READY TOLEARN STORYBOOKS ACT IVITIES TV THAT TEACHES READ DO VIEW EPISODE DESCRIPTIONS CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING MARCH 2007 THURSDAY, MARCH 1 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS 718) My Family and Me This episode of Barney and Friends is all about family. The kids are invited to a picnic in the park, but they don't know who the mysterious host is. They were asked to bring a family treasure along too. Barney teaches the kids the importance of family. After taking a break inside where the kids practice reading, thekids draw pictures of their families. 7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4110) It's Abby's first day of Storybook Community School and she is so excited to learn everything! Mrs. Goose introduces Abby to the class and they make her feel at home by singing her the "Welcome Song". Next it's time for Show and Tell. It is Abby's turn, but she didn't know that she was supposed to bring something to share. Abby decides to use her magic wand to leave school and ask Elmo for help. Elmo thinks that the class would love to see her wand. As he says this, he accidentally taps his head with her wand and he disappears, suddenly appearing at Abby's school. Now that Elmo is at her school, Abby thinks that it would be more fun to introduce Elmo to the class during Show and Tell. Then she can tell everyone what a good friend he is. Mrs. Goose allows Elmo to be a guest for the day and the class sings him the "Welcome Song." Abby is having a great first day of school and she is so happy to be learning so many new things. 8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (308) Be Reasonable Hacker returns to the Cybrary to wreak revenge on Ms. Fileshare and the kids. His crafty plan tricks the kids to try to rescue Ms. Fileshare, only to find themselves all trapped! If the CyberSquad doesn't escape in time, Hacker will steal the Cybrary's most valuable books - all about the most secret inner-workings of Motherboard! 8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (124) Keep Out Cows/Curious George and the Missing Piece Keep Out Cows - George loves Leslie the cow but do she and her friends have to keep eating all those beautiful wildflowers that he wants to show The Man with the Yellow Hat? George works against time and the cows' appetites to come up with a wall strong enough to save the flowers.Curious George and the Missing Piece - When George discovers a bone buried in the ground, he's convinced it's got to be part of a dinosaur skeleton-but which one? When none of the dinosaurs in the museum are missing a piece, George uses his best scientific sleuthing skills to match the bone to the animal. Is the bone from a completely new kind of animal? And why is Charkie always chasing after him to steal that bone away? 9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (133) Clifford's Hiccups/It's My Party Clifford gets a bad case of the hiccups and that's a real problem with a dog the size of Clifford! His dog friends work together to come up with various remedies for Clifford. They are not successful and the hiccups eventually go away on their own. But Clifford expresses to his friends how good it feels to know they care so much about him./ When Jetta throws a movie-watching party, she expects everyone to do things her way which in this case means watching home-movies of herself. The other kids try their best, but are soon bored and take a vote to go outside and make their own movie with Vaz's movie camera. Jetta is encouraged to join them, but stubbornly refuses. But she soon learns that its more fun to play when everyone has a voice in deciding what to do together. 9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (313) Feliz Cumpleanos, Enrique/On Thin Ice Feliz Cumpleanos, Enrique - It's Enrique's birthday! Max, Emmy, and their dragon friends throw him a surprise party with streamers, Dragonblowers, and traditional American games. Enrique is thrilled that his new friends have planned such a special party for him, but he can't help but feel sad, missing his friends and the traditions that are part of birthday celebrations in Colombia. The gang tries to cheer him up, but his sadness keeps brimming to the surface. After a talk with Quetzal, Enrique learns that sometimes you need to have a good cry to let the sadness out. Enrique takes Quetzal's advice and then rejoins the party ready to celebrate. The friends march around in a Dragonland Conga as they play with their homemadE maracas and chant "Feliz Cumpleanos!" On Thin Ice - It's Willie the Snow Seal's birthday, and there's going to be a big party with singing and a lot of yummy cake. It's a good thing that Emmy and Max brought their skates, because Willy lives in a huge icy cave next to a frozen pond. Zak and Wheezie are excited about the party, too, except for one thing-they don't know how to ice skate! Their friends are happy to help them learn. Although Wheezie is eager to get started, Zak isn't so sure. On their first attempt,
















MARCH 2007


6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS 718) My Family and Me This episode of Barney and Friends is all about family. The kids are invited to a picnic in the park, but they don't know who the

mysterious host is. They were asked to bring a family treasure along too. Barney teaches the kids the importance of family. After

taking a break inside where the kids practice reading, thekids draw pictures of their families.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4110) It's Abby's first day of Storybook Community School and she is so excited to learn everything! Mrs. Goose introduces Abby to the

class and they make her feel at home by singing her the "Welcome Song". Next it's time for Show and Tell. It is Abby's turn, but

she didn't know that she was supposed to bring something to share. Abby decides to use her magic wand to leave school and ask

Elmo for help. Elmo thinks that the class would love to see her wand. As he says this, he accidentally taps his head with her wand

and he disappears, suddenly appearing at Abby's school. Now that Elmo is at her school, Abby thinks that it would be more fun to

introduce Elmo to the class during Show and Tell. Then she can tell everyone what a good friend he is. Mrs. Goose allows Elmo to

be a guest for the day and the class sings him the "Welcome Song." Abby is having a great first day of school and she is so happy

to be learning so many new things.

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (308) Be Reasonable Hacker returns to the Cybrary to wreak revenge on Ms. Fileshare and the kids. His crafty plan tricks the kids to try to rescue Ms.

Fileshare, only to find themselves all trapped! If the CyberSquad doesn't escape in time, Hacker will steal the Cybrary's most

valuable books - all about the most secret inner-workings of Motherboard!

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (124) Keep Out Cows/Curious George and the Missing Piece Keep Out Cows - George loves Leslie the cow but do she and her friends have to keep eating all those beautiful wildflowers that he

wants to show The Man with the Yellow Hat? George works against time and the cows' appetites to come up with a wall strong

enough to save the flowers.Curious George and the Missing Piece - When George discovers a bone buried in the ground, he's

convinced it's got to be part of a dinosaur skeleton-but which one? When none of the dinosaurs in the museum are missing a piece,

George uses his best scientific sleuthing skills to match the bone to the animal. Is the bone from a completely new kind of animal?

And why is Charkie always chasing after him to steal that bone away?

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (133) Clifford's Hiccups/It's My Party Clifford gets a bad case of the hiccups and that's a real problem with a dog the size of Clifford! His dog friends work together to

come up with various remedies for Clifford. They are not successful and the hiccups eventually go away on their own. But Clifford

expresses to his friends how good it feels to know they care so much about him./ When Jetta throws a movie-watching party, she

expects everyone to do things her way which in this case means watching home-movies of herself. The other kids try their

best, but are soon bored and take a vote to go outside and make their own movie with Vaz's movie camera. Jetta is encouraged to

join them, but stubbornly refuses. But she soon learns that its more fun to play when everyone has a voice in deciding what to do


9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (313) Feliz Cumpleanos, Enrique/On Thin Ice Feliz Cumpleanos, Enrique - It's Enrique's birthday! Max, Emmy, and their dragon friends throw him a surprise party with

streamers, Dragonblowers, and traditional American games. Enrique is thrilled that his new friends have planned such a special

party for him, but he can't help but feel sad, missing his friends and the traditions that are part of birthday celebrations in

Colombia. The gang tries to cheer him up, but his sadness keeps brimming to the surface. After a talk with Quetzal, Enrique learns

that sometimes you need to have a good cry to let the sadness out. Enrique takes Quetzal's advice and then rejoins the party

ready to celebrate. The friends march around in a Dragonland Conga as they play with their homemadE maracas and chant "Feliz

Cumpleanos!" On Thin Ice - It's Willie the Snow Seal's birthday, and there's going to be a big party with singing and a lot of yummy

cake. It's a good thing that Emmy and Max brought their skates, because Willy lives in a huge icy cave next to a frozen pond. Zak

and Wheezie are excited about the party, too, except for one thing-they don't know how to ice skate! Their friends are happy to

help them learn. Although Wheezie is eager to get started, Zak isn't so sure. On their first attempt,

they immediately fall on the ice. Emmy explains that they need to lacetheir skates tighter so their feet aren't so wobbly. Much

better! But after a few steps, down they go! The gang advises them to hold onto the branches at first and then try holding their

arms out to the side to help keep their balance. Emmy shows them the best way to fall - a very important safety tip. As they

practice, they improve, and are finally confident enough (even Zak!) to skate into Willie's cave for the surprise celebration.

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (108) Dancing/King of the Tree Dancing: Snook is scheduled to escort Madge to a family gathering, but he keeps falling asleep. Smooch, Winslow and Bob band

together to help and with a little dancing, get him up and going again. King of the Tree: It's very rainy in the World Tree and Ick

convinces Bob that the tree will flood and Ick will become king. With the help of some scientific measurements, Snook dispels

Bob's fears and Ick learns he won't be king after all. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Turtles - The migratory and social habits of

turtles. Weather - We can observe changes in the weather, and these changes have impacts on animals and plants.

10:30 AM JAKERS! (206) Mi Galeon Grandpa Piggley recounts the story of the time he, Dannan and Ferny all built miniature ships and entered the Raloo River Race.

Unfortunately, Don Toro lets his enthusiasm get the better of him and he does most of the work building Ferny's entry. The ship

is fantastic, but Ferny feels like he didn't contribute enough. In the end, Ferny overcomes his fear of hurting his papa's feelings,

and by speaking up asserts his right to build his own boat.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (315) Caillou Outdoors! Shoo, Shoo Bird, Fly Away - When birds keep eating the seeds in Mommy and Caillou's newly planted garden, they come up with the

idea of making a scarecrow. It's fun picking out the clothes and drawing pictures for the face too. Caillou even imagines he's a

scarecrow himself! When they are finished their scarecrow Rosie's noisy pie plates prove to be the final ingredient needed to

scare away the birds!Caillou's Road Trip - One fine day the family is going on a car trip. Daddy says he doesn't know where

they're going, they'll just see what they can find. Caillou thinks this is very strange and isn't sure it will be any fun at all. After

playing a car game, they stop at a gas station for lunch and Caillou sees a really big truck. Then they ride on a ferry boat, and the

captain lets Caillou blow the horn. Caillou decides that car trips are even more fun when you don't know where you're going!Caillou

and the Dragon - There's a special visitor at Caillou's playschool - a boy named Alan who has Down's Syndrome. Caillou helps him

with the things he has trouble with, like climbing and swinging on the swings. Then, when Caillou and his friends put on a little play

Alan brings the house down as a very believable dragon. Caillou realizes that Alan has his own special talent - acting!

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (204) Wendy Moves The Valley Now that Robert has taken over at the old yard, Wendy can finally move to Sunflower Valley! Bob is still in Bobsville, while the

machines are in charge of setting up Wendy's caravan, complete with solar panels, as a special surprise - Wendy thinks she'll be

staying in a tent! Back in Bobsville, Dot cooks everybody eggs for their breakfast. Bob needs to collect some special materials for

Wendy's caravan and head off to Sunflower Valley. Wendy meanwhile is showing Dot how the office works, before packing up and

moving. Wendy realizes she's going to miss one thing in particular, Farmer Pickles' speckled hen's eggs. Bob and Robert arrive at

JJ's to collect the special materials. Bob's in hurry while Robert quickly becomes absorbed in JJ's supplies catalogues! With his

Dad slowing them down, Bob worries how they are going to get everything done in time. At the homestead, the machines carefully

position Wendy's caravan, start work on a wood chipping pathway to the caravan door and a dig some flower beds for Wendy's

little front garden - Scoop worries that they'll need Bob very soon, and he hasn't left Bobsville yet! Robert is sidetracked!

Suddenly Bob gets a call from Wendy she needs some more boxes from the recycling centre! Bob quickly loads up Wendy's boxes

while Robert sniffs around for other bits. With the Boxes loaded, Bob is desperate to get going. But Robert is nowhere to be

seen. Where is Robert?

2:30 PM MISTER ROGERS' NEIGHBORHOOD (1704) When Parents Go to Work Week After making a chalk drawing, Mister Rogers watches a video of how people make the chalk. He learns about Chinese calligraphy

from his friend, Professor Wang. Professor Wang demonstrates ancient and contemporary calligraphy and Mister Rogers tries it,

too! In Make-Believe, the neighbors realize that Lady Elaine has taken all the vacuum cleaners because she's afraid of them.

Maybe Purple Panda can help!

3:00 PM BETWEEN THE LIONS (301) Hay Day Can Lionel, Leona, and Gus help a girl named Fay turn hay into gold in just one day? Guest stars: Khaliah Adams, Paul Benedict, Reg

E. Cathey, and Oliver Platt Designated Reader: Al Franken. Key word: hay. Target vowel: long a

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (123) Ski Monkey/George The Grocer Ski Monkey - When a blizzard covers the country house with a foot of snow, George can't wait to get outside to play. But he soon

learns that such deep snow isn't easy for a monkey to play in, until he learns how much fun it can be to ski, snowshoe and

sled.George the Grocer - George really wants the toy oven he sees in the window at the toy store, but first, he has to find a job

to earn money to buy it. Since neither Chef Pisghetti nor Mr. Glass need help, George decides to go to work at the Grocery Store.

While George is pretty proud of the job he does helping customers, the grocer is pretty confused about who is causing such chaos

in the aisles.

4:00 PM DRAGON TALES (312) The Balancing Act/A Small Victory The Balancing Act - Emmy is excited about taking her new skateboard to Dragon Land. When Ord sees what Emmy has brought

with her, he wants to try to skate, too. Emmy's happy to share, so Quetzal sprinkles the skateboard with Gro-water to make it

dragon-size. Ord tries, but doesn't have very good balance, and as he falls, the skate board shoots out from under him. He feels

terrible about losing Emmy' s skate board, and the gang heads out to find it. Along the way, Ord encounters many instances that

call for him to try to balance. When they finally discover Emmy's board, Ord has practiced his balancing enough so that he can

have fun riding the skateboard. A Small Victory - Quetzal gives the gang the task of collecting rare exotic plants to add to the

School in the Sky garden. When Max is teamed with Lorca, he is worried that they can't handle very much -Max is small and Lorca

is in a wheelchair. After Max tells Lorca about his frustration, Lorca shows him ways to overcome his physical limitations and to

"think of what you can do, not what you can't." When they find their plant and cannot reach it, Max gets discouraged, but Lorca

helps him to use a tool to retrieve it. They use their brains to help the others overcome challenges presented by their own exotic

plants. In the end, Max realizes that with some brains and the right tools, he can do anything!

4:30 PM ARTHUR (126) My Dad, The Garbage Man/Poor Muffy This animated series is based on Marc Brown's best-selling books about Arthur Read, an eight-year-old aardvark, his sister D.W.,

and their family and friends. Francine learns to have pride in her father's job in "My Dad, The Garbage Man." Muffy comes to

stay with Francine, where they learn how different their homes are in "Poor Muffy."

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (403) Penguin Tears Hacker's secret quest continues, with the nefarious `borg on the hunt for the next piece of his mysterious machine. His search

for the legendary Prism of Penguia takes him to snowy Cyberia. While trying to stop Hacker, Digit and the kids are trapped in an

icy cave and must master the principles of bouncing in order to break out. Can they escape in time or will Hacker's plan succeed?

FRIDAY, MARCH 2 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (719) Splish! Splash! It's a hot day in the park today and the kids are hot. When Barney arrives, he teaches the kids the importance of water - to keep

things growing and to stay cool. After they water the plants in the park, the kids go in and make lemonade. After the sweet drink,

Barney and BJ teach the kids to brush their teeth. Back outside, Barney and the gang imagine a pool and go swimming to cool down.

Poor BJ doesn't get to go swimming because Barney splashed all the water out of the pool.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4111) La la la la, Cookie World??!!! That's right. Today Cookie Monster, not Elmo, is thinking about.... cookies! The first thing Cookie

Monster does is ask Bob and a baby, "How do you eat cookie?" Next, he counts cookies and then subtracts them with some kids on

the street. Then, Zoe does an amazing cookie dance. Cookie Monster still wants to know more about cookies. He decides to go

right to the source and talks to a cookie. That cookie sure was crunchy and delicious! Cookie Monster even has a pet cookie, who

imagines Cookie Monster eating more cookies! He likes the way that cookie thinks. Finally, he sings the "The Cookie Song", everyone

says goodbye, and that's "Cookie World!"

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (403) Penguin Tears Hacker's secret quest continues, with the nefarious `borg on the hunt for the next piece of his mysterious machine. His search

for the legendary Prism of Penguia takes him to snowy Cyberia. While trying to stop Hacker, Digit and the kids are trapped in an

icy cave and must master the principles of bouncing in order to break out. Can they escape in time or will Hacker's plan succeed?

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (121) Surprise Quints/Muddy Monkey Surprise Quints - It's Mr. Quint's birthday and everyone is helping with preparations for a surprise party. But Mr. Quint comes

home early from his fishing trip so George is assigned the job of keeping him busy until it's time for the party. The job gets even

more complicated when four of Mr. Quint's siblings arrive and they are all having the same birthday-could they be quintuplets?

And can you keep five Quints happy with only twelve fish crackers to eat?Muddy Monkey - The Man with the Yellow Hat just can't

figure out why George refuses to take a bath. What he doesn't realize is that George has lost his favorite bath toy, Sproingy the

Frog. And until George finds Sproingy, all the shower games, car washes, and dog washes aren't going to do a bit of good. Unless

of course, the dog being washed happens to be playing with a very special bubble making frog.

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (130) Morning, Noon, and Night/Mr. Bleakman's Special Day Morning, Noon, and Night"--Cleo and Clifford are excited to learn that Cleo will be Clifford's guest for a weekend while her house

is being painted! But soon Cleo is filling Clifford's doghouse with her stuff, taking over his bed and butting in on his time alone

with Emily Elizabeth. It takes time, but Cleo eventually perceives how to be a good houseguest. "Mr. Bleakman's Special Day"--Mr.

Bleakman appears to be particularly grumpy one day. At first, the dogs are upset with him, but then they overhear Mrs. Howard

say that sometimes a grumpy attitude can be changed through kindness. This inspires the dogs to perform a series of "secret

good deeds" to turn Mr. Bleakman's frown into a smile. They are surprised when the kind acts make them feel much better, too!

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (140) Don't Bug Me/Over and Over "Don't Bug Me!"--To complete Quetzal's collection of garden butterflies, the gang sets out to find a beautiful Flutterby. But Ord

is scared of bugs and doesn't like the idea of searching through flowers. Max sees the hunt as a great adventure and even decides

to have fun scaring Ord with a spider. When Ord gets upset, a surprised ax laughs and Ord runs away. Max loves bugs and can't

understand how Ord, who is so much bigger than he, could be afraid of them. "Over and Over"--Max is discouraged because he

can't get across the monkey bars at school, so Emmy suggests he practice in Dragon Land. While their friends prepare for the

annual Flower Festival, Max and Ord head for the playground. At first Max can only get past one bar, but with instruction from

coach Ord and lots of practice kicking his legs, swinging his body and grabbing new bars, he eventually meets with some success.

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (105) My Friend Will Bee Right Back/Learning to Fly My Friend Will Bee Right Back: Bob befriends a bee (Stripey), but when Stripey's swarm shows up, Bob learns from Burdette that

Stripey must move on with her migrating swarm, and says goodbye - for now -to his new friend. Learning to Fly: Winslow decides

to learn to fly, even challenging Burdette to a competition, but when he fails to fly like a bird, Winslow learns that flying like a

monkey can be pretty fun too.EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Bees - Bee migration and biological facts. Abilities - Each type of

animal has a different set of abilities, which are common to all animals of that type.

10:30 AM JAKERS! (207) The Gift Piggley wants a new snow sled for his birthday but his father can't afford it. Piggley learns that sometimes the best gifts are

those from the heart.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (316) Caillou's Surprise

Caillou's Surprise - When Caillou accidentally breaks Mommy's favourite cup, Grandma suggests they make her a new one. Caillou

goes to Grandma's pottery class where he learns how to make a cup, paint it with glaze and fire it. He's a little impatient about

waiting overnight for it to be ready, but the final result is worth the wait. And Mommy loves her new cup!A Surprise for Miss

Martin - When Caillou finds out that Miss Martin's birthday is coming up, he wants to do something very special for her. He, Leo

and Clementine decide to throw her a surprise birthday party. Mommy helps them make cupcakes, then shows them how to make

flowers out of coloured paper. The party is a huge success -Miss Martin is very surprised, she loves her flowers, and the cupcakes

are delicious!A Surprise Sleepover - Sarah is playing at Caillou's house when a sudden rainstorm causes a power outage. It's a

little scary at first, but when the candles are lit the situation turns into a fun adventure. Sarah's mom says she can sleep over so

they make a little tent and pretend they're camping.

11:30 AM MISTER ROGERS' NEIGHBORHOOD (205) Old Friends and New Friends Bob and the gang are building the road connecting Bob's mobile home site with the location of the new yard. It's a big job for

Roley, but just as Bob's explaining the job, a pretty little bird flies overhead clutching some twigs in her beak. The bird reminds

Roley of his friend Bird back in Bobsville and he realizes she's off to make a nest. Without listening to Bob, distracted Roley

decides to follow the bird. As the rest of the team get to work, Roley realizes that the bird is about to build her nest right in the

path of the new road and He persuades the bird to find a new place for her nest. The bird moves on, but to an even worse place! At

the road build, Bob starts to worry about Roley's whereabouts, he'll be needed soon. Roley, however, is still trying to move the

bird to a safe nesting spot. Without realizing, he rolls into a patch of mud and becomes stuck. Meanwhile the gravel layer of the

road has been laid and need flattening. In Roley's absence, the other machines combine there efforts, and do a pretty good job.

In the meantime Bob and Lofty set off to find the missing Roley. They call for Roley and eventually fond him stuck in the mud.

Lofty helps free Roley, as he explains what happened. Roley tries to show Bob the bird, although it becomes clear that the bird

has flown away - probably frightened by Bob's calls. Bob, Lofty and Roley get back to the road, where the hot bitumen is just

about ready to go.

3:00 PM BETWEEN THE LIONS (405) Dance In Smarty Pants Lionel tries to teach his parents how to dance in Smarty Pants, the latest dance craze sweeping the library! Guest star: Al Franken.

Designated Reader: Oliver Platt. Key word: pants. Target vowel: short a.

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (124) Keep Out Cows/Curious George and the Missing Piece Keep Out Cows - George loves Leslie the cow but do she and her friends have to keep eating all those beautiful wildflowers that he

wants to show The Man with the Yellow Hat? George works against time and the cows' appetites to come up with a wall strong

enough to save the flowers.Curious George and the Missing Piece - When George discovers a bone buried in the ground, he's

convinced it's got to be part of a dinosaur skeleton-but which one? When none of the dinosaurs in the museum are missing a piece,

George uses his best scientific sleuthing skills to match the bone to the animal. Is the bone from a completely new kind of animal?

And why is Charkie always chasing after him to steal that bone away?



5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (107) The Poddleville Case (topic: Patterns) - The diabolical Hacker wreaks havoc when he steals the power pods of Poddleville, a cybercity filled with

patterns. Our heroes must use math and logic to crack the double pattern that unlocks the Poddles' cyberpower vault before

Hacker and his henchmen do! The Big Idea: Patterns are sequences that repeat or change in an orderly way. You can use patterns

to predict the next step in solving a problem.

MONDAY, MARCH 5 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (720) Bj's Really Cool House In this episode of Barney and Friends, BJ is in the park building a house. Since he wants to do it all by himself, the gang, with Baby

Bop, go into the caboose and learn about all the different kinds of houses as well as what rooms are usually found in a house. The

kids put on a play with Mother Goose rhymes showcasing the different kinds of houses, including the pumpkin shell and the shoe.

After their snack of Mac & Cheese, the gang goes out to see BJ's creation.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4071S) Professor Super Grover's School for Super-Heroes Super Grover opens his School for Super Heroes and begins to teach Zoe, Rosita, and other students everything they need to know

about being a super, super, super hero. Of course, he gets a lot of coaching from his students as everyone picks a super hero

name, sings the super hero alphabet, and learns how to sing the "Help Song." Finally, they all help a scared letter H, and they

officially graduate from the Super Hero School.

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (107) The Poddleville Case (topic: Patterns) - The diabolical Hacker wreaks havoc when he steals the power pods of Poddleville, a cybercity filled with

patterns. Our heroes must use math and logic to crack the double pattern that unlocks the Poddles' cyberpower vault before

Hacker and his henchmen do! The Big Idea: Patterns are sequences that repeat or change in an orderly way. You can use patterns

to predict the next step in solving a problem.

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (122) Curious George Takes A Vacation/Curious George And Curious George Takes a Vacation - The Man with the Yellow Hat and George are off to the airport to start their vacation. When

they get there, they discover that all the flights are delayed, and there's a long wait ahead. But with sliding doors, moving

sidewalks, luggage carousels and beeping carts, George decides that the airport is a great place to spend his whole

vacation.Curious George and the One That Got Away - George and Mr. Quint discover a fresh water eel in the waters of Lake

Wanasink Lake. When Bill finds out, he proposes a contest to see who can catch it first. George has no fishing pole so he makes

one from things he finds around the house. He's determined to catch the eel so he can set it free.

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (131) Doggie Garden/Captain Birdwell's Treasure Its Keep Birdwell Beautiful month and the kids are doing their part by planting a flower garden. Seeing this, the dogs decide to

create a doggie flower garden of their own. But when Cleo hears that almost anything grows in Birdwell Island soil, she decides

shed much rather grow a garden full of dog toys! She soon learns, however, that working alone for a selfish end is not nearly as

rewarding as working together for the whole community. Clifford and his dog friends find the long-lost trunk of Captain Birdwell,

filled with wonderful items brought to the Island by the explorer long ago. But through a misunderstanding, Jetta is given credit

for the discovery. She knows that telling the truth is the right thing to do, but she cant resist the promise of a gold medal award.

It doesnt take long for her to realize, however, that awards dont give much pleasure when theyre not deserved.

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (311) Prince for a Day/So Long Solo Prince for a Day - When Princess Kidoodle is suddenly called away for a day, she names Ord prince for the day! With the advice of

Mr. Knack, the princess's advisor, Ord appoints all of his friends to positions within the kingdom, and since the Flower Festival in

the Doodle Fairy Kingdom is that day, there is plenty for them to do. Ord thinks that being a prince is easy until he is faced with a

real decision. It is up to him to choose the official healthy snack of the festival; nuts or fruit. When Ord tries to poll his friends

and the Doodle Fairies for their preferences, each time there is a tie. It is up to Ord to make the right decision on his own.good

thing Ord is an expert in snacks! Ord comes up with a clever solution that makes everyone happy, and Ord is officially proclaimed

as "Prince Ord, the Wise." So Long Solo - Zak and Wheezie are eager to prep their performances inthe rapidly approaching

Twilight Talent Show. But Zak, consumed by trying to find a Jugglebug to participate in his act, must endure Wheezie wildly

practicing for her trumpet solo. The two soon discover that they can not do both at the same time. Wheezie's loud trumpet playing

scares away Zak's jugglebugs and Zak's search for a juggle bug prevents Wheezie from practicing her trumpet. Eventually they

compromise and agree to take turns. Wheezie holds off playing her trumpet while Zak successfully lures a jugglebug into his

juggle gym. Then, with the little juggle bug safe and at peace under the "Alone Cone," Wheezie lets loose on her trumpet! With

both acts perfected, Zak & Wheezie perform that night in a display of talent and collaboration.

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (106) Spirit/Shell Spirit: Smooch and Winslow become convinced, in part by Madge, that the World Tree has a Spirit. With Snook's help, they set

out to find it. Shell: Bob and Winslow are surprised that the rock they found isn't a rock but the shell of a snail named Rocky. At

first Winslow wants a shell of his own, but he eventually learns that shells aren't right for Marmosets.EDUCATIONAL

OBJECTIVES: Shells - Different creatures live in their own special places, and have different means of protection. Trees -Tree

biology and facts.

10:30 AM JAKERS! (208) Hector's Hero Dannan saves Hector from a mild mishap, a grateful, but ever-so- obnoxious Hector won't leave her alone, no matter what she says.

EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: It's important to respect someone's personal space.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (106S) Caillou Creates This episode, Caillou spends being creative. With grandpa's help he makes a paper hat for his daddy. Later with grandma, he and

Rosie make their own instruments so that they can play with grandma in her band. Real kids get get creative and draw, paint and

make things out of clay. Caillou, Leo and Clementine put on a show at school. Caillou plays the very important part of the sun. Even

Theodore Bear gets into the act, making a collage with things from the garden.

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (206) Farmer Pickles' New Farmhouse Scoop has spent the night in Bobsville and is off back to Sunflower Valley early in the morning. Benny is desperate to go too so

Scoop promises to come back and take him as soon as he can. Scoop arrives back at the new yard where Bob is starting work on his

new workshop and storerooms. When Farmer Pickles arrives earlier than expected with a load of straw to store in the storeroom,

Bob promises to get them finished that day. There's rain on the way! Farmer Pickles sets off for another load and Scoop becomes

worried that Bob won't have enough time to get everything finished. By working together, they get everything finished just in the

nick of time. Farmer Pickles arrives with the last load of straw just as the rain approaches. As they unload the straw they

discover a stowaway - Spud! Spud asks what the straw is for and Farmer Pickles tells him it's for a surprise! Farmer Pickles and

Spud bunk down with Bob in his mobile home, and they all agree that it's great having Benny back working with the team!

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (121) Surprise Quints/Muddy Monkey Surprise Quints - It's Mr. Quint's birthday and everyone is helping with preparations for a surprise party. But Mr. Quint comes

home early from his fishing trip so George is assigned the job of keeping him busy until it's time for the party. The job gets even

more complicated when four of Mr. Quint's siblings arrive and they are all having the same birthday-could they be quintuplets?

And can you keep five Quints happy with only twelve fish crackers to eat?Muddy Monkey - The Man with the Yellow Hat just can't

figure out why George refuses to take a bath. What he doesn't realize is that George has lost his favorite bath toy, Sproingy the

Frog. And until George finds Sproingy, all the shower games, car washes, and dog washes aren't going to do a bit of good. Unless

of course, the dog being washed happens to be playing with a very special bubble making frog.

4:00 PM DRAGON TALES (205S) One Big Wish/Breaking Up Is Hard to Do One Big Wish - Max gets frustrated when a ball flies high over his head during a game. He chases after it, stumbling all the way

over to Willie the wishing well. As he reaches to retrieve the ball, Max wishes he were bigger. Then a coin falls out of his pocket

and into the well-immediately granting his wish! At first Max's problem seems to be solved; he's big enough to hit home runs and

catch high fly balls. But he keeps growing! Soon he's bigger than Ord, Quetzal, and even Mungus the Giant - and that's really big!

As the group tries to solve the problem of returning Max to his regular size, Max begins to realize that being big is not everything

he thought it would be. After consulting Quetzal, the group revisits the magical fountain, and Max wishes to return to his own


4:30 PM ARTHUR (302S) D.W., All Fired Up/I'd Rather Read It Myself D.W., All Fired Up - When Ms. Morgan announces they'll be having a fire drill during preschool, D.W. wants no part of it - it sounds

way too scary. Can she manage to stay home from school every day until the danger passes? I'd Rather Read it Myself - The

Tibble Twins are better than D.W. at just about everything - so it would be great if D. W. could at least read before the Tibbles

could! Can she spin a tale dazzling enough to convince them she can?

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (207) The Eye of Rom With special guest star Bebe Neuwirth. Hacker steals the powerful Eye of Rom from Binky the Cat's pyramid, placing the Ancient

Egypt cybersite in jeopardy. The kids and Digit set out to retrieve the Eye from Hacker, but the journey is packed with a maze

of exciting, action-filled gambits that force them to first do and undo a series of complicated steps. The Big Idea: Find the

inverse of an action and you can undo it, putting things back the way they were. Math Topic: Inverse Operations; NCTM Link:

Number & Operations.

TUESDAY, MARCH 6 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (801) A Fountain of Fun While Barney and the children wait for Mr. Boyd's new fountain to be delivered, they have fun playing in and exploring the park.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4089S) American Fruit Stand Alan is busy receiving a big delivery at Hooper's Store so Miles helps him out by watching the fruit stand. Elmo and Zoe walk by

talking about cookies and ice cream. All of sudden, Sesame Street is transformed into a 50's musical show "American Fruit

Stand." Miles sings "I Love Fruit" (to the tune of "I Feel Good"), a song about how good fruit tastes and how good it is for the

body. Elmo and Zoe get so excited about fruit that they now want an apple and an orange! Gina comes to the fruit stand and asks

Miles for some peaches and pears. Sesame Street is transformed once again and Miles sings, "Peaches and Pears" (to the tune of

"Twist and Shout"). Maria needs some broccoli. It happens to be her lucky day because broccoli is a special guest star on

"American Fruit Stand" and Miles sings "Broccoli is Good" (to the tune of "Johnny B. Goode"). All of the fansand groupies become

so excited about fruits and vegetables. Alan'sbusiness has never been so good. Guest: Alison Krauss and Union Station

(Bluegrass/Roots Music) She haswon the most Grammy awards for a female artist in the history of the awards.

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (207) The Eye of Rom With special guest star Bebe Neuwirth. Hacker steals the powerful Eye of Rom from Binky the Cat's pyramid, placing the Ancient

Egypt cybersite in jeopardy. The kids and Digit set out to retrieve the Eye from Hacker, but the journey is packed with a maze

of exciting, action-filled gambits that force them to first do and undo a series of complicated steps. The Big Idea: Find the

inverse of an action and you can undo it, putting things back the way they were. Math Topic: Inverse Operations; NCTM Link:

Number & Operations.

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (123) Ski Monkey/George The Grocer Ski Monkey - When a blizzard covers the country house with a foot of snow, George can't wait to get outside to play. But he soon

learns that such deep snow isn't easy for a monkey to play in, until he learns how much fun it can be to ski, snowshoe and

sled.George the Grocer - George really wants the toy oven he sees in the window at the toy store, but first, he has to find a job

to earn money to buy it. Since neither Chef Pisghetti nor Mr. Glass need help, George decides to go to work at the Grocery Store.

While George is pretty proud of the job he does helping customers, the grocer is pretty confused about who is causing such chaos

in the aisles.

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (132) Welcome to the Doghouse/Promises, Promises In this flashback episode we see some of the challenges the Howards faced when they arrived on Birdwell Island with a very big,

red dog! Where will Clifford live? How will they feed him? What will they use as his water dish? The folks of Birdwell Island work

together to help the new arrivals solve their dilemmas, forging strong new friendships in the process. Jetta and Emily Elizabeth

make plans to spend Saturday at the beach together, but Jetta breaks the play date when a better offer from an older girl comes

along. However, when the older girl calls and cancels on Jetta, Jetta finally understands how Emily Elizabeth must have felt. She

now realizes that being a good friend means keeping a promise.

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (312) The Balancing Act/A Small Victory The Balancing Act - Emmy is excited about taking her new skateboard to Dragon Land. When Ord sees what Emmy has brought

with her, he wants to try to skate, too. Emmy's happy to share, so Quetzal sprinkles the skateboard with Gro-water to make it

dragon-size. Ord tries, but doesn't have very good balance, and as he falls, the skate board shoots out from under him. He feels

terrible about losing Emmy' s skate board, and the gang heads out to find it. Along the way, Ord encounters many instances that

call for him to try to balance. When they finally discover Emmy's board, Ord has practiced his balancing enough so that he can

have fun riding the skateboard. A Small Victory - Quetzal gives the gang the task of collecting rare exotic plants to add to the

School in the Sky garden. When Max is teamed with Lorca, he is worried that they can't handle very much -Max is small and Lorca

is in a wheelchair. After Max tells Lorca about his frustration, Lorca shows him ways to overcome his physical limitations and to

"think of what you can do, not what you can't." When they find their plant and cannot reach it, Max gets discouraged, but Lorca

helps him to use a tool to retrieve it. They use their brains to help the others overcome challenges presented by their own exotic

plants. In the end, Max realizes that with some brains and the right tools, he can do anything!

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (107) Out on a Limb/The More Things Change Out on a Limb: It's his birthday and Winslow decides to go where no marmoset has ever gone before - up to the very top of the

World Tree. But when he gets stuck on a high branch and has to be rescued, he realizes that even though he's older he still needs

to be safe. The More Things Change: On a day of many changes in the World Tree, Ick and the monkeys are sad that things can't

stay the same forever. But, thanks to Snook, they learn that change can be great and some things, like friendship, never have to

change.EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Natural Limits - Every creature has different physical limits. There are some places in

nature where only a few (or no) species can safely exist. The More Things Change - The world changes in some ways and stays the

same in others. We also change in some ways and stay the same in others. Changes create opportunities and benefits.

10:30 AM JAKERS! (209) Mind Your Manners Dannan is thrilled when the children are invited to a big party hosted by Mr. McGanrdy for his cousin, the Ambassador to Denmark,

but Piggley's lack of social graces almost ruins the day. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: To learn appropriate behavior in different


11:00 AM CAILLOU (108S) Food-A-Licious! Caillou gets to go with his neighbor, Mr. Hinkle to visit a farm and it turns out that "farmer Caillou" is a big help. He makes an apple

pie with apples he picked himself and even fed the chickens. When Caillou was three he hated all vegetables, but now that he is

four he is willing to eat the ones that he grows himself. They just taste better somehow. After watching real kids make family

favorites Gilbert, Rexie and Teddy make some of their favorite treats to share with everyone else. They soon realize that they

all have very different tastes. Caillou learns how to use chopsticks to eat his food.

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (207) The Sunflower Farm Takes Shape Scrambler is desperate to help Bob build a drying barn for Farmer Pickles sunflower farm. Scruffty is also excited about the

building job and runs and jumps about getting in everyone's way. Bob gives Scrambler the job of taking Scruffty for a walk to

keep him out of trouble. Reluctantly, Scrambler agrees while Bob and the other machines get to work on the barn. Scrambler

decides to try and wear Scruffty put so that he can get back to the building job, but soon realizes that Scruffty has even more

puff that he does! While Bob completes the barn and gets to work installing a special drying oven, Scrambler tries a game of hide

and seek to wear Scruffty out. Suddenly Scruffty discovers the most amazing off-road course Scrambler has ever seen!

Excitedly, Scrambler and Scruffty compete, showing off their off- roading skills. They have a wonderful time until they are both

absolutely exhausted. At the building site, and with the drying barn fully built, Bob and Wendy wonder where Scruffty and

Scrambler have got to. Just then Farmer Pickles arrives with Scrambler, he found them both fast asleep in a clearing! Scrambler

is chuffed to have made a brand new friend and concedes that dog walking is wicked after all!

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (122) Curious George Takes A Vacation/Curious George And Curious George Takes a Vacation - The Man with the Yellow Hat and George are off to the airport to start their vacation. When

they get there, they discover that all the flights are delayed, and there's a long wait ahead. But with sliding doors, moving

sidewalks, luggage carousels and beeping carts, George decides that the airport is a great place to spend his whole

vacation.Curious George and the One That Got Away - George and Mr. Quint discover a fresh water eel in the waters of Lake

Wanasink Lake. When Bill finds out, he proposes a contest to see who can catch it first. George has no fishing pole so he makes

one from things he finds around the house. He's determined to catch the eel so he can set it free.

4:00 PM DRAGON TALES (206S) A New Friend/Have No Fear Have No Fear - Cassie has a new pet, BeeBee the Butterfrog-teeny, tiny half butterfly, half frog, and Ord's biggest nightmare!

"What if it hurts me?," despairs Ord. Cassie happily feeds her new pet and everyone plays hopscotch with BeeBee, trying to

demonstrate how fun and harmless the little Butterfrog is, but to no avail. Ord can't seem to shake his fear. They all pop on their

thinking caps and consume themselves with thoughts on how to help Ord. Minutes later, Cassie realizes that BeeBee has flown

away! The group splits up to find her before dark, except for Ord, who is too scared to accompany them. While walking away

alone, Ord comes across Sid the Sycamore-and spots BeeBee caught precariously in some of Sid's branches! Ord' s concern for

BeeBee outways his fears and he flies up to rescue her. Hooray for Ord!

4:30 PM ARTHUR (311S) Double Tibble Trouble/Arthur's Almost Live Not Rea Double Tibble Trouble - Playing with the Tibble twins requires preparation, endurance and earplugs. But when one gets sick, playing

with the other should be a lot easier - shouldn't it? Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival - Arthur and the gang create

their own music videos. What they lack in high-tech video gear, they make up for in state-of-the-art imaginations!

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (304) A Piece of the Action Digit disappears while visiting his friends the Scritters, so Motherboard sends Matt, Jackie and Inez to investigate. They discover

that Hacker has found a supply of Magnetite, and will use it to fill up a rocket capable of erasing all of Motherboard's memory

disks. Can the kids stop Hacker before he collects a hundred percent of the Magnetite he needs to launch the rocket, or will

Motherboard be shut down once and for all?

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (802) On Again, Off Again Barney, Baby Bop and the kids learn all about "on" and "off" by playing games together.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4090S) Cookie Monster Thinks The Moon Is A Cookie Cookie Monster thinks the moon is a giant cookie and sets off on a mission to figure out how he could get to the moon so that he

could eat it. While Gordon tries to tell him that the moon is not a cookie, he decides to just let CM find out and learn this on his

own. Since Slimey has been to the moon before and Gabi is saying a nursery rhyme about the cow who jumped over the moon, CM

asks them if the moon is a cookie. They don't know since they've never tasted the moon before. CM is still left wondering how he

could get to the moon and find out if it is a cookie. Finally, Gordon enters with former astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, who explains to CM

that the moon is made out of rock and while it is not a cookie, it is still a beautiful and exciting place that we could always look up

at from the Earth. In the end, CM realizes that the moon is not a cookie and that he wouldn't even want to eat the moon since

then, it wouldn't be there to shine down on the Earth anymore. Guest: Astronaut - Buzz Aldrin and ESPN's - Chris Berman

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (304) A Piece of the Action Digit disappears while visiting his friends the Scritters, so Motherboard sends Matt, Jackie and Inez to investigate. They discover

that Hacker has found a supply of Magnetite, and will use it to fill up a rocket capable of erasing all of Motherboard's memory

disks. Can the kids stop Hacker before he collects a hundred percent of the Magnetite he needs to launch the rocket, or will

Motherboard be shut down once and for all?

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (124) Keep Out Cows/Curious George and the Missing Piece Keep Out Cows - George loves Leslie the cow but do she and her friends have to keep eating all those beautiful wildflowers that he

wants to show The Man with the Yellow Hat? George works against time and the cows' appetites to come up with a wall strong

enough to save the flowers.Curious George and the Missing Piece - When George discovers a bone buried in the ground, he's

convinced it's got to be part of a dinosaur skeleton-but which one? When none of the dinosaurs in the museum are missing a piece,

George uses his best scientific sleuthing skills to match the bone to the animal. Is the bone from a completely new kind of animal?

And why is Charkie always chasing after him to steal that bone away?

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (133) Clifford's Hiccups/It's My Party Clifford gets a bad case of the hiccups and that's a real problem with a dog the size of Clifford! His dog friends work together to

come up with various remedies for Clifford. They are not successful and the hiccups eventually go away on their own. But Clifford

expresses to his friends how good it feels to know they care so much about him./ When Jetta throws a movie-watching party, she

expects everyone to do things her way which in this case means watching home-movies of herself. The other kids try their best,

but are soon bored and take a vote to go outside and make their own movie with Vaz's movie camera. Jetta is encouraged to join

them, but stubbornly refuses. But she soon learns that its more fun to play when everyone has a voice in deciding what to do


9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (313) Feliz Cumpleanos, Enrique/On Thin Ice Feliz Cumpleanos, Enrique - It's Enrique's birthday! Max, Emmy, and their dragon friends throw him a surprise party with

streamers, Dragonblowers, and traditional American games. Enrique is thrilled that his new friends have planned such a special

party for him, but he can't help but feel sad, missing his friends and the traditions that are part of birthday celebrations in

Colombia. The gang tries to cheer him up, but his sadness keeps brimming to the surface. After a talk with Quetzal, Enrique learns

that sometimes you need to have a good cry to let the sadness out. Enrique takes Quetzal's advice and then rejoins the party

ready to celebrate. The friends march around in a Dragonland Conga as they play with their homemade maracas and chant "Feliz

Cumpleanos!" On Thin Ice - It's Willie the Snow Seal's birthday, and there's going to be a big party with singing and a lot of yummy

cake. It's a good thing that Emmy and Max brought their skates, because Willy lives in a huge icy cave next to a frozen pond. Zak

and Wheezie are excited about the party, too, except for one thing-they don't know how to ice skate! Their friends are happy to

help them learn. AlthoughWheezie is eager to get started, Zak isn't so sure. On their first attempt, they immediately fall on the

ice. Emmy explains that they need to lace their skates tighter so their feet aren't so wobbly. Much better! But after a few steps,

down they go! The gang advises them to hold onto the branches at first and then try holding their arms out to the side to help keep

their balance. Emmy shows them the best way to fall - a very important safety tip. As they practice, they improve, and are finally

confident enough (even Zak!) to skate into Willie's cave for the surprise celebration.

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (108) Dancing/King of the Tree Dancing: Snook is scheduled to escort Madge to a family gathering, but he keeps falling asleep. Smooch, Winslow and Bob band

together to help and with a little dancing, get him up and going again. King of the Tree: It's very rainy in the World Tree and Ick

convinces Bob that the tree will flood and Ick will become king. With the help of some scientific measurements, Snook dispels

Bob's fears and Ick learns he won't be king after all. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Turtles - The migratory and social habits of

turtles. Weather - We can observe changes in the weather, and these changes have impacts on animals and plants.

10:30 AM JAKERS! (210) Tale Spinner When Piggley's substitute teacher assigns them to write a two page true story - he doesn't take it seriously. After all, story-

telling comes easy to him so he can do the work the last minute. But when the substitute teacher turns out to be an inspiration to

the class, Piggley learns to value his story telling gift and to work harder at it. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Talent is great but

you still have to do the work to make it happen.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (111S) Best Behavior Mother's Day and for mommy's special day, Caillou's family goes to a retaurant for brunch. Rexie learns from Teddy all about

manners and how to behave properly. Caillou gets to be Sarah's little brother for a day and go to school with her. Caillou just

wants to play by himself but Rosie won't let him.

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (208) A Big Surprise for Bob Bob and the team are building a special flat-packed eco-home for Marjorie. When Muck and Benny spot Marjorie's canvas tent and

Spud's straw-house, they wonder what else houses can be made from. With their part of the build completed, Muck and Benny go

off exploring with Spud. The trio find a river bank full of mud and Muck decides to build a mud-hut. The gang use some old

recycled posts to make a frame work. Then they mix up some mud using water from the river and are soon having a huge mud fight!

When they find they've run out of mud, Muck collects some more from the river bank. Muck takes so much mud that the

riverbank bursts sending a torrent of water heading towards Benny and Spud and completely washes away the mud hut and

Marjorie's tent. Muck calls Bob on his Talkie Talkie and Bob springs into action. Using sandbags, rocks and sticks, the team soon

patch up the river bank until it can be repaired properly. Muck is very sorry and realizes he's learnt an important lesson - that you

can't just build a house anywhere! Muck is especially sorry about Marjorie's tent. Now she has nowhere to sleep! Bob and the team

finish the flat-packed house, and Marjorie tells Muck that she's happy to sleep inside the house, even though the interior isn't

finished - it'll be like a giant tent. It's been a long day and Muck announces that he's had enough mud for one day

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (123) Ski Monkey/George The Grocer Ski Monkey - When a blizzard covers the country house with a foot of snow, George can't wait to get outside to play. But he soon

learns that such deep snow isn't easy for a monkey to play in, until he learns how much fun it can be to ski, snowshoe and

sled.George the Grocer - George really wants the toy oven he sees in the window at the toy store, but first, he has to find a job

to earn money to buy it. Since neither Chef Pisghetti nor Mr. Glass need help, George decides to go to work at the Grocery Store.

While George is pretty proud of the job he does helping customers, the grocer is pretty confused about who is causing such chaos

in the aisles.

4:00 PM DRAGON TALES (207S) Cassie, The Green-Eyed Dragon/Something's Missing Cassie, the Green-eyed Dragon - Everyone rushes to the School in the Sky to see Cassie's big surprise-her little brother, Finn!

She has brought him to school so that she can tell all her friends how adorable her baby brother is. As she is speaking, she can't

help but notice all the attention this cute tiny tyke is taking away from her. When Cassie simply can't take it anymore, she blurts

out: "I wish I' d never brought him!" Quetzal speaks with Cassie and she admits that she's jealous. Quetzal assures her that this

is very normal among brothers and sisters. Cassie feels better, but now Finn is hungry and no one seems to be able to feed him.

Thank heavens for big sisters! Cassie knows some tricks that coax Finn into eating his snack, saving the day.

4:30 PM ARTHUR (314S) Mom and Dad Have A Great Big Fight/D.W.'s Perfect Mom and Dad Have a Great Big Fight - When Mom and Dad fight over spilled milk, Arthur and D.W. fear the worst. Is it Arthur's

fault or D.W.'s? And worse, will Mom or Dad have to move out? D.W.'s Perfect Wish - Turning five is a major, big deal event!

But D.W. worries that she fribbled away her preschool years on meaningless pursuits. To make up for it, this year's birthday wish

must be especially meaningful.

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (208) A Whale of a Tale With special guest star Al Roker. A trip to R-Fair City nearly turns into a monster mash when Hacker abducts Glowla, a beautiful

cyberlady who generates pure energy. Hacker is able to snatch Glowla by reprogramming her trick whale, Snout. As a result,

Snout goes on a rampage. Digit and the kids must find Glowla and stop Snout before he totally destroys R-Fair City. The Big

Idea: To be confident about your solution to a problem, make sure the answer is reasonable - that it is "in the ballpark". Math

Topic: Ballpark Estimation; NCTM Links: Number and Operations Science Connection: Real-world checking of conclusions.

THURSDAY, MARCH 8 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (803) Sharing Is Caring! The children bring toys to donate to Mr. Boyd's toy drive. Baby Bop and BJ arrive and after some convincing, Baby Bop learns

about the merits of sharing.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4104S) Donald Grump Looks for An Apprentice Donald Grump, the grouch with the most trash in the world, is looking for a new apprentice. Oscar, Grundgetta, and the other

grouches can't wait to meet him because if they get chosen, they will get to keep some of Grump's trash. Elmo decides that he

wants to be Grump's helper too, but just because he likes to help others. Grump puts them through counting and sorting tasks

that Elmo does great at. Oscar and Grundgetta are too busy arguing and the other grouches have already been fired. Grump

decides that even though Elmo succeeded at all the tasks, he is too good at being a helper to help a grouch. Elmo doesn't mind. He

gets to leave with the one thing he wanted anyway-Grump's hairpiece. Grundgetta and Oscar are both hired, but they decide that

Grump's trash isn't worth it if they have to help him to get it. He leaves Oscar and Grundgetta no choice but to tell him, "You're

fired!" EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: To learn about differing perspectives, classification, measurement, counting 1-10, and


8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (208) A Whale of a Tale With special guest star Al Roker. A trip to R-Fair City nearly turns into a monster mash when Hacker abducts Glowla, a beautiful

cyberlady who generates pure energy. Hacker is able to snatch Glowla by reprogramming her trick whale, Snout. As a result,

Snout goes on a rampage. Digit and the kids must find Glowla and stop Snout before he totally destroys R-Fair City. The Big

Idea: To be confident about your solution to a problem, make sure the answer is reasonable - that it is "in the ballpark". Math

Topic: Ballpark Estimation; NCTM Links: Number and Operations Science Connection: Real-world checking of conclusions.

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (125) Camping with Hundley/Curious George Vs. The Turbo Camping With Hundley - George loves his very first camping trip so much that he wants to go again as soon as possible. But The

Man with the Yellow Hat is just too busy so the Doorman volunteers to take George and Hundley in his fancy trailer with GPS,

satellite dish, and microwave. When a thunderstorm knocks out the power, George comes to the rescue by using his old-fashioned

camping tools to help them make it through the rainy night and back home safely.Curious George vs. The Turbo Python 3000 -

George isn't tall enough to ride the greatest rollercoaster of all time, The Turbo Python 3000. He uses licorice whips to measure

his height and determines that he is 7-whips tall, one short of the 8-whip minimum! As he nibbles on his licorice, George looks for

different ways to grow. His efforts seem to pay off when he measures himself again until he realizes that it's not that his legs

are longer, it's that his stomach is fuller.

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (134) Clifford Cleans His Room/Baby Makes Four

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (314) Teasing Is Not Pleasing/Down The Drain

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (101)

10:30 AM JAKERS! (211) The World According to Molly Grown-up Aunt Molly, and drawings by 5-year old Molly, give a different perspective to Grandpa's stories, and reveal the strong

influence Piggley had on his younger sister. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: What older kids do and say has a great impact on their

younger siblings.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (112S) The Starry Night Things that go bump in the night, and others that light up the sky, are on everyone's mind today. A family corn roast dinner at

Grandma and Grandpa's under the star-studded sky prompts Grandpa to bring out his telescope and introduce Caillou to the

constellations, planets, and moon. But fun turns to fear at bedtime when Caillou decides that a monster is lurking in his room.

Maybe he's picked up the puppets' jitters; their own night under the stars convinces Rexy that a monster's hovering over them!

All's well when Mom and Dad unmask Caillou's monster as a tree branch on the window, and Rexy's one-eyed monster turns out to

be the shimmering moon!

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (209) Building Homes When Farmer Pickles asks Bob if he'll put together Scruffty's new kennel, Bob puts Scrambler in charge of getting the materials

to the right place. But Scrambler, Scruffty and Spud soon run into something more fun than hauling materials --- off roading, and

quickly lose track of time and their jobs! Can they learn to have fun AND get the job done or will Scrambler cause a doghouse

disaster? Benny's Important Job Benny arrives at the new site to help work on the Bentley's special new house which will be built

into the side of a hill! There's a lot of digging to be done and not much time since the house must be finished in time to surprise

Mrs. Bentley! Benny, desperate for something really important to do, gets discouraged when the job seems too big! Can Benny find

an important job that's just his size?

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (124) Keep Out Cows/Curious George and the Missing Piece Keep Out Cows - George loves Leslie the cow but do she and her friends have to keep eating all those beautiful wildflowers that he

wants to show The Man with the Yellow Hat? George works against time and the cows' appetites to come up with a wall strong

enough to save the flowers.Curious George and the Missing Piece - When George discovers a bone buried in the ground, he's

convinced it's got to be part of a dinosaur skeleton-but which one? When none of the dinosaurs in the museum are missing a piece,

George uses his best scientific sleuthing skills to match the bone to the animal. Is the bone from a completely new kind of animal?

And why is Charkie always chasing after him to steal that bone away?

4:00 PM DRAGON TALES (211S) I Believe In Me production of " Queen Dragonia." Cassie really wants to sign-up, but her desire to perform is overshadowed by her timid nature.

She's never been in a play before. How can she possibly audition and perform in front of people? Emmy convinces her to try out

and everyone vows to help her overcome her fear. It is then that Cassie decides to practice in front of her friends. It's hard at

first, but the more she rehearses, the more comfortable she feels in the spotlight. In fact, she really starts to enjoy herself.

Eventually Cassie presents her song and dance for Quetzal. She doesn't get the lead part she wanted but because she appeared so

happy and at ease on

4:30 PM ARTHUR (501S) Arthur and the Big Riddle/Double Dare In "Arthur and the Big Riddle" Alex Trebec guest stars as the famous host of "Riddle Quest," Alex Lebec. Arthur is going to be a

contestant and his friends are a little too anxious to help in prepare. They may end up helping him over the edge. When he ends up

in second place he becomes a hero, afterall for a lifetime supply of choco-sticks, second place IS the best! In "Double Dare"

Arthur, Francine, Buster and Brain have all dared eachother to skip school so that they can watch "Dark Bunny" instead of doing

homework. Francine doesn't get the message that everyone else has chickened out and now they must help her get IN to school.

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (108) And They Counted Happily Ever After (topic: Number Sense) - Hacker kidnaps the King of this fractured fairytale world, and demands a ransom of golden eggs. The

Wicked Witch then casts a spell, taking away everyone's ability to count and making it impossible for the fairy tale folk to gather

the required large number of eggs. With the safety of the King at stake, the kids must help the fairy tale folk understand the

role of place value in our number system before time runs out! The Big Idea: With numbers and a system, you have the power to

keep track of anything and everything on earth.

FRIDAY, MARCH 9 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (804) Here Kitty, Kitty When Miss Jo loses her cat, Barney and the children spend the day helping her find it. Along the way, they learn all about cats.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4106S) Bob's Deaf Niece Visits Sesame Street Rosita and Telly want to play a game of tag but they can't find anyone to play with them. They meet Bob's niece Samara and

wonder if she would like to play. She can't hear them because she is deaf. Rosita and Telly are concerned because they don't know

how they will be able to all speak and play together. Samara explains that even though she can't hear them, she can talk to them

by using sign language. They have a lot of fun learning, playing, and also signing and saying the alphabet together. Everyone on

Sesame Street gets so excited about sign language that they all can't wait to learn more. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: To learn

about global awareness, people with disabilities, entering social groups, friendship, and the alphabet.

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (108) And They Counted Happily Ever After (topic: Number Sense) - Hacker kidnaps the King of this fractured fairytale world, and demands a ransom of golden eggs. The

Wicked Witch then casts a spell, taking away everyone's ability to count and making it impossible for the fairy tale folk to gather

the required large number of eggs. With the safety of the King at stake, the kids must help the fairy tale folk understand the

role of place value in our number system before time runs out! The Big Idea: With numbers and a system, you have the power to

keep track of anything and everything on earth.

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (126) Housebound!/Curious George Rides A Bike Housebound! - George learns the hard way about bones when he falls at the museum while exploring a dinosaur skeleton and breaks

his leg. A visit to the hospital, a cast on his leg, and a cane aren't enough to keep George down, especially when Hundley steps in to

help.Curious George Rides a Bike - George loves his new bike, especially because it gives him the chance to help Bill with his paper

route. But he gets distracted by some ducks, makes some paper boats out of the newspapers, and then, trying to fix his mistake,

hits a big rock that bends his bicycle wheel out of shape. Can Mrs. Renkins find the right tools to help him fix his bike so he can

find some dry papers, finish the paper route, and keep his promise to Bill? Educational Objective (Engineering): To demonstrate

the importance of using the correct tool to adjust and repair things.

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (135) Jetta's Tall Tale/The Big Fetch

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (315) All That Glitters/Dragonberry Drought

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (102) Ant Ray Vision/Moving On Up

10:30 AM JAKERS! (212) Macarooned Grandpa Piggley recounts the story of the time he, Dannan and Ferny got "lost at sea," and were subsequently stranded on a

remote island. With only their wits and ingenuity to aid them, the trio tend to their sea-sick chaperone, Finbarr Hornsby, and

contend - Robinson Crusoe-like - with the hostile wilderness until Dad Winks can rescue them.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (120S) My Family Poor Rexie doesn't know anything about his family. He doesn't have any photos or papers. Caillou learns how to use a camera to

take pictures of his family. Caillou remembers when Gilbert was just a kitten and he joined the family. On a trip to the zoo, Caillou

and his family meet all sorts of animal families.

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (210) Helping Hands When Spud hears that Bob is putting together the machinery for Farmer Pickles' sunflower oil factory, he decides that putting

things together is something he'd be very good at, and so he heads off to the factory to lend a hand. He even takes a box of

parts to put together by himself! Will Spud succeed or learn that when you're working on a big project, it's always best to work

together as a team? Roley's Round Up It's a very hot day at the new community site. Bob and Wendy have got to finish building

their workshop - it's an inside job so the machines all get the day off. Roley soon finds all sorts of friends who want to be inside

as well, but with the work to be done, there's no place to go! Can Roley find a solution to keep everyone calm and cool or will his

plan have Bob over-heating?

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (125) Camping with Hundley/Curious George Vs. The Turbo Camping With Hundley - George loves his very first camping trip so much that he wants to go again as soon as possible. But The

Man with the Yellow Hat is just too busy so the Doorman volunteers to take George and Hundley in his fancy trailer with GPS,

satellite dish, and microwave. When a thunderstorm knocks out the power, George comes to the rescue by using his old-fashioned

camping tools to help them make it through the rainy night and back home safely.Curious George vs. The Turbo Python 3000 -

George isn't tall enough to ride the greatest rollercoaster of all time, The Turbo Python 3000. He uses licorice whips to measure

his height and determines that he is 7-whips tall, one short of the 8-whip minimum! As he nibbles on his licorice, George looks for

different ways to grow. His efforts seem to pay off when he measures himself again until he realizes that it's not that his legs

are longer, it's that his stomach is fuller.

4:00 PM KIDS' PICKS ()

4:30 PM KIDS' PICKS ()

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (402) The Icky Factor Hacker launches his most dastardly and secretive scheme ever! He's building a device so dastardly, victory over Cyberspace is in

his sights. His cunning contraption calls for an unusual power source -the Electric Eel of Aquari-Yum. To get the eel, Hacker traps

its guardian, cyberslug Icky, far from home. The kids and Digit must use the concept of factoring to save the day. But can they

rescue Icky and stop Hacker from stealing the Electric Eel?

MONDAY, MARCH 12 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (3041) Once Upon A Fairy Tale Mario is trying to write his very own fairy tale. The children help by acting out some of their favorite fairy tales to give Mario

some ideas.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4127S) Oscar's Rottendoodle Oscar has just gotten a dog of his very own. Her name is Cranky and she is a Rottendoodle. Oscar learns that Rottendoodles are

grouch dogs that never do what you tell them to, they never help and they never ever kiss. Oscar loves this dog already. However,

when he tells Cranky to sit she does so obediently. He tells her to fetch a ball and she does that, too. Then she sees Bob and she

gives him a big hug and a kiss. Oscar is definitely convinced that something is strange when Cranky begins to help everyone on

Sesame Street. She's helpful, loving, and clean, but she's supposed to be grouchy. Oscar learns that sometimes dogs are just

different from the way you expect them to be. He begins to wonder how he could ever give her away. He has become accustomed

to everything about her and is secretly starting to like her. He makes the decision to keep Cranky. She may be nice, but she's nice

and annoying- a grouch's dream come true.

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (402) The Icky Factor Hacker launches his most dastardly and secretive scheme ever! He's building a device so dastardly, victory over Cyberspace is in

his sights. His cunning contraption calls for an unusual power source -the Electric Eel of Aquari-Yum. To get the eel, Hacker traps

its guardian, cyberslug Icky, far from home. The kids and Digit must use the concept of factoring to save the day. But can they

rescue Icky and stop Hacker from stealing the Electric Eel?

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (127) The All-Animal Recycled Band/The Times of Sand The All-Animal Recycled Band - George recruits Charkie, Gnocchi, Hundley and Compass to play in a band inspired by the

firefighters at Rescue Squad 8 6. For instruments, George gets creative and uses keys, rice in a milk carton, a birdseed canister

with rubber bands, and a pie tin. Now all he has to do is figure out a way to get two dogs, a cat, and a bird to play music

together.The Times of Sand - George and The Man with the Yellow Hat have a sand castle building contest at the beach. With the

help of Bill and Momma Bunny, George builds a great castle and learns about how to avoid losing your castle to the incoming tide.

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (136) Potluck Party Pooper/The Best Gift

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (316) A Crown for Princess Kidoodle/Play It and Say It

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (103) Balance/Ick Alone

10:30 AM JAKERS! (101) Pie Filling Piggley, Ferny, Dannan and Molly just can't resist eating one of Mrs. Winks's fresh-baked pies...even though she told them it was

off limits. The friends decide to pool their creativity to bake a new pie before Mrs. Winks finds out. After much hard work-and a

run-in with a feisty goat who refuses to share the apples in his orchard-the kids realize that a simple apology might have been

easier and wiser in the long-run.Lesson: Admitting your mistake from the beginning is usually the best thing.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (123S) Nature Caillou discovers the wonders of the natural world. Grandma introduces Caillou to the many birds that live in the park, and then

gives him a birdhouse so he can have some in his own backyard. That'swhy he's prepared when he and Sarah find a baby bird

that's fallen from its nest, and they nurse it back to health. Later, Caillou and his daycare buddies have a treasure hunt in the

forest. With Sarah and a magnifying glass, Caillou pretends to be a jungle explorer, hunting "big game" (like Gilbert and

butterflies) in the garden. The puppets are on their own safari: Gilbert plays a detective game with flowers, Teddy searches for

wild berries, and Rexy goes on the lookout for wild animals.

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (211) Using Clues Dizzy the Detective and Assistant Detective Spud are called in to solve the case of the missing millstone at the old watermill.

Spud discovers the first clue - and the team is sure that they are on the right trail! But just when they think the job is done, the

track vanishes! Will Dizzy and the can-do crew ever be able to solve the case and finish the watermill for Farmer Pickles? Two

Jobs Travis Travis receives his own Talkie Talkie and is very excited to try it out on the job. Then, Mr Beasley arrives in the

valley in search of the perfect site for his new home. Travis can't wait to help Mr. Beasley and Bob, but then Farmer Pickles calls

on the Talkie Talkie with another job for Travis! Can Travis get his work done and still have time to answer all the calls on the

Talkie Talkie?

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (126) Housebound!/Curious George Rides A Bike Housebound! - George learns the hard way about bones when he falls at the museum while exploring a dinosaur skeleton and breaks

his leg. A visit to the hospital, a cast on his leg, and a cane aren't enough to keep George down, especially when Hundley steps in to

help.Curious George Rides a Bike - George loves his new bike, especially because it gives him the chance to help Bill with his paper

route. But he gets distracted by some ducks, makes some paper boats out of the newspapers, and then, trying to fix his mistake,

hits a big rock that bends his bicycle wheel out of shape. Can Mrs. Renkins find the right tools to help him fix his bike so he can

find some dry papers, finish the paper route, and keep his promise to Bill? Educational Objective (Engineering): To demonstrate

the importance of using the correct tool to adjust and repair things.

4:00 PM DRAGON TALES (212S) Back to the Fairy Tales - Part 1 Back to the Fairy Tales - Cassie brings Kiki and Finn to the School in the Sky, but the little dragons start to fuss. Even listening to

favorite stories doesn't help. But what if they could visit the characters in person? With Quetzal's permission, the gang takes

the toddlers into Quetzal's Pop Up Book, where if you say "I imagine," whatever you picture will appear on the pages. Once inside,

they use their imaginations to help out their favorite characters. Goldilocks spills all the porridge? Imagine pizzas instead! What

to do with all the leftover pizza? Give it to the Old Lady Who Lives in a Shoe! And when they go to visit Jack and the Beanstalk,

only to find that Jack has lost his magic beans, the gang uses their imagination to enlist the help of King Midas. Their adventures

end with a pizza party for all their storybook friends - and everyone has a wonderful time, especially Kiki and Finn.

4:30 PM ARTHUR (505S) The Lousy Week/You Are Arthur Lousy Week"--An army of lice has descended on the heads of Lakewood Elementary. Who or what is strong enough to defeat

them? Principal Haney? Nurse Flynn? Mayonnaise? "You Are Arthur"--What if you could live in the Read house? What if you could

run a race in Elwood City? What if you could be Arthur for a day? Kids can view Arthur's life through his very own eyes in this

special episode.

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (305) The Creech Who Would Be Crowned The CyberSquad is summoned to Tikiville to stop Hacker from winning a race that would allow him to take over the cybersite. Upon

arrival, Matt and Jackie tease Inez about her big vocabulary, so she decides to say just one small word -- "Bye!" She splits from

the group and teams up with a Tikiville girl named Creech. Creech considers it her destiny to rule the land her family once ruled

for so many years. Hacker, of course, is out to win any way he can. The kids have to overcome their differences as well as use

their knowledge of direction and distance to help Creech take a shortcut to the finish line...but will they cross it before Hacker?

TUESDAY, MARCH 13 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (3042) It's Hot! It's Cold! Throughout the day, Barney and the children learn about "hot" and "cold," but the fun really begins when Barney turns the

playground into a winter/ summer wonderland!

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4128S) Rapunzoe After hearing the story of Rapunzel, Zoe wishes to have long hair just like her. Zoe's Hairy God-person appe and grants her wish.

Elmo compares a picture of Rapunzel with Zoe and shows that Zoe's hair is long, but not as long as Rapunzel's. Zoe makes another

wish and her hair becomes longer than it was, but Rapunzel's hair is still the longest. Her third wish is to have longer hair than

Rapunzel's, which would make her hair the longest. Her wish is granted again, but now Zoe can't move and play because her hair is

too long. Chaos erupts as the Prince from the story of Rapunzel tries to climb up Zoe's hair, all while her hair is holding up traffic

and a police officer is trying to give her a ticket. Zoe really wants her old hair back. Her final wish is granted and her hair is back

just the way it was and now she can move again. Elmo likes her just like this and so does Zoe.

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (305) The Creech Who Would Be Crowned The CyberSquad is summoned to Tikiville to stop Hacker from winning a race that would allow him to take over the cybersite. Upon

arrival, Matt and Jackie tease Inez about her big vocabulary, so she decides to say just one small word -- "Bye!" She splits from

the group and teams up with a Tikiville girl named Creech. Creech considers it her destiny to rule the land her family once ruled

for so many years. Hacker, of course, is out to win any way he can. The kids have to overcome their differences as well as use

their knowledge of direction and distance to help Creech take a shortcut to the finish line...but will they cross it before Hacker?

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (128) The Elephant Upstairs/Being Hundley The Elephant Upstairs -George hears a loud thumping sound coming from the ceiling of their apartment and becomes convinced

that the new upstairs neighbor has an elephant for a pet. When The Man with the Yellow Hat points out how unlikely that is,

George decides to investigate further and comes to the conclusion that if it's not an elephant, it must be a Galapagos Turtle who

eats a lot of crackers, likes to wrap presents, and use a juicer. When they finally pay their new neighbor a visit, the real story is

even more interesting than George's theory.Being Hundley - George gets tired of being a monkey because monkeys have to clean

their room, brush their teeth, and go to bed early. So he experiments with being a cat and a pigeon but decides that the best of

all is to be a dog like Hundley. Hundley is not at all happy with this plan but doesn't manage to convince George that there's room

for only one lobby dog at this apartment building. It takes an elevator getting stuck between floors to help George realize being a

monkey can be pretty useful in a pinch.

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (137) Two's Company/Fair Weather Friend

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (317) Moving On/Head Over Heels

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (104) Burdette Queen Ant/One Monkey Too Many

10:30 AM JAKERS! (102) The Salmon of Knowledge Piggley has a big test coming up in school and hates the thought of giving up an entire weekend to study. He decides instead to

catch the legendary "Salmon of Knowledge," an all-knowing fish that can help him ace the exam. While Piggley puts his faith in a

questionably magical fish, Ferny and Dannan study. Ferny and Dannan are the ones who ace the test-but Piggley learns an

important lesson.Lesson: There's no substitute for good old- fashioned hard work.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (125S) All Kinds of Weather Caillou and Gilbert don't like thunderstorms but Daddy comes up with a game to make them less scary. When it starts to rain,

Rexie gets worried. He thinks the sky is leaking. A winter storm causes a power failure so Caillou and his family pretend they are


11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (212) A Colorful Discovery Bob is building an extraordinary new cave-house for Sandy Beach - a caveman expert! At the site, Dizzy decides that Sandy's

cave-house would look much nicer with more color, and Sandy agrees. So Scrambler is off to find the perfect colors to decorate

the cave! But finding the right materials for the job turns out to be harder than he thought! Will Scrambler come up with the

right plan and the right colors for Sandy's cave! Spud's Bumper Harvest Farmer Pickles asks Bob to help build a silo to store

sunflowers before they're taken to the factory. Spud decides that it would be a good idea to harvest them now, before Squawk

the crow can get to them! But when Bob takes longer than expected to finish the job, Spud must find another place to store his

harvest! Will Spud's sunflower harvest be too big for a scarecrow to handle? Will he need to call in the team?

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (127) The All-Animal Recycled Band/The Times of Sand The All-Animal Recycled Band - George recruits Charkie, Gnocchi, Hundley and Compass to play in a band inspired by the

firefighters at Rescue Squad 8 6. For instruments, George gets creative and uses keys, rice in a milk carton, a birdseed canister

with rubber bands, and a pie tin. Now all he has to do is figure out a way to get two dogs, a cat, and a bird to play music

together.The Times of Sand - George and The Man with the Yellow Hat have a sand castle building contest at the beach. With the

help of Bill and Momma Bunny, George builds a great castle and learns about how to avoid losing your castle to the incoming tide.

4:00 PM DRAGON TALES (205S) One Big Wish/Breaking Up Is Hard to Do One Big Wish - Max gets frustrated when a ball flies high over his head during a game. He chases after it, stumbling all the way

over to Willie the wishing well. As he reaches to retrieve the ball, Max wishes he were bigger. Then a coin falls out of his pocket

and into the well-immediately granting his wish! At first Max's problem seems to be solved; he's big enough to hit home runs and

catch high fly balls. But he keeps growing! Soon he's bigger than Ord, Quetzal, and even Mungus the Giant - and that's really big!

As the group tries to solve the problem of returning Max to his regular size, Max begins to realize that being big is not everything

he thought it would be. After consulting Quetzal, the group revisits the magical fountain, and Max wishes to return to his own


4:30 PM ARTHUR (302S) D.W., All Fired Up/I'd Rather Read It Myself D.W., All Fired Up - When Ms. Morgan announces they'll be having a fire drill during preschool, D.W. wants no part of it - it sounds

way too scary. Can she manage to stay home from school every day until the danger passes? I'd Rather Read it Myself - The

Tibble Twins are better than D.W. at just about everything - so it would be great if D. W. could at least read before the Tibbles

could! Can she spin a tale dazzling enough to convince them she can?

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (211) The Wedding Scammer Believing that the Wicked Witch is really the long lost daughter of a powerful king, Hacker agrees to marry her, convinced that

their union will double his power and Motherboard will never be able to defeat him. What Hacker doesn't know is that Wicked has

secretly hidden away the REAL long- lost daughter of the king and stolen her identity. The kids must think their way through an

intricate series of puzzles to free the real daughter. Will they succeed and get back to the wedding before Hacker and Wicked

say "I do"? Math Topic: Making Hard Problems Easier; NCTM Links: Problem Solving. *With special guest star Al Roker*

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (807) A Perfectly Purple Day When Sarah accidentally spills red paint into the blue paint, a mess turns into a perfectly purple day. The children paint pictures,

make purple flowers and plan a purple party for their friend Colleen.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4129S) What Comes Next Game W/ Mr. Pattern What Comes Next Game W/ Mr. Pattern PBS 00:51:37 It's time to play the "What Comes Next Game" with Mr.

Pattern! This is the game where you have to guess what comes next in a pattern before the mouse rings the bell. Elmo is first

given the pattern of an apple, banana, apple, banana, apple. In order to guess what's next, he talks about the pattern and figures

out that the next fruit should be a banana. Now both Big Bird and Elmo are going to play the game and the pattern is with all of

the four seasons. Big Bird and Elmo describe what happens in each season to help them figure it out and they get it right! Now it's

on to the next pattern except this time Elmo is the announcer, Telly's the bell and the viewers at home get to figure out the

pattern. Elmo has some kids stand in a line as one twists, one hops, one twists, and one hops. The next action in the pattern is...

twisting! Balloons and confetti begin to fall and Elmo thanks everyone for playing the "What Comes Next Game!"

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (211) The Wedding Scammer Believing that the Wicked Witch is really the long lost daughter of a powerful king, Hacker agrees to marry her, convinced that

their union will double his power and Motherboard will never be able to defeat him. What Hacker doesn't know is that Wicked has

secretly hidden away the REAL long- lost daughter of the king and stolen her identity. The kids must think their way through an

intricate series of puzzles to free the real daughter. Will they succeed and get back to the wedding before Hacker and Wicked

say "I do"? Math Topic: Making Hard Problems Easier; NCTM Links: Problem Solving. *With special guest star Al Roker*

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (125) Camping with Hundley/Curious George Vs. The Turbo Camping With Hundley - George loves his very first camping trip so much that he wants to go again as soon as possible. But The

Man with the Yellow Hat is just too busy so the Doorman volunteers to take George and Hundley in his fancy trailer with GPS,

satellite dish, and microwave. When a thunderstorm knocks out the power, George comes to the rescue by using his old-fashioned

camping tools to help them make it through the rainy night and back home safely.Curious George vs. The Turbo Python 3000 -

George isn't tall enough to ride the greatest rollercoaster of all time, The Turbo Python 3000. He uses licorice whips to measure

his height and determines that he is 7-whips tall, one short of the 8-whip minimum! As he nibbles on his licorice, George looks for

different ways to grow. His efforts seem to pay off when he measures himself again until he realizes that it's not that his legs

are longer, it's that his stomach is fuller.

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (134) Clifford Cleans His Room/Baby Makes Four

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (314) Teasing Is Not Pleasing/Down The Drain

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (101) Not Found Here

10:30 AM JAKERS (103) Ferny Is A Bug Piggley's father tells him an old Irish tale about fairies disguising themselves as bugs and playing tricks on anyone who harms

them. Soon Piggley and Dannan are convinced that fairies have turned Ferny into a flying beetle after he inadvertently smacks a

bug on his arm. While Piggley investigates and experiments with ways to keep Ferny safe, Dannan hits the books to try and find a

cure-and Ferny learns how much his friends care about him.Lesson: Good friends should always be treasured

11:00 AM CAILLOU (127S) Friends Caillou's Grandma is surprised when Caillou tells her he doesn't have any friends. She reminds him about Clementine, Leo, his cat

Gilbert, and tells him that even his sister Rosie is his friend. Caillou soon realizes he has a bunch of friends. Rexy follows Gilbert

around today trying to do everything he does in an effort to be his friend, and realizes being just like Gilbert isn't easy. Also

today, Caillou makes a brand-new friend. His name is Andre and he's big - and also a bit clumsy. Caillou is upset with Andre when

he breaks Caillou's favorite chair, but it's soon forgotten when they go outside and play soccer.

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (213) Taking Charge Bob has just finished a new waterwheel for the old watermill, but it'sso big that they have to move it piece by piece. Muck can't

wait to lead the way, and sets off with Scoop, Lofty, Benny and the wheel to get the job done! However, when Muck can't

remember exactly how the plan was supposed to go, the crew ends up stuck! Can Muck make things right and lead the team to the

mill? While Bob's Away, Robert Will Play Robert and Dot, Bob's Mom and Dad are visiting the new community when a roof problem

at the school leaves Marjorie's children with no place to go! Bob and Wendy volunteer to fix the roof while Bob's parents look

after the children. Robert wants to build them a playground, just like the one Bob had as a child, but when he can't quite

remember which part of the playground was Bob's favorite; and is all out of materials, can Robert reuse something old to finish

the playground and surprise Bob?

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (128) The Elephant Upstairs/Being Hundley The Elephant Upstairs -George hears a loud thumping sound coming from the ceiling of their apartment and becomes convinced

that the new upstairs neighbor has an elephant for a pet. When The Man with the Yellow Hat points out how unlikely that is,

George decides to investigate further and comes to the conclusion that if it's not an elephant, it must be a Galapagos Turtle who

eats a lot of crackers, likes to wrap presents, and use a juicer. When they finally pay their new neighbor a visit, the real story is

even more interesting than George's theory.Being Hundley - George gets tired of being a monkey because monkeys have to clean

their room, brush their teeth, and go to bed early. So he experiments with being a cat and a pigeon but decides that the best of

all is to be a dog like Hundley. Hundley is not at all happy with this plan but doesn't manage to convince George that there's room

for only one lobby dog at this apartment building. It takes an elevator getting stuck between floors to help George realize being a

monkey can be pretty useful in a pinch.

4:00 PM DRAGON TALES (206S) A New Friend/Have No Fear Have No Fear - Cassie has a new pet, BeeBee the Butterfrog-teeny, tiny half butterfly, half frog, and Ord's biggest nightmare!

"What if it hurts me?," despairs Ord. Cassie happily feeds her new pet and everyone plays hopscotch with BeeBee, trying to

demonstrate how fun and harmless the little Butterfrog is, but to no avail. Ord can't seem to shake his fear. They all pop on their

thinking caps and consume themselves with thoughts on how to help Ord. Minutes later, Cassie realizes that BeeBee has flown

away! The group splits up to find her before dark, except for Ord, who is too scared to accompany them. While walking away

alone, Ord comes across Sid the Sycamore-and spots BeeBee caught precariously in some of Sid's branches! Ord' s concern for

BeeBee outways his fears and he flies up to rescue her. Hooray for Ord!

4:30 PM ARTHUR (311S) Double Tibble Trouble/Arthur's Almost Live Not Rea Double Tibble Trouble - Playing with the Tibble twins requires preparation, endurance and earplugs. But when one gets sick, playing

with the other should be a lot easier - shouldn't it? Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival - Arthur and the gang create

their own music videos. What they lack in high-tech video gear, they make up for in state-of-the-art imaginations!

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (118) Problem Solving In Shangri-La (Topic: Problem Solving) - Hacker is holding the kids captive aboard the Grim Wreaker, when a storm forces the Wreaker to land

on a snowy mountaintop. They are taken prisoner by a peaceful but mysterious Zen Master, who devises a game of strategy to

test their problem solving skills. The winner of the game will be set free - the loser will remain a prisoner. In the battle of

brainpower, the kids discover that each of them has a different way of solving problems -and that despite anger and frustration,

they need to be tolerant of these differences. Hacker, of course, has his own way of solving problems. Working together, the

kids find a way to defeat Hacker and gain their freedom. The Big Idea: Treat tough math problems like a challenging game. Set a

game plan, and as you play, see how it goes. Take time to review and revise before playing again. Work on your problem as long as

you can, but stop before anger and frustration overtake your desire to play.

THURSDAY, MARCH 15 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (808) Day and Night With a little Barney magic, the children experience the differences between day and night!

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4130S) There's a lot of excitement on Sesame Street because Gina is adopting a baby! After a lot of planning, today is the day that Gina

is flying to Guatemala to pick up her baby, Marco, and bring him home. Maria is going with Gina to help speak Spanish. Gina has

been waiting for this moment and has made sure that everything is taken care of while she is away. There is a veterinarian

covering for her in case any animals need help and Luis and Gordon are setting up the baby's crib, Big Bird, Elmo, Baby Bear and

Rosita have noticed all of the excitement, but they don't know what it means to adopt a baby. Gina explains that there is a baby

that needs love and caring for and she wants to be the person to provide those things. They all can't wait to meet the new baby

and help in any way they can. The next time they see Gina, she will be a mommy and she will have a new family!

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (118) Problem Solving In Shangri-La (Topic: Problem Solving) - Hacker is holding the kids captive aboard the Grim Wreaker, when a storm forces the Wreaker to land

on a snowy mountaintop. They are taken prisoner by a peaceful but mysterious Zen Master, who devises a game of strategy to

test their problem solving skills. The winner of the game will be set free - the loser will remain a prisoner. In the battle of

brainpower, the kids discover that each of them has a different way of solving problems -and that despite anger and frustration,

they need to be tolerant of these differences. Hacker, of course, has his own way of solving problems. Working together, the

kids find a way to defeat Hacker and gain their freedom. The Big Idea: Treat tough math problems like a challenging game. Set a

game plan, and as you play, see how it goes. Take time to review and revise before playing again. Work on your problem as long as

you can, but stop before anger and frustration overtake your desire to play.

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (126) Housebound!/Curious George Rides A Bike Housebound! - George learns the hard way about bones when he falls at the museum while exploring a dinosaur skeleton and breaks

his leg. A visit to the hospital, a cast on his leg, and a cane aren't enough to keep George down, especially when Hundley steps in to

help.Curious George Rides a Bike - George loves his new bike, especially because it gives him the chance to help Bill with his paper

route. But he gets distracted by some ducks, makes some paper boats out of the newspapers, and then, trying to fix his mistake,

hits a big rock that bends his bicycle wheel out of shape. Can Mrs. Renkins find the right tools to help him fix his bike so he can

find some dry papers, finish the paper route, and keep his promise to Bill? Educational Objective (Engineering): To demonstrate

the importance of using the correct tool to adjust and repair things.

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (135) Jetta's Tall Tale/The Big Fetch

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (315) All That Glitters/Dragonberry Drought

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (102) Ant Ray Vision/Moving On Up

10:30 AM JAKERS (104) The Case of Big Sty Piggley's favorite radio program, "Piggley Trotter, Private Eye," inspires Piggley, Ferny and Dannan to spend many imaginative and

adventurous afternoons playing detective. One particular afternoon, they work together to solve an unusual mystery: the case of

"what a teacher does on his day off."Lesson: Cooperation and working together to solve a problem can be fun.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (131S) Games to Play Finding fun ways to play is the theme today. Caillou, Clementine, and Leo are disappointed because they can't go to the zoo. The

kids cheer up after Caillou's Mommy and Daddy help them pretend to be animals themselves. Also today, Caillou, Rosie, and Julie

(their babysitter) go on a scavenger hunt and decide to make a surprise craft for Mommy and Daddy with the cool stuff they

found. Meanwhile, the puppets create a new game - "hide and hug."

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (214) Welcome, Sumsy Robert's come to the valley to spend some time with his son, Bob. They have a plan to spend the afternoon bird-watching but Bob

has three very quick jobs to do and arranges to meet Robert as soon as he's done. While Robert is waiting, Bob is working --- and

nothing is going as planned! All of the projects are taking much longer than expected. Will Bob and the team finish the jobs? Will

he and his dad have a good time after all? Scoop Knows It All Farmer Pickles is about to declare his Sunflower Oil business open,

and he needs a depot to store all the bottles of oil. To help with the new work load, Farmer Pickles introduces the team to a new

machine --- Sumsy, the fork-lift, who loves to count! Scoop offers to show her around but Sumsy worries that they won't have

enough time! Can Scoop and Sumsy use teamwork to get the job done and move all the oil to the depot?

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (125) Camping with Hundley/Curious George Vs. The Turbo Camping With Hundley - George loves his very first camping trip so much that he wants to go again as soon as possible. But The

Man with the Yellow Hat is just too busy so the Doorman volunteers to take George and Hundley in his fancy trailer with GPS,

satellite dish, and microwave. When a thunderstorm knocks out the power, George comes to the rescue by using his old-fashioned

camping tools to help them make it through the rainy night and back home safely.Curious George vs. The Turbo Python 3000 -

George isn't tall enough to ride the greatest rollercoaster of all time, The Turbo Python 3000. He uses licorice whips to measure

his height and determines that he is 7-whips tall, one short of the 8-whip minimum! As he nibbles on his licorice, George looks for

different ways to grow. His efforts seem to pay off when he measures himself again until he realizes that it's not that his legs

are longer, it's that his stomach is fuller.

4:00 PM DRAGON TALES (207S) Cassie, The Green-Eyed Dragon/Something's Missing Cassie, the Green-eyed Dragon - Everyone rushes to the School in the Sky to see Cassie's big surprise-her little brother, Finn!

She has brought him to school so that she can tell all her friends how adorable her baby brother is. As she is speaking, she can't

help but notice all the attention this cute tiny tyke is taking away from her. When Cassie simply can't take it anymore, she blurts

out: "I wish I' d never brought him!" Quetzal speaks with Cassie and she admits that she's jealous. Quetzal assures her that this

is very normal among brothers and sisters. Cassie feels better, but now Finn is hungry and no one seems to be able to feed him.

Thank heavens for big sisters! Cassie knows some tricks that coax Finn into eating his snack, saving the day.

4:30 PM ARTHUR (314S) Mom and Dad Have A Great Big Fight/D.W.'s Perfect Mom and Dad Have a Great Big Fight - When Mom and Dad fight over spilled milk, Arthur and D.W. fear the worst. Is it Arthur's

fault or D.W.'s? And worse, will Mom or Dad have to move out? D.W.'s Perfect Wish - Turning five is a major, big deal event!

But D.W. worries that she fribbled away her preschool years on meaningless pursuits. To make up for it, this year's birthday wish

must be especially meaningful.

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (103) R-Fair City (topic: Probability and Chance) - Disguised as a gypsy, Hacker lures Digit to a fantastic cyber amusement park and holds him

captive. When the kids arrive, they analyze the games of chance, figuring out which games are fair and which ones are not, and

use what they learn to find Hacker and beat him at his own game before it's too late! The Big Idea: A game of chance is fair when

nobody can tell who will win, but everyone has the same chance of being a winner.

FRIDAY, MARCH 16 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (809) Play Piano with Me! The children learn all about the piano when they play games, listen to real pianos and even play a little themselves.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4132S) Snuffy and Big Bird want to play with their new friend- Marco, Gina's baby. They have brought a whole wagon full of things to play

with, such as a baseball bat and glove, rollerskates, a pogo stick, and checkers. Gina tells them that the baby is still too young to

play with any of those things. She suggests that they think like babies to come up with games that everyone can play together. Big

Bird and Snuffy remember playing peek-a-boo, singing songs, and guessing animal sounds. They have so much fun on their playdate,

but now they are ready to take naps. Snuffy and Big Bird can really think like babies, after all.

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (103) R-Fair City topic: Probability and Chance) - Disguised as a gypsy, Hacker lures Digit to a fantastic cyber amusement park and holds him

captive. When the kids arrive, they analyze the games of chance, figuring out which games are fair and which ones are not, and

use what they learn to find Hacker and beat him at his own game before it's too late! The Big Idea: A game of chance is fair when

nobody can tell who will win, but everyone has the same chance of being a winner.

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (127) The All-Animal Recycled Band/The Times of Sand The All-Animal Recycled Band - George recruits Charkie, Gnocchi, Hundley and Compass to play in a band inspired by the

firefighters at Rescue Squad 8 6. For instruments, George gets creative and uses keys, rice in a milk carton, a birdseed canister

with rubber bands, and a pie tin. Now all he has to do is figure out a way to get two dogs, a cat, and a bird to play music

together.The Times of Sand - George and The Man with the Yellow Hat have a sand castle building contest at the beach. With the

help of Bill and Momma Bunny, George builds a great castle and learns about how to avoid losing your castle to the incoming tide.

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (136) Potluck Party Pooper/The Best Gift

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (316) A Crown for Princess Kidoodle/Play It and Say It

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG, BIG WORLD (103) Balance/Ick Alone

10:30 AM JAKERS! (105) All Night Long Mr. Winks is going fishing and Piggley and his friends really want to go along. Dad doesn't think they're ready for the trip, so the

three friends set out to prove that they're not only ready, they're willing and able! They work to earn the privilege by doing

chores around the farm, then they pull out all the imagination stops to show Dad what excellent fishermen they will be. At last,

off they all go for some early-morning fishing. Lesson: Determination and persistence will often help you achieve your goal.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (138S) Vacation Caillou's first airplane ride brings lots of new experiences: a fun breakfast, an amazing view out the window and a trip to the flight

deck with Daddy. Also, Caillou misses his friend Sarah when she goes away on an all-summer trip to China. Teddy is heartbroken

when the family goes on a trip and he's left behind.

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (301) Speedy Surprises Wendy is going away for the day so she has arranged for Mrs Potts to look after the office. Bob and the Machines decide to do up

Wendy's garden as a surprise. Unfortunately, Mrs Potts phones in sick so Bob has to divide his time between working on Wendy's

garden and popping back to the office to check the answerphone for messages. As Wendy's garden starts to take shape things

are livening up back at the office - much to the annoyance of Pilchard who is trying to sleep. Faxes pour out of the machine and pile

up on the floor, the phone rings and lots of messages are left. By the end of the day the garden is finished and the office is a

complete mess. But Wendy loves her big surprise and is happy to get the office sorted out now she has a lovely garden to relax in

at the end of the day.

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (126) Housebound!/Curious George Rides A Bike Housebound! - George learns the hard way about bones when he falls at the museum while exploring a dinosaur skeleton and breaks

his leg. A visit to the hospital, a cast on his leg, and a cane aren't enough to keep George down, especially when Hundley steps in to

help.Curious George Rides a Bike - George loves his new bike, especially because it gives him the chance to help Bill with his paper

route. But he gets distracted by some ducks, makes some paper boats out of the newspapers, and then, trying to fix his mistake,

hits a big rock that bends his bicycle wheel out of shape. Can Mrs. Renkins find the right tools to help him fix his bike so he can

find some dry papers, finish the paper route, and keep his promise to Bill? Educational Objective (Engineering): To demonstrate

the importance of using the correct tool to adjust and repair things.

4:00 PM KIDS' PICKS ()

4:30 PM KIDS' PICKS ()

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (502) A Clean Sweep Hacker makes Buzz's dream come true and gives him his very own donut shop in Radopolis. But it's just part of Hacker's latest

scheme. Working out of the donut shop, Hacker makes confetti out of magnetite, and uses it to put all the Radsters to sleep, so

he can take over the cybersite. The kids must engineer a huge "confetti cleaner" to save the Radsters, but encounter problem

after problem with their invention. Has the CyberSquad finally found something they cannot do? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE:

When you need something that doesn't exist, invent it! You can use what you know about problem solving to overcome hurdles

along the way.

MONDAY, MARCH 19 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (810) A Picture of Friendship After a brief misunderstanding, BJ realizes he has many friends. He enjoys a day playing with Barney and the children.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4129) What Comes Next Game W/ Mr. Pattern It's time to play the "What Comes Next Game" with Mr. Pattern! This is the game where you have to guess what comes next in a

pattern before the mouse rings the bell. Elmo is first given the pattern of an apple, banana, apple, banana, apple. In order to guess

what's next, he talks about the pattern and figures out that the next fruit should be a banana. Now both Big Bird and Elmo are

going to play the game and the pattern is with all of the four seasons. Big Bird and Elmo describe what happens in each season to

help them figure it out and they get it right! Now it's on to the next pattern except this time Elmo is the announcer, Telly's the

bell and the viewers at home get to figure out the pattern. Elmo has some kids stand in a line as one twists, one hops, one twists,

and one hops. The next action in the pattern is... twisting! Balloons and confetti begin to fall and Elmo thanks everyone for playing

the "What Comes Next Game!"

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (502) A Clean Sweep Hacker makes Buzz's dream come true and gives him his very own donut shop in Radopolis. But it's just part of Hacker's latest

scheme. Working out of the donut shop, Hacker makes confetti out of magnetite, and uses it to put all the Radsters to sleep, so he

can take over the cybersite. The kids must engineer a huge "confetti cleaner" to save the Radsters, but encounter problem after

problem with their invention. Has the CyberSquad finally found something they cannot do? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: When you

need something that doesn't exist, invent it! You can use what you know about problem solving to overcome hurdles along the way.

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (128) The Elephant Upstairs/Being Hundley The Elephant Upstairs -George hears a loud thumping sound coming from the ceiling of their apartment and becomes convinced that

the new upstairs neighbor has an elephant for a pet. When The Man with the Yellow Hat points out how unlikely that is, George

decides to investigate further and comes to the conclusion that if it's not an elephant, it must be a Galapagos Turtle who eats a lot

of crackers, likes to wrap presents, and use a juicer. When they finally pay their new neighbor a visit, the real story is even more

interesting than George's theory.Being Hundley - George gets tired of being a monkey because monkeys have to clean their room,

brush their teeth, and go to bed early. So he experiments with being a cat and a pigeon but decides that the best of all is to be a

dog like Hundley. Hundley is not at all happy with this plan but doesn't manage to convince George that there's room for only one

lobby dog at this apartment building. It takes an elevator getting stuck between floors to help George realize being a monkey can

be pretty useful in a pinch.

9:00 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (137) Two's Company/Fair Weather Friend

9:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (317) Moving On/Head Over Heels

10:00 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (104) Burdette Queen Ant/One Monkey Too Many

10:30 AM JAKERS! (106) Picture Perfect Piggley accidentally embarrasses his good friend Ferny by taking a photo of him with his pants ripped and his undies showing! After

promising not to show it to anyone, the photo gets away from Piggley and is seen by everyone at school. He tries to apologize, but

finds that, for the first time, his best friend Ferny isn't willing to accept his apology. Piggley must use his ingenuity and creativity

to regain Ferny's trust and friendship-and Ferny must find a way to forgive.Lesson: Friends make mistakes and sometimes we

have to forgive them (Forgiveness).

11:00 AM CAILLOU (406) Words Writing and reading are the focus today. Caillou is all excited to read the weekend paper with Daddy, but the wind and a very

mischievous cat delay his reading time. With a little patience and persistence, Caillou finally gets to enjoy his favorite comic strip.

Later, when Mommy is upset because the mailman only brings bills, bills, and more bills, she tells Caillou that it would be great to

get a nice letter for a change. Caillou and Daddy decide to write Mommy a really nice letter, and the next morning they give it to

the mail carrier to deliver. Mommy is thrilled! On another day, Sarah invites Caillou to a little brother or sister day at school. The

school is big and Caillou is a little afraid. But with Sarah's help Caillou has a lot of fun.

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (302) The Crew in a Pickle Bob has two jobs to do: putting in concrete posts at Town Hall and digging holes for Mrs. Potts' garden statues. But it turns out the

posts and statues look more alike than he thought! Bob arrives just as Dizzy cements the last post in place. Mrs. Potts comes home

and Bob has some explaining to do. Can Bob and the team fix the mix-up and get themselves out of a post pickle? Bob and the can-

do crew are repairing some pipe work in Farmer Pickles' field and head off to the job with Travis carrying the new pipes. Back at

the yard, Wendy is looking for Pilchard everywhere, but the cat is nowhere to be found --- Pilchard was fast asleep in one of the

pipes that Travis carried! Will the crew find Pilchard before she gets into a pickle herself?

2:30 PM READING RAINBOW (1503) Mr. George Baker Harry sits on the porch with 100 year old Mr. George Baker who can dance and play the drums but goes to school, just like Harry,

so he can learn to read.

3:00 PM BETWEEN THE LIONS (202) Humph! Humph! Humph! Lionel's friend Gus gets humphy when Leona asks him to read to her. Featured text: folktale. Key word: hump. Target vowel: short


3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (127) The All-Animal Recycled Band/The Times of Sand The All-Animal Recycled Band - George recruits Charkie, Gnocchi, Hundley and Compass to play in a band inspired by the

firefighters at Rescue Squad 86. For instruments, George gets creative and uses keys, rice in a milk carton, a birdseed canister

with rubber bands, and a pie tin. Now all he has to do is figure out a way to get two dogs, a cat, and a bird to play music

together.The Times of Sand - George and The Man with the Yellow Hat have a sand castle building contest at the beach. With the

help of Bill and Momma Bunny, George builds a great castle and learns about how to avoid losing your castle to the incoming tide.

4:00 PM DRAGON TALES (316) A Crown for Princess Kidoodle/Play It and Say It A Crown for Princess Kidoodle - It's coronation day in Dragon Land and the gang meticulously prepares for the parade following the

crowning of their friend, Princess Kidoodle. It's unbelievably windy, however, and just as they start for the day's festivities, Sir

Doodle blows helplessly past with the essential prop for the great event-the crown! No matter how hard he tries, he just can't fly

in this blustery weather. He'll never make it in time! It's up to the gang to get the crown to the princess. Along the way, Zak,

Wheezie, Ord and Cassie all face personal challenges that they must overcome in order to reach their goal. Zak & Wheezie

compromise on an alternate route around the Purple Goo Bog, Ord successfully faces his fear of thunder, and Cassie speaks up-

announcing to all how to get through the giant gates in order to join the coronation parade. The gang arrives with the crown just in

time, much to the appreciation of Princess Kidoodle! Play It and Say It - Ord is having trouble learning numbers in Spanish. The

gang decides to help him learn by making it fun! They're about to play a Spanish version of hopscotch called Rayuela, when Norm

the Number Gnome steals the numbers right off the ground. They search for the numbers playing a game of "hot and cold," or

"Caliente y Frio," as Enrique calls it in Spanish, following Norm's clues. Ord' s friends share different tricks to remember the

Spanish numbers such as rhyming, songs, imagining pictures, and repetition as they search for each number. In spite of himself,

Ord starts to learn the numbers. Once they have retrieved all 8 missing numbers, Ord realizes that he can now count from uno to

ocho all by himself! His dragon badge glows proudly as he plays a triumphant game of Rayuela.

4:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (1005) D.W. Aims High/Flaw and Order D.W. Aims High: D.W. wants to be the first person to set foot on Mars! But what if scary purple aliens eat her? With help from her

dad, D.W. separates fact from fiction and discovers the excitement of space exploration. Flaw and Order: Who's responsible for

cracking Dad's cake platter? DUN-DUN! All the evidence points to Arthur! DUN-DUN! Or does it? DUN-DUN! With Buster's help,

Arthur sets out to clear his name - and figure out what keeps making that mysterious yet familiar "DUN-DUN!" sound.

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (407) The Case of the Missing Memory Under the guise of a peace mission, Wicked arrives at Control Central with a handful of bad guys. But someone's up to no good, and

steals Motherboard's precious Memory Integrator. Whodunit? Where is it?? And what does it look like??? Digit and the kids must

figure out what they know -what they don't know - and what they need to know. Can they do it all before Motherboard's memory is

lost forever? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: When faced with a problem, make sure you have all the information you need to solve


TUESDAY, MARCH 20 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (811) A-Counting We Will Go! Barney and the kids help Baby Bop count to ten by playing games, and visiting a Make-Believe Market.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4113) No one can believe their eyes but Herb, the plant eating dinosaur, has come to Sesame Street. He is the only dinosaur left except,

of course, forhis cousin Shirley . While on Sesame Street, he meets so many new people and learns something new from each and

every one of them. He learns about healthy salads from Alan, how to take turns from Zoe and Rosita, and that the alphabet is

actually letters from Big Bird, Elmo and the birdketeers. Then Herb gets to do something that he has never done before, but has

always wanted to. He gets to play with a worm! Overall, Herb's experience teaches him the most important lesson- you're never too

old to learn!

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (407) The Case of the Missing Memory Under the guise of a peace mission, Wicked arrives at Control Central with a handful of bad guys. But someone's up to no good, and

steals Motherboard's precious Memory Integrator. Whodunit? Where is it?? And what does it look like??? Digit and the kids must

figure out what they know -what they don't know - and what they need to know. Can they do it all before Motherboard's memory is

lost forever? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: When faced with a problem, make sure you have all the information you need to solve


8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (129) George Fixes Betsy's Wagon/Curious George Takes A George Fixes Betsy's Wagon - George and Steve borrow Betsy's wagon to pick up a package, but on the way they lose a wheel. To

replace the wheel, they experiment with a piece of wood, some roller skates, and baby carriage wheels. Can they find some way to

keep that wagon rolling? And what's in that giant package anyhow?Curious George Takes a Dive - George makes friends with a

turtle down at Lake Wanasink Lake but worries that because the turtle has no thumbs, it's going to get a lot of water up its nose

when it goes into the lake. The solution is to bring the turtle home and keep it in the bathtub. But the turtle is just not happy in

the bathtub and when George brings home fish and weeds and frogs from the lake to keep it company, The Man with the Yellow Hat

isn't very happy either.



10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (135) Echoes/A Good Heartbeat Echoes - Bob is on Broken Branch Leap calling out to the ants and isstartled when a voice calls back to him and says that his name is

also Bob. Bob and Wartz visit Madge and Snook to tell them about this other Bob and are very relieved to learn that what they

heard was only an echo.A Good Heartbeat - Wartz and Winslow are racing through the tree, and when Wartz finally stops moving,

his heart is beating fast. Wartz hears the ba-doom, ba-doom, and is afraid he has swallowed a drum. Bob runs off to get Snook's

help, and soon he thinks he has swallowed a drum also! Finally, Snook and Oko explain to the pair that what they are hearing is their


10:30 AM JAKERS! (107) Teacher Creature Young Piggley's insecurity rises when he discovers that his teacher, Mr.Hornsby, is coming to his house for supper. Piggley is

certain he's going to "grade" the Winks family, and that they'll come up woefully inadequate!So Piggley and pals hatch a plan to

make sure the Winks family gets passing marks. Much to Piggley's surprise, he discovers that Mr. Hornsby is just a regular person-

and not so intimidating after all.Lesson: Before you make up your mind about someone, make sure you've taken the time to get to

know them (Jumping to conclusions/Acceptance) .

11:00 AM CAILLOU (407) I Can Do It! Caillou's learning to do new things, and discovering it's okay to have help while he learns. To prove he's ready to help Dad paint the

porch, Caillou paints Rosie's dollhouse first - and Gilbert, with paint-dipped paws, does some painting too! Caillou moves from

renovation to recreation when Dad and Sarah teach him to play baseball; Dad teaches him to swim; and Clementine goads him into

going down the big kids' slide. Mom shows Caillou how to tie his shoes but he get frustrated and stops trying. With courage and

practice, he's soon able to do these things on his own.

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (303) Rockin' and Rollin' Away Sleep. But the next morning, Roley - still fast asleep - begins to rollout of the yard! The team discovers that Roley is missing, and

Bird arrives to warn them that he is "sleep-rolling" towards town. Will Bob, Wendy and the crew find him and guide him home

before Roley flattens Bobsville? While Bob is fixing the roof he is left 'stranded' when a naughty Spud takes Bob's ladder to go

look for apples. When Bob realizes the ladder has gone he tries to get the team's attention but as usual, everyone is busy. And just

when Muck returns and it seems that Bob will be saved, the ladder breaks! Can the crew ever get Bob off the roof?

2:30 PM MR. ROGERS NEIGHBORHOOD (1597) Secrets Help Mister Rogers go on the treasure hunt Mr. McFeely has planned for him as part of MISTER ROGERS' NEIGHBORHOOD's

week on "Secrets." Also, today, balloon artist Bruce Franco visits Mister Rogers.

3:00 PM BETWEEN THE LIONS (225) Stop That Chicken! It's poultry in motion when Chicken Jane flies out of her book into the library. Featured text: storybook. Key word: stop. Target

vowel: short o.

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (128) The Elephant Upstairs/Being Hundley The Elephant Upstairs -George hears a loud thumping sound coming from the ceiling of their apartment and becomes convinced that

the new upstairs neighbor has an elephant for a pet. When The Man with the Yellow Hat points out how unlikely that is, George

decides to investigate further and comes to the conclusion that if it's not an elephant, it must be a Galapagos Turtle who eats a lot

of crackers, likes to wrap presents, and use a juicer. When they finally pay their new neighbor a visit, the real story is even more

interesting than George's theory.Being Hundley - George gets tired of being a monkey because monkeys have to clean their room,

brush their teeth, and go to bed early. So he experiments with being a cat and a pigeon but decides that the best of all is to be a

dog like Hundley. Hundley is not at all happy with this plan but doesn't manage to convince George that there's room for only one

lobby dog at this apartment building. It takes an elevator getting stuck between floors to help George realize being a monkey can

be pretty useful in a pinch.

4:00 PM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (317) Moving On/Head Over Heels Moving On - Cassie's favorite big sister, Sophie, is going away to cooking school and Cassie is devastated to see her go. Enrique

sings a Spanish farewell song as the sisters embrace. The gang tries to cheer her up about missing Sophie. They take her to their

favorite spots in Dragon Land to have fun, but everywhere they go, Cassie is reminded of Sophie and is sad

all over again. Enrique suggests that instead of trying to forget Sophie, Cassie do something that reminds her of Sophie. Cassie

decides to make Goo- Berry Pudding, one of their favorite recipes, but finds she is sad making it without Sophie. When Cassie's

little sister comes wanting to help, Cassie decides to teach her little sister to cook, just like Sophie taughther - and feels much

better! Head Over Heels - Quetzal's brother Fernando is sick. When Quetzal asks the gang to bring him a delicious bowl of

gazpacho, they are eager to help. To get there, however, they must pass by Trumpy the trollbooth troll. The toll? One cartwheel

each. This worries Emmy, who's embarrassed to admit that she doesn't know how to cartwheel. Her friends help: Ord shows her

how to balance; Cassie explains the "ready, hand-hand, foot-foot" method; and Zak and Wheezie coach her inkeeping her arms

straight. Emmy keeps on trying, and even though she'sfrustrated, she gradually improves. When they reach the bridge, the gang

encourages a nervous Emmy to do her best, and everyone cartwheels successfully enough to cross the bridge and deliver the soup

to a grateful Fernando. On the way back, everyone is surprised to learn that Trumpy is sad because he can't do a cartwheel himself

and hoped to learn by watching everybody else pay the "toll." The gang, including Emmy, is happy to help him learn.

4:30 PM ARTHUR (1004) Feeling Flush/Family Fortune Feeling Flush: When Elwood City experiences a drought, Francine bets Arthur that her family can use less water than his. But

Francine is shocked to learn that, despite her conservation efforts, her water meter levels are twice as high as Arthur's! What's

going on at the Frensky household? Will Francine find out who's behind the flushing frenzy? Family Fortune: The TV show,

Treasure Caravan, is coming to Elwood City! Arthur and D.W. are convinced that in Grandma Thora's attic they'll find treasures

that will make them famous on TV - and rich beyond their wildest dreams. But what they really discover is that family history and

cultural traditions are far more precious.

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (121) Less Than Zero The Leaders of Cyberspace have gathered to discuss Hacker's increasing influence, when they are suddenly interrupted by Hacker.

Buzz and Delete, Hacker's henchmen, hide the leaders including Dr. Marbles, in the building and its' up to the kids to rescue them.

Before long, the kids discover that they can only move between the building's levels by scaling its outside walls! So the kids turn

the building into a giant ruler in order to keep track of the floors. And when they discover that there are levels beneath what they

thought was "zero," the kids must tap into the power of negative numbers. The Big Idea: Numbers don't have to stop at zero!

Negative numbers--numbers that are less than zero -- can extend the range of what you can measure on a scale and give you the

ability to compare numbers using direction as well as amount. Math Topic: Negative Numbers NCTM Links: Number & Operations.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (812) A Big Little Day Barney helps Baby Bop and the children discover big and little things in the world around them. And by the end of the day, the kids

have learned that big or little, they're all wonderful just the way they are!

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4078) Baby Bear Can't Get Curly to Fall Asleep Baby Bear is taking care of his little sister, Curly Bear, for her naptime today! Baby Bear usually puts Curly right to sleep by giving

her a little blanket and her favorite doll, then reading her a fun book called "Find the Bears." But today, Baby Bear is shocked

because his fool-proof napping system doesn't seem to be working! Baby Bear thinks maybe he just needs to read the book again,

but that doesn't work. Then, Baby Bear figures out a Plan B- to beg Curly Bear to fall asleep, but that doesn't work either! Maria

suggests singing her a Spanish lullaby, but Curly is still wide awake. The Fairy Napmother's sparkly magic fairy dust doesn't seem

to help Curly Bear fall asleep either. All of a sudden, Oscar the Grouch offers to help Baby Bear put Curly to sleep as long as they

stop all the cutesy nap talk. Oscar then creates as much grouchy noise as possible with jackhammers, goats tap dancing, and drums.

To Baby Bear's surprise, all this loud noise has finally put Curly Bear to sleep!

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (121) Less Than Zero The Leaders of Cyberspace have gathered to discuss Hacker's increasing influence, when they are suddenly interrupted by Hacker.

Buzz and Delete, Hacker's henchmen, hide the leaders including Dr. Marbles, in the building and its' up to the kids to rescue them.

Before long, the kids discover that they can only move between the building's levels by scaling its outside walls! So the kids turn

the building into a giant ruler in order to keep track of the floors. And when they discover that there are levels beneath what they

thought was "zero," the kids must tap into the power of negative numbers. The Big Idea: Numbers don't have to stop at zero!

Negative numbers--numbers that are less than zero -- can extend the range of what you can measure on a scale and give you the

ability to compare numbers using direction as well as amount. Math Topic: Negative Numbers NCTM Links:Number & Operations.

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (130) Unbalanced/Curious George Vs. Winter Unbalanced - The Amazing Balancing Zucchinis come to town, and George realizes that there's nothing he wants more in life than to

be an acrobat. But before he can join the troupe, he needs to learn a lot more about balance and help save an allergic tightrope

walker from a very determined cat.Curious George vs. Winter - Winter is closing in and George is miserable...how's he going to

survive without all the fun summertime activities he loves? When he decides to ignore the weather and play with his wading pool

and his bubbles, he learns some interesting things about freezing and melting.




10:30 AM JAKERS! (108) Molly's Dolly A series of odd circumstances convinces Piggley that Molly's new doll is actually a real leprechaun in disguise! Piggley and his

friends set out to prove his theory and try to catch the leprechaun at his own game. But they soon learn that it's a good idea to

get ALL the facts before jumping to conclusions.Lesson: Be sure to get all the facts before jumping to conclusions.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (408) My Family Today Caillou learns that being a part of a family is something very special. Dad lends Caillou his old camera and helps him take

pictures of every member of their family - including Gilbert. Looking at the photo album, the family remembers when Gilbert was a

kitten and first came to live with them. When Mommy and Rosie go out for the day, Daddy and Caillou have plans of their own. They

are building a surprise for Mommy that requires a lot of father-and-son work. When Caillou and his family go to the zoo, Caillou is

thrilled to see that animals have families too. Also, Caillou and his family go away for a weekend of camping in the woods.

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (304) Storms, Soccer and Surprises Bob has entered a competition to see who has the best looking building yard and must get everything in order before the judges

arrive. Meanwhile, Wendy is transforming an overgrown field into a soccer field! The team can't wait to play soccer, but will a few

bad kicks ruin the soccer field? Will Bob's Building Yard win first prize in the contest? A heavy storm causes a lot of damage,

bringing down trees, telephone poles and fences. Bob's in great demand but he can't be in two places at once. There are roads to

clear, building to be done and animals to rescue, so Bob calls in his number one digger, Scoop. Will Scoop be able to get Bobsville up

and running after the storm?

2:30 PM READING RAINBOW (1209) Regina's Big Mistake In this episode of Reading Raindow, Levar Burton discovers his creativity as he works on a pottery model of his childhood home.

Then he talks artists Michael Ives who uses "old" cardboard boxes to create his works of art. Levar finds that in order to create a

masterpiece he must follow a plan and find a peaceful place to work. The main book featured is "Regina's Big Mistake" narrated by

Anna Holbrook. This episode's suggested books are "The Little Painter of Sabana Grande", "The Art Lession", and "I am an Artist."

3:00 PM BETWEEN THE LIONS (610) The Goat in the Coat Lionel is upset when his copy of a new and extremely rare Cliff Hanger book vanishes from the library, but his friend Gus surprises

him with a one- of-a-kind gift. (This special episode introduces a new character, Sierra, a mountain lion who tells some of the story

in Spanish.)Educational Goals: Highlights the joys of reading and introduces key literacy skills. Focuses on the vowel combination oa,

and provides some explanations of the storyline in Spanish to help build comprehension among viewers who speak Spanish as their

first language.

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (129) George Fixes Betsy's Wagon/Curious George Takes A George Fixes Betsy's Wagon - George and Steve borrow Betsy's wagon to pick up a package, but on the way they lose a wheel. To

replace the wheel, they experiment with a piece of wood, some roller skates, and baby carriage wheels. Can they find some way to

keep that wagon rolling? And what's in that giant package anyhow?Curious George Takes a Dive - George makes friends with a

turtle down at Lake Wanasink Lake but worries that because the turtle has no thumbs, it's going to get a lot of water up its nose

when it goes into the lake. The solution is to bring the turtle home and keep it in the bathtub. But the turtle is just not happy in

the bathtub and when George brings home fish and weeds and frogs from the lake to keep it company, The Man with the Yellow Hat

isn't very happy either.

4:00 PM DRAGON TALES (319) Making It Fun/The Sorrow and the Party Making It Fun - The children are summoned to Dragon Land when Cassie, Ord, and Eunice the unicorn need their help. The Junior

Unicorn Race is today, and Eunice needs the gang to paint the winding path so that the little unicorns do not get lost on their way.

Zak and Wheezie join the group, who enthusiastically starts painting the path. Once they have painted for a while, they realize just

how long the path is and become discouraged, Knowing that the tiny unicorns will get lost without a path, the gang comes up with

clever ways to make their work go faster such as taking "fun breaks, " painting with more colors, singing songs, and racing. They

finish just in time to watch the unicorns take off for their race! The Sorrow and the Party - Max's feelings are hurt when he's not

invited to his school pal Brian's birthday party. Emmy tries to cheer him up by taking him on a trip to Dragon Land. But once there,

he can't seem to get his mind off all the fun he must be missing. Queztal tells him that he understands why Max feels sad-nobody

likes to be left out - and it's important to remember that being sad doesn'tlast forever. In the meantime, why doesn't Max try to

do things that make him happy. Though Max's feelings are still hurt, he slowly begins to cheer up as he enjoys his time with his


4:30 PM ARTHUR (701) Cast Away/The Great Sock Mystery Cast Away - Arthur is thrilled when Dad invites him to go fly fishing for the weekend. Finally - an escape from D.W.! But when a

change in plans forces them to include her, Arthur's had enough. Does D.W. always have to get her own way? The Great Sock

Mystery - Ever wonder where all those missing socks go? One minute they're in the laundry basket, and the next poof! -they've

vanished! Find out once and for all when Baby Kate and Pal -and some of their furry friends - team up to solve the great sock


5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (311) Shari Spotter and the Cosmic Crumpets Digit and the kids must help Shari Spotter (of Frogsnorts School for Sorcerers) make the magical Cosmic Crumpets before Hacker

crashes the Sorcerer's Ball and becomes the most powerful magician in Cyberspace!

THURSDAY, MARCH 22 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (813) A World of Friends Barney helps the children learn about animal homes by discovering animals that make their homes in the park.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4114) No matter how you count Snow White's dwarves, there are always 7. To prove it, the dwarves even sing a song where they add

themselves all together. A problem arises, though, when one of the dwarves has to leave. Snow White is very upset and doesn't

know what to do. It's supposed to be Snow White and the 7 dwarves, not the 6 dwarves. Elmo doesn't want Snow White to give up,

so he suggests that each time a dwarf leaves they be subtracted from the song. Snow White is hesitant at first, but it seems to be

working. In the end, though, Snow White is left without any dwarves at all. She is really feeling down now, but Elmo has a great

idea! Alan and 6 kids are going to add themselves together to become Snow White's 7 dwarves. Snow White loves this idea and

everyone lives happily ever after!

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (311) Shari Spotter and the Cosmic Crumpets Digit and the kids must help Shari Spotter (of Frogsnorts School for Sorcerers) make the magical Cosmic Crumpets before Hacker

crashes the Sorcerer's Ball and becomes the most powerful magician in Cyberspace!

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (118) Candy Counter/Curious George, Rescue Monkey

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (140) Blanket Blues/Dino Clifford

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (321) Sad Little Star/Try It You'll Like It

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (110) Color My World/Smooch's Caterpillar

10:30 AM JAKERS! (109) Song of the Banshee When Piggley, Ferny and Dannan hear strange noises in the barn, Piggley decides it's the "song of the banshee"-which frightens

Dannan more than she wants to admit! When she finally confesses her fear to her friends, they search for the source of the

noise...and discover it's only Wiley the sheet trying to lead his uncooperative flock in song.Lesson: Talking about your fears or

problems with your friends can make one feel better.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (409) Winter! Wintertime brings lots of new experiences. Sarah teaches Caillou to builda snowman, Dad helps him stay upright on his ice skates

(and picks him up when he falls down), and Mom shows Caillou the fine points of downhill skiing, including how not to be afraid of the

ski lift. When Caillou and Dad get to the vendor too late to buy a good Christmas tree, they decorate one in the yard instead. All

the beautiful colored lights chase away the winter gloom. Also, Caillou learns about the Chinese New Year. He even tries some

Chinese delicacies, but most exciting of all, he gets to see the famous dragon dance!

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (305) Buildings and Birthdays It's Bob's birthday and Wendy has an idea: the can-do crew will pretend that they've forgotten Bob's birthday but then surprise

him later with a big party. Bob is very disappointed when he thinks no one has remembered and goes off to repair Farmer Pickles'

stable wall. Meanwhile, the team decorates the yard and fills it with presents. Will Bob make it back to the yard for his birthday

surprise? Bob and the crew are collecting the town's junk for recycling. But in a mix-up, Bob and team arrive to collect the junk,

scooping up everything, including Farmer Pickles' special tea set. The team races to stop Bob from recycling it! Can they get to Bob

in time,

or will Farmer Pickles' family treasure be gone by the time they arrive?

2:30 PM MR. ROGERS NEIGHBORHOOD (1599) Secrets There's a royal secret today: the accordion playing "ruler" of zydeco music, Queen Ida. And Mister Rogers visits blind artist Crist

Delmonico, who shares his secret inner vision on canvas. It's all part of MISTER ROGERS' NEIGHBORHOOD's week all about


3:00 PM BETWEEN THE LIONS (130) Be Bop When cool, jazzy shoes come out of a book and dance all over the library, everybody gets in the groove.

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (130) Unbalanced/Curious George Vs. Winter

Unbalanced - The Amazing Balancing Zucchinis come to town, and George realizes that there's nothing he wants more in life than to

be an acrobat.But before he can join the troupe, he needs to learn a lot more about balance and help save an allergic tightrope

walker from a very determined cat.Curious George vs. Winter - Winter is closing in and George is miserable...how's he going to

survive without all the fun summertime activities he loves? When he decides to ignore the weather and play with his wading pool

and his bubbles, he learns some interesting things about freezing and melting.

4:00 PM DRAGON TALES (320) Itching for a Cure/Cassie Catches Up Itching for a Cure - Emmy, Max, Enrique and their dragon friends are building a giant card house. While they're balancing cards,

the ground begins to tremble and the cards come crashing down! They set out to investigate the source of the rumbling tremors

and find their giant friend Mungus rolling around on the ground. He has a terrible itch that just won't go away! The gang brings

Mungus to Dr. Booboogone for help, and she sends them on a quest for special ingredients to make "Itch Be Gone" cream. They face

some challenges in collecting the ingredients, but knowing how much Mungus needs their help encourages them to not give up.

Mungus is extremely grateful for his friends' help, and he shows his appreciation by helping the gang build another, even bigger,

card house. Cassie Catches Up - It's a special day in Dragon Land as Quetzal navigates the group through the sights, sounds and

smells of the Dragon Land Fair. They head straight for the carnival games, with all hearts set on winning a pinwheel. But Cassie

becomes increasingly frustrated, as she seems unable to win a prize, disappointing herself and her partner, Emmy. While Cassie may

not be able to run as fast as Zak and Wheezie, or throw a softball as far as Ord, Cassie is reminded that she is "good at lots of

things" - like problem solving! With that realization, she comes up with an ingenious way to win a pinwheel for herself and her best

friend, Emmy.

4:30 PM ARTHUR (1003) Desert Island Dish/The Secret About Secrets Desert Island Dish: When Mr. Ratburn challenges the class to find the perfect food for surviving on a desert island, everyone picks

potato chips or ice cream! But Arthur and the gang soon discover that they cannot survive - or pass their assignment - on junk food

alone. By working together the kids learn about the importance of a balanced diet to overall health. The Secret About Secrets:

Everyone seems to have a secretà everyone that is, except D.W.! But when D.W. is finally told one, she quickly learns that

getting a secret is easy, but keeping one – and avoiding hurt feelings - is a lot harder than she thought.

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (503) Designing Mr. Perfect Frustrated that she can't find Mr. Perfect, The Wicked Witch sets out to design him, by turning a frog into her Prince Charming.

Unknowingly, however, Wicked captures and transforms Digit instead of a frog. Her sympathetic wand, Wanda (Danica McKellar),

secretly alerts the CyberSquad who jump into action. Their problems multiply when a jealous Hacker kidnaps their cyboid pal. The

kids must design an invention that can do two things: navigate a perilous swamp AND get to the top of a tall cliff. Can they pull off

the rescue before it's too late? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Make a design -a plan for your invention - before you start building

so you can make sure that it will function the way that you want it to.

FRIDAY, MARCH 23 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (814) Who's Your Neighbor? Through pretend play, Barney and the children learn about their community and the people that help them live safely and happily


7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4077) Elmo Feels He's Treated Unfairly By Rocco Elmo is excited to play with his friend, Gabi, who is working in Hooper's Store while Alan is away on vacation. Elmo also lets Zoe and

Rocco to play with them, too. As they are playing, Zoe and Elmo run into arguments over what games they should play, then what

games they should play first, and even about who is first in line to play. While playing on the tire swing, Elmo and Zoe learn how to

play fairly by taking turns or riding on the swing together. After playing on the tire swing, they all eat snacks together. Elmo and

Zoe get upset again as they are eating cookies since Zoe gives Rocco the cookie that Elmo wants. Elmo is even more frustrated

since he thinks that it is unfair for Zoe to give a cookie to a rock. Zoe is extremely upset because she thinks Elmo is being unfair to

Rocco by saying that it is just a rock. Gabi steps in and helps Zoe realize how Elmo has actually been very fair to Rocco all day. Elmo

is also able to realize that he should be more understanding and nicer to Rocco since Rocco is Zoe's friend. Dr. Phil - In "Dr. Phil

Meets Dr. Feel".

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (503) Designing Mr. Perfect Frustrated that she can't find Mr. Perfect, The Wicked Witch sets out to design him, by turning a frog into her Prince Charming.

Unknowingly, however, Wicked captures and transforms Digit instead of a frog. Her sympathetic wand, Wanda (Danica McKellar),

secretly alerts the CyberSquad who jump into action. Their problems multiply when a jealous Hacker kidnaps their cyboid pal. The

kids must design an invention that can do two things: navigate a perilous swamp AND get to the top of a tall cliff. Can they pull off

the rescue before it's too late? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Make a design -a plan for your invention - before you start building

so you can make sure that it will function the way that you want it to.

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (119) The Truth About George Burgers/Curious George In T

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (201) That's Snow Lie/A Friend In Need

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (322) The Big Race/Bye, Bye Baby Birdie

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (111) Mini Monkey/The Five Senses

10:30 AM JAKERS! (110) Our Dragon's Egg Piggley, Ferny and Dannan rescue an errant egg -- which they decide must be a dragon's egg. They hatch all kinds of plans to keep

the egg safe, but when the creature inside emerges, it turns out to be a not-so-sweet wild swan chick. And that's when the real

work begins.Lesson: Even though we may want to have a pet, sometimes the best place for that pet is in its natural environment

(Responsibility/Pets) .

11:00 AM CAILLOU (410) After Dark! Things get a little scary today. Caillou and his new neighbours, Jason and Jeffery, are playing hide and go seek in the backyard,

until dusk brings out the shadows. A flashlight and Mommy help chase the shadows away. That evening, Caillou can't fall asleep when

he hears scary "scratchy monster" noises and thinks there's a monster in his room. Daddy shows him that a tree branch brushing

against the window is making the noises and the only monster in Caillou's room is Gilbert. Later, a bad dream about a scary monster

leads to a restless night for Caillou. Mommy and Daddy help him learn to fall asleep safely in his own bed. And, finally, when Caillou

sleeps over at Leo's house for the first time, he has fun until it's time to go to sleep. A phone call to Mommy reminds Caillou that

Teddy was looking forward to spending the night. Together they rest easily.

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (306) Hedgehogs and Highjinks Spud decides being a scarecrow is too much hard work - he wants a different job. Finding Bob's toolbox lying in the road, he is

inspired to become a builder. He persuades Lofty to be his assistant and they head off to fix the barn roof. Will a gust of wind

knock some sense into Spud and convince him that he's much better off being a scarecrow than a builder? Bob and crew working on

the road near Farmer Pickles' field. Just as Roley is about to flatten some loose chippings, Bob spots some unexpected traffic on

the road - a family of hedgehogs! Luckily Bob and Scoop manage to get Roley's attention before disaster strikes. Bob and the team

decide that the hedgehogs need an underground way to cross the road. Can they find a way to keep the hedgehogs safe?

3:00 PM BETWEEN THE LIONS (118) Hug, Hug, Hug! Leona helps a sculptor who falls in love with his statue.

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (118) Candy Counter/Curious George, Rescue Monkey Candy Counter - Eating candy is easy, but counting and sorting it is much more difficult! George quickly learns this when he agrees

to watch Cayley's candy counter for an afternoon. While trying to stack the chocolates into different shapes, they all fall over, and

George can't remember which candy is what! With help from a few customers, and a little sampling, George discovers how to sort

the candies by color and shape.Curious George, Rescue Monkey - George is inspired to become a volunteer with the fire department

when they help him get his foot unstuck from a chair. He spends the day with Andie, Stig and Stew of Rescue Squad 86 and has fun

trying out all the special fire fighting tools. But when Compass gets trapped at the museum, a little monkey ends up being the best

tool for the job.

4:00 PM KIDS' PICKS ()

4:30 PM KIDS' PICKS ()

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (212) The Guilty Party Hacker returns to Poddleville with a peace offering: a magnificent statue of the Mayor of Poddleville. But at the unveiling party,

Hacker accuses someone of stealing the key to his recharger chair. The accused claims he's innocent. Like Sherlock Holmes and

Watson, the kids and Digit investigate the crime by interviewing eyewitnesses and recreating the crime scene. But the more they

investigate - the more the accused is placed at the scene of the crime. Everyone saw him. It appears that Hacker has found the

culprit. But has he? And what's that strange noise coming from inside the statue? Math Topic: Point of View; NCTM Links:


SUNDAY, MARCH 25 2007 6:00 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (118) Candy Counter/Curious George, Rescue Monkey Candy Counter - Eating candy is easy, but counting and sorting it is much more difficult! George quickly learns this when he agrees

to watch Cayley's candy counter for an afternoon. While trying to stack the chocolates into different shapes, they all fall over,

and George can't remember which candy is what! With help from a few customers, and a little sampling, George discovers how to

sort the candies by color and shape.Curious George, Rescue Monkey - George is inspired to become a volunteer with the fire

department when they help him get his foot unstuck from a chair. He spends the day with Andie, Stig and Stew of Rescue Squad 86

and has fun trying out all the special fire fighting tools. But when Compass gets trapped at the museum, a little monkey ends up

being the best tool for the job.

6:30 AM MAKE WAY FOR NODDY (309) Noddy and the Treasure Map/Noddy's Wake-Up Call Noddy and the Treasure Map - Sly and Gobbo trick Noddy into buying a phony treasure map that leads Noddy and Bumpy Dog into

the Dark Woods.Noddy's Wake Up Call - Noddy's alarm clock is broken and he has missed an important delivery. Noddy turns to his

friends to help him find ways to wake up on time, but he manages to ruin their plans with his worrying.


7:30 AM CLIFFORD'S PUPPY DAYS (107) Clifford's Field Trip/Helping Paws Clifford's Field Trip - Will Emily Elizabeth and her friend succeed in hiding Clifford when he inadvertently joins them for a school

field trip to the Hands on Science Museum? Helping Paws - When Clifford offers to baby-sit the Sidarsky kids, he doesn't realize

how big of a job it is to lookafter 4 little mice. Will he accept Daffodil's offer to help him, or will he try to do it all by himself?

8:00 AM THOMAS AND FRIENDS (102) Thomas to the Rescue Thomas to the Rescue - Thomas is scared when Diesel tells him that steamengines will be scrapped for being old fashioned. When

the diesel engines receive a batch of bad fuel, they start to break down. Thomas is sent to fetch some new diesel fuel quickly. Even

devious Diesel has to admit that Thomas is a Really Useful Engine! Emily's New Coaches - Emily has just arrived on the Island of

Sodor when she upsets Thomas and takes his coaches by mistake. But after Emily saves Thomas from a crash, he forgives her, and

she is rewarded with her own coaches and won't mistakenly take Annie and Clarabel again. Henry and the Wishing Tree - Henry

hopes for a change of jobs and makes a wish at the Island of Sodor wishing tree. When his wish comes true, things aren't quite as

he expected. He learns to be careful what he wishes for in future.

8:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (106) Creativity It's time for arts and crafts as Bob and the team get creative. Lofty learns that size is no barrier to artistic expression in Lofty

the Artist. Inspiration for Molly's Fashion Show comes from a very unusual place. And for Bob the Photographer, entering a simple

photography competition isn't as easy as it seems.

9:00 AM FRANNY'S FEET (205) Shiver Me Timbers/Ride'em Cowboy A) Franny travels to the Kalahari Desert, where she meets Tula, a shy meerkat who loves to bask in the warm sun. When Tula's

older siblings stand in front of her, blocking the light, Franny helps her learn to speak up for herself. In Franny's Treasures,

Franny, Bobby, and the viewers discover thefeatures that make fireflies, chameleons, and skunks unique.B) Franny

visits the rodeo, where she meets Charlie, a bronco with no bounce in his buck. With Franny's help, Charlie discovers that he's

not suited to the life of a bucking bronco, and he finds his true calling. In Franny's Treasures, Franny prompts the audience to

identify the stems, flowers, roots, seeds, and leaves of vegetables.

9:30 AM POSTCARDS FOR BUSTER (128) Homes Sweet Homes (Miami, Florida) Buster really misses his mom. But Bitzi is stuck in Elwood City trying to write a new food column for the newspaper. In Miami,

Buster meets Athena who is half Cuban and half Greek. He helps Bitzi complete her assignment after he picks up great cooking tips

from both of Athena's grandmothers.

10:00 AM ARTHUR (1005) D.W. Aims High/Flaw and Order D.W. Aims High: D.W. wants to be the first person to set foot on Mars! But what if scary purple aliens eat her? With help from her

dad, D.W. separates fact from fiction and discovers the excitement of space exploration. Flaw and Order: Who's responsible for

cracking Dad's cake platter? DUN-DUN! All the evidence points to Arthur! DUN-DUN! Or does it? DUN-DUN! With Buster's help,

Arthur sets out to clear his name - and figure out what keeps making that mysterious yet familiar "DUN-DUN!" sound.

10:30 AM MAYA AND MIGUEL (132) The Pen-Pal

For school, Miguel is assigned an electronic pen-pal from Puerto Rico. When they start corresponding, Miguel thinks his pen-pal,

Roman, has a much more glamorous life than he does. So, with a little prompting from Paco, Miguel slowly starts embellishing the

details of his life. Then, to his horror, Rom

11:00 AM CYBERCHASE (407) The Case of the Missing Memory Under the guise of a peace mission, Wicked arrives at Control Central witha handful of bad guys. But someone's up to no good, and

steals Motherboard's precious Memory Integrator. Whodunit? Where is it?? And whatdoes it look like??? Digit and the kids must

figure out what they know -what they don't know - and what they need to know. Can they do it allbefore Motherboard's memory is

lost forever? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: When faced with a problem, make sure you have all the information you need to solve


MONDAY, MARCH 26 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (815) Squares, Squares, Everywhere Nick's homework is to find as many squares as he can. It's great fun when Barney and the kids help!

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4072) Gabi Becomes A Temporary Playdate Gabi agrees to help Alan at Mr. Hoopers but as she is on her way there she gets sidetracked helping lots of other friends as well.

She stops to sing a song with Elmo and act like a chicken because Zoe has not shown up for Elmo's play date. Next, she acts

grouchy with Oscar since he had plans with Grundgetta but she has not arrived. Gabi manages to act very Grouchy with Oscar and

Oscar is thoroughly impressed. Next, Gabi meets Snuffy who is waiting for Big Bird. Gabi agrees to play "Rhyme and Stomp" with

Snuffy as he waits. Finally, Gabi is able to help Alan just before the Penguins arrive for snacks after their big baseball game.

Martina McBride – Sings "That's Pretending".

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (212) The Guilty Party Hacker returns to Poddleville with a peace offering: a magnificent statue of the Mayor of Poddleville. But at the unveiling party,

Hacker accuses someone of stealing the key to his recharger chair. The accused claims he's innocent. Like Sherlock Holmes and

Watson, the kids and Digit investigate the crime by interviewing eyewitnesses and recreating the crime scene. But the more they

investigate - the more the accused is placed at the scene of the crime. Everyone saw him. It appears that Hacker has found the

culprit. But has he? And what's that strange noise coming from inside the statue? Math Topic: Point of View; NCTM Links:


8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (129) George Fixes Betsy's Wagon/Curious George Takes A George Fixes Betsy's Wagon - George and Steve borrow Betsy's wagon to pick up a package, but on the way they lose a wheel. To

replace the wheel, they experiment with a piece of wood, some roller skates, and baby carriage wheels. Can they find some way to

keep that wagon rolling? And what's in that giant package anyhow?Curious George Takes a Dive - George makes friends with a

turtle down at Lake Wanasink Lake but worries that because the turtle has no thumbs, it's going to get a lot of water up its nose

when it goes into the lake. The solution is to bring the turtle home and keep it in the bathtub. But the turtle is just not happy in

the bathtub and when George brings home fish and weeds and frogs from the lake to keep it company, The Man with the Yellow Hat

isn't very happy either.

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (138) Topsy Turvy/Clifford's Charm School

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (319) Making It Fun/The Sorrow and the Party

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (135) Echoes/A Good Heartbeat Echoes - Bob is on Broken Branch Leap calling out to the ants and startled when a voice calls back to him and says that his name is

also Bob. Bob and Wartz visit Madge and Snook to tell them about this other Bob and are very relieved to learn that what they

heard was only an echo.A Good Heartbeat - Wartz and Winslow are racing through the tree, and when Wartz finally stops moving,

his heart is beating fast. Wartz hears the ba-doom,ba-doom, and is afraid he has swallowed a drum. Bob runs off to get Snook's

help, and soon he thinks he has swallowed a drum also! Finally, Snook and Oko explain to the pair that what they are hearing is their


10:30 AM JAKERS! (111) The Cat Came Back.... and Back Sweet Shop owner Miss Nanny offers a reward for the return of her lost cat, and Piggley and friends leap at the opportunity. Of

course, catching a cat with a mind of her own is not such an easy task. But seeing Miss Nanny's happy face is a great reward.Lesson:

A good deed and kindness are their own rewards.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (411) Nature Today Caillou discovers the wonders of the natural world. Grandma introduces Caillou to the many birds that live in the park, and

then gives him a bird house for his own backyard. That's why Caillou's prepared when he and Sarah find a baby bird that's fallen

from its nest, and they nurse it back to health. Later, Caillou and his daycare buddies have a treasure hunt in the forest. With

Sarah and a magnifying glass, Caillou pretends to be a jungle explorer, hunting "big game" in the garden. On another day, Caillou and

his family go away for a weekend of camping in the woods. He climbs a mountain with Daddy and really, really hopes he will get to

see a moose before it is time to go home.

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (307) Whitelines and a Winter Christmas Bob, Muck and Roley are busy using a line marking machine to paint white lines on the road. But when Spud secretly attaches the

line-marking machine to Travis, he unknowingly leaves a wiggly, white trail behind him! Can the crew stop Travis and clean up the

wiggly white line? And, it's Christmas Eve and Bob and the building team are decorating the yard. A heavy snow falls and Farmer

Pickles calls to say he's snowed in! Fitting Scoop with his snow plough attachment, Bob sets off to the rescue. However, he forgets

his mobile phone and Wendy sends Dizzy after him with it. When Dizzy gets stuck in a snow drift, will the team find her? Will

everyone have a Merry Christmas?

2:30 PM READING RAINBOW (1005) June 29, 1999 In this episode, Levar Burton tells a series of stories, asking if they are fact or fiction. There is a small panel of children who give

their opinions about the validity of each story. One of the stories is about UFO's in which real accounts of sightings are told. The

episode also shows how a farmer grown 400 pound pumpkins. The book "JUne 29, 1999," by David Wiesner is also featured. Finally,


3:00 PM BETWEEN THE LIONS (404) Step By Step The lions find a treasure map that belonged to Barnaby B. Busterfield III, and go hunting for library treasure. Guest stars:

India.Arie, Brian McKnight, Dr. Ruth Westheimer. Designated Reader: Melissa Etheridge. Keyword: step. Target vowel: short e.

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (119) The Truth About George Burgers/Curious George In T The Truth About George Burgers - George accidentally loses a batch of Chef Pisghetti's newest creation: Giardino Burgers. And

they need to be delivered to the Fireman's Picnic right away. Can George save the day by re-creating the Chef's recipe?Curious

George in the Dark - Most of the time, George isn't afraid of the dark, but when he explores a mysterious cave, he decides that

sometimes the dark can be a little scary. It doesn't get any better when a thunderstorm knocks the power out and the country

house is in the dark. But with the help of his trusty flashlight, George conquers his fears and even shows Jumpy how to have some

fun with shadows.

4:00 PM DRAGON TALES (322) The Big Race/Bye, Bye Baby Birdie The Big Race - It is the day of the Big Dragon Land Road Race. Teammate Lorca and Enrique get off to a great start on Lorca's

modified wheelchair, but soon find themselves at a standstill when they can't work together. After getting advice from Quetzal,

they realize that being a team means working together. They begin to pass their friends who are also having trouble cooperating

and offer helpful teamwork suggestions for them. Enrique teaches a Spanish rhyme to Cassie and Emmy to help them pedal

together, which comes in handy again when the entire gang ends up in a pile-up that entangles their go-carts. Stuck together, they

head comically toward the finish line in a long train reciting the rhyme to keep in sync. Even though the team doesn't win the race,

they learn a valuable lesson about cooperation and teamwork! Bye, Bye Baby Birdie - While playing in a meadow, the gang discovers

afamily of rhyming birds, and Emmy and a baby bird take a shine to each other. Emmy names the bird Cutie Pie and they have so

much fun together that she doesn't notice when the bird's family flies away. Although she's very attached to Cutie Pie, Emmy, with

help from Quetzal and all her friends, understands that the baby bird needs to go home. After all, how would Emmy feel if she

couldn't be with her family? The gang promises to help her say goodbye to her new pal. They all set out together and find Cutie

Pie's family at their home in Very Merry Valley. Zak reminds Emmy that she knows where Cutie Pie lives now, so she can visit

anytime she wants! Emmy gives Cutie Pie a keepsake - a ribbon from her hair. As Cutie Pie waves goodbye, one of her feathers flies

into the air, she catches it in her beak and presents it to Emmy. Feeling much better, Emmy says goodbye to her new friend-until

next time!

4:30 PM ARTHUR (1001) Happy Anniversary, Parts I & II Arthur's parents have been married for 10 years and it's time to celebrate! But the festivities are cut short when the van breaks

down, stranding the whole family. Will the Reads miss their fancy dinner reservation? And what about Arthur's special "Bionic

Bunny" sleepover with Buster?! Just when things couldn't get any worse, Arthur and D.W. end up locked in a diner storeroom -

but when they hear the inspiring radio tale of Crooning Cowboy Kid Carter and his little sister sidekick, Arthur realizes that the

best celebration of all is just being with his family.

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (102) Castleblanca (topic: Finding Meaning from Data) - Dr. Marbles is captured by Hacker and taken to Castleblanca, a cyberspace version of

Transylvania. Hacker's goal: transfer Marbles' brainpower into his newly-built robot named Megabyte! Summoned by Motherboard,

the kids and Digit arrive with the knowledge that Hacker has taken Marbles to a castle - but which one? There are hundreds and

hundreds of castles. To find Marbles, the kids must master the art of properly collecting data, organizing it and graphing the

results – which are sometimes surprising! The Big Idea: Data is a lot more than a collection of numbers. When you gather it,

organize and analyze it, you can discover useful information hidden in the numbers.

TUESDAY, MARCH 27 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (816) Let's Go for a Ride! Mario's toy car and BJ's remote-controlled car prompt a discussion of cars, and then buses for a fun-filled day of pretend play.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4059) Curly Doesn't Like Porridge Telly is announcing the big event! Curly Bear is going to try porridge for the very first time and Baby Bear is extremely excited.

When Curly Bear tries the porridge, however, she spits it out in disgust. Baby Bear is rather upset by this as he feels Curly Bear

just has to like porridge. She's his sister! He tries offering Curly different types of porridge to no avail. She just doesn't like it

and Baby Bear feels that maybe that means she doesn't like him. Alan helps Baby Bear understand that even best friends have

different tastes for many things and it is the same way with families. Baby Bear and his sister will not be exactly the same and this

is not only okay, it is a special part of their relationship.

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (102) Castleblanca (topic: Finding Meaning from Data) - Dr. Marbles is captured by Hacker and taken to Castleblanca, a cyberspace version of

Transylvania. Hacker's goal: transfer Marbles' brainpower into his newly-built robot named Megabyte! Summoned by Motherboard,

the kids and Digit arrive with the knowledge that Hacker has taken Marbles to a castle - but which one? There are hundreds and

hundreds of castles. To find Marbles, the kids must master the art of properly collecting data, organizing it and graphing the

results – which are sometimes surprising! The Big Idea: Data is a lot more than a collection of numbers. When you gather it,

organize and analyze it, you can discover useful information hidden in the numbers.

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (130) Unbalanced/Curious George Vs. Winter Unbalanced - The Amazing Balancing Zucchinis come to town, and George realizes that there's nothing he wants more in life than to

be an acrobat. But before he can join the troupe, he needs to learn a lot more about balance and help save an allergic tightrope

walker from a very determined cat.Curious George vs. Winter - Winter is closing in and George is miserable...how's he going to

survive without all the fun summertime activities he loves? When he decides to ignore the weather and play with his wading pool

and his bubbles, he learns some interesting things about freezing and melting.

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (139) Forgive & Forget/Mimi's Back In Town

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (320) Itching for a Cure/Cassie Catches Up

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (109) Burdette Bald Eagle/Hot Ice

10:30 AM JAKERS! (112) Good Neighbors Piggley and his friends (inspired by a spooky radio program) are convinced that the young boy whose family just moved into the

small house up the lane from the Winks' farm is actually a mad scientist! But through open-minded, adventurous thought and action,

they are finally able to put aside their fears and risk making friends with the young boy.Lesson: Don't judge someone before you

really get to know them.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (412) Knowing I'm Growing Caillou is getting bigger! Caillou's feet are growing, so Mommy takes him to the shoe store where the salesman measures his feet,

and Caillou gets a new pair of shoes. But he's not as big as Andre, who can ride a big bike, or Sarah, who is losing a tooth and waiting

for the Tooth Fairy. Caillou is reassured he's growing when the growth chart shows how tall he has become. And, Caillou is too big

for his favorite shirt, so he gives it to his favorite teddy bear to wear. On another day, Sarah invites Caillou to a little brother or

sister day at school. The school is big and Caillou is a little afraid. But with Sarah's help Caillou has a lot of fun.

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (308) Fishing Fun While Bob is doing some plumbing work, he finds an old pipe that makes a noise just like a trumpet. Back at his workshop he works

on the finishing touches to create a real bugle out of the pipe. Bob proudly plays for the can-do crew, but it sounds terrible! When

Roley accidentally rolls over the trumpet, will the accident be a blessing in disguise? Bob has a busy day ahead, so to help out,

Wendy decides to clean Finn's fish tank. She places Finn in a bucket and gets ready to clean, but there's an unexpected crisis.

Muck begs Wendy to help, so she places the bucket down and gets to work. Meanwhile, Pilchard has her eye on Finn, who is still

sitting in the bucket! Will Wendy save Finn and get the tank cleaned by the time Bob returns?

2:30 PM MR ROGERS NEIGHBORHOOD (1632) Week of Prpgrams On Growing What helps things grow? Mister Rogers visits a conservatory to see the rich variety of plants there and learns what helps plants

and flowers grow. Planting a bean seed, he talks about how long it takes for a plant to grow.


3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (129) George Fixes Betsy's Wagon/Curious George Takes A George Fixes Betsy's Wagon - George and Steve borrow Betsy's wagon to pick up a package, but on the way they lose a wheel. To

replace the wheel, they experiment with a piece of wood, some roller skates, and baby carriage wheels. Can they find some way to

keep that wagon rolling? And what's in that giant package anyhow?Curious George Takes a Dive - George makes friends with a

turtle down at Lake Wanasink Lake but worries that because the turtle has no thumbs, it's going to get a lot of water up its nose

when it goes into the lake. The solution is to bring the turtle home and keep it in the bathtub. But the turtle is just not happy in

the bathtub and when George brings home fish and weeds and frogs from the lake to keep it company, The Man with the Yellow Hat

isn't very happy either.

4:00 PM DRAGON TALES (319) Making It Fun/The Sorrow and the Party Making It Fun - The children are summoned to Dragon Land when Cassie, Ord and Eunice the unicorn need their help. The Junior

Unicorn Race is today, and Eunice needs the gang to paint the winding path so that the little unicorns do not get lost on their way.

Zak and Wheezie join the group, who enthusiastically starts painting the path. Once they have painted for a while, they realize just

how long the path is and become discouraged, Knowing that the tiny unicorns will get lost without a path, the gang comes up with

clever ways to make their work go faster such as taking "fun breaks, " painting with more colors, singing songs, and racing. They

finish just in time to watch the unicorns take off for their race! The Sorrow and the Party - Max's feelings are hurt when he's not

invited to his school pal Brian's birthday party. Emmy tries to cheer him up by taking him on a trip to Dragon Land. But once there,

he can't seem to get his mind off all the fun he must be missing. Queztal tells him that he understands why Max feels sad-nobody

likes to be left out - and it's important to remember that being sad doesn'tlast forever. In the meantime, why doesn't Max try to

do things that make him happy. Though Max's feelings are still hurt, he slowly begins to cheer up as he enjoys his time with his


4:30 PM ARTHUR (208) Arthur Vs. The Piano/The Big Blow-Up Arthur gets stage fright during a rehearsal. Will he be able to get through his recital without any mistakes? In the second story,

can Francine and the Brain put aside their differences for the good of the soccer team? Probably not -- so Arthur and Buster

decide to "write" some wrongs.

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (504) Ecohaven Ooze When Hacker discovers that the liquid ooze that feeds the animals of EcoHaven also gives him a super energy boost, he decides to

drain the pond and take the ooze home. He builds a fort around the pond, so the CyberSquad must figure out a way to get in

without being noticed. They take inspiration from the Greek myth of the Trojan Horse and build a giant "Trojan Ducky." After

testing a model of their invention to be sure it works, they hide inside the duck, and fool Delete into taking them to Hacker. But

how will they stop Hacker's nefarious plot? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Build a working model of your invention to communicate

and test your ideas, and make necessary improvements so the invention works the way you want it to.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (817) That Makes Me Mad! Barney acknowledges that everyone gets angry sometimes, and encourages his friends to find good ways to express and deal with

their anger.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4115) Today is Luis and Maria's wedding anniversary. They have decided tocelebrate by having a picnic together. Little do they know,

though, that it is "H" day on Sesame Street. First they get interrupted by Elmo, Zoe, and Big Bird singing about the letter "H," but

they sneak off just in time and find another spot to have their picnic. Next the H-Man pops in and want everyone to play "The

Sound of H." Maria and Luis decide to join in, but while the others are still hopping along with the hopping honkers, they manage to

sneak away again. At last they are going to have their picnic.This is until its time for the letter "H" dance, which just happens to be

Luis and Maria's favorite dance which they did on their honeymoon- "The Hula." They decide to finish their picnic later and dance

with everyone instead. Luis and Maria have a happy anniversary after all.

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (504) Ecohaven Ooze When Hacker discovers that the liquid ooze that feeds the animals of EcoHaven also gives him a super energy boost, he decides to

drain the pond and take the ooze home. He builds a fort around the pond, so the CyberSquad must figure out a way to get in

without being noticed. They take inspiration from the Greek myth of the Trojan Horse and build a giant "Trojan Ducky." After

testing a model of their invention to be sure it works, they hide inside the duck, and fool Delete into taking them to Hacker. But

how will they stop Hacker's nefarious plot? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Build a working model of your invention to communicate

and test your ideas, and make necessary improvements so the invention works the way you want it to.

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (118) Candy Counter/Curious George, Rescue Monkey

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (140) Blanket Blues/Dino Clifford

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (321) Sad Little Star/Try It You'll Like It

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (110) Color My World/Smooch's Caterpillar

10:30 AM JAKERS! (113) Rock Around The Cluck Young Piggley discovers the joy of the new sounds of rock 'n roll, and finds that he is suddenly eager to go to school-on Saturdays!-

for his guitar lessons. When Piggley falters during his first public performance, Ferny and Dannan offer loving support and shared

enthusiasm to help him regain his confidence.Lesson: When it comes to making music, the joy of accomplishment makes all the

practice and hard work worth it.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (413) All Kinds of Weather Rain, sleet, sun, and snow: Caillou is amazed by all the ways that weather changes. He's nearly in a state during a thunderstorm until

Dad explains what thunder is (and how to tell it's going away). Caillou also makes the best of a rainy day by splashing in puddles. And

when a winter storm hits, Mom and Dad make a scary blackout into a fun indoor camping trip, complete with sleeping bags and

marshmallows! Mom is making one of her special snowman cakes, which means Caillou and Rosie have to go to the shop with her to

get the ingredients. Then Caillou gets lost in the shop...but it all works out fine in the end. On another day, when Caillou's kite-

flying plans are defeated by rain, he creates a pirate ship in his living room.

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (309) Lofty Saves The Day Bob is sick and there's a major resurfacing job on the main road into the village! Traffic is redirected, but who's going to supervise

the team? Wendy puts on a hard hat and overalls and leads Dizzy, Muck and Roley to the road site. But when Dizzy gets stuck in

some wet cement on the new road, can the crew save her and finish the job without Bob? Lofty comes to the rescue when Scoop

and Muck are clearing some land near a bridge. Lofty, however, is afraid of heights and can't cross the bridge! Spud follows Lofty,

teasing him about his fear of heights. Lofty, disheartened, returns to the yard. When Spud gets into trouble, and the only machine

that can help is Lofty, will Lofty conquer his fears and rescue Spud?

2:30 PM READING RAINBOW (809) Rechenka's Eggs This episode, "Rechenka's Eggs," features eggs, their biological anatomy and artistic uses. Viveca Lindfors reads "Rachenka's Eggs"

by Patricia Polacco. This is a story about Babuska, an elderly woman living in Russia,who spends her time coloring eggs and an injured

goose named Rechenka who Babuska nurses back to health. Patricia Polacco, the author of "Rachenka's Eggs" talks about how the

stories of her Russian grandparents and visiting wild Canadian geese in a park inspired her to write this story. She also

demonstrates her egg coloring craft which she learned from her grandmother. Host LeVar Burton talks about the anatomy and

biology of eggs and eggs as art. The children review "The Talking Eggs," "I Made It Myself," and "Stefan & Olga."

3:00 PM BEWTEEN THE LIONS (303) What Parakeets Need Theo and Cleo give the cubs a pet parakeet...but will Sweety Tweety talk?Designated Reader: Kelly Ripa. Key word: parakeet. Target

vowel: double e -ee

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (130) Unbalanced/Curious George Vs. Winter Unbalanced - The Amazing Balancing Zucchinis come to town, and George realizes that there's nothing he wants more in life than to

be an acrobat. But before he can join the troupe, he needs to learn a lot more about balance and help save an allergic tightrope

walker from a very determined cat.Curious George vs. Winter - Winter is closing in and George is miserable...how's he going to

survive without all the fun summertime activities he loves? When he decides to ignore the weather and play with his wading pool

and his bubbles, he learns some interesting things about freezing and melting.

4:00 PM DRAGON TALES (320) Itching for a Cure/Cassie Catches Up Itching for a Cure - Emmy, Max, Enrique and their dragon friends are building a giant card house. While they're balancing cards,

the ground begins to tremble and the cards come crashing down! They set out to investigate the source of the rumbling tremors

and find their giant friend Mungus rolling around on the ground. He has a terrible itch that just won't go away! The gang brings

Mungus to Dr. Booboogone for help, and she sends them on a quest for special ingredients to make "Itch Be Gone" cream. They face

some challenges in collecting the ingredients, but knowing how much Mungus needs their help encourages them to not give up.

Mungus is extremely grateful for his friends' help, and he shows his appreciation by helpingthe gang build another, even bigger,

card house. Cassie Catches Up - It's a special day in Dragon Land as Quetzal navigates the group through the sights, sounds and

smells of the Dragon Land Fair. They head straight for the carnival games, with all hearts set on winning a pinwheel. But Cassie

becomes increasingly frustrated, as she seems unable to win a prize, disappointing herself and her partner, Emmy. While Cassie may

not be able to run as fast as Zak and Wheezie, or throw a softball as far as Ord, Cassie is reminded that she is "good at lots of

things" - like problem solving! With that realization, she comes up with an ingenious way to win a pinwheel for herself and her best

friend, Emmy.

4:30 PM ARTHUR (209) Lost!/The Short, Quick Summer Arthur falls asleep on a bus and awakens in a strange -- and scary –part of town. Will he ever find his way home? Can he keep

himself from crying? In part two, Arthur learns he doesn't have to go far from home to have a great summer.

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (408) A Crinkle In Time Digit and the kids go on a rescue mission to save Slider, searching for their friend all over a mysterious cybersite called Ticktockia.

But it's all a big trick by Hacker, and Slider's not even there! And if the CyberSquad doesn't leave soon, they'll be stuck forever.

Can they learn enough about gears to escape before the clock strikes 9? Only time will tell! EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Watch

carefully how two gears mesh and you can discover how their size and number of teeth affects the speed at which each turns.

THURSDAY, MARCH 29 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (818) It's Your Birthday, Barney It's Barney's birthday! The children, Baby Bop, and BJ plan a fun party for their purple pal.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4094) Telly Learns The Grouchketeer Cheer Telly Monster tells Gordon that he feels miserable because in order to go on Oscar's Annual Grouch Picnic and Field Day, he has to

learn the Official Grouch Cheer and he's the only one who can't do it right. Gordon talks to Oscar and convinces him to let Telly try

learning to do it right. Telly is so discouraged at this point that he keeps saying that he can't do the cheer. Gordon motivates Telly

by practicing the cheer with him and by telling him that he can do it! Through Gordon's encouragement, constant practice, and

believing in himself, Telly finally learns to do the cheer! Telly shows Oscar that he can do the cheer beautifully, and boards the bus

to go on the field trip with all the other Grouchketeers!

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (408) A Crinkle In Time Digit and the kids go on a rescue mission to save Slider, searching fortheir friend all over a mysterious cybersite called Ticktockia.

But it's all a big trick by Hacker, and Slider's not even there! And if the CyberSquad doesn't leave soon, they'll be stuck forever.

Can they learn enough about gears to escape before the clock strikes 9? Only time will tell! EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Watch

carefully how two gears mesh and you can discover how their size and number of teeth affects the speed at which eachturns.

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (119) The Truth About George Burgers/Curious George In T

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (201) That's Snow Lie/A Friend In Need

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (322) The Big Race/Bye, Bye Baby Birdie

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (111) Mini Monkey/The Five Senses

10:30 AM JAKERS! (114) Donkeys Into Racehorses When Mr. Hornsby asks the class to think about the meaning of the old expression "you can't make a racehorse out of a donkey",

Piggley takes it as a challenge! He sets out to change his donkey Finnegan into a racehorse. In the end he learns that all living

creatures have their own special talents - even donkeys.Lesson: Everyone has his or her own unique talents and strengths.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (414) Caillou Discovers Caillou discovers new things today and is so excited when Daddy brings home a computer. He learns to share the computer with his

entire family -even Gilbert! Caillou and Leo are playing dinosaurs in the backyard and discover a fish fossil rock. They visit the

library to learn more about dinosaurs and fossils. Also, Caillou takes his first flight and he's curious about everything. Then,

Grandpa discovers a new planetarium is opening and there's a prize for the best space costume. Caillou is thrilled when the winner

turns out to be...a surprise!

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (310) It's Building Time Bob is doing some work on the clock tower when Lofty, frightened by a bat, knocks over the ladder, leaving Bob stranded on the

scaffolding. To make things worse, Bob's mobile phone is on the ground! Then Muck and Scoop have a misunderstanding and both

machines get completely lost! Wendy organizes a rescue mission. Can the team pull together and rescue Bob? Also in this episode,

Spud is worried that he is not scary anymore, so Travis suggests he does one of his scary karate routines. Travis leaves and Spud

launches into the routine, jumping around; he doesn't notice when his nose drops off and falls into a mole hole! Dizzy and Muck

arrive on the scene and Dizzy is the first to point out to the mortified Spud that he is noseless. Will the can-do crew find Spud a

new nose? Will Spud still be scary scarecrow?

2:30 PM MISTER ROGERS' NEIGHBORHOOD (1634) Week of Programs On Growing Mister Rogers gets a haircut and helps children know that it doesn't hurt to have hair cut and that the barber cuts only hair.

3:00 PM BETWEEN THE LIONS (201) The Sad Dad Theo reads a story, starring Bruno Kirby and Denny Dillon, about a sad dad who gets advice from a wise woman and ends up with

chickens, goats, cows and an elk in his house. Featured text: folktale. Key word: sad. Target vowel: short a.

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (118) Candy Counter/Curious George, Rescue Monkey Candy Counter - Eating candy is easy, but counting and sorting it is much more difficult! George quickly learns this when he agrees

to watch Cayley's candy counter for an afternoon. While trying to stack the chocolates into different shapes, they all fall over, and

George can't remember which candy is what! With help from a few customers, and a little sampling, George discovers how to sort

the candies by color and shape.Curious George, Rescue Monkey - George is inspired to become a volunteer with the fire department

when they help him get his foot unstuck from a chair. He spends the day with Andie, Stig and Stew of Rescue Squad 86 and has fun

trying out all the special fire fighting tools. But when Compass gets trapped at the museum, a little monkey ends up being the best

tool for the job.

4:00 PM DRAGON TALES (321) Sad Little Star/Try It You'll Like It Sad Little Star - Celeste, a dreamy little star, appears in Dragon Land during the day. She loves being a star but misses out on

seeing the daytime sights. Her dream is to see a real rainbow! The gang takes off on a questfor a rainbow. When at first they can't

find one, they beg Polly Nimbus,the weather dragon, to make it rain, but even though she can make rain, she can't promise a

rainbow. Celeste is sad to think she will have to go back without having her wish come true. Finally, Cassie realizes that her prism

shaped crystal can make a rainbow when the light shines through it. Theyget the idea to go to Crystal Cave to find a really big prism

to make a rainbow across the sky. Celeste is overjoyed as the sky fills with a bright arching rainbow and she returns to the night

sky with a twinkle in her eye. Try It You'll Like It - There are new rides at the Dragon Land amusement park! The gang sprints

over, ready for yummy foods, roller coasters and a grand time. Everyone's ready, that is, but Zak, who's a little leery of eating

snacks and riding rides that are unfamiliar. Wheezie, of course, is chomping at the bit, eager to take it all in. His friends remind

Zak that there are things he likes now that were new once upon a time. Zak takes achance and tastes Ord's cheesy log. He doesn't

like it very much. He tries a frozen banana, which he likes even less, and then a corn-cob-on-a-stick, which he loves! After thinking

about it, he decides to give the new rides a shot, too. They start on a few of the tamer ones, and eventually Zak works his way up

to... The Skipper! It's a blast, and everyone is overjoyed, especially Zak, who winds up liking The Skipper more than anyone.

4:30 PM ARTHUR (201) Arthur Meets Mister Rogers/Draw! Mister Rogers is staying at Arthur's house but Arthur's friends don't know about it, yet. Mister Rogers is a nice guy, but ... his

show is for babies! Can Arthur keep his friends in the dark? Fred Rogers provides his character's voice. In the second story, Fern

draws a not-too-flattering cartoon of Francine. Francine pretends not to care, but its not much fun being a punch line.

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (312) Starlight Night It's Starlight Night, the annual holiday when all the stars in Cyberspace are refreshed for the new year. But Hacker concocts a

scheme to darken the stars forever. He sends Buzz and Delete to stop all production of new star circuits and take inventor

Archimedes to the Northern Frontier. With the ceremony only hours away, the kids and Digit must find a simple way to make the

complex circuits and rescue Archimedes -- all before Hacker turns out the lights in Cyberspace!

FRIDAY, MARCH 30 2007 6:30 AM BARNEY & FRIENDS (819) It's Showtime! Barney, BJ and the kids spend the day preparing for a performance for their friends in the park.

7:00 AM SESAME STREET (4116) Elmo wants to play school, but who can be the teacher? Alan agrees to be Elmo's pretend teacher, while he's working at Hooper's

Store. Mr. Alan first greets the class and then takes attendance, since this is what Elmo says happens in real school. Throughout

Elmo's day, he gets to draw a picture, listen to Mr. Alan read a book and sing the alphabet song. Mr. Alan's school is getting very

popular. Some kids have joined the class, along with Old Macdonald's goat and an elephant who has come all the way from Staten

Island to learn how to rhyme. Elephant couldn't have done it without the greatest teacher in the whole world. Elmo also thanks his

favorite teacher, Mr. Alan, for the best day of pretend school ever!

8:00 AM CYBERCHASE (312) Starlight Night It's Starlight Night, the annual holiday when all the stars in Cyberspace are refreshed for the new year. But Hacker concocts a

scheme to darken the stars forever. He sends Buzz and Delete to stop all production of new star circuits and take inventor

Archimedes to the Northern Frontier. With the ceremony only hours away, the kids and Digit must find a simple way to make the

complex circuits and rescue Archimedes -- all before Hacker turns out the lights in Cyberspace!

8:30 AM CURIOUS GEORGE (120) The Clean, Perfect Yellow Hat/Bee Is for Bear

9:00 AM CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG (202) Fan Mail/Hooray for Cleo

9:30 AM DRAGON TALES (323) Sky Soccer/Room for a Change

10:00 AM IT'S A BIG BIG WORLD (131) Eyes and Noses/Snook's Songbook

10:30 AM JAKERS! (115) Fir Not Piggley and his pals try to track down and trap a Fir Darrig, a particularly mischievous leprechaun. In the process, the kids

accidentally break a window and decide to blame it on the Fir Darrig. Soon it begins to appear that the Fir Darrig is taking his

revenge on them for giving him the blame - or is it just their guilty consciences?Lesson: It's always better to tell the truth.

11:00 AM CAILLOU (415) Friends Caillou's Grandma is surprised when Caillou tells her he doesn't have any friends. She reminds him about Clementine, Leo, his cat

Gilbert, and tells him that even his sister Rosie is his friend. Then, Caillou makes a brand- new friend. His name is Andre and he's

big - and also a bit clumsy. Caillou is upset with Andre when he breaks Caillou's favorite chair, but it's soon forgotten when they go

outside and play soccer. Later, Caillou and Leo are having a great time playing when Leo trips and falls, hurting his ankle. Caillou is

very worried about Leo and thinks it may be his fault Leo got hurt. But when he makes Leo a get-well card and visits him at home,

Leo says it wasn't Caillou's fault he didn't tie his shoelaces. Sarah helps Caillou paint a birdhouse Dad built, but she can't finish it

because she is off on an all-summer trip to China. Caillou misses her very much. On the day of her return, Caillou is ecstatic and

anxious to show Sarah that not only is the birdhouse finished and hanging in a tree, it has a resident.

11:30 AM BOB THE BUILDER (311) Playing in the Rain A weather report forecasts a storm. It's harvest time and Farmer Pickles is gathering hay in his field, but the barn where the hay

is to be stored is about to collapse. Bob and team must fix the barn before the storm starts. Bob, Lofty and Scoop race against

time to get Farmer Pickles' barn ready, while Muck helps Farmer Pickles load the hay onto a trailer. Will the can-do crew get the

hay loaded in time? Also, Bob and the team are building a tennis court. Bob builds the umpire's seat and scoreboard at the Yard,

while Wendy, Dizzy and Roley head off to lay the asphalt surface Dizzy pours the green mixture onto the court and Roley rolls it

flat. But after some mix-ups with Travis and Spud, Wendy and Scoop come back to find the court ruined! Will the team fix the

court in time for a tennis match?

3:00 PM BETWEEN THE LIONS (205) Zoop! Zoop! With the help of her mother and a ukelele, Leona faces her fear of a scary fictional giant. Featured text: folktale. Key word: zoop.

Target vowel: double o -- oo.

3:30 PM CURIOUS GEORGE (119) The Truth About George Burgers/Curious George In T The Truth About George Burgers - George accidentally loses a batch of Chef Pisghetti's newest creation: Giardino Burgers. And

they need to be delivered to the Fireman's Picnic right away. Can George save the day by re-creating the Chef's recipe?Curious

George in the Dark - Most of the time, George isn't afraid of the dark, but when he explores a mysterious cave, he decides that

sometimes the dark can be a little scary. It doesn't get any better when a thunderstorm knocks the power out and the country

house is in the dark. But with the help of his trusty flashlight, George conquers his fears and even shows Jumpy how to have some

fun with shadows.

4:00 PM KIDS' PICKS ()

4:30 PM KIDS' PICKS ()

5:00 PM CYBERCHASE (501) The Halloween Howl The CyberSquad must "divide and conquer" in order to rescue the Mayor fromHacker's clutches and save Castleblanca's big

Halloween Howl party, which all the little monsters are looking forward to.