Entrepreneurship Management - 18th Jan 2011

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  • 7/30/2019 Entrepreneurship Management - 18th Jan 2011



    Mrs. Juilee Katkar

  • 7/30/2019 Entrepreneurship Management - 18th Jan 2011


    Small scale industries

    Small scale industries are the backbone of Indian industry

    Crucial role in the economic development by value addition,

    employment generation, equitable distribution of national

    income, regional dispersion of industries, mobilisation of capital

    and entrepreneurial skills and contribution to export earnings

    Contribution next only to agriculture as dynamic and vibrant

    sector of the economy

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    Micro, Small, and medium Enterprise development Act, 2006

    Small industries comprises tiny, cottage, traditional, village and

    modern enterprise

    Fragmented across various ministries for the purpose of development

    and concessions

    Handloom, powerloom, handicrafts,khadi suffered neglect compared

    to manufacturing and service based enterprise

    To correct discrepancies, MSMED Act was acted on June 16, 2006

    First ever legal framework recognizing the concept of enterprises and

    defining and integrating three tiers; micro, small and medium

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    Micro, Small, and medium Enterprises

    Provide livelihood

    Check rural and urban migration

    Generates export earnings

    Touch upon the lives of the remotest and the most marginalised people

    MSMEs often act as ancillary industries for the large scale industries

    providing them with the raw material, vital components and linkages

    Manufacturing of engineering and automobile products due to their

    expertise in supplying assemblies and subassemblies, components etc

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    Concept and definition of SSI

    Small scale industries

    Is broadly based on the original value of plant and machinery

    Any enterprise with the capital investment of Rs. 1.5 cr.

    To facilitate technology upgradation and enhance competitiveness ,

    the investment limit is increased to Rs. 5 cr in respect of 71 hi-tech

    export oriented items in the hosiery, knitwear, hand tool, drug

    pharmaceuticals, stationery and goods sector

    Also includes small scale service and small scale business


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    Concept and definition of SSI

    Tiny enterprise

    Investment limit is Rs. 25 lacs, irrespective of the location of the unit (Prior to this it was

    industries situated in villages with a population of less than 5000 and should also cover cottage industries in rural and semi urban area)

    Exportoriented Unit

    Investment in fixed assets in plant and machinery whether held on ownership terms, or on lease

    or on hire-purchase does not exceed Rs. 100 lacs and has an obligation to export 30 percent of


    Women Enterprises

    Small scale units where one or more women entrepreneurs have not less than 51% financial


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    Concept and definition of SSI

    Artisans, village and cottage

    Defined as Artisans irrespective of the location

    Small industries activities (viz; manufacturing, processing preservation

    and servicing) in villages and small towns with a population not exceeding

    50,000 involving utilization of locally available resources and or human

    skills ( where individual credit requirements do not exceed Rs. 50,000

    Small scale service and business( industry related) enterprises

    Investment in fixed assets excluding land and building upto Rs. 10 lakhs

    irrespective of locations as on 31stMarch 2001

    Eg: advertising agencies, beauty parlours, documentary filming, creches

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    Micro enterprises Small and medium enterprises

    Generally artisan based , located mostly in

    rural and semi urban areas

    Use local skills and resources and sell their

    products locally

    Lower level investment in machinery

    Provide largely part time employment

    Mostly involved in activities such ashandloom, khadi, handicrafts, sericulture,

    bidi making, embroidery, knitting, wood


    Use power driven machines and possess

    some technological sophistication

    Markets are relatively wide and quite

    often include export market

    Located close to or in urban areas

    including large industrial centres

    Products include hosiery goods, ready

    made garments, motor parts,

    electronics, sports goods, rubber goods

    and engineering goods

    Differences between Micro, small and medium enterprises

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    Cottage Industries Small scale industries

    Produce mainly traditional goods

    Use pre dominantly manual labour

    Technically backward

    Derive raw materials from local


    Household enterprises employing

    very little hired labour

    Cater to the needs of the local


    Produce a variety of non-traditional products

    such as electrical, engineering goods,

    chemical products

    Use of power and modern techniques

    Use modern methods of production and are

    technically advanced

    Raw materials from a wide marketing area

    Skilled and non-skilled labour

    Cater to the needs of national as well as

    international market

    Cottage V/s Small scale industries

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    Ancillary Industries Small scale industries

    Investment in plant and machinery

    can go upto Rs. 1 Cr

    It supplies 50% of the production to

    one or more parent units

    Engaged in the manufacture of parts,

    components, sub assemblies toolings

    and render services to the parent unitsfor production purposes

    Not controlled by any large unit

    Investment in fixed assets in plant and

    machinery not exceeding Rs. 1.5 Cr, 5 Cr in

    respect of 71 hi-tech export oriented items

    in the hosiery, knitwear, hand tool, drug

    pharmaceuticals, stationery and goods


    No such restriction placed

    Produce mainly consumer goods such as

    watches, transistors

    Is not a subsidiary to any large unit

    Ancillary V/s Small scale industries

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    Small scale units Large scale Units

    Small fixed investment

    Labour intensive

    Personal character

    Local area operation

    Limited scope of expansion

    Unorganised labour

    Small uneconomic size

    Proprietorship and partnership

    Decentralized location

    Independent management

    Large investment

    Capital intensive


    Wider area

    Economies of scale & great scope for expansion

    Labour organised

    Large economic size

    Joint stock company

    Centralized location

    Divorce between ownership and management

    Small scale units V/s Large scale units

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    Relationship between small and large units


    Fills in the gap between large scale production


    Industries such as tiles, perishable foods, bakery products require lessengineering skills and more craftsmanship

    can co exist and compete with large scale sector


    Small units produce intermediate products for large units

    Enjoy protected market under the cover of the large scale unit

    Eg: Plastic dust cover for video recorders, electronic passive components

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    Relationship between small and large units


    Many small firms provide small components, parts, accessories to large firms

    Eg: Tata motors, Bajaj


    Large enterprises provide components and materials to small scale units.

    Small units process these materials into finished parts or sub-assemblies


    Small scale units produce products which are then marketed by large companies

    Eg: Soaps, refrigerators etc


    Small firms are assigned the job of repairing and maintenance of products manufactured by large scale units

    Eg: Acs , personal computers, etc

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    Characterstics of small scale industries

    Small capital investment

    Cottage industries, artisans can start business with very less capital

    Generates employment

    Labour intensive and hence generate more employment Helps solve underemployment issues in an under developed economy like India

    Personal contact

    Personal supervision of all activities such as production, purhase etc is done by

    the entrepreneur himself


    Generally located in rural and semi urban areas

    Local raw material, labour and finance should be readily available

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    Characterstics of small scale industries

    Exploitation of human resources

    Child and women are generally exploited

    Entrepreneurial growth

    Is a beehive for entrepreneurial growth


    Less use of technology, labour intensive

    Uses indigenous technology

    Dispersal of manufacturing activity

    No scope of manufacturing activity in large cities

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    Characterstics of small scale industries

    Poor organisation and management

    No delegation of authority

    Management is poor and negligible


    Organisations are mostly privately owned and organised as

    sole proprietorship

    Family forms the largest component of the small scale force

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    Objectives of small scale industries

    To create vast employment opportunities for the people

    To effect decentralisation of industries by creating industrial estates

    Redistribution of economic power and income

    To raise the standard of living

    To facilitate mobilisation of resources for capital and skill

    To utilise the available resources

    Promoting industrial development of backward areas

    To bring about an integration of development of rural economy and

    large scale industry

    To tap latent resources like entrepreneurial ability, hoarded wealth etc

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    Significance of small scale industries

    Accounts for 40% of the total value of industrial production

    Contributes directly about 33% of the aggregate exports

    Labour intensive

    Equitable distribution of income and wealth

    Production of small sector contributes in large proportion of the national products

    Dispersal of manufacturing activities results in balanced regional growth

    Linkages creates opportunity for service industry to prosper due to large scale units

    Own identity co-exist with the large scale units

    Training ground for local entrepreneur

    Mobilisation of service offers an opportunity for investment for people living in

    under developed economy

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    Significance of small scale industries

    Facilitation of capital formation

    Export potential

    Nearly 20% of the total value of export is from small scale industry

    Eg: leather, ready made cotton garment, pharmaceuticals etc

    Innovative and productive

    Products can earn a substantial foreign exchange

    Favorable capital output ratio

    Meet substantial part of increasing demand for consumer goods

    including human consumption goods

    Requires only a short gestation period

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    Incentives available to SSI units in backward rural

    industries project area

    Allotment of factory or factory sheds in industrial estates/ areas and industrially

    developed colonies on easy terms

    An outrightsubsidy of 15% on the fixed capital investment up to a maximum of Rs

    15 lakhs is admissible to new units being set up in backward areas

    The central/ state government directly or through its subsidiary concern- the state

    Industrial Development Corporation-underwrites or participates in preference

    shares of public limited companies on a selective basis for setting up medium and

    large industrial units. State government also considers cases for setting up of joint

    ventures with the private sector

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    Incentives available to SSI units in backward rural

    industries project area

    Loans and advances to SSI units under the State Aid to Industries

    Act and Rules framed there under for the construction of factory

    buildings, purchase of machinery and equipment and working

    capital on easy terms

    The state Financial Corporations grant loans of acquisition of

    fixed asset up to Rs. 30 lacs in the case of limited companies

    and registered co-operative societies and up to Rs. 15 lacs for

    other at liberalised margins and rate of interest and this is

    done over a longer span of repayment and moratorium


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    Incentives available to SSI units in backward rural

    industries project area

    New units are exempted from property tax for a period of 5 years

    New units established in the districts are completely exempted from the

    payment of electricity duly up to a period of 7 years

    Industrial units set up within the municipal limits are exempted form

    octroi on capital equipment and building materials subject to a

    maximum period of 3 years from the date of regular registration

    State government have set up independent testing laboratories on behalf of

    the Indian Standard Institution, the export inspection Council, the department

    of Defense, Govt of India and various other govt organizations for making

    industrial products of good quality

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    Incentives available to SSI units in backward rural

    industries project area

    In order to provide some important and sophisticated common facilities, a

    network of industrial development centres, heat treatment centres and

    common facility workshops have been set up in the state to equip the SSI Units

    with modern techniques and process of manufacturing

    Provision of essential, controlled raw material to the SSI units on priority and

    at very liberal terms

    Interest free loans in lieu of inter-state sales tax paid / payable by SSI units are

    available up to 7 years , provided the loan in particular year will not exceed

    8% of the capital investment

    Special incentives in the form of transport subsidy to concentrate partially of

    the higher transport cost of established industries in hilly backward areas is

    also being provided by the Union government

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    Concessions to SSI

    Reservation of products for small scale sector

    836 items reserved for small scale sector

    List available at the District Industries centre

    Purchase of reserved products from SSI

    400 items to be only purchased from small scale units

    75 % things the government needs is purchased from small scale sector

    Price preference to SSI products

    15% price preference to assist small scale sector in marketing their products

    Assistance for marketing

    Govt institutes help the small scale industries in selling their products. Physically help is

    given to DGS&D , NSIC, SSIDC, Directorate of Industries, Defence railway and Central

    Govt purchase from SSI.

    Industries need to register their names with these institutions

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    Concessions to SSI- contd

    National and International Exhibitions

    Small scale sector is given concession in rent for space in exhibition

    In Maharashtra , concessions are given by SSIDC, NSSIC

    Other schemes for Assistance in Marketing

    Tender forms are sent free of cost by DGS&D, Directorate of Industries to registered

    small scale units

    Concessions in security deposit

    Priority is given to products manufactured by small scale sector

    Orientation courses for entrepreneurs

    Training is provided by the State and the Central government

    Has started many institutes for giving guidance in respect of technology and orientation

    courses for entrepreneurs

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    Concessions to SSI- contd

    Financial assistance

    Gives loans to small scale sector at lower rate of interest

    Govt gives assistance by way ofseed money and loans at lower rate of interest

    State government also grants subsidy to this sector under its corporation schemes of


    Grants lands on concessional rental basis or on lease to the SSIs

    Place for small scale Industry

    Industrial societies sponsored by local industrial estates are encouraged so as to enable

    the SSI units to commence their units at earlier stage

    At 142 places, SSI estates are established with the help of MIDC in the state of


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    Concessions to SSI- contd

    Supply of electricity

    MIDC shares part of expenditure on electricity for the units which require less than 100

    H.P load for their industry who get the electricity at cheaper state

    Concessions in Central Excise Duty

    This duty is paid by industries for whom it is made applicable by the government

    Small scale industries are exempted from paying any excise duty till their sale does not

    exceed Rs. 30 lacs

    Import of raw material and machinery

    Special concessions are granted to SSI units for import of raw material and machineries

    required for the industry

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    Concessions to SSI- contd

    Export of products of SSI Units

    Various concessions for export of their products

    Concessions in paying Income tax to SSI

    Concessions in paying income tax, concessions in depreciation, capital investment in

    their profits

    Concessions in Stamp duty

    On availing a loan , small scale units are required to mortgage their immovable

    properties with such institutions

    Govt of Maharashtra has granted concessions for stamp duty on Mortgage deeds to be

    executed for that purpose