Epithermal deposits of the Central Pilbara tectonic zone · Epithermal deposits of the Central...

34 AGSO Research Newsletter MAY 2000 Epithermal deposits of the Central Pilbara tectonic zone Description and exploration significance DL Huston, B Keillor, J Standing, R Blewett & TP Mernagh Epthermal textures have recently been recognised in north-north- west-trending quartz veins hosted by Mesoarchaean rocks of the Central Pilbara tectonic zone. These veins occur near the inferred unconformity with the overlying Neoarchaean Fortescue Group. Geological relationships and Pb isotope model ages of possibly correlative mineral- isation suggest that this epithermal mineralising event was associated with the opening and early development of the Hamersley Basin at around 2750 million years. These results have significance not only to the potential for the Pilbara Craton and overlying Fortescue Group, but also to other Archaean terranes; preservation, not age, is the determining factor for Archaean epithermal mineralisation. I n 1997, Resolute Ltd geologists recognised the presence of epithermal veins in the Indee district within the 3.1–2.95 million year old Central Pilbara tectonic zone of the Pilbara Craton. 1 These veins are located just below the inferred position of the unconformity between the Central Pilbara tectonic zone and the overlying 2.78 million- year-old Fortescue group. Elsewhere in the Pilbara, epithermal veins may be present in the basal units of the Fortescue Group. 2 The purposes of this communi- cation are to: 1. describe the geology, vein textures and mineralogy of selected deposits; 2. document the trace element geochemistry of the veins; 3. provide preliminary constraints on the composition and temperature of the mineralising fluids; and 4. discuss the significance of these deposits to the Pilbara Craton and other Precambrian provinces. Figure 1 shows the regional geology along with locations of epithermal deposits visited by the authors and described by Marshall. 2 Becher prospect (621500 mE, 7683700 mN)* Epithermal textures are best developed at the Becher deposit, a zone of anastomosing quartz veins in sandstone of the Mallina Formation (figure 2). Although the vein system has an overall strike of 330º, it is comprised of two vein sets, with the more dominant set striking 310º and the subordinate set * Zone 50 AMG locations using AGD66 datum Figure 1. Location of epithermal deposits in the Central Pilbara tectonic zone (modified on Smithies, WA sheets 2456 & 2556—see references 5 & 13)

Transcript of Epithermal deposits of the Central Pilbara tectonic zone · Epithermal deposits of the Central...

Page 1: Epithermal deposits of the Central Pilbara tectonic zone · Epithermal deposits of the Central Pilbara tectonic zone Description and exploration significance DL Huston, B Keillor,

34 AGSO Research Newsletter MAY 2000

Epithermal deposits of the CentralPilbara tectonic zone Description and exploration significance

DL Huston, B Keillor, J Standing, R Blewett & TP Mernagh

Epthermal textures have recentlybeen recognised in north-north-west-trending quartz veins hostedby Mesoarchaean rocks of theCentral Pilbara tectonic zone.These veins occur near theinferred unconformity with theoverlying Neoarchaean FortescueGroup. Geological relationshipsand Pb isotope model ages ofpossibly correlative mineral-isation suggest that thisepithermal mineralising eventwas associated with the openingand early development of theHamersley Basin at around 2750million years. These results havesignificance not only to thepotential for the Pilbara Cratonand overlying Fortescue Group,but also to other Archaeanterranes; preservation, not age, isthe determining factor forArchaean epithermalmineralisation.

In 1997, Resolute Ltd geologistsrecognised the presence of

epithermal veins in the Indee districtwithin the 3.1–2.95 million year oldCentral Pilbara tectonic zone of thePilbara Craton.1 These veins arelocated just below the inferredposition of the unconformitybetween the Central Pilbara tectoniczone and the overlying 2.78 million-year-old Fortescue group. Elsewherein the Pilbara, epithermal veins maybe present in the basal units of theFortescue Group.2

The purposes of this communi-cation are to: 1. describe the geology, vein

textures and mineralogy ofselected deposits;

2. document the trace elementgeochemistry of the veins;

3. provide preliminary constraints onthe composition and temperatureof the mineralising fluids; and

4. discuss the significance of these deposits to the Pilbara Craton and otherPrecambrian provinces. Figure 1 shows the regional geology along with locations of epithermal

deposits visited by the authors and described by Marshall.2

Becher prospect (621500 mE, 7683700 mN)*Epithermal textures are best developed at the Becher deposit, a zone ofanastomosing quartz veins in sandstone of the Mallina Formation (figure 2).Although the vein system has an overall strike of 330º, it is comprised of twovein sets, with the more dominant set striking 310º and the subordinate set

* Zone 50 AMG locations using AGD66 datum

Figure 1. Location of epithermal deposits in the Central Pilbara tectonic zone(modified on Smithies, WA sheets 2456 & 2556—see references 5 & 13)

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striking 350º. Wall rocks adjacent to the veins have been altered to a quartz–sericite–(ex)pyrite assemblage that can be traced at least 50 metres from thevein system, where it grades into a ‘background’, chloritic assemblage (figure2). Kaolinitic zones locally occur within the quartz–sericite–(ex)pyriteassemblage.

The Becher vein system is dominated by massive chalcedony. Weaklybanded chalcedony, also relatively abundant, is characterised by diffuse orvague colour banding, but no distinct crustiform banding is developed. Otherhabits of quartz include pseudoacicular quartz, quartz pseudomorphsreplacing bladed minerals, and colloform–crustiform quartz. Brecciation ofthese other textures is also present locally.

Radial, needle-like quartz (pseudoacicular3 or ‘mold’ textures4) is presentboth at the hand specimen (figure 3a) and the microscopic scales (figure 3b).Both the pseudoacicular textures and quartz pseudomorphs replacing acoarsely bladed mineral (possibly carbonate) are restricted in distribution(figure 2). Where present, bladed textures tend to occur along the hangingwall (e.g. western) side of the vein. Within these zones, the blades aretypically five to 20 centimetres in length and one to five millimetres inthickness.

Crustiform quartz (figure 3c), which has a very restricted distribution(figure 2), is characterised by two- to 20-millimetre banding with a colloformhabit. Locally this banding has been brecciated, resulting in complexoverprinting relationships both at the hand specimen and microscopic scales.

Figure 2. Surface geology of the Becher deposit

Bladed gossan (figure 3d) ischaracterised by iron oxides that havereplaced massive zones of anunoriented bladed mineral (possiblyFe-rich carbonate). Bladed gossan,present only at the highest hill in theBecher vein system, appears to beparagenetically late as it fills thecentre of individual veins and locallycross-cuts other quartz types. Zonesof coarsely bladed quartz appear tooccur lateral to this zone of bladedgossan.

Brecciated textures occur tovarying degrees throughout theBecher vein system. These texturesvary from wall rock breccias withchalcedonic infill to breccias in whichcrustiform clasts are infilled by laterchalcedonic quartz (figure 3e), and tobreccias with complex clast andmatrix types.

In thin section other textures arepresent, including cockade andplumose textures (figure 3f). Theplumose quartz is associated withsericite that occurs both as seams andin a stubby mass, possibly pseudomor-phous after a stubby mineral such asfeldspar (possibly adularia).

The presence of abundantchacedonic quartz and bladed quartzpseudomorphs—combined with thepresence of limited crustiform–colloform quartz and the absence ofcrystalline quartz—suggests that theexposed Becher vein system is in thechalcedonic superzone or the upperpart of the crustiform–colloformsuperzone of Morrison et al.4 Theseobservations suggest that a boilingzone, if present, is at depth. Thepresence of multiple episodes ofbrecciation in some veins is alsoencouraging for mineral potential forthe Becher vein system.

Orange Rock deposit(610250 mE, 7678900 mN)The Orange Rock deposit is located12 kilometres west-south-west of theBecher deposit within high-Mggranodiorite of the (~2950 Ma)Peawah Granodiorite.5 The OrangeRock vein system has an overall trendof 345º. Like the Becher vein system,it is segmented with two short seg-ments in the northern and centralparts of the vein system having trendsin the range from 350º to 015º (figure 4).

Most of the Orange Rock veinsystem is characterised by well-developed vein breccias. Thesebreccias typically contain one- to 20-centimetre clasts of silicifiedgranodiorite and chalcedonic quartzin a chalcedonic matrix. Othertextural types are much morerestricted in their distribution. The

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36 AGSO Research Newsletter MAY 2000

most abundant high-level textures inthe Orange Rock vein system occurnear the northern extremity. Thesevein textures occur in an approx-imately 50-metre-long, locally highlygossanous interval within a 345ºtrending segment just to the north ofa jog from a 015º trending segment(figure 4).

Textures present in this gossanousinterval include breccia, coarse bladedquartz psuedomorphs, and bladedgossan. The breccias contain silicifiedgranodiorite clasts set within agossanous matrix. The most unusualtexture present in this zone is Fe-oxide pseudomorphs after a bladedmineral that has been folded (figure3g). However, the lack of coherencewithin the folds and the lack of anyother structural overprint suggest thatthe folds are not tectonic. Where thevein jogs to the south of this interval,the vein textures revert to thechalcedonic breccias characteristic ofthe vein system as a whole. Thisrelationship implies that changes invein trend have an important controlon the development of epithermaltextures in the Orange Rock veinsystem.

Bladed pseudomorphs of quartzare also present one kilometre to thesouth of the gossanous interval wherethe vein system bifurcates into a 350ºtrending main vein and a 330ºtrending branch. Chalcedonic quartzwith disseminated pyrite is alsolocally present along the branch.

below, using the AGSO guidelines. Alongside the published version is apossible revised scheme, based on carriage names.

Published scheme Possible revised schemeBB12 Chariot SequenceBB12C Chariot 3 SubsequenceBB12B Chariot 2 SubsequenceBB12A Chariot 1 SubsequenceBB11 Coach SequenceBB10 Phaeton SequenceBB9 Brougham SequenceBB8 Wagon SequenceBB7 Rickshaw Sequence

References1. Brakel AT. 1999. Avoiding stratigraphic confusion in exploration: The need for

standards in sequence stratigraphy. APPEA Journal; 39(1):485–493.2. Brakel AT & Passlow V. 1999. Preliminary AGSO scheme for standard database

entry of sequence stratigraphic units. AGSO Research Newsletter, Nov; 31:20–21.

Acknowledgments: This scheme was developed from the preliminaryscheme2 by a forum of AGSO staff, who are thanked for their input.

➤ Dr Albert Brakel, Minerals Division, AGSO, phone +61 2 6249 9697 or e-mail [email protected] ý

References: Jones WH. 1985. A sequenceframework for the Cretaceous of theWildcat Basin. Drill Here Journal;63:119–137.

Re-naming sequencesThe naming of sequences in AGSOand elsewhere has been based on anumber of methods in the past—most of which are inappropriate tothe standards set out here. Namestypically are not unique and arecommonly based on alphanumericcodes or age-specific names. Use ofthe geographic parts of formallydefined lithostratigraphic names isalso widespread, even though theunits often are not identical. Ideally,only where there is an exact verticalcorrespondence between a sequencestratigraphic unit and a lithostrati-graphic unit should the geographicname also be adopted.

An example of how currentusage might be revised is set out

From page 33 Standard database entry of sequence stratigraphic units in AGSO

Veins in the Opaline Well Granite (575400 mE, 7679200 mN)The 2765 million-year-old6 Opaline Well Granite is cut by a series of 0.2–3metre quartz veins that trend north-west to north-north-west (320–345º) andhave strike lengths up to several hundred metres. Although evidence ofsulphide minerals (e.g. gossanous patches) is lacking, these veins typicallyhave well-developed epithermal textures dominated by bladed pseudomorphsof quartz (figure 3h), with lesser, weakly banded chalcedonic quartz. Anunusual characteristic of these bladed textures is that locally the blades arecomposed of fluorite and not quartz. In outcrop the fluorite weathersrecessively, leaving residual silica ridges (figure 5a). In thin section, theselvedges to some of the weakly banded chalcedonic veins are comprised ofpotassium feldspar (figure 5b). Marshall also reports the presence ofepithermal textures in these veins, and notes the presence of colloform andcrustiform textures.2

Sams Ridge deposit (590300 mE, 7707100 mN)One of the more interesting prospects described by Marshall, the Sams Ridgedeposit, is hosted by high-Mg basalt of the Louden Volcanics.2 A brief visit wasmade to the Sams Ridge prospect at the location indicated by Smithies.3 Thislocation is 2.3 kilometres north of the Sams Ridge prospect as identified byMarshall.2

The site visited is characterised mainly by grey-white chalcedonic quartzwith minor gossanous zones and minor brecciated zones. Locally malachiteand disseminated pyrite are present. The veins are generally narrow (<1 m)and strike due north. Marshall’s Sams Ridge prospect (590100 mN, 7704700mN) consists of a north-trending 150-metre-wide zone of quartz veining andalteration along the same quartz vein system as the deposit visited by theauthors. Marshall reports chalcedonic quartz, colloform banding, crack-sealtextures and bladed pseudomorphs of quartz.2 Gossanous zones, some ofwhich contain oxide Cu minerals, occur along selvedges of some of thechalcedonic veins.

Quartz Hill vein (578700 mE, 7708000mN)The authors also visited a north-trending chalcedonic vein near Quartz HillWell just to the north of the Sholl Shear Zone. This occurrence is characterisedby a brecciated quartz vein up to 30 metres in width and three kilometreslong. Other than the extensive brecciation, no epithermal textures wereobserved.

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AGSO information
This text is part of another paper in AGSO Research Newsletter no.32. See page 33 for beginning of article.
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Figure 3. Photographs and photomicrographs showing textures in epithermalvein systems from the Central Pilbara tectonic zone. A. Complex vein characterised by multiple generations of banded,

pseudoacicular quartz B. Banded clast with pseudoacicular quartz overgrowths (plane light) C. Crustiform clast overgrown by crustiform quartz D. Bladed gossan E. Vein breccia, with crustiform quartz clasts in a chalcedonic quartz matrix F. Plumose to subhedral quartz grains growing perpendicular to elongate

seams of sericite. (Note the presence of a stubby a shape of sericite matin the centre of the frame and the fluid inclusions that decorate growthzones just above this sericite mat; crossed polars.)

G. Fe oxides, pseudomorphous after a bladed and folded mineral H. Bladed pseudomorphs of quartz









Geochemical studiesTwenty-four grab samples were analyzed at Analabs’ Welshpool laboratory fora suite of elements (Au, Ag, Hg, As, Bi, Sb, Te, Tl, W, U, Cu, Pb and Zn)considered characteristic of the epithermal environment using a combinationof AAS (atomic absorption spectrometry) and ICP-MS (induction coupledplasma-mass spectrometry) techniques. The samples were selected to berepresentative of the vein textures present at each deposit. Table 1summarises the results.

The most anomalous samples were from the Becher prospect, where Auassays ranged upwards to 0.22 ppm. Arsenic, Bi, Sb, Te, W, Cu and Zn werealso anomalous. Arsenic, Sb and Te were most elevated, with values to 6610ppm, 178 ppm and 3.3 ppm, respectively. Analyses from the Orange Rock

prospect, although lower thanBecher, are still anomalous. Themaximum assay for Au was 0.06ppm, but As (to 208 ppm), Sb (to 14ppm) and Te (to 0.6 ppm) weresignificantly elevated relative toaverage crustal abundances.

With the exception of weak Sband Te anomalism, the results fromthe Opaline Well and Quartz Hill Wellveins are uniformly low. Marshall,however, reported anomalous Au, Sband Cu in streams draining thecontact between the Opaline WellGranite and surrounding turbidites.2

In contrast, results from Sams Ridgeare enriched in Ag, Hg, As, Bi, Sb, Teand Cu, but Au assays are low (Table1). Marshall reported highlyanomalous assays from his SamsRidge prospect, with values up to0.44 ppm Au, 15 ppm Ag, 90 ppmAs, 8100 ppm Sb and 9800 ppm Cu.2

These latter results are the mostsignificant reported for an epithermalprospect from the Central Pilbaratectonic zone.

Fluid inclusion studiesPreliminary fluid inclusion studieswere undertaken on two samplesfrom the Becher deposit. In the firstsample, equant fluid inclusions thatdecorate growth banding in plumosequartz yielded eutectic temperaturesof -50 to -46ºC, indicating thepresence of other salts (e.g. KCl,CaCl2, MgCl2, FeCl2) besides NaCl.Salinities ranged between 9.2 and17.8 wt % NaCl equivalent with amode around 15.5 wt % NaClequivalent. The inclusions homog-enised over the range from 92 to161ºC with a mode at 146ºC.

In the second sample, character-ised by rhythmically banded chalce-donic quartz, primary inclusionsdecorate growth bands in euhedralquartz crystals that occur on theboundary of the chalcedonic quartz.These primary fluid inclusions arerounded to irregular in shape.Eutectic melting could not always beobserved. When it was it ranged from-16.4 to -12.5ºC. Salinities of inclusionfluids were all less than 3 wt % NaClequivalent. Homogenisation occurredover a range of temperatures from130 to 299ºC with the majority ofinclusions homogenising below210ºC.

No definitive evidence for boilingwas found in either sample, but thevapour phase is commonly nottrapped in epithermal systems.7 Thelarge scatter in homogenisationtemperatures in the second samplemay be the result of necking down orother post-entrapment modifications.Temperatures near the minimumhomogenisation temperature (i.e.

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Figure 4. Geology of the Orange Rock vein system

130–150ºC) most likely represent trapping temperatures aspost-entrapment modifications commonly increaseobserved homogenisation temperatures. The salinity of thefluid in the first sample is clearly higher than that reportedfor most epithermal systems. Although early high-salinityfluids have been previously reported from the Creede andSummitville deposits (Colarado, USA),8 the significance ofthese high-salinity fluids at Becher is not understood. Thelower fluid salinities (reported from sample 98044088A)are more akin to those from typical epithermal systems.7

DiscussionVein textures, trace element associations and thepreliminary fluid inclusion data are all consistent with anepithermal origin for the Becher, Orange Rock, OpalineWell and Sams Ridge vein systems. The combination ofchalcedonic, pseudoacicular, crustiform and bladedpseudomorphs is diagnostic of the epithermalenvironment,9 and the trace element assemblageAs–Sb–Te±Bi±W is also consistent with such anenvironment.10 Moreover, the presence of potassiumfeldspar at the Opaline Well veins suggests a lowsulphidation character to some of the deposits. The fluidinclusion characteristics of the Becher system are alsoconsistent with an epithermal origin.7

The age of the mineral deposits has not beenestablished directly. However, inferences can be madebased on geological relationships, particularly from theOpaline Well occurrences. The veins at Opaline Well cut2765 million-year granite set a maximum age of themineralisation. Fluorite in these veins is found elsewherein the Pilbara, in veins that have model Pb isotope ages of2700–2750 million years.11 Moreover, all Pilbara veinsoccupy north-west- to north-trending structures associatedwith the opening of the Fortescue basin (at ~2780 Ma).12

These geological data are most consistent with, althoughnot definitive of, an age of around 2700–2750 millionyears for the epithermal veins. If true, this suggests thatPrecambrian terranes, generally not consideredprospective for these deposits, may contain epithermaldeposits if a high crustal level has been preserved.

Finally, figure 1 shows that many of the veins,although north-north-west-trending, are located nearnorth-east-trending structures such as the Kents Bore andLoudens Faults.

Figure 5. Photographs and photomicrographs showing textures in epithermal vein systems from the Central Pilbaratectonic zone. A. Fluorite pseudomorphs after a bladed mineral (recessively weathered) B. Low-temperaturepotassium feldspar forming selvedges to chalcedonic quartz vein


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ConclusionQuartz veins containing texturestypical of epithermal vein depositsare present in a number of locationsin the Central Pilbara tectonic zone.These veins cut a variety of hostrocks including turbiditic sandstone,granite, high-Mg basalt, and high-Mggranodiorite. Elsewhere in the

Pilbara, these veins cut basal units of the overlying Fortescue Group.These veins appear to be related geologically to the opening of the

Fortescue Basin, with a probable age of approximately 2700–2750 millionyears.

The presence of epithermal veins in the Pilbara indicates the possibility ofepithermal deposits in other Precambrian terranes—provided that high-levelenvironments have been preserved and not eroded.

Table 1. Range in trace element analyses from epithermal deposits of the Central Pilbara tectoniczone (all in ppm).

Deposit No Au Ag Hg As Bi Sb Te Tl W U Cu Pb Zn

Becher 12 <0.01– <0.1– <0.005– 15– 0.2– 2.6– 0.2– <0.5– 1.6– <0.05– 4– <5– <4–0.22 1.8 0.36 6610 3.3 178 3.3 0.6 34.9 11.9 740 170 409

Orange 7 <0.01– <0.1– 0.012– 6– 0.2– 5.7– 0.5– <0.5 1.1– 0.08– 5– <5– 5–Rock 0.06 0.3 0.024 208 1.1 13.5 0.6 2.4 2.9 13 22 26

Opaline 2 <0.01 <0.1– 0.012 8– 0.4– 6.2– 0.5 <0.5 1.3– <0.05– 4– 16– 4–Well 0.2 27 0.5 8.4 0.8 1.6 0.07 5 23 5

Quartz 1 <0.01 <0.1 0.035 13 0.5 14.3 0.7 <0.5 0.8 0.05 6 5 5Hill

Sams 2 <0.01– 2.3– 1.64 73– 0.3– 69– 0.6– <0.5 1.0– 0.16– 1135 <5– 39–Ridge 0.02 4.5 868 7.9 131 0.8 1.3 4.3 2820 187 40

References1. Hickman AH. 1999. New tectono-

stratigraqphic interpretations of thePilbara Craton, Western Australia. In:GSWA ’99 extended abstracts: Newgeological data for WA explorers.Perth: Geological Survey of WesternAustralia, record 1999/6:4–6.

2. Marshall AM. 2000. Low temperature-low pressure (‘epithermal’) veindeposits of the North Pilbara granite-greenstone terrane, Western Australia.Canberra: AGSO, record 2000/1.

3. Dong G, Morrison G & Jaireth S.1995. Quartz textures in epithermalveins, Queensland: Classification,origin, and implication. EconomicGeology; 90:1841–1856.

4. Morrison G, Dong G & Jaireth S.1990. Textural zoning in epithermalquartz veins. Townsville: James CookUniversity; unpublished AMIRAreport.

5. Smithies RH. 1999. Yule (WA) sheet2556. 1:100 000 geological seriesexplanatory notes. Perth: GeologicalSurvey of Western Australia.

6. Nelson DR. 1997. Compilation ofSHRIMP U–Pb zircon geochronologydata, 1996. Perth: Geological Surveyof Western Australia, record 1997/2.

7. Bodnar RJ, Reynolds TJ & Kuehn CA.1985. Fluid inclusion systematics inepithermal systems. Reviews inEconomic Geology; 2:73–97.

8. Hayba DO, Bethke PM, Heald P &Foley NK. 1985. Geologic,mineralogic and geochemicalcharacteristics of volcanic-hostedepithermal precious-metal deposits.Reviews in Economic Geology;2:129–167.

9. Dowling K & Morrison GW. 1989. Application of quartz textures to theclassification of gold deposits using North Queensland examples. EconomicGeology; monograph 6:342–355.

10. Silberman ML & Berger BR. 1985. Relationship of trace-element patterns toalteration and morphology in epithermal precious-metal deposits. Reviews inEconomic Geology; 2:203–232.

11. Huston D. 1999. Unpublished data.12. Blake T. 1993. Late Archaean crustal extension, sedimentary basin formation, flood

basalt volcanism and continental rifting: The Nullagine and Mount Jopesupersequences, Western Australia. Precambrian Research; 60:185–241.

13. Smithies RH. 1997. Sherlock (WA) sheet 2456. 1:100 000 geological seriesexplanatory notes. Perth: Geological Survey of Western Australia.

Acknowledgments: This contribution benefited from discussions withSubhash Jarieth, Hugh Smithies and Ken Lawrie. Subhash Jarieth and DavidChampion provided comments on an earlier version of this contribution.

➤ Dr David Huston, Minerals Division, AGSO, phone +61 2 6249 9577 or e-mail [email protected]

➤ Brett Keillor, Resolute Ltd, phone +61 8 9261 6100 or [email protected]

➤ Jon Standing, Fluid Focus, phone +61 8 9474 5855 or [email protected]

➤ Dr Richard Blewett, Minerals Division, AGSO, phone +61 2 6249 9713 ore-mail [email protected]

➤ Dr Terry Mernagh, Minerals Division, AGSO, phone +61 2 6249 9640 or e-mail [email protected] ý

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