erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry...


Transcript of erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry...

Page 1: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.
Page 2: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.


Page 3: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.


Figure 10.1

Page 4: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.

Erythrocytes (red blood cells)

Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxideremove carbon dioxide

They are red because they contain a protein called They are red because they contain a protein called hemoglobin that is red in colorhemoglobin that is red in color

Red blood cells are round and thinner in the Red blood cells are round and thinner in the middle, like a balloon that is partly filled with middle, like a balloon that is partly filled with water. This lets them squeeze through tiny blood water. This lets them squeeze through tiny blood vessels without breakingvessels without breaking

Biconcave shape increases surface area to allow for more Biconcave shape increases surface area to allow for more O2 to be carriedO2 to be carried

Do not have a nucleus Do not have a nucleus

Are made from the red bone marrowAre made from the red bone marrow

Page 5: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.

RBCs contain Hemoglobin

Protein that bonds with oxygen when in an oxygen rich environment

Releases oxygen when reaches tissues low in concentration of oxygen

For energy RBCs make ATP thru anaerobic processes so it doesn’t use the O2 it is transporting

Page 6: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.

Leukocytes (white blood cells)

Function as a defense system in the Function as a defense system in the bodybody

Fight and kills germs that enter the Fight and kills germs that enter the bodybody

Much larger than red blood cellsMuch larger than red blood cells

Fewer WBCs than RBCsFewer WBCs than RBCs

Have a nucleus Have a nucleus

Can slip into and out of the blood Can slip into and out of the blood vesselsvessels

Page 7: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.

Leukocytes (white blood cells)

leukocyteThe leukocytes pass out through the capillary walls & into the infected tissue

They change shape to surround the germs. They produce enzymes to kill & digest them.

Leukocytes live for only a short time. Dead leukocytes, dead germs and liquid form pus in the infected area

Page 8: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.


Helps with the clotting of bloodHelps with the clotting of blood

Produce tiny fibrin threads allowing Produce tiny fibrin threads allowing them to stick togetherthem to stick together

This “web” traps blood cells that harden This “web” traps blood cells that harden and form a scab or clotand form a scab or clot

Made in the red bone marrowMade in the red bone marrow

Page 9: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.


Page 10: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.

Hemostasis Blood vessel injury


Platelet plug

A lot of cool biochemistry!

Coagulation occurs

Blood clotting is a positive feedback mechanism and usually occurs within 3 – 6


Page 11: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.


Pale liquid portion of the blood – 90% water

Acts as a solvent

Transports soluble food molecules

Transports waste products

Contains hormones, antibodies, electrolytes, and plasma proteins

Page 12: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.

Our blood is a fluid which links together all the parts & all the organs of the body. Its main functions include:

• Transport oxygen, waste products and hormones

• Regulate temperature, helping to reduce heat by taking blood to the body surface

• Balance acidity, reducing the effect of lactic acid (in sporting activities)

• Fight invaders

Page 13: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.

Blood Fun FactsThe average human has 5 litres of blood

It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the body

The only part of the body with no blood supply is the cornea, it takes in O2 directly from the air

One cubic millimeter of healthy blood contains about 5 million red blood cells – this is the “blood count”

People who live in high altitudes will have a higher blood count because of the lower O2 levels

Athletes often train at high altitudes to improve distance race performance

BLOOD DOPING, done by some athletes, mimics this effect

Page 14: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.
Page 15: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.

Blood type refers to features of the person’s red blood cells called antigens

The ABO blood groups are the features most people know about

In this group, there are 4 different types of red blood cells -- A, B, AB, and O each are a different antigen

Type O is the most common (~45%); type AB is the least common (~4%)

Type O blood can be given to all blood types

What’s your Type?

Page 16: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.

Blood types are also grouped as to whether or not the RBC has the “D antigen”

AKA the Rh factor, the “D antigen” is named for the Rhesus monkey in which it was first discovered

People who have the “D antigen” are Rh positive.

People who lack the “D antigen” are Rh negative.

Most people are Rh positive

Rh negative blood can be transfused into either Rh type

What’s your Type?

Page 17: erythrocytes leukocytes Blood Figure 10.1 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide They.

O- is called the universal donor because it can be given to ALL blood types- explain

O+ 38%O- 7%A+ 34%A- 6%B+ 9%B- 2%AB+ 3%AB- 1%

Why can’t someone with type B- blood be given type A+ blood?