Essay Lia Puti Hafsah

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  • 7/27/2019 Essay Lia Puti Hafsah


    New Hope for Jakarta

    Last September, Jakarta elected a new governor, Joko Widodo or known as Jokowi for the next

    five years. He had won against the incumbent Fauzi Bowo. Jokowi is a rising politician in Indonesia. He

    is a former mayor of a Central Java city, Solo who became famous because of his outstanding

    performance as a charismatic and down-to-earth leader. Many media, not only national but also

    international, put great expectations on his shoulders, because in a country like Indonesia, where many

    citizens are used to the underperformance of the government, Jokowis record of accomplishment is

    considered remarkable. Simply put, Jokowi is a ray of hope and the leader of change for the citizens of

    Jakarta. As we all know, Jakarta -- the capital city of Indonesia has many multidimensional issues that

    need to be fixed. So, In order to solve them, the revolutionary policies in limiting the number of private

    vehicle and fighting against corruption by public official should be implemented by the new leader of

    Jakarta because the city is still lacking in two main aspects: transportation and bureaucracy.

    One of the main issues of a big city like Jakarta is transportation. Despite various types of public

    transportations offered by the government, a lot of people still wont use it no matter what because it is

    not managed well. Its lacking safety, its dirty and a lot of facilities are broken.That is why most people

    prefer using their private transportation. This is worsening the problem of traffic jam because the large

    number of private vehicles makes the streets in Jakarta really crowded. The government should take

    concrete action to discourage private car usage. It should be made more expensive and inconvenient to

    take a car out on the road. For instance, government could increase taxes on the sale of luxurious vehicles,

    so the government only burdens the upper class.

    In bureaucracy sector, the citizens main concern is corruption. It is not a new phenomenon in

    Jakarta. Somehow, it has become a culture. Corruption has severe negative effects on economy and

    human development in Jakarta. When corruption is everywhere, we will see the gap between the poor and

    the haves, and we will certainly see the social inequality because of this issue. Even though we see thosethings crystal clear, the previous government doesnt seem to understand or even care about this problem.

    In order to fix this, the current government has to make the civil servants in the provincial administration

    refrain from doing corruption, starting from the simplest and the smallest thing. The making of Identity

    Card should be made totally free from illegal charging. Illegal charging should be annihilated step-by-

    step. Thus, the act of corruption can be reduced gradually in the future.

    Therefore, there are tons of other lingering issues that need to be solved, and the citizens have

    been waiting too long for changes to happen. Jakarta new Governor, Jokowi needs to solve the Jakartas

    on-going problems even though there is still no clear solution for all of them. In order to fix those

    problems he should not spend too much time researching and holding discussions. The revolutionary

    policies in order to build the new and better Jakarta need to be implemented as soon as possible. Thecitizens want to see the plan drawn up and changed into real action because the most important and

    hardest thing is to keep his campaign promises to Jakarta inhabitants.

  • 7/27/2019 Essay Lia Puti Hafsah



    Transportation Sector- The Quality of Public Transportation- The Large Number of Private Vehicle- The TaxesBureaucracy Sector

    - The Act of Corruption- The Illegal Charging