Equi thermo power point english

Equi-Thermo The effeciveness of Thermography in Equine Applications


Equine Thermography Case Studies in France.

Transcript of Equi thermo power point english

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The effeciveness of Thermography in Equine Applications

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This image wastaken on the 14/08/11 after 3 months of restshowing clearlywhere she injuredherself.

Maissa du Pech

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This image was taken on the 02/11/11 after 6 monthsrest and show clearly thatboth legs are now the sametemperature.

Maissa du Pech

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This horse fell in histrailer.

This image taken 2 weeksafter the accident – His nearhind was shaved to bettertreat his open wounds. Hisoff hind looked normal but showed thermal heat whichprobably indicates bruising.

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This horse hadinfiltrations to the kneeon the 08/11/12 –Two weeks before thisimage was taken. He had two infiltrations to the front of the kneeand one to the

The treatment was for a tendon problem justbelow the back of the knee.

We can see where the infiltrations werecarried out and note that his whole knee ishotter than the nearside knee.

Image taken 24/11/11Two weeks after thishorse had Infiltrations

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Image taken 03/01/12

8 weeks after the Infiltrations

The sites of Infiltration stillvisiable Two monthslater and the knee isstill warmer.

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Image taken 20/01/12

10 weeks after the Infiltrations

The sites of Infiltration are still visiable, but seem to be cooler.

The near front hoofis showing hot.

I was normal in the first image dated24/11/11.Seemed slightly

warmer in the image of the 03/01/11 and isnow showing muchhotter.

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The same horse

We are now looking athis off hind, this hot spot was apparent in the first images I tookon the 24/11/11

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The off hind from a different angle.

Same horse

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The same horse

10 weeks later andThe hot spot is muchCooler with just a slightTrace.

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This horse showedthis hot spot to it’snear fore on the 03/01/12 and itwas still hot the dayafter 04/01/12, however images taken on the 20/01/12 showesnothing.

I assume it was a knock of some sort.

The same horse again

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He had an infection which showed up on these images 4 days before they became apparent to the naked eye.

This horse was slightly lame.

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This horse is slightly lame

This image shows heat to the off front heal area of the hoof.

To be diagnosed.

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Horse with hot hocks.

This horse shows a hot hock with an unusual heatpattern.

To bediagnosed.

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The samehorse.

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A horse with back problems.

To be diagnosed

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This horse is lame

To be diagnosed.

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The same horse from a differentangle.

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Horse with a susspected hoofabcess.

We can see the heatup as far as his knee.

This photo was takenin a sand school and this is not ideal as itdoes not allow for the hooves to beplaced flat.

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This horse has been treated with a Blister for a tendon problem –Nothing was visiable to the naked eye but hereis quite clear.

Horse treated with a Blister product

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This horse would not / could not lower hishead to eat.

Nothing of note wasobserved appart fromthe fact that he has occular heat around hisnear side eye. This wasapparent in otherimages and I have never seen this before.

The vet attended 4 days later but wasunable to diagnose as by then the horse waseating normally.te

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