Environmental Remediation Process

Danang Airport Remediation Process

Transcript of Environmental Remediation Process

Danang Airport

Remediation Process

Excavated soil and sediment

Step 1


Excavated soil and sediment

Surrounding soils will be sampled and tested

to ensure all contaminated material has been excavated

Step 2


Soil and


90 - 105 meters

Step 3

70 meters

Step 4


Soil and



Excavated Soil and Sediment

Insulated Cap

Step 5

Excavated soil and sediment are

completely enclosed

Excavated Soil and Sediment

Clean SoilClean Soil

Insulated Cap

Step 6

Liquid and vapor/steamcollection systems are


Soil Dries Out

Clean SoilClean Soil

Insulated Cap

Heating begins. Liquid is captured and will be treated

Step 7

To treatment

Heating Continues

Soil Dries Out Clean SoilClean Soil

Insulated Cap

Steam is captured and

will be treated

Step 8

To treatment

Sustained HeatClean SoilClean Soil

Insulated Cap

Step 9

Sustained heatClean SoilClean Soil

Insulated Cap

Step 10

Sustained heatClean SoilClean Soil

Insulated Cap

Sustained heat destroys the

dioxin chemical structure

Step 11

Cool DownClean SoilClean Soil

Insulated Cap

Steam and water are captured

Water is added to begin cool down process

Step 12

Cool Down

Sustained Clean SoilClean Soil

Insulated Cap

Step 13

Clean SoilClean SoilClean Soil

Insulated Cap

Confirmation sampling will ensure soils are clean

Step 14

Clean SoilClean SoilClean Soil

Insulated Cap

Step 15