Established 1914 - Burma Library · 25-02-2008  · The tourist arrival will increase by...

Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. Established 1914 Volume XV, Number 315 4th Waning of Tabodwe 1369 ME Monday, 25 February, 2008 Four political objectives * Development of agriculture as the base and all- round development of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented eco- nomic system * Development of the economy inviting partici- pation in terms of technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * Uplift of health, fitness and education stand- ards of the entire nation * Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Consti- tution * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution Four economic objectives Four social objectives Senior General Than Shwe felicitates Emir of Kuwait NAY PYI TAW, 25 Feb — Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Emir of the State of Kuwait, on the occasion of the National Day of the State of Kuwait which falls on 25 February 2008. — MNA Prime Minister sends felicitations to Kuwait NAY PYI TAW, 25 Feb — General Thein Sein, Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Highness Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait, on the occasion of the National Day of the State of Kuwait which falls on 25 February 2008. — MNA NAY PYI TAW, 24 Feb — Member of the State Peace and Develop- ment Council Lt-Gen Kyaw Win of the Minis- try of Defence met offi- cials of Shweli-Mansan- Shwesayan 230 kv power line and power stations construction project at Shweli Yadana Hall in Lashio yesterday morn- ing. Project Manager U Aung Kyaw Oo of Power supply Project (North) of Myanma Elec- tric Power Enterprise re- ported on progress of the project for installation of the power line and power stations. Commander of North-East Command Maj-Gen Aung Than Htut gave a supplementary re- port. Lt-Gen Kyaw Win looks into progress of power line, power stations, development of Tamoenye Township mentation of the projects, and presented gifts to the leader of the national race in Tamoenye Township and the headmaster. At Wulon Green Tea and Processed Tea Factory of the local na- tional race group, they viewed production of tea. Leader of the national race group U Myint Lwin con- ducted them round the fac- tory. At the hall of Tamoenye Station, Lt-Gen Lt-Gen Kyaw Win of Ministry of Defence inspects Wulon Green Tea and Processed Tea Factory in Tamoenye Township.MNA In his instruction, Lt-Gen Kyaw Win stressed the need to carry out the tasks in time meet- ing set standards to fulfil the demand of the State’s power demand. In Tamoenye, they met local national races, departmental offi- cials and local people at the town hall. Town Ad- ministrator U Htin Kyaw submitted the report on progress of education, health and agricultural sectors of the town. The commander gave a sup- plementary report. After hearing the reports, Lt-Gen Kyaw Win urged officials to har- moniously participate in the extended cultivation of crops, tasks of regional development and imple- Kyaw Win met servicemen and family members of the station and presented gifts to family members. MNA Haka (0ºC) Namhsan, Heho and Loilem (3ºC) Pinlaung and An (4ºC) Mogok and Lashio (5ºC) Significant night temperatures 25-2-08 NL 9/1/18, 04:03 PM 1

Transcript of Established 1914 - Burma Library · 25-02-2008  · The tourist arrival will increase by...

Page 1: Established 1914 - Burma Library · 25-02-2008  · The tourist arrival will increase by constructing resorts of international standard and roads close to the mountain including skiing

Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan.

Established 1914

Volume XV, Number 315 4th Waning of Tabodwe 1369 ME Monday, 25 February, 2008

Four political objectives

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of theeconomy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented eco-nomic system

* Development of the economy inviting partici-pation in terms of technical know-how andinvestments from sources inside the countryand abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economymust be kept in the hands of the State and thenational peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of theentire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity andpreservation and safeguarding of culturalheritage and national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education stand-

ards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peace andtranquillity, prevalence of law and order

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Consti-

tution* Building of a new modern developed nation in

accord with the new State Constitution

Four economic objectives

Four social objectives

Senior General Than Shwefelicitates Emir of Kuwait

NAY PYI TAW, 25 Feb — Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace andDevelopment Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to HisHighness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Emir of the State of Kuwait, on theoccasion of the National Day of the State of Kuwait which falls on 25 February 2008. — MNA

Prime Minister sendsfelicitations to Kuwait

NAY PYI TAW, 25 Feb — General Thein Sein, Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar,has sent a message of felicitations to His Highness Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-AhmadAl-Sabah, Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait, on the occasion of the National Day of theState of Kuwait which falls on 25 February 2008. — MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 24Feb — Member of theState Peace and Develop-ment Council Lt-GenKyaw Win of the Minis-try of Defence met offi-cials of Shweli-Mansan-Shwesayan 230 kv powerline and power stationsconstruction project atShweli Yadana Hall inLashio yesterday morn-ing.

Project ManagerU Aung Kyaw Oo ofPower supply Project(North) of Myanma Elec-tric Power Enterprise re-ported on progress of theproject for installation ofthe power line and powerstations. Commander ofNorth-East CommandMaj-Gen Aung Than Htutgave a supplementary re-port.

Lt-Gen Kyaw Win looks into progressof power line, power stations,

development of Tamoenye Townshipmentation of the projects,and presented gifts to theleader of the national racein Tamoenye Townshipand the headmaster.

At Wulon GreenTea and Processed TeaFactory of the local na-tional race group, theyviewed production of tea.Leader of the national racegroup U Myint Lwin con-ducted them round the fac-tory.

At the hall ofTamoenye Station, Lt-Gen

Lt-Gen Kyaw Win of

Ministry of Defence

inspects Wulon Green

Tea and Processed

Tea Factory

in Tamoenye

Township.— MNA

In his instruction,Lt-Gen Kyaw Winstressed the need to carryout the tasks in time meet-ing set standards to fulfilthe demand of the State’spower demand.

In Tamoenye,they met local nationalraces, departmental offi-cials and local people atthe town hall. Town Ad-ministrator U Htin Kyawsubmitted the report onprogress of education,health and agriculturalsectors of the town. Thecommander gave a sup-plementary report.

After hearing thereports, Lt-Gen KyawWin urged officials to har-moniously participate inthe extended cultivationof crops, tasks of regionaldevelopment and imple-

Kyaw Win met servicemenand family members of thestation and presented giftsto family members.


Haka (0ºC)Namhsan, Heho and Loilem (3ºC)Pinlaung and An (4ºC)Mogok and Lashio (5ºC)

Significant night temperatures

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 25 February, 2008

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s DesireMonday, 25 February, 2008

Promote eco-tourismTourism industry has increased rapidly

day by day. The nations of the world arewidely undertaking the industry on acommercial scale. Asia and the Pacific regionincluding Myanmar has also become a majortourist destination.

A great number of ancient culturalstructures and artistic works can be seen inthe archaeological regions in Myanmar.Moreover, natural scenic beauty, snow-capped mountain ranges and beautifulbeaches can also be enjoyed.

Concerted efforts are to be made fordevelopment of tourism based on eco-tourism. There are snow-capped mountainranges, various kinds of biodiversity andbeautiful natural beauty in Putao region inth northern part of the country.

Many tourists who enjoy eco-tourismvisit Phonkantaung region because of shorterduration required of the trip, the old routeand a short distance between the nearestvillage and the peak.

Among the tourists, Putao region isfamous for its snow-capped mountain ranges.The tourist arrival will increase byconstructing resorts of international standardand roads close to the mountain includingskiing camps.

Tourism officials and tour operators areurged to provide services such asaccommodation, transport andcommunications for the convenience oftourists. By doing so, Myanma tourismindustry will further develop in the future.

YANGON, 24 Feb — Aceremony to offer titles andcertificates to three monkswho passed the 90thÇetiyangana ReligiousExamination, organized byShwedagon Pagoda Boardof Trustees, was held atChanthagyi Prayer Hall onthe platform of ShwedagonPagoda, here, this morning.

Member of the PagodaBoard of Trustees U SeinWin Aung supplicated onthe purpose of holding theceremony.

Pagoda OvadaçariyaÇetiyangana OvadaçariyaNyaungdon MonasterySayadaw Agga Maha PanditaAbhidhaja Maha Rattha GuruBhaddanta Sobhana ofBahan Township ad-ministered the Five Precepts.

Deputy Minister forReligious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko andmembers of the PagodaBoard of Trustees U SeinWin Aung and U MyaThan offered titles andcertificates to three monks

Titles and certificates offeredto three monks who passed

religious examinationNAY PYI TAW, 25 Feb — On the occasion of

the National Day of the State of Kuwait, which fallson 25 February 2008, U Nyan Win, Minister forForeign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has senta message of felicitations to His Excellency SheikhDr Mohammad Al-Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah,Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of theState of Kuwait. — MNA

Foreign Ministersends felicitations to

Kuwaitwho passed theÇetiyangana ReligiousExamination.

The deputy ministerand party donated alms tomembers of the Sangha.The Nyaungdon Sayadawdelivered a sermon,followed by sharing ofmerits gained. — MNA

18 householdsleft homeless

in NyaungdonTsp fire

YANGON, 24 Feb — Afire caused by negligencebroke out in Patok villageof Thazinkyaw village-tract, Nyaungdon Towshipat about 11.25 am on 21February.

The fire that startedfrom the house of U ThaungKhin, fisherman, 31, son ofU Tun Kyi was put out at12.45 pm by local people.A total of 18 householdswere left homeless and one-year and four-month girl MaSu Bo Bo Oo, daughter of UThaung Khin, was injuredin the fire. She was taken toPeasant Hospital inSarmalauk village.

A total of 98 firevictims are ac-commodated and beinglooked after. Action isbeing taken against UThaung Khin byNyaungdon PoliceStation.—MNA

Deputy Minister inspects transformers inIndustrial Zones

YANGON, 24 Feb— Deputy Minister forElectric Power No 2 Brig-Gen Win Myint on 22February inspectedtransformers and electricalappliances of SoeElectrical and MachineryCo Ltd in Industrial Zone-1 in Dagon Myothit(South) Township.

At the briefinghall of the company, thedeputy minister heard areport presented byManaging Director of thecompany U Kyaw MinTun on production oftrans-formers andfunctions of the company.

Next, the deputyminister proceeded toYangon Transformer andElectrical Co Ltd in

Shwepyitha IndustrialZone and heard a reportpresented by ManagingDirector U Tun LinThaung on production anddistribution oftransformers and electrical

Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs

Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko offers title and

certificate to a monk.—MNA

appliances.After giving

necessary instructions, thedeputy minister lookedinto the productionprocess of the company.


International Institute of AbhidhammaGeneral Secretary U Thein Han and Daw

Khin Mar Kyu of No 14, Ringroad inPatheinnyunt (Sanpya) Ward in Mingala

Taungnyunt Township donated K 150,000 tobe spent on IIA building at Sitagu

International Dhamma Beikman in DagonMyothit (North) Township recently.

Pro-Rector of IIA Retired Ambassador U MyaThan accepts donation.— H

China seeks three-way talkswith US, Japan

TOKYO, 24 Feb – China has proposed to the UnitedStates and Japan that the three nations hold regularhigh-level talks on matters such as North Korea energystrategies and the environment, the Nikkei businessdaily reported on Saturday.

The proposal, which was made last year, callsfor talks between vice ministers and senior bureaucrats,and possibly also between heads of state and foreignministers the paper said.

At present, a framework exists for Japan-USJapan-China and US-China talks but not three-waydiscussions.—MNA/Reuters

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 25 February, 2008 3


Iran’s president hails “victory”after IAEA report

Israeli missile strike killsthree civilians in Gaza

Six killed in attacks in Mogadishu

UK troops accused of executions, torture in Iraq

Cuba ready for electionof national leaders

LONDON, 24 Feb —Lawyers for five Iraqishave accused Britishsoldiers of mass exec-utions and torture andcalled for a policeinvestigation into an“atrocious episode” inBritish Army history.

Phil Shiner andMartyn Day, who havebrought several cases

against the British militaryfor its actions in Iraq,produced statements onFriday from five men whosay they were detained byBritish forces after a battlein southern Iraq in May2004.

The men, who wereblindfolded and bound,said their captorsrepeatedly beat and

abused them, includingforcing them to stripnaked. While detained,they said they heard thesystematic torture andexecution of up to 20 otherdetainees. “On the basisof the evidence currentlyavailable, we are of theview that our clients”’allegations — that theBritish were responsible

for the torture and deathsof up to 20 Iraqis — maywell be true,” Day told anews conference.

“Whether or not thereis enough evidence toprosecute individualsoldiers, it will only beby an open public inquirythat this question will beanswered.”


GAZA, 24 Feb — ThreePalestinian civilians werekilled by an Israeli missilestrike near the northernGaza Strip town of BeitHanoun on Saturday,medical and Hamasofficials said.

Family members of thethree men killed, identified

them as an employee of aJordanian bank, a formergovernment employee,and a student.

An Israeli Armyspokesman confirmedIsrael had conducted amissile strike in the areaand said the target was agroup of militants who

were preparing to launchmortar bombs into Israel.

Israel frequentlycarries out missile strikesand raids against militantsin the Gaza Strip in what itsays is an effort to stopthem launching rocketsinto southern Israelitowns.— MNA/Reuters

HAVANA, 23 Feb — Cubahas completed all pre-parations for the electionsof a new president andother national leaders, thetop electoral official saidon Saturday.

The elections willproceed on Sunday asscheduled, President ofthe National ElectoralCommission and JusticeMinister Maria EstherReus told the official daily

Granma. The Cuban National

Assembly of People’sPower will be convenedon Sunday, when the 614deputies elected last monthwill be called to create thecountry’s new legislature.

The deputies, who areto serve a five-year-term,will choose the assembly’spresident, vice presidentand secretary-general.

Under Cuba’s

constitution, the nationalassembly chooses 31 ofits members to form theCouncil of State, whoseleader will be Cuba’spresident.

Sunday’s vote willdetermine the successor toretired Cuban leader FidelCastro, who announced onTuesday that he would notaccept the presidency ofthe Council of State.


MOGADISHU, 24 Feb —Six people including fourSomali Government po-licemen were killed andseven others wounded inseparate attacks on Somaliand Ethiopian troopsin the Somali capitalMogadishu, witnesses andlocal media reports saidon Saturday.

Suspected Islamist

insurgents in policeuniform assaulted agovernment policevehicle, killing four ofthem and wounding threeother passers-by inYaqshid District ofMogadishu, Simba radioreported.

It is the first time Somaliinsurgents used this tacticof wearing the uniform of

Somali Governmentsecurity forces to carry outattacks on governmenttargets.

Somali police officialswould not comment on theincident but a senior policeofficer, who soughtanonymity, confirmed thatthe attack, saying theinvestigation is underway.


Iranian President MahmoudAhmadinejad

People walk past the building of Cubaís Interior Ministry, which is decoratedwith a portrait of Che Guevara, in Havana, Cuba, on 23 Feb, 2008. Cuba has

completed all preparations for the elections of a new president and othernational leaders, and the elections will proceed on Sunday as scheduled,

President of the National Electoral Commission and Justice MinisterMaria Esther Reus said on Saturday.—INTERNET

People view theinfinitude images at anexhibition in Beijing,

capital of China, on 23Feb, 2008. Mirror ArtExhibition, produced

by Italian artistMichelangelo

Pistoletto, kicked off atBeijing 798 Art District


TEHERAN, 23 Feb — Iranian PresidentMahmoud Ahmadinejad on Saturdayhailed his country’s “victory” in itsnuclear issue, one day after the UN atomicwatchdog’s chief circulated his latestreport on Iran’s nuclear programme.

“Ahmadinejad in a message onSaturday congratulated Supreme Leaderof Islamic Revolution Ayatollah SeyedAli Khamenei on Iranian nation’shistorical nuclear victory over thedomineering powers,” said the officialIRNA news agency.

“In the message, President Ahmadinejadalso congratulated the Iranian nation ontheir victory over the domineering powersafter the 1979 Islamic Revolution,” itadded. The message read that the countryowes the victory to solidarity andperseverance of the faithful and devotedIranian nation under wise guidelines ofthe supreme leader.

Ahmadinejad assured the supremeleader that Iranian nation and governmentwill continue their way with strongdetermination regardless of hues and criesof the enemy.

Iran will more joyfully and with moremotivation emerge strongly in all thescientific, economic and cultural scenes,he added.

The Iranian president issued the messageone day after International Atomic EnergyAgency (IAEA) Director GeneralMohamed ElBaradei circulated his latestreport on Iran’s nuclear programme to theAgency’s Board of Governors. —Internet

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 25 February, 2008

Students perform in astreet dancing

competition during theflower festival in

Baguio City, north ofManila on 23 Feb,


A cast member of the Beijing Chinese Operaperforms in Singapore on 22 Feb, 2008.—XINHUA

A firefighter is tended toby colleagues during a

fire in downtownDurango, Colo, on 22

Feb, 2008. The fireengulfed Season’s

Restaurant, a T-shirtshop and Le

Rendezvous SwissBakery. The fire blewout the front of MainAvenue Marketplaceand injured at leastseven firefighters.


US “torture flights” landedon British territory

LONDON, 23 Feb —British Foreign SecretaryDavid Miliband admittedon Thursday that two US“torture flights” did landon British territory in2002, contrary to previousreports.

Miliband told theHouse of Commons thathe was “very sorryindeed” to have to sayprevious denials made in“good faith” were nowhaving to be corrected.

“Terrorist suspects” on

two separate US flightslanded at a US base onthe British Indian Oceanisland of Diego Garcia torefuel in 2002, he said,and the United States hadonly alerted the BritishGovernment to theincidents last week dueto archive errors.

Former British primeminister Tony Blair andformer foreign secretaryJack Straw madestatements in 2005, 2006and 2007 saying therewas no evidence thatflights had stopped onBritish territory.


US airplane makes safeemergency landing in Miami

WASHINGTON, 23 Feb — A US airplane carrying138 people made a safe emergency landing in Miami,Florida on Friday due to a technical failure.

The American Airlines flight 862 was diverted tothe Miami International Airport in the afternoon onits way from West Palm Beach to Chicago after areported problem with its nose gear.

The airlines spokeswoman Martha Pantin saidthe MD80 plane with 133 passengers and five crewmembers on board circled first above the airport toexhaust fuel before landing.

According to Federal Aviation Administrationspokeswoman Kathleen Bergen, the problem waseither with the nose gear or its door.

She also said “crews are well trained to handlethese situations”.—Xinhua

Israel issues hijack alertto all incoming airlines

JERUSALEM, 24 Feb — Israeli Ministry ofTransportation ordered all carriers heading for Israelto tighten security measures in a bid to avoid potentialterror attack, in fear of a possible Hizbollah retaliationfor its chief officer’s death, local Yedioth Ahronothreported on Friday.

According to the report, Israel has recently issuedan instruction to all airlines flying into the Jewish stateto tighten security measures in order to minimize therisk of a terrorist attack on flights to Israel.

The instruction came following growing concernsthat Hizbollah might try to launch a retaliatory attackagainst Israel, which the group held responsible forthe killing of its military leader Imad Mugniyah.

Danny Shenar, head of security in the TransportationMinistry, has ordered all foreign and local airlinesheading for Israel to require passengers to remainseated half an hour before landing, when planesapproach a distance of 180 miles from the country'sshores. Until now, passengers have only been instructedto return to their seats at a distance of some 90 milesfrom Israel, or 15 minutes before landing.


Emirates to launch flight from Malaysia to Cape Town KUALA LUMPUR, 24

Feb — Dubai-basedairline Emirates willlaunch its service fromKuala Lumpur, Malaysiato Cape Town, SouthAfrica on 30 March, it saidin a statement here onFriday.

The South African citywill be the airline's 100th

destination in its network. Emirates will fly daily

to Cape Town Inter-national Airport, Africa’sthird-busiest airport, from Kuala Lumpurvia Dubai, the statementsaid.

The Emirates’ flightwill offer 2,000 seats andloading capacity for over

100 tons of cargo per weekto Cape Town.

This is a developmentthat will be welcomed bybusiness and leisuretravellers on both sidesof the equator, Emiratessaid.

“Business tourism is avital growth sector, oftencontributing more foreignspending per tourist thenleisure tourism.

“Leveraging onEmirates’ strong networkof operations in Europe,Middle East andAustralia, Emirates willsupport the South AfricanGovernment’s efforts inboosting business andtourism inflow into thecountry,” Emirates'country manager AlbanLee said.


US soldier dies ofnon-combat related illness

BAGHDAD, 24 Feb — An American soldier diedof a non-combat related illness, the US military saidon Saturday.

The incident occurred on Thursday, a briefmilitary statement said, adding that an investigationabout the soldier’s death is underway.

The name of the deceased is being withheldpending notification of next of kin, it added.

The latest death brings the number of US soldierswho have been killed in Iraq to about 3,970 since theoutbreak of the US-led war on Iraq in 2003, accordingto media account based on Pentagon figures.


Roadside bombing kills sevenAfghans in E Afghanistan

KABUL, 24 Feb — Seven Afghan employees of alocal road construction company were killed whentheir vehicle hit mines Saturday morning in easternAfghan Province of Kunar, a police officer said.

Abdul Jalajalal, the provincial police chief toldthat the blast occurred at around 8:30 am s(0400GMT) in Sarkanu district of Kunar Province.

However, the police chief did not say who waspossibley behind the attack, adding that the mineswere planted by militants days ago.

News reports said that Taleban militants havebeen blamed for carrying out series of similarincidents before. Conflicts and Taleban-relatedinsurgency had left more than 6,000 people dead in2007, while observers predict more suicide attackand roadside bombing in 2008 in the post-TalebanAfghanistan. —Xinhua

All items from Xinhua News Agency

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Beijing Hyundai completes one millionth car

A plantation worker extracts juice to makeunrefined sugar in the Philippines. Tate and Lyle,

the biggest sugar cane refiner in Europe, hasannounced that it would switch to Fairtrade sugarsupplies in Britain to guarantee producers in poor

countries a fair price.—INTERNET

Logs that were illegallycut from the Amazonrain forest are loadedonto trucks during an

operation by Para statedistrict attorneys to

transport them to thestate capital, near

Tailandia, 180 km (112miles) south of Belem at

the mouth of theAmazon River, on 23Feb, 2008.—INTERNET

“The Forbidden City” by artist Guo Bochuan, which is expected to fetch $5million at the upcoming Sotheby’s contemporary Chinese Art Spring Sale on9 April , is displayed in this handout photo made available on 22 Feb, 2008.

Auction house Sotheby’s expects to sell $167 million worth of Asian art at itsupcoming spring sales in Hong Kong, downplaying concerns over a

correction in Asian art prices amid global market turmoil.—INTERNET

Indonesia, Exxon agree stake sharingin Cepu oil block

Tourist arrivals in Malaysiarose 19.5% in 2007

KUALA LUMPUR, 24 Feb — Tourist arrivals inMalaysia reached 20.97 million in 2007, up 19.5 percent from the previous year, the Tourism Ministrysaid Friday.

The number of tourist arrivals surpassed the targetset by the Malaysian Government for 2007, whichcoincided with Visit Malaysia Year, the ministry said.

Singapore remained the top market with 10.49million tourists, followed by Indonesia with 1.80million, Thailand with 1.62 million, Brunei with 1.17million, China with 689,293, India with 422,452, andJapan with 367,567.


Togo, China hold 1st meeting of jointeco commission

LOME, 24 Feb— Thefirst meeting of the China-Togo Mixed Commissionon Economy and Tradewas held here Friday tostrengthen bilateral co-operation. The meeting,jointly presided over byTogolese Foreign andRegional Integration

Minister Leopold MessanGnininvi and visitingChinese Deputy Com-merce Minister WeiJianguo, was attended byseven other Togoleseministers, members of theChinese delegation andsome Chinese entre-preneurs. At the meeting,

both sides reviewed thedevelopment of bilateraleconomic and trade ties inrecent years, and reachedconsensus on a variety ofissues. The two sides alsosigned seven agreementson economic and techno-logical cooperation.


BEIJING, 23 Feb—Beijing Hyundai producedits one millionth car here onFriday, just over five yearsafter it first beganproduction.

The auto joint venturebetween China and theRepublic of Korea (ROK)was set up in November2002 has been the fastestcar maker in China to reachthe one million-unit salestarget.

However, no flamboyantshow was put on Friday tomark the success. A simpleceremony saw workersgather for half an hour to

celebrate the milestone. Li Honglu, deputy

general manager of BeijingHyundai, said that thecompany wanted to savethe celebration cost fordonations to assist thedisaster relief work insouthern China region. Ithas donated five SUVsvalued at one million yuan(138,000 US dollars) in total

to the snow-plaguedregions.

Li said the production ofthe company’s new modelElentra HDC has beencarried out on a trial basis inthe factory. Anothermodified model SonataYuxiang will be producedin the second half ofthis year.


JAKARTA, 24 Feb — TheIndonesian Governmentand US oil giant ExxonMobil reached agreementFriday on the share split ofthe major oil block Cepu onthe provincial borderbetween Central and EastJava. Exxon and Indo-

nesian state-run oil firmPertamina have a 45-per-cent stake each, while thelocal governments inCentral and East Java ownthe remaining 10 per cent,reported leading newswebsite Detikcom.

The agreement was

signed in the Central Javacapital of Semarang in thepresence of Energy andMineral Resources MinisterPurnomo Yusgiantoro,Home Affairs MinisterMardianto, Pertaminapresident Ari Soemarno,Exxon's local unit MobileCepu Ltd. president MikeNelson and officials fromthe two provinces.


US banker warns of slower growth BEIJING, 24 Feb —

The US will probablyexperience slowereconomic growth ratherthan a deeper downturn,predicts Federal ReserveBank of Dallas PresidentRichard Fisher.

The most likelyscenario is the US willavoid a “prolonged periodof negative economic

growth,” Fisher said inFort Worth, Texas,without mentioning theterm “recession,”Bloomberg Newsreported. He also said he'shearing increasing ex-pressions of concernfrom executives aboutinflation, which got his“attention.”

Fisher spoke after data

last week showed the USwas moving closer to arecession, while inflationwas accelerating at thesame time. He said onFriday that the slowdownin growth will probablylast for a “couple” ofquarters and warned it maybe difficult to quickly raiseinterest rates.

Fed officials anticipategrowth of 1.3 percent totwo percent this year,down from 2.5 percent in2007. Two members of thepanel charged with datingUS economic cycles saidyesterday that it’s too earlyto decide whether the USis in recession.

“We have to be waryof the fact that we arenavigating through anextremely narrowpassageway here: with onthe one side of usinflationary shoals andon the other the risk ofweaker economicgrowth,” said Fisher, whoalone voted against theFederal Open MarketCommittee’s January 30decision to lower thebenchmark rate by half apoint.


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Supporters cheer as Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton,D-NY, makes a campaign stop at Cincinnati State Technical and CommunityCollege Gymnasium in Cincinnation on 23 Feb, 2008. Clinton and her Democraticpresidential rival, Sen Barack Obama, D-Ill, are campaigning on Saturday in a tightening race in Ohio, which holds its primary on 4th March.—INTERNET

A tortoise is hurt in a blaze at Lake Nakuru NationalPark in the Rift Valley in Nakuru, west of Nairobi, on23 Feb, 2008. A bush fire engulfed the park onFriday, destroying vegetation and terrifying wildlifeat one of the east African nation’s top tourist destinations, local authorities said.—INTERNET

A US B-2 stealthbomber crashed at

Andersen Air ForceBase in Guam just aftertaking off but the twopilots on board ejected

safely, the US Air Forcesaid late on Friday.


Iran MP says atom reportpositive, undermines US

TEHERAN, 23 Feb — A senior Iranianlawmaker said on Friday a report by theUN nuclear watchdog on Iran’s atomicprogrammee was “positive” and wouldundermine a US push for more UNsanctions, Iranian news agencies reported.The International Atomic Energy Agencysaid in its report Iran had shown newopenness about nuclear advances earlieroff-limits to UN monitors but not enoughto prove the programme is not geared tomaking bombs.

Iran insists its programme is entirelypeaceful. “In regards to the (IAEA)report ... about Iran’s peaceful nuclearactivities and the resolution of someunclear issues, the road will not be pavedfor the Americans to issue a new

resolution against Iran in the (UN)Security Council,” the head of the IranianParliament’s national security and foreignpolicy commission, Alaeddin Boroujerdi,was quoted as saying.

Boroujerdi, speaking before a newsconference by Iranian chief nuclearnegotiator Saeed Jalili, described thereport as “positive”, the official IRNAnews agency reported.

“Issuing such (sanctions) resolutionsnot only has no technical and legal basisbut also the Security Council shouldapologize to the Iranian nation becauseof its behaviour and announce the end ofstudying Iran’s nuclear issue,” he wasquoted by Fars news agency as saying.


Indonesia floods kill 11,displace thousands

JAKARTA, 23 Feb —Floods and landslidestriggered by torrentialrains in Indonesia's Javaand Nusa Tenggara Timurislands have killed 11people and displacedthousands over the pasttwo weeks, a HealthMinistry official said onFriday.

Rustam Pakaya, headof the ministry's crisiscentre, said more than3,500 people have beendisplaced in Central Javawhere some cities havebeen inundated by filthywater up to two metreshigh for nearly two weeks.

Nine people have beenkilled in Central Java andtwo in the Nusa TenggaraTimur chain of islands,which lie east of Javaisland.

Brazilian shipwreckdeath toll rises to 14

RIO DE JANEIRO, 23 Feb— The rescue team of theGeneral Command of theFirefighters of theAmazon confirmed onFriday the shipwreckdeath toll rose to 14,which collided with aferryboat on Thursday inthe Amazon River.

Nine-year-oldRogerio da Silva Caio wasone of the eight childrencon-firmed to have diedin the accident. The othervictims were four womenand two men.

The figures includethe deaths of fourmembers of the samefamily. The rescue teamfound on Thursday thebodies of Lucas da Cruz

Nunes, 29; of his wifeJacilene da Silva Nunes,25; and of their twochildren, aged eight andseven, in a cabin of theriverboat AlmiranteMonteiro, which carried111 people from Alen-quer, in Para State, toManaus, capital city ofAmazonas State.

Ninety-two peoplewere rescued alive by apolice patrolling boat thatwas coincidentallypassing by at the momentof the accident.The tragedy took placein the municipalityof Itacoatiara, 286kilometres away fromManaus.


Car, horse-and-cartbombs kill four in Iraq BAGHDAD, 23 Feb — A bomb strapped to a horse-

drawn cart exploded in central Baghdad on Friday,killing one person, while a car bomb killed threepeople north of the capital, Iraqi security officials said.

A ban on animal-drawn carts in Baghdad wasimposed in response to the bomb, which had beenbooby-trapped and placed on the cart, said Major-General Qassim Moussawi, spokesman for securityoperations in Baghdad.

"We had information about possible attacks usinganimal carts ... and now this happened this morning inKarrada District," he said. "We have banned them untilfurther notice to prevent these kinds of attacks."

Horse-drawn carts are commonly used to transportgas canisters, garbage and vegetables, among othergoods. Militants have used them in the past to launchbomb attacks. — MNA/Reuters


WASHINGTON, 24Feb— Embattled PakistanPresident Pervez Mu-sharraf said in a columnpublished on Friday thathe was ready to work withthe newly electedParliament to fightterrorism and build a stabledemocratic government topromote long-termeconomic growth.

“Because these goalsare shared by the vastmajority of Pakistanis, Iam certain we can and willaccomplish them, and Istand ready to work withthe newly electedParliament to achieve

Musharraf says ready towork with new Parlt

these objectives,”Musharraf wrote in acolumn printed inFriday’s Washington Post.

Musharraf has beenone of Washington’s topMuslim allies in the battleagainst al-Qaeda, but facesa hostile Parliament aftera stunning defeat inMonday’s generalelection.

Leaders of the twoparties that won theelection, the PakistanPeople’s Party (PPP) andthe Pakistan MuslimLeague (Nawaz), or PML-N, vowed on Thursday towork together to form a

government, raising theprospect of a governmentintent on forcingMusharraf out of power.

Musharraf saidsuccess in the efforts tobuild democracy and astrong economy and tofight extremism inPakistan depend oncontinued support fromthe United States.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 25 February, 2008 7

Sacred Sa Ma HillDr Khin Maung Nyunt

At the eastern extremity of Bago Yoma rangeare many offshoots of hills of which Sa Ma Hill is theone lying at the western end, about 3 miles distancefrom Thawuhti station on the Yangon-Mandalayrailway. Between a tripot of Thadut paddy field, TinWa Taung paddy field and No 36 Forest Reserve in theThawuhti district, near Nay Pyi Taw Lewe the hill is asmall low branch covered with leafy trees and herbalundergrowths. To the east, west and south it issurrounded by ravines. Only the north side gives youthe view of this hill. With five hills encircling it, the hilloccupies a small area of 25 acres, or two furlongs eastto west, sandwiched between the Forest Reserve andpaddy fields. Travellers by trains or car on Yangon-Mandalay Highway on reaching Thawuhti, take a lookat the western hill range. Though Sa Ma Hill with 5pagodas is hidden behind green foliage of forest,religious monuments and covered stairways on thesurrounding hill to the east and meditation houses andordination hall on another nearly hill to the north wouldappear in their sight.

The name Sa Ma is unique. It is the twoMyanmar alphabets in combination. Sa and Ma “SaDa Ba and Wa” are four Myanmar alphabets whichare used in caballistic charms prepared by holymen inthe farm of magic squares, inscribed, embossed orwritten on metallic plates, terra cotta or papers orbody skin. Holymen are neither monk nor hermit.They are ecolytes or just laymen weaving white clothes,vegetarian, observing moral precepts of Buddhism,chanting Paritta and religious scriptures, telling beadsand sitting for hours to practise Samatha—concentration of mind. They live in seclusion inremote places in forest. Years of such assidious moraland mental practices and concentration gain themsome psychic powers with which they can performgood deeds, curing diseases, gifting good people withcabalistic charms which protect them from all dangersand living them fortune and luck to avoid unwholesomedeed and to do wholesome deed. The short version ofHsa, Da, Ba, Wa is “Sa Ma”.

It was on the morning of the first waning moonof Waso (July) in Myanmar Era 1306 (1944) that theabove 4 alphabets appeared on the clearing on thesummit of the hill to the east of monastery there. Acertain holymen named U Hpo Lu of Kyan Hpo Suvillage was informed of that strange occurrence by avillager. He and villagers came to the spot and tried torub out or scratch away the alphabets appearing on theground. For a while they seemed to be eradicated butlater they reappeared. Not only the four alphabets butalso the remaining ones of Myanmar 33 alphabets werevisible on dry leaves tree trunks, stones, etc. News ofsuch extraordinary appearances spread like wild fire,causing commotion among rural folks. The most curiousof them came up the hill to see to believe. The more theytried to erase the alphabets, the more alphabets appearedalmost everywhere, on fruits, bamboos, on walls ofbuildings, on ceilings of monasteries and even on theyellow robes of the monk U Kawein and on his body.

Rural folks of the local villages firmly believedthat the hill was sacred and they began calling the hillHsa Ma Hill, and the place of the first appearance ofHsa Ma was an auspicious site on which they shouldbuild a pagoda. Monk U Kawein and his assistant monkU Panna built a meditating monastery on the hill andthey lived there. On the fullmoon night of Tazaungmon(November) in 1945, one thousand oil lamps were lit onthe hill as a propitiatory act of puja to the guardian gods

and goddesses of the hill before the area where the HsaMa alphabets first appeared was chosen as the auspicioussite for building pagodas. On a big bannyan Tree to theeast side of the hill, over 500 wild crows alighted anduttered nonstop choruses of “Caw” “Caw” as ifforebording the coming of an important event. On thesecond waning of the moon, the villagers led by ninevillage elders, U Aung Htun, U Ye Din, U Hpo Kya, UThein Maung, U Sein, U Kyaw Thein, U Hnan of ThayaKon village and U Hpo Lu and U Pyaw of Kyan Hpo Suvillage came up the hill to begin building a pagoda. UMar of Thawuhti village brought a band of Sidaw drumplayers with him. Similarly U Aung Gyi came with 4ladies each bearing on her head two perfect bricks forground breaking.

At sunrise the holyman Apey Nwe first struckthe stake on the site. The rest were engaged at theirrespective duties while the Sidaw drums were booming.All of a sudden, an earth quake shook the entire hillswinging it from the north east (Sunday Planet Postdirection) to the south west (Saturday Planet Postdirection) with a frightening roar sending the villagersrun amock. For days, religious performances took placethere, chanting Parittas, preaching dhamma, meditating,telling beads, saying prayers group by group.

In 1946, outbreak of insurgency temporarilyinterrupted the building of the pagoda. But a year later onthe 10th Waxing moon of Kason (May) the work wasresumed. By 1951, five pagodas, the main pagoda in thecentre and the four minors, each at the cardinal direction,were completely built. On the 1st Waning moon ofNayon (June) decorative htis were hoisted on the pagodasand the five pagodas were collectively named “Kaba KatKyaw Zedi Taw” (The Pagodas that protect the worldfrom all dangers). On 14 April , 1957, the New Year Dayof Myanmar Era 1320 at 4 am, the bronze bell of 108 vissin weight was installed on the precinct of the Pagodas.Leaders and followers, by turn struck the bell announcingtheir religious deeds to share their merit with all sentientbeings.

In addition to the name “Sa Ma” the hill cameto acquire 4 other appellations — (1) Yet Kan Sin

Taung (2) Min Wun Taung (3) Gu Taung and (4) HpoU Taung. (1) To the west of Sa Ma Hill there lies a hillrange called Yet Kan Zin Kyaw at a distance of 7miles. On their range there used to be two old zediswith umbrellas atop. Two monks U Kutala and UWaipulla from Mandalay came to Sa Ma Hill forreligious practices. They repaired and renovated thetwo zedis in ruin. The zedis came to be known as YetKan Zin Taung Pagodas as the two monks wereoriginally from Yet Kan Zin Hill near Mandalay.local people believe that monk Sayadaw of Yet KanZin hill near Mandalay had once resided on Sa MaHill. (2) Monks and holymen from Min Wun hillrange on the west bank of the Ayeyawaddy River inthe past used to reside on this hill so the hill came tobe called Min Wun Hill. (3) There were nineunderground caves or tunnels around this hill wheremonks and holymen lived and meditated. So the hillis called Gu Taung. (4) In olden days hermits andalchemists lived on this hill and experimented theiralchemy. There still remain sheds with remnants ofbellows used for making balls of mercury compound toturn base metals into gold or to concoct the elixir oflongevity. Since them Sa Ma hill. So the hill is also calledHpo U Taung (Bellows hill).

On 23rd March 1966, the Government gaveofficial recognition to Sa Ma hill as Buddha SasanaLand. Since then Sa Ma hill and neighbouring hillsdeveloped as forest recluses for the practices of BuddhaDhamma Buddhist devotees and wellwishers from farand near poured in donations and contributions, cashand kind for the construction of religious buildings —pagodas, monasteries, covered causeways, flights ofsteps leading to the hill’s summit, devotional hall,preaching halls, dining rooms, meditation caves andhouses, rest houses, water tanks and stores and somenat spirits shrines. Many more are under construction.Because of heavy loads of buildings and rain water ingood monsoon Hsa Ma hill is in danger of land slideand erosion. Repair and maintenance are under way tobuild a strong retaining wall around the affected places

(Seee page 8)

Arched entrace at the flight of steps to Mya Sein Taung Hill, Taung Nyo.

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 25 February, 2008

Child discardedat Bahosi

Specialist ClinicYANGON, 22 Feb

— A Myanmar womanaged about 30 years at 1pm on 20-2-2008 arrivedat the sanitation staffquarter of Bahosi SpecialistClinic on Baho Street inWard 10, LanmadawTownship and entrustedher one-month old child tothe workers and left.

The woman didnot return. According to aletter found among somebaby utensils in the nappypacket, the woman is fromAyeyawady Division withthree children and shediscarded her child as shecould not afford to bring itup, for her husband passedaway. The abandonedchild is now under the careof the workers.


NAY PYI TAW, 24Feb — Commander ofNay Pyi Taw CommandMaj-Gen Wai Lwinyesterday morning heardreports on progress ofsugarcane research farmpresented by GeneralManager U San Thein ofMyanma IndustrialCrops DevelopmentEnterprise at the farm inThabyehla Village ofNay Pyi Taw PyinmanaTownship.

The commanderinspected hybridsugarcane, quality strainsugarcanes and progress

YANGON, 24 Feb —Minister for Health DrKyaw Myint together with officials inspected patientwards, X-ray unit and laboratory room of SpecialistHospital (Mingaladon) and water supply task in thehospital in Mingaladon Township today.

Next, the minister also inspected the sitechosen for new building of the hospital and he urgedofficials to complete it in time.

The minister arrived at Special Hospital(Waibargi) where he looked into the greening tasksin the hospital compound, TB clinic, room foreducative health, X-ray unit, out-patient department,patient wards, disease diagnostic department, use ofadvanced equipment and health care for patients.

At the meeting hall of the hospital, theminister met with Medical Superintendent,professors, doctors, assistant surgeons and nurses andhe fulfilled the requirements of the hospital.— MNA

Minister inspects specialistHospitals in Yangon

Commander looks into sugarcane researchfarm, sunflower plantations

of research works at thefarm. The commanderand party viewed thrivingsix acres of sugarcaneplantation.

At AlyinloVillage of the town-

ship, the commanderlooked into thrivinggreen gram andsunflower plan-tations.They also inspectedproduction of honeyproducts near the

sunflower plantations .They also

viewed thrivingsunflower plantations invillages of Nay Pyi TawLewe Township.


Commander Maj-Gen Wai Lwin visits athriving mixed-crop sunflower plantation in

Nay Pyi Taw Pyinmana Township. MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 22 Feb — A Dyna truck withlicence plate La/1207 plunged into a tributary ofThebyu Dam at about 3pm on 20-2-2008 while itdrove up Sitsee hill to Yebya Village fromThabyaybin Vilage in Nay Pyi Taw Lewe Township.Twenty three on board including U Sein Aung, 50,of Aung Tha Village in Nay Pyi Taw Lewe Townshipwere injured and they have been hospitalized. Inconnection with the case, a lawsuit has been filedagainst the driver, U Kyaw Nyunt, 40, son of UKalar, under section 337/338.


Car plunges intotributary, 23 injured

Sacred Sa Ma…(from page 7)

especially the central monastery on the summit. In thecentral monastery, Monk Sayadaw U Wimala, a Shan-Palaung from Mogok resides, preaching dhamma andteaching the methods of practicing Samatha andVipassana for many years. People far and near who arein quest of truth, peace and bliss of Buddha Dhamma,came to Hsa Ma hill to hear his preaching and teaching,and practise Dhamma at the recluses for a certain periodor just weekends. Their basic needs are provided free.Only vegetarian meal is served.

Besides, Buddha Dhamma works, socialwelfare activities are in full swing at Hsa Ma hill. Justa few steps down and away from the central monasteryon the way to the main arched entrance are a cluster ofbrick, wood and bamboo and thatch buildings under thecool foliage of trees and shrubs, on either side of theunpaved road wide enough for cars. It is a village oforphanages privately run and managed by a monk andlay volunteer wellwishers. The billboard at the entranceof the reception hall bears the letters in Myanmar “SaMa Taung Parahita Kyaung”. Over 200 orphans of

youngest 5 years to eldest late teenage are well lookedafter by a team of volunteer social workers of the localityheaded by a middle age monk named BhaddantaNyanneiñda. He is a BA graduate with history major. Hehailed from Bagan NyaungU after his graduation tocome Sa Ma Hill to set up an orphanage 18 years ago. Theorphanage has a school, from pre-primary to the middlegrade (7th standard). The board at the entrance of theestablishment records the list of 4 university graduatesand 3 university students who were orphans at thisschool. They are 3 BAs (History major) and one BA(Business Management) who are now in service. Threeuniversity students, second year Law major, 3rd yearPublic Policy major and second year second year Englishmajor. The monk and his colleagues are happy to brief onthe success of their social welfare works. The orphanageand the school are run on self-reliance base. Orphansregardless of their race, religion and age are accepted oncondition that they are orphan and no relatives or friendsto care them. They are given formal school education andpractical training in agriculture, domestic sciences,general hygiene and health. Two newly admitted are fiveyear old girls found abandoned at the market place.

Thanks to systematic physical and moral training, thereover 200 orphans of different races and ages are well-fed, well-looked after and well disciplined. They arehappy at their orphan village. Those who have grown upand left the school, came back to give their socialservice and contribute cash or kind to the school. Theschool occasionally receives medicare, and othersupports from nearby towns. Wellwishers who pass bydonate cash to the school fund. There are cafeteria, storeand stall at the arched entrance of the Hsa Ma Hill, runby the monk, his colleagues and orphan pupils for thefund of the orphanage. On sale at the stall are candles,incense sticks, flowers and other votive objects andsouvenirs made by orphan pupils. A dining hall nearbyis where pilgrims and visitors are fed with vegetablesmeals, free of charge for kala dana (timely charity).Some vegetable farm worked by orphans produce fruitand vegetables for meal.

An orphanage on self-reliant basis at the remotecorner of Sa Ma Hill run by a team of selfless volunteersunder the management of a BA graduate monk is indeeda source of admiration and inspiration to all visitors andpilgrims.

All this needs to be known* Do not be frightened whenever

intimidated* Do not be bolstered whenever flattered* Do not be softened whenever appeased

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 25 February, 2008 9

With noble mind–In serving public interest–Do not deviate from own way–Because of slanders–Just carry it on

(Venerable Shwe Hintha Sayadaw)

YANGON, 24 Feb— A ceremony to honourdepartmental personnel,local authorities and socialorganization memberswho participated in thetasks of rural developmentwas held at Zartiman Hallof Kungyangon BasicEducation High SchoolNo 2 in Yangon SouthDistrict this morning.

Chairman ofDistrict Peace andDevelopment Council UZaw Win reported oncarrying out of regionaldevelopment in thetownship from 13 to 24February.

Chairman ofYangon Division PDCCommander of YangonCommand Maj-Gen HlaHtay Win presentedcertificates of honour tothose who participated inthe rural developmenttasks through officials.

To constructbasic education schoolsand school buildings andvillage-to-village roads,

Those who carried out ruraldevelopment tasks honoured

in KungyangonTawkhayanlay Village-tract donated K 8.5million, TawkhaluVillage-tract, Pakauk,Hsukalat and DaedanawVillage-tracts K 7million each and DayeiluVillage-tract K 5 million,totalling K 86 million toofficials.

Responsible per-

sons accepted 5,694USDA membershipapplications, 2,000membership applications

of Women’s AffairsOrganization and 2,000membership applicationsof Maternal and Child

Welfare Association.Next, the

commander gaveinstructions on regional

development.Later, the

commander viewedbroadcasting of fertilizers

and thriving maize andsunflower plantations inKamapa Village.


YANGON, 24Feb—A ceremony tohonour the salesrepresentatives of ProvenTechnology Industry Cowas held at Western ParkRoyal Restaurant hereyesterday.

First, themanaging director ofProven TechnologyIndustry Co gave awelcoming speech andexplained the quality ofToyo battery and a newproduct, Tubular battery.Next, he presented gifts tosales representatives whosold Toyo battery most in2007.

Toyo batteryfactory was built inShwepyitha IndustrialZone in 1995 and itmanufactures N-20, N-40ZL, N-50ZL, N-70L, N-70ZL, N-100, N-120, N-150, N-200 as well asIndustry (Stand By) batteryfor locomotives, coaches,trawlers, elevators and

Sales representatives of Proven

Technology Industry Co honouredescalators.

The product ispopular among users as it isof high quality. The factoryis preparing to launch a newproduct, Tubular batterywhich is one time moredurable than other kinds ofbattery and the new productwill be available at the

market in 2008.Toyo battery is

available at F/S 14, ShweSabe Yeikmon, KamayutTownship (Tel 701719 or701720 or 527667) and atNo 114, 84th Street,between 31th Street and32th Street, Mandalay (Tel723308).—MNA

U Tun Myint of Proven Technology Industry

Co presents gift to an outstanding sales

representative.— H

Commander Maj-Gen Hla Htay Win visits a thriving sunflower plantation in Kungyangon Township.— MNA

Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung inspects CMPT pulp factoryconstruction project (Yeni) of Myanmar Paper and Chemical Industries

in Yedashe Township on 23 February. (News Reported)— INDUSTRY 1

Hu Jintao urges improved public servicein government

BEIJING, 24 Feb —China President Hu Jintaohas urged the governmentto provide improvedpublic services for thecountry’s citizens.

Addressing anassembly of the PoliticalBureau of the CPC CentralCommittee Saturday in

Beijing, Hu said buildinga service-orientedgovernment was key tosocial harmony and togovernment building.

He urged governmentofficials at all levels todevote themselves inbuilding a government “bythe people, for the people”,

and one that ensures allChinese enjoy the fruits ofthe country’s economicdevelopment.

“The governmentshould provide educationfor the young, medicationfor the ill, care for the old-aged and housing for thehomeless.”—MNA/Xinhua

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 25 February, 2008

Opposition party supporters take part in a protest to show solidarity withGaza, in Amman, on 23 Feb, 2008.—INTERNET

View of the Airbus stand at an airshow in the UK BOC Aviation, an aircraftleasing firm owned by the Bank of China, said on Friday it has ordered five

A330-200F cargo planes from the European manufacturer.—INTERNET

China’s Chang’e I, the country’s first lunarorbiter, blasts off from the Xichang SatelliteLaunching Centre in southwestern China’s

Sichuan Province in 2007. China hopes to launchits second moon-orbiting satellite in 2009, state

media reported on Friday, as the country steps upits space programme.—INTERNET

Arizona Representative indicted onfraud, finance charges

WASHINGTON, 24 Feb— A federal grand juryhas indicted RepublicanUS RepresentativeRichard Renzi of Arizonaon 35 criminal countsincluding conspiracy, wirefraud, money launderingand official extortion,according to court papersunsealed on Friday.

The indictment stemsfrom plan by Renzi and an

associate to benefit froma land-exchange plan inorder to receive Renzi’ssupport for necessaryfederal legislation, courtdocuments said.

“It was an object of theconspiracy for Renzi toenrich (his associate) andpersonally benefit himself,”the indictment said.

It also accuses Renziof embezzling premiums

from clients of aninsurance business tofund his congressionalcampaign.

Renzi was firstelected in 2002.

US Attorney DianeHumetewa in Phoenix,where the indictment washanded down, hasscheduled a newsconference to details thecharges. — MNA/Reuters

Turkey says 29 killed in cross-borderground offensive

Thailandseeks to

rejoin IPU BANGKOK, 24 Feb —

Thailand’s House ofRepresentatives speakerhas said his country,stripped of its membershipin the Inter-ParliamentaryUnion (IPU) followingthe 19 September, 2006bloodless coup willreapply for membership,the Thai News Agencyreported on Saturday.

House ofRepresentatives SpeakerYongyut Tiyapairat toldvisiting US CongressmanDavid Price on Friday thatthe coup was considered atemporary incident andthat the democratic systemis now restored inThailand.

He said that the ThaiParliament would try itsbest to restore confidencein democracy in thecountry and earn renewedrecognition from the worldcommunity.


AL concerned overIraqi-Turkish border tension

Kenya negotiators consultbosses on impending deal

NAIROBI, 24 Feb —Negotiators for Kenya’srival political partiesconsulted their bosseson Saturday and poredover a draft for a newprime minister’s post toresolve a post-electioncrisis that has killedmore than 1,000 people.

“The draft bill isbeing considered insmoke-f i l led roomsthroughout the coun-try,” government nego-tiator Mutula Kilonzo

told Reuters . “Weshould reach a deal byWednesday latest.”

Exhausted by thenearly two-month, post-election crisis, most ofKenya’s 36 mil l ionpeople now want a quickpol i t ical se t t lementbetween Pres identMwai Kibaki andopposition leader RailaOdinga so the countrycan start returning tonormal.


ANKARA, 24 Feb — Turkish ArmedForces killed 24 Kurdish Workers’Party (PKK) rebels in clashes on Fridayas Ankara continued its cross-borderground operation into northern Iraq, withfive soldiers also died, said the military.

The military, the General Staff,said in a statement posted on its websitethat there were dozens more rebels alsokilled by artillery and helicopter gunshipsin the fighting which continuedsporadically.

Earlier in the day, the General Staffannounced that its Armed Forces TSK

launched a cross-border ground operationinto the north of Iraq as of 1900 p.m.(1700 GMT) on Thursday following anartillery bombardment.

The ground operation is backedby Turkish Air Forces jets, the GeneralStaff said, adding that TSK would returnto Turkey after it achieves the plannedtargets.

The Turkish military has launchedseveral cross-border attacks to fightseparatist PKK rebels, who use northernIraq as a launch pad for attacks againstTurkey. — MNA/Xinhua

CAIRO, 24 Feb –The Arab League (AL)on Saturday expressedconcern about thecurrent tension along theIraqi- Turkish borders asTurkish militarylaunched cross-borderoperations targeting thebanned KurdishWorkers’ Party (PKK)into northern Iraq.

In a Press releaseissued by the Cairo-basedpan-Arab body, the ALSecretary General AmrMoussa called on Turkeyto end its militaryoperation in northern Iraqwhile underlining thenecessity not to targetcivilians.

He also underscoredthe importance ofmaintaining the Iraqisovereignty and territorialintegrity as the UNsecurity Council resolu-tion does not allow anyaggression on the Iraqi-Turkish border.

Meanwhile, Moussaurged for an end of thecrisis through diplomaticchannels in order to keeprelationship between Iraqand Turkey.

The Turkish militarysaid Friday that it launchedair strike and shelling onThursday on the separatistPKK targets in northernIraq.


Beijing campaigns tooffer bus seats to needy

BEIJING, 24 Feb—Beijing has a campaignto encourag people togive up seats to theelderly, pregnant orothers in need on publicbuses and subaway trains.

The 22nd days ofevery month was chosenas the promotion day inBeijing for passengers togive up their seats tothose in need, said LiuXiaoming, deputydirector of the BeijingMunicipal Transpor-tation Commission onFriday.

“The number 22resembles two seats,” hesaid in explantion whythis specific day waschosen, “and the Chinese

pronunciation of twosounds like R first letterof PANG, which meansgiving in Chinese”.

“With this move, weaim at creating aharmonious and orderlyridig environment, andraising passengers’awareness to take care ofthe elderly, the weak, thesick, the handicappedand the pregnant,” hesaid.

Municipal media willkeep a candid eye on thisfrom July to September,praising those who giveup their seats voluntarilyand exposing those whorefuse to do so, accordingto Liu.


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Thailand starts advancevoting for senators

BANGKOK, 24 Feb — The Two-day advancevoting for senators throughout Thailand’s 76provinces started on Saturday in an atmosphere oflethargy as many eligible voters appeared to havewearied of elections, A total of 76 senators, one forone province will be elected during the advancevoting and the official election day on March 2.

After casting his vote at a Bangkok electionbooth on Saturday morning, the ElectionCommission (EC) chairman ApichartSukhagganond was quoted by The Thai NewsAgency as saying that the panel had tried its best toencourage a turnout for the Senate electioncampaigns. However, the timespan or window ofopportunity launching the campaigns was onlytwo months, too short a time, and probably thepublic has become overtired of exercising theirrights, the report said.—Xinhua

Room Of One’s Own, designed by Lynda Reeves, is showcased in the DesignLive area at the Interior Design Show in Toronto, on Friday.—INTERNET

This undated

computer generated

image distributed by

NASA shows the

spacecraft Ulysses

near the Sun. Ulysses,

a US-European space

scout that has been

orbiting the Sun for 17

years, almost four

times its expected

lifetime, is on the

brink of dying, the

European Space

Agency (ESA) has


Mirrors are seen channelling sunlight onto a tube filled with oil during thededication of Acciona’s Nevada Solar One power plant in Boulder City,

about 30 miles (48 kms) southeast of Las Vegas on 22 Feb, 2008. Acciona isa renewable energy company based in Spain. —INTERNET

Carling CupWoodgate’s extra-time marker givesTottenham 2-1 Carling Cup win over Chelsea


Images of the Day

Tottenham Hotspur’s Paul Robinson (L) and Robbie Keane celebrate withthe trophy after defeating Chelsea in their Carling Cup final soccer match

at Wembley Stadium in London on 24 Feb, 2008.—INTERNET

WEMBLEY,(England), 24 Feb — Jonathan Woodgate scored in extra timeSunday to give Tottenham a 2-1 win over Chelsea in the Carling Cup final and itsfirst trophy in nine years.

Dimitar Berbatov had equalized in the second half after Didier Drogba’s39th-minute goal, but Woodgate headed his first goal for Tottenham in the 94thto complete the comeback.

Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech saved Woodgate’s header from JermaineJenas’ free kick, but the ball ricocheted back onto the defender’s head and intothe empty net.

It was Woodgate’s first goal in English soccer since December 2002, whenhe scored in a 2-0 win for Leeds - against Chelsea.

Tottenham goal-keeper Paul Robinson, recalled to the team this week aftera month out, then made three key saves to preserve the lead and seal Tottenham’sthird win over Chelsea in 43 matches going back to 1990.

It was Spurs’ fourth Carling Cup title, moving them into a tie with Chelseaand Nottingham Forest for third on the all-time list.

Tottenham created more chances than Chelsea, which is eight places higherin the Premier League and was aiming to become the first team since Forest in1990 to retain the Cup.—Internet

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 25 February, 2008


ASICS CORPORATION, acompany organized under thelaws of Japan carrying onbusiness as manufacturer andmerchant and having its prin-cipal office at 1-1Minatojima-Nakamachi 7-chome, Chuo-ku, Kobe City,Hyogo Prefecture, Japan isthe owner and sole proprie-tor of the following trade-marks:-

Reg. Nos. 466/1983& 4/7844/2007

for Int’l Class 25

Reg. Nos. 467/1983& 4/7842/2007

for Int’l Class 18 and 467/1983 & 4/7843/2007

for Int’l Class25

Reg. Nos. 468/1983& 4/7840/2007

for Int’l Class 18 and 468/1983 & 4/7841/2007

for Int’l Class25

Used in respect of:-Leather and imitations leatherand articles made from thesematerials; skins; hides;trunks, bags, sacks and cases;umbrellas; parasols andwalking sticks; whips, har-ness and saddlery, and partsand accessories of the fore-going goods (InternationalClass 18)Clothing, including protec-tive clothing, boots, shoes andslippers; and parts and acces-sories of the foregoing goods(International Class 25)Any unauthorized use, imi-tation, infringements orfraudulent intentions of theabove marks will be dealtwith according to law.

Tin Ohnmar TunB.A (LAW) LL.B, LL.M (UK),P.O.Box 109 Ph: 723043

(For. Ella Cheong Spruson& Ferguson, Singapore)

Dated: 25 February, 2008

Suicide bomber kills five in western Iraq

Lawmakers askcoroner to stopDiana “circus” LONDON, 23 Feb —

Senior British parlia-mentarians on Thursdayurged the judge hearing theinquest into the deaths ofPrincess Diana and herlover Dodi al-Fayed in aParis car crash to bring the“circus” to a halt.

But the plea wasforcefully rejected by thecoroner, Lord Justice ScottBaker, who issued a sharpwarning to anyonecommenting on the valueof the hearing.

“These inquests ... willcontinue to be heard by thejury, which in due coursewill return its verdict,” hesaid.

“I remind everyone ...that the jury decides thecase on the evidence ithears in this court and onnothing else.

“Comments that aremade outside the court,often about a limited aspectof the evidence, may renderthe maker or publisherliable to contempt ofcourt,” he added, referringto strict rules designed toensure the fairness of legalhearings.—MNA/Reuters

FALLUJAH (Iraq), 23 Feb — Asuicide bomber blew himself up near apolice checkpoint at a popular market ina town in Iraq’s western Anbar Provinceon Friday, killing at least five peopleand wounding 10 others, a local policesource said.

“A suicide bomber wearing anexplosive vest blew himself up at apolice checkpoint in a crowded popularmarket in the town of Ameriyyat al-Fallujah, some seven kilometres south

of Fallujah City,” the source told Xinhuaon condition of anonymity.

Initial police reports said that fivepeople were killed and ten otherswounded, the source said, adding thatundetermined number of policemen wereamong the killed and wounded.

Iraqi security forces cordoned off thearea to secure the scene and imposedcurfew in the town until further notice,the source added.


WHO announcesend of Ebola

outbreak in Uganda GENEVA, 23 Feb — A

recent outbreak of Ebolafever in Uganda’s westernBundibugyo region hasofficially come to anend, the World HealthOrganization (WHO)announced here.

“The last person to beinfected by the virus wasdischarged on 8 January,2008. This is more thandouble the maximumincubation period (42days) for Ebola,” the UNagency said in a statement.

According to thestatement, a national taskforce comprising theMinistry of Health ofUganda, WHO and otherinternational partnerscoordinated the responseto this outbreak.

A cumulative total of77 patients were treatedin two isolation facilitiesset up in the country.


Workers evacuate a pig from a flooded farm afterheavy rains caused the Fraile River to overflow inYumbo, in the southern colombia state of Valle del

Cauca on 22 Feb, 2008.—INTERNET

Rescuers find Venezuelaplane crash black boxes MERIDA, (Venezuela), 24 Feb— Rescue workers

found two flight recorders on Saturday in the wreckageof a passenger plane that veered off course and slammedinto the sheer face of an Andean mountain, killing all46 people on board.

The “black box” recorders may explain whathappened in the last moments before local airline SantaBarbara’s flight 518 crashed into a 13,000-feet (4,000metre) rock wall known as Indian Face on Thursdaysoon after taking off from Merida, a high-altitudetourist town.

Ramon Vinas, who heads Venezuela’s civilaviation authority, turned over the boxes to publicinvestigators. He said one contained recordings of thepilots’ conversations and the other held technical data.


EU Commissioner says Greecefaces bleak climate future

ATHENS 24 Feb— Greece will face droughts,higher temperatures and sea levels, and desertificationthat will damage agriculture and tourism because ofclimate change, EU Environment CommissionerStavros Dimas said on Friday.

“The problem of parched land and droughtwill intensify and desertification will speed up (inGreece),” Dimas said in a speech. “Areas in seasidetowns like Thessaloniki and Messolongi, will mostlikely find themselves under water.”


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 25 February, 2008 13

Lack of sleep leads to moreinjuries among children

France wants UN toadd its cuisine to

heritage list

China totest


BEIJING, 23 Feb —China is to tes t amanned submersiblethat can reach up to7,000 metres (23,000feet) below sea level,the official Xinhua newsagency repor ted onFriday, c i t ing theState Oceanic Admi-nistration.

Research on thesubmersible will be given“equal importance withChina’s space endea-vours”, the report said.China put a man in spacein 2003, part of anambitious space pro-gramme that includes itsfirst lunar probe launchedlast year.

Selection for the crewof the submersiblebegan in August 2006,and China will finishbuilding the first phaseof its “deep-sea baseproject” by 2010.

A submersible is likea submarine, but theytypically have a shorterrange and rely on anothervessel or facility forsupport.

The project would beequipped for deep-seanatural resource in-spections as well asresearch and testing ofequipment designed fordeep-sea use, Xinhuasaid. The report did notmention military usesfor the submersible.


UK’s seaside arcades facingextinction

Icebergs break off the Vatnajökull glacier inIceland before floating into sea in 2006. Four

nations — including Iceland — and a clutch ofcities and corporations have unveiled a Web-

based information hub to help meet a pledge toradically de-carbonize their economies in the

coming decades.—INTERNET

LOS ANGELES, 24 Feb—A new research findsthat pre-school childrenwho lack adequate sleepmay sustain moreinjuries.

The average numberof injuries during thepreschool years is twotimes higher for childrenwho do not get enoughsleep each day asdescribed by theirmothers, according to

the study published in theFebruary issue of PublicHealth Nursing.

In the study, re-searchers at the Uni-versity of RochesterSchool of Nursingcollected data from nearly300 mothers and theirpreschool children duringtwo and a half years.Mothers reported on theirchild’s sleep, and data oninjuries were collected

through self-report andmedical records.

The study was fundedby the National Centrefor Injury Prevention andControl. The studyfound a direct negativerelationship betweenchildren’s sleep andinjuries. Children whoget an adequate amountof sleep sustain fewerinjuries.


PARIS, 24 Feb —France, home to delicaciessuch as foie gras andsouffle, wants to be thefirst country to put itscuisine on the UnitedNations’ World HeritageList, President NicolasSarkozy said on Saturday.

“We have the bestgastronomy in the world,”he said at the inaugurationof the annual Paris farmshow. “I have taken theinitiative so that Francebecomes the first countryin 2009 to submitits candidacy to obtainrecognition of our gas-

tronomic heritage as partof World Heritage.”

The UN Educational,Scientific and CulturalOrganization (UNESCO)World Heritage List,created in 1972 to protecthistorical and natural sites,traditionally applies toplaces or geographicalareas rather than culturalcrafts such as cooking.

UNESCO’s current listincludes 851 sites whichrange from Egypt’sancient pyramids to theGreat Wall of China andAustralia’s Great BarrierReef. — MNA/Reuters

LONDON, 23 Feb —Britain’s seasideamusement arcadescould be wiped outwithin a year, the slotmachine industry willtell the government onFriday.

Along with “kiss-me-quick” hats and donkeyrides on the beach,amusement arcades area quintessential partof Britain’s seaside

tradition.Over the pas t 12

months they have beenhit by new betting andsmoking laws whiletorrential downpourslashed Br i ta in andle f t coas ta l resor t sdeserted for much ofthe summer.

BACTA, the bodythat represents UKarcade and amusementope-rators , says re-

venues in the industry,which also includeshigh s t reet arcades,have dropped 21 percent over the last year.

BACTA will be thelatest gambling bodyto lobby the UK Gov-ernment to change theirstance on new rules thathave outlawed someof the most profitableslot machines.


Japanes women at an Internet cafe in Tokyo. Japan has launched a satelliteaimed at providing high-speed Internet access across Asia, after a one-week


LOS ANGELES, 24Feb— A moderate levelof aerobic fitness cansignificantly reduce strokerisk in men and women,according to a new study.

The study shows that30 minutes or more ofbrisk walking, or anequivalent aerobicactivity, five days a week

Moderate fitness helps reduce stroke riskcould lower stroke risk byabout 40 per cent.

Researchers at theUniversity of SouthCarolina Arnold Schoolof Public Health analyzeddata on more than 60,000people — 46,405 men and15,282 women — whoparticipated in a long-termstudy between 1970 and

2001. The participants,

aged 18 to 100 and free ofknown cardiovasculardisease when they enteredthe study, were followedfor an average of 18 years.During that time, 863people — 692 men and171 women — hadstrokes. —MNA/Xinhua

A Lebanese skier skis in the Lebanese mount ski resort of Faraya, northeastof Beirut, Lebanon, on 23 Feb, 2008.—INTERNET

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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 25 February, 2008

S P O R T S Wenger retracts commentsArsenal boss softens stance

towards TaylorLONDON, 23 Feb--

Arsene Wenger has with-drawn comments callingfor Birmingham defenderMartin Taylor to bebanned for life.

Taylor was red cardedin the 2-2 draw at St An-drews for a tackle onEduardo da Silva that leftthe Arsenal striker with abroken leg.

Wenger was furiouswith Taylor after thematch and said he couldnot be forgiven for such achallenge.

However, the Gunnersboss has now softenedhis stance after havingmore time to consider theincident.

“On reflection, I feelthat my comments about

Martin Taylor were ex-cessive. I said what I didimmediately after thegame in the heat of themoment.”

An apologetic MartinTaylor has insisted therewas no ‘malicious intent’in the tackle.


Arsene Wenger

Fergie—Win stressed urgencyUnited boss delighted to

close gapLONDON, 23 Feb—

Manchester United bossSir Alex Ferguson be-lieves his side have putthe defeat against rivalsManchester City firmlybehind them.

The Red Devils werestunned by City earlierthis month as SvenGoran Eriksson’s menclaimed a 2-1 success atOld Trafford.

However, United haveresponded impressively,thumping Arsenal 4-0 inthe FA Cup, drawing 1-1away in the UEFA Cham-

Sir Alex Ferguson

Liverpool boss laudsSpanish striker

LONDON, 23 Feb—Liv-erpool manager RafaBenitez praised the per-formance of FernandoTorres after the striker hita hat-trick in Saturday's3-2 victory over Middles-

brough at Anfield.The Reds had fallen

behind to a Tuncay Sanligoal, but Torres then net-ted three times to helpLiverpool overtake Mer-seyside rivals Everton -who travel to Manches-ter City on Monday - infourth place in the Pre-mier League.

Stewart Downing setup a tight finish with alate consolation butBenitez has admitted hisdelight with Torres, whois now the first Liver-pool forward to scoremore than 20 goals in aseason since MichaelOwen in 2003.


Liverpool managerRafa Benitez

Schalke’s Kevin Kuranyi, left, Leverkusen’s SimonRolfes challenge for the ball during the German firstdivision Bundesliga soccer match between Bayer 04Leverkusen and Schalke 04 in Leverkusen, Germany, on 23 Feb, 2008.—INTERNET

Liverpool’s Steven Gerrard, center, vies with Mid-dlesbrough’s Julio Arca, left, during their EnglishPremier League soccer match at Anfield Stadium, Liverpool, England, on 23 Feb, 2008.—INTERNET

Stuttgart's Cacau scores the team's third goal againstKarlsruhe's Bradley Carnell, right, during the Ger-man first division Bundesliga soccer match betweenVfB Stuttgart and Karlsruher SC in Stuttgart, Germany, on 23 Feb, 2008.—INTERNET

pions League with Lyonand thrashing Newcastle5-1 at St James’ Park onSaturday.


Valencia held 1-1 by visitorsRecreativo Huelva

MADRID, 24 Feb — Valencia’s poor home formcontinued to haunt them as they were held to a 1-1draw by lowly Recreativo Huelva in the Primera Ligaon Saturday.

Forward Juan Mata opened the scoring for the homeside in the 39th minute after a wonderful pass fromArgentine midfielder Ever Banega, but Recre's Portu-guese midfielder Carlos Martins levelled from outsidethe area just after the restart.

Ronald Koeman's side, who have a King's Cupsemifinal first leg against Barcelona next week, misseda host of chances to wrap up the points but remainninth. —MNA/Reuters

Leaders Olympiakos held in1-1 draw at PAOK

ATHENS, 24 Feb — Leaders Olympiakos Piraeuswere held to a 1-1 draw by PAOK Salonika in theGreek Super League at Thessaloniki on Saturday.

The Olympiakos defence, which comfortably heldChelsea at bay during their goalless midweek Cham-pions League clash, was in trouble after just twominutes at the Toumba.

Glen Salmon's cross was poorly cleared byOlympiakos goalkeeper Antonis Nikopolidis andSpanish midfielder Antonio Gonzalez fired PAOK infront. Sergio Conceicao and Salmon had chances todouble their lead but it was Olympiakos who found thenet in the 22nd minute through an unmarked DarkoKovacevic.

It was the Serb's 16th league goal of the season.PAOK had a great chance to reclaim the advantage

when Gonzalez was brought down in the area butNikopolidis saved Conceicao's spot-kick.

The home side created the better chances in thesecond half but neither team was able to break thedeadlock.—MNA/Reuters

Answers to yesterday’sCrosswords Puzzle

A 8 H 8 S 8 8 8 D 8 S 8 Z

F O U G H T 8 L E S L I E

F 8 N 8 O 8 E 8 P 8 A 8 B

A T T R A C T 8 O C C U R

B I I L L8 I 8 S 8 K 8 A

L I N O 8 E Q U I P 8 8 8

E 8 G 8 M 8 U 8 T 8 P 8 F

8 8 8 V A L E T 8 D A T A

P 8 W 8 D 8 T 8 S 8 U 8 L

L E A V E 8 T O P I C A L

U 8 L 8 I 8 E 8 A 8 I 8 A

M A T U R E 8 C R I T I C

P 8 Z 8 A 8 8 8 E 8 Y 8 Y

Wenger angry after Arsenal’sEduardo breaks leg

LONDON, 24 Feb — Arsenal striker Eduardo da Silvabroke his left leg in the 2-2 Premier League draw withBirmingham City on Saturday, bringing a furiousreaction from his coach Arsene Wenger.

The match was stopped for nearly eight minutes asthe Brazilian-born Croatia international was treatedon the field before being carried off on a stretcher.

Birmingham defender Martin Taylor was given astraight red card for his challenge on Eduardo in thethird minute.

"The tackle was horrendous and this guy (Taylor)should never play football again," Wenger told BBCtelevision.

"I've seen some bad ones before but you are notalways punished with a broken leg.

"The minimum is that the season is over and we'rescared it is much longer."

Birmingham manager Alex McLeish said Taylorwas very upset about the injury.

"He's absolutely distraught, he's not that type ofplayer," he told Sky Sports television. "He didn't feelhe made that much contact with Eduardo."


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 25 February, 2008 15


R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

Sunday, 24 February, 2008Summary of observations recorded at 9:30

hours MST: During the past 24 hours, weather havebeen party cloudy in Kachin State and Taninthayi Divi-sion and generally fair in the remaining States and Di-visions. Night temperatures were (3ºC) to (4ºC) belowFebruary average temperatures in Kachin, Chin, RakhineStates, upper Sagaing, Mandalay, Magway and YangonDivisions, (8ºC) below February average temperaturesin Bago Division and (3ºC) above February averagetemperatures in Taninthayi Division and about Februaryaverage temperatures in the remaining States and Divi-sions. The significant night temperatures were Haka (0ºC),Namhsan, Heho and Loilem (3ºC) each, Pinlaung andAn (4ºC) each, Mogok and Lashio (5ºC) each.

Maximum temperature on 23-2-2008 was 95ºF.Minimum temperature on 24-2-2008 was 63ºF. Rela-tive humidity at (09:30) hours MST on 24-2-2008was 54%. Total sunshine hours on 23-2-2008 was(8.8) hours approx.

Rainfall on 23-2-2008 was (Nil) at Mingaladon,Kaba-Aye and Central Yangon. Total rainfall since1-1-2008 was (0.67) inch at Mingaladon, (0.47 ) inchat Kaba-Aye and (0.35) inch at Central Yangon.Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was(4) mph from Southeast at (18:30) hours MST on23-2-2008.

Bay inference: Weather is partly cloudy in theAndaman Sea and South Bay and generally fair else-where in the Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 25-2-2008: Pos-sibility of isolated rain or thundershowers in KachinState and weather will be partly cloudy in Rakhin Stateand Taninthayi Divisions and generally fair in theremaining areas. Degree of certainty is (40%).

State of the sea: Seas will be slight to moderatein Myanmar waters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Likelihood ofslight decrease of night temperatures in the upperMyanmar areas.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouringarea for 25-2-2008: Generally fair weather.

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring areafor 25-2-2008: Generally fair weather.

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring areafor 25-2-2008: Generally fair weather.

8:30 am Brief news8:35 am Music

-Mandy8:40 am Perspectives8:45 am Music

-Breathe easy8:50 am National news9:00 am Music

-Sunrise9:05 am International

news9:10 am Music

-Falling in lovewith love

1:30 pm News/ Slogan1:40pm Lunch time

Music -Two hearts-The guitar man

9:00 pm Spotlight of thestars-The Carpenters

9:10 pm Article9:20 pm Drug/Women

afrairs9:35 pm Volcal gems

-Love is love-Willow

9:45 pm News/Slogan10:00 pm PEL

Monday, 25 FebruaryTune in today

Monday, 25 FebruaryView on today

7:00 am1. ek¥;z;Rc\mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\ek¥;z;Rc\mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\ek¥;z;Rc\mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\ek¥;z;Rc\mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\ek¥;z;Rc\mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\

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7:15 am2. tipi!kDr'DmμB‹agårik'tipi!kDr'DmμB‹agårik'tipi!kDr'DmμB‹agårik'tipi!kDr'DmμB‹agårik'tipi!kDr'DmμB‹agårik'


7:25 am3. To be healthy

exercise7:30 am4. Morning news

7:40 am5. Nice and sweet song7:55 am6. Song of national

races8:15 am7. Cute little of dancers8:30 am8. International news8:45 am9. Grammar made easy4:00 pm1. Martial song4:15 pm2. Song to uphold

National Spirit4:30 pm3. Aew;qc\tk˚qiul\ Aew;qc\tk˚qiul\ Aew;qc\tk˚qiul\ Aew;qc\tk˚qiul\ Aew;qc\tk˚qiul\


4:45 pm4. 2008KuN˙s\tk˚qiul\wc\\tn\;2008KuN˙s\tk˚qiul\wc\\tn\;2008KuN˙s\tk˚qiul\wc\\tn\;2008KuN˙s\tk˚qiul\wc\\tn\;2008KuN˙s\tk˚qiul\wc\\tn\;


5:15 pm5. Dance variety5:25 pm6. {sk\mOzun\m˙a{sk\mOzun\m˙a{sk\mOzun\m˙a{sk\mOzun\m˙a{sk\mOzun\m˙a

kÁn\msk\RuMlatv\\}kÁn\msk\RuMlatv\\}kÁn\msk\RuMlatv\\}kÁn\msk\RuMlatv\\}kÁn\msk\RuMlatv\\}(�Pio;ec∑siu;' miu;d^'(�Pio;ec∑siu;' miu;d^'(�Pio;ec∑siu;' miu;d^'(�Pio;ec∑siu;' miu;d^'(�Pio;ec∑siu;' miu;d^'esaNiuc\(R˙m\;�pv\)' qzc\'esaNiuc\(R˙m\;�pv\)' qzc\'esaNiuc\(R˙m\;�pv\)' qzc\'esaNiuc\(R˙m\;�pv\)' qzc\'esaNiuc\(R˙m\;�pv\)' qzc\'N˙c\;S^' Kc\miu>miu>eA;)N˙c\;S^' Kc\miu>miu>eA;)N˙c\;S^' Kc\miu>miu>eA;)N˙c\;S^' Kc\miu>miu>eA;)N˙c\;S^' Kc\miu>miu>eA;)(dåRi uk\ta-tc\eAac\ \eRW(dåRi uk\ta-tc\eAac\ \eRW(dåRi uk\ta-tc\eAac\ \eRW(dåRi uk\ta-tc\eAac\ \eRW(dåRi uk\ta-tc\eAac\ \eRW(quetq^)(quetq^)(quetq^)(quetq^)(quetq^)

5:35 pm7. Song and dance of

national races5:45 pm8. Musical programme

(The RedioMyanmar ModernMusic Troupe)

6:00 pm9. Evening news6:30 pm10. Weather report6:35 pm11. Al˙R˙amy\ l˙kmıawy\Al˙R˙amy\ l˙kmıawy\Al˙R˙amy\ l˙kmıawy\Al˙R˙amy\ l˙kmıawy\Al˙R˙amy\ l˙kmıawy\

6:50 pm12. Musical progamme7:05 pm13. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´



8:00 pm14. News15. International news16. Weather report17. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´



18. The next day’s programme

Australia to keep troops inAfghanistan for long-term

Asleep in Jesus

Saw Matthew Ba Saing (Saw Khu)57 years

Younger son of ( U Saw Harvey Ba Saing +Daw Aileen); son-in-law of (U Ko Gyi + Daw MyaThein) of Mandalay; beloved husband of Daw Rita BaSaing (FAO), residing at No.13, Yadana Road,Kyaukkone Ward, Yankin Township; and beloved fatherof Thet Mar Lynn (Australia) and Wai Linn Saing(Warren) (Australia) fell asleep in Jesus peacefully on 22February, 2008 at 9 pm. Funeral Services will be held atKanbe Baptist Church at 12 noon on 27 February, 2008and thence to Yayway Christian Cemetery for burial.

Bereaved familyCANBERRA, 24 Feb —Australia on Friday statedthat it will keep its troopsin Afghanistan for a longterm, despite its decisionto withdraw forces fromIraq, according toDefence Minister JoelFitzgibbon.

“We’ve made it very,very clear that ourcommitment in Afghan-istan is a long-stan-dingone,” the Defence Ministertold reporters.

“I said in theParliament just this weekwhat a tragedy it would beif all that we’d done inAfghanistan so far was inthe end all for naught. Soour commitment is a long-term one.”

Australia has deployed

about 1,000 troops inAfghanistan, mostly in thesouthern Afghan provinceof Uruzgan, a formerTaleban stronghold.

Australia’s previousgovernment had sent 2,000troops to support US andBritish forces in the Iraqinvasion.

But the new AustralianGovernment, elected inNovember last year,promised to pull out thecountry’s combat troopsfrom Iraq by mid-2008.

On Wednesday,Australia Air Chief MarshalAngus Houston told aSenate committee that themilitary is planning towithdrew 550 combattroops from Iraq.


Ban appeals for “respect” of Turkey,Iraq border

UNITED NATIONS, 24Feb — UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon onFriday appealed for restraintand respect of the bordersbetween Turkey and Iraq.

“The Secretary-General is concerned bythe latest escalation oftension along the Turkish-Iraqi border,” said astatement issued by Ban’sPress office. “Whileconscious of Turkey’sconcerns, he reiterates hisappeal for utmost restraint,and for respect of theinternational bordersbetween Iraq and Turkey.”

The UN chief alsorepeated his “previous callsfor an immediate end tocontinued incursions” bythe separatist KurdistanWorkers’ Party (PKK)elements “carrying outterrorist attacks in Turkeyfrom Northern Iraq”.

“The protection ofcivilian life on both sidesof the border remains theparamount concern,” itadded.


Daw Tin Myo Wai (June Ba Chit)71 years

Youngest daughter of (Retired Session Judge U Ba Chit-DawKhin Ma Ma); daughter-in-law of (Retired Session Judge U Mya Yin-Daw Khin Nyunt); beloved wife of Retired Immigration Officer UMaung Maung Latt; beloved mother of Daw Nyunt Oo Yin (Cheryl)-Keith Herd (Vancouver, Canada), Daw Thawdar Yin-U Khin MaungHtwe (Tony) (East Wind Ship Management Pte., Ltd. Singapore), UNay Myo Yin, U Aung Myo Yin (Peepo)(U.K); grandmother ofAikaree Maung-Han Lynn Maung Maung (USA), Thynza Maung(Tiffany), James Yin and Matthew Yin peacefully passed away at No886/c, Aung Zedi Kyaung Lane, 10th Mile, Insein, Township on 21stFebruary 2008 at 5.30 am and will be cremated at 3 pm on 25thFebruary 2008 at Yeway Crematorium. The funeral procession willleave from the above-mentioned residence at 2.00 pm.

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Page 16: Established 1914 - Burma Library · 25-02-2008  · The tourist arrival will increase by constructing resorts of international standard and roads close to the mountain including skiing

4th Waning of Tabodwe 1369 ME Monday, 25 February, 2008

People’s Desire� We favour stability.� We favour peace.� We oppose unrest and violence.

Objectives of the 63rdAnniversary Armed Forces Day

* To work in concert with the people in

building a peaceful, modern, developed

and discipline-flourishing democratic


* To realize the seven-step Road Map of

the State joining hands with the people

* Joining hands with the people and

based on Union Spirit to crush inter-

nal and external destructive elements

sabotaging stability and development

of the State

* To build a strong, capable and modern

patriotic Tatmadaw to safeguard Our

Three Main National Causes


� Skyful liars attempting to destroy nation� BBC lying

VOA deceivingRFA setting up hostilities

� Beware! Don’t be bought by those ill-wishers

INSIDEYANGON, 24 Feb — Minister for Electric PowerNo-2 Maj-Gen Khin Maung Myint together withDeputy Minister Brig-Gen Win Myint and officialsinspected the gas power station in Ahlon Townshipyesterday.

At the power station, the minister inspectedpower supply with full capacity and installation of newTurbine Rotor for No-3 Turbine.

Chief Engineer U Than Lwin and factorymanager U Than Naing Oo briefed the minister onmajor repair and substitution of new Turbine Rotor forNo-3 Turbine.

Next, he inspected Cummins brand 1000 KVApower machine to be used in Sittway in RakhineState.—MNA

New Turbine Rotor installedat Ahlon power station

Minister Maj-Gen Khin Maung Myintinspects installation of new Turbine Rotor at

the gas power station in AhlonTownship.— MNA

Orbis International flyingeye hospital arrives

YANGON, 24 Feb — Under the cooperation pro-gramme of the Ministry of Health and Orbis Interna-tional, a twenty-nine member team of Orbis Interna-tional Flying Eye Hospital led by Executive Direc-tor Mr Geoffrey Holland and Director Mr ErwinTimmerman arrived at Mandalay International Air-port (TadaU) on 23 February.

The team was welcomed at the airport by Medi-cal Superintendent Dr Thein Wai of Eye, Ear, Noseand Throat Hospital, Eye Specialist Associate Pro-fessor Dr Ye Lwin and eye specialists, nurses andofficials.

The team will give treatment to eye patients,give lecture to undergraduates and postgraduatesand exchange views on medical knowledge withMyanmar medical experts. — MNA

An orphanage on self-reliant

basis at the remote corner of Sa Ma

Hill run by a team of selfless volun-

teers under the management of a BA

graduate monk is indeed a source of

admiration and inspiration to all visi-

tors and pilgrims.


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