Luke Hallam - lh85996 - FMP - www.luke-hallam.co.uk - June 2011 ‘Cream of the crop’ End of Year Degree Show Proposal Board 1 of 4 Show Identity logo ‘Cream of the Crop’ represents the Showcase of the Best in Art, Design, Craft and Creative Thinking. With Previous Award-winning Creatives Studying at Leeds College of Art, the imagery reflects the merits and triumphs the College has produced. The logo form becomes the vehicle for the entire branding of the degree show.


‘Cream of the crop’ End of Year Degree Show Proposal Board 1 of 4 ‘Cream of the Crop’ represents the Showcase of the Best in Art, Design, Craft and Creative Thinking. With Previous Award-winning Creatives Studying at Leeds College of Art, the imagery reflects the merits and triumphs the College has produced. Show Identity logo Luke Hallam - lh85996 - FMP - www.luke-hallam.co.uk - June 2011

Transcript of EOYS

Page 1: EOYS

Luke Hallam - lh85996 - FMP - www.luke-hallam.co.uk - June 2011

‘Cream of the crop’End of Year Degree Show Proposal

Board 1 of 4

Show Identity logo

‘Cream of the Crop’ represents the Showcase of the Best in Art, Design, Craft and Creative Thinking.With Previous Award-winning Creatives Studying at Leeds College of Art, the imagery reflects the merits and triumphs the College has produced.

The logo form becomes the vehicle for the entire branding of the degree show.

Page 2: EOYS

Luke Hallam - lh85996 - FMP - www.luke-hallam.co.uk - June 2011

‘Cream of the crop’End of Year Degree Show Proposal

Board 2 of 4

Poster application

The Poster is at square format instead of a standard ‘A’ format for a slight variation, and the Clean white background is a refreshing change to the over-powering use of colours it will more than likely be placed around. This in turn draws attention to the Merit symbol and the relaxed informative nature of the design.

Page 3: EOYS

Luke Hallam - lh85996 - FMP - www.luke-hallam.co.uk - June 2011

‘Cream of the crop’End of Year Degree Show Proposal

Board 3 of 4

Leaflet and course logo variants

The Merit imagery is continued throughout the range of deliverables for the End of Year Show, with strong variations for each Course. These additional logos will be used to distinguish Course locations and determine location through signage.

The leaflet/invite proposal Also continues the Merit imagery with adhesive seals to envelopes, a variation on the LCA text logo and colour variations for Course listings. Although ‘League Gothic’ type has been used for logos, Helvetica has been used for body copy and larger amounts of type for ease of readability.

Page 4: EOYS

Luke Hallam - lh85996 - FMP - www.luke-hallam.co.uk - June 2011

‘Cream of the crop’End of Year Degree Show Proposal

Board 4 of 4

Signage and placement

My proposal features larger signage examples positioned higher above crowds and obstacles for a clearer view. Colour choices for courses will be carefully chosen to distinguish differences easily which may be close together.

Additionally with signage choices, certain examples will feature just colour logos to show where numerous courses are placed, and then closer the user is to the required course, more specific information is shown.