
What is an essay? An essay is written in prose, in brief overview, which offers a personal interpretation of a subject that can be philosophical, scientific, historical, literary, etc.. The word refers specifically to test its particularity: it is tested, think, try to propose a hypothesis. So what defines the test is the attitude test and interpretation of the writer or the writer. The trial is the result of a process of reflection and exploration on a subject; a process that is important boldness and originality to think of a proper way. It is a free form: it will fit with any questions, comments and even anecdotes and experiences of who makes it. The test is essentially communicative, as it seeks to establish a reflective dialogue between the reader and essayist. The person writing the essay seeks to convince another about their ideas regarding the topic discussed. Therefore, the point of view of the author, and how to defend it with good arguments, is the key issue in a trial. The experimental The test does not require a rigorous structure. However, for ease of writing can be useful to organize as follows: INTRODUCTION. It consists of a general presentation of the subject. It should be short (one or two paragraphs) and help create interest in the reader. DEVELOPMENT. Is the development of the hypothesis or central idea and exposure data, views and information to justify the idea. CONCLUSION. To close the test, the importance of data that give validity to the hypothesis and ends by reiterating the main idea is highlighted. Some steps for performing assay Choose and define the topic on which you are writing. Investigate, seek information on the subject and compare our ideas with those of other authors and authors.


about Essay

Transcript of Essay

What is an essay?

An essay is written in prose, in brief overview, which offers a personal interpretation of a subject that can be philosophical, scientific, historical, literary, etc.. The word refers specifically to test its particularity: it is tested, think, try to propose a hypothesis. So what defines the test is the attitude test and interpretation of the writer or the writer.

The trial is the result of a process of reflection and exploration on a subject; a process that is important boldness and originality to think of a proper way. It is a free form: it will fit with any questions, comments and even anecdotes and experiences of who makes it.

The test is essentially communicative, as it seeks to establish a reflective dialogue between the reader and essayist. The person writing the essay seeks to convince another about their ideas regarding the topic discussed. Therefore, the point of view of the author, and how to defend it with good arguments, is the key issue in a trial.

The experimental

The test does not require a rigorous structure. However, for ease of writing can be useful to organize as follows:

INTRODUCTION. It consists of a general presentation of the subject. It should be short (one or two paragraphs) and help create interest in the reader.DEVELOPMENT. Is the development of the hypothesis or central idea and exposure data, views and information to justify the idea.CONCLUSION. To close the test, the importance of data that give validity to the hypothesis and ends by reiterating the main idea is highlighted.Some steps for performing assay

Choose and define the topic on which you are writing.Investigate, seek information on the subject and compare our ideas with those of other authors and authors.This research on the source material-supplying us with information about the chosen topic, will result, at the time of writing, the inclusion of citations showing that the essayist know other views on the same subject.Use skills specific to each / a reasoning.Develop questions to help us develop the theme. The test should reflect the answers to these questions.Make a sketch in which we locate the ideas and arguments in a visual way, according to the logical structure that will give him the main ideas, supporting ideas, conclusions, etc..Develop a plan with the wording referred to above structure: introduction, body and conclusion.The test should be approached from a critical point of view; therefore, if you're going to do one, you must:

Evaluate ideas incorporating value judgments and reasons upon which these judgments are based. Specify examples, evidence, details to support your decisions, clarify your reasoning.Analyze the pros and cons of the assertions. Develop a list of the positive and negative aspects to them straight.Analyze dividing the text into parts or secciones.Dividir the aim of the subject to be analyzed according to its main parts. Write and relate these sections with the following: describe, explain, etc..Explain. Demonstrate the causes or reasons. Bookmark the steps that lead to a cause produces an effect, the influencing factors.Describe. Give the main features of a thing, details and explanations that illustrate the subject of analysis.Argue. Give reasons for taking a particular position against another. Defend your reasons to all possible objections.Demonstrate. Giving evidence, logical foundations, using principles or laws, and offer opinions and examples.The title of the essay should be brief, but precise and descriptive about the issue in question. It can be a striking and shocking title.The style should be direct and clear.Consider spelling and grammatical agreement.Note the proper use of punctuation and avoid repeating the same words and phrases. Working with synonyms.The use of the quote in the trial

It is important that, if the ideas of others are used, indicate to whom they belong. That is, you must cite the works of those authors whose ideas, theories and research have influenced our work.

If textually-copying is to say, word for word a passage of text from another author or author, it must be enclosed in quotes. Quotation marks are used to mark the beginning and end of the quote. In that case, you need to insert a call to a voladito number (1, 2, 3 ...) at the end of the event, which corresponds to a note in a footnote in which the reference appears to the source of our information. Or you can enter a list of bibliographical references at the end of the document: a Bibliography. This is a section-placed at the end of a text, as alphabetized list-which includes not only the sources that were read to write but in particular those cited in the body of the text.

Importantly, when a citation format is chosen, the same criteria for all work must be respected.

Following are some examples that can serve as models to build references:

1. Printed Documents

Book with one author:

Manzoni, C., Violence and silence: contemporary Latin American literature, Buenos Aires, Corregidor, 2005.

Book with more than one author:

Svampa, M. and Pereyra, S., Between the path and the neighborhood. Experience the piqueteras organizations, Buenos Aires, Biblos, 2003.

For books with more than three authors, or the names of all authors or the name of the first author followed by "et al" recorded [o et al.]

Avensour, M. et al., Voices in contemporary French philosophy, Buenos Aires, Colihue, 2005.

Chapters in books:

Borges, JL and Jurado, A., "Transmigration", in What is Buddhism, Buenos Aires, Emec Publishers, 1991, pp. 61-76.

Journal articles:

Negroni Garca, MM, "The simple / present perfect present perfect distinction. A discursive approach ", Discourse and Society, vol. 1, N 1, 1999, pp. 45-60.

Dictionary entry:

Ferrater Mora, J., "Aristotle", in Dictionary of Philosophy, Barcelona, Ariel, 1994, pp. 223-231.

Article in journal:

With author

Uranga, W., "The UBA theologian Gustavo Gutirrez honored with honorary. A doctorate of liberation ", Page 12, Buenos Aires, October 20, 2001, p. 16.

No author

"Raising the quality of education", Clarn, Buenos Aires, October 20, 2001, p. 8-9.

Two. Electronic documents

Those documents are in electronic form; created, stored and disseminated by a computer system. The rules are the same as in printed documents, but data on the type of media-online, CD-ROM, DVD-date query and web address for online documents are added.


National Academy of Moral and Political Sciences [Online]. Available [Accessed 6 July 2008].

Electronic texts:

Institutional author

Spanish Royal Academy of the Spanish Language Spelling [online]. In PDF, Madrid, RAE, 1999, available at [Accessed 9 May 2012] format.

Author Staff

Brunner, J. J., education and criminal activity. International Evidence [online]. [Accessed 5 June 2008].

If you want more information on the topic, you can consult

ECO, U., How does a thesis. Techniques and procedures for research, study and writing (Trad. Lucia Clavera Baranda and Alberto Ibez), Barcelona, Gedisa, 1998.

Negroni Garca, MM, Rules for submission of scientific and academic work and university, in Writing well in Spanish. Keys to copyediting, Buenos Aires, Santiago Arcos Editor, 2010, pp. 783-806.

Kolesas, M. and De Volder, C. Documentary appointment. Elements and examples of references in the styles of the MLA and APA. Electronic documents ISO 690 [online]. Buenos Aires, Instituto De Investigaciones Gino Germani, Faculty of Social Sciences University of Buenos Aires, 2008, available at [Accessed 3 July 2013].