Essence of ESTER

Essence of ESTER ¾ Our Dinner is this Sunday, December 7 at 6:00 P.M. at Beth Sholom in Potomac. ¾ Boys in choir should arrive at Beth Sholom no later than 6:15. ¾ Sign-up sheets for Parent Teacher Conferences on Tuesday evening, December 16 th will be up in our lobby by 10:00 A.M. on Monday. ¾ We started 9)/& -) 0;& last night. ¾ See attached flyer about vital lecture next Mo’tza’ei Shabbos about children at risk. WE ALL NEED TO BE THERE. ¾ To be found inside: The full, unexpurgated details about: Chemdas – 2008-2009. Parshathon – 2008-2009. Middah Program – 2008-2009. Chanukah Programs. Don’t miss them!! ¾ Needed for Chanukah Carnival - 9 Empty Large Appliance Boxes (e.g. washer, dryer, dishwasher, fridge, etc.) 9 Shoe boxes.

Transcript of Essence of ESTER

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Essence of ESTER

Our Dinner is this Sunday, December 7 at 6:00 P.M. at Beth Sholom in Potomac.

Boys in choir should arrive at Beth Sholom no later than 6:15.

Sign-up sheets for Parent Teacher Conferences on Tuesday evening, December 16th will be up in our lobby by 10:00 A.M. on Monday.

We started 9)/& -) 0;& last night.

See attached flyer about vital lecture next Mo’tza’ei Shabbos about children at risk. WE ALL NEED TO BE THERE.

To be found inside: The full, unexpurgated details about:

• Chemdas – 2008-2009. • Parshathon – 2008-2009. • Middah Program – 2008-2009. • Chanukah Programs. Don’t miss them!!

Needed for Chanukah Carnival - Empty Large Appliance Boxes (e.g. washer, dryer, dishwasher, fridge, etc.)

Shoe boxes.

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Erev Shabbos Parashas Vayeitzei December 5, 2008 Candle Lighting: 4:27 Volume XV, Issue 14 Dear Parents, Our week in Grades 5 and 6 began with a focus on the Kedoshim who were tragically and brutally murdered in Mumbai. We once again impressed upon our Talmidim that all of K’lal Yisroel is connected and that we’ve suffered personal losses. Furthermore, we spoke about Kiddush Hashem (with reference to Michtav MeiEliyahu, Volume III, pg. 348) and asked our young men and women to devote time for Talmud Torah, LeE’luy the Neshamos of these Kedoshim. If you would like to read/hear the very moving eulogies for Rabbi and Mrs. Holtzberg, ZT’L, go to May we never again have such sadness, and may we soon see the Ge’u’lah Shelaimah.

It’s Finally Here

You can now breathe easily. We have stopped harassing you about our journal/dinner, as the statute of limitations for this has run out. Our 14th Annual Dinner will take place, BE’H, on Sunday at Beth Shalom at 6:00 P.M. We look forward to seeing you there and honoring our two very worthy guests of honor: Dr. Howard Sabrin and Morah Donna Mack. We promise a good time, good food, and few speeches.

Dinner Directions

For the uninitiated, here’s how to get to Beth Sholom:

495 to 270 Montrose Rd West exit Left on Seven Locks Rd. Left into Beth Sholom parking lot. Address: 11825 Seven Locks Rd.

Reminder to Parents of Boys’ Choir Members

Your sons should make their star-studded grand entrances to Beth Sholom no later than 6:25 P.M. on Sunday. Their attire should include:

White dress shirts. Blue/black dress pants. Shabbos shoes.

They should be ready to be taken home no later than 7:20.

Chemdas Has Made Its Grand Entrance

Chemdas fever has hit! Our 2008-2009 books have been distributed, and testing will start in school on Monday. Please read the attached letters (one for 1st/2nd and one for 3rd-6th) carefully and help pace your kids. Note to New Parents: Please contact your sons’/daughters’ Rebbes/Moros for fuller explanations.

New Middah Program This week, we began a Middah Program called Konei Olam, Acquiring the World. It focuses on a number of Middos, each for four weeks. We started our first month’s concentration by learning about Zerizus, acting with alacrity in Avodas Hashem and in all we do. The Shulchan Aruch opens with: “A person should strengthen himself like a lion for the service of his creator.” We

$$””22"" TToorraahh SScchhooooll ooff GGrreeaatteerr WWaasshhiinnggttoonn

EE..SS..TT..EE..RR.. EErreevv SShhaabbbbooss ““TToorraahh”” EEvveennttss RReeppoorrtt

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emphasized waking up with enthusiasm and saying Modeh Ani immediately.

Attached/included today: • Ooroo LaTefillah. • Classroom Close-Ups by Mrs.

Miri Gottlieb. • Chemdas intro letters. • Parshathon details. • Flyer about lecture next Saturday

night at MJBHA.

On the Docket Sunday, December 7

5th/6th Shiurim. TSGW Dinner at 6:00 P.M.

Monday, December 8 Conference Sign-up Sheets ready at

10:00 A.M. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, December 9, 10, and 11

Full post-3:30 schedule. Wednesday, December 10

Pizza. Todah for this week to lots of staff members.

Monday, December 15 Book Fair TSGW Annual Book Fair

Opens. Many thanks to Lisa Solomson for once again handling this project.

Tuesday, December 16 2:00 Dismissal. No P.M. Day Care. Evening Parent-Teacher

Conferences. Wednesday, December 17

10:00 Opening. Day Care starts at 9:30. 2nd-6th Graders should Daven at


Sunday evening, December 21

First Night of Chanukah.

Week of Chanukah Monday, December 22

Boys’ Choir sings at Walter Reed at 11:30. Military bus will pick us up at 10:00. Any parents who want to hop on the bus should please let us know. Tuesday, December 23

9:15 A.M. Chanukah Program for Women. Grades 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and 6G will each sing one song, the Girls’ Choir will entertain us with 2 melodies, there will be an interactive, sing-a-long, and a surprise. Wednesday, December 24

P.M. Chanukah Carnival. Friday, December 26 and Sunday, December 28

Chanukah Break.

We wish a Refuah Shelaimah to:

Avi Gilburt. Eli Verschleisser.

We extend condolences to:

o David Katzoff, upon the passing of his maternal grandmother.

o Lisa Solomson, upon the passing of her maternal grandfather.

May Hashem comfort them among the mourners of Tziyon and Yerushalayim.

We wish a heartfelt Mazel Tov to Sammy and Simi Franco, Nathan and Jessie, Mikey, Luna, and Jessie upon Abie’s engagement to Hadassah Elling. May they continue to be blessed with Simachos.

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We express HaKaras HaTov to:

Shani Leiman and Sharon Graff for handling Rosh Chodesh Kislev treats and to the following sponsors: • The Cooper Family in honor of the safe

arrival of Reuven’s new baby brother. • The Geisinsky Family in honor of Moshie’s

birthday. • The Hadar Family Le’E’luy nishmas Shmuel

ben Yosef. • Mr. and Mrs. Manny Sadwin in honor of the

birth of their granddaughter, Chaya Sara Sadwin, to their children Rabbi Ariel and Pessi Sadwin.

• Mr. and Mrs. Raanan Shames in honor of the upshearin of their grandson, Elchonon Ozer, his parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Reuven Kasierer, and his brother, Moshe Chaim.

• Glicka Silverman in memory of Cherna Glicka bas Yitzhak Yehuda Leib who lovingly taught her children the value of a Jewish education.

Rabbi and Mrs. Biberfeld for hosting tomorrow evening’s Melave Malka for Rabbi Biberfeld’s Sixth Grade Boys. Location:

Biberfeld Homestead 10909 Oakwood Street White Oak

Time: 7:45 – 9:00.

A Very Small Peek at

Some Doin’s We’ve all gotten into Chanukah prep:

the history, the Halachos, the Minhagim.

KB/G have started learning the Berachos for lighting the Menorah and began a unit on transportation.

1B/G’s Theme this week has been “helping”. Now, they need to continue putting it into practice. They’ve also been writing story summaries, learning nouns and contractions, practicing + and – facts, and learning animal

groups (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects).

4G are working on their Chesapeake Bay research project, discussing point of view as it relates to their current novel, and understanding ecosystems.

6G are into rocks and minerals, decimals, positive and negative powers of 10, and getting ready for equations with decimals.

3G’s Ten Challenges of Avraham Avinu quilt is outside our main office. In Ivrit, they wrapped up a unit on autumn by decorating leaf pins with the Hebrew word for fall. (Ask your 3G daughters to find out the secret word.)

1G are creating Hebrew sentences with the prefixes they’ve learned.

2B is involved in Shoresh games. 2B/G learned the Scientific Process,

and experimented with Crisco to see how whale blubber keeps whales warm.

2G are working on #’s in Ivrit. 3B finalized their personal narratives

and began a non-fiction expository piece on an American Indian Tribe.

5G learned about times that related to Halachos: A’los HaShachar, HaNetz HaChamah, and She’ki’ah.

Crucial for All of Us

Next Mo’tza’ei Shabbos, there will be a lecture at the MJBHA that we all need to attend. It is about kids at risk, how to identify warning signs, and what we can do about it. This is a communal issue that affects each and every one of us, and we must heighten our awareness and understanding of the problems and their solutions. Please see attached flyer. Good Shabbos! Sincerely,

Rabbi Yitzchak Charner


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The Re-Re-Re-Re-Re-Re-Re-Re-Re-Re-Re-Re - Return of the

Chai Lifeline/Camp Simcha Parshathon

What is it all about? Next week, we will start a program which has become an important mainstay of the Torah School

year/curriculum - the Chai Lifeline/Camp Simcha Parshathon. Chai Lifeline is an international, non-profit organization which, for the past twenty one years, has sponsored worldwide, free, year-round programs for children (and their families) with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. From medical referrals to insurance support services, from emotional support groups to homebound tutorial programs, from special trips to gala holiday festivities, from toy drives to bone marrow drives, from weekend retreats to its world renowned Kosher summer camping program, Camp Simcha (in memory of Dr. Samuel Abraham), Chai Lifeline services help stricken children and their families battle the emotional and practical repercussions of life-threatening illnesses on every conceivable front. In addition, Chai Lifeline makes sure that the siblings of stricken children also get the attention they require. It is amazing to see and learn how every imaginable need of every family member is addressed. Chai Lifeline maintains regional offices throughout the United States, England, and Israel. All services, including transportation, are provided free of charge. Camp Simcha, their flagship activity, provides a wonderful, normal, and happy experience for boys and girls who are ill, without making them feel different or out of place. Of course, there are full medical facilities and the capability of rushing a child to a hospital (via helicopter) if necessary. The happy times enjoyed by these kids play an important role in the healing process.

What makes this camp so special?

In addition to all the above, Camp Simcha Special made its debut in the summer of 2001. This is a week devoted to children who have various handicaps and disabilities which preclude their doing so many things other youngsters can. For example, they have a pool with a Special ramp via which youngsters, who otherwise would never have such an experience, “dive” while riding Special wheelchairs. In fact, two of our former students, Shua Mendlowitz and Ari Byer, have benefitted from this program. Just ask them or their parents about this magical “week in the sun”.

What are our kids going to be learning?

Our 3rd-6th Grades will see videos showing the efforts of this organization, and they will have the golden opportunity to contribute to this Tzedakah through the Parshathon. From Parashas Vayishlach through Parashas Vayechi (a total of 5 weeks), our boys and girls will be studying review sheets which incorporate emphasis on a Middah included in, thoughts about, and info found in each of these Torah portions. Then, on Tuesday, January 13, we will administer a (very easy) multiple choice test on all the material that has been learned.

How can we all get involved to help? The kids are asked to get people to sponsor them for their involvement in this learning/Chesed process and, specifically, for their successful completion of the above-mentioned tests. (I recommend very strongly that sponsors be asked to give their donations right away because the kids will certainly do well on the tests. Waiting until afterwards seriously impedes the process of collection.) Each boy and girl in Grades 3-6 has been given and should (hopefully) bring home an envelope/brochure with all the necessary details and with a sign-up section for donors. Last year, we raised almost $20,000, and we hope we can do even better this time around! In fact, if each student in the above classes raises a minimum of $143, we CAN supersede last year's achievement. Nevertheless, any sum that is brought in is more than welcome. The representative of Chai Lifeline, with whom I've been dealing for over a decade, has been overwhelmed by our continued success, and we were among the honorees at the May, 2001 dinner. Please remember that this is a chance to participate in a tremendous Mitzvah and to learn Torah simultaneously. Please encourage your offspring to get “into it”; we’d like to see 100% participation.

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December 5, 2008 Dear First and Second Grade Parents, This week, we announced in First and Second Grades the restarting of our TSGW Chemdas program. The purpose of this project is the further enhance your children's love and knowledge of and abilities in Talmud Torah. It is a VOLUNTARY, extra- curricular, motivational system which encourages the study of Beki'us, basic Torah knowledge. It is patterned and named after similar learning opportunities in other Yeshivos. This year once again provides a very special opportunity, as the whole program continues to be sponsored by Nechemia and Naomi Mond and Mordechai and Tami Hyatt in memory of Yehuda Mond, Z’l. We thank them for their generosity and pray that all our children’s endeavors will be a true Iyluy Neshamah for Yehuda. We thank Rabbi Feldman, our Chemdas Jr. coordinator, for getting it all together and for explaining the program to our youngsters. Todah also to Marlene Teichman, Anne Cohen, Rabbi Biberfeld, Devorah Stimler, Rachel Keleman, and Leah Sanders for all their assistance. Your sons and daughters have already received our CHEMDAS Handbook which contains almost EVERYTHING they need to study. We have minimum requirements for each grade which are delineated in the Student Record Sheets in the back of the handbook. Youngsters study to achieve the numbers of points needed for their grades, thereby working towards prizes. Testing of their newly acquired knowledge is done in school. The following are the “frozen” point totals which are required at each level: 1st – 350 2nd- 440 The deadline for this is Monday, May 18, 2009. Our prize system is as follows: As a child reaches each third of the required points totals, he/she will receive a reward. A trip is planned for all who reach the highest "rung" for their grade level. The major costs of this adventure are underwritten by our PTA. However, there is a per child charge for this full day foray. The last few years, the amount was $25, and we anticipate that it will be the same for Chemdas 2008-2009. Please note that regular work must take precedence over CHEMDAS efforts. Also, our goals are to engender and maintain enthusiasm, not to pressure kids to do things against their will. Pressure, in this case, will likely be counterproductive. However, we do ask you to encourage (in a positive way) your progeny to get involved. It would be beneficial if you help the kids plan to pace themselves over the next six months. For example: We have over 23 weeks until May 18, 2009 hits us. If you help your sons/daughters set weekly goals, starting with topics they already know or with which they are familiar, it will both motivate them and prevent the last minute procrastination crunch. We also ask you to examine the handbook carefully and share with us any thoughts you have about its set-up. We look to keep improving. Thank you for your cooperation in working with us to develop our children into B'nai and B'nos Torah who have true Ahavas HaTorah. Sincerely Rabbi Yitzchak Charner Headmaster

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December 5, 2008 Dear Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade Parents, This week, we announced in Grades 3 - 6 the restarting of our TSGW Chemdas program. The purpose of this project is the further enhance your children's love and knowledge of and abilities in Talmud Torah. It is a VOLUNTARY, extra- curricular, motivational system which encourages the study of Beki'us, basic Torah knowledge. It is patterned and named after similar learning opportunities in other Yeshivos. This year once again provides a special opportunity, as the whole program continues to be sponsored by Nechemia and Naomi Mond and Mordechai and Tami Hyatt in memory of Yehuda Mond, Z’L. We thank them for their generosity and pray that all our children’s endeavors will be a true Iyluy Neshamah for Yehuda.

We thank Rabbi Hoffman, our Chemdas Sr. coordinator, for getting it all together and for explaining the program to our youngsters. Todah also to Marlene Teichman, Anne Cohen, Rabbi Biberfeld, Rabbi Feldman, and the Fifth Grade Boys for all their assistance. Your sons and daughters have already received our CHEMDAS Handbook which contains almost EVERYTHING they need to study. We have minimum requirements for each grade which are delineated in the Student Record Sheets in the back of the handbook. Youngsters study to achieve the numbers of points needed for their grades, thereby working towards prizes. Testing of their newly acquired knowledge is done in school. Some more recent inclusions have become permanent members of Chemdas. They are:

• Reading a biography of a Gadol and writing a report. (Grades 4-6) • Doing a project on a specific Mitzvah, with a written explanation. (Grades 3-6) • A Berachos test, which will be given in February (after we've completed our

in-school unit on Hilchos Berachos). (Grades 3-6) The requirements for the projects are grade-appropriate, and the points to be earned vary from class level to class level. Rabbi Hoffman can provide details upon request. The following is important information regarding the Gadol and Mitzvah projects: Projects turned in: * by Tuesday, March 17, 2009 –are eligible for full credit. * between Wednesday, March 18, 2009 and Thursday, April 2, 2009 – can only receive up to 2/3 credit. * after Thursday, April 2, 2009 – can only receive 1/3 credit.

No project will be accepted after Monday, May 4, 2009.

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Additional Info Final Date for Mishnayos Testing is Monday, May 4, 2009. Students will not be tested during recess Written tests will be returned within a week of test being turned in.

The following are the "frozen" point totals which are required at each level:

3rd – 600, 4th – 900, 5th – 1200, 6th - 1500 The deadline for all this is Monday, May 18, 2009. Our prize system is as follows: As a child reaches each third of the required points totals, he/she will receive a reward. A trip is planned for all who reach the highest "rung" for their grade level. The major costs of this adventure are underwritten by our PTA. However, there is a per child charge for this full day foray. The last few years, the amount was $25, and we anticipate that it will be the same for Chemdas 2008-2009. Please note that regular work must take precedence over CHEMDAS efforts also, our goals are to engender and maintain enthusiasm, not to pressure kids to do things against their will. Pressure, in this case, will likely be counterproductive. However, we do ask you to encourage (in a positive way) your progeny to get involved. It would be beneficial if you help the kids plan to pace themselves over the next six months. For example: We have over 23 weeks until May 18, 2009 hits us. If you help your sons/daughters set weekly goals, starting with topics they already know or with which they are familiar, it will both motivate them and prevent the last minute procrastination crunch. We also ask you to examine the handbook carefully and share with us any thoughts you have about its set-up. We look to keep improving. Thank you for your cooperation in working with us to develop our children into B'nai and B'nos Torah who have true Ahavas HaTorah. Sincerely Rabbi Yitzchak Charner Headmaster

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A Project of theTorah School of Greater Washington

Tefillah of the week:Kedushah - Sanctification

During the Chazzan’s repetition of Shemoneh Esrei (A.K.A. Chazaras HaShatz), there is aTefillah added as a prelude to the third Berachah of Shemoneh Esrei (which was discussedlast week). This “preamble” to the blessing of Kedushas HaShem is known as Kedushah,sanctification, and is said responsively by the congregation. There are differences in the

text of Kedushah which vary from weekday to the various Tefillos on Shabbos and Yom Tovand from Nusach Ashkenaz to Nusach Sefarad to Nusach Eidos Mizrach. However, the

following three Pesukim are the “backbone” of Kedushah and are universally found in alltexts:

“Holy, Holy, Holy....” (Yeshayahu 6:3) "ufu ause ause ause”"Blessed is the glory....” (Yechezkel 3:12) "ufu sucf lurc"

“Hashem shall reign forever....” (Tehillim) 146:10) "ufu okugk ws luknh"When reciting Kedushah, we must stand with our feet together (as the Malachim do) and

not speak. When saying the above-mentioned verses, we rise on our toes to symbolize thatwe combine our prayers with those of the angels who say these verses to praise G-d.

Wake up to prayer!

This public pronouncement of the holiness ofG-d’s Name is a fulfillment of the Mitzvah of “I should besanctified among Bnei Yisrael” (Vayikra 22:32). In fact,Kedushah is an expansion of the idea of Berachah #3 ofShemoneh Esrei that Hashem is unique and exalted aboveand separated from the limitations of material existence.The two main Pesukim (Kadosh and Baruch) are takenfrom verses in Tanach which describe how the Malachimpraise G-d. A Tzibbur’s recitation of these verses unitesus with the angels in this glorification of Hashem.

Please take notice that these two Pesukim arefound in two other places in the daily prayers. First, werecite them in the Berachos prior to Ke’ri’as Shema. We also include them in U’va LeTziyon at theend of Shacharis.

Targum Yonason (which we say in U’vaLeTziyon) explains the triple recitation of the wordKadosh in the following manner:

Hashem is holy in the highest heaven.Hashem is holy on earth.Hashem is holy forever.

The entire world is filled with His glory.In “Rav Schwab on Prayer” (pg. 275), Rav Schwab,ZT’L adds: “This splendor of His glory is what movespeople, sometimes to tears or to singing, when they seethe beauty of nature, or are fascinated when they seethe sun setting into the ocean, or rising at the top of amountain. We cannot see the Shechinah, but wecan see and appreciate the splendor of His glory -



vk̈h ¦p §T©k UrUgVolume II December 5, 2008Issue 8

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A Project of theTorah School of Greater Washington

Wake up to prayer!

which is the reflection of His Shechinah - in the beauty of nature that He has created.” In his analysis, Rab Schwab, goes on to contrast the verses of Kadosh and Baruch (pg. 276-278).

Essentially, he explains that Kadosh emphasizes the idea of total separation of HaKadosh Baruch Hufrom all His creations. Baruch teaches that, nevertheless, G-d is very close to His creatures. Thisdichotomy is actually very basic in our relationship with Hashem. Although he is so great andunfathomable, He is our personal G-d. We can talk, and He will listen. He loves us and responds toour entreaties. The words “with love”, referring to Hashem’s dealings with us, are found in numerousplaces and in various forms in Davening. In fact, our basic Berachos contain this concept, as we firstspeak to Hashem directly (i.e.You) and then switch to third person (e.g. Who creates). This gives us anunbelievable privilege and an awesome responsibility simultaneously.

May we all merit “rising” to the “occasion” and giving real meaning to our prayers.


vk̈h ¦p §T©k UrUgVolume II December 5, 2008Issue 8 (continued)

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Classroom Close-Ups Volume V, Issue 8 December 5, 2008

Magnificent Musicians

By: Mrs. Miri Gottlieb

In Room 261 at the Torah School, there hangs a bulletin board with the heading “Magnificent Musicians”. The great works that are stapled to this board bear testimony to the informative and creative presentations that launch music sessions for girls in grades three through six each week. The walls of Room 261 witness originality, innovation, and imagination every Tuesday, as your daughters perform on musical instruments, teach their favorite songs to their peers, share interviews with musicians, educate their classmates about composers and instruments, play music games, and critique concerts that they have attended. I am fortunate to spend my Tuesdays in Room 261, and, thus, I am privileged to observe these “Musician of the Week” projects firsthand, so I will highlight a few of the more recent presentations (as well as one from last year) for those of you who are otherwise occupied on Torah School music days. Yehudis loves history, and, in that vein, she researches the important role of the drummer boy during the Civil War. She educates her friends by teaching them about the integral role that the drummer boy played as the main communicator in his unit. Whether his drumbeats were used to assemble officers for a strategy meeting or to warn soldiers of an impending attack, the drummer boy, who was too young to fight, utilized his musical ability to perform a crucial task. After Yehudis completes the reading of her report, she amazes her classmates by revealing a home made drum that replicates the type used by the subject of her report. Shira, like many others, studies the piano outside of school. She begins her presentation by listing facts about a composer and about a specific piece that is attributed to him. After sharing the composer’s life accomplishments with her friends, she then proceeds to play, on the keyboard, the theme of the piece that she discussed. She explains that the excerpt that she performed is a simplified version of a symphony. In order for her peers to hear the theme that she just played in its proper context, Shira then plays the recording of the movement from the symphony that features the theme that she has performed and discussed, thereby bringing meaning to the content of her research.

Aviva is intrigued by the flute, and she decides to teach her classmates about this wonderful woodwind instrument through interactive means. After studying about the flute, Aviva writes a list of true or false questions based on her research. She then rewrites each question on its own card and creates a game board with pieces. Her friends play her game by answering her questions about the flute, both correctly and incorrectly, while advancing accordingly.

Ahuva has an immense appreciation of the musical piece “The Four Seasons” by Antonio Vivaldi that she

learned in music class last year. As a motivated pianist, she realizes that she too can portray her perception of spring, summer, winter, and fall by composing original music and then performing it on the piano. Ahuva explains to her peers what she is attempting to do, and after playing each passage that she has composed, she involves her friends in her endeavor by asking them to guess which season she has just tried to depict through her music. She assesses her success based on their answers.

Shoshana is much attuned to current events. Her presentation is scheduled for November 4th, Election Day. In

the spirit of the day, she teaches her class about the evolution of the song “Hail to the Chief”, the official anthem of the President of the United States. How timely! Shoshana explains how the song is preceded by four ruffles and flourishes when it is played for the President. She discusses the history of the song and plays a recording of it, as well, so that her friends will recognize the tune whenever they hear it the future. This project culminates in a word find which consists of terms associated with “Hail to the Chief”. The entire class will complete it in order to secure the knowledge that has been imparted to them by Shoshana.

Sarah Alya is an accomplished artist. She is known in school for her beautiful drawings. Her flair for art shines

through in music class, as well, where she astounds her classmates by creating instruments. Although Sarah Alya could easily draw or paint instruments or build them from typical materials used for crafts, she creates percussion and woodwind instruments from vegetables. Cucumbers become clappers, peppers are transformed into flutes, squashes take the place of wind instruments, and seeds turn into shakers. What ingenuity!

So, if you ever find yourself with extra time on your hands on any given Tuesday, feel free to join me in Room

261 at the Torah School, and, together, we can experience the magic of your “Magnificent Musicians”!

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• Looking for the perfect Chanukah gift? The TSGW Book Fair is a great place to start. With a diverse selection of both secular and Judaic books, there’s something for everyone on your list!

• Help build your child’s classroom library by donating books through the Classroom Wish List program. Book titles are handpicked by each teacher, and every book represents a much-needed selection for our classroom libraries. Be sure to check out the Classroom Wish List display at the Book Fair.

• You also can surprise your children, teachers, and friends with Book Fair Gift Certificates. Watch for details and order forms next week.

The TSGW Book Fair gives our school the opportunity to bring families, teachers, students, and books together. Additionally, a portion of the sales benefits our school. The Book Fair is a wonderful way to raise funds for the

Torah School, while encouraging children to read!

We hope you’ll participate in this special event. Can’t wait to see you there!





Page 13: Essence of ESTER

To My Dear Talmidim of

s i x t h g r a d eyou are invited to the annual


d M̈ §l ©n d ¤e ©l §n

When : This ,ca htmun of tmhu ,arp December 6, 2008 - ywwxa, ukxf wh

Time : We will begin at 7:45 pm and end by 9:00 pm

Where : At the home of your Rebbi...The address is : 10909 Oakwood st.*

in Silver Spring, Maryland

The phone # is : 301 681 8519

I’m looking forward to seeing you. Sincerely, Rabbi Biberfeld

*Take 29 North > then left onto Burnt Mills Ave > then left onto Wheeler Dr. > then secondright turn onto Oakwood > we’re the fourth house on the right.

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P.O. Box 707 Silver Spring, MD 20918t:(202) 331- 4481 f:(301) 681-1453 email: [email protected]

On December 13, 2008, please jOin us in a night Of eDucatiOn anD awareness-builDing abOut

chilDren at risk. Watch The End of the Road, a candid play designed for religious

audiences that traces the path of a teenager as he spins out of control. Hear a talk by Rabbi Eitan Eckstein, founder and director

of the Retorno program in Givat Shemesh, Israel, and learn:

• How to spot a child headed for trouble, at any age;

• How to begin to understand the maelstrom of thoughts and feelings that spin the child out of control;

• How to find a program to help a child at risk.

Children at risk are not a personal problem, but a collective responsibility.

This event has been endorsed by: rabbOnim acrOss the cOmmunity

melvin j berman hebrew acaDemy

tOrah schOOl Of greater washingtOn

yeshiva Of greater washingtOn

where: hebrew acaDemy Of greater washingtOn

when: saturDay night, December 13, 8:30 p.m.

This is not a fundraiser but rather an educational event sponsored by Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington

and concerned parents of our community.

fOr parents anD teachers Only.

hebrew Day schOOl schOOl

kehillat mOntessOri-kemp mill mOntessOri schOOl






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Understanding Teenagers’ Angst;

Red Flags at a Young Age;Where to Turn for Help?

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Project Inspire is a grassroots movement whose goal is to unify the Jewish People. Project Inspire encourages Jews to share the beauty and wisdom of Yiddishkeit with their fellow Jews by providing easy and inspiring ways to reach out as well as the tools and understanding on how to reach out.



P R E - C H A N U K A H K E N E SBring the Light to Our People

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14th 7:30 PM YOUNG ISRAEL SHOMRAI EMUNAH, 1132 Arcola Avenue, Silver Spring, MD

Entire community welcome • Light refreshments • Maariv following program There is no charge for this event. All speakers will be broadcast via the Torah Conference Network.

FOR INFORMATION: Project Inspire at [email protected] or 301-592-0090

RABBI YISSOCHER FRAND שליט''אMagid Shiur, Yeshivas Ner Israel




Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Gedola of Philadelphia


Founder and Dean of Aish Hatorah


Page 17: Essence of ESTER