EOI - Partnership Window Cost Sharing Grants - May 2012

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  • 7/31/2019 EOI - Partnership Window Cost Sharing Grants - May 2012


    Expression of Interest

    Partnership Window - Cost-Sharing Grants

    May 2012

    Closing Date & Time: 30th June, 2012, 1700 hours

    USAIDs Agribusiness Project

    Agribusiness Support Fund


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    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents...................................................................................................2


    On-farm Support Initiative for Farmers / Corporate Farming.................................4

    Agriculture Associations and Cooperatives Support Program..................................5

    Challenge Grants Program.....................................................................................6

    Lead Company Grants Program..............................................................................7

    Private Sector Extension Services Initiative...........................................................8

    Research & Development Support Program............................................................9

    How to Apply.......................................................................................................10

    Other Award Steps: Survey, Grant Agreement and Disbursement Mode................11

    List of Annexes....................................................................................................12

    Annex-A: Expression of Interest (EOI) Format.....................................................13

    Annex-B: Ineligible Applicants, Activities and Unallowable Costs.........................20

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    Agribusiness Support Fund (ASF) is a not-for-profit company incorporated under section 42 of the

    Companies Ordinance 1984. ASF is currently implementing a 5-year USAIDs Agribusiness Project

    (UAP) with the overall goal to support improved conditions for broad-based economic growth, create

    employment opportunities and contribute to poverty alleviation through increase in competitiveness of

    horticulture and livestock value chains. The project is designed to address the problems and

    constraints impeding the development of agriculture sector of Pakistan and to stimulate private sector

    investment in the target high value sectors.

    Overall Goal

    To support improved conditions for broad-based economic growth, create employment

    opportunities and contribute to poverty alleviation through increase in competitiveness of

    horticulture and livestock value chains in partnership with all stakeholders

    Specific Objectives

    To strengthen the capacity in horticulture and livestock value chains to increase sales todomestic and foreign markets;

    To strengthen the capacity of smallholders and farmer enterprises to operate autonomouslyand effectively; and

    To increase agriculture efficiency and productivity through adoption of new farming techniquesand technological innovation among targeted beneficiaries.

    One of the key components of the project is the cost-sharing grants program, offering a wide range of

    customized grant products to all the actors, across the target value chains, including input suppliers,

    farmers, farmer enterprise groups, associations, processors, transporters, cool-chains, exporters,research institutions, agri-extension service providers etc. This document contains information about

    the grant funding opportunities available under the following sectors:

    1. Horticulture (including fruits, vegetables, floriculture)

    2. Livestock (including dairy, meat, fisheries)

    The following cost-sharing grant funding opportunities are available under the program:

    a) On-farm support initiative for farmers / corporate farming

    b) Agriculture associations and cooperatives support program

    c) Challenge grants program

    d) Lead company grants program

    e) Private sector extension services initiative

    f) Research & development support program

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    On-farm Support Initiative for Farmers /

    Corporate Farming

    Nature of Funding

    This category of grant support aims to assist new and existing producers with start up or

    expansion costs related to the target high value horticulture and livestock sectors, with

    special focus on value-addition and innovation. This program offers cost-sharing grants for

    procurement of technical and business planning services, and for equipment,

    infrastructure or other capital improvements needed to implement strategies

    recommended through the planning process. The support will be provided to assist

    farmers and corporate producers to develop their farms into commercially viable

    operations and to diversify into the high-value agriculture sectors. The matching grants

    will enable participating farmers to access innovative agricultural production technology,

    inputs (such as seed, feed, fertilizer and machinery), post-harvest practices/technology,

    storage and output delivery mechanisms and linkages to market. All activities supported

    under this subcomponent will primarily be carried out at the farm level. Examples of

    possible activities include dairy production and processing, private sector input supply

    enterprises (such as nurseries), livestock production and processing, production, post-

    harvest handling and processing of high-value fresh fruits and vegetables, and on-farm

    storage and production.

    Who can apply?

    Eligible applicants include farmers and enterprises interested in setting up and / or

    enhancing on-farm production and allied facilities.

    Available Funding & Cost-sharing Requirements

    Depending on the nature of project, the applicants can apply for funding between the Pak

    Rupees equivalent of $1,000 to $15,000. In exceptional cases ASF may consider requests

    for higher funding. In any case, the total grant funding will not exceed 50% of the total

    eligible project costs. Applicants will be required to finance at least 50% of the cost of

    project from their own resources. Applications where applicants proposed cost share is

    more than 50% will be preferred.

    Applications will be processed on a first-come first-served basis.

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    Agriculture Associations and Cooperatives

    Support ProgramNature of Funding

    This category of grant support aims to provide assistance for up-scaling, strengthening

    and building on already existing agriculture networks (such as mango, date and citrus

    associations, cooperatives and other similar registered platforms) as well as clusters of

    ongoing farmer enterprise group programs. The unregistered grower, producer groups

    proposing to register themselves into legally registered entities (associations, cooperatives

    etc.) and developing their managerial, organizational and representation capacities and

    then implementing commercially viable agribusiness activities will also be eligible to apply.

    This support component focuses on development of structured umbrella organizations in

    the agribusiness sector that are able to play an enhanced role in priority setting anddecision-making for the benefit of their members. The associations will engage in greater

    commercially-oriented activities and sustainability will be ensured through integration of

    value adding activities including input supply, extension services, collection of produce,

    storage, processing, and marketing to maximize the returns on the investments of their

    members. Examples of possible activities include establishment of common facility centers,

    association-based extension services, marketing groups, on-farm cold storages & pack-

    houses, small scale processing etc.

    Who can apply?

    Eligible applicants include farmer enterprise group clusters, farmers associations,

    cooperatives, business associations and other relevant registered platforms. Other similar

    establishments, including farm service centers, proposing to register themselves into

    legally registered entities (associations, cooperatives etc.) will also be eligible for support.

    Available Funding & Cost-sharing Requirements

    Depending on the nature of project, the applicants can apply for grant funding between

    the Pak Rupees equivalent of $5,000 to $20,000. In exceptional cases ASF may consider

    requests for higher funding. In any case, the total grant funding will not exceed 50% of

    the total eligible project costs. Applicants will be required to finance at least 50% of the

    cost of project from their own resources. Applications where applicants proposed cost

    share is more than 50% will be preferred.

    Applications will be processed on a first-come first-served basis.

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    Challenge Grants Program

    Nature of Funding

    This category of grant support aims to provide support to new and/or existing

    agribusinesses (processors, exporters, cool- chains, packagers, transporters, value-

    addition activities etc.) that have an innovative approach to agri- business/agriculture but

    are having difficulty in finding investors or obtaining financing to turn their idea into a

    working product. Challenge Grants will focus on support for the introduction of new

    methods to improve the ability of industrial and other off-farm agricultural processors to

    add value to agricultural commodities. This grant will also provide support to suppliers of

    goods and services to agricultural producers and processors, who are attempting to reach

    new clients in difficult to serve or underserved regions. Finally, these funds may be used to

    increase access or gain entry to new high-value domestic and export markets. Examples ofpossible activities include vegetable and fruit canning, juice production, fish processing,

    frozen vegetables, meat processing (sausages, canned), abattoir etc.

    Who can apply?

    Eligible applicants include start-ups/expansions by partnership concerns, private limited

    companies, public limited companies engaged in agribusiness activities.

    Available Funding & Cost-sharing Requirements

    Depending on the nature of project, the applicants can apply for grant funding between

    the Pak Rupees equivalent of $10,000 to $100,000. In exceptional cases ASF may consider

    requests for higher/lower funding. In any case, the total grant funding will not exceed

    50% of the total eligible project costs. The applicants will be required to finance at least

    50% of the cost of project from their own resources. Applications where applicants

    proposed cost share is more than 50% will be preferred.

    Where deemed appropriate and depending on the nature of project, the challenge grants

    might be structured to provide grant support in combination with a variety ofparticipatory

    support mechanisms including facilitation of Buyer-Seller Contracts and Quasi-Equity

    instruments such as Revenue Participation Agreements. Allied fee-based intermediary

    services might also be provided to leverage additional funds from financial institutions,

    investment agencies and third-party providers in order to facilitate maximum scalability of

    the venture.

    Applications will be processed on a first-come first-served basis.

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    Lead Company Grants Program

    Nature of Funding

    This category of grant support will provide companies with the additional capital needed to

    grow and expand their enterprise. Lead grants will primarily focus on the stimulation of

    large-scale private sector investment in the agribusiness sector (off-farm ventures) with

    specific focus on high potential underserved regions of the country. An essential

    prerequisite for partnership under this support category will be the need to

    demonstrate that the investment will integrate smallholder farmers into the value chain,

    create job opportunities, enhance incomes and effectively contribute to reducing overall

    poverty. This category of grant encourages Leads to invest in high-risk marginalized

    zones and establish linkages to farmers in those areas. The program targets agro-

    processing companies with interest in innovative and market driven investment

    opportunities, and it will serve to mitigate the costs and risks for prospective investors.

    Examples of possible activities include milk processing in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, fruit

    collection / processing in Baluchistan and dates processing in Sindh.

    Who can apply?

    Eligible applicants include start-ups/expansions by partnership concerns, private limited

    companies, public limited companies engaged in agribusiness activities.

    Available Funding & Cost-sharing Requirements

    Depending on the nature of project, the applicants can apply for grant funding between

    the Pak Rupees equivalent of $500,000 to $1,500,000. In exceptional cases ASF may

    consider requests for higher/lower funding. In any case, Grant funding will not exceed25% of the total eligible project costs. Applicants will be required to finance at least 75%

    of the cost of project from their own resources. Applications where applicants share is

    more than 75% will be preferred. If applicants contribution/equity also includes land then

    it should not constitute more than 50% of applicants cost share.

    Where deemed appropriate and depending on the nature of project, lead grants might be

    structured to provide grant support in combination with a variety of participatory support

    mechanisms including facilitation of Buyer-Seller Contracts and quasi-equity instruments

    such as Revenue Participation Agreements. Allied fee-based intermediary services might

    also be provided to leverage additional funds from financial institutions, investment

    agencies and third-party providers in order to facilitate maximum scalability of theventure.

    It is expected that a series of meetings and discussion sessions with the applicant will beheld for finalization of proposed project as well as the funding mechanism.

    Applications will be processed on a first-come first-served basis.

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    Private Sector Extension Services Initiative

    Nature of Funding

    This category of grant support aims to provide support to individuals/entities which are

    involved or seek to be involved in the provision of extension services to farmers as part of

    their business. The support will cover infrastructure development, equipment, capacity

    building, overheads, and other related costs incurred by the service providers in delivery of

    agriculture extension services. The private sector extension services may be stand-alone

    commercial services or part of an integrated services program encompassing the entire

    value chain (inputs, production, packing, logistics and market access). The services may

    include (but not be limited) commercially based training and development of farmers in

    good agriculture practices (GAPs), training and development of farmers in good animal

    husbandry practices, market linkages and access, bulk buying facilities for inputs, market

    intelligence services, advice on livestock and dairy production and products, and advice on

    crop and pest management etc.

    Who can apply?

    Existing private sector extension service providers, farmer associations, individuals or

    firms proposing to commence private sector extension services, processors, exporters,

    brokerage firms, lead retailers and electronic/print media and information dissemination

    service providers.

    Available Funding & Cost-sharing Requirements

    Depending on the nature of project, the applicants can apply for grant funding between

    the Pak Rupees equivalent of $10,000 to $50,000. In exceptional cases ASF may consider

    requests for higher funding. In any case, the total grant funding will not exceed 50% ofthe total eligible project costs. Applicants will be required to finance at least 50% of the

    cost of project from their own resources. Applications where applicants proposed cost

    share is more than 50% will be preferred.

    Applications will be processed on a first-come first-served basis.

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    Research & Development Support Program

    Nature of FundingThis category of grant aims to support demand-driven research by private or public sector

    research institutions leading to increased and better quality production and improved

    production processes, or to meet an identified market demand. Examples of potential

    projects/activities may include: pilot scale processing units, experimentation with new

    varieties and participatory on-farm research. For research projects, applicants will compile

    a complete guidebook that will describe all processes and steps involved during project.

    ASF can use this guide to further fund projects of similar nature

    Who can apply?

    Eligible applicants include individual farmers/growers, private sector research institutions

    and other relevant private sector entities. Applicants can also collaborate with academicinstitutions for R&D grants.

    Available Funding & Cost-sharing Requirements

    Depending on the nature of project, the applicants can apply for grant funding between

    the Pak Rupees equivalent of $10,000 to $50,000. In exceptional cases ASF may consider

    requests for higher funding. In any case, the total grant funding will not exceed 50% of

    the total eligible project costs. Applicants will be required to finance at least 50% of the

    cost of project from their own resources. Applications where applicants proposed cost

    share is more than 50% will be preferred.

    Applications will be processed on a first-come first-served basis.

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    How to Apply

    Step 1 Review Program InformationThe first step of applying for grants under this announcement is to review the program

    objectives and eligibility criteria described in this document and also available on the

    program website at www.asf.org.pk.

    Step 2 Submission of Expression of Interest (EOI)

    The interested applicants, who meet the eligibility criteria and their proposed project is in

    line with USAIDs Agribusiness Projects objectives, should prepare and submit an

    expression of interest (EOI), as per format provided in Annex A, to ASF by post at 144

    CCA, Sector DD, Phase IV, DHA, Lahore or by email at [email protected].

    This Call for EOI will remain open till 1700 hours, 30th June, 2012. EOIs must reach

    ASF/UAP by the mentioned deadline. EOIs received after the closure of Call will NOT be


    Step 3 EOI Evaluation

    Review, assessment and final decision on the EOI may take a minimum of four weeks.

    Applicants whose EOIs are evaluated successful, will be invited through a Request for

    Application (RFA) to submit a full application. This invitation to submit a full application will

    NOT be an indication that the proposed project has been approved. Since only shortlisted

    applicants will be contacted; therefore, in case any applicant does not hear from ASF

    within six weeks after the submission of EOI, it would mean that their EOIs were not

    shortlisted for the next stage of application process. Kindly refer to Annex A for EOI

    Selection Criteria.

    Step 4 RFA Response - Submission of Detailed Application

    The shortlisted applicants will submit detailed application along with supporting documents

    as per format and instructions provided in the RFA.

    All the applications will be reviewed by the Grants Evaluation Committee and will be

    subject to the final approval of USAID. All the applicants will be notified of final decision on

    their application. The successful applicants will be provided guidance on next steps

    including signing of an appropriate grant agreement in accordance with findings of

    capacity assessment / pre-award review.

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    http://www.asf.org.pk/mailto:[email protected]://www.asf.org.pk/mailto:[email protected]
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    Other Award Steps: Survey, Grant Agreement

    and Disbursement Mode Before making an award, the project will determine whether the applicant has the

    capacity to successfully perform all the grant activities with adequate management,

    financial and administrative oversight. This is called making a responsibility

    determination. The means to determine responsibility may vary depending on the

    nature of the grant and applicant.

    Depending on the result of the responsibility determination, ASF/ USAIDS

    Agribusiness Project may make an award, deny the award, or make an award with

    "Special Award Conditions".

    For large awards where there is a concern that the recipient lacks the necessary

    management and technical competence to plan and carry out an assistance

    program, a formal pre-award survey (i.e. financial and administrative assessment)

    of the prospective recipient may be commissioned.

    After all the above mentioned due diligence is completed, ASF will sign an

    appropriate grant agreement with the successful applicants.

    Grant funds will be disbursed in accordance with the Mandatory Standard Provisions

    Payment Advances and Refunds and, as applicable, Payment Advance or

    Payment Reimbursement, which will be included in the grant agreement.

    ASF at its sole discretion will decide to provide in-kind Grants instead of making

    payments where and when it feels appropriate.

    All grants will be subject to environmental assessment / compliance and will be

    administered according to the relevant USAID rules & regulations.

    ASF/USAID reserves the right to conduct financial reviews or audits and to

    otherwise ensure the adequate accountability of organizations expending grant


    ASF/USAID reserves the right to fund any or none of the applications submitted.

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    List of Annexes

    Annex A: Expression of Interest format

    Annex B: Ineligible applicants, activities and unallowable costs

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    Annex-A: Expression of Interest (EOI) Format

    1. General information

    a. Name of the applicant: Mohammad Rasheed

    b. Type (Individual, Association,Partnership concern, Private Ltd Co.,

    Public Ltd Co., / others specify).Specify the relevant law under which

    the entity is registered.


    c. Name of head of the organization Mohammad Rasheed

    d. Postal address: Village And PO Kohala Paeen Tehsil & District

    Haripur KPK Pakistan

    e. Office phone numbers - landline: NA

    f. Fax: NA

    g. Email: [email protected]

    h. Website: NA

    i. Key contact person Mohammad Rasheed

    j. Cell number of the key contact person 03225175184/03335945505

    2. Executive Summary

    Please provide concise summary of the proposed projectin not more than one page

    Sheep and goat farming has a great scope in KPK due to climatic conditions, forest areas, pastureswithin valleys, grass along mountains and road sides, and efficient labour force.

    The rearing of small animals has greater advantages over other livestock. This business not onlysupplements the farmers income but also compliments crop production by providing means ofsubsistence and employment in rural area. The province is home to many important sheep and goatbreeds.

    Small ruminants for various reasons play an important role in agriculture since they do not require costlyinputs. Their meat, milk and the converted dairy products are valuable goods. The products of smallruminant such as wool and skin are of secondary importance. Small ruminant farming is an integral part ofagricultural production system. These provide protein, particularly to those living in rural areas.

    Goat and sheep flocks are maintained through traditional production system. Their feeding requirement ismet through grazing. Their main management is climate, vegetation, resources, disease control and feedsupplement.

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    The project is related to setting up a Fully Intensive Goat Breeding Farm in promising areas of Haripur KPK.The document highlights all the marketing, management, and financial aspects required for theestablishment and successful running of the project.

    Project Brief

    The farm will serve as breeding and rearing farm for goats. The project can be established in promisingareas for goat breeding where abundance of fresh water is available. The proposed farm will ensure thebreeding of disease free animal as it will overcome the disadvantage of bringing the diseases from theanimal markets (Mandi).

    The project will attain a completely new breed through the cross of the female local goats with the crossedmale goats, like Beetali etc. By this, after two breeding cycles the project will develop its own breed that ismost suitable to the local environment.Key Success Factors/Practical Tips for Success

    Livestock is one of the Major Strength of KPK. It is an integral part of the rural Traditional Farming is in practice in the province for Centuries. There is a great demand of livestock especially in Middle Eastern countries. Northern and central KPK have the ideal climate for razing our local species of Goat and Sheep. Fully intensive farming is relatively economical with better results. Fully intensive breeding farm has lesser chances of diseases in the animal, as only the parent breed ispurchased one time at the start of project. Availability of Trained Labour for Farming Local Availability of Raw material and own green fodder at almost 1/3 of the market rate

    Strategic Recommendations

    Establishment of the farms in areas where cheap land is available, but still not very far from the animalmarkets. The farming should be done on scientific grounds taking care of Vaccination, Medicine etc. Healthy and attractive local female without horn should be selected, as it has better characteristics

    compatible with the local environment. Healthy and quality male stock should be selected for breeding. New feeding techniques including concentrate feeding and preparation of urea molasses blocks, wheatstraw treatment should be used for better results. Well-trained/experienced staff adding in the efficiency of the farm.

    In a study, it was found that the majority 59 per cent animals are fed from fields, 20 per cent use stallfeeding and 21 per cent grazing as well as stall feeding. About 51 per cent feeding is dependent on treeleaves, cut fodder and kitchen waste - 29 per cent on tree leaves and 20 per cent on cut fodder.

    The major portion of milk is consumed by kids/lambs and the remaining quantity by the family. A verysmall quantity of milk is marketed after mixing it with cow and buffalo milk.

    The sheep producer use traditional method of shearing i.e., cut by simple scissor. A majority of the 92 percent respondents said that they shear their animal twice a year while eight per cent did it once. About 56per cent sell wool on per sheep basis while 44 per cent on per kg base. On an average, sheep wool issold for Rs8 per kg and Rs10 per animal.

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    Multiple birth rates indicate that 60 per cent of sheep give single birth while remaining of 40 per cent twinbirths. Same 60 per cent goat give twin births while 29 per cent single, whereas 11 per cent goat give birthto triplets.

    Small ruminants are affected by bacterial disease with seven per cent reporting viral disease and six percent, both bacterial and viral diseases in the study area. About 67 per cent get their animals vaccinated

    while 33 per cent are unaware of it.

    Almost every household uses family labour for milking. Similarly, for manure gathering 38 per cent usefamily male labour and 14 per cent hire male, whereas 40 per cent use family female and eight per centchildren.

    Marketing comprises movement of livestock and their products (food and raw material) from the farm tofinal consumer. In case of products, the marketing continued through processing which changes thenature and form or use of the product. It includes processing, grading and packing.

    The livestock markets are locally called Mall Mandi held weekly in nearby towns where buyers andsellers strike deals. Such markets are held daily in big cities located in consumption areas. These offergood business for brokers and agents of big traders and marginal traders. Producers often hesitate to sell

    their animals in these markets because of the exploitation by agents, transportation problem, hugeexpenses involved in the form of marketing charges and feeding and the time consumed during visits.

    There are no standards to weigh livestock and their carcasses. The deal is struck through estimationwhich becomes the basis of price offered by a buyer. The brokers and agents are clever in bargainingwhile guessing the helplessness of a seller. Almost all livestock producers are simple and illiterate people.

    A primary market is a patch of ground near a village where livestock from same or surrounding villages isbrought for sale. These are also designated as local or producer market.

    Secondary markets are located in towns to which livestock traded at village markets is brought for sale.These markets are also called transit markets. Local town committees control these markets.

    Tertiary markets are located in large cities where animals are usually brought from secondary or primarymarkets. These are also designated as regional markets. Import and export of livestock occursinternationally from one country to the other from the national markets. The purchaser directly contacts theseller and negotiates the price without the help of intermediary, while at other times a broker serves as acatalyst for settlement of prices.

    In KPK, sheep and goat wealth is in the hands of poor people. Goat farming is carried out as a way of lifeinstead at commercial scale. The goat farming units are not operated efficiently due to poor knowledge ofmodern practices. The system needs improvement.

    3. Project Description

    a) Project Title :Goat Forming

    b) Duration (months):36 months

    c) Project Location: Village &PO Kohala Paeen Tehsil and District Haripur KPK.

    d) Sector (please insert tick mark):

    Dairy Meat Horticulture Livestock Fisheries Floriculture

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    e) Profile & Prior Experience of the project team:

    4. Project Background & Focus (Innovation/Value Addition)

    Briefly describe, in not more than one page, the situation/circumstances which have led to

    the need to develop the proposed project and how it will add value.

    5. Project Goal and Relevance to ASF/ UAP Objectives

    Describe, in not more than half a page, the overall goal of the project and how it is in

    accordance with ASF objectives. Also briefly explain what will be the short and long-term

    impacts of the project on agri economy?

    6. Measurable Project Objectives/Milestones and Key Activities

    Please briefly mention all project objectives with key activities to achieve these objectives.



    Key Activities Deadlines for each Activity




    7. Project Implementation & Sustainability Methodology

    Provide, in not more than one & half page, a well-articulated implementation methodology

    with special focus on community involvement in the design and implementation of

    proposed project, mechanism for procurement of goods & services, conflict resolution,

    systematic flow of activities, data management and monitoring etc.). Also provide

    information on projects self sustainability after support from external sources cease to


    8. Potential Project Beneficiaries

    Please provide details, in not more than half a page, on potential beneficiaries (number of

    people benefiting, gender balance, new jobs creation, increase in household income,

    improvement in skills of existing workers, etc.)

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    9. Tentative Budget

    Please attach a brief breakdown of the cost or tentative budget in Pak rupees (PKR). This

    is an essential part of the EOI. The tentative budget can be presented on the followingformat:

    Cost Head Unit







    from ASF




    While grant may cover complete cycle of project implementation, the total grant support,

    however, will not be for a period of more than 36 months.

    Budget should reflect the prevailing market prices.

    Shortlisted applicants will be required to submit a detailed budget along with narratives at the

    RFA stage.

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    Indicative Criteria for EOI Evaluation

    Criteria Description Maximum Score

    Innovation/Value Addition The project focuses on new

    and innovative ideas /products / services which

    can add value to the existing

    process or system


    Benefit to Agri- economy Project is beneficial for the

    Agri-economy of Pakistan.10

    Objectives and Milestones Objectives & Milestones are

    clearly defined and are in

    accordance with ASFsobjectives


    Job Creation or/ and

    Increase in Income level

    Project will create

    some new jobs / will

    improve the skills of

    existing employees.


    Project will increase

    the current

    household income of



    Gender Project encourages and has




    Focus on Rural or

    Underdeveloped areas

    Applicants are highly

    encouraged to come up with

    projects that can benefit the

    underdeveloped areas of



    Past Experience Applicant has priorexperience of handling

    similar/agri related projects 5

    Sustainability Probability that the

    project/activities will be


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    sustainable over the long

    term without continued

    external support

    Financial contribution Percentage of financial

    contribution from applicant.Higher the better


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    Annex-B: Ineligible Applicants, Activities and

    Unallowable CostsThe following will not be considered for funding under any category of grants:

    Applicants involved in USAID-prohibited activities or having existing defaults on other

    assistance programs;

    If the proposed project involves USAID-prohibited activities or procurement of

    prohibited goods and services;

    Proposals that involve the production or processing of alcohol, tobacco or any other

    commodity identified as prohibited by USAID or Government of Pakistan; and the

    proposals that incorporate activities in the following sectors: tobacco and alcoholic

    beverages; toxic or otherwise unsafe products such as toxic pesticides or hazardouschemicals;

    Proposals aimed solely at increasing the volume of existing production, except where

    the applicant can clearly identify a new market niche or a shortage in an existing

    market that he/she would supply from increased output;

    Projects for which an enterprise has already received or is currently in the processing

    of applying for grant funding from sources other than ASF/ USAIDs Agribusiness


    If the applicant is bankrupt or being wound up, is having their affairs administered by

    the courts, has entered into an arrangement with creditors, has suspended business

    activities, is subject to court proceedings in relation to those business activities, or isin any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in the laws

    and regulations of Pakistan or any other country;

    If the applicant has been convicted of an offence concerning professional conduct,

    fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organization or any other illegal activity

    by a judgment that has the force of res judicata (against which there is no right of


    If the applicant is found guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means

    that ASF/ USAIDS Agribusiness Project can justify;

    If the applicant has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social

    security contributions provided for in the laws and regulations of Pakistan;

    If the applicant has been declared to be in breach of contract for failure to comply

    with contractual obligations in connection with any procurement or grant procedure

    similar to that offered by ASF/ USAIDS Agribusiness Project;

    If the applicant is subject to any conflict of interest arising from the application or the

    subsequent implementation of the activity financed by an ASF/ USAIDS Agribusiness

    Project grant;

    Expression of Interest - Partnership Window Cost-sharing Grants 20

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    If the applicant is found guilty of misrepresentation in supplying information in any

    ASF/ USAIDS Agribusiness Project grant application;

    If the applicant has tried to influence the USAIDs Agribusiness Project staff in the

    process of evaluation of their application;

    If the applicant is for any reason deemed to be ineligible for receipt of ASF/ USAIDSAgribusiness Project grant support by the Government of Pakistan or USAID;

    If the applicant is a public-sector entity or an organization which is subject to

    majority ownership by the government;

    If the applicant is a member of the General Body, Board of Directors or the staff of

    ASF/ USAIDS Agribusiness Project;

    Payment of fines and/or penalties are not allowed under grant funds;

    Creation of endowments out of grant funds is not allowed;

    Payment of previous obligations and/ or bad debts out of grant funds is not allowed;

    Utilization of funds to influence the outcome of elections or other political processes;

    Any purchases or activities deemed unnecessary to accomplish purposes as

    determined by ASF/ USAIDs Agribusiness Project;

    Purchases of restricted goods, such as agricultural commodities, motor vehicles,

    pharmaceuticals, contraceptive products, pesticides, used equipment and fertilizers

    without the prior approval by USAID through the Agreement Officer;

    Prohibited goods under USAID regulations, including but not limited to: police or law

    enforcement equipment, abortion, equipment and services, weather modification

    equipment, luxury, goods, and gambling equipment;

    Purchases of goods or services restricted or prohibited under the prevailing USAID

    source/origin/ nationality and other regulations; or from countries or suppliers as

    may be identified by USAID's consolidated list of debarred, suspended, or ineligiblesubcontractors at http://epls.arnet.gov (Excluded Parties List System);

    If the applicant appears on the master list of Specially Designated Nationals and

    Blocked Persons, maintained by U.S Treasurys Office of Foreign Assets Control

    (OFAC) available at http://www.treas.gov/offices/eotffc/ofac/sdn/t11sdn.pdf;

    If the applicant is designated by United Nations Security Sanctions Committee

    established under UNSC Resolution 1267 (1999) (the 1267 Committee) [individuals

    and entities linked to the Taliban, Usama bin Laden, or the Al Qaida Organization]

    http://www.un.org/Docs/sc/committees/1267/1267ListEng.htm; and

    If the applicant is included in any supplementary information concerning prohibited

    individuals and entities which may be provided by USAID.

    Expression of Interest - Partnership Window Cost-sharing Grants 21
