ES280 Art2day If

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  • 7/31/2019 ES280 Art2day If




    HerreraEl color dE las sEnsacionEsThe World on a Canvas

    Con los cambios constantes en la tecnologa,

    resulta dicil integrar y asimilar las mltiples

    y variada s escena s del arte. Mu chos se c onor-

    man con apreciar aquello que les es amiliar,

    mientras que quienes nos queremos aproxi-

    mar al arte contemporneo estamos llenos

    de dudas.

    Technology changes so fast these days its hardto process the many and varied forms art has

    taken. Many people are content to stick with

    whats familiar, while those of us who are inter-

    ested in learning more about contemporary art

    often find ourselves overwhelmed.

    La Vaca Independiente Redaccin: Jeannette Porras


    Este viajero con ormacin de artistatransorma sus experiencias ensensaciones plsticas. An artist withitchy feet captures his travel experiences

    for the gratification of the senses.

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    Me preguntaba en qu medida estos cambios aectan

    el proceso creativo. En qu orma transitan los creado-res por esos caminos? Cmo infuye la velocidad de

    una tcnica, como es el arte digital, en la manera de re-

    solver el acto creativo? Encontr algunas de las respues-

    tas al entrevistar al artista mexicano Hctor Herrera.

    En parte, la ormacin artstica de Hctor ue en la

    Academ ia de San Carlos , y el artis ta no ha olvi dado

    dnde aprendi las bases de las tcnicas tradicionales

    y sus m ltipl es pos ibili dades. Sin emb argo, una cons-

    tante bsqueda para nutrir su inquietante espritu lo

    ha llevado a ser un viajero del mundo, de lo ilimitado

    de las sensaciones, de la contemplacin, para poder ir

    armando las piezas de su propio caleidoscopio.

    En este recorrido, a veces acompaado y otras so-

    litario, crea espacios de interaccin con los otros, quea la vez son sus iguales. As va tejiendo una red con

    hebras de cultura, emociones y nuevas realidades.

    Adems , sus mlti ples reside ncias le han revela do

    la uerza del arte y la necesidad de renovarse cons-

    tantemente. Sus temas han variado de acuerdo con el

    paisaje visible e invisible que va habitando.

    Uno de sus proyectos ms impactantes es, sin duda,

    De punt a a punt a. En Chiapas tom un autobs que lo

    llevara por numerosos lugares del sur del continente,

    Ive always wondered to what extent this affects

    the creative process. How do artists take these chang-es on board, especially in the case of, say, digital art,

    where techniques change virtually overnight? Lucki-

    ly, Mexican artist Hctor Herrera was able to give me

    some answers.

    As a for mer st ude nt at the San Car los Aca demy,

    Hctor hasnt forgotten where he learned the basics

    of traditional techniques and their multiple applica-

    tions. Yet his restive spirit has pushed him to explore

    the world, remove barriers to the senses and con-

    template the pieces of his own puzzle in an effort to

    visualize the big picture.

    On these journeys, sometimes alone, sometimes

    with others, he makes room for interaction with his

    peers, weaving a tapestry of unfamiliar cultures, emo-tions and realities in the process. As an artist-in-res-

    idence, he has come to acknowledge the power of

    art, while the urge to constantly reinvent himself is

    reflected in his subject matters, which vary accord-

    ing to the visibleand invisiblegeographies he finds

    himself negotiating.

    Like De pun ta a pun ta , a series in which Hctor

    recounts his bus trip from Chiapas all the way down

    to Chile, passing through many spots in Guatemala,

    Detalle Koi

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    86 art+2day

    pasando por Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nica-

    ragua, Costa Rica, Panam, Ecuador y Per hasta Chile.

    Los espectadores quedan expuestos a la poesa que

    recogi en el trayecto. Ms que ojos, se necesita tener

    los sentidos alertas para contemplar esas obras.

    La vida es mi mayor pasin, airma Hctor, y es en

    esta pasin donde comparte y expande su mundo ha-

    cia otros: talleres, clases, intercambios, galera, entre

    otros, son los proyectos que lanza y lleva ebrilmente

    con mucho xito.

    Hctor relata que, sin dejar colgada la brocha ni el

    lpiz, le da mucho valor a su experiencia con el mun-do ciberntico. De hecho, coniesa haber tenido la

    inquietud de estudiar ingeniera en sistemas. As que

    decidi conectar su lpiz a la computadora y lanzarse

    a crear, experimentar y disrutar de la amplia gama

    de posibilidades que le brinda esta herramienta en

    dierentes procedimientos. Con ello recibi una beca

    para ir a la Bienal de Arte, Diseo y Creacin Digital e

    Inmaterial en Reunin (rica). Ah se concentr en la

    pintura digital como propuesta de trabajo.

    Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama,

    Ecuador, Peru and Chile. The works resulting from this

    poetic exploration of South Americaliterally from tip

    to tip, as the title of the ambitious project saysput all

    the senses into overdrive, not just the eyes.

    Life is my greatest passion, says Hctor, a passion

    that he shares by giving workshops and classes and

    participating in exchanges and gallery showings in

    his feverish endeavors to introduce as many people as

    possible to his world.

    While Hctor hasnt put his brush out to dry or

    abandoned his pencil by the wayside, he greatly val-ues his cyber world experiences. In fact, he admits to

    having considered systems engineering as a career.

    Consequently, he decided to marry the two disci-

    plines and experiment with the endless possibilities

    of digital painting. The decision to swap pencil for sty-

    lus won him a grant to participate in the Art, Design,

    Digital and Immaterial Creation Biennial on Reunion

    Island (off the coast of Africa, east of Madagascar, in

    the Indian Ocean).


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    Por otra parte, al acrlico que ya trabajaba desde hace tiempo

    le suma materiales como nogalina, resinas, y pigmentos. Es como

    un rompecabezas que puedes armar de maneras distintas en un

    proceso dinmico que llama acrlico modiicado.

    En una de sus continuas paradas, decidi establecerse en Ense-

    nada, Baja Caliornia. El paisaje, la tierra, el vino, el mar, pero sobre

    todo la gente lo cautivaron. Ah decidi establecer un Centro deResidencias e Investigacin Artstica, el CRIA, que coordina desde

    hace ms de dos aos, invitando a artistas a trabajar en Ensenada

    por periodos de dos a cuatro meses.

    Penetrar en el espacio de Hctor es entrar a un mundo de colo-

    res, manchas, texturas, ilusiones que se escurren como cada mo-

    mento presente para dar paso a nuevas sensaciones.

    In addition to acrylic paintswhich he has been experimenting

    with for a while now, Hctor uses materials such as walnut stain,

    resins and pigments. Its like a puzzle you can piece together in

    different ways, a dynamic process he refers to as modified acrylic.

    On one of his many journeys, Hctor made a stop in Ensenada,

    Baja California. The breathtaking scenery of land and sea, the wine,

    but es peci ally t he peo ple pro mpted him to extend his s tay an d setup an Artistic Residency and Research Center (CRIA), where artists

    are invited to stay and work for periods of two to four months, a

    project hes been coordinating for just over two years now.

    Entering Hctors world is like putting your eye to an illusory

    kaleidoscope of color and texture that changes with each pass-

    ing moment, giving way to one new sensation after another.

    Translation by Alison Stewart

    Naci en la ciudad de Mxico (1975). Estudi artes visuales en la

    Escuela Nacional de Artes Plsticas (UNAM). Continu sus estudios

    en la Antiua Academia de San Carlos y en el Prorama de Alta

    Exiencia Acadmica (PAEA), as como en el Centro de Extensin

    (CET) de la UNAM, campus Taxco, y la Universidad Politcnica de

    Valencia. Ha obtenido la beca de Jvenes hacia la Investiacin

    de la UNAM (19951998). Obtuvo el Premio Nacional de Arte

    Joven, otorado por el INBA, en 2002. Ha hecho residencias

    artsticas en Baha, Brasil (2010), Reunion Island en la Bienal ADCNI

    (2009), Santiao de Chile (2001, 2007) y Paradores Nacionales,

    Madrid (1998). Ha expuesto su obra de manera individual en

    Mxico, as como en Estados Unidos, Chile, Espaa y Brasil.

    After ettin a deree in visual arts at the National Academy of

    Plastic Arts (UNAM), Hctor Herrera (Mexico City, 1975) went on

    to study at the San Carlos Academy of Art, the Hih Exiency

    Academic Proram (PAEA), the UNAM Extension Center (CET)

    Taxco campus, and Valencia Polytechnic University (UPV). He was

    awarded the 19951998 Youn People in Research fellowship by

    the UNAM and the 2002 National Youn Artists Award by INBA.

    In addition to artist-in-residence prorams in Baha, Brazil (2010),

    the ADCNI Biennial in Reunion Island (2009), Santiao de Chile

    (2001, 2007) and Paradores Nacionales, Madrid (1998), he has

    had solo exhibitions in Mexico, the U.S., Chile, Spain and Brazil.



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