Era Colony Founders Colonies People of Interest Groups/ Beliefs Documents 1001001001001000...


Transcript of Era Colony Founders Colonies People of Interest Groups/ Beliefs Documents 1001001001001000...

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People of Interest

Groups/ Beliefs


100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200

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400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500Final Jeopardy

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Founded Rhode Island to accept those not welcome in Massachusetts

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Roger Williams

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Brother of King Charles II, given claim to the area including New York, New Jersey, Delaware,

Maine, and the surrounding islands

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The Duke of York

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Applied for charter for Maryland, as refuge for Catholics, but died, so his son Cecilius was given


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Sir George Calvert,

Lord Baltimore

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Settled and founded Connecticut after leaving Massachusetts

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Thomas Hooker

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Founded New Hampshire along with Sir Ferdinando Gorges

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John Mason

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Founded by William Penn and run

on his “Holy Experiment”

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Granted as a colony to Sir George Carteret and John Berkeley by the Duke of York

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New Jersey

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Founded by James Oglethorpe as a buffer between the colonies and the Spanish, a refuge for

imprisoned debtors, banned rum and slaves

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Founded by John Winthrop, and meant for Puritans, the first settlement was thought of as “A

City on a Hill”

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First British colony, it's first settlement named Jamestown, and it's main crop was tobacco

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Introduced tobacco to the farmers of Jamestown

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John Rolfe

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Led the citizens of Jamestown, and helped them to survive by imposing order and making them

work and farm for food

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John Smith

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Ensured the Plymouth colony of Pilgrims survived, along with Squanto

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William Bradford

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Drew the “Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina”

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John Locke

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Governor of the Dominion of New England, was unpopular with settlers, and was overthrown in

the 1689 Boston Revolt

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Sir Edmund Andros

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Members of the Religious Society of Friends, and believed all men and women were created equal

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Group of Separatists that moved from Europe and colonized Plymouth

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Worked within the Church of England to remove Catholicism

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People who removed themselves from the religious rule of both the Church of England and

the Pope

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The idea that faith alone, not deeds, is all that is necessary for salvation

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Gave all Christian citizens in Maryland religious freedom

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Act of Toleration(1649)

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Written by the Pilgrims at Plymouth as a basis for government in their settlement

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Mayflower Compact

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A constitution for Pennsylvania that allowed the members of it's council to vote on issues

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Frame of Government


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A guarantee of freedom of worship for all and unrestricted immigration to Pennsylvania

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Charter of Liberties (1701)

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Established a representative government consisting of a legislature elected by popular vote

in Connecticut

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Fundamental Orders of Connecticut(1639)

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1600s Ways of Attracting Settlers

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The system used in Virginia that offered land to people who came Virginia, or for landowners to

pay for someone else to emigrate to Virginia

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Headright System