Environmental Statement - Volume 1 Non -Technical Summary...Regeneration of Nottingham Enterprise...

Planning Application Document Reference: NEZ-DOC-ES-001 April 2014 Environmental Statement - Volume 1 Non-Technical Summary Regeneration of Nottingham Enterprise Zone, Alliance Boots Site

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Planning Application Document Reference: NEZ-DOC-ES-001 April 2014

Environmental Statement - Volume 1 Non-Technical Summary Regeneration of Nottingham Enterprise Zone, Alliance Boots Site

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Revision No.

Date of Issue

Comments Author(s) Checker Approver

0 April 2014 Issued to Client for Comment Poppy Michelsen Jane Knowles Scott Wilson

1 April 2014 Amended Following Client Comment Poppy Michelsen Jane Knowles Scott Wilson


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Regeneration of Nottingham Enterprise Zone, Alliance Boots Site Environmental Statement Volume 1 Non-Technical Summary 1

This document is the Non-Technical Summary (NTS) of the Environmental Statement (ES) prepared for the Regeneration of Nottingham Enterprise Zone, Alliance Boots Site. The site is located in Beeston southwest of Nottingham City Centre, east of Broxtowe (National Grid Reference SK546369). A site location plan is shown in Figure 1.

Alliance Boots Ltd is seeking planning permission, in a joint venture with the Department of Communities and Local Government, to develop the site. The proposal comprises two planning applications (as detailed below) and a single overarching ES has been produced to support both applications.

This NTS gives an overview of the proposed development and provides a summary (in non technical language) of the ES which has been prepared under The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011. The ES reports the findings of the environmental assessments which have predicted the effects, both positive and negative, that the proposed development will have on the environment, and also sets out measures to avoid, reduce or offset the negative effects.

The ES comprises three volumes:

• Volume 1. Non-Technical Summary;

• Volume 2. Main Report and Figures; and

• Volume 3. Appendices.


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Regeneration of Nottingham Enterprise Zone, Alliance Boots Site Environmental Statement Volume 1 Non-Technical Summary 2


The Alliance Boots site consists of 279 acres of mixed-use land. There are currently three main land uses on the site;

• manufacturing;

• logistics; and

• commercial activities including offices, warehouses, an energy centre, car parks and roads.

The site contains four Listed Buildings (two Grade I, one Grade II* and one Grade II).

The site is bounded to the north by the Midland Mainline railway and to the south by the Nottingham Beeston Canal.

To the north of the railway line lies Nottingham University Park which supports a range of outdoor sports pitches and further to the north is the University of Nottingham campus.

To the south of the Nottingham Beeston Canal is Thane Road and an area of protected flood plain.

To the east of the site is an established mixed industrial area.

To the west of the site is the Severn Trent Water (STW) Lilac Grove sewage treatment works, which divides the site from the Beeston Rylands residential community to the west.


The Applicant is submitting two related planning applications for the Alliance Boots site, Nottingham:

• An Outline Planning Application for site regeneration – including mixed-use development, business, general industry, storage/distribution, residential and non-residential institutions, retail, residential units, access, car parking, demolition, earthworks, remediation, open space, drainage, and pedestrian/cycle routes (the Masterplan); and

• Planning application for site enabling works – including primary vehicle link route, access points, new canal bridge, demolition, earthworks and utilities infrastructure (the Detailed Application).

The development parameters for the masterplan have been developed through the iterative masterplanning process incorporating a range of environmental and engineering considerations.

The Mas terplan

The spatial masterplan shown in Figure 2 covers an area of 70.57 hectares (ha). The masterplan maintains the long term vision of the Alliance Boots site; regenerating a brownfield site for the benefit of Nottingham, Beeston and the region. An illustrative masterplan has been provided in Figure 3.


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The masterplan establishes the key principles including use, amount of development, scale parameters, means of access and layout for the site, identifying the main surface infrastructure and the proposed green spaces.

The masterplan outline planning permission is sought for mixed-use development of: up to 82,000 square metres (sqm) of employment floorspace comprising office units, research and development, industrial processes, general industrial, storage and distribution, residential institutions, non-residential institutions, up to 2,500 sqm retail & food/drink, up to 675 residential dwellings at an average of 61 dwellings per hectare, and associated works including demolition of existing structures, earthworks, remediation, access, car parking, pedestrian and cycle routes, open space, utilities and sustainable drainage systems.

Alliance Boots operations, as well as their commercial tenants, would remain unaffected by the development.

Development Phasing

An indicative phasing programme has been developed as follows:

• Phase 1 - Delivery of new highway infrastructure and associated ground works (Detailed Planning Application);

• Phase 2 – It is anticipated that the northwest of the site adjacent to Humber Road South has the potential for early development followed by the area towards the southeast;

• Phase 3 – Includes the areas between the link route and the canal to the south of the site; and

• Phase 4 covers all other plots falling within the core Boots operational area.

Development phases could either be sequential or overlapping, subject to disposal / land release and the feasibility / timing of site preparation.

Construction of Phase 1 is anticipated to start late 2014 / early 2015, with Phase 2 starting in 2015 and the first residential properties anticipated to be occupied in 2017 with the full masterplan being realised by 2028.

The Deta iled Applica tion

Planning permission is sought for infrastructure including highways (primary vehicle link route and Alliance Boots vehicle access), new canal bridge, associated demolition works, earthworks, remediation, utilities and drainage infrastructure.

A new link route will be provided between Thane Road and Humber Road South including new and upgraded connections and modifications to Thane Road Bridge and Humber Road South, as shown in Figure 4. The route will allow traffic to enter the site from the southeast (Thane Road) and the northwest (Humber Road South) and will provide access to commercial and residential development plots. A footway/cycleway will also be provided along the route.

The existing bridge over the canal will be retained and refurbished. The existing bridge will be used by traffic entering the Boots site via Thane Road for the purposes of Boots business only. A second bridge will be constructed to the south west of the existing bridge, and will form part of the public link route. A new one way road link to the north of the new bridge will be provided to connect to the existing roundabout within the Alliance Boots site. This link will accommodate traffic leaving the Boots site.

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The nature and scale of the development means that there is the potential for significant effects on the environment, therefore an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was carried out to identify and assess the likely significant environmental effects of the development. Each topic included in the EIA identifies if effects will be significant; this depends on the sensitivity of the existing environmental baseline and the scale of the change which will occur as a result of the development. It is this determination of significance which is crucial to informing the decision-making process.

EIA is the process of compiling, evaluating and presenting environmental information, designed to help develop an environmentally informed project.

By identifying any potential negative environmental effects, modifications can be made to the design of the development and/or construction methods to lessen predicted effects. The approach to EIA and the key stages of the process is illustrated in Diagram 1.

Establishment of environmental ‘baseline’

Identification of potential environmental effects

Initial assessment of environmental effects

Identification of mitigation measures

Assessment of significance of environmental effects

Reporting of results in Environmental Statement

Assessment is iterative. Results feed into the design process in order to mitigate

potential adverse effects and enhance potential beneficial



Diagram 1: EIA Process

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A Scoping Report was submitted for consultation in June 2013. It concluded that the following topics required further assessment:

• Townscape and Visual;

• Noise;

• Air Quality;

• Traffic & Transportation;

• Ground Conditions;

• Water Environment;

• Ecology;

• Cultural Heritage & Archaeology;

• Socio-Economics; and

• Cumulative Effects.

The joint Scoping response received from Broxtowe Borough Council (BBC) and Nottingham City Council (NCC) stated that the approach of the proposed Environmental Statement (ES) was acceptable, as was the layout for the Environmental Issues chapters and the topic areas to be addressed.

Other pre-application discussions with key statutory bodies, eg the Environment Agency, also took place to inform the EIA process.


Throughout the design of the development and preparation of the EIA, additional consultation has been undertaken with a range of interested parties including statutory and non-statutory consultees, stakeholders and the local community.

Consultations were held with officers from both BBC and NCC together with a number of other pre-application meetings/workshops.

A Public Consultation event, took place on 11th September 2013 to give the public the opportunity to see progress on the work to date, express their views and ask questions to the development team.

All comments were taken into account in finalising the masterplan and preparing the planning applications.

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This section provides a summary of the findings of the assessment of each of the topics in the ES. The effects presented in this Non-Technical Summary take into account mitigation measures which aim to avoid, reduce or offset negative effects.


The Townscape and Visual Assessment assesses the potential effects that the development may have on the existing townscape and views. The assessment has been prepared with reference to the Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA) produced by The Landscape Institute (LI) and Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (IEMA), 3rd Edition (Spon 2013); and Landscape Character Assessment Guidance (2002) by the Countryside Agency and Scottish Natural Heritage. The assessment combined recognized good practice desk and field work in predicting the effects of the development.

The assessment considered ten Townscape Character Areas (TCAs) both during construction and upon completion. Of the ten TCAs, only two were considered to experience significant negative effects during the construction period, these being small parts of TCA 8 (Trent River Valley Floor) and on TCA 9 (Boots Campus and Canalside).

Once completed the masterplan development will result in a positive contribution to the immediate townscape of the Boots Campus and Canalside (TCA 9). Small positive effects would also be experienced on the

surrounding TCAs with the exception of TCA 8 (Trent River Valley Floor) where there is the potential for localised negative effects. However, it is concluded that neither the masterplan development nor detailed application will result in significant negative effects on the townscape character, with significant beneficial effects resulting for the townscape character of the Boots Campus.

The visual assessment considered the effects of the masterplan development and detailed application on the visual amenity of 13 viewpoints. These viewpoints were selected in consultation with both BBC and NCC and replicated a range of receptor types.

Of the 13 viewpoints considered, 4 were predicted to result in significant negative effects during the construction of the masterplan development. These reflect users of the tow path along the Nottingham Beeston Canal and the public right of way southwest of the site. Upon completion, significant adverse effects will remain from 3 of these viewpoints which immediately overlook the site. It should be noted, however, that whilst there is a noticeable change in view, it will be from the introduction of a high standard of design, which will create a positive contribution to the local townscape.

Overall the masterplan development and detailed application will result in limited negative effects on the views of users of the tow path with significant positive effects resulting on the local townscape character as a result of the townscape improvements that the development will bring to the Boots Campus.


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The noise assessment sets out the potential effects of changes in noise levels on the surrounding area and any mitigation measures required to offset significant changes.

Effects were considered during the site preparation and construction phases and on completion and operation of the development.

Baseline noise surveys were carried out in July 2013 to obtain data on existing noise levels at a number of receptor locations, which could potentially be affected by noise from the proposal.

Noise levels during construction and operation were predicted using computer modelling. In accordance with statutory advice, 70 decibels (dB) was considered to be the noise limit for construction activities in urban areas.

Noise predictions indicated that noise levels from construction activities are expected to be insignificant, while occupants of proposed residential dwellings within the proposed development itself could experience some increased noise levels should demolition/roadworks take place in close proximity to these dwellings.

The worst-case situation with all the construction plant working at close proximity to receptors may exist for only a matter of days or even hours and there would be regular periods, even during the course of a single day, when the assumed noisy plant would not be in operation during breaks or changes of working routine. However, until the contractor is appointed and the method of working is specified, detailed recommendations to reduce the

predicted worst-case construction noise to the closest residential and other noise sensitive buildings cannot be undertaken.

There may be localised areas of Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) operation noise such as at the access point to the construction site or where HGVs will accelerate and idle, which has associated levels of engine noise. Increases in road traffic noise levels during works will be temporary, relatively short term and it is expected that significant effects can be managed and avoided.

Operational noise guidance recommends that the noise levels at a receptor from any plant equipment be designed to be 10 dB(A) less than the background levels for both daytime and night-time periods.

In order to control plant and activity noise emissions, any proposed equipment will be subject to meeting operational noise limits.

Additional traffic movements associated with the development will not result in significant increases in road noise and the effects of operational traffic on nearby residential dwellings is expected to be small.


Potential effects that the development may have on air quality during both the construction and operational phases are identified and assessed.

Due to the phasing nature of the masterplan construction programme the nearest receptors to the works are the proposed residential units themselves. In addition, the existing Alliance Boots Headquarters, where several operations are sensitive to dust, is located adjacent to the site boundary. The risk of dust effects in each stage of the construction was assessed and concluded that, if appropriate measures to minimise dust

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occurring and spreading are put in place, only a small negative effect would be experienced.

The operational phase assessment predicts the local air quality effects associated with vehicles exhaust emissions and discharge from the existing energy centre.

With the masterplan in place, both positive and negative effects are predicted at existing receptors. The new link road will be constructed providing access between Thane Road and Humber Road South, through the site. This will result in a redistribution of traffic, with decreases in traffic flow anticipated on University Boulevard and Queens Road East. As such, decreases in pollutant concentrations were predicted at receptors adjacent to these roads. The redistribution in traffic will also result in decreases in traffic flow on Beeston Road, which has been declared an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA), thereby decreasing pollutant concentrations.

However, the new link road will also result in increased traffic on Thane Road, Humber Road South, Beacon Road and Lilac Grove, as well as the new link road itself. Negative effects were predicted at receptors adjacent to these roads; however, the significance of these effects are small.

Pollutants from both vehicle exhausts and the energy centre were predicted at proposed sensitive receptors (within the site). Overall, if the energy centre is operating under normal operating conditions, utilising gas with the use of gas oil in accordance with its permit, then the effects of pollutant concentrations at proposed receptors is considered to be small. The effect of the construction of buildings on the scattering of the plume from the energy centre was not considered to have a significant effect on pollutant concentrations at existing receptors.


The ethos of access to the development is based on its accessibility to sustainable modes of transport, and access to bus routes.

Measures are identified to provide safe and attractive pedestrian and cycle access to and within the site. In addition, improvements to bus services through the site are proposed. It is considered that the highway improvement measures proposed, together with the improvements proposed with regard to pedestrian accessibility and access by bus, would have a positive effect in both reducing congestion and encouraging sustainable travel.

On the basis of the assessments undertaken in relation to transportation it can be concluded that the proposed development can be satisfactorily accessed by the types of transport considered. Indeed, the development would improve accessibility for the existing workforce as well as future residents and workforce of the site, and the proposed highway measures would result in a net positive benefit for the local highway network.


Ground investigations undertaken on site encountered sand, gravel and clay with some demolition rubble and waste such as brick, concrete and tiles, glass, metal, ash, coal and clinker.

The site lies in the flood plain of the River Trent with aquifers present in the area.

The site and the surrounding area have had a number of former uses which may have potentially left contamination including:

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• Chemical works and the manufacturing;

• Landfill and lagoons containing waste liquid; and

• Storage and disposal of waste

Investigation has found contamination on parts of the site. Tests where undertaken on soil and groundwater samples and a human health risk assessment produced, which identified that there is a moderate to high risk to future residents and therefore remediation (correcting the contamination) is required.

A groundwater risk assessment was also carried out, which showed that there was a predicted risk to the River Trent. However, monitoring undertaken over a three year period showed that the amount of contaminants was declining and there are no further risks predicted at the River Trent.

A Remediation Strategy (corrective actions for the pollution) has been developed to lessen the risks to receptors as a result of the operation of the development.

Effects identified in the construction period have been identified and it is anticipated that these can be reduced or removed by using good site practice and by following recommendations provided in the Remediation Strategy.

WATER ENVIRONMENT Surface Water Quality

The development has the potential to negatively affect the surface water environment. The Nottingham Beeston Canal and dyke network are the key surface water features. Potential effects identified during construction are insignificant assuming that the proposed appropriate mitigation measures,

such as a silt management and spill control and response plan, are in place. However, it has been identified that there may be localised wearing of Canal Dyke and Pasture Lane Dyke from the installation of a culvert and outfalls, and moderate effects from the loss of recreational use of Nottingham Beeston Canal during the construction of the new Thane Road Bridge.

During operation, potential effects identified are insignificant (assuming mitigation measures are in place, such as the implementation of the Sustainable Drainage System and sensitive design) with the exception of changes to the shape of Canal Dyke and Pasture Lane Dyke and potential effects of diffuse pollution from increased highway traffic. Effects on Canal Dyke and Pasture Lane Dyke would be compensated by the beneficial effect of opening up an existing culvert on Pasture Lane Dyke.

It is not expected that this development will result in any non-compliance with the objectives of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) for designated water bodies in the study area.

Flood Ris k

The development has the potential to adversely affect flood risk and to be affected by flood risk during the construction and operation phases, notably from the breach of flood defences and the construction and removal of culverts. Appropriate construction method statements and flood emergency plans will therefore be required.

The potential flood risk from all sources associated with the development during construction and operation has been assessed, and mitigation identified, including setting building levels at an appropriate level and locating

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more vulnerable development types in the lower risk areas. Assuming appropriate project design and appropriate site management during construction, the proposed development is likely to have a negligible effect on overall flood risk.


An ecological assessment was undertaken to consider the effects that the development may have on the ecological resource of the study area (particularly species and habitats protected by law or for their nature conversation value).

A desk based study was carried out to establish ecological sensitivities such as sites of nature conservation, protected species or priority habitats. A series of site surveys was also undertaken to determine and identify habitats and species present.

During construction the masterplan will have a minor to moderate negative effect due to the removal and/or severance of habitat. This includes semi-improved neutral grassland, areas suitable for amphibians (including great crested newts), reptile habitat, bird foraging habitat, bat foraging and commuting habitat.

Mitigation includes undertaking works in accordance with the appropriate licences/ method statements and the provision of compensation for the loss of habitat by providing better quality habitat through enhancements and sympathetic management, provision of new areas and reinstating linkages across the site.

During the operation/occupation phase the masterplan will have a minor negative effect on the designated nature conservation site Nottingham

Beeston Canal Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC), water voles, otters, amphibians (including great crested newts), reptiles, birds and bats (due to the potential for collisions with road traffic).

Mitigation measures will be in place to inform residents and the public how to protect the SINC against damage and how to protect on-site wildlife and their habitat against damage and to limit the likelihood of vehicle collision occurrences.

The masterplan will also result in positive effects including the additional standing water through the introduction of a number of SuDS ponds and swales, the introduction of habitats such as log piles and compost heaps to benefit reptiles and amphibians, on flora, amphibians (including great crested newts), reptiles, birds, bats and water voles thorough enhancement and the sympathetic management of the green space/ terrestrial habitat.

The overall long term effect of the masterplan on the identified ecological receptors (excluding great crested newts), based upon the full adoption of all mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures is assessed as minor negative. However the effects on great crested newts are assessed as moderate negative.

During construction, the detailed application will have a minor to moderate negative effect, due to the removal and/or severance of habitats. This includes affects upon broadleaved semi-natural woodland, areas suitable for amphibians (including great crested newts), water vole habitat and bat foraging and commuting habitat.

Mitigation includes undertaking works in accordance with the appropriate licences/ method statements and through the provision of compensation for the loss of habitat by providing better quality habitat through enhancements

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of retained areas, sympathetic management and the provision of new suitable water vole areas.

The operation of the infrastructure constructed as part of the detailed application will have minor negative effects on amphibians (including great crested newts), birds and bats through collisions with road traffic and through water vole displacement caused by road vibrations.

Mitigation will limit the potential effects to some extent and surveys for great crested newts will monitor the population and highlight if additional mitigation is required. Provision of compensatory habitat for water voles will limit the effects on the population.

The overall long term effect of the detailed application on the identified ecological receptors (excluding great crested newts), based upon the full adoption of all mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures is assessed as minor negative. However the effects on great crested newts are assessed as moderate negative.


The archaeological and cultural heritage issues surrounding the proposed development of the Alliance Boots site in Nottingham have been assessed. Data was collated from the Nottinghamshire Historic Environment Record (HER), the English Heritage Archive Service (EHAS), historic mapping and other documentary sources. A site walkover survey was also undertaken. The assessment of the archaeological and cultural heritage sites within a 1 km study area found a total of 62 assets.

The Alliance Boots site includes several internationally recognised listed buildings and other historically significant buildings, and the Grade I listed Clifton Hall and its registered gardens are located in the wider area.

A detailed assessment of the Alliance Boots site and its associated historic buildings has been undertaken by Alan Baxter & Associates LLP. This assessment details the historical development of the site and assesses the significance of the Listed Buildings and other key unlisted buildings on site.

The assessment identifies that there is little to no potential for physical effects on heritage assets due to the large areas of landfill and previous development within the site boundary. There is a potential physical effect on the canal that borders the proposed development site to the south due to the construction of a new bridge. However this can be mitigated through appropriate design and reporting techniques.

The assessment of potential effects on the setting of heritage assets identified that the masterplan has been designed to respond to the character and significance of the heritage assets on the site and therefore lessens the potential effects on these buildings. For example the development will work within the distinct grid pattern of the eastern half of the site, while the most important elements of the landscape (focused particularly in the western half) will be retained and continue to provide green amenity for the users of the site, with the potential for future enhancement.

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The proposed development has the potential to deliver both positive and negative effects on a wide range of social infrastructure, employment, and economic activities.

The development will lead to positive effects on the local economy and employment opportunities during both the construction and operational phases due to potential job creation and the associated benefits that job creation brings. However, there will be a negative effect on recreational user amenity of public rights of way during the construction of the bridge due to the temporary closure of the tow path along the canal for safety reasons.

During the operational phase there will be positive effects on connectivity and amenity value (improved connectivity and open space) and minor effects on local infrastructure (local schools and facilities), however with mitigation these negative effects will not be significant.


Cumulative effects as a result of potential future development on the Severn Trent Water land to the west of the site (outside the planning application boundary but included on the spatial masterplan) have been assessed.

There is the possibility that some cumulative effects could occur during the construction phase (including dust, noise and air quality) if construction phases coincide, but with common good practice mitigation in place these effects should be minimised.

With careful consideration of the size and shape of the additional development, it is considered that significant cumulative effects on any of the townscape character areas or the visual viewpoints assessed are unlikely to result.

The operational phase will result in an increase in traffic on the local road network. However, it is unlikely that any negative effects will be significant. Cumulative building services noise is expected to be minor.

Due to the Seven Trent Water land’s current and historical use as a sewage treatment works, there is the potential for polluted soils and groundwater to be present. Therefore further assessment of this would be required at a later stage.

The development could also result in additional permanent loss of ecological habitats, severance and disturbance. Therefore further assessment of this would be required at a later stage.

Positive cumulative effects are also predicted such as increased employment opportunities, increased provision of areas of green space and increased site connectivity.

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This document has been prepared by AECOM for the sole use of our Client (the "Client") and in accordance with generally accepted consultancy principles, the budget for fees and terms of reference agreed between AECOM and the Client.





Scale at A3:

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0 5 km







Outline Application Boundary


Path: P:\UKBRI2-IE\!Environmental\General\GIS\Projects\Boots\G2.ArcGIS\ArcMap\mxds\1 - Scheme Location NTS.mxd

3rd Floor Portwall PlacePortwall LaneBristol, BS1 6NA

Tel +44 (0) 117 901 7000Fax +44 (0) 117 901 7009





1 - Scheme Location NTS

©Crown copyright. All rights reserved. License Number 100027856





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This document has been prepared by AECOM for the sole use of our Client (the "Client") and in accordance with generally accepted consultancy principles, the budget for fees and terms of reference agreed between AECOM and the Client.


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0 500 Meters



KEY:Primary link route (proposed alignment)Outline Application BoundaryLocal Authority BoundaryComprehensive developmentpotential (Employment)Comprehensive developmentpotential (Residential)Incorporation of existing energy centre (D200)Retained area of existing car parkProposed car parkExisting and new green spaceRemodelled vehicular access to Boots siteExisting Boots operational areas retained

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21/02/20142 - Spatial Masterplan NTS

©Crown copyright. All rights reserved. License Number 100027856




FIGURE 2 - SPATIAL MASTERPLAN 3rd Floor Portwall PlacePortwall LaneBristol, BS1 6NA

Tel +44 (0) 117 901 7000Fax +44 (0) 117 901 7009





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This document has been prepared by AECOM for the sole use of our Client (the "Client") and in accordance with generally accepted consultancy principles, the budget for fees and terms of reference agreed between AECOM and the Client.


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A3Path: C:\temp\Boots\G2.ArcGIS\ArcMap\mxds\3 Illustrative masterplan NTS.mxd


21/02/20143 Illustrative masterplan NTS

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FIGURE 3 - ILLUSTRATIVE MASTERPLAN 3rd Floor Portwall PlacePortwall LaneBristol, BS1 6NA

Tel +44 (0) 117 901 7000Fax +44 (0) 117 901 7009






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This document has been prepared by AECOM for the sole use of our Client (the "Client") and in accordance with generally accepted consultancy principles, the budget for fees and terms of reference agreed between AECOM and the Client.





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Path: P:\UKBRI2-IE\!Environmental\General\GIS\Projects\Boots\G2.ArcGIS\ArcMap\mxds\4 - New Link Road NTS.mxd

3rd Floor Portwall PlacePortwall LaneBristol, BS1 6NA

Tel +44 (0) 117 901 7000Fax +44 (0) 117 901 7009


©Crown copyright. All rights reserved. License Number 100027856





4 - New Link Road NTS