Epilepsy Children Edgar C.

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  • 7/31/2019 Epilepsy Children Edgar C.



    This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at Phillips Hotel, Room 115, Dayton, Ohio, this 5th

    day of February, 1924, in accordance with request made by parents.

    P R E S E N T

    Edgar Cayce; Linden Shroyer, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [54]''s parents and others.

    R E A D I N G

    Time of Reading 11:00 A. M. ..., Ohio. (Physical Suggestion)

    1. EC: Now, we find the abnormal conditions for the body at the present time are many. These,

    however, may be corrected, with time, attention, persistency and consistently giving that to the

    system that has been, and is lacking in those elements in the physical that produce perfect co-

    ordination throughout the whole physical body, that the development through the co-ordinating

    forces and tissue in nerve and ligaments in system may co-ordinate properly in the body.

    2. Now, these are conditions as we find them in this body, [54], we are speaking of.

    3. The body, first, we find in the developing stage, and the blood supply in the system is below the

    normal, even for the condition and the better developing of the body physically.

    4. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, we find with the lack of those constituents to create the connection

    or co-ordinating between the centers of thehypogastric,pneumogastricandperineurialnerve

    center give the body the incapacity to co-ordinate in the functioning of organs as affected by these

    nerve centers, for the vibration as given bybrainforce in the action through the white tissue of

    nerve supply become perverted in the circulation through these centers. When the perineurium of

    these centers become inflamed we have nausea, lapses into unconsciousness and the contracting

    more of muscular forces in extremities and along the spinal column itself.

    5. FUNCTIONING OF ORGANS THEMSELVES, as to the functioning of organs themselves,

    through the functioning of organs, as organs, normal functioning; yet the perversion of condition

    and circulation in blood, and anaemitized condition of same, gives abnormal functioning in many.

    Correct first, however, those conditions in the system that will produce co-ordination in the body.

    Do not change those properties as being accorded the physical at present, but add this vibration

    consistently and persistently to the system.

    6. To one gallon of rain water, add:

    Willow Charcoal...............4 ounces,

    copper sulphate...............1 pound,

    sulphuricacidC.P............1 ounce,

    zinc (common).................4 drams,

    opaque container of iodine..1/2 pound,

    well corked, shall be placed in solution.

    7. Use the copper poles, and charge solution until it will give off at least four ohms. Attach the

    positive pole wire insulated with small plate that will be attached at the firstcervical. To the

    negative pole attach wire and plate of silver or nickel, larger plate, and this would be attached to

    body just below and to the left of umbilicus.

    8. This should be applied to body for thirty minutes each day, preferably in the evenings. When the

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    charge, or discharge from solution is below one ohm have this recharged, and use new solution.

    Preferable that this be kept in glass container and covered at all times.

    9. Use this for the body. We will bring the better results. Change as developments and

    improvements show in the body, which should begin at least with the tenth treatment or vibration


    10. Do that.


    This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce this 26th day of October, 1922, place unknown.

    P R E S E N T

    Edgar Cayce; Frank E. Mohr, Conductor; Court Reporter, Steno. [80] and his mother [81].

    R E A D I N G

    Time of Reading 7:00 P. M.

    1. FEM: Now, Mr. Cayce, you are asleep, and all of the organs of your body will function properly.

    You will hear me and answer all of my questions.

    You have before you the body of [80] and the body is present in this room. You will give me the

    condition of thekidneys, gall duct,liver,stomach, and nervous forces; and also give me the cause

    of any abnormal conditions in this body, and the remedy that will restore all of the organs of this

    body to normal action and health, and the length of time necessary for a permanent cure, if that ispossible.

    2. EC: Yes, we have the body here. Now, the abnormal conditions we find to be corrected in this

    body to make the development of all of the physical andsoulforces correct in this body have to do

    with twolesions that have formed in this body, one being that near the ganglion governed by the

    solar plexuscenter, and the other one at the head or close to the base of thebrainforces; so that the

    action of thepneumogastricnerve force is impaired at times, and brings about or produces in its

    reaction to the forces those flow of blood to the head and the overaction of the nerve forces over

    the whole system. This we find is the condition in this body that needs to be corrected. Now, these

    are the conditions as we find in this body: The blood force in the system does not carry all of the

    potential factors in its building in the system. It has become rather lax in its activity on account of

    the impoverished condition that has been brought about by the diet that has been given to the body

    at times for the condition existing in the system. See?

    FEM: Yes, sir.

    3. The action of the nerve forces we have between the cerebro-spinal and sympathetic nervous

    system, and reaction caused from the condition that is produced in the body along in the region of

    thesolar plexusor the ganglion near thesolar plexuscenter, and thepneumogastricnerve to the

    head, which becomes engorged or enlarged at times in the body. Thebrainitself in its development

    is very good.

    4. The nervous forces over the whole system act clearly so far as reaction to thebrainforces is

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    concerned, you see?

    FEM: Yes, sir.

    5. The action of all the organs in their functioning themselves, as we take of theliver, is good,

    except when it is necessary to increase the excretory forces from the amount of nerve energy as

    supplied to the system to give off to the portion of the body those necessary where we have

    reflexes produced from the condition as exists from thepneumogastric, the same as we have

    through the action of thekidneyswith these in the system. They only produce areflexfrom thehepaticcirculation as caused by the same condition, see?

    FEM: Yes.

    6. To relieve or to bring about a normal condition to this body, we would give that into the system

    which would apparently impoverish, as it were, the conditions so that we would produce an

    equilibrium in the system, see?

    FEM: Yes.

    7. We would make a weak tea of the maypop, see?

    FEM: Yes.

    8. And then we would give in quantities to this body a teaspoonful three times each day, see?

    FEM: Yes.

    9. At evenings we would give salt, common table salt, 20 grains.

    FEM: Yes.

    10. So we will change the action of the salines through the blood supplying forces, and supply to

    the nerve centers a different incentive to the action, and remove by manipulation,osteopathic

    forces, thelesionat the firstcervical, see?

    FEM: Yes.

    11. And at the eighth and ninthdorsal. We would do that.

    12. (Q) Mr. Cayce, was this body born with the trouble with his eyes, or did it come upon him after


    (A) [EC repeating the question in undertone: Mr. Cayce, was this body born with the trouble with

    his eyes, or did it come upon him after birth?] The condition as we have given here has produced it

    when he was born here. Thelesionas is formed to the firstcervical, you see, then isreflexed to the

    whole end of thepneumogastric; so the effect is over the nervous system to these, you see?

    13. (Q) Yes. Is it his eye trouble that causes his nervousness?

    (A) [EC: Is it his eye trouble that causes his nervousness?] The conditions as we have given here,

    thelesionat thepneumogastric, you see, center at the eighth and ninthdorsal, and thelesionwe

    find at the firstcervicalcauses the condition of the nerve energy to be overtaxed at times, you see?

    FEM: Yes.

    Changing the supply of blood forces, and causes repression and pressure to the eye forces all along

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    thecervicals, you see?

    FEM: Yes.

    But principally at thelesionwe have as described at the firstcervical. We remove the condition in

    the nerve forces and in the blood supply to replenish the nerve energy, see?

    FEM: Yes.

    Through thestomach, and through the medicinal properties as we have given, and effect their

    removal by manipulation, see?

    FEM: Yes.

    In adjustments, see?

    FEM: I see.

    But by deep manipulations and removing theselesions, we will find that this body in its

    development will be restored to the normal condition for this body.

    14. (Q) Mr. Cayce, whatosteopathic doctor would you recommend for this body?

    (A) [EC: Mr. Cayce, whatosteopathic doctor would you recommend for this body?] We have one

    here. Use these.

    15. (Q) Would you care to name the one that you think would be best for this body here?

    (A) [EC: Would you care to name the one that you think would be best for this body here?] I do

    not get it. We have one here.

    16. (Q) Mr. Cayce would properly fitted eyeglasses help this body at this time?

    (A) [EC: Mr. Cayce, would properly fitted eyeglasses help this body at this time?] Only adjustmentto and by the conditions as we have given would assist this body to regain its perfect equilibrium.

    Adjusted glasses would only relieve some of the pain that is caused to, the body at times, but

    would overtax it at others, see?

    17. (Q) Yes. You would not advise glasses, then?

    (A) [EC: You would not advise glasses, then?] We do not advise. We have given the condition. Do

    as we have given.

    18. (Q) Mr. Cayce, with theosteopathtreatment, will we improve the condition of his eyes?

    (A) [EC: Mr. Cayce, with theosteopathtreatment, will we improve the condition of his eyes?] Just

    as we have given these to adjust this body for its full development, you see. That includes his eyes,

    and the whole portion of his body. Do that. We are through.

    19. Now, Mr. Cayce, you will forget all about this reading you have given. You are feeling alright,

    and all of the organs of your body will function properly. You are feeling splendid. Now wake up

    in one minute, feeling fine and alright, and absolutely free fromheadache.

    This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce in San Saba, Texas, this 23rd day of April, 1923, inaccordance with request by [80]''s mother, [81].

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    P R E S E N T

    Edgar Cayce; (?), Conductor; (?), Steno.

    R E A D I N G

    Time of Reading 8:00 P. M. ..., Alabama. (Physical Suggestion)

    1. EC: Yes, we have the body here. We have had this before, you see. Now we find the generalconditions in this body are improved greatly from that we had before, while we do not have the

    perfect coordination direct, or the perfect control of some of the nerves and muscles to some of the

    organs of thesensory systemon account of thelesionphysical as we find about the first and

    secondcervical, those governing the flow of nutriment of nerve and blood from body to head

    through the nerve channels or bases themselves. Thislesionmust be removed as well as have been

    altogether, almost, the ones along the upperdorsalregion.

    2. We would apply the heat with theosteopathicmassageto this body, see, that preferably of the

    alternating character, once of vapor heat, then the direct or strong electric heat and themassageat

    the time will give the better effect to the body and will respond and remain in response to the

    treatments for the whole physical body. Beware of the incorrect diet for the body with itsdeveloping stages through the cycle of puberty, see, so that the developing of all of the functional

    nerve centers may be well in outline with the conditions throughout the system. Do that, see.

    3. (Q) Mr. Cayce, how would this heat be applied?

    (A) We have just given that - first, with the vapor heat, next with the dry direct rays, see.

    4. (Q) How is the vapor heat given?

    (A) Applied to the body along the 1st, 2nd and 3rdcervical- vapor from Aqua Pura (Water).

    5. (Q) What do you mean by dry direct rays, Mr. Cayce?

    (A) We mean dry direct rays from high power voltage light, electrical heat. Do as we have given ifwe would bring the correct forces to this body.

    6. We are through.


    This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach,

    Va., this 3rd day of April, 1928, in accordance with request made by his mother, Mrs. [81].

    P R E S E N T

    Edgar Cayce; Mrs. Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mr. L. B. Cayce.

    R E A D I N G

    Time of Reading 5:00 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Alabama.

    1. GC: You will answer the questions which I shall ask you regarding this body.

    2. EC: Yes, we have the body here. We have had this before, you see.

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    3. Many changes have come about in the physical forces of this body. Much improvement is seen

    in the general physical conditions. Ready for questions.

    4. (Q) Was [80]'s eye condition caused byprenatalinfluence? If so, what and how can they be


    (A) This condition, while showing already much improvement, was caused - not so much by

    prenatalinfluence (as commonly understood), yet from many conditions as may be regarded as

    prenatalconditions. The correction of this condition may not be wholly corrected, or brought toabsolute normal condition, but the continuation of the exercises as have been outlined recently for

    this body will continue to strengthen the condition, so that there will not be so much of the reaction

    in improper way and manner. Much may be gained by this inhalation and exhalation, and by the

    full comprehension of that innate force within self that may build that desired by the body, in that

    inner conscious way and manner; for this is the builder from within, see?

    5. (Q) Are there any points of pressure on the spine, or have such conditions been relieved?

    (A) Most of the pressures along the spinal centers have been relieved. The coordinating of all

    muscular reaction has not been completed. The active forces ofRadio-Active Appliancewould

    assist the body in correcting this condition. Well that the plain or ordinary appliance be attached to

    the body, the positive anode at thebrachialplexus and the negative at the wrist. This will addmaterially to the proper vibratory forces for the body. Attach when the body lies down to rest, and

    let remain until the body awakes - then remove, see? This may be alternated by attaching the

    negative to the wrist and the positive to the base of thebrain, or at firstcervical, so that the

    vibratory forces as set up act direct with that active force in the nerve andbraincenters from the

    place at base ofbrain, see?

    6. (Q) What causes [80] to continually move his head when reading?

    (A) Improper coordination, and that we are attempting to bring about in proper way and manner,

    which is being accomplished through suggestion given, and will be aided MATERIALLY by the

    vibratory forces as set up in theRadio-Active Appliance.

    7. (Q) As to diet, have the changes made therein brought to him all the food elements necessary? If

    not, what should be added?

    (A) The diet is VERY good, and shows in the physical abilities, as the exercising of the body has

    accomplished with and under that diet. We would not change from same, as is seen at present.

    8. (Q) What, if anything, should be added to the particular work which is being done for his eyes?

    (A) We would not change from those being given, save that of the vibratory forces as outlined.

    9. (Q) Can anything else be done to prevent a return of that nervous trouble?

    (A) The continuation of those suggestions and that added vibration that will prevent the re-

    occurrence of the pressure on those centers in the uppercervicalregion.

    10. (Q) Any further suggestions for the improvement of this body?

    (A) Follow out those as given, for persistence must be the keynote with the bringing about of

    proper coordination with this body, and CONSISTENT with same.

    11. We are through for the present.

    TEXT OF READING 146-1 M 13

    This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach,

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    Va., this 23rd day of October, 1930, in accordance with request made by his parents, Mr. [1170]

    and Mrs. [959], who later had rdgs. themselves.

    P R E S E N T

    Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.

    R E A D I N G

    3:20 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Pa. (Physical Suggestion)

    1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [146]. Nice looking boy! [GD's note: We later saw him. He

    WAS nice looking; could not tell from appearance anything wrong.]

    2. Now, we find, while the body is very good in many respects, the body development, the mental

    development, and the coordinations in some respects are at times very good, there has existed a

    pressure in the body from the time of presentation - for there was a breach presentation, and in the

    turn there was made a pressure, which has an effect at periods upon the coordination of impulses

    and activities. These, as we find, should have closed in action, and been only from the sensory

    reactions along cerebro-spinal centers, but in the ends of the cerebro-spinal we also have thoseconnections or vibratory forces set up in system that produce that which causes the activities to

    become so over accentuated as to cause, in the development of the body, the loss of equilibrium -

    which is the cause of at times the crying, the temper, the sitting down hard - which is an attempt of

    the body to ADJUST itself; for these centers, which should be closed, radiate from the firstsacral

    centers, so that at times - when there have been activities along the spine - there has been, as it

    were, a delayed activity in these reactions, when these were allowed to begin in their normalcy

    again oft they began to re-occur in this incoordinating manner. Now, coordination of the digestive

    system acts at times with same; so, FOLLOWING same, nausea at times occurs, as doheadaches,

    dullness of vision - not of mind, but vision, and thickness of speech. In the coordinating of the

    blood supplies of body, these are good. In the coordinating of the system as related toeliminations

    - forlungs,heart's action,liver,spleen,kidneys- all show a normalcy, as does the blood countshow negative.

    3. In meeting, then, the needs of the conditions for this body - while it will require some time, and

    some persistency AND consistency - these, as we find, applied in a PROPER manner, will bring a

    normalcy; first in the reduction and in the change of this INACTIVITY, or rather

    OVERACTIVITY - notINCOORDINATIONin this case, but the RESULT isincoordination- not

    incoordinationproducing same. This, we find, will be brought to a normalcy.

    4. First we would prepare as this: These, as we find, are to be taken internally - consistently - for

    two to three months, or moons - that is, periods of twenty-eight days of each. Then we would give

    changes as would be necessary.

    5. First prepare fourteen capsules - three grains each - of plain iodide salt, see? One to be taken

    every other evening, as the body is ready to retire. That this will produce an overactivity of the

    kidneyswill not INJURE; neither will it produce improper FUNCTIONING of same, but will

    make for a STABILIZING of that vital force necessary in the organs of genitation, as development

    begins, to relieve that pressure as comes toward thepinealcenter - which is the center of attraction

    that causes the disorder.

    6. When these have been taken - which will be twenty-eight days, see - take twenty-eight doses of

    the Mayblossom Bitters. This will have REDUCED conditions but will NOT have cured; onlyPREPARING the body for those applications or vibrations that we may then GIVE the body for

    the full and complete corrections. The Mayblossom Bitters should be made in the order as given,

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    in JUST the Bitters [as in 1001-10 on 9/24/30] - but an ADDITION to same will be two ounces of

    the Tincture ofGinseng, see? This, with those conditions as will have been created by thecalcium

    chloride, or salt, will have brought about that which - by the first of the year, or following the

    Christmas holidays - we will give the further corrections. Ready for questions.

    7. (Q) What should be the dosage of the Mayblossom Bitters?

    (A) Teaspoonful.

    8. (Q) Once a day?(A) Twice each day.

    9. (Q) Before or after meals?

    (A) Upon rising and before retiring. Before eating the day meals, and after they are finished - see?

    10. (Q) Should the salt be given for twenty-eight doses before the Mayblossom Bitters is begun?

    (A) The salt is to be given FOURTEEN doses in twenty-eight days. Every other day. Then, after

    these have been given - THEN we begin with the twenty-eight doses of the Mayblossom Bitters,


    11. (Q) Should all medicines now being given be stopped?(A) That must of necessity be determined by those under whom the body is in charge, for these are

    felt at times to be necessary - but let's get as far away as possible from these sedatives, which are

    producing pressures that must injure, and get BACK to a normalcy!

    12. (Q) Should the luminal be discontinued altogether?

    (A) Gradually.

    13. (Q) Why does he not talk?

    (A) This is that pressure that we are removing! as is given as respecting how this has affected,

    from the beginning, the SENSORY organism. The sensory organism - let's describe this, so you

    will understand here: The sensory organism meaning the eyes, the ears, the sense of smell, thesense of speech, the sense of touch and their coordinating centers, are the gradual development of

    the imaginative and the SYMPATHETIC system of nerves in body coordinating with centers in

    the cerebro-spinal, that register in thebrain. The sense of speech is the highest developed vibration

    in an organism, for it partakes of the vision, the hearing, the feeling, and ALL to combine same.

    Hence these are ACTIVE from those coordinating forces of the other sensory centers, which range

    from sympathetic system to the cerebro-spinal and register impulse inbrain. As given here,brain

    forces are good with the body, as is the bodily development, as is the vision, as is the hearing, as is

    the sense of touch; for the body may be termed OVER sympathetic. In the vibratory forces as

    come from those centers on each side of the plexus opposite the first of thesacralplexus, these

    produce that drawing to the back of head or neck, in the 2nddorsal, 3rd and 4thcervical, as

    prevents same from producing other than a not FULL vibration, see? Hence the backwardness in

    the talk, the tendency to grunt and indicate with hands, eyes, feet, or body, rather than ATTEMPT

    to try full expression, for fear of producing an over vibratory force in body. Follow these and we

    will get it properly!

    14. (Q) Can this treatment be given successfully at Rosehill School?

    (A) Just give the doses of medicine! and then, when it becomes time we will change it!

    15. We are through for the present.

    Two copies to Parents " " " Dr. Lydic Copy to Ass'n office" " Research Department

  • 7/31/2019 Epilepsy Children Edgar C.


    TEXT OF READING 146-2 M 13

    This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach,

    Va., this 5th day of January, 1931, in accordance with request made by his parents.

    P R E S E N T

    Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Annie Cayce and L. B. Cayce.

    R E A D I N G

    Time of Reading 3:00 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Pa. (Ck. Physical Suggestion)

    1. EC: Yes, we have the body here - this we have had before. Some improvements are seen in the

    general physical forces of the body, and the changes or alterations in that to be accomplished in the

    body should be brought about. While the conditions under the present surroundings are being well

    taken care of from many viewpoints, would these changes as may be suggested be carried out then

    the same surroundings would be well - but the moreideal, and the better for the body itself, would

    be to have one in attendance in the capacity of the teacher or the instructor, and close to the mother

    or one upon whom the body can be more dependent; for in such conditions as are to be wrought,where coordinations are to be brought about, that parental love is necessary - for the mind is the

    builder, whether in the material, the social, mental or spiritual.

    2. In the changes now, we would give - as an aid to the nervous forces of the body - those

    properties of the Mayblossom Bitters - teaspoonful at least twice each day.

    3. We would be mindful also of the diet. Keep those that are nerve and muscle building, not so that

    the body through itsglands becomes over abundant in growth physically - but a well balanced diet.

    4. In the specific centers where the repressions to the body have existed, these we find in the

    LUMBARplexus - also in the upperdorsaland throughout thecervicalregions. These, withosteopathic manipulations AND adjustments - at least twice to three times each week - will make

    for the better coordination in the speech, in the use of the body in its whole activity, and will

    gradually build for a BETTERED condition throughout the whole of the body.

    5. We would do this now, for the next thirty to sixty days. We should see the DECIDED changes

    in at least eighteen to twenty-eight days. Ready for questions.

    6. (Q) State definitely where treatment could be given most successfully.

    (A) As has been outlined, if these changes may be accomplished under the present surroundings -

    well there. The BETTER will be closer to, under the observation and care of, one that gives more

    of the maternal love.

    7. (Q) Are his teeth alright? What makes his gums red and swollen at times?

    (A) The poor circulation as goes through this portion of the body. These, with the changes as

    outlined, will be aided - and local applications of salt would be well, even if the gums are only

    massaged occasionally with same, see? or a saline solution.

    8. (Q) How long before beginning to show marked improvement, following these treatments, and

    he begins to talk?

    (A) This hasn't changed from that we have just given! Eighteen to twenty-eight days will show

    marked improvement.

    9. (Q) When can he be taught to dress himself?

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    (A) When there is more coordination through the mental forces from relief of the pressures in

    lumbarandsacralregions, especially.

    Do this as we have outlined. We are through with this reading.

    Two copies to parents Copy to Ass'n office

    " " Research Department

    " " Cayce Hospital

    TEXT OF READING 146-3 M 13

    This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach,

    Va., this 23rd day of February, 1931, in accordance with request made by his mother Mrs. - [959].

    P R E S E N T

    Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mrs. [959] and her son [146], and

    brother-in-law, Mr. [...] and L. B. Cayce.

    R E A D I N G

    Time of Reading 3:40 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Va. (Physical Suggestion)

    1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [146] - this we have had before. Now, we find there is

    considerable improvement in the general physical conditions of the body. Those conditions as

    relate to the proper coordinations through the system, and the effects thatreflexes have upon the

    physical organism, ALL show improvements.

    2. We find there should be, at least for the time being, the continued reactions of thoseosteopathic

    manipulative forces, as well as the general conditions in system. Some alterations may be made asrespecting the administering of the manipulations. Not that those in thelumbarandsacralare to be

    any the less active in the manner in which the corrections and administrations are given, but some

    particular attention in a gentle nature may be given those centers from which thesensory system

    receives impulses - through the central nervous force from the upperdorsalandcervicalto the

    forces of the sensory centers, as to the vocal box, auditory nerve centers, eye and ear, and nasal

    centers - so that, as the coordinations are made more and more in accord with normalcy, the

    reactions will become nearer and nearer normal.

    3. As has been given in the first, there was the decided change in the first period of change. There

    has been a more decided change in the second period. There will now be seen the faster reaction

    through THIS period. While it apparently may seem that the changes are slow, let each that applies

    those corrective measures, those that watch with the anxiety for the recuperative forces to establish

    themselves, be not over hasty in the administering, nor over anxious; knowing that there IS the

    continued growth towards the normalcy. Ready for questions.

    4. (Q) Is it necessary or advisable to continue the Mayblossom Bitters? If so, how long?

    (A) Until we have created through the system the lack of a nerve reaction, when the body is erect

    in its walking or MOVING state. The CUSHIONS, or the centers in thelumbarandsacral, have

    been so sensitized by those conditions that have so long existed, as to prevent a normal reaction in

    the erect state for the body, see? This will aid impulses, and will PREVENT the re-occurrence as

    the conditions are made physically, or locally, nearer normal. It may be necessary that some two orthree more quantities be taken. This will depend entirely upon the DEVELOPMENTS as

    conditions progress. It would be well that there be periods when this is left off for a day, or a

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    period; then see the reactions as come to the system; for as the strength in walking, as the

    development in the mental, as the reactions in any developing period - these are ACTIVE BY the

    USE of NORMALCY, see?

    5. (Q) Will the jerking or throwing back of head ever return or get worse than it is at present?

    (A) Dependent upon whether corrections are made that produce same or not. If these are allowed

    to remain, even as at PRESENT, there may be the possibility - with over exertion in any form or

    character that these WOULD return; or there is the possibility - WITHOUT any of the accidents as

    the bodies are heir to - of becoming more and more normal, and they would never re-occur - see?These are possibilities. Now, the CONDITION to be met - is to make it as near normal as possible

    through the cerebro-spinal centers, and ESPECIALLY through centers where the sympathetic and

    cerebro-spinal make physical connections, see? Hence, as is given where changes may be made in

    the manipulative forces - that is, where the centers in the cerebro-spinal system, in the upper

    portion - Now these are not to be made without RESPECT to that administration in thelumbarand

    sacral, but in the upperdorsaland through thecervical, where the auditory centers are associated

    with, and make direct connection to, those of the sympathetic. That means we take such centers as

    come through the face, the chin, the neck, the head - FOLLOW them from their central points in

    the capillary andlymphcirculation to their center, organgliafrom which they receive their

    impulse in the cerebro-spinal system. Point of chin, in the eye region - just above the eyes. In the

    head region, just above the ears. In the 1st and 2ndcervicalregion and the area that runs to theexterior, or the maxillary centers. ALL of these, we see, are as of the superficial - yet they have

    their effect, where there have been impingements. Awaken those centers that act directly with all

    of the organs in the equilibrium of the body to the ear drums themselves, along the Eustachian

    tubes - which would be well to bemassaged; not INTERNALLY - as breaking up alesion- but

    feed the impulses, so that - when hearing (as the body does) - the mouth will not remain so much

    open, nor will there be those same reactions as come fromincoordinationwith superficial and

    central nerves.

    These will be particularly from the 3rd and 4thdorsalarea to the full 1st and 2ndcervicalarea.

    These should be dealt with GENTLY; not DEEP manipulations as in thelumbarand the lower


    6. (Q) How often should theosteopathic treatments be given now?

    (A) The deep manipulations - as in thelumbarandsacralarea, or lowerdorsal- at least once each

    week. Those of the gentle, or those of the superficials, at least once each week. Then, at least twice

    each week there should be theosteopathic adjustments and manipulations. It doesn't mean so much

    the DEEP, or the STRENGTH put forward, as it does the SINCERITY and the mechanical ability

    that is exercised by the manipulator or applicant, or the one giving such. Let these be in accord; for,

    as has oft been given, better that a half treatment be had with the proper person, or the proper

    relationships, than one of a more violent nature without knowing how or why, or the reason. There

    must be the proper cooperation between one administering and one administered to. As there must

    be to save asoulfrom perdition, the desire on the part of one that would feed or give that aid, and

    the one who would receive same. The body of [146] is such a one that is WILLING. Will those

    administering be in the same accord?

    7. (Q) Is Dr. Crews [Gena L. Crews, D.O.] strong enough to give him the right treatment?

    (A) Strong enough, and efficient - when in sympathy with that given.

    8. (Q) From which will he receive the greater benefits in shortest time, Dr. Crews or Dr. McCrary

    [B. J. McCrary, D.O.]?

    (A) That's unfair! because it would depend upon the individuals themselves, and the manner in

    which they administer!

    9. (Q) Will his speech come gradually, or will it come by rigid training only?

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    (A) It will come gradually, but there should be as much of the EFFORT to have the body USE

    same as possible; but let it be made as EASY as possible, by not making too much of a strain on

    the auditory andSENSORY systemas a whole.

    10. (Q) How long before speech will come?

    (A) We will see decided changes to the betterment of same in the next series of treatments.

    11. (Q) Shall he be returned to Rosehill School? If so, when? If not, where should he go?

    (A) The home training is much better than Rosehill, or ANY institution - for the mother interest,mother love, is much more helpful than ALL institutional interest.

    12. (Q) Can he ever be taught a trade?

    (A) He will take it up himself, naturally! Watch him, as developments come!

    13. (Q) Some words he has never been able to form, others are plain.

    (A) These are gradually developing - those of the M, N, or those that are of the lip movement.

    Now, those as of the R, Aw, or such that make for a deeper vibration, are from the lack of the

    muscular forces in the vocal box itself. This normal looking, but those of the auxiliary nerve

    centers to same, as come from the auxiliary centers to thehypogastricand to the cardiac plexus

    centers - these coming from the 1st and 2nddorsalarea to the sympathetic system, in the 3rd and4thCERVICALarea - are the ones to be stimulated; as the maxillary centers, in head, throat and

    neck. Not deep; GENTLY but don't do it too quickly! Take TIME to do it!

    14. (Q) He is now 13 years of age physically. How old is he mentally?

    (A) 13 years. The USE of same, or the activities of same are just DORMANT. Nothing

    ABNORMAL, other than the USE of same.

    15. (Q) What causes the tantrums? Is it the result of not being able to make himself understood? or

    is it merely to gain his point or have his way?

    (A) There are both factors in the conditions, and here patience, persistence and care should be

    taken. Do not BREAK the will! but we will find that the gentle urging - POSITIVE, but notBRUTAL force in ANY way - would be of aid.

    16. (Q) Could hypnotism be used in his case?

    (A) It might be used, but be MINDFUL of who would use same!

    17. (Q) If you can, will you locate one?

    (A) Charlie Daniel! [Charles L. Daniel, Hopkinsville, Ky.]

    18. (Q) Would auto-suggestion be helpful?

    (A) Most beneficial. This can be given best by mother.

    19. (Q) Please give form of suggestion.

    (A) That as is desired to be awakened. Work WITH one applying the manipulative forces in this,

    but appeal ALWAYS to the INNER being that being awakened in this formative period of the

    development of the body, mentally and physically. This may be as a form, but should be put in the

    words of the individual making such suggestions. As the body sinks into slumber: May the self, the

    ego, awaken to its possibilities, its RESPONSIBILITIES, that, as I speak to you, in the normal

    waking state you will respond in that same loving, careful manner this is given you. See?

    20. (Q) How long should this line of treatment be given before changes, or check reading?

    (A) For another period. At least twenty-seven days.

    21. (Q) Would you advise mother to locate at Virginia Beach temporarily with the body?

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    (A) Be very well.

    22. (Q) Would it be well for body to attend Miss Barclay's school? [Miss Lillian S. Barclay, 400-

    16th St., Va. Beach]

    (A) Be excellent.

    23. (Q) Any other advice regarding this body at present?

    (A) As has been given, much might be said as respecting the abilities that lie within the scope of

    this body's development. Let those who would wait, those who minister with, those who ministerfor the healing of THIS body - in its gaining of its coordination, in the gaining of its rightful

    position in the affairs and among peoples know that they labor WITH the Lord, those who look to

    Him for aid; for in Him IS the life and the light, the understanding and the healing MUST come

    from within. We are through with this reading.

    TEXT OF READING 146-4 M 13

    This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach,

    Va., this 23rd day of March, 1931, in accordance with request made by his mother Mrs. - [959].

    P R E S E N T

    Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mrs. [959] and her son [146], also

    her brother-in-law.

    R E A D I N G

    Time of Reading 3:00 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Va. (Ck. Physical Suggestion)

    1. EC: We have the body and those conditions respecting same, [146], present in this room - thiswe have had before.

    2. Now, we find conditions are still on the improve. While there has not been as quick response in

    the applications, as has been or might be expected, still - with the manner, with the changes, and

    with the conditions - there is more improvement than is apparent externally, and - as conditions

    develop, as the body develops, as changes are brought about - unless there arise other conditions or

    outside influences - we will see that the conditions will continue to improve.

    3. We would keep those properties that will aid in the abating of stresses in the nerve system, that

    give the nerve energy that is necessary.

    4. Keep the mental and physical body active, and in the open as much as possible - especially as

    the weather and the changes come about - that the body may be in the open.

    5. Rest from the manipulative forces in the present for at least fifty-six days. Then we would have

    another THOROUGH course of these, and following the line or manner of correction in the

    cerebro-spinal system that may be GIVEN then. Ready for questions.

    6. (Q) Have theosteopathic treatments been given correctly during the last period?

    (A) These have been very good; not as accurate in the following of the suggestions as might have

    been, but very, very, good. We would discontinue these in the present. No more for fifty-six days -see?

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    7. (Q) If we rest until autumn -

    (A) (Interrupting) Now fifty-six days has been given! Don't say autumn when fifty-six days is a

    long way from autumn! for there are changes that take place in the system, especially as reactions

    set in; for with the mental being kept busy, with the physical being kept active, with the giving of

    those properties as are and have been suggested for the keeping of the nerve forces in the body in

    accord, THEN we will find that in the fifty-six days there will be the NECESSITY - for the

    BETTERMENT - Of course it may be left until fall, or it may be left for a year, but for the

    BETTERMENT of the conditions some corrections will be necessary from the reactions that will

    have been started. These will need to be in the system where the changes come about, see? Wewouldn't give those now. We would give those then, because there will be changes.

    8. (Q) Shall we continue Bitters, and how long?

    (A) Continue Bitters until it's time to stop! We will tell when it's time to stop! Keep those until it's

    ready to make changes!

    9. (Q) When resumed, will it be as well to give [osteopathic] treatments in Media? [Media, Pa.,

    with Elisha T. Kirk, D.O.]

    (A) If they will follow the lines as will be outlined for the treatments, sure!

    10. (Q) During this next period, would it be better for him to be in school or at home?(A) In SCHOOL, because keep the mind - as well as the body - in activity, see?

    11. (Q) Would it be well to extract one tooth, on the right upper jaw, or will it adjust itself?

    (A) It will come in place itself, but should have some assistance see?

    12. (Q) Why does he pick at the thumb on his right hand?

    (A) For the pressures in thosebrachialcenters make for that tendency as of an itching, or of a

    NERVE reaction there.

    13. (Q) To what extent has the jerking improved in the last period?

    (A) This is considerable, and will be seen to be MORE as the reactions take place, and as those ofthe nerve reactions - or of the Bitters - are taken.

    14. (Q) Any further advice for this body?

    (A) Just do that, at the present. Fifty-six days. Then we would change.

    15. (Q) Along what lines should his mind be kept active?

    (A) Constructive!

    16. We are through with this reading.

    Four copies to Mrs. [959] Copy to File

    TEXT OF READING 146-5 M 13

    This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach,

    Va., this 19th day of May, 1931, in accordance with request made by his mother - Mrs. [959].

    P R E S E N T

    Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mrs. [959] with mother & friend,

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    L. B. Cayce & Gertrude Tubby.

    R E A D I N G

    Time of Reading 10:40 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Pa. (Ck. Physical Suggestion)

    1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [146] - this we have had before. We find conditions are

    continuing on the improve. While there is apparently not the decided change in some directions as

    might be expected, if the condition as was first outlined will be considered - and theDEVELOPMENTS are in a manner a growth - there IS a betterment and a change for the nearer

    correction of the condition; and, as we find, there will be brought about ALMOST perfect

    NORMALCY for the body.

    2. We WOULD apply THESE as changes in the present conditions: Those of the muscular forces

    and nerve centers in the cerebro-spinal system, especially in the lowercervicaland upperdorsal,

    need that relaxation that will ENABLE the coordination between the sympathetic and the cerebro-

    spinal system as related to thesensory system. While we find the organs are in a manner

    responding, it will be necessary that the manipulations be so given in relaxing the body that the

    noises as will COME to the organ of hearing may not be so STARTLING, or so derogatory to the

    system as to hinder rather than aid in the response of those in the vocal forces; that is, keep an evenbalance, especially in the manipulations that will relax the nerve centers and muscular forces about

    same, in the 3rd and the 4thdorsal, in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5thcervical; only OCCASIONALLY -

    that is, every other treatment that may be given - relax the body through the lowerdorsaland the

    lumbar, THEN a GENERAL treatment at such time.

    3. We would keep those of the diet, the exercises in the open, those of the properties that will assist

    the system in its nerve reaction from theglands as SUPPLY nutriment or life-giving forces to the

    system. Ready for questions.

    4. (Q) How often shouldosteopathic treatments be given?

    (A) About twice each week, and we would give at least twenty-six treatments, then we would resta time - that the body may NOT be OVER strained or overtaxed in same.

    5. (Q) How long will it be before he can be successfully treated at home?

    (A) This, to be sure, would depend much upon the RESPONSES as are seen in system. As WE

    find, by the time the second COURSE of treatments are ready the body could be successfully

    treated at home, SHOULD the improvement be as GOOD as it has been in the past.

    6. (Q) Is it for us to know how long it will be before [146] will be able to attend public school?

    (A) He should be by the time the next session begins in Fall!

    7. (Q) If we are forced to bring him home for financial reasons, will the other children antagonize

    him, or what will be the results?

    (A) That will depend, to be sure, on the RESPONSES as the body makes; for, as we find, as there

    is created in the system the nearer coordination between sympathetic andcerebrospinalnervous

    forces, and their reflections, the more the body will attempt to USE the organs of thesensory

    systemHIMSELF, and this will make for a READY response to those conditions around same,

    and other children - unless of a teasing or taunting nature - WOULD really be helpful to the body.

    8. (Q) Shall we continue Mayblossom Bitters?

    (A) As given, this would be well to continue - for it acts WITH the nervous system in building

    stamina in the nervereflex.

    9. (Q) What noticeable improvements have been made since last reading?
