Erc20.Dog · Erc20.Dog Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1 1. Executive...


Transcript of Erc20.Dog · Erc20.Dog Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1 1. Executive...

Page 1: Erc20.Dog · Erc20.Dog Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1 1. Executive summary Erc20.Dog is the world first cryptocurrency created by dogs. So far, no human

E r c 2 0 . D o g


Page 2: Erc20.Dog · Erc20.Dog Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1 1. Executive summary Erc20.Dog is the world first cryptocurrency created by dogs. So far, no human

“ D o g s l o v e t h e i r f r i e n d s

a n d b i t e t h e i r e n e m i e s ,

q u i t e u n l i k e p e o p l e , w h o

a r e i n c a p a b l e o f p u r e l o v e

a n d a l w a y s h a v e t o m i x

l o v e a n d h a t e ”

S i g m u n d F r e u d

E r c 2 0 . D o g

Page 3: Erc20.Dog · Erc20.Dog Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1 1. Executive summary Erc20.Dog is the world first cryptocurrency created by dogs. So far, no human

E r c 2 0 . D o g

Table of contents:

1. Executive summary 2

2. Erc20.Dog 3

2.1. Our goal 3

3. Development 5

3.1. DOG token 5

3.2. DOG wallet 5

3.3. DOG foundation 6

3.4. DOG DEX 6

3.5. Community developers 6

4. DOG token sale 7

4.1. Token distribution 8

4.2. Use of proceeds 8

5. Roadmap 10

5.1. The long term plan 10

6. Team 11

7. Partners and investors 11

Page 4: Erc20.Dog · Erc20.Dog Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1 1. Executive summary Erc20.Dog is the world first cryptocurrency created by dogs. So far, no human

E r c 2 0 . D o g

Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1

1. Executive summary

Erc20.Dog is the world first cryptocurrency created by dogs. So far, no human was able to create a decentralized platform integrated with tokens that had a real usage. Now dogs are coming to the rescue of man, now's when Erc20.Dog comes in.

Erc20.Dog will be a decentralized application ecosystem backed by a large community that will be rewarded for its work and support to the project. This ecosystem will revolve around the DOG token, which will be directly integrated to the different applications.

How many times have you invested in a project that ended up in nothing?

Every day dozens of projects in the world of crypto assets come to light. Of the thousands of projects that we can see each year, approximately less than a hundred achieve some success, and we dare to say that there are a only a few that truly generate progress in the universe of Blockchain technology.

Although there are hundreds of companies that have raised large amounts of money through ICO and then have obtained a capitalization ten times higher, most of them have not created anything new that gives value to this technology.

With DOG we do not want to generate false expectations, nor paint a world of colors. We do not do miracles, much less. We simply want to make a real contribution with different decentralized platforms, small projects that will make a difference and that will begin to give a real use to Blockchain technology.

To fulfill our objective, we are going to sell part of the DOG tokens, so we will be able to finance the first stages of development with the objective of giving more value to the token and being able to continue with the second step.

Welcome to Erc20.Dog, we hope you can enjoy this project that has us so excited and that you can join us in this wonderful community.

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Page 5: Erc20.Dog · Erc20.Dog Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1 1. Executive summary Erc20.Dog is the world first cryptocurrency created by dogs. So far, no human

E r c 2 0 . D o g

Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1

2. Erc20.Dog

The project came up with the idea of creating something new that attracts people, that draws their attention to then present something new. At that time many ideas emerged, among which the one we liked the most was to capture the image of a group of dogs in charge of the project.

Why would a group of dogs generate the necessary confidence to carry this


First of all, let's not forget that dogs traveled to the space before the human being. Second, today it is very difficult to distinguish between who is the rational being and who is the animal.

Let's clarify that there is not a group of dogs behind their computers creating this whitepaper or writing the codes for our smart contracts. The dogs only give the orders, and there is a team of human slaves that follows them and develops what today you can know as Erc20.Dog.

Why dogs and not cats?

We know that there is a certain sector of the human population that prefers cats rather than dogs, and that is why we want to clarify something from now on. If you prefer cats, then this project is not for you, we would like you to take your things and leave here.

The dog is the best friend of the man, his main companion, the one who is in the good and in the bad, who serves as inspiration for the most determining moments, and that is why dogs lead the project of Erc20.Dog.

2.1. Our goal The main objective of Erc20.Dog is to achieve a greater adoption of Blockchain technology by the average users. We will not go into detail of what are all the advantages of a decentralized network system because it is irrelevant and everyone interested in cryptocurrencies know them. We simply want to mention that to achieve greater adoption, we have planted different secondary objectives.

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E r c 2 0 . D o g

Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1

Create platforms with real use cases

It is the first step to reach more people every day. We want to create something that people seek to do and have no choice but to resort to the use of Blockchain technologies and cryptography.

Facilitate access to crypto assets

Maybe today it is still difficult for many people to access this type of assets. With DOG, the goal is to reach the average user interested in the world of cryptocurrencies but does not access it due to its difficulty.

Perhaps today it is still difficult to get into this world because it is not completely necessary for people, so we believe that this aspect goes hand in hand with the previous point.

Give value to this technology

Nowadays the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is pure speculation. People invest in the promise of what may value or become in the future. There is no real present value, or it exists in small quantities.

After fully integrating the DOG token into an ecosystem of decentralized applications, we will have a token with real value, and we hope to motivate in this way the creation of other similar projects that may give more importance to the Blockchain technology.

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E r c 2 0 . D o g

Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1

3. Development

3.1. DOG token It will be the center of the DOG ecosystem, and will be directly integrated to all the decentralized applications that compose it. It may also be used as a mean of exchange, just like any other asset.

DOG is an ERC20 token that works in the Ethereum Blockchain. We chose Ethereum because it is the most used Blockchain for the development of Dapps and we believe that the contribution will be greater if we start there our way.

3.2. DOG wallet The first step, in which we have already made some progress, is the creation of a wallet that allows you to deposit and transfer different assets, as DOG and ETH will initially be.

Later, new currencies and cryptos that even belong to other blockchains will be integrated, and an in built exchange functionality will be integrated.

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Page 8: Erc20.Dog · Erc20.Dog Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1 1. Executive summary Erc20.Dog is the world first cryptocurrency created by dogs. So far, no human

E r c 2 0 . D o g

Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1

3.3. DOG foundation With the DOG foundation, the objective will be to encourage the DOG community to develop different applications that can be integrated into the DOG ecosystem, that represent a contribution to it and give new functionalities to the DOG token.

We like to say often that Erc20.Dog is a "community token" because of this, since without the community behind the project, it would not be possible to carry it forward.

Each proposal, each development, each contribution made to the DOG ecosystem will be rewarded with DOG tokens, and also in part with Ether reserves obtained in our crowdsale, although to a lesser extent.

3.4. DOG DEX An example of a decentralized application that already has our support is the DOG DEX or DOGEX (we are still thinking how to name it), a decentralized exchange that will integrate the DOG token and that will allow easy exchange between users of various ERC20 tokens.

In the future we will look for ways to expand it and achieve the possibility of exchanging assets between different blockchains.

3.5. Community developers Any user who supports Erc20.Dog can make their contributions to the community and will be rewarded. But we also plan to select a certain number of community developers associated with strategic tasks, who will work on the development of new ideas and projects to improve the DOG ecosystem.

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E r c 2 0 . D o g

Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1

4. DOG token sale

The crowdsale of the DOG token will begin on March 20, 2018 at 00:00 UTC. It will last until April 1 at 00:00 UTC.

The distribution of the tokens will be proportional to the amount invested. The only way to obtain DOG tokens in our crowdsale is by contributing to our smart contract with ETH, and the minimum investment is 0.025 ETH.

The exchange rate will be 2,000 DOG for each invested ETH, which means that each DOG costs 0.0005 ETH.

60% of the total supply of DOG tokens will be placed on sale, for which the amount available in our crowdsale will be 600,000 DOG. Once all the tokens have been sold, the sale will automatically end and no further contributions will be received.

This means that if all the tokens available for sale are issued, the received funds will total the sum of 300 ETH.

El objetivo de nuestro crowdsale os obtener la financiación mínima necesaria para iniciar el desarrollo del ecosistema DOG, y también darle un valor inicial a los tokens con un amplio margen para que puedan incrementar su valor y así beneficiar a nuestros inversores.

Sobrevalorar el proyecto podría llevar a que las ganancias sean menores en un futuro, por más que contaríamos con mayor capital para trabajar. Decidimos recaudar una suma “baja” ya que nuestro único objetivo es iniciar el desarrollo del monedero DOG y el resto de los proyectos cuanto antes, y el tiempo y la promoción del proyecto no son los más altos.

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Token symbol Total supply Crowdsale Target

DOG 1,000,000 DOG 600,000 DOG 300 ETH

Min. investment Start date End date Rate

0.025 ETH March 20, 2018 April 1, 2018 1 ETH = 2,000 DOG

Page 10: Erc20.Dog · Erc20.Dog Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1 1. Executive summary Erc20.Dog is the world first cryptocurrency created by dogs. So far, no human

E r c 2 0 . D o g

Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1

4.1. Token distribution As we mentioned before, 60% of the DOG tokens will be destined to the crowdsale to obtain the initial funds to start working.

20% will go to the community fund, which will be used to finance the DOG foundation that will reward the contributions and developments of the community.

Another 15% will be used in our Bounty Program and Airdrop, with the objective of obtaining the necessary publicity to attract more investors and be able to start the project successfully.

The remaining 5% of the DOG tokens will be distributed among team members for the work done.

4.2. Use of proceeds Of the total funds raised in ETH, 75% will be saved in the development fund of Erc20.Dog. This fund will be used for expenses of the team in research, development of the DOG wallet, updating of the website, integration of the DOG token in various Dapps and more expenses related to the creation of the DOG ecosystem.

The 10% will be used in dog food, since the team will need to stay active for a good time and focused only on delivering all the progress made in the project. It could be said that this 10% goes to equipment expenses.

5% will be used to finance the support of our partners.

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E r c 2 0 . D o g

Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1

5% of the funds will be used to further disseminate the Erc20.Dog project, attract more stakeholders to increase the price of the tokens in different exchanges, increase the popularity of the project, and receive donations from charitable souls to continue expanding the DOG ecosystem.

The remaining 5% will be used to finance legal and accounting expenses that may appear throughout the process of the project.

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E r c 2 0 . D o g

Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1

5. Roadmap

5.1. The long term plan The goal of Erc20.Dog in the long term is to have an ecosystem of active and useful decentralized applications that integrate the DOG token and that facilitate access to the world of crypto assets to the average user.

We also have a huge interest in increasing the capitalization of the project to reward all the investors who trusted us from the beginning.

We think that with a capital of “as low as” 300 ETH we can do a lot, and we do not need larger sums to start creating interesting things. Many projects of low value manage to collect enormous sums of which probably 80% go to their team pockets, and from the remaining 20% we do not really know how much they use effectively for developing their project.

On the other hand, with an initial capital of 300 ETH we have a huge field to project, and we believe that, if everything goes well and we achieve the acceptance of people, we could manage to increase the assets of our investors in large quantities.

In any case, the main objective remains in creating something useful and practical for the world of cryptocurrencies, and place Erc20.Dog in an important place with the DOG ecosystem and a set of applications that will change the way of working with this technology.

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Erc20.Dog Whitepaper v0.1

6. Team

7. Partners and investors

We thank all our partners and investors for the support. The creation of Erc20.Dog would not be possible without them.

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