Ephesians Lesson 02 Transcript - Eph 1.1-2 -...


Transcript of Ephesians Lesson 02 Transcript - Eph 1.1-2 -...





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Paul's Introduction to the Christians in Ephesus EPHESIANS 1:1

Audio Transcript

[00:00:00] You’re listening to the Deeper Christian Bible Study Series on Ephesians. Thanks for joining me Nathan Johnson, in an in-depth verse-by-verse study of Paul's letter to the Ephesians. Let's dive in to the lesson for the day.

[00:00:18] Welcome to this edition of the deeper Christian Bible study series in the Book of Ephesians. Now if you missed last week's study we're looking at the overview and the outline of the book itself and I would encourage you if you haven't seen it already to go back and start there as that will lay a foundation for all of our future studies of where we're heading.

[00:00:36] Now as a quick review, Ephesians is split in half. The first three chapters is the theological [section]—it's the focus on your position in Jesus Christ (which is the thing of the entire book). And then chapters 4 through 6 is the practical outworking, it is the flow of that that says "okay, now that your position is in Christ, what does that look like lived out day-to-day on your streets.

[00:00:57] So obviously we're starting up over here in the theological section which is chapters one through three. And this week rushing me looking at the first two verses in Ephesians—which is the greeting or what I am calling "the prologue" to the book itself—it is kind of setting the standard or the foundation for where Paul is taking the entire book.

[00:01:16] So let me ask you a question. Have you ever been in a group setting and been introduced to somebody new? In other words the host takes you up to somebody new and introduces you to them and says "Hey Bob this is Matthew. Matthew this is Bob" … and of course you know the host often walks away and he spent a few minutes getting to know each other you you'll learn where they're from and what they do and hobbies and such things like that. Well in a general sense Paul is doing that very same thing here in the Book of Ephesians. See though he has spent three years with the church in Ephesus, he starts the introduction with who he is who they are and gives them a warm welcome and a blessing. So listen to these first two verses of the Book of Ephesians. Again this is the prologue or the greeting that Paul gives in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 and 2.

[00:01:59] Paul writes this: "Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God to the saints who are

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an Ephesus and faithful in Christ Jesus. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."

[00:02:15] Paul start with a basis for his writing. In other words he says I am an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God.

[00:02:22] What I want to do is going to walk through a the words with you and kind of give you some insights because I think that to lay some groundwork or give me some illumination to what Paul is saying here.

[00:02:30] Now that word "apostle" is used seventy 79 times in the New Testament. Thirty five of which are specifically in Paul's writings. Now as you trace that kind of the trajectory of where this word came from in the ancient classical Greek sense it referred to this idea of a commander of a naval expedition. In other words here's this commander of a fleet and it's referring … well he's an apostle. Now as you move forward in history and you look at the Hellenistic period, in the secular society of that day, the idea of an apostle became to be known as this person who is commissioned and authorized by one of the gods. But as you look at how that word is used throughout the New Testament and had primarily two different ideas: one had this idea of being an eye witness of the life of Jesus or two this idea of being a delegate or a messenger. In other words an ambassador of sorts that was sent forth with orders or a message.

[00:03:24] So in short what Paul is saying here is that he was not only an eyewitness to the resurrection of the life of Jesus as he mentions in Acts Chapter 9 but Paul literally was sent, he was commissioned with an authority and responsibility to deliver a message.

[00:03:38] Now Paul says that he's not just an apostle, he is an apostle OF Jesus Christ. And that word "of" is a very critical word in the passage. See that idea of "of" refers to the source or the focus or the identity of the apostleship. So Paul wasn't just any messenger or an eye witness. See Paul was an apostle OF Jesus Christ. He was sent and commissioned by God Himself, with a message. See the entire focus, source, and identity of Paul's life was wrapped up in one single place: Jesus. And in fact Paul says this over and over and over again throughout his writings. For example Philippians chapter 1 verse 21, Paul says: "for me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Galatians 2:20 Paul says "I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." And you can see this idea all through the book of Colossians. See Paul uses the language in Colossians that Christ is supposed to be in you which is the hope our glory; that we are complete in Jesus that we are to let the Word of Christ dwell in us ritually, because He is our life, and He is to have in all things the preeminence. Isn't that phenomenal. See Paul's life was all wrapped up and focused upon Jesus Christ Himself. See he was OF Jesus Christ.

[00:05:14] So Paul wasn't being an apostle FOR God. Rather he was an Apostle OF God. See this speaks of this idea of sourcing. See Paul was claiming that he was not the source of his whole life … that Jesus was. See Paul's life was focused upon Jesus Christ. He was a resourced by the Holy Spirit and he was being used by God as a vessel to proclaim a message to a dark and dying world. What a phenomenal life.

[00:05:42] See he further emphasizes this idea by declaring that he was an apostle by the "will of God." The word "will" here shows an expression or inclination of pleasure which and that any that there is this expression or inclination of pleasure toward that which is liked, pleased, or something

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that creates joy. See, it's interesting is as we get into the will of God … do you realize that it's not demanding. See the will of God is not a thumb in your back and it's not "well you have to … hey come on, get with the program." This is not a HAVE TO, the will of God is a GET TO. And as you get into the will of God, it brings about an expression or inclination of pleasure. Isn't that neat? See the will of God is a delight.

[00:06:28] In fact Paul mentions that in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 5. Here's all these blessings and he says that these blessings are leading up to this idea that is according to the good pleasure of his will. God's will, in the midst of God's will, is good pleasure.

[00:06:46] So Paul says here I am, I'm an apostle, I'm a messenger, I am eye witness, if you will, of Jesus Christ speaking of his position and in the sourcing of his life.

[00:06:59] Now he transitions then and begins to talk about his audience. He's referring to what he calls them, the "saints and the believers in Ephesus." In fact let me just read the passage, he says, "to the saints who are at Ephesus and to the faithful in Christ Jesus.

[00:07:14] That word saint in Greek is from the same root where we get this idea of "holy or holiness." In fact the word itself contains the idea of holding tight to and cherishing purity, holiness, and righteousness. See it's all about this idea of sacredness—it's getting wrapped up being physically pure and morally blameless. See it relates to this idea of purity from the defilement which can be seen all throughout the Old Testament as God commanded the Israelites to abstain from certain things … such as dead bodies (haha). But as we move into this understanding of "holiness" and "saint" see we begin to see that it has this concept to be morally pure, upright, blameless in heart and life, virtuous, holy, and set apart.

[00:07:59] Now it's really important to remember that a holiness is not a one time experience. See we don't just become holy and then we sit back and just kind of live out the rest of our lives. Nor is it we just kind of wait till we die and then we're considered a saint. See Paul is really strong in this idea that it's not just a one time thing but it's a life-long movement and progression toward Jesus Christ and into holiness. And you realize that holiness here we're really speaking of getting tight with Jesus because He is the Holy One. Now it's fascinating to point out that these people have not been Christians for very long. And yet Paul calls them saints several times throughout the book. See saints, this idea of saints and Paul's understanding, is not someone who is dead but someone who's alive and continuing to grow and move closer to Jesus Christ. They are completely focused upon Jesus and they are not being done "saintly." Why because they continue to need to live and be found in Christ and His Holiness.

[00:09:02] Now for more geeky people out there like myself the word, the adjective "saint," in verse 1 is in the dative; isn't that exciting. Now the dative of here suggests personal interest and shows possession. See these saints belong to God or perhaps a better way to state this is that the Saints don't try to be saints. They are being sourced by God, and hence, they are saints. That the life of God within them is producing the holiness that's coming out of their life. See their focus and their position is in Christ as they are filled with the Holy Spirit.

[00:09:38] And once again like Paul being an apostle, this is not about your position this is not about you doing something—it's about the resource of your life. See this is about getting into the person of Jesus and allowing Him to produce His life in and through you.

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[00:09:54] Well to take this one step further, Paul says that he's writing to the "saints and the faithful in Christ Jesus." And that word "faithful" can also be translated "believers." Isn't it interesting that Christians are sometimes called believers? Well why. Because we are to BELIEVE in Christ. In other words we are to have faith.

[00:10:12] Let me just give you a simple illustration. See this idea of faith or to believe is not just some mental assent. Imagined I took you up in an airplane and I opened up the side door and said, "Hey, I just want you to look at this beautiful landscape." And as you as you lean out to look, I come up behind you and push you out. Now as you're as you're falling through the sky I grab a parachute and I chuck it out behind you. And here you are; and here's a parachute. And I yell out, "Do you believe in the parachute?" And you look up and you see the parachute and you go, "Yes! I believe!" That's not what's being referred to here. See the idea of belief in all throughout of the New Testament, is this idea of not just mental ascent … it's that you're actually grabbing ahold of something. So in our illustration here you are falling, you see the parachute, it's not you just have a mental belief in the parachute. See, you you kind of make your way over to the parachute and you put the parachute on. How would you hold the parachute? I don't know about you, but I'd be holding onto that parachute for dear life. Why? Because it is my salvation. The same thing is true about a Christian's life.

[00:11:23] The reason we're called a believer—that if you're a Christian—you're called a believer, you're the faithful ones … why? Because you have put your trust and faith—your belief—in Jesus Christ. It's not just I have a mental understanding or a belief in Jesus but He is what I'm clinging to, He is what I hold onto for life and for godliness. Is that true in your life?

[00:11:46] So do you see that Paul in this prologue, in this greeting section, is given a simple overview of the entire book of Ephesians. He's saying hey my position that here I am an apostle OF Jesus Christ that you are believers IN Christ Jesus. See your whole position is wrapped up in one single thing—and it's a person named Jesus. Look at your life. Is that true of you? Are you OF Jesus Christ, is He the source? Is He the focus? Is He the identity of your life? Are you truly a saint and a believer in Christ? Are you one who has actually been made holy through this process of sanctification? Have you been found in Christ Jesus? Do you have His Spirit, via the Holy Spirit, living inside of you?

[00:12:39] See this is not about attending church on Sundays and checking something off your list. Is your life truly built upon and around Jesus?

[00:12:50] One of my all time favorite quotes is from Major Ian Thomas. Ian Thomas often said that the only explanation for our lives is supposed to be Jesus Christ. That when someone looks at your life is to be utterly inexplainable to the world around us. But then he makes a statement. I love this. Ian Thomas says that: "the Christian life can only be explained in terms of Jesus. And if your life as a Christian can still be explained in terms of you, whether it be your personality, your will power, your gift, or talent, your money, your courage, your scholarship, your dedication, your sacrifice, or your anything. That although you may have the Christian life you are not yet living it."

[00:13:30] Are you living the Christian life?

[00:13:32] If so are you living out of your own ability or His ability? Is it your wisdom or is it His? Is it your talent or is it His life within you, via the indwelling Holy Spirit. See, my desire is that your life will be OF Jesus Christ and IN Jesus Christ.

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[00:13:53] Know I am cheering you on unto that end. Well thanks for joining me for today's study. If you like to see an outline of the study or read a commentary version of this passage. You can do so by going to deeperChristian.com/Ephesians and clicking on this study to view the full article and commentary. Also these weekly studies are available in audio format by subscribing on iTunes, which is now called Apple Podcasts, or by visiting deeperChristian.com/Ephesians.

[00:14:19] Now next time we're going to continue our study in the prologue section found in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 and 2 … and we're going to looking at the greeting found in verse 2—it's this in blessing, if you will. Now again if you like to join me for the study I would encourage you to do two things. Number 1: Read the entire book of Ephesians this week, preferably several times. And number 2: consider this question "What is the significance of this "Grace and Peace blessing" that Paul is giving his readers in verse 2?

[00:14:48] Well until next time, know I am cheering you on as you build your life around Jesus Christ.

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