





0 2 40




0 0.5 10



3E rzincan

Normalized Length




d D





0 2 40




0 0.5 10




2S an Andreas , 1857

Normalized Length




d D





0 2 40




0 0.5 10



3F u� yun

Normalized Length




d D





0 2 40




0 0.5 10



3K ern

Normalized Length




d D





0 2 40




0 0.5 10




2T osya

Normalized Length




d D





0 2 40




F igure 1

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10





Normalized Length



S tacked R upture P rofiles 1% S ampling


0 1 2 30





Normalized Displacement





His togram of S tacked R uptures


0 1 2 30





Normalized Displacement





His togram of All 1% d/dbar

F igure 2


0 5 100




Mw = 7.8

Displacement (m)

0 5 100




Mw = 7.4

0 5 100




Mw = 7

0 5 100




Mw = 6.6

Scaled Histograms of Displacement

Figure 3

6.5 7 7.5 8 8.50



0.15 dobs = 1.0 m

P (M|d) vs . Magnitude, dobs

1.00 to 4.00 m, prior: 1






6.5 7 7.5 8 8.50



0.15 dobs = 2.0 m






6.5 7 7.5 8 8.50



0.15 dobs = 4.0 m

Moment Magnitude






F igure 4

0 100 200 300 400 5000






P (L|d) vs . R upture Length, dobs

1.00 to 6.00 m, prior: 1

S urface R upture Length (km)






= 1


= 6

F igure 5

6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.50



0.15 dobs = 1.0 m

p(M|d) for T hree Widths of Uniform p(M) P rior d

obs 1.00 to 4.00 m




ty (a)

6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.50



0.15 dobs = 2.0 m




ty (b)

6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.50



0.15 dobs = 4.0 m

Moment Magnitude




ty (c)

F igure 6

5 6 7 8 90





1F raction P roducing R upture, from W&C 1993





F igure 7

5 6 7 80








Uniform P (M) Model


5 6 7 80








G utenbergR ichter P (M) Model


5 6 7 80




Moment Mag





C onstrained Mean Displacement P (M) Model

F igure 8


5 6 7 8 90



0.3 dobs = 1.0 m

p(M|d) vs. MagnitudePr



100 200 300 4000


1P(L|d) vs. Surface Rupture Length

dobs = 1.0 m

5 6 7 8 90



0.3 dobs = 2.0 m




100 200 300 4000


1dobs = 2.0 m

5 6 7 8 90



0.3 dobs = 4.0 m




100 200 300 400 dobs = 4.0 m

5 6 7 8 90



0.3 dobs = 6.0 m




100 200 300 4000


1dobs = 6.0 m

5 6 7 8 90



0.3 dobs = 8.0 m




100 200 300 4000


1dobs = 8.0 m

5 6 7 8 90



0.3 dobs = 10.0 m

Moment Magnitude




100 200 300 4000



Surface Rupture Length

dobs = 10.0 m

Figure 9






(f )







