
May 31, 2008 To Whom it May Concern: Edna Ruiz has worked for me as a freelance graphic designer for the past year. Her responsibilities included overall visual strategy, branding, design for web and print, making sure that our company had an integrated visual presence across all points of contact with our clients. She also acted as a consultant for a variety of projects such as trade show booth selection and intranet development. During her time as a freelance designer for our company, Edna has had an amazing impact on the appearance and presentation of our brand. She turned things around quickly and with her creativity, skills and vision she made a difference. She is very well organized, diligent in her designs, good communicator, easily reachable, and always on time. My team and I really enjoyed working with her. Edna has done an excellent job and I would highly recommend her for any position in your company. Sincerely, Sophie Charalambous Marketing Manager

Transcript of ER-rec

May 31, 2008

To Whom it May Concern: Edna Ruiz has worked for me as a freelance graphic designer for the past year. Her responsibilities included overall visual strategy, branding, design for web and print, making sure that our company had an integrated visual presence across all points of contact with our clients. She also acted as a consultant for a variety of projects such as trade show booth selection and intranet development. During her time as a freelance designer for our company, Edna has had an amazing impact on the appearance and presentation of our brand. She turned things around quickly and with her creativity, skills and vision she made a difference. She is very well organized, diligent in her designs, good communicator, easily reachable, and always on time. My team and I really enjoyed working with her. Edna has done an excellent job and I would highly recommend her for any position in your company. Sincerely, Sophie Charalambous

Marketing Manager

29 de mayo de 2008 Bsoft Consulting Montserrat No. 36 Tlalnepantla Edo. De México. Ricardo Rodriguez Pardo Gerente General Me dirijo a ustedes a petición de la Srta. Edna H. Ruiz-Adame, quien me solicita referencias para trabajar con ustedes. Debo informarles de que conozco a Srta. Ruiz desde el 2007 y que a lo largo de todos estos años ha demostrado ser una persona honrada, honesta, de buen carácter y en la que puedo depositar mi confianza. Además le considero una persona capaz de llevar a cabo cualquier tarea que se proponga de una manera eficaz, sabiendo solucionar cualquier problema al que se enfrente. La Srta. Ruiz trabajo como consultante extranjero de BSoft Consulting en un proyecto de mercadotecnia para HSBC México y Bancomer México en remesas. Este proyecto fue de dos facetas, una en México y la segunda parte en los Estados Unidos. La Srta. Ruiz fue encargada de realizar el proyecto en las plazas de Houston, Chicago y Los Ángeles. La Srta. Ruiz fue encargada de todo el proyecto USA, incluyendo: la administración y gerencia de los “secret shoppers”, los datos obtenidos, las encuestas, la administración y creación de portal de Internet para descargar la información obtenida, y el presupuesto del proyecto. La Srta. Ruiz viajo a la cuidad de México para cooperar con nuestra oficina en la presentación final para los ejecutivos de HSBC. Los clientes estuvieron muy contentos con la presentación y con el proyecto en general. Por todo lo anterior y por mi experiencia personal con ella, puedo garantizarles también que cumplirá con los objetivos que ustedes le marquen de una manera totalmente satisfactoria. Quedo a su disposición para cualquier información adicional que necesiten. Atentamente Ricardo Rodríguez Pardo Gerente General BSoft Consulting TEL. (52-55)9114-5051 ext. 110

29 de mayo de 2008

Bsoft Consulting Montserrat No. 36 TRANSLATION BY EDNA RUIZ Tlalnepantla Edo. De México. Ricardo Rodriguez Pardo Gerente General I direct myself to you at the request of the Ms. Edna H. Ruiz-Adame as she has requested a reference for employment at your agency. I have known Ms. Ruiz since 2007 and that throughout all these years she has demonstrated to be an honest person, truthful, and of good character. She is someone that I can fully put my confidence in. In addition I consider her to be a capable person, able to carry out any task that she faces in an effective way, someone who knows how to solve any problem she faces. Ms. Ruiz worked as foreign consultant of BSoft Consulting in a marketing research project for HSBC Mexico and Bancomer Mexico regarding remittances. This project was two phased, the first part taking place in Mexico and its’ second half in the United States. Ms. Ruiz was in charge of the project in the three host cities of Houston, Chicago and Los Angeles. Additionally, Ms. Ruiz was in charge of the complete US project including: the administration and management of “secret shoppers”, the data obtained, the surveys, the administration, the creation of Internet portal in which to download the obtained data, and the project’s budget. Ms. Ruiz traveled to Mexico City to collaborate with our office in the final presentation of the project with top HSBC executives. The clients were very pleased with the presentation and the project in general. Because of the previously stated and my personal experience with her, I can guarantee to you that she will fulfill the objectives that you place upon her in a wholly satisfactory way. I am at your disposition for any additional information that you may need. Regards, Ricardo Rodriguez Pardo General Manager BSoft Consulting TEL. (52-55) 9114-5051 ext. 110