Essential Question: How are government decisions and international issues shaped by different points...

POLITICAL PROCESSES AND CITIZENSHIP Essential Question: How are government decisions and international issues shaped by different points of view.

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CITIZENSHIPEssential Question:

How are government decisions and international issues shaped by different

points of view.

THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS Governments have to make important

decisions affecting thousands or even millions of people.

Examples:Should TX students have to pass an End of

Course test in geography?Should taxes be increased to help reduce

the national debt?Should oil companies be allowed to drill in

the Gulf of Mexico?Should American troops be kept in Iraq or

Afghanistan to fight terrorism?

THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS CONT’D To make good decisions, government

officials should:1) Identify the problem.2) Gather information about the problem.3) Consider a range of different options for solving the problem.

THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS CONT’D 4) Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each option. 5) Select the best option. Implement the best option. 6) Evaluate the effectiveness of the solution.

THE IMPORTANCE OF DIFFERENT VIEWPOINTS Government leaders often consult with

others and consider other viewpoints in order to reach better decisions.

Government leaders are influenced by their own backgrounds and views of supporters.

CITIZENSHIP PRACTICES Citizenship practices

differ among different forms of government.

Citizens participate actively in the decision-making process in a democracy.

Dictatorial governments stage mass rallies but do not allow free and open criticism.

CULTURAL BELIEFS Cultural beliefs often influence decision-

making.Example: All government leaders in China are

members of the Communist Party. Rival political parties are not allowed.


Patriotism: The love of one’s country and a willingness to serve and defend it.

Nationalism: Belief each “nation” deserves their own government and nation-state.Can be both a destructive and a constructive

force in a nation.Can harness national energies and promote

national unity. In a multi-ethnic country, if each ethnic group

demands its own nation-state, nationalism can tear that nation apart.


Terrorism: Use of terror against civilians to gain concessions.Russia and Chechnya: Chechens use terror

tactics to gain concessions from Russians.


Israel and Palestine: Both sides claim acts of violence; Palestinians want an independent state, while Israel wants secure borders and an end to violence.


Iran and Nuclear Energy: Iranians claim they need nuclear power for peaceful purposes; critics say they are developing nuclear weapons to use against their enemies.


REVIEW Which type of government allows the

greatest participation by ordinary citizens in the process of government decision making?A. DictatorshipB. MonarchyC. DemocracyD. TotalitarianismANSWER: C

REVIEW CONT’D Which is a major cause of conflict and

discord in present-day Russia?A. Russian patriots want to expand into

Central Asia.B. Business owners in Russia object to

communism.C. Chechen nationalists seek

independence.D. In the Baltic states, Russian minorities

demand Russian aid.ANSWER: C

REVIEW CONT’DIn May 2010, the leaders of Iran, Turkey, and Brazil

made the following announcement from Iran’s capital city of Tehran:

“We reaffirm our commitment to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of nuclear weapons and…recall the right of all state parties, including the Islamic Republic of Iran, to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy…for peaceful purposes…”

What point of view is expressed in this announcement?A. Iran has a right to develop nuclear weapons for its

defense.B. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty should be

overturned.C. Iran has a right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful

uses.D. Turkey and Brazil will sell nuclear weapons to Iran.ANSWER: C