SRP Sustainability Resource Planning ENVIRONMENT ENERGY ASSETS


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Sustainability Resource Planning


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Sustainability Resource Planning

Sustainability Resource Planning is a platform approach to cover the core functions

of sustainability, which include environmental, energy and asset management.

SRP combines multiple business processes and systems into one database to use

across the enterprise.

SRP enables you to manage through measurement. You can see how much energy

and water you’re using at each location. You can also see how much waste and

emissions you’re producing. Because you can do this in near real time, you can

adapt and adjust as needed.

Verisae’s Sustainability Resource Planning integrates information about your

assets, the energy they use, and their environmental impact. It helps you increase

operational efficiency, ensure regulatory compliance and protect your brand.


Sustainability requires frequent, accurate and

granular levels of detail across tradtional silos,

which enable performance optimization.


Visibility across an organization’s sustainability

goals, targets and progress has become a

necessity due to the financial impact on risk.


Because of the financial benefits of increased

sustainability and lack of available delivery

platforms, organizations will need to change

business processes and design entirely new

ones focused on this opportunity.

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RepoRting to peRfoRmance managementPrompted by regulatory uncertainty, businesses are now coming to the realization that

they are not operating as efficiently as they had believed. In an attempt to address the

efficiency gap, organizations have resorted to reporting only to recognize what they

really want is performance management. SRP goes far beyond reporting to deliver

sustainability initiatives through on-demand, automated reduction opportunities.

maRket challenges

Compliance - Are you aware of the

latest regulations like the EPA Clean

Air Act, EPA emissions reportings and

the carbon reduction commitment --

and the ramifications of these on

your business?

Operational efficiency - It’s nice to

know your carbon footprint, but it’s

imperative to know those assets

that contribute the most CO2, and

how reducing your impact can drive

savings to your business.

Brand protection - Are you confident

in your ability to meet SEC disclosure

rules or inquiries about your sustain-

ability efforts? Can you confidently

report to the climate registry, the

carbon disclosure project or your

appropriate reporting authority?

With SRP software from Verisae,

you can start quickly with a low

initial investment that enables

faster and higher payback.

You have no computer hardware

to buy and no software to install.

The system runs from virtually

anywhere using only a web browser.

Do you know the fine for Violating the Clean Air Act is $37,500 a day -- for each incident and in each location?

Do you know what opportunities across your portfolio will drive the largest ROI?

Do you worry about the public reputation of your sustainability efforts?


Helps our clients enable reduction and manage

the emissions, water, waste, and sustainability

projects throughout their enterprises.


Helps our clients deliver energy reductions and insight

through demand management, supply management,

efficiency projects and consulting services.


Ultimately, your consumption of energy and other

natural resources occurs through the assets you

own -- your buildings, the appliances or equipment

inside them, and the transportation vehicles you

operate. We help our clients reduce their total cost

of ownership of assets from procurement through

retirement in a web-based, paperless process.


Sustainability Resource Planning

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Verisae helps measure, manage and monetize energy costs and carbon emissions. Our

proven Sustainability Resource Planning (“SRP”) platform improves operational efficiency,

makes sustainability initiatives actionable, and reduces energy costs and emissions for

distributed enterprises and related energy companies. Verisae delivers a broad range of

sustainability solutions to over 40 global clients with a service network of over 7,500 third-

party consultants consisting of 60,000 application users. Verisae’s integrated sustainability

platform actively tracks over 2.1 million assets across more than 23,000 sites.


100 North Sixth Street, Suite 107A FAX 612 455 2324 EMAIL [email protected]

Minneapolis, MN 55403 USA

SRP™ and Sustainability Resource Planning™ are trademarks of Verisae Inc. ©2010 Verisae. All rights reserved.

OUR COMMITMENT TO SUSTAINABILITY.This brochure is printed on [insert paper specifications], an FSC-certified paper

manufactured with electricity in the form of renewable energy and a minimum of

[XX%] post-consumer fiber.

If this brochure is not relevant to you, please pass it along to a friend or recycle it.

Mixed SourcesProduct group from well-managedforests and other controlled sources.www.fsc.org Cert. No. XX-XXX-000© 1996 Forest Stewardship Council


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Sustainability Resource Planning

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UncertaintyThe environmental marketplace is a conundrum full of potential legislative regulatory

risk, undetermined reporting needs and market volatility that has led to confusion and

uncertainty. To be able to meet the needs of today yet be ready for the requirements of

tomorrow, businesses need a flexible platform that can grow with their evolving needs.

• Is your business in compliance with the carbon reduction commitment?

•Do you know how many of your sites are underperforming and why?

• Can you drive business value and performance measurement at the same

time you report your greenhouse gas emission to an external registry?

Protecting yoUr good nameYour brand is your identity to the marketplace, and the marketplace cares about your

impact on the environment. Verisae’s environmental management software solutions

provide a deep understanding of the environmental impact of your operations, including

your products, their manufacture, delivery and use in your customers’ lives. A clear

understanding of your product life cycle can not only allow your business to achieve

significant savings throughout the supply chain, but can allow you to communicate your

environmental stewardship to your customers.

accoUntabilityPrompted in part by regulatory efforts, pending legislation and

other market based concerns, companies are faced with pressing

needs to be accountable for their environmental impact. Is your

company prepared to answer customer inquiries, shareholder

concerns and external pressure points about your environmental

impact and compliance? Verisae’s environmental management

platform can show your impact in near real-time as well as

identify financial returns to use towards your advantage in the

market place.

Carbon Emissons Manager

Verisae’s SRP Software platform enables full

reporting and performance management of direct,

indirect and supply chain emissions across your

enterprise and your lead suppliers in a near real-

time environment.

Sustainability Project Manager

Whenever you start a project with the goal of

reducing environmental impact, Sustainability

Project Manager will track the progress and

results. The results can then be integrated into

Verisae’s suite of applications to ensure that

those results are maintained over time.

Organizations generate

carbon emissions through direct

sources, indirect sources and

their supply chains. Verisae’s

environmental management

software generates reports as

you need them, providing near

real-time data.


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an integrated aPProachVerisae offers the first and only software that coordinates the management of

asset, energy and environmental sustainability into an integrated system. Energy

consumption is a large driver of greenhouse gas emissions. Access to real-time

energy information provides a clearer picture of your emissions compared to simple

periodic reports. Verisae’s solutions provide a granular understanding of assets

that drives comprehensive opportunity assessment.

Verisae in action

Driving efficiency - Verisae’s environ-

mental solutions make efficiency and its

associated gains the primary opportunity

for our clients. The data required to

ensure comprehensive environmental

management is also used to identify

patterns, anomalies, and reduction


Compliance surety - Verisae helps

clients ensure they are in compliance

with local, regional, national and global

regulations. As the market leader in EPA

Clean Air Act Section 6O8 compliance,

Verisae tracks more than 45 million

pounds of contributing refrigerants.

Radical collaboration - True sustainability

requires the involvement of third party

entities. Verisae’s unique delivery model

allows collaboration within and beyond

the organization through role-based,

secure access by those third parties,

providing information for the benefit and

use of our clients.

Water Manager

Do you suspect that you are being biilled for more

water than you use? Leaks, wasteful patterns and

even inaccurate meter reads can dramatically

increase billed amounts. Identify and document

errors with Water Manager.

Waste Manager

Managing waste streams in your organization means

understanding how much waste you are putting in

and how much you are sending out. Verisae’s Waste

Manager captures these inputs and measures metrics

like recycling, composting and material impact.

Environmental Services

Use Verisae’s network of industry experts for

professional services such as environmental audits,

carbon footprint baselines and sustainablitiy consulting.

With Environmental Management

you can start quickly with a low

initial investment that enables

faster and higher payback.

You have no computer hardware to

buy and no software to install. The

system runs from virtually anywhere

using only a web browser.

Do you know that simple behavioral changess from real time monitoring have shown to reduce energy consumption by 10%-15%?

Do you know that using the automated reporting software that Verisae provides can eliminate the risk of refrigerant audits by the EPA?

Do you know the environmental impact of your supply chain?


Sustainability Resource Planning

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SRP™ and Sustainability Resource Planning™ are trademarks of Verisae Inc. ©2010 Verisae. All rights reserved.


Verisae helps measure, manage and monetize energy costs and carbon emissions. Our

proven Sustainability Resource Planning (“SRP”) platform improves operational efficiency,

makes sustainability initiatives actionable, and reduces energy costs and emissions for

distributed enterprises and related energy companies. Verisae delivers a broad range of

sustainability solutions to over 40 global clients with a service network of over 7,500 third-

party consultants consisting of 60,000 application users. Verisae’s integrated sustainability

platform actively tracks over 2.1 million assets across more than 23,000 sites.


100 North Sixth Street, Suite 107A FAX 612 455 2324 EMAIL [email protected]

Minneapolis, MN 55403 USA

OUR COMMITMENT TO SUSTAINABILITY.This brochure is printed on [insert paper specifications], an FSC-certified paper

manufactured with electricity in the form of renewable energy and a minimum of

[XX%] post-consumer fiber.

If this brochure is not relevant to you, please pass it along to a friend or recycle it.

Mixed SourcesProduct group from well-managedforests and other controlled sources.www.fsc.org Cert. No. XX-XXX-000© 1996 Forest Stewardship Council


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Sustainability Resource Planning

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AutomAting ResponseMulti-facility organizations need a scalable approach that enables automated action in an

increasingly complex energy marketplace. Organizations that implement Verisae’s solutions

have the assurance that their desired response is automatically implemented according to

their business needs. Organizations can chose to reduce energy consumption in their

facilities based on fluctuating real-time energy price thresholds, capitalize on utility Time

of Use tariffs, participate in revenue producing demand response programs or manage

consumption based on internal business processes.

• With Verisae’s software solutions organizations can evaluate utility and deregulated

pricing options as well as demand response programs with the assurance that they can

automate energy actions to capitalize on these strategic opportunities.

• Enterprises can automate energy consumption to meet budget, benchmarks

and performance goals.

mitigAting Risk in the eneRgy BudgetFixed energy costs, and therefore predictable energy budgets, are a thing of the past.

However, customers that implement Verisae’s integrated software solutions have visibility

to energy consumption and costs on a real-time basis. Customers can view a dashboard

of customized, high level information that allows them to compare actual usage to their

energy budget. This enables clients to drill down and determine problem areas that can be

immediately addressed before costly budget overruns occur.

ConneCting supply with demAnd Organizations that implement Verisae’s SRP Software solutions will now

be able to strategically connect energy supply and demand operations,

which have historically been segmented business functions. The Verisae

software system enables more strategic and risk-mitigated deregulated

energy purchases, better control of energy consumption to capitalize

on the best utility tariffs, the ability to reduce energy spend across the

organization, techniques to manage the energy budget and a better

overall strategy to reduce the organization’s energy footprint.

Improve Energy Efficiency and

Easily Measure Your Effectiveness

You will quickly see where you can most benefit

from projects to imporve energy efficiency, and

you can easily measure the effectiveness of

each project.

Connected Devices

Verisae provides the ability to manage your energy

use and budgets through connected devices

providing you a wealth of information allowing you

to make the right decisions in real time.

Verisae’s SRP software so-

lutions were created for

multi-site organizations and

designed to facilitate smart

action based on disparate

sources of energy, environ-

mental and asset information.

ENERGY Management

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An integRAted AppRoAChVerisae offers the first and only software that coordinates the management of

asset, energy and environmental sustainability in an integrated sytem. Energy use is

a major component of your carbon footprint. Your carbon footprint is a key factor in

reporting on your environmental sustainability. Your assets consume the energy you

use. When systems and processes force you to manage energy, assets and

environmental as if they aren’t related, you miss opportunities to manage each

much better, at a lower operating cost.

VeRisAe in ACtion

Driving efficiency - Verisae’s

energy management solution allows

organizations to reduce energy usage

and costs by indentifying consumption

anomalies. It also helps organizations

prioritize programs to meet energy

reduction and sustainability program


Visibility of costs - The energy

landscape is evolving, and businesses

need innovative practices to control

and monitor costs. Verisae’s energy

solutions allow your enterprise real-

time visibility into your energy usage

vs. budget.

Access to data - Businesses need

to be prepared to address customer,

shareholder and other external

inquiries about the impact of their

organization on the environment. Our

energy solutions ensure you have the

necessary data to answer these

questions confidently.

Energy Supply Manager

Manage your energy supply costs by streamlining

utility bill payment, automating your energy budget

and capitalizing on the best utility or deregulated

price option.

Energy Demand Manager

Drive energy efficiency within your organization

by automating the identification of energy

anomalies, identifying energy program priorities

and reducing energy consumption during high-

priced periods.

Energy Services

Conduct energy asset surveys and load surveys to

determine the baseline consumption levels of your


Verisae’s energy solutions help

you gain insight into problem

areas, implement wide-scale

initiatives, measure results

and determine how various

sustainability initiatives are

impacting your organization.

Do you know that facilities consuming the most energy have the greatest opportunity to reduce your carbon footprint?

To keep your energy costs within budget, it helps to track your usage in real time and benchmark your facilities across your organization

How difficult is it to gather energy data to measure your environmental impact? Would the numbers stand up to independent auditors?


Sustainability Resource Planning

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SRP™ and Sustainability Resource Planning™ are trademarks of Verisae Inc. ©2010 Verisae. All rights reserved.


Verisae helps measure, manage and monetize energy costs and carbon emissions. Our

proven Sustainability Resource Planning (“SRP”) platform improves operational efficiency,

makes sustainability initiatives actionable, and reduces energy costs and emissions for

distributed enterprises and related energy companies. Verisae delivers a broad range of

sustainability solutions to over 40 global clients with a service network of over 7,500 third-

party consultants consisting of 60,000 application users. Verisae’s integrated sustainability

platform actively tracks over 2.1 million assets across more than 23,000 sites.


100 North Sixth Street, Suite 107A FAX 612 455 2324 EMAIL [email protected]

Minneapolis, MN 55403 USA

OUR COMMITMENT TO SUSTAINABILITY.This brochure is printed on [insert paper specifications], an FSC-certified paper

manufactured with electricity in the form of renewable energy and a minimum of

[XX%] post-consumer fiber.

If this brochure is not relevant to you, please pass it along to a friend or recycle it.

Mixed SourcesProduct group from well-managedforests and other controlled sources.www.fsc.org Cert. No. XX-XXX-000© 1996 Forest Stewardship Council


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Sustainability Resource Planning

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Real-Time VisibiliTyToday, your distributed enterprise may find it difficult to gain the visibility necessary to take

control or initiate action with confidence. Without understanding asset level detail, you lack

the transparency needed to succeed. You must look across business processes, step back

and gain a wide view of operations, and engage in collaboration. How does your

organization mitigate these challenges?

• Protecting budgets against uncontrolled or unexpected spending

• Managing multiple service providers over multiple regions

• Identifying and tracking the true cost of ownership of corporate assets

• Knowing when operational decisions affect energy or emissions profiles

Discovering the one version of the truth across your enterprise connects a distributed

organization using a paperless workflow, the integration of third parties and service

automation, thereby improving asset utilization and efficiencies.

PRoacTiVe Vs. ReacTiVe managemenTFor distributed organizations, critical assets must be known to be in good working

condition and serviced regularly. It is no longer good enough to guess or make assumptions

about the location and operational quality of assets dispersed among multiple locations.

Moving away from a break / fix to a service / maintain mentality allows critical decisions to

provide greater value. Proactive asset management is an enabler of sustainability. Sustain-

ability planning enforces the belief that it is necessary to operate a profitable business by

managing an organization’s energy, environmental and operational efficiencies.

aRe youR cusTomeRs HaPPy?Equipment failures affect your customers and your bottom line;

they may even affect your sustainability initiatives. A roadmap

and plan to optimize operations and to enhance efficiencies

unlocks a bounty of opportunities. Understanding your service

provider performance -- the good or the bad -- helps to reduce

expenses and reward performance. Knowing where to turn for

answers and how to identify problems gives you the control to

decide what matters and what doesn’t.

Asset Professional Services

Initiate site surveys, asset tagging and business

process consulting/evaluation to get a baseline

understanding of your organization’s assets.

Helping you identify the

“unintended consequences,”

either positive or negative,

by making visible the every

day processes once hidden

in business silos or

disparate locations.

ASSET Management

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an inTegRaTed aPPRoacHVerisae offers the first and only software that coordinates the management of

asset, energy and environmental sustainability in an integrated sytem. The market-

place is redefining how the total cost of ownership is calculated. No longer are

purchase price, energy use, and maintenance the only factors; water, waste,

emissions and other environmental factors must be considered. Verisae’s

integrated approach enables true sustainable asset management.

VeRisae in acTion

Driving efficiency - Automate labor

intensive processes including purchase

order generation, invoicing, work orders,

and financial reporting/accruals. All

information from historical maintenance

costs to manufacturers’ warranties are in

one database, reducing work loads and

uncovering opportunities to reduce costs.

Visibility of costs - Identify costs that

are out of line with normal operations

easily by running exception reports

against averages by site, region, or the

entire organization.

Unintended benefits - Uncover insight into

your organization that reveals significant

opportunities to reduce operating costs-

- and gain a competitive edge.

Procurement Manager

Generate automated purchase order estimates

for entire projects. Manage and process invoices

electronically and capture the true cost of asset


Asset Manager

Track asset costs over their entire life cycle. Create

and track work orders for your facility so that all

parties involved are guided through a single point.

Work costs are tied to each individual asset so that

the true cost of ownership is visible over time.

Service Manager

Manage and track third party service providers

across your organization. Automate invoices and

generate reports to analyze costs to make informed

decisions relating to your service providers.

Understand the “true cost

of ownership” for enterprise

assets: you can decide with

confidence when is it

better to buy new, fix, use a

warranty or decommission


Do you know what the most expensive sites in your organization are and why?

Can you determine which vendor is historically the most expensive to use?

Do you know that billions of dollars are available in rebates and incentives to install energy efficient assets into your facilities?


Sustainability Resource Planning

Page 16: ENVIRONMENT ENERGY ASSETS - PRWebww1.prweb.com/prfiles/2010/01/11/3435164/0_VerisaeSRPPlatformCollateral.pdfJan 11, 2010  · Carbon Emissons Manager Verisae’s SRP Software platform

SRP™ and Sustainability Resource Planning™ are trademarks of Verisae Inc. ©2010 Verisae. All rights reserved.


Verisae helps measure, manage and monetize energy costs and carbon emissions. Our

proven Sustainability Resource Planning (“SRP”) platform improves operational efficiency,

makes sustainability initiatives actionable, and reduces energy costs and emissions for

distributed enterprises and related energy companies. Verisae delivers a broad range of

sustainability solutions to over 40 global clients with a service network of over 7,500 third-

party consultants consisting of 60,000 application users. Verisae’s integrated sustainability

platform actively tracks over 2.1 million assets across more than 23,000 sites.


100 North Sixth Street, Suite 107A FAX 612 455 2324 EMAIL [email protected]

Minneapolis, MN 55403 USA

OUR COMMITMENT TO SUSTAINABILITY.This brochure is printed on [insert paper specifications], an FSC-certified paper

manufactured with electricity in the form of renewable energy and a minimum of

[XX%] post-consumer fiber.

If this brochure is not relevant to you, please pass it along to a friend or recycle it.

Mixed SourcesProduct group from well-managedforests and other controlled sources.www.fsc.org Cert. No. XX-XXX-000© 1996 Forest Stewardship Council