eomalbunlbillc blit. ADVERTISERS' GAZET't, ByWe hetar that the Stonewalls of Ib-erville and the...

eomalbunlbillc blit. Office in frescent Place. Subscription Price, Three Dollars a Year. OFFICIAL IIIRECTOJIY. Fourth Judicial District. [Comprisinlg the pirishes of Asecs,•ioin . St. .James, St. John the Baptist awl. St. Charles.] District Judge,...........)Othello J. Fla1gg. District Attorney ........ Morris M:arlks. Seventh Senatorial District. [Comprising the p rishe, of Ascension and ,St. James.] State Senator .. ........ Georp," E. Bwllue. Parish of Ascension. Representative,........... 'ierre Lauiry. .........-.. Chries N. iLewis. Parish Judge,...........J. ohn A. ('heevers, Parish Attorney........... rederik )uffel. C'lhrk of the Court ....... l. I)n D.t'autey. iRecorder................ ( ler•.' (; oe.k s, Secretary. .............. Oct:lve Terrio, Treasurer,................. Ch isti in Kliiie, Tax Collector...........L. E- Beutly. Sheriff ...... ............. Aaron M ii .ail l'PHici:iu ............. %'. M. McCalli;ard. Official Journal.......... Don'ville CIIEF. ]'OLICE JunoRs.--Pierre LaIdry, I'resi- aeut; J. I. Ilebert, Louis LeIhttiu., ]'Inlry hleywan, ILillery Rice. ]io. t. OF Scolioti, DIR•tTOIts.-Pie'irit"e Landry, Presidtent ; Rodolphce Brand. Secre- tary and Tresurer; U. 11. Hill. ('harlhs N. L*vwis. Jacob \Varuer, Jackson Starks. L. E. lentliey. Town of Donaldsonville. Matr ..................... V W eiin,.henek, Attorney .............. Edw. N. 1'ugh. Secrt.t i y.................I n)al Isralel. 'i'reasurerl ................( hristia I jil nl, As•aar .................. IAug ,. Be•tet•i.' V, ('ullhvte I .................. Frederic.k Fo'bh,, jriuter ................. Morris Mai k". l'harf t-Mster ........... R alphael Mousse. Market Lese.e,. ........... Gustave. Illgas, Ferrv Lessee.............. Michel Lanou, Constablh................. Louis Lefort. BoRID oF AI.E!MFN. Ji. IAmunn, Jos. urbrlridge.......!•. \Vd. lolwbrt Noel, ........ .h. ' John F. Link, Joseph Jolhnon,....3rd TIME TABLE N. 0., M. & T. R. R., LOUISIANA DIVISION. Daily 'uas.senger Troin-Ia'aves New Or- leaus at 8 A. M.: Arrives in Donaldson- rille at 12:15 P. M. Returning (Stundays excepted), lI.Leaves I)on- aldsonville at 1:15 P. M.; Arrives in New Orleans at 5 P. M1. h'uunday Passengei Trait--Il.eves New Or- leans as above, arri\nllg in D)onaldsonvilhe at 12 M. lteturning. Leaves D)onaldsonville at 2 P. Mi.; Arrives in New Orlenus at 6:30 P. 31 ,Freighl Train erach ray erer ohilier day. Trains stop at all way stations. DONALDSONVILLE, LA., Saturday, July 18, 1874. |_•. • -- ....- LOCAL JOTTINGS. The Mayor has a proclamnation in this issue of the i('ive EV lit ie to striay dogs. On)witers of canil's x ill take notice. C:aulidtl:es fir ofli'e are as plenti- fill as Ilackhlaetries in .Janle, 1 i1 as polite as you iplease to ever\"y ,:r in the eommuuiaiity. ThIe et, " Coggin," to a ias :A- lmanred froti our sight and dia.gged his forty million mile tail behind him (lone to a visit' to China, we pict ii. The attentioi of tax payers is called to the notice of the C :lectoar, pub- lished in this issue. The parish tax for the year 187.3 is now due, and prompt payment thereof is urged up- ao property holders. It is rumored that the Lewder news- paper is to be resuscitated next week by its former proprietor, Morris Marks, Esq. 1We shall welcome a colleagne in slolorl'ting the Repub- lican nominees this campaign. Bayou I,afourche is so low that tie. Lizzie Hopkiils e.an no longer lmavigate the stream, but transfers her freight to flat-boats at the ferry lauding. The lHopkins is the ~oly boat in the trade pow, and we doubt if she is making a fortune. Tie )onaldsonvillo rai'road has been seized by the $l;eriff of Jefferson parish by order of Court rendered in the matter of the State rs. Frank Ames and others, and is being opera- ted by that otlicial penling its sale, which will take plaee soon. Wilkinson, the news dealer, author- izes us to announce that he will pre- sent to every person who leaves a yearly subscription for the CHIE'F at )iis depot a handsome chromo-litho- graph, giving the subscriber his choice from a large assortment. We are gratified to chronicle that M. Mitchell, of Kramer, Mitchell & Co. has recovered from quite a severe at- tack of illness, and sorry to state that Mr. Thos. Emmett, the " Co. " of the same firm, is now suffering in his tern. We hope le may soon be up again. J. C. Mathieu, Esq. has our sincere thanks for several plates of fine figs sent to the CIEF otffce during the last week. We like figs and every body who sends them tous. Mrs, A. Gingry has also favored us with sonme of thel luscious fruit for which ue return acknowledgments, There is a movement afoot for a dramatic performnaeo to be shortly given here for the benifit of the Ama- teur Dramatic Association, to enable them to purchace costumnes, new acenery, etc. In view of the amusing" and instructive ertertainr en$s al- ready afforded our people by this as- sociation, we trust a performance lor their own benefit will be largely at- tended. INFou MA\TION WANTEID.-A gentle- luan named M. Church writes firon Savoy. Texas, seeking inf!ormation of his sou. John S. (Chrch. aged '6i years, six feet in height. dark htiu and eyes and weighs ahnt 1-1) pounds. When last heard fromn, in 1870, he was in the southerl n part of Louisiana, lnear sonime strea of Stwater, making and shipping shingles. The Town Constable gave C. Kline's greyhound a dose of l!iisen " the other day and the dog canme within an ace of departing this life. Mr. K. declares lie would have entered a damage suit against the town it his pet had died, so an interesting piece of litigation has been avoided through the obstinacy of that greyhound iin refusing to peg out like any common cur would have done under the cir- cuInstances. The removal of Mr. Lefevre's club- house has been effected and the pat- rons of the institution will find it now at the corner of Railroad Avenue and lIherville streets. En passlant. we learn that the old horse that toiled so faithfully at the capstan used in moving the house took a notion to die the other day, whether from over exertion or for the purpose of shirk- ing further labor we are not prepared to determine. A daily /tage now leaves Napoleon- ville at 6 A. M1. for Donaldsouville, connecting with the railroad here, leaving for the return trip upon the arrival of the train. This stage also connects at Napoleonville tri-weekly with the U. S. mail carrier for Thib- odetaux, thus affording excellent fa- cilities for persons so desiring to reach any point on iBayou lantourche between here and that town. We wish this new enterprise the success it, justly merits. l'i::sox,\i.-'The mail ag'e ts have hI id us under repeated oblligaltions f, kiinnsm's- a!!nd so has M'di". 'i•u.uoiis the coitiih :iesa clOl ttilir of tii!ii dliil- \Vc had Ile hli sur dol'u!:<ting 900- ::tut ihuni.','•' an M . ".T . ,l,!,'k- n.Es q. o' the .<t..Ianwt s .nti;n`,t! tt1pon the nc- canion of i rip lto N w (,h,:tes this w•c lk. 'wih h ttitlc. n tlcl l ,.&!i'in- s is.l . I1 -ps -ak hos fu'ls l i i;0 ' ' c .ni!.i' •r ! anid politlc ~l i outl,ok in . l(irhedl to his old stamitdpin ground ill St. Jam.es, daubed on his \war paint and enitereld til political arena in fa- vor of himself for ln'leber of the State Hlouse of Representatives anid of Mr. D)ibble for miemlier (of the National lhouse, if we are corectly informiid. Mr. 1Iunsaker has nmany frienids in St. Jaeis atnd the .aculty of making many more, and we shall not lie grcatly surprised if hie proves sncessful in carrying oult Ilis-pogra;nlme this fall. Attorney General A. P. Field, ac- oml)pani(ed lby his trusty valet " Col " Bush and I10) pounds of ice, passed through here Tuiesdayv mlorning on his way to Naploleonville to represent the State in the prosecuttion against the Eastwood murderers at Napoleon - ville. The dGeneral seems to have lost none of his ancient vitality, and( the State has no more vigorous and faith- ful officer. When he takes a case in hand the criminalis invariabtly get their just deserts. At a meeting of Republicans held in St. James oin the 4th inst., the fiio- lowing resolutions were adopted unoan- imously : "le it re,'sol'd. That we the people of the parish of St. James do he'artily endorse and accord with the action of the I)istrict Convention wlich lmet in D)onaldsouville, June 20th, 187-, and that we with one accord do endorse lion. P. Landry as our choice for Sen- ator from the 7th Senatorial District of Louisiana. 1e it further resolved, That a copy-l of these resolutions be forwarded to the Hon. P. Landry, and that they e( also published in the official 9rgans of the party in the parishes of St. James and Ascension. BASE BALL.-The Burnsi&'s camei to grief in the match game with the Invincibles last Sundaiy, the score be- ing 22 to 17 in favor of the latter club. The Invincibles •layed a good, game and overcame their opponents by superior batting, the fielding of the Burusides being rather the better of the two, but owi• to the fact that they have not practiced for nearly six mnonths only two or three of the nine Were able to strike the luall. With a little lpractice our townu nine can easily defeat the J)tvinciblcs, anm!d we anticipate that this statement will be verified at an early day by a sec- odl alniate between these clubs. The New River nine were of cotrse jubi- lant over the result of nunday's match, taudt the best of feeling pre- vailed between the contestants. The ,umpiring of Mr. Dennis Dunn was universally coytmended, and lie was nccorded three rousing cheers at the conclusion of the game. We append herewith the score in detail: ~- -- -------- -- NIN C sr .iE. (t. R. i Bt l csl:l . O. R. Minor, II. D. 1 b 3 3 Leche. c f 5 1 Branid. 1'. E. I f 2 4 Te:.:rPney. s s 5 1 Iludge-, 1). I 5 1 leBil ne, 3 b 1 n Itralud. A. s s 3 "itnthy, e 2 (lniitrcin. L. e itj 5 Protlitt, r " 3 0 Lantdrv. V. 2 b 1 1 Franklin, l b 4 1 Bert.a:ll. T. e f 5 1 DIutflI p "2 3 lhibin. r f 4 i0 Francis I f 3 12 Smith. XW, 3 b 3 , Sharp , b 2 3 Total .7 0: Total 27 17 lntiugs.......... . 1 2 13 I ; 8 19 117 l ..iurni d ...... .... I 2 , Ullpirc-lDnnis D1un. Es 1 . of New Or- leans. Neirers--I). D)uhoits, Esq. for Invincible, W. (. Wilkinson. Esq. for Burinsle, We hetar that the Stonewalls of Ib- erville and the Ilaycutters of New River anticipate challenging the IBurnsidces shortly, and we hope they will do so. It is also rumored that the Assump- tion nine will be reorganized before many weeks and that they also are anxious to give the Donaldsonville boys a tussle. Come on, say we, and welcome. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SUCCESSION NOTICE. State of Louisiana, Parish of Ascension--Parish Cou rt. SUC(''ES IOX OF MRS. GEI'I"TUI)E lMOLLJ.IiE. Il'IDO It OF ED IAI.RD LELLAN6. Wiherc:as. Adolph Lelinec has petitioned to lhe holnorable. the. Parishl Court. to be ap- pointd A .\ininistrator of the above entit ld Si cesaion. Nti'c is hericely given to all whomt it itay coll l'lern. t ' show causo if ;a "y they havt or can. wlhy the petition slahuld not be granted ::s the law directs. 13v crder of said C'ourt. X\'iitncs HIouh. Jno. A. ('hetvers. Judge of said Partish (ourt, Parish of A(scend.iou. Clerk's otlicc. July 10th, 1874. JNO. D. CANTEY. (Clerk. II EtlI,'FF' SALE. Nlrate of Louisian;a, I Parish Sif Asc(ension-Plarish Court. JII.LtX 11EIL, rs. io. -141,. JAC'OIB KAh 1IT[.lN. 1i virtue of and in olbdiettc to a writ of ft. te issied by tlhe, honorhable Parish Court, in and for thi.lptrislh of Asccttiot, dated tl, 1lth of .ly t '. 1`74, nd1 to ite directed in tih, it,,i' entiitled :and inuilllibet'd (ai•S'. I h1:1 c ized a ed will sell :+t pualic auction, t', the highest ,and la s t hidder. ull lhe pront- ists oftli dcfii. tlotutlih t, ill the towni of Pilrt liarro.. .ppmite the old tMairy landing in said townV, te Saturday the First day of August. 1874, :t 11 o'-!oclk A. 31.. the follow ing d .iscrlibtd mi\,hable propiertv. llerl'haudiei , e' e: A l1oi of dry gootds, lhoits, slhins. crockery, ti a;ntl gl.lo. walrt etc. T, ra w and u o ditions: ('ah. ill, lluitild Stats ':creasury n i ' es. AA1ION HILL, Sheriff. Sherifft's otice, lP'rish of Aseensioit. July lith. 1"7 I. Republican Parish Commzuitee. SPECIAL MEETINt;. Dl x.1tl.su.; 11.Iti . L... .luly 18th, 18, 4. The 'epnblicanu l'arti.t Executive ('oei- mitte mi't at I11 o'clock this Iday, presidc;tt I.tlltdiry ill the chail' ttwenty ci l.l crl,1l il were not ri-i tnized. .\a:itn 1lill ot redl tihe f thlwing rI-solu- titos whiich were adlpted unnimonsly : Itc.mrl d. Tlh t ;ta Parish ('on','entio i;,r thi' i iiniinltiiii of" I-ipresei atii-es to lihe State ILegishltmue and .. il Parish Of)ticICs he ;1111 is LIe' cil ci tlthid ,, ilicet in thii tow ll of t" .hilt. 187-, tit t- i clock. A. 1. 1c it Jurithr', ri.orcd, ThaIt thie rcprcscln- iatii to sid .Co vltlOll ft'lo t.,ll he dtltegrt nt words i t'he lrish shail lll bI ibe nele-gate ir c-- iry lit'tt Ripn blit.o u Ni tes itii t i tt the gRl-ctl;ll ilcir'ion t in 18I2. anilt one dtlegate hI" CYpu " {'l' ll t-ti Stt oivet tolltt -like i Oteu li8 which. ulpln motion., was addp~t d : tht' Pari.,+h Convenrtioi all.d, for lth. win!1- utinit of parislh ,It•clt's ,otn St, tltday, Jultt The following resolutitn, otitered by Fred. ttitb. was atlipti.d ftcr discu.eisitt: RsolIrcd, '['h:at thi, ttttlittts of this oe it- tlitte repo't at once thce ,Repubilicau organ- izatiouns in hair respective wards, beginning w iththe hil -t 7tid. -uetheer reso!re'd. That u•n(e but the or- .aiLiziatitoll- so reptlirtiet a1litt recognllzed bi1 this• counnl itti e :-hall Ihe icltitled to rcl:e st ,- t0utn ill au y lpli(nblieau Conventlol or other ioti\d thai;t may hereafter be held or iLtouId b oricer of this coumnittee. Arthur Burnett presented a preamble and resolution declaring the Executive Coir inittee Is at piresent organized null and void, and providing for reorganization thereof. These were tabled with but one dissenting vote. Inu a;ccortlanue with the resolttion of Fred. Folbb, reports of the IRepultican clubs in the various \iwarl were called for: First ward-C 5 j.ewis and Louis Butler each cl;aimed to be Ipresident of the central club of this ward. Upon muotiion of L. E. Bent- t v a commuittee of fii was appointed to in- vestigate the matter, as tbllows :L. E. Bent- lev, Nathan Iays, Aaron lill, Owen Wihite and Cubiit Jackson. A recess of ten minutes was taken to altow thel columittee time to prepare a report, which. at the exptiration of tche recess, was -submiptled as follows : To tie President and tetlebers of the Parish Conmini tte' C IN.iE\x--YO:Iar cotlllnitt.c teg leave to report that they have exunitined Xes srs. '. N. Lewis and Louis Buth r utpotu t,- ctn- test in the s ward, each claiing ito li' Presid,-nt i the Cenitral WVarn Cltl, and t. alutot'rize our chairmani to ronder a ver bil reportt oft' said nitv-stigatiou. andl reclom- mnd th!lalt Mr. Louis BIutler btreognized .a s l'resident of the First Ward Central Club. ltespectfully. L. E. BIENTLEY, AAiRON IILL, NATI IAN HAYS, CUBIT JACKSON, OWEN WHIITE. Scond Vl Ward Central Club-P. A. Jones p'resient. W. W. Buford secretary. Third WuWrd Central Club-(*eo. Turner Sr,'sident, Joe l)egriuse secretary. Fouirth Ward Central ('lub-P. Landry presidlent. L. E. Bentley secretairy. Fifth Ward Central ('iub--A. Braudy pircsident, . II. Hill secretary. Sixth VWard Centlral Club-liandal Cole president, Jos. Carter sacretlar'y. Seventh Wartd Central C'lub--(randison lint-iett presidcent, Arthur Burnett secre- t:ry. Eighth Ward Central ('lub-Eli Clay pr11sident, Nd llill shecretary. Various sub-cluits were' also reported but all iun harmony and recognizing the above as the Central Clubs ofthe respective wards. Upon iotion the above list was adopted and recognize:d in accordance with Mr. l.,hb's resolatioiu. The coinumittee thelln adjourned. I'. LANDRY, Presidnlt. L. E. ,nxTLFa:Y, Secretary. Proceedings of the Police Jury, Parish of Ascension. SPECIAL MEETING. CotURT-HousE;. July 1t6, 1874. Mienmbers p'resenlt.-i-on. P. Landry, presi- dcnt; Messrs .1. B. iHebiert, II. Heyimtn, Louis LeBlanc and Hillery Mice. II. O. Maher, lEsq.,twa-.lected temporary Secretary in the absence of the plrmitent Secrettatry. The lcading of the iniuites of the last m'eting was displensed with. On motion of Mr. J. B. Hebert duly sec- onded, the following resolutions were adopted : \ViiERt.AIs, BIV rtsolutions of this bodty, adopted on the l.Zth day otf .Jufe, 18741. a method was prescribed for the levy and etl- lectiou of the parish tax of 1873, which wvi find, upon cousultation with the Tax Col- I lector, to be cumbersome and altogether impracticable, owing to the great numllnl'r of items into which the approximate esti- mI aitc of exlenses is divitded : thbrefore, lie it r-lcored. That the follQtviuog resoln- tios. nuttambered 1. , 3 alnd "l. dOptlitted upon tlhe dlateh atoreiunid, I, and the same are herelch relethd: No. 1. " BIe it tlherefore enacted by the 'Police Jurv of Ascelsiou iin sessjion conveneld, That it shall be the duty of thl Assessor and Tax Colleetor in making out the assessl-ntii under said Estinutte, andl the tax hills there- undllller, to make olt t a s'uperate assessment g2ainst itch tax payer showinlg the amounlt duei by hiui for taxe-s nuifer andl for eai l 'I t er;tte itemn of expenditure on said esti- No. :. " B•i it farther enatctied, etc., That :aid tax hills shall Ie untlll out so that the assestInllt tnder e eI.h special itill isall lte- .in ils spceial ttxes filr that special item." iN. 3. " lie it further iuicurted. etc.. That wliteni the tax colletor collects said taxes, tit, hall hieat-eh amioiunt received bty him to the credit of tihe particulalir special tiax tir which it was paid, and on n1o ae•notut shall I he place the liilnies -ollti'tetd or to le iol- ict-ted lte hliu into it genti- ral fuiid. so thai in his setIlemieut with thie P'arish hTreastier tiiit, ltter shall be ; able to placie the a'iioonlits io olleted to the erediit of lparticuiltir spceial funds.'" No. 4. ie it tI'rther enacted, e-tc., Thalt the ltax collector shall eollth't alit receive in lpayment f said taxes fir the current fiscal arir tolll ilninhg on the 1st ofJaulary 117-1, aul einding oil the 31st of DLeceutl er I875. ollpt Uniteitl States ctttrrency, proiided, how- Sever, thot p rip, warrants or the 'alid cv- id.lce of'tlebts aigainst tilth' p::is, issIedi for delts ine 'ti' tot to-in-i-nt ,ear, atsessied ail levied uinder lthe estilate of texpelndli tures adopted by the Police Jur•u on the P5ih dtha o ,f a:, -1l, hitil be receitvahble in ptiin, lit of th;e (artiu•lat special tax fIr thei painiynment of which the tax was collected." 1t,!? be it etacti:dl, That the Tax Collector slllu! collect ullld receive inl paylment of the pairish taxeis of 1873 only Uliitled States coui -ret•ev orl duly appro'vedi' iiiil egistefed oevi- dineits iof cltiimns aigainst thIe pliurish. issued foir debts due fto ttlhr current year of 1874. under the estimate of expelnditures aidolited bv the Police Jury oil the :25thi of May. 1874 ; pi'ovided. htoweTr,. that the two ntill school iltx tndt the special t.x Iivieil to siatiefy the j udgncnt of C. Klinc iagainst the uiarish, be collccted only in cash, as the latw directs. 7It 3 .-. J. I. l'h'e-t Be ii resolred, T[hat the itcoi (it of U. N. Fiis forprofesiional s."rvic's ;tand costs of printing brief in the sutit of 'Th ma's Brady rs. No. l8,•, the l'arish of .scension, be and the satne is hereby aplroved. [Bc ii t'uoltr resl',ced, That a tax be as- secssed ild levied on the asnse ssluent roll of thei ricelit yea(r at a siititheient rate per centul tlo pay said claim, anil that the Tax ('oilcetor proeeed to collect the samlle ic- cording to law. Adolpted. The followiug petition from V. Cantrelle. .',Corone'r, was receive I andil read : sI•)NAI.LSONyVI.I.E, July l1th,1871. 'To the P'rcsidei t and members of the Police Jury of Ascension : (NTI.I:;MFS-f wouldl respectfully call iyourattention to the fact that the C'oroner's appriopiationt is exhausted, owilig to the fact that my lpred ecessor has beet drawing onil tle aoliult lit silt idie ifo the present vear for the Coroner's fee; a:lal also that the (Cor'outr'"s Juries are paid out of the saitlp ap- propritlion, thus leaving Time without ap- propri;tion to diraw against. I xi ould therefiiti, ask that youtr hontorabhle hodly imake souie provision that 1 may he ena-uild to haile iiiy claimls against the pa'- ish regi.tered.' lteslictfully suilbmitted., V. CANTRIIELLE, C'orouer. On motion of Mir. LeBlaue: The Tl'reasulrer is instructed to cancel his books as regards the Coronler'8 applropri- ation. Adopted. Iy AIr. I1ebert : Be it resolred. That thle law prohililting i hogs to ruin at lalge in til- 7thl ward of the parish tof' Ascension, undler date of- , in and the saae is hereby repealed. A dopted. By hMr. Itelb.rt: liesolred. That when any claims against the parish are presented to the "Treasur'r for regi•strl, iecortdilg to sectioll 2611 IReviseid IStatut'es, lie shall carefully scrutinize the i :me. atnd if they fail to show the year for which the same were incurred, he .s'all not rigister the saute. If thy- ,e for debts till' tilior to the let of Janlluary 17-, tihey shall be registered by the Treasurer. anut fuy him I harged to the proper funid applropriated therefor for the year for t whici the same re- speetively belong. andif for debts due for the eul:rent year, then only to bw registered awider the aplroprirate item for .aid year. which last alonm shall ht receivyabl in pao- meat of taxes for said current yeir. Adopl eal. By lMr. llebert: Be it resolred. That the lawraulthorizing the Collcetr of ttaxes to levy a special par- is' tax oft five thousand dollars under date of -- Ie and the sam te is hereby repealed. Adopted. By Mlr. leyman : lie it resolved. hat the jariec att ading Colroert • il e.-•1s be hereafter paid out of the arppropriations for Grand and 'ttit Junrie. Adopted. A detailed bill from A. S. l)arrow, E.sq., for work on the levees during the high water of April, 1874, by various persons therein naimed, amonuting to eighty two dollars, was referred to the Board of Levee Coam- niissionlers. A sriilar bill from J. 1). Cantey, Esq., amounting to seventy-nine dollars and twenty cents, was referred as above. The following bills were approved: Sheriff, for artieles furnished for use in jail ............................. 18 75 Shertt'f" bill for services in the suit of the Parish of Ascension rs. C. F. iSmithi for..........................4 00 A bill of the Sheriff of the parish of Iber- vyile, for twenty-seven dollars was referred to the Contunittee on Claims. (On motion of Mr. LeBlane the Polioe Jury adjourned. PIEIRRE LANI)IRY, President. A true copy : 11. O, M.NER, Secretary pro le,a. D R. WV. M. McGALLIARID, Office in Crescent Place, Donnldsonville, La. CASH ! CASH ! ! CASH !!! SIIIE late financial panic having created a .I great demand for greenbacks at MARX ISRAEL'S Dry Goods Emporium, Corner Mississippi and Lessard Streets, omnaldtsonvIlle, La., GRIOC'ERIIFS, BOOTS & SHOES, IlATS & CAPS. SADI)LERY, BUGGIES, CARTS, Erec., wil be disposed of at unprece"dentedly low tigures Fi1 CASHI. Money must beh had. and goods will be sacrilied to procure it at once. Visit the establishment, examine the goods and MAKE TOUR OWN PRICES, oct48 A LIVE NEWSPAPER T II E I)ONALDSONVILLE CHIEF, P'UBLISJIlED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING AT Donaldsonville, Louisiana. Subscription Price, Three Dollars a Year Pa'alde in advance. Advertising Rates as Low as the Lowest. [ece first column of second page.] The ('CHIEF aims to hobe essentially a WVide-trake Local Paper, I)evoting the Greater I'ortion of its Editorial Space to IIOIE IIAPPENING(S. I'.lIRIStI POLITIC(S, TOWN TIT-BIT'S, 81UGAR STA'TITI t's. COTTON C'ROPlS. ''lhe Ful l anId luprtiatl iscussion of all .[Matters and Projects (.ahlculated to Affect the Interests -OF TiHE.- PAliISII OF ASCENSION AND TOWN OF DONALI)SONVILLE. ; i_7 The CuIEi-- ltaviuug been designated by the proper authority O)tlicial Journal of the parish of A scinsion, iln its coluuns will aplatr the P'roce.ediugs of the l'Police Jury. Town and Parish School Boards, andl all Parochial andt Judicial Adlvertisenments re- quired by law to le pumlished. Great care will Ihe taken to render thle CHIIEF A D)ESIDEIIiATUM to cvery Merchalt, every Lawyer, ev-ery Oi- ficiatl, every Man, every Woman, in ftrt, Everybody in the Co(,nuunity; and to this, end we solicit AID AND ENCOURAGEM.EINT tromi the lBusiness and ItRtading Public in the way of Advertisements and Subscriptions. Though making a Specialty tof Holeo Af- lairs, the C•IIEF is not unniindfukof Passing Even\ts Elsewhenre. and tipoll the first page of each issue will appear a SUMMARY OF GENERAL NEWS, and Choice Selections of POETRY AND LI(;IIT LITERIATURE VChile the fourth page will Contain FLASIES OF FUN. GENERAL GOSSIP,. USEFUL I•ECIPES, MARKET REPORTS.,u MISCELLANEOUS ADIVERTISEM ENTS :7- In conuideration of the effort we are making to futrnish a First-('lah Newspaper, it will not be uireasoulablh Aon our part to expect tho Intelligent Peopte of thL and Ad- .pie t Parishes to .scrilbe. For -taD- Advertie In The Donaldsonville Chief. vj Comiuunicationls mui y he addresed siumplly" ('uli" , I)onaldson\ ihi, La.." or to L. E. BENTLEY, Editor and Proprietor. Encourage your h1omte newspaper. Subscribe for the CIIEt 3 it year. Send 25 ets. for the,. ADVERTISERS' GAZET't, A book of 1I Ispges, showing how, when and wh,-re to -lvd-rtise, and roetaining a list of vatly 41)I3 newtsp.l, rs. a ith touch other ni- foirotio of illt•trest to advertisers. •tAddlles GEO. P. I'OWVELL & CO. Publishwrs, 41 Park 1toxti New Y ork SUnTlutestioniahly the Best Saistaineld Work of the Kini( in t-he \ orld." ARIP'EI'S MA(:AISIJNE. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. The .ever increasing circulation of this ex- cellent aoin t hly plo\-e its c-ontilnued adap- tation to liopular desires and needs. In- deed, when we think into how ar:insl homes it penetrates every mlonth, we amust consider it is one of the edueators as well as enter- tainers of the public mind, for its vast poje ulurity has been won by no appeal to stuuli prtuiu~icesorideprt- redta-tes.-Rosutn G(obc. The char'acter which this magazine pos- sesses for variety, enterplrise. artistic wealth. and literary culture that it has kept pmee with, if it has not le'( tlh times, should cal.•se. its conductors to regarld it with justitiable cumplacency. It also entitles theln to :i pgreat claim upon the public gratitude. The M ;\GAZxiN has done good and not evilall the daysi of its life.--Btooklyn Eagle, Subscriptions---1874. TERMS: oimo'per's Miagazine one year ....... $4 00 which imenludes prepayl)ment of U. S. postage by the publishers. Subseriptions to ilarper's Weekly, Wl'eekly :aod Barzf, to one address for ono year................................ $10 00 or, two of Harpear's Periodicals to one td- dres for one year ..................... $7 00 postage payable t.y the suls -cribt'rs at the offiue wl-.re rceiscetL An extra Copy of eitker the Magazine, Weekly air Bazur will be suppllied gratis for every club of live subse•ibers at four dollkws each, in one remaittance; or six copies for two dollahrs without extra •ojpy ; postage payable by the subsrribers at the offices where rePeiveil. Back unmbers cast be a•ppiAid at any time. A comupletoe vet of lareupr's M~agazit, now comlprising fortyusevea volumes, in neat cloth binding, will 1 I e sent y3 express, Ernght at expense of purchaser, for $2.25 per vol- mloe. Single voihunes by u nil, postpaid, three dollars. Cloth cases, for bildmig, lifty- eight cents, by ma i l, postpaid. The lpostage onm lHrper'. MoVeg siae is twenty-four uents a year, whicbh tmust t e paid at the smbscrilKr'lspos-oflre. Addsess. HARPER & BROTHIERS, Kew York. THE BEST FAPER ! TRY IT BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN now is its 29thl year. enujoys the widestiw~r alatimn of any weekly newspaper of the kihd in the world. A new volhumne coanmences January 3, 1874. Its contents embrace the latest an-a host interesting information lprtaininlg to the In- dustrial, Mechanical, wad ilcientifie Progre-'ss of the World ; Dlescriptions, with l4eantiful Engravings of New Invention , New aIm- ple.nents, New Processes, and Improved la- duAtries of all kinds; U'ieful Notes, IReceipes, Suggestions and Advice, by Practical Writ- ers, ftor Workmen and Employers, in all the various arts. The SCIENTIFIC AMERItb I ~s the cheapest and best illustrated w•nly paper lpubilished. Every number contains friuom 10 to 15 original engravings of new man chinery and novel inventions. ENGRAVINGS, illustrating Improve- ments, )iseoveriies, andi laportuat Work,, pertaining to Civil and Mechunical Engineer- ing Milling, Minning and Metallurgy; Ret- ords of the latest progress in the Applica- tions of Steam, Engineering, Railwnys, Ship. Building, Navigation, Telegralphy, Engi r. ing, Electricity, Magnetism, Light Hl Heat- FARMERS, Mechanics, Engineers, lveun- tors, Manu•lilftturers, Clhenailts, Lovers of Science, Ta'l'chers, ('lergyanen. I~*wye.i, and;l Ple o pl, of all Protfi-sions, will fiid thlui SCIEN'I IFIC AMERICAN oseful to 'ithLem. It should haive a place in every IFamily, IA- brary, Stiudy, Office, and Counting Yumn ; College, Academy, or School. A year's numbers contain 832 mpae ani SEVERAL HUNDRED ENGIIVINOGS. 'Thousands of volauies ape preseroed for hihnding and referenee. The practical reoeipti are well worth ten tinu•te the qubaipstiu price, Terms *$ a year iy mail. , Liseoent to C(lubs. Siecitelntns suent free. May be bad of all News Deal-es. PATENTS. In connection with the Scienfific tmerican, Messrs Muon & Co. are Solicitors of .\tmerieanu and Foreign Patents, alnd halve the lurgest estabhlishmest in the world. More than fifty thoustid -a pplic: tions have ibeen lulde for patents through their agency. Patents are obtailned on the best terms, Models of New inventions and sketches ex amined andt advice free. All patsuts lamr published in the Scientific ;LAmrieaa tlme week they issue. Sendi flr Pamiphlet, 110 pages, cointainiit.g l-aws a.ndl full directions for obtaining Patents. Aihtllrss for Ihe Pilper, or .oncerniug Pat- lits., MI'NN & Co., :r7 Park Row, N. Y. Bhlaillo-li f)ieL', eior. l*' nid 7th St., Washing- ton, I). C. THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY' This unrivalled Southern Jlwedycl is war ranted net to contain a single partircl vt MAERuclIvt , or any injitiolt lnineral l nu- atlltce, but is Purely Vegcetable, containing those Southern RMoot and lierls. which an allwise Providenen haa Iplaeed in countries where Liver i isease smuostprevail. IT wlinl,aL.CE Al.l D)lss-AiEs. CAUt•SL) HY I)E- RIlAN;EIt;NT Iof TII: LIVvER A'%ND BOWELS. Simmons' Liver erulator, or Ledicrine Is enmincntly a Fa•ily M'edicine; and by being kept ready tfor imntediate resort will save In"ny an hour of seffering ands many a dollar in time and doctmin' biles. After over Felty- Years' trial it i still re- ecivig t; the most uanutalified testimonials to its virtues front persons of the highest char- arter ;.dl ri ajonrihility. Etinent physicians titolnull•ld it .ts tlw mluot. Eifectwal MpetiEc for Dytpep- wila or Indstleon. Armed witlh this ANTII)OTE. all climates and c-,anges ttf water and foodi -nt. he faced withott felar. At a ltcmecdy in MALAM IOt)US FEVEIS. BOWEL COMPLAINTS tRESTLESSNESS, JAUNDIC('E. NAU"SE.\ I'T' Hi4$ NO EQUAL. It is the (cleapest, Puresat and Best Family Medicine in the World! M.StANFACTUIRED ONLY BY, J. II. ZEII.N ie CO., MA('ON, (G.. and Pi ILIr ELPHIA. I'rice. $1tUi Sold by all l)ruggists

Transcript of eomalbunlbillc blit. ADVERTISERS' GAZET't, ByWe hetar that the Stonewalls of Ib-erville and the...

Page 1: eomalbunlbillc blit. ADVERTISERS' GAZET't, ByWe hetar that the Stonewalls of Ib-erville and the Ilaycutters of New River anticipate challenging the IBurnsidces shortly, and we hope

eomalbunlbillc blit.Office in frescent Place.

Subscription Price, Three Dollars a Year.


Fourth Judicial District.[Comprisinlg the pirishes of Asecs,•ioin . St.

.James, St. John the Baptist awl. St. Charles.]District Judge,...........)Othello J. Fla1gg.District Attorney ........ Morris M:arlks.

Seventh Senatorial District.[Comprising the p rishe, of Ascension and

,St. James.]State Senator .. ........Georp," E. Bwllue.

Parish of Ascension.Representative,........... 'ierre Lauiry.

.........-.. Chries N. iLewis.

Parish Judge,...........J. ohn A. ('heevers,Parish Attorney........... rederik )uffel.

C'lhrk of the Court .......l. I)n D.t'autey.iRecorder................ ( ler•.' (; oe.k s,Secretary. .............. Oct:lve Terrio,Treasurer,................. Ch isti in Kliiie,Tax Collector...........L. E- Beutly.Sheriff ...... ............. Aaron M ii.ail l'PHici:iu ............. %'. M. McCalli;ard.Official Journal.......... Don'ville CIIEF.

]'OLICE JunoRs.--Pierre LaIdry, I'resi-

aeut; J. I. Ilebert, Louis LeIhttiu., ]'Inlry

hleywan, ILillery Rice.

]io. t. OF Scolioti, DIR•tTOIts.-Pie'irit"e

Landry, Presidtent ; Rodolphce Brand. Secre-

tary and Tresurer; U. 11. Hill. ('harlhs N.

L*vwis. Jacob \Varuer, Jackson Starks. L. E.lentliey.

Town of Donaldsonville.Matr .....................V W eiin,.henek,Attorney .............. Edw. N. 1'ugh.Secrt.t i y.................I n)al Isralel.'i'reasurerl ................( hristia I jil nl,

As•aar .................. IAug ,. Be•tet•i.' V,('ullhvte I .................. Frederic.k Fo'bh,,

jriuter ................. Morris Mai k".

l'harf t-Mster ........... R alphael Mousse.

Market Lese.e,. ........... Gustave. Illgas,Ferrv Lessee.............. Michel Lanou,Constablh................. Louis Lefort.


Ji. IAmunn, Jos. urbrlridge.......!•. \Vd.lolwbrt Noel, ........ .h. '

John F. Link, Joseph Jolhnon,....3rd


Daily 'uas.senger Troin-Ia'aves New Or-leaus at 8 A. M.: Arrives in Donaldson-rille at 12:15 P. M.

Returning (Stundays excepted), lI.Leaves I)on-

aldsonville at 1:15 P. M.; Arrives in New

Orleans at 5 P. M1.

h'uunday Passengei Trait--Il.eves New Or-leans as above, arri\nllg in D)onaldsonvilhe

at 12 M.lteturning. Leaves D)onaldsonville at 2 P.

Mi.; Arrives in New Orlenus at 6:30 P. 31,Freighl Train erach ray erer ohilier day.Trains stop at all way stations.


Saturday, July 18, 1874.|_•. • -- ....-


The Mayor has a proclamnation in

this issue of the i('ive EV lit ie to

striay dogs. On)witers of canil's x ill

take notice.

C:aulidtl:es fir ofli'e are as plenti-

fill as Ilackhlaetries in .Janle, 1 i1 as

polite as you iplease to ever\"y ,:r

in the eommuuiaiity.

ThIe et, " Coggin," to a ias :A-lmanred froti our sight and dia.gged

his forty million mile tail behind him

(lone to a visit' to China, we pict ii.

The attentioi of tax payers is called

to the notice of the C :lectoar, pub-

lished in this issue. The parish tax

for the year 187.3 is now due, and

prompt payment thereof is urged up-

ao property holders.

It is rumored that the Lewder news-

paper is to be resuscitated next week

by its former proprietor, Morris

Marks, Esq. 1We shall welcome a

colleagne in slolorl'ting the Repub-

lican nominees this campaign.

Bayou I,afourche is so low that tie.

Lizzie Hopkiils e.an no longer lmavigate

the stream, but transfers her freight

to flat-boats at the ferry lauding. The

lHopkins is the ~oly boat in the trade

pow, and we doubt if she is making a


Tie )onaldsonvillo rai'road has

been seized by the $l;eriff of Jefferson

parish by order of Court rendered in

the matter of the State rs. Frank

Ames and others, and is being opera-

ted by that otlicial penling its sale,

which will take plaee soon.

Wilkinson, the news dealer, author-

izes us to announce that he will pre-

sent to every person who leaves a

yearly subscription for the CHIE'F at

)iis depot a handsome chromo-litho-

graph, giving the subscriber his

choice from a large assortment.

We are gratified to chronicle that

M. Mitchell, of Kramer, Mitchell & Co.

has recovered from quite a severe at-

tack of illness, and sorry to state thatMr. Thos. Emmett, the " Co. " of the

same firm, is now suffering in his

tern. We hope le may soon be up


J. C. Mathieu, Esq. has our sincere

thanks for several plates of fine figs

sent to the CIEF otffce during the last

week. We like figs and every body

who sends them tous. Mrs, A. Gingry

has also favored us with sonme of thel

luscious fruit for which ue return


There is a movement afoot for adramatic performnaeo to be shortly

given here for the benifit of the Ama-

teur Dramatic Association, to enable

them to purchace costumnes, new

acenery, etc. In view of the amusing"

and instructive ertertainr en$s al-

ready afforded our people by this as-

sociation, we trust a performance lor

their own benefit will be largely at-tended.


luan named M. Church writes firon

Savoy. Texas, seeking inf!ormation

of his sou. John S. (Chrch. aged '6i

years, six feet in height. dark htiu

and eyes and weighs ahnt 1-1)

pounds. When last heard fromn, in1870, he was in the southerl n part of

Louisiana, lnear sonime strea of Stwater,

making and shipping shingles.

The Town Constable gave C. Kline's

greyhound a dose of l!iisen " the

other day and the dog canme within

an ace of departing this life. Mr. K.

declares lie would have entered a

damage suit against the town it his

pet had died, so an interesting piece

of litigation has been avoided through

the obstinacy of that greyhound iin

refusing to peg out like any common

cur would have done under the cir-


The removal of Mr. Lefevre's club-

house has been effected and the pat-

rons of the institution will find it

now at the corner of Railroad Avenue

and lIherville streets. En passlant.

we learn that the old horse that toiled

so faithfully at the capstan used in

moving the house took a notion to

die the other day, whether from over

exertion or for the purpose of shirk-

ing further labor we are not prepared

to determine.

A daily /tage now leaves Napoleon-

ville at 6 A. M1. for Donaldsouville,

connecting with the railroad here,

leaving for the return trip upon the

arrival of the train. This stage also

connects at Napoleonville tri-weekly

with the U. S. mail carrier for Thib-

odetaux, thus affording excellent fa-

cilities for persons so desiring to

reach any point on iBayou lantourche

between here and that town. We

wish this new enterprise the success

it, justly merits.

l'i::sox,\i.-'The mail ag'e ts have

hI id us under repeated oblligaltions f,

kiinnsm's- a!!nd so has M'di". 'i•u.uoiis

the coitiih :iesa clOl ttilir of tii!ii dliil-

\Vc had Ile hli sur dol'u!:<ting 900-

::tut ihuni.','•' an M . ".T . ,l,!,'k- n. Es q.

o' the .<t..Ianwt s .nti;n`,t! tt1pon the nc-canion of i rip lto N w (,h,:tes this

w•c lk. 'wih h ttitlc. n tlcl l ,.&!i'in-

s is.l . I1 -ps -ak hos fu'ls l i i;0 ' 'c .ni!.i' •r ! anid politlc ~l i outl,ok in .

l(irhedl to his old stamitdpin ground ill

St. Jam.es, daubed on his \war paint

and enitereld til political arena in fa-

vor of himself for ln'leber of the State

Hlouse of Representatives anid of Mr.

D)ibble for miemlier (of the National

lhouse, if we are corectly informiid.

Mr. 1Iunsaker has nmany frienids in St.Jaeis atnd the .aculty of making many

more, and we shall not lie grcatly

surprised if hie proves sncessful in

carrying oult Ilis-pogra;nlme this fall.

Attorney General A. P. Field, ac-oml)pani(ed lby his trusty valet " Col "

Bush and I10) pounds of ice, passed

through here Tuiesdayv mlorning on

his way to Naploleonville to represent

the State in the prosecuttion against

the Eastwood murderers at Napoleon -

ville. The dGeneral seems to have lost

none of his ancient vitality, and( the

State has no more vigorous and faith-

ful officer. When he takes a case in

hand the criminalis invariabtly get their

just deserts.

At a meeting of Republicans held

in St. James oin the 4th inst., the fiio-

lowing resolutions were adopted unoan-

imously :

"le it re,'sol'd. That we the peopleof the parish of St. James do he'artilyendorse and accord with the action ofthe I)istrict Convention wlich lmet inD)onaldsouville, June 20th, 187-, andthat we with one accord do endorselion. P. Landry as our choice for Sen-ator from the 7th Senatorial Districtof Louisiana.

1e it further resolved, That a copy-lof these resolutions be forwarded tothe Hon. P. Landry, and that they e(also published in the official 9rgansof the party in the parishes of St.James and Ascension.

BASE BALL.-The Burnsi&'s camei

to grief in the match game with the

Invincibles last Sundaiy, the score be-

ing 22 to 17 in favor of the latter

club. The Invincibles •layed a good,

game and overcame their opponents

by superior batting, the fielding ofthe Burusides being rather the better

of the two, but owi• to the fact that

they have not practiced for nearly

six mnonths only two or three of the

nine Were able to strike the luall.

With a little lpractice our townu nine

can easily defeat the J)tvinciblcs, anm!d

we anticipate that this statement will

be verified at an early day by a sec-

odl alniate between these clubs. The

New River nine were of cotrse jubi-

lant over the result of nunday's

match, taudt the best of feeling pre-vailed between the contestants. The

,umpiring of Mr. Dennis Dunn was

universally coytmended, and lie was

nccorded three rousing cheers at the

conclusion of the game. We appendherewith the score in detail:

~ - -- -------- --NIN C sr .iE. (t. R. i Bt l csl:l . O. R.

Minor, II. D. 1 b 3 3 Leche. c f 5 1Branid. 1'. E. I f 2 4 Te:.:rPney. s s 5 1Iludge-, 1). I 5 1 leBil ne, 3 b 1 nItralud. A. s s 3 "itnthy, e 2(lniitrcin. L. e itj 5 Protlitt, r " 3 0Lantdrv. V. 2 b 1 1 Franklin, l b 4 1Bert.a:ll. T. e f 5 1 DIutflI p "2 3lhibin. r f 4 i0 Francis I f 3 12Smith. XW, 3 b 3 , Sharp , b 2 3

Total .7 0: Total 27 17

lntiugs.......... . 1 2 13 I ; 8 19

117l ..iurni d ...... .... I 2 ,Ullpirc-lDnnis D1un. Es 1 . of New Or-

leans.Neirers--I). D)uhoits, Esq. for Invincible,

W. (. Wilkinson. Esq. for Burinsle,

We hetar that the Stonewalls of Ib-

erville and the Ilaycutters of New

River anticipate challenging the

IBurnsidces shortly, and we hope they

will do so.

It is also rumored that the Assump-

tion nine will be reorganized before

many weeks and that they also are

anxious to give the Donaldsonvilleboys a tussle. Come on, say we,

and welcome.



State of Louisiana,

Parish of Ascension--Parish Cou rt.SUC(''ES IOX OF MRS. GEI'I"TUI)E


Wiherc:as. Adolph Lelinec has petitionedto lhe holnorable. the. Parishl Court. to be ap-pointd A .\ininistrator of the above entit ld

Si cesaion.

Nti'c is hericely given to all whomt it itaycoll l'lern. t ' show causo if ;a "y they havt or

can. wlhy the petition slahuld not be granted::s the law directs.

13v crder of said C'ourt.

X\'iitncs HIouh. Jno. A. ('hetvers. Judge of

said Partish (ourt, Parish of A(scend.iou.

Clerk's otlicc. July 10th, 1874.JNO. D. CANTEY.



Nlrate of Louisian;a,

I Parish Sif Asc(ension-Plarish Court.JII.LtX 11EIL,

rs. io. -141,.JAC'OIB KAh 1IT[.lN.

1i virtue of and in olbdiettc to a writ offt. te issied by tlhe, honorhable Parish Court,in and for thi.lptrislh of Asccttiot, dated

tl, 1lth of .ly t '. 1`74, nd1 to ite directed intih, it,,i' entiitled :and inuilllibet'd (ai•S'. Ih1:1 c ized a ed will sell :+t pualic auction,

t', the highest ,and las

t hidder. ull lhe pront-ists oftli dcfii. tlotutlih t, ill the towni of Pilrtliarro.. .ppmite the old tMairy landing insaid townV, te

Saturday the First day of August.1874,

:t 11 o'-!oclk A. 31.. the follow ing d .iscrlibtdmi\,hable propiertv. llerl'haudiei , e' e:

A l1oi of dry gootds, lhoits, slhins. crockery,ti a;ntl gl.lo. walrt etc.T, ra w and u o ditions:

('ah. ill, lluitild Stats ':creasury n i ' es.

AA1ION HILL, Sheriff.

Sherifft's otice, lP'rish of Aseensioit. July

lith. 1"7 I.

Republican Parish Commzuitee.SPECIAL MEETINt;.

Dl x.1tl.su.; 11.Iti . L... .luly 18th, 18, 4.

The 'epnblicanu l'arti.t Executive ('oei-

mitte mi't at I11 o'clock this Iday, presidc;tt

I.tlltdiry ill the chail' ttwenty ci l.l crl,1l il

were not ri-i tnized.

.\a:itn 1lill ot redl tihe f thlwing rI-solu-

titos whiich were adlpted unnimonsly :Itc.mrl d. Tlh t ;ta Parish ('on','entio i;,r

thi' i iiniinltiiii of" I-ipresei atii-es to liheState ILegishltmue and .. il Parish Of)ticICs he;1111 is LIe' cil ci tlthid ,, ilicet in thii tow ll of

t" .hilt. 187-, tit t- i clock. A. 1.

1c it Jurithr', ri.orcd, ThaIt thie rcprcscln-iatii to sid .Co vltlOll ft'lo t.,ll he dtltegrt nt

words i t'he lrish shail lll bI ibe nele-gate irc-- iry lit'tt Ripn blit.o u Ni tes itii t i tt the

gRl-ctl;ll ilcir'ion t in 18I2. anilt one dtlegatehI" CYpu " {'l' ll t-ti Stt oivet tolltt -like i Oteu li8

which. ulpln motion., was addp~t d :

tht' Pari.,+h Convenrtioi all.d, for lth. win!1-utinit of parislh ,It•clt's ,otn St, tltday, Jultt

The following resolutitn, otitered by Fred.ttitb. was atlipti.d ftcr discu.eisitt:

RsolIrcd, '['h:at thi, ttttlittts of this oe it-

tlitte repo't at once thce ,Repubilicau organ-

izatiouns in hair respective wards, beginningw iththe hil -t 7tid.

-uetheer reso!re'd. That u•n(e but the or-.aiLiziatitoll- so reptlirtiet a1litt recognllzed bi1this• counnl itti e :-hall Ihe icltitled to rcl:e st ,-

t0utn ill au y lpli(nblieau Conventlol or

other ioti\d thai;t may hereafter be held oriLtouId b oricer of this coumnittee.

Arthur Burnett presented a preamble and

resolution declaring the Executive Coir

inittee Is at piresent organized null and void,

and providing for reorganization thereof.

These were tabled with but one dissenting


Inu a;ccortlanue with the resolttion of Fred.

Folbb, reports of the IRepultican clubs in the

various \iwarl were called for:

First ward-C 5 j.ewis and Louis Butler

each cl;aimed to be Ipresident of the central

club of this ward. Upon muotiion of L. E. Bent-

t v a commuittee of fii was appointed to in-

vestigate the matter, as tbllows :L. E. Bent-

lev, Nathan Iays, Aaron lill, Owen Wihite

and Cubiit Jackson.

A recess of ten minutes was taken to altowthel columittee time to prepare a report,

which. at the exptiration of tche recess, was

-submiptled as follows :

To tie President and tetlebers of the ParishConmini tte'

C IN.iE\x--YO:Iar cotlllnitt.c teg leaveto report that they have exunitined Xes srs.'. N. Lewis and Louis Buth r utpotu t,- ctn-

test in the s ward, each claiing ito li'Presid,-nt i the Cenitral WVarn Cltl, and

t. alutot'rize our chairmani to ronder a verbil reportt oft' said nitv-stigatiou. andl reclom-

mnd th!lalt Mr. Louis BIutler btreognized .a sl'resident of the First Ward Central Club.


OWEN WHIITE.Scond Vl Ward Central Club-P. A. Jones

p'resient. W. W. Buford secretary.Third WuWrd Central Club-(*eo. Turner

Sr,'sident, Joe l)egriuse secretary.

Fouirth Ward Central ('lub-P. Landry

presidlent. L. E. Bentley secretairy.Fifth Ward Central ('iub--A. Braudy

pircsident, . II. Hill secretary.Sixth VWard Centlral Club-liandal Cole

president, Jos. Carter sacretlar'y.

Seventh Wartd Central C'lub--(randison

lint-iett presidcent, Arthur Burnett secre-


Eighth Ward Central ('lub-Eli Clay

pr11sident, Nd llill shecretary.Various sub-cluits were' also reported but

all iun harmony and recognizing the aboveas the Central Clubs ofthe respective wards.

Upon iotion the above list was adopted

and recognize:d in accordance with Mr.l.,hb's resolatioiu.

The coinumittee thelln adjourned.I'. LANDRY, Presidnlt.

L. E. ,nxTLFa:Y, Secretary.

Proceedings of the Police Jury,Parish of Ascension.SPECIAL MEETING.

CotURT-HousE;. July 1t6, 1874.

Mienmbers p'resenlt.-i-on. P. Landry, presi-

dcnt; Messrs .1. B. iHebiert, II. Heyimtn,Louis LeBlanc and Hillery Mice.

II. O. Maher, lEsq.,twa-.lected temporary

Secretary in the absence of the plrmitent


The lcading of the iniuites of the last

m'eting was displensed with.

On motion of Mr. J. B. Hebert duly sec-

onded, the following resolutions were

adopted :

\ViiERt.AIs, BIV rtsolutions of this bodty,adopted on the l.Zth day otf .Jufe, 18741. amethod was prescribed for the levy and etl-lectiou of the parish tax of 1873, which wvi

find, upon cousultation with the Tax Col-I lector, to be cumbersome and altogether

impracticable, owing to the great numllnl'rof items into which the approximate esti-mI aitc of exlenses is divitded : thbrefore,

lie it r-lcored. That the follQtviuog resoln-

tios. nuttambered 1. , 3 alnd "l. dOptlitted upon

tlhe dlateh atoreiunid, I, and the same areherelch relethd:

No. 1. " BIe it tlherefore enacted by the'Police Jurv of Ascelsiou iin sessjion conveneld,

That it shall be the duty of thl Assessor andTax Colleetor in making out the assessl-ntiiunder said Estinutte, andl the tax hills there-undllller, to make olt t a s'uperate assessment

g2ainst itch tax payer showinlg the amounltduei by hiui for taxe-s nuifer andl for eai l

'I t er;tte itemn of expenditure on said esti-

No. :. " B•i it farther enatctied, etc., That:aid tax hills shall Ie untlll out so that the

assestInllt tnder e eI.h special itill isall lte-

.in ils spceial ttxes filr that special item."iN. 3. " lie it further iuicurted. etc.. That

wliteni the tax colletor collects said taxes,tit, hall hieat-eh amioiunt received bty himto the credit of tihe particulalir special tiax tirwhich it was paid, and on n1o ae•notut shall

I he place the liilnies -ollti'tetd or to le iol-ict-ted lte hliu into it genti- ral fuiid. so thai

in his setIlemieut with thie P'arish hTreastiertiiit, ltter shall be ; able to placie the a'iioonlits

io olleted to the erediit of lparticuiltirspceial funds.'"

No. 4. ie it tI'rther enacted, e-tc., Thaltthe ltax collector shall eollth't alit receive inlpayment f said taxes fir the current fiscal

arir tolll ilninhg on the 1st ofJaulary 117-1,

aul einding oil the 31st of DLeceutl er I875.ollpt Uniteitl States ctttrrency, proiided, how-Sever, thot p rip, warrants or the 'alid cv-id.lce of'tlebts aigainst tilth' p::is, issIedifor delts ine 'ti' tot to-in-i-nt ,ear, atsessied

ail levied uinder lthe estilate of texpelndlitures adopted by the Police Jur•u on theP5ih dtha o ,f a:, -1l, hitil be receitvahble inptiin, lit of th;e (artiu•lat special tax fIr

thei painiynment of which the tax was collected."1t,!? be it etacti:dl, That the Tax Collector

slllu! collect ullld receive inl paylment of the

pairish taxeis of 1873 only Uliitled States coui-ret•ev orl duly appro'vedi' iiiil egistefed oevi-

dineits iof cltiimns aigainst thIe pliurish. issued

foir debts due fto ttlhr current year of 1874.under the estimate of expelnditures aidolitedbv the Police Jury oil the :25thi of May. 1874 ;pi'ovided. htoweTr,. that the two ntill schooliltx tndt the special t.x Iivieil to siatiefy the

j udgncnt of C. Klinc iagainst the uiarish, becollccted only in cash, as the latw directs.

7It 3 .-. J. I. l'h'e-t

Be ii resolred, T[hat the itcoi (it of U. N.Fiis for profesiional s."rvic's ;tand costs ofprinting brief in the sutit of 'Th ma's Bradyrs. No. l8,•, the l'arish of .scension, be andthe satne is hereby aplroved.[Bc ii t'uoltr resl',ced, That a tax be as-

secssed ild levied on the asnse ssluent roll ofthei ricelit yea(r at a siititheient rate percentul tlo pay said claim, anil that the Tax

('oilcetor proeeed to collect the samlle ic-cording to law.

Adolpted.The followiug petition from V. Cantrelle.

.',Corone'r, was receive I andil read :

sI•)NAI.LSONyVI.I.E, July l1th, 1871.

'To the P'rcsidei t and members of the Police

Jury of Ascension :

(NTI.I:;MFS-f wouldl respectfully calliyourattention to the fact that the C'oroner's

appriopiationt is exhausted, owilig to thefact that my lpred ecessor has beet drawingonil tle aoliult lit silt idie ifo the present vearfor the Coroner's fee; a:lal also that the(Cor'outr'"s Juries are paid out of the saitlp ap-propritlion, thus leaving Time without ap-propri;tion to diraw against.

I xi ould therefiiti, ask that youtr hontorabhlehodly imake souie provision that 1 may heena-uild to haile iiiy claimls against the pa'-ish regi.tered.'

lteslictfully suilbmitted.,V. CANTRIIELLE, C'orouer.

On motion of Mir. LeBlaue:

The Tl'reasulrer is instructed to cancel hisbooks as regards the Coronler'8 applropri-ation.


Iy AIr. I1ebert :Be it resolred. That thle law prohililting

i hogs to ruin at lalge in til- 7thl ward of theparish tof' Ascension, undler date of- , inand the saae is hereby repealed.

A dopted.By hMr. Itelb.rt:

liesolred. That when any claims againstthe parish are presented to the "Treasur'r forregi•strl, iecortdilg to sectioll 2611 IReviseidIStatut'es, lie shall carefully scrutinize thei :me. atnd if they fail to show the year forwhich the same were incurred, he .s'all notrigister the saute. If thy- ,e for debts till'tilior to the let of Janlluary 17-, tihey shallbe registered by the Treasurer. anut fuy himI harged to the proper funid applropriatedtherefor for the year for t whici the same re-speetively belong. andif for debts due forthe eul:rent year, then only to bw registeredawider the aplroprirate item for .aid year.which last alonm shall ht receivyabl in pao-meat of taxes for said current yeir.

Adopl eal.By lMr. llebert:Be it resolred. That the lawraulthorizing

the Collcetr of ttaxes to levy a special par-is' tax oft five thousand dollars under dateof -- Ie and the sam te is hereby repealed.


By Mlr. leyman :lie it resolved. hat the jariec att ading

Colroert • il e.-•1s be hereafter paid out ofthe arppropriations for Grand and 'ttitJunrie.

Adopted.A detailed bill from A. S. l)arrow, E.sq.,

for work on the levees during the high waterof April, 1874, by various persons thereinnaimed, amonuting to eighty two dollars,was referred to the Board of Levee Coam-niissionlers.

A sriilar bill from J. 1). Cantey, Esq.,amounting to seventy-nine dollars andtwenty cents, was referred as above.

The following bills were approved:

Sheriff, for artieles furnished foruse in jail ............................. 18 75Shertt'f" bill for services in the suit

of the Parish of Ascension rs. C. F.iSmithi for..........................4 00

A bill of the Sheriff of the parish of Iber-

vyile, for twenty-seven dollars was referred

to the Contunittee on Claims.(On motion of Mr. LeBlane the Polioe Jury


President.A true copy :

11. O, M.NER,Secretary pro le,a.


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; i_7 The CuIEi-- ltaviuug been designatedby the proper authority O)tlicial Journal of

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