Es pengamanan digital

Pengamanan Digital Lukito Edi Nugroho


Materi Kuliah Layanan Elektronis

Transcript of Es pengamanan digital

  • 1. Pengamanan DigitalLukito Edi Nugroho

2. Transaksi Elektronis Transaction : an action or activity involvingtwo parties or things that reciprocally affect orinfluence each other [Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law] Biasanya melibatkan pertukaran atauperpindahan barang, jasa, atau uang Transaksi elektronis adalah transaksi yangmenggunakan media elektronis Komputer sebagai alat pemroses Pertukaran atau perpindahan menggunakan jaringan komputer dan Internet 3. Transaksi Elektronis Transaksi elektronis pada umumnya bersifat: Tidak langsung pertukaran atau perpindahan melewati satu atau lebih pihak-pihak eksternal Kedua pihak yang terlibat tidak bertemu secara fisik Transaksi elektronis berpotensi menjadiobyek gangguan/ancaman keamanan karena: Data/informasi yang terlibat memiliki nilai Jarak virtual antara pihak-pihak yang terlibat memungkinkan terjadinya intervensi pihak eksternal 4. Jenis-Jenis Ancaman/Serangan Serangan untuk mendapatkan akses (accessattacks) Berusaha mendapatkan akses ke berbagai sumber daya komputer atau data/informasi Serangan untuk melakukan modifikasi (modificationattacks) Didahului oleh usaha untuk mendapatkan akses, kemudian mengubah data/informasi secara tidak sah Serangan untuk menghambat penyediaan layanan(denial of service attacks) Menghambat penyediaan layanan dengan cara mengganggu jaringan komputer 5. Access Attacks Dumpster diving mencari informasi daritumpukan kertas/dokumen yang telahdibuang Eavesdropping mendengarkanpercakapan/komunikasi antara dua pihak Snooping mengintip isi file orang lain (baiksecara fisis maupun elektronis) Interception memonitor lalulintas data dijaringan komputer 6. Cara-Cara Melakukan Access Attacks Sniffing Memanfaatkan metode broadcasting dalam LAN Membengkokkan aturan Ethernet, membuatnetwork interface bekerja dalam mode promiscuous Contoh-contoh sniffer: Sniffit, TCP Dump, Linsniffer Mencegah efek negatif sniffing Pendeteksian sniffer (local & remote) Penggunaan kriptografi (mis: ssh sbg pengganti telnet) 7. Cara-Cara Melakukan Access Attacks Spoofing Memperoleh akses dengan acara berpura-pura menjadi seseorang atau sesuatu yang memiliki hak akses yang valid Spoofer mencoba mencari data dari user yang sah agar bisa masuk ke dalam sistem (mis: username & password)ClientPenyerangServerLogon Invalid logonClient ServerLogon Logon berhasilPada saat ini, penyerang sudah mendapatkan username & passwordyang sah untuk bisa masuk ke server 8. Cara-Cara Melakukan Access Attacks Man-in-the-middle Membuat client dan server sama-sama mengirabahwa mereka berkomunikasi dengan pihak yangsemestinya (client mengira sedang berhubungandengan server, demikian pula sebaliknya) Client Man-in-the-middleServer 9. Cara-Cara Melakukan Access Attacks Menebak password Dilakukan secara sistematis dengan teknik brute-force atau dictionary Teknik brute-force: mencoba semua kemungkinanpassword Teknik dictionary: mencoba dengan koleksi kata-kata yang umum dipakai, atau yang memiliki relasidengan user yang ditebak (tanggal lahir, namaanak, dsb) 10. Modification Attacks Biasanya didahului oleh access attack untukmendapatkan akses Dilakukan untuk mendapatkan keuntungandari berubahnya informasi Contoh: Pengubahan nilai kuliah Penghapusan data utang di bank Mengubah tampilan situs web 11. Denial of Service Attacks Berusaha mencegah pemakai yang sah untukmengakses sebuah sumber daya atau informasi Biasanya ditujukan kepada pihak-pihak yang memilikipengaruh luas dan kuat (mis: perusahaanbesar, tokoh-tokoh politik, dsb) Teknik DoS Mengganggu aplikasi (mis: membuat webserver down) Mengganggu sistem (mis: membuat sistem operasi down) Mengganggu jaringan (mis: dengan TCP SYN flood) 12. Kriptografi Teknik untuk meningkatkan keamanan data/informasi dengan cara menyamarkan data/informasi ke dalam bentuk yang tidak dapatdimengerti dengan mudah Proses: enkripsi dan dekripsi Komponen kriptografi Fungsi enkripsi (dan dekripsi) Kunci Kekuatan metode kriptografi terletak padakekuatan algoritmanya dan tingkatkerahasiaan kunci 13. Jenis-Jenis Kriptografi Kriptografi simetris Kunci enkripsi = kunci dekripsi Kelebihan: cepat (karena sederhana) Kelemahan: bagaimana mendistribusikan kunci secara rahasia ? Kriptografi asimetris (a.k.a. kriptografi kuncipublik) Kunci enkripsi bersifat publik, kunci dekripsi bersifat privat Kelebihan: memungkinkan pertukaran data antar pihak yang tidak saling mengenal Kelemahan: lebih lambat daripada kriptografi simetris (karena algoritmanya lebih kompleks) 14. Jenis-Jenis Kriptografi Kriptografi hibrid Kunci sesi yang bersifat unik dan sekali pakai Teknik simetris enkripsi & dekripsi data/pesan Teknik asimetris enkripsi & dekripsi kunci sesi Teknik hibrid menggabungkan kelebihan dua teknik lainnya Teknik simetris untuk menangani data/pesan cepat Teknik asimetris mengijinkan pertukaran data dapatdilakukan secara aman dalam lingkungan publik 15. Sertifikat Digital Bukti otentik terhadap hak-hak untukmelakukan transaksi untuk layanan-layananyang diberikan Penting untuk layanan-layanan on-line, untukmeyakinkan pemakai bahwa merekamengakses layanan yang diinginkan Contoh kasus KlikBCA beberapa tahun yang lalu Sertifikat digital dikeluarkan oleh lembagathird-party yang dipercaya (trusted) yangdisebut Certificate Authority 16. Protokol-Protokol Aman Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Dikembangkan oleh Netscape pengamananpada lapisan transport Digunakan untuk mengamankan komunikasiantara client dan browser https (http over ssl) Secure HTTP (shttp) Secure shell (SSH) sebagai pengganti telnet 17. The Vision of Korean E-Government Worlds Foremost Open E-Government Innovate Service Delivery mechanisms Network based Government Enhance efficiency and transparency of Knowledge based Government public sector Realize sovereignty of the people Participatory Government KnowledgeGovernmentSharingAgency Collective1Portal Resolution Opinion/ Internet petition IntegratedAgencyCivil Petition Processing2Mobile CenterPetition through platform fax, e- Agencymail, Internet, etc. 3Public Fax, Mail,Local Petition TelephoneOffice Agency Information N and ServiceVisitingAgency Web SitesLink betweenTai M. ChungAgenciesInternet Management Technology Lab. Provide various information and integratedSungkyunkwan University services 18. Requirements for good e-Gov services ReadinessConvenience- Service that everyone- easy services to use :can use : WhoeverWhenever, whereverReliabilitySecurity- Service that is always - Service that is securedusable : Whenever- make private information secure 19. A case of Phishing Phising = Private data + fishingThe email comes with various attributes of the legitimate bank Involve Fabricated URL Card NumberFabricated E-mail The phish site indeed looks like a simple ligitimate survey, except the demand for user ID or a debit card number Fabricated Web site 20. Attacking Objects are Generalized From special target like internet banking to everything Information systems are all related the offline systems in lifeHomepage Internet banking fabrication Service denial Attacking special targetEvery system networked toinformation systems 21. Need for e-Gov Security G2BGov & Industry Gov. Support Attacking Privacy OutsourcingG2G Attacking Multiple Targets Attacking Enterprise Information Information Sharing Targets networked Attacking Critical InfrastructureNetworking Threats to Shared Information G2C Public Opinion E-Petition ServicePublic welfare 22. Security Measures for e-GovernmentManagementTechnology Access Control Authentication EncryptionTask Balance Access Control Human ResourceNon-repudiation Integrity EducationLawa & RegulationsNational CollaborationResearch & DevelopmentPhysical Security Escort ServiceBackup & ERGate ControlUbiquitous Government 23. Solutions for Content Security - DRMUSER A USER B Encrypted(Packaged) DocEncrypted Doc DRM DRM ClientClientOriginal DocEnterprise ApplicationsEDMS, KMS, E-mail, DRM SERVERUsage DataPackaging ServerLicensing ManagerUsage TracingDirectory InterfacePolicy Manager ServerDRM Module Control Flow Doc Flow Directory Server 24. AdministratorHow it worksManages security policy, users authority and monitors a robust audittrail using web-based management tool All documents are automatically encrypted according to users authority when user requests a document from User B is blocked from DMS Server approaching to DMS SystemDocument ManagementSystem with DocumentSafer Server AuthorizedUnauthorized Internal User A Internal User BUnauthorizedinternal user B Outflowhas noIllegal external user cant authority to open any documents opendocumentExternal User 25. Services to be Protectede-nationa e-finance e-govldefens ee-commercee-communitye-educationSecure WorldCirculation &Development Management of of SocialSecure DocumentatmosphereSecure e-petition & Implementation of Encryptione-commerceSystem 26. A Standards-Based Framework for a SingleEuropean Electronic Market (SEEM) Open, global standards, protocols & interfaces Interoperable applications and platforms Trusted and sustainable infrastructure Compatibility between business practices Catalog information exchange Payment methods Security 27. e-Gov Procurement (e-GP) Example Standards Prevent failures Increase efficiency of complex operations Introduce order and predictabi-lity in electronic exchanges Reduce risk Increase trust Enhance B2G/G2G connectivity and interoperability Generate trust in electronic experience Enhance competition and inclusion Enhance efficiency and flexibility of public procurement function Enhance cooperation and transparency Facilitate evolution and innovation Increase return, reliability of investments Avoid vendor lock-in 28. SOME STANDARDS FOR eGP DATA CENTER IT ServiceSite security (RFCManagement 2196) (ISO/IEC 20000) Network security(ISO/IEC 18028-1 ) eGP DataProcessing Computer securityCenter ISO/IEC 15408 Directory Service (LDAP, DSML) Reliability(HTTP-R) [email protected] 29. SOME STANDARDS FOR eGPTRANSACTION SYSTEMS Information security management eGP System (ISO/IEC 27001) System integration/Collaboration Facilities Information SecurityE-Catalog PurchasingControls` (ISO 17999) Reliability (HTTP-R)E-Reverse Auctions Information Security E-TenderingTesting(OSSTMM) [email protected] 27, 2009 30. KEY STANDARDS FOR eGP eTENDERINGQUESTIONS & ANSWERSSYSTEM Authentication (X509,XML DSig, XKMS) SupplierSUPPLIER Profiles Q&ASROSTERTraceabilityUB(ISO 13335 )PUPDOCUMENTBid Bid Vault YLSTORE DocumentsEI Decrypted RE Encrypted BidsBidsSRS Encrypted Receipts PROCESSINGEncryption TIMETABLE(SSL, XML Encryp) [email protected] 31. Estonian ID card and PKIThe purpose of Estonian ID-card project was to use nation-wide electronicidentity and develop a new personal identification card that would bea generally acceptable identification document and contain both visually andelectronically accessible information.The Estonian ID-card facilities:The certificate inserted in the ID-card includes the personal identificationcode, which enables to identify the individual at once. A certificate, which enables to sign documents according to the DigitalSignatures Act, is inserted in the ID-card chip.There exists a lot of similar projects in other countries (Belgium, Finland,Italy etc.), but using of ID-card services at large you can find in Estonia asin pilot country. 32. eServicesThe set of facilities for the ISAuthentication (ID-card + 5 Internet bank services);Authorization;MISP (Mini Info System Portal) portal services;Simple queries to Estonian national databases;The facilities for developing complex business model queries (queries to different databases and registers);The writing operation into databases;The facility to send large amount of data (over 10Mb) from database to database over the Internet;Secure data exchange, logs storing;Queries surveillance possibility;The integration with citizen portal for adding new services;The integration with entrepreneurs portal for adding new services;Central and local monitoring;The special database for storing services WSDL descriptions. 33. Functional schemeAuthenti- cationCA ofUsersserversCA of citizensPortal CitizenCentral Centralserver serverInternetSecuritySSL channels,SecurityAdapter- Security Security serverdigitaly signedserverMISP server server serverencrypted messagesCivil servantCentral monitoring Data-IS of an baseLocal Local monitoringmonitoringorganizat.Databaseprocessors 34. Germanys e-Gov Security as a key requirement for eGovernment Web Services Paperless processes Electronic Forms with electronicSignatures Encryption for confidentiality, PKI for authentification Development of OSCI-Transport 1.2 in 2002 Secure message exchange based on XML-Technologies Implementing a Registry for OSCI-Transport bases Web-Services Interconnecting the Registries of Residents as Killer-application Standardization at the application level (OSCI-XMeld) Nation-wide in use since Jan. 1, 2007 Other applications followed (e. g. Interior, Justice, Finance) Next steps Adopting international web service security in OSCI-Transport 2 New Projects at the European level