Essentials in learning and processing

Essentials in learning and processing Nature of speech and environmental input.

Transcript of Essentials in learning and processing

Essentials in learning and processing

Essentials in learning and processingNature of speech and environmental input.


Presented To:Maam Bushra Saeed

Presented by:

Ayesha javaid Sunila Akhtar Mahpara SadafAsif Hussain

Chomskys theorizing about innate language knowledge.Language was not learned but mysteriously acquired

The speech of parents and others was not thought to be special.Not simplifified shortened or emphasized

Ungrammatical sentences are found to occur but rarelyImmediate environment

Chomskys claim that children learn language despite exposed to a high proportion of degneratesentences.

With regard to simplification adults general use short simple sentences

For example,mama instead of mother simplified phonology and structure e.g word pattern such as wa-wa and bye bye are used rather than the more complex sound of water and good bye..

Repetition and expansion also assist the child in this same regard.Expansions such as a child: mommy lunch.mother:yes.mommy is making lunch,or child:give daddy mother:give it to daddy,undoubtedly serve to promote learning

Acquisition of languageThe question remains as to whether simplification is essential for language learning to occur.

Imitation, rule learning and correction.In learning language,childern acquire much through imitation.

The childs production of certain novel single but morphologically complex words and sentences cannot be explain through imitation

The child actually does imitate a multitude of words and phrases,and even a number of sentences.

The child will seek to revise a previously formulated rule so that the output will match that of the mature speaker output

Two types of functions,Through the direct copying of speech. Through motivating the child to make rule adjustment

Consider the anecdote by MACNILL in this regard.Son:nobody dont like me,Mother : nobody likes me Above sequence repeated eight timesMother ( in dispiration) now, listen carefully. Nobody likes me Son oh ! Nobody dont likes me

The desire of children to approximate mature speakersutterences along with their remarkable intellectual ability.