ESP Materials Design Congress (Presentation)

Murúa, Juan Pablo Tolaba, Estefanía Belén ESP Materials Development Congress – HRM Department.


ESP Materials Design congress (presentation)

Transcript of ESP Materials Design Congress (Presentation)

Page 1: ESP Materials Design Congress (Presentation)

Murúa, Juan Pablo

Tolaba, Estefanía Belén

ESP Materials Development Congress

– HRM Department.

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OUTLINE Needs analysis and text selection. Objectives. Rubrics and voice. Conclusion.

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Needs analysis •Universidad Siglo XXI

•Universidad de Palermo





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Text selection

McGrath (2002) criteria

•Relevance to syllabus, to learner´s needs.

• Intrinsic interest of topic/theme.

•Cultural appropriateness.

•Linguistic and cognitive demands.

•Logistical considerations.


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Idea Association.

Objectives Simple Past Tense.

Textual Reference.

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Idea Association

• Activation of schemata.

• Predicting.

• Key concepts.

• Engage students.


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Simple Past Tense

Inductive method. Text as an authentic source of language. Pervasiveness of the tense chosen. Grammatical appendix in a separate sheet.

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 El pasado simple se usa para:

• Expresar acciones que ocurrieron en un momento en particular, es decir, que sabemos exactamente cuándo ocurrió ese hecho.

 In 2005, James stumbled into his position as the human

resource manager (renglón 1). 

• Expresar acciones que ocurrieron con cierta frecuencia pero que ya no ocurren.

 James usually invested numerous hours mulling over recruitment

strategies (renglón 9).

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Reference 1) Observa las ideas de la columna A y el texto de la columna B y

responde las siguientes preguntas.


A- James is a human resource manager.

B- James works for Techno Inc.

C- Human Resource

Management is a strategic process.

D- The strategic process

has to do with the staffing, compensation, retention, training, and employment law and policies side of the business.

E- The strategic process

includes writing policies and procedures, hiring people and using plans to ensure the right employees are hired.

James is a human resource

manager, he works for Techno Inc.

Human Resource management is a

strategic process; it has to do with the

staffing, compensation, retention,

training, and employment law and

policies side of the business. This

includes writing policies and

procedures, hiring people and using

plans to ensure the right employees are


• Inductive method

• Raise students’ awareness by asking questions

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Rubrics and Voice

Language: Spanish. Simple and clear language. 2nd person singular form (tú).

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III. Observa las relaciones entre palabras indicadas por medio de flechas.

James is a human resource manager; he works for Techno Inc. Human Resource

Management is a strategic process; it has to do with the staffing, compensation,

retention, training, and employment law and policies side of the business. This

includes writing policies and procedures, hiring people and using plans to ensure

the right employees are hired.

Reference - Referencia textual

La referencia es un recurso que utiliza palabras o frases sustitutas que hacen alusión a distintas partes del texto (referente). Dicho referente no reemplaza siempre a una sola palabra, sino también a un grupo de ellas o a veces, a toda una oración o párrafo, evitando así la repetición y permitiendo una lectura fluida.

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• A great challenge.

• A process of drafting, editing and redoing.

• TAVI doesn´t mean PPP.

• A rewarding experience.

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