EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online

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  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


    EssaySnark's Strategies for the2013-'14 MBA Application for

    CH CA!" B""#H

  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


    EssaySnark's Strategies for the2013-'14 MBA Application for

    CH CA!" B""#H

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  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


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    the p&$lisher Essay :&estions repro)&ce) 5ithin are copyright Chicago Booth

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    reference) or linke) to this p&$lication =hile 5e certainly hope that yo& 5ill $e s&ccessf&l in yo&r :&est fora),ission to an MBA progra, 5e cannot offer any pro,ises that yo& 5ill $e 5hether or not yo& a)opt the

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  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


    ;Do&'+e got to $e +ery caref&l if yo& )on't kno5 5here yo&'re going $eca&se yo& ,ight not get there ecti+e 1#he Short-Ans5er L&estions 1

    Short-Ans5er A. ;My fa+orite part of ,y 5ork is < 17

    Short-Ans5er B. ; starte) to think )ifferently 5hen < 1!&i)ance on Booth Essay B 21

    #he resentation. ;=hat else 5o&l) yo& like &s to kno5J< 22

    f yo&'re )oing a o5er oint 24f yo&'re )oing an essay 2

    So 5hat sho&l) yo& K" 5ith the Booth presentationJGJ 2#esting yo&r i)eas 27

    =hat to Ko *e t 30

  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


    vi EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth

  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


    The Flexible Curriculum

    #he hall,ark of the Chicago Booth e perience is itsflexible curriculum Chicago Boothaffor)s st&)ents a 5i)e )egree of choice #here is $&t one re:&ire) co&rse a,ong the entireprogra, an) that class is calle) @EAK for @ea)ership Effecti+eness An) Ke+elop,entChicago Booth trains gra)&ates in the ;lang&age of $&siness< finance statistics an)acco&nting are the tools of the tra)e ho5e+er st&)ents ha+e significant control o+er thele+el of )iffic&lty of each core re:&ire,ent that they tackle an) e+en the slant or orientation

    of approach fro, 5hich they st&)y these topics St&)ents select fro, a ,en& of co&rses thatare )esigne) to let the, choose ho5 to prepare for their f&t&re careers

    Many other schools ha+e since a)opte) this philosophy of fle i$ility in the c&rric&l&,nota$ly #he =harton School 5hich rolle) o&t a fle i$le c&rric&l&, in 2012

    Hearing this e+ery$o)y talks a$o&t ;the fle i$le c&rric&l&,< 5hen they say they 5ant to goto Booth f yo& $ring this &p in yo&r essays or in yo&r inter+ie5 then ,ake s&re yo& )o,ore than >&st say those t5o 5or)s in the sa,e sentence 5ith the Booth na,e Do& nee) toe press an &n)erstan)ing for an) appreciation of this ;fle i$le c&rric&l&,< thing yo&nee) to sho5 5hy it ,atters to yo&

    ;(le i$le c&rric&l&,< is a $& 5or) t's ,eaningless &nless yo& personali e it an) a)) +al&eto it thro&gh yo&r o5n lang&age f yo& plan on rattling off ;the fle i$le c&rric&l&,< as areason for yo&r interest in atten)ing then yo& sho&l) stop an) think no5 a$o&t 5hat that,eans an) ho5 yo&'ll &se it

    What Booth is looking for Besi)es an a$ility to artic&late yo&r reasons for 5anting to atten) this school a fe5 traits 5illhelp yo& stan) o&t in yo&r application to Chicago Booth

    Understanding of the unique curriculum and its advantages. #his can $e i)eal forcareer changers Sho5 ho5 yo& 5ant to &se this to yo&r $enefit an) ,ake s&re yo&)on't )o anything in yo&r app that 5ill ca&se the rea)er to :&estion yo&r ,at&rity orrea)iness #o s&ccee) in the Booth MBA yo& ,&st $e a responsi$le a)&lt 5ho's a$leto ,ake choices for herself an) yo& nee) to ha+e a plan for yo&r personal s&ccess,appe) o&t Sho5ing e+i)ence of this in the application to Chicago Booth 5ill take yo& far in con+incing the a)co, that their school is right for yo&

  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


    2 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth

    Quant/analytical abilities. Booth is seen as a ,ore rigoro&s progra, than so,eothers an) they )efinitely foc&s on )ata an) :&antitati+e a$ilities #hey'll nee) to see

    this in an applicant to $e confi)ent of yo&r a$ility to $e s&ccessf&l in their progra,#his is one reason their a+erage !MA# is so high it's not a re:&ire,ent ofa),ission $&t it ,akes it easier #hey 5ill still consi)er yo&r application if yo&r!MA# is lo5er tho&gh yo& sho&l) stri+e to offer other e+i)ence for yo&r skills an)a$ilities to help co&nter that negati+e )epen)ing on e actly ho5 lo5 it is

    Enthusiasm matters too. #he Booth a)co, 5ill easily screen o&t an applicant 5hosee,s only to $e applying to Chicago $eca&se it hits the top of the rankings Be s&reto e press an &n)erstan)ing of 5hat ,akes the, )ifferent #his can $est co,ethro&gh in yo&r e ec&tion of the Booth presentation

    n a))ition 5hile it certainly is appropriate to apply to Booth if yo&'re intereste) in finance yo& sho&l)n't think that's the only ga,e in to5n #hey are looking for st&)ents intereste) ina $roa) range of careers an) ha+e significant strength on the ,arketing si)e as 5ell as plentyof other areas Kon't hesitate to tell the, 5hy yo&'re intereste) in the Booth MBA $ase) on yo&r specific goals an) f&t&re intentions #his can go in the presentation essay if yo&') liketo share ,ore of yo&r plans 5ith the a)co, $efore the inter+ie5

    Speaking of the inter+ie5.

    hy Did Booth Get Rid of the Career Goals Question? DoThey ot Care About Goals o!?

    =e )o&$t it !i+en the i,portance that career goals ha+e hel) in the a),issions process forso ,any years at Chicago Booth 5e ha+e a real har) ti,e $elie+ing that they'+e si,ply)iscar)e) the, this year *o 5e $elie+e that career goals are still i,portant to yo&r chancesfor a),ission Nital in fact

    t is EssaySnark's strong $elief that Chicago Booth has ,erely reorgani e) their e+al&ation of yo&r goals this year no5 placing the, into a later stage of the a),issions process

    =hat )o 5e ,eanJ nstea) of ha+ing yo& 5rite an essay a$o&t yo&r goals 5e think that theirplans no5 are to learn ,ore a$o&t goals thro&gh the inter+ie5

    #his is partly 5hat Har+ar) has )one. #hey ha+e offloa)e) their e+al&ation of yo& &ntil ati,e 5hen they can interact 5ith yo& to learn ,ore a$o&t yo& )irectly

    All the schools kno5 that people ,ake st&ff &p in their goals essays #he schools reali e that

    a lot of 5hat they rea) is ,an&fact&re) 5ith the intent to i,press n this era of the e+er-shrinking MBA application an) especially after Har+ar) slashe) its app )o5n to >&st a single

  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


    EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 3

    essay all the schools are facing press&re to re)&ce their re:&ire,ents or risk seeing theirapp +ol&,es fall #he fear is that if yo& ha+e too ,any essays that BSers 5ill sh&n yo& in

    fa+or of the ne t school 5ith fe5er =e're $etting that the )e$ate in A),issions 5as heate) 5hen the proposal 5as ,a)e to )ropcareer goals fro, the application #he goals ha+e long $een an i,portant )eter,inant ofso,eone's s&ccess or fail&re at Booth not >&st in the application process $&t in the p&rs&itof the MBA itself #hat's $een tr&e at ,ost all the schools e cept for Har+ar) #he Bootha)co, ,&st ha+e $een especially incense) $y the fact that Har+ar) appears to ha+e C" EKthe pro,pt in their single-essay application fro, Booth s this re,o+al of the career goalsfro, the essay an atte,pt to ,o)el their application )irectly on HBSJ

    *o =e )on't think so#he reality of the fle i$le c&rric&l&, ,eans that yo& are in control of yo&r o5n )estiny atChicago Do& 5ill ha+e a lot of s&pport an) inp&t fro, career ser+ices an) secon)-yearst&)ents to help yo& chart o&t yo&r path an) select the co&rses that are right for yo&Ho5e+er if yo& )on't kno5 5hat yo& 5ant to )o 5ith the MBA then it's potentiallyo+er5hel,ing an) the process can $e f&ll of ,isse) opport&nities? yo& co&l) en) &p$o&ncing aro&n) an) )a$$ling in ,any )ifferent things 5itho&t ha+ing a clear foc&s oren)point g&i)ing yo& thro&gh =hile e ploring is enco&rage) in $school yo& nee) to kno5 5here yo&'re hea)e) in or)er to get there s&ccessf&lly

    #h&s that opening line fro, Dogi Berra

    Al,ost 70O of f&ll-ti,e Booth st&)ents are career-s5itchers f yo&'re ,o+ing to a ne5 fiel)or f&nction it ,atters e+en ,ore that yo& ha+e a plan of attack for ho5 to )o so E+en if yo&'re staying in the sa,e in)&stry yo&'re going to $e in a stronger position to takea)+antage of the &ni:&e e perience of the Booth MBA if yo& ha+e a plan hea)ing into it =hen yo& share that plan 5ith the a)co, is all that's change)

    #hese a)co,s can easily get eno&gh fro, the application )ataset yo&r res&,e yo&rreco,,en)ations an) yo&r essays to )eci)e 5hether they 5ant to ,eet yo& Har+ar) hasspecifically sai) that the p&rpose of the essay is to 5in yo& an inter+ie5? it is not 5hat they,ake their )ecision $ase) off of n Booth's case the application co,ponents ser+e the sa,ep&rpose. #hey help the a)co, )eci)e 5hether to ,eet yo& or not

    #hen )&ring yo&r in-person inter+ie5 they'll ask yo& to )isc&ss 5hy yo& 5ant an MBA an) 5hat yo&r plans for the f&t&re are Booth has tra)itionally inter+ie5e) a larger proportion oftheir applicant $ase aro&n) 40O of their 4 000 can)i)ates are inter+ie5e) each year #hatratio ,ay see, high $&t in ter,s of a$sol&te n&,$ers it's co,para$le to ho5 ,any

    Har+ar) inter+ie5s each year #hey nee) to accept a high n&,$er of st&)ents to fill theirlarge 00-person class an) to acco,,o)ate an a+erage 0O yiel) Booth casts a 5i)e net to,ake s&re they're a$le to scoop &p eno&gh of the $est :&ality fish

  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


    4 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth

    #he Booth a)co, kno5s that they 5ill $e inter+ie5ing a lot of BSers f they're going tointer+ie5 yo& any5ay 5hy $other ,aking yo& 5rite so ,any essaysJ

    Koes this ,ean yo& sho&l)n't ,ention the career goals at allJ

    #his is 5here yo& nee) to co,e &p 5ith yo&r o5n strategy

    #he o$+io&s fact is the a)co, has e plicitly not aske) yo& a$o&t the goals #he essay:&estions are not an atte,pt to trick yo&? they're notnot asking >&st to test yo& to see if yo&'re s,art eno&gh to talk a$o&t yo&r goals any5ay #hey ha+en't aske) a$o&t goals$eca&se they are not going to &se goals in the e+al&ation of yo&r application Do&r careergoals 5ill not $e a )eci)ing factor in 5hether they in+ite yo& to inter+ie5 at Booth or not

    BP# #he goals are not irrele+ant Do& 5o&l) not $e applying to $school if yo& 5eren'tlooking to )o so,ething )ifferent 5ith yo&r goals #he goals )o ,atter in the o+erall conte tof yo&r )esire for an MBA an) yo&r chances of a),ission

    Here's ho5 5e s&ggest yo& han)le it.

    If you already ha"e a set of career #oals you$recommitted to and %assionate about& feel free to tal'

    about them in the Booth %resentation(

    If you don$t& s'i% it(

    ncorporating goals as part of yo&r pitch for Booth is rele+ant if it's i,portant to yo& an) ifthose goals are ,eaningf&l to yo& #hey ,&st $e f&lly )e+elope) an) yo& ,&st $e a$le toartic&late the, clearly #his nee) not happen thro&gh a te t-$ase) essay? there's 5ays yo&co&l) )o this if )oing a presentation instea) of 5ritten ;presentationo$ on yo&r app this year an) yo& ha+e i,pro+e) yo&r profile in so,e significant 5ay yo& ha+e a real chance at it 5hen yo& go again

    f yo& kno5 a Booth al&, yo& can ask the, tosubmit a reference for yo& o&tsi)ethe for,al application process Booth has a special 5e$site set &p >&st for this at 555 shapetheclass co, they in+ite their al&,ni co,,&nity to participate in thea),issions process $y pro+i)ing inp&t a$o&t can)i)ates that they kno5 *o otherschool that 5e kno5 of offers this opport&nity #he a)co, insists that any referralss&$,itte) )o not official co&nt in the )ecision process $&t they certainly a)) +al&eto the a)co,'s e+al&ation f yo& are connecte) 5ith so,eone 5ho 5ent to Boothask if they 5ill )o this for yo&

    Starting in 2011 5aitliste) can)i)ates 5ere gi+en the opport&nity toupload a video in s&pport of their can)i)acy =e ass&,e that they 5ill $e ,aintaining thisoption going for5ar) f yo& en) &p on the 5aitlist then this is another opport&nitythat yo& )efinitely sho&l) take a)+antage of EssaySnark is )e+eloping a special

    g&i)e for +i)eo essays that sho&l) $e co,ing o&t in s&,,er 2013
  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


    EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth !

    Do& can sen) in &p)ates after yo&r application has $een s&$,itte) =e )on'treco,,en) )oing this &nless co,pletely necessary $&t it's an option Nery fe5

    other schools 5ill acco,,o)ate like this? it's rare Booth has amid#cycle release date that co,es &p :&ickly after the )ea)line? that's

    the )ay 5hen can)i)ates are either in+ite) to inter+ie5 or they're release) fro,consi)eration #his is an a)+antage in $oth cases if they release yo& yo& kno5that yo& scre5e) so,ething &p an) yo& nee) to )o a $etter >o$ on the pitch to yo&rne t school t's co,,en)a$le that Booth is a$le to ,o+e so fast thro&gh their first-c&t assess,ent

    #hese are so,e of the 5ays that Booth is so frien)ly to applicants an) they are the key

    reasons 5hy 5e're so fon) of this place

    ,our )rofile and BoothBefore 5e start in on the essays let's $reak )o5n so,e of the ele,ents of the application so yo& can see ho5 yo& stack &p against 5hat Booth is looking for

    Emphasis on Significant Work Experience

    =ith an a+erage age of 27 in the f&ll-ti,e progra, Booth is one of the ;ol)er< MBA progra,s"n a+erage st&)ents ha+e a$o&t fi+e years of e perience at ,atric&lation Booth 5ill consi)eran application fro, so,eone ,&ch yo&nger an) they ,ight e+en a),it yo& straight fro,college #hey )on't ha+e a for,ali e) option like HBS 2Q2 e cept for c&rrent Chicago&n)ergra)s ho5e+er they ,ight grant yo& a )eferral if yo& )eci)e that going o&t into the 5orkforce 5o&l) $e +al&a$le $efore yo& $egin yo&r MBA

    Beca&se of that fle i$le c&rric&l&, 5e keep ,entioning it's i,portant to sho5 ,at&rity in

    yo&r 5ork e perience an) rea)iness for the Booth MBA As 5ith all schools they say to apply 5hen yo&'re rea)y an) $eca&se of this they can $e +ery 5elco,ing for ;ol)er< can)i)ates At least three years of significant 5ork e perience is reco,,en)e) $efore serio&slyconsi)ering Chicago for yo&r MBA

    Booth and the GMAT

    Booth cares a$o&t yo&r !MA# Most schools )o $&t Booth )efinitely )oes not e cl&si+ely$&t they 5ant to see a goo) one art of this ,ay $e )&e to their concentration of finance

    folks 30O of st&)ents are in that track $&t also it's $eca&se if Booth keeps their a+erage!MA# score &p then it helps the, in the rankings an) it a))s to the perception that they'repeers 5ith the likes of Har+ar) an) Stanfor) an) not Col&,$ia

  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


    " EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth

    EssaySnark is talking a$o&t the !MA# here e+en tho&gh Booth )oes accept the ! E Mostcan)i)ates take the !MA# an) it's 5hat the schools p&$lish their st&)ent a+erages on Do&

    can s&$stit&te ;! E< any5here 5e say ;!MA#< in thisGuide tho&gh yo& sho&l) also rea)the posts on the EssaySnark $lahg a$o&t the )ifferences $et5een the tests an) so,ea)+antages to the !MA#

    Belie+e it or not yo&r !MA# score 5ill $e a factor of consi)eration in the recr&iting processfor ,any co,panies partic&larly if yo&'re going into cons&lting or finance Booth 5ants itsst&)ents to $e s&ccessf&l in the >o$ ,arket an) they 5ant their recr&iters to $e i,presse) 5ith the :&ality of gra)&ates co,ing o&t "ne 5ay to ens&re this is to &se the !MA# as a 5eighty part of the e+al&ation process in a),issions

    =hat the !MA# score can tell a school is.a Can this person han)le n&,$ers :&ant

    $ Can this person )eal 5ith EnglishJ +er$al

    c Can this person string together coherent sentences into a reasona$ly logicalarg&,entJ A=A

    ) Can this person ,ake inferences an) co,$ine )isparate pieces of )ata intoconcl&sions that ,ake senseJ

    An) e+en ,ore i,portantly.

    e s this person )e)icate) to the processJ

    #here's e+en a si th thing.

    f Koes this person ha+e the self-a5areness to e+al&ate their o5n potentialJ

    Do& see a !MA# score )oes 5ay ,ore than si,ply tell the, if yo& can factor an e:&ation#he historyof !MA# scores yes the schools see yo&r f&ll history can tell the, if yo&'reserio&s a$o&t this 5hole MBA $&siness f yo& took the !MA# once an) )i) great great f yo& took the !MA# once an) )i) >&st "F 5ere yo& satisfie) 5ith thatJ "r )i) yo& try againJf yo& took the !MA# an) yo& really f&,$le) it 5hat )i) yo& )o fro, thereJ

    #he fre:&ency of test atte,pts an) e+en the ti,ing of the, can act&ally re+eal :&ite a $it tothe a)co, #hey learn infor,ation fro, yo& a$o&t all these )ifferent ele,ents #his isanother reason 5hy the schools can )rop essays the essays aren't an) ha+e ne+er $een the,ost i,portant part Do&r character an) intelligence is re+eale) thro&gh so ,any otheraspects of the application that yo&'re s&$,itting

    =e're not trying to scare yo& @et's talk so,e real n&,$ers so yo& can see ho5 yo& stack &p

  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


    EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth #

    So, what's a good G !T score for "ooth#

    #he a+erage !MA# score at Booth is 61 for the Class of 2014 Class of 201 n&,$ers ha+enot $een reporte) as of this 5riting #he ,e)ian has st&ck at 620 for se+eral years #heseare i,pressi+e n&,$ers "ne reason the !MA# score is high is $eca&se of the relati+ely highproportion of st&)ents intereste) in finance at Booth f yo&'re targeting a career in financialser+ices then yo&') $etter $e goo) 5ith n&,$ers an) ,ost people 5ho are accepte) fors&ch a career path 5o&l) not ha+e $een if the !MA# 5as too lo5

    E+en 5ith the high a+erage there's a 5i)er range of scores in e+i)ence at Booth 5hichreinforces o&r assertion that the !MA# is not e+erything here By co,parison *DP Stern 5ith a si,ilarly strong foc&s on finance has an a+erage !MA# of 61 ,e)ian of 620 an) an70O range of 70 to 6 0 #he 70O range at Booth is a ,ore reasona$le 0 to 6 0

    f yo& only ,anage) a 0 on yo&r test yo& co&l) still ,ake it into this school

    Retesting After App Submission

    =e alrea)y ,entione) this $&t 5e nee) to call it o&t here.

    Chicago Booth 5ill accept &p)ates to yo&r application after it's s&$,itte)

    f yo& retake the !MA# or the #"E(@ after yo&r application is in and you notify themearly enough then they 5ill try to ,arry &p yo&r ne5 )ata into yo&r application 5hile it'sgoing thro&gh re+ie5 #he t5ist is that they process apps NE D :&ickly yo& nee) to act fastan) there's no g&arantee that the ne5 )ata 5ill ,ake its 5ay to yo&r file $efore the re+ie5has happene)

    f the ne t-ro&n) )ea)line is staring yo& in the face an) yo& ha+e )eci)e) to retake the testin con>&nction 5ith yo&r app then get that app s&$,itte) an) t&rn all yo&r attention tost&)ying Ace the thing then notify the a),issions tea, +ia e,ail 5hen yo& get yo&r shiny

    ne5 score Sen) in the &nofficial report as soon as yo& ha+e it #hey 5o&l) ,&ch rather seea stronger application fro, yo& so they 5ill try to acco,,o)ate s&ch a))itions to the app /&st )on't sen) the, ,ore than one &p)ate? there 5o&l) $e only a fe5 rare occasions 5here 5e can i,agine that that ,ight $e necessary

    =hat this policy tells &s is that Booth 5ants to a),it yo& yo& >&st nee) to gi+e the, areason to )o so #hey're spen)ing the effort in re+ie5ing yo&r app looking for the positi+ean) they're 5illing to 5ork 5ith yo& if yo&'re a$le to sho5 i,pro+e,ent in yo&r profile inthe ,i)st of the a),issions cycle itself Many schools 5on't )o this it's the e ception to ther&le $&t it's another reason 5hy 5e like Booth so ,&ch #hey are trying to ,ake things fairto yo& 5hich is certainly appreciate)

  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


    10 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth

    The $% is taking on increasing importance

    Schools are >&st no5 collecting their first sets of )ata on an) st&)ent perfor,ance an)they're alrea)y seeing that the integrate) reasoning section of the !MA# has a strongcorrelation to first-year gra)es ,ore so than the other sections of the test )o =hile the is still not a re:&ire,ent for applying to Chicago or other schools yo& sho&l) recogni e 5hat it sho5s a$o&t yo& an) stri+e to )o 5ell on that portion of the test too f yo&originally teste) a5hile $ack an) yo& )i)n't ha+e to )o ntegrate) easoning at the ti,e yo&)o not nee) to retake the test >&st to ha+e an score to report

    Ho5e+er if yo&r score is too far o&t of )ate o+er three years ol) then it's $eco,ing less&sef&l for the schools as a ,eas&re of yo&r c&rrent skills so yo& ,ay 5ant to consi)erretesting e+en if yo&r !MA# is technically still +ali)

    Booth and the GPA

    *ot s&rprisingly gi+en the strength of its st&)ents' !MA# scores Chicago also reports a higha+erage ! A for its st&)ents ecent years ha+e seen a 3 a+erage hol)ing stea)y o+er ti,e#his is as goo) as it gets 5ithin the $est of the progra,s So,e schools consi)ere) peers ofBooth ha+e an a+erage &n)ergra) ! A of only aro&n) 3 4 Fellogg )oesn't p&$lish itsa+erage ! A $&t 5e s&spect that it's in that range A 0 1 point )ifference ,ay not see, like,&ch $&t it act&ally is in this conte t

    =hile that a+erage ! A ,ight $e a little inti,i)ating if yo& )i)n't )o that great in college)on't feel like it's going to $e a ins&r,o&nta$le o$stacle for yo& Beca&se the class si e islarger at Booth that ,eans they can a$sor$ a range of profiles As long as yo& co&nter anyaca)e,ic 5eakness 5ith recent e+i)ence of yo&r a$ilities high !MA# score 5ith $oth si)es$alance) a partic&larly strong score an) if the ! A is partic&larly tro&$ling a class thatsho5s yo&r effort an) achie+e,ent then yo& co&l) co,e o&t of this fine B&t )on't neglectthe ! A an) hope it 5on't h&rt yo& =e ha+e lots of reso&rces a+aila$le on the EssaySnark

    $lahg for helping yo& )o a self-assess,ent of the ! A an) )eter,ine a co&rse of action tore,e)y if nee)e)

    Here's a post to start 5ith.

    So,e other schools are a little ,ore h&ng &p on ! A than Booth Booth certainly )oes carea$o&t it they're not going to look the other 5ay if yo&r gra)es 5ere a$ys,al in college an) yo& )o nothing to offset that B&t in the conte t of an o+erall strong application a lo5ercollege recor) ,ight not $e a sho5stopper iss&e for yo& here )efinitely not like it co&l) $eat Stanfor) or =harton
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    12 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth

    an) ,ake a contri$&tion an) one 5ay to )o that is to engage 5ith the schoolno$ $efore yo& e+en apply

    #hat lea)s &s to the :&estion that 5e're aske) ,ost often 5hen so,eone is kicking the tireson 5hether to apply to this school or not

    Do you have to visit Booth before applying

    *o $&t they strongly s&ggest that yo& +isit ca,p&s if in+ite) for the inter+ie5

    =e're g&essing the reasons for this are t5ofol).

    1 #hey 5ant the chance to i,press yo& no$o)y co,es a5ay fro, a Booth +isit 5itho&t $eing $lo5n a5ay

    2 #hey 5ant the chance to ,eet yo& they'll $e a$le to )o so if yo& inter+ie5 at a h&$location Bei>ing @on)on $&t there's greater risk that yo& en) &p inter+ie5ing 5ith an al&,ni local to yo& #hat's "F too $&t the a)co, 5o&l) prefer to ha+ethese things closer to ho,e

    #his is one of the fe5 schools that repeate)ly e,phasi es the s&ggestion that can)i)atesin+ite) to inter+ie5 sho&l) co,e to Chicago for the e perience

    f yo& cannot )o this it's not the en) of the 5orl) $&t sitting here no5 $efore yo& s&$,it yo&r application yo& ,ay 5ant to gi+e so,e tho&ght to ho5 yo&'ll get yo&rself to Chicagofor that opport&nity nter+ie5s are all 5eighe) e:&ally regar)less of 5here they're hel) $&tthere are a)+antages to yo& nonetheless for inter+ie5ing in Chicago

    Do& )on't ha+e to +isit ca,p&s $efore applying tho&gh Do& can if yo& 5ant an) it 5o&l)s&rely pro+i)e +al&e >&st go 5hen class is in session an) yo& can ,eet 5ith so,e st&)entst's not necessary to knock yo&rself o&t to +isit /&st try to co,,it to the i)ea of +isiting forthe inter+ie5

    !ffi"ient multi#s"hool strategiesf yo&'re also applying to *DP then )o that application first #heir essay :&estions are ,orestraightfor5ar) an) easier to $&il) yo&r essay-5riting chops 5ith l&s if yo& )o the *DPersonal E pression option 5hich 5e think e+eryone sho&l) then at ,ini,&, yo& canre&se so,e of yo&r str&ct&re an) organi ation for a Booth presentation f yo&'re alsotargeting Fellogg then yo& ,ay fin) that their essays are a $it easier to tackle as yo&r firstpro>ect $&t this is splitting hairs so,e5hat t's &p to yo& in ter,s of 5hich yo& fin) ,oreaccessi$le an) in+iting to )o first

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    EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 13

    f yo&'re trying for Har+ar) yo& ,ay ha+e notice) a si,ilarity in the one :&estion they'reasking an) the Booth presentation :&estion As yo& 5ill learn thro&gho&t thisGuide%there's

    a specific angle an) approach re:&ire) for Booth So,e of that ,ay $e translata$le to aHar+ar) +ersion of the 5ritten essay $&t 5e honestly )on't reco,,en) that yo& try to re&sethese t5o assets Har+ar) an) Chicago are +ery )ifferent schools Do&'re the sa,e personapplying to $oth so on one han) it is appropriate to $e presenting the ,ost i,portant partsof yo&r profiles in each +ersion of these school's :&estions $&t it's also a +ery )ifferentpitch that ten)s to $e s&ccessf&l at one +ers&s the other =e are reco,,en)ing that yo& )othe o5er oint +ersion for the Booth essay 5hich o$+io&sly ,eans there's little re&seopport&nity a+aila$le for Har+ar) =e )on't ha+e any specific s&ggestions for 5hich toco,plete first fro, the perspecti+e of efficiency Both apps are har) #ackle the, in theor)er yo&'re inspire) to

    Beyon) that there's no real )isa)+antage to )oing Booth as yo&r first app o+er anotherschool's All the schools' essays this year are challenging so,e ,ore than others #he short-ans5er :&estions for Booth aren't that )iffic&lt so it 5o&l) $e fine if yo& $egan yo&rapplication efforts 5ith Booth as yo&r first pro>ect

    When should you apply to "ooth#

    =ith all schools applying in an earlier ro&n) is highly reco,,en)e) #hat ,eans o&n) 1for a three-ro&n) school like Booth or Har+ar) o&n) 2 is ,ore co,petiti+e than o&n) 1 they get a$o&t 0O of their apps in o&n) 2 $&t it's still a +ia$le ro&n) for a strongcan)i)ate

    o&n) 3 sho&l) $e a+oi)e) altogether as too ,&ch of a risk #here's also lots of)isa)+antages 5ith o&n) 3 in ter,s of scholarship ,onies $eing ,ostly )rie) &p no =elco,e =eeken) a+aila$le an) the +isa process $eing so,eti,es challenging forinternational st&)ents

    f Booth is a top choice for yo& then $y all ,eans apply there in the first ro&n) pro+i)e)that yo&r profile is strong eno&gh an) yo&'re rea)y to go f yo& fin) yo&rself r&shing thenit's fine to p&sh Booth o&t to o&n) 2 #hey get ,ore applications in o&n) 2 so yo&'ll $efacing greater co,petition ho5e+er the a),it an) yiel) rates at Booth are in yo&r fa+or Agoo) can)i)ate 5ill )o >&st fine in either of the first t5o ro&n)s

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    EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 15

    #o la&nch &s off into the )isc&ssion of these Booth essays let's start off 5ith a si,plestate,ent.

    Chica#o is loo'in# for #ood %eo%le(

    =hat )o 5e ,ean $y thatJ

    #hey 5ant non->erks #hey 5ant people 5ho care eno&gh to take action #hey 5antinteresting an) intereste) can)i)ates intereste) in the 5orl) aro&n) the, an)interesting in ter,s of 5hat they can share 5ith their class,ates

    Chicago ,ay not $e openly p&shing any ,a>or the,es like ;tea,5ork< an) ;colla$orationo$s #hey're looking for an escape an) they latch onto the MBA to sa+e the,

    "r e+en if they're not acti+ely &nhappy 5ith 5hat they're )oing they're $ore) #hey're in ar&t "r they'+e hit a )ea) en) So,eti,es people ,ention that sort of thing in the essays they say so,ething like ; 5ant to get an MBA $eca&se ha+e ,a e) o&t on 5hat can learnin ,y c&rrent career o$ that >&st ,eans thatthey're not trying +ery har)

    f yo&'re co,ing fro, a ,entality like that this partic&lar essay :&estion ,ight at first see,)a&nting ; )on't like anything a$o&t ,y >o$ < so,e people say ; t's >&st 5ork < f yo&'reha+ing tho&ghts like that yo& nee) to p&sh yo&rself to )ig )eeper =hat are yo& goo) atJ f yo&r c&rrent 5ork has gro5n stale then 5hat )i) yo&used to like to )o on this >o$J

    #he key to this essay is you need to tell a story

    A great topic ,ight $e to share a ,a>or professional achie+e,ent or a critical e a,ple of yo&r lea)ership especially 5hen the 5ork yo& )i) ha+e a positi+e effect on others @ea) intothe story 5ith a )irect ans5er to the :&estion - ; really lo+e RD a$o&t ,y >o$< - an) thenseg&e into the story that ill&strates 5hat yo& ,ean

    #he $iggest ,istake that people ,ake in an essay like this is that they operate at a too-highle+el they ,ake generic state,ents an) +ag&e clai,s #he 5hole thing co,es across ashan)-5a+y Do&r task 5ith these t5o essays this one in partic&lar is to $e s(ecific

    @ay o&t a concise ans5er to the :&estion #he rea)er sho&l)n't ha+e to go searching for thething that yo& like a$o&t yo&r 5ork #hen gi+e at least one f&lly-)e+elope) story to $ack that&p

    A soli) ans5er to this :&estion 5ill also gi+e insights into$hy yo& are ans5ering the 5aythat yo& are

    An) the ,ost sophisticate) of all 5ill tie yo&r $ackgro&n) story of lea)ership an)achie+e,ent into a reference to Booth or e+en a state,ent of yo&r career goals /&st $e +erycaref&l if yo& )o that it co&l) co,e across as totally contri+e) Do& cannot >&st plop on a

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    EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 1#

    ,ention of career goals at the en) an) think it 5o&l) 5ork Do&'ll 5ant to 5ea+e it in if yo&Tre going to )o this an) re,e,$er the a)co, has not aske) a$o&t goals f yo& )on't

    integrate the goals in s,oothly it's going to so&n) +ery a5k5ar) So $e caref&l 5ith this an)$e sensiti+e to the essay constr&ction an) flo5 #here's )ifferent 5ays to p&ll it off an) >&stas ,any 5ays for it to $o,$

    .hort*Ans!er B0 3I started to thin' differently !hen (((4#his is so si,ilar to last year's :&estion an) it )efinitely fits right in 5ith the Booth the,e

    an) +al&e syste, #his is yo&r chance to )e,onstrate yo&r appreciation for the 5ay thatBooth operates an) to sho5 ho5 yo& 5ill fit in there as a +al&a$le ,e,$er of theirco,,&nity $y gi+ing the, an e a,ple of so,ething significant in yo&r $ackgro&n) thatsho5s yo&'re s,art a)apta$le ,at&re resilient or any n&,$er of other positi+e :&alitiesthat yo& feel are i,portant to )e,onstrate

    =e're not s&ggesting that that list is incl&si+e nor e ha&sti+e nor that any or all of the,,ight $e the $est traits to $e presenting t's >&st a list Do& nee) to reflect on yo&r o5n:&alities an) strengths an) )eter,ine 5hich are the ones yo& 5ant to sho5case for thea)co, an) 5hich can $e )e,onstrate) thro&gh a specific story that ans5ers this :&estion

    As 5ith essay 1 there's a +ariety of 5ays to approach this essay an) ,any possi$le ,etho)sto con+ey yo&rself to the a)co, Here's one possi$ility for ho5 to think a$o&t it.

    =hat inci)ent or e perience in yo&r life )o yo& feel has ,ost change) yo&J

    "ne hint. So,ething a$o&t ho5 yo& gre5 in yo&r >o$ as a lea)er co&l) $e ane)cellentchoice for this essay B&t >&st like 5ith the prior essay yo& sho&l) not shoehorn in a storya$o&t lea)ership if it )oesn't other5ise fit the :&estion #he story yo& choose ,&st $e anat&ral for 5hat they'+e aske) t rarely 5orks to ,anip&late an e isting story like one

    yo&'+e )e+elope) for another school's application into this :&estiont also nee)s to $e a fairly significant occ&rrence to ha+e ha) s&ch an i,pact "ne ,istake 5esee so,eti,es is people talk a$o&t ho5 they change) $&t they )on't present an e+ent orhappening that )i) it t's har)er to $&y into the transfor,ation if it >&st sort of e+ol+e) =eso,eti,es str&ggle to see 5hat the e+ent 5as #his is partic&larly tr&e 5hen ;thinking< isinternal? there's nothing yo& can 5rite a$o&t that pro+es that yo&r thinking 5as change) Do& nee) to sho5 this thro&gh actions

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    20 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth

    So the foc&s in this story nee)s to $e on the ;transfor,e) yo&< part yo& nee) to eithersho5 ho5 yo& 5ere change) thro&gh the actions that yo& personally took the easiest 5ay to

    5rite it ? or yo& nee) to sho5 ho5 yo& 5ere e pose) to so,ething a person their i)eas asit&ation an e+ent that happene) an) that e perience shifte) yo& such that you thenthought differently A$o&t so,ething "r e+erything

    #his co&l) $e an essay a$o&t ho5 yo&r ,in) 5as change) to a ne5 opinion or $elief syste, yo& 5ent fro, $eing a ep&$lican to $eing a Ke,ocrat "r a pro$a$ly ,ore po5erf&lapproach is to sho5 ho5 yo& learne) a ne$ $ay of thinking

    n either case the key to ,aking this essay 5ork is $y )e,onstrating a clear $efore-an)-after

    f yo&'re saying that yo& 5ere transfor,e) $y this 5hate+er-it-5as yo& nee) to gi+e therea)er a sense of 5ho yo& 5ere $efore ho5 )i) yo& think thenJ An) then yo& nee) to)escri$e 5hat happene) that )i) the ;transfor,ing < An) then yo& nee) to relate ho5 yo& 5ere after5ar)s or pres&,a$ly ho5 yo& are no5 an) this is $est con+eye) thro&ghe+i)ence

    Do& can't >&st say ; &se) to $e careless an) then sa5 this ho,eless g&y an) no5 reali eho5 ,&ch s&ffering is in the 5orl) < Do& nee) to gi+e &s proof that yo& ha+e change)

    5hat )i) the e perience of seeing the ho,eless g&y )o to yo&J

    =hat literally ha+e yo& )one )ifferently in yo&r life since thenJ =hat AC# "*S can yo& point to no5 as e+i)ence of this )ifferenceJ

    #he thing is as anyone in a long-ter, relationship kno5s it's easy to C@A M that yo&'+echange) that yo&'re no5 refor,e) that yo& see things )ifferently no5 an) yo&'ll ne+er )o itagain pro,ise honey ', sorry B&t to ,ake &s confi)ent that this transfor,ation is realan) per,anent 5ell 5e nee) to see so,ething of a track recor)

    =or)s are e,pty an) easy =e nee) to see e+i)ence An) for so,ething to ha+e transfor,e) yo&r thinking then it 5o&l) nee) to $e kin) of significant n ,any )rafts 5e see the e+ent

    has see,e) al,ost inconse:&ential f yo& ha+e a )ra,atic-eno&gh )ifference in the UafterUpict&re then it can re)ee, e+erything $&t then if it's a )ra,atic effect 5e') e pect theca&se to $e co,,ens&rately $ig #his is partic&larly i,portant in con+eying 5here or ho5 yo& 5ere ;transfor,e) &st toss o&t so,e clai,s that yo&'+e change) Do& nee)so,ething ,ore tangi$le to point to

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    EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 21

    Guidance on "ooth Essay " Do& can co+er anything 5ith this $&t 5e strongly s&ggest trying for a professional

    story if possi$le f yo& ha+e a stronger story fro, yo&r personal life &se that? )onot sacrifice the right story >&st to &se a professional one here !o 5ith yo&r $estchoices o+erall

    Sa,e story 5ith 5or) co&nt. Do& nee) to co,e in at the li,it or ,ay$e a s,i)gena$o+e $&t nothing e tre,e E+en 270 5or)s 5ill see, like a lot

    =e nee) to see ho5 yo&'re )ifferent So,e type of $efore-an)-after +ie5 5ill $ei,portant

    As 5ith the other :&estion tying this in to yo&r Booth e perience an) or f&t&re can$e +ery effecti+e if it's not )one in a s,ar,y 5ay Kon't force it

    As alrea)y ,entione) these are in fact t5o separate essays Ass&,ing that the applicationitself is str&ct&re) the sa,e this year then yo& 5ill 5rite the, o&t together in one )oc&,entas of this 5riting the :&estions ha) $een release) $y the act&al application is not open yet#hey sho&l) each ha+e the essay :&estion liste) a$o+e 5ith yo&r paragraph or so ans5er$elo5

    Do& sho&l) stri+e to incl&)e an intro-y sentence at the $eginning an) a concl&sion-y sentenceat the en) $&t in so,ething so s&per short )on't 5orry a$o&t a for,al opening or separateconcl&)ing paragraph or 5hate+er Base) on ho5 the a)co, lai) o&t the :&estions on their 5e$site this sho&l) not $e one single essay 5ritten in t5o parts Also )on't get conf&se) an)think that these t5o ans5ers nee) to $e a$o&t the sa,e thing >&st $eca&se they're going to$e presente) in one )oc&,ent Do&r short essays sho&l) each $e co+ering +ery )ifferent,aterial #hese are t5o separate topics

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    22 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth

    The )resentation0 3 hat else !ould you li'e us to 'no!?4

    @et's start off 5ith so,ething Booth a),issions sai) )&ring a chat last year.

    .ome ad"ice on the %resentation essay 5uestion0 Be

    sure it adds "alue to your o"erall a%%lication( ot

    e"erythin# at Booth is laid out in front of you& and

    this is your first taste of that culture( Tell us

    somethin# more about yourself& somethin# that you$dreally li'e the admissions committee to 'no!(

    #hat's 5hat yo& nee) to e a,ine all yo&r i)eas against

    #his )oes not ha+e to $e an essay tho&gh it co&l) $e t also )oesn't ha+e to $e ao5er oint tho&gh it co&l) $e that too =e're not going to )ictate any one ;right< 5ay to)o this :&estion #hat 5o&l)n't $e fair to any$o)y not to yo& an) )efinitely not to the Booth

    a)co, =e hear the a),issions officers la,ent e+ery year that so,e a),issions cons&ltant p&$lishesso,e a)+ice a$o&t their school's :&estions so,e5here an) they get all of the essays co,ingin so&n)ing e actly the sa,e =hose interests is that ser+ingJ #hat's a clear e a,ple of the;a)con< at 5ork again

    #his is another essay pro,pt that sorry EssaySnark )oes not feel co,forta$le gi+ing too,&ch g&i)ance on =e'll gi+e yo& a fe5 ;)on't )os< $&t yo&'re going to $e largely on yo&ro5n #his is a NE D i,portant part of the Booth application #hey'+e ha) so,e +ariation of

    this in there for years an) years #hey o$+io&sly p&t a lot of +al&e on it t's not a thro5a5ay =e also )on't 5ant to infl&ence yo&r o5n i)eas too ,&ch 5e are C"*N *CEK that yo& 5ill )o $etter on yo&r o5n 5ith li,ite) inp&t fro, others than yo& 5ill )o if yo& try tocopycat or cookiec&tter so,eone else's i)eas #here are a$sol&tely no r&les on ho5 tohan)le this essay

    #his is sort of like the inter+ie5 e perience that =harton has no5 5here they p&t yo&together 5ith a $&nch of other applicants an) see 5hat yo& )o t's really &p to yo& to )o 5ell in that en+iron,ent Si,ilar 5ith this

    =hat 5e can offer is if yo& go thro&gh the f&ll Essay Keci,ator process 5ith yo&r Boothessays then yo& = @@ get )etaile) an) specific fee)$ack on 5hat yo&'+e co,e &p 5ith forthis essay along 5ith all the others of co&rse "r if yo& go thro&gh the Essay )eas App

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    EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 23

    Accelerator then 5e can gi+e yo& inp&t an) reactions to the &h KEAS yo& ha+e in ,in) for 5hat yo&'ll $e )oing 5ith this opport&nity to present yo&rself So yo& )efinitely can get inp&t

    an) personal s&pport fro, EssaySnark on this =e ,&ch prefer to react to the plans that yo&co,e &p 5ith rather than )ictate the one right strategy that e+eryone ,&st follo5 #hat 5ay yo& can $e yo&rself an) the a)co,s get ,ore of 5hat they 5ant o&t of yo& 5hich is D"PG

    =e'll thro5 yo& a fe5 $ones here to ans5er a fe5 of the ,ost co,,on :&estions 5e get.

    =e are confi)ent that the Booth a)co, is tr&ly agnostic a$o&t 5hich for,at yo&choose =hat's i,portant is ho5 yo& con+ey yo&r i)eas

    #hee option to )o an essay instea) of the o5er oint is relati+ely ne5 ha+ing >&st

    $een anno&nce) for the first ti,e last year A goo) ch&nk of people are s&ccessf&lin applying to Booth 5ith a 5ritten essay for this last :&estion $&t 5e still think thata presentation can $e ,ore po5erf&l

    n past years 5e'+e seen lots an) lots of people get in 5ith a o5er oint that 5as +ery a&to$iographical. fo&r sli)es con+eying )ifferent parts of their li+es ,ostlythro&gh photos #his is +ery co,,on an) so,eti,es a little $oring $&t it canoften $e effecti+e

    =e'+e also seen a s,aller n&,$er of people s&$,it o5er oints that 5ere really

    :&ite &ni:&e in ter,s of ho5 they present the infor,ation that the can)i)ate 5ante) to con+ey

    So o&r strongest a)+ice on ho5 to tackle this assign,ent.

    1 (ig&re o&t the E*# E#D of yo&r pitch first 5hat are yo& going to co+er in each ofthe ,ain essaysJ Do& sho&l) also ha+e a sense of 5hat yo&r reco,,en)ers 5ill $efoc&sing on in ter,s of hea)line stories that they'll $e incl&)ing

    2 (ig&re o&t the ,ain i)eas or topics that yo& 5ant to co+er in the Booth

    presentation =e're $ig fans of lists =rite o&t 5hat yo& 5ant the a)co, to kno5a$o&t yo& Kon't 5orry a$o&t 5hether yo&'re )oing a set of sli)es or a 5ritten essay?foc&s on 5hat yo& nee) to co,,&nicate thro&gh this essay eflect on theinstr&ctions that they'+e pro+i)e) Do&'ll pro$a$ly 5ant to )o ,ore research into theschool at this point

    3 After yo& feel co,forta$le that yo&'+e got the &ni+erse of 5hat's i,portant )o5n onpaper then fig&re o&t ho5 yo& ,ight $est con+ey that. an essay or a set of sli)es t,ight $e goo) to ,ap o&t e actly the 5hats an) the ho5s of it at this point to ,akes&re that the for,at yo&'+e chosen is going to s&pport the con+eyance of info that yo& nee) it to

  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


    24 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth

    4 Before yo& start )e+eloping the presentation yo& ,ay 5ant to go $ack o+er the:&estions 5e kicke) e+erything off 5ith an) see if yo& can i)entify so,e 5ays to

    capt&re at least so,e of the ans5ers to these :&estions.

    What do I really !ant from my +BA ex%erience?

    What can I brin# to the Chica#o Booth community?

    Why is Booth the ri#ht %lace for me?

    2o! do I %lan to use my +BA in my career?

    &f you're doing a Po$erPoint

    =e are going to iss&e one P@E for this assign,ent for those of yo& 5ho are going to )o aset of o5er oint sli)es 5hich is 5hat the assign,ent has $een for ,any years yo& )i)n't

    &se) to $e a$le to get the option to )o the essay instea) . f yo& choose the o5er oint then yo& cannot also )o the essay

    =hat 5e ,ean $y that is if yo&'re ,aking a presentation it can't ha+e the sa,e a,o&nt or,oreG c&,&lati+e te t on the sli)es than if yo&') 5ritten a 00-5or) essay f yo& 5ant to 5rite an essay 5rite an essay

    =e 5ill a)) to that a $it here.

    Guidelines for a *ower*oint =hen yo&'re $&il)ing yo&r presentation sli)es )on't start $y opening &p

    o5er oint nstea) start 5ith pen an) paper Sketch o&t a story$oar) Can yo& 5rite yo&r i)ea on the $ack of a napkinJ #hen it has ,erit #his sho&l) ha+e ase:&ence so,e type of clear organi ational str&ct&re

    f yo& choose the # then it still is >&st another essay B&t it's not an ;essay< - yo&,&st $e S A SE 5ith the a,o&nt of te t yo& incl&)e =e ha+e ha) BSers )o fo&rsli)es for this assign,ent an) the net total of te t that they ha) lai) o&t on those

    fo&r sli)es 5as like 1 00 5or)s #his is not accepta$le f yo& )o a presentationthen it ,&st $e a ESE*#A# "* #his see,s so o$+io&s yet this happens o+er an)o+er again

  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


    EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 25

    f yo& incl&)e pict&res in yo&r # yo& pro$a$ly nee) to p&t captions on the, an) these sho&l) $e +ery $rief Do& )on't nee) to ha+e f&ll sentences? a caption is

    >&st a no&n or a phrase )escri$ing 5hat's in the pict&re f D"P are feat&re) in the pict&re an) yo&'re not the only person 5ho's in it yo&

    nee) to )efinitely i)entify yo&rself for the +ie5er =e )o not kno5 yo& re,e,$erJKon't lea+e the a)co, g&essing an) 5on)ering? gi+e the photos yo& incl&)eeno&gh conte t that the a)co, can fit the p& le pieces together

    f yo& )o ha+e any te t on the sli)es keep the font si e relati+ely large

    A chronological presentation is typically $est start 5ith sli)e 1 on ol)er st&ff an),o+e to present )ay on the last one this isn't ,an)atory $&t it can $e &sef&l toorient yo&r rea)er

    #here sho&l) $e a connection $et5een the sli)es? )on't slap together three or fo&rco,pletely &nrelate) seg,ents 5ithin a single #

    Stock photographs are la,e this is >&st EssaySnark's opinion f yo&'re going to &sephotos ,ake the, of D"P

    t can look ,essy if yo& co,$ine photos 5ith clipart #ry to stick to one the,e

    Be +ery caref&l 5ith colors an) fonts #oo ,any of either an) yo& risk lookingfra le)

    "$+io&sly yo& nee) to st&)y the g&i)elines that Booth has offere) in their essayinstr&ctions too Kon't o+erlook any of those

    Another point. #his e ercise is not ,eant to test yo&r creati+ity f yo&'+e got ,a)

    o5er oint skill then great &se the,G /&st $e caref&l that so,eti,es people thinkthey're hotshot 5ith the #s an) the st&ff they pro)&ce is sorta not so great Do&'renot going to $e e+al&ate) on yo&r technical pro5ess? they really tr&ly care only a$o&tthe content B&t if it's i,possi$le to &n)erstan) the ,essage yo&'re trying to con+ey$eca&se of the ga5)y colors an) horri$le layo&t then that ,ight get in the 5ay a little$it of ,aking the i,pression yo&'re stri+ing to ,ake

  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


    2 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth

    &f you're doing an essay

    =e hope yo& feel like yo& ha+e per,ission to >&st )o a 5ritten essay if yo& 5ant t's not anapplication fa& pas to )o that

    "&r $iggest 5arningJ t's &nlikely yo&'ll $e a$le to re&se an essay fro, another school forthis no not e+en Har+ar)'s n fact if yo& s&$,it a 5ritten ans5er to this :&estion an) yo&r application says that yo&'re applying to Har+ar) or yo&r !MA# score report sho5s that yo& sent the, scores then the Booth a)co, 5ill instantly ass&,e that yo& are re&sing thesa,e essay for $oth #his 5o&l) not $e goo) t's a $it of a t&rn-off in fact E+en tho&ghHar+ar) essentially copie) its lang&age fro, the Booth presentation pro,pt yo& still nee)to )o Booth the honor of creating an essay e actly for the, An) since 5e ha+e alrea)yhinte) that it co&l) $e appropriate to talk a$o&t goals in the Booth presentation an) it'sreally not a core part of 5hat Har+ar) is e+er looking for then that's an o$+io&s place 5here a Har+ar) essay an) a Booth presentation ,ight )i+erge

    #o )o this Booth :&estion an) yo&r entire application >&stice yo&'ll nee) to fig&re thisone o&t fro, scratch

    After yo& )e+elope) yo&r i)eas for 5hat nee)s to go into the presentation $ase) one+erything else yo&'ll $e presenting in the other parts of yo&r app 5hat )oes that lea+e yo& 5ithJ #he $iggest pro$le, that people face 5ith 5riting an essay for this one is there is nopro,pt? it's co,pletely open-en)e)

    Again there's no r&les on this $&t in general yo& 5ill 5ant to BE S EC ( C #his ,eans that yo& can't >&st lo$ o&t a $&nch of st&ff a$o&t yo&rself ; like ponies an) a, 5ell tra+ele)< no Do& ,&st fin) a 5ay to con+ey the i,portant $its thro&gh specifics #hat's the 5ay tocapt&re yo&r rea)er's attention f yo& 5ant to talk a$o&t yo&r 5orl) tra+els please )on't >&stsay that yo&'+e $een to fi+e )ifferent co&ntries lease *AME a fe5 of the, an) $etter yettalk a$o&t the circ&,stances that took yo& there an) ,ay$e so,ething that yo& $ro&ghta5ay fro, the e perience

    A 00-5or) essay is really long Do& ha+e plenty of roo, to f&lly e plore 5hate+er topics yo&feel are ,ost i,portant or yo&'ll ha+e plenty of rope to hang yo&rself 5ith if yo& )on't starto&t 5ith a +ery str&ct&re) approach an) a specific co,,&nication goal in ,in) $efore yo&$egin 5riting the )raft

    .o !hat should you D6 !ith the Booth %resentation?7?*othing 5e'+e sai) has helpe) yetJ

    Ho5 a$o&t this.

  • 8/11/2019 EssaySnarks2013ChicagoBoothMBAStrategies 1.0 Online


    EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 2!

    #he Chicago e perience 5ill take yo& )eeper into iss&es force yo& to challengeass&,ptions an) $roa)en yo&r perspecti+e n a fo&r-sli)e presentation or an essay of no

    ,ore than 00 5or)s $roa)en o&r perspecti+e a$o&t 5ho yo& are Pn)erstan)ing 5hat yo&'+e got in the rest of yo&r application 5hat else 5o&l) yo& like the, to kno5J

    "h right #hat's 5hat the school alrea)y tol) yo&

    =hat 5e'll )o is call yo&r attention to the last sentence. ;Pn)erstan)ing 5hat 5e c&rrentlykno5 a$o&t yo&