Ergogenic aids for exercise and sports performance

Ergogenic Aids for Exercise and Sports Performance Anabolic Steroids, HGH and EPO

Transcript of Ergogenic aids for exercise and sports performance

Ergogenic Aids for Exercise and Sports Performance

Anabolic Steroids, HGH and EPO

Aim: To introduce students to the effects and implications of using ergogenic aids for exercise and

sports performance

Objectives:By the end of this session students should be able to:

• Name 3 different banned ergogenic aids

• Describe the positive performance effects of the 3 different ergogenic aids

• Identify 1 sport that benefits from 1 particular ergogenic aid

• Evaluate the negative health implications of using these banned ergogenic aids

Androgenic Anabolic Steroids (AAS)

• What are (AAS)?

• (AAS) are drugs that resemble androgenic hormones

• Androgenic Hormones (Male Hormones)

• Male hormones are responsible for creating Testosterone

Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

• Is a peptide hormone that occurs naturally in the body

• Stimulates muscle growth through increases in testosterone production and cell reproduction

• Has similar performance benefits to that of (AAS)

What Does Testosterone do?

• It is responsible for increased androgenic and anabolic development (Fahey, 1998)

• Androgenic (effects sexual characteristics, penis growth, hair growth, aggressiveness)

• Anabolic (accelerated muscle and bone growth and red blood cell development)

How Does this improve sporting performance?

• Increased Muscle Growth

• Enhanced Strength and Power

• Anti- Catabolic

• Improves Recovery after intense exercise and helps fat loss

• Increased Red blood cell count

• Enhanced endurance and recovery from exercise

Which Sports Benefit from these Physiological enhancements?

• Power Lifting

• Sprinting

• Wrestling

• Boxing

• Bodybuilding

• Rugby

What is EPO?

• Erythropoietin (EPO) is a hormone that is produced by the kidneys

• It is injected under the skin

• Increases red blood cell count

Blood Doping

• Most commonly involves the removal of 2 units of healthy blood weeks before competition

• The blood is then frozen up until 1-2 days prior to competition, where it is thawed and injected back into the athlete

• Red blood cell count is maximised and not lost through blood becoming toxic from the stresses of training

What do Red Blood cells do?

• More Red Blood cells means more haemoglobin

• Haemoglobin binds to oxygen and carries it from the lungs to the muscles

• EPO supplementation therefore allows extra oxygen to be transported to the working muscles

Effects of (EPO) and Blood doping on performance

• Increases the amount of oxygenated blood carried to the muscles

• Therefore an athletes VO2 Max is greatly increased

• A larger supply of oxygenated blood means waste products like lactic acid can be removed quicker after exercise

• Improves Recovery and performance in endurance events

Which Sports Benefit?

• Cycling

• Distance Running

• Triathlon

• Cross Country Skiing

• Football

• Rugby

• Crossfit

• Boxing


1. Describe the physiological adaptations that occur to the body after supplementing with (AAS), HGH, (EPO) and Blood Doping

2. Explain how each one improves performance

3. Identify a specific sport that would benefit

from these performance improvements

The Implications of Ergogenic Aids use in Sport

• What do we mean by Implications?

• Implications are effects or consequences that may happen in the future

(AAS) and (HGH)

• Hypertrophy of the heart, increased risk of Heart failure and cardiovascular disease

• Increased growth to organs can cause organ failure

• Acromelagy – Excessive tissue growth, particularly effecting bones and joints

(EPO) and Blood Doping

• These methods increase red blood cell count to abnormally high amounts

• This Causes a thickening of the blood

• Which puts pressure on the heart, as it has to pump harder to circulate the blood around the body

• This can lead to serious cardiovascular disease, Blood Clots, Heart Attacks and Stroke